Country houses in Russian style. Wooden houses in the style of an old Russian estate

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In our catalog, house designs in the Russian estate style take pride of place. This is explained by the growing interest in log housing construction, and logically leads to the revival of half-forgotten elements of ancient Russian architecture. Our ancestors knew how to create fabulous masterpieces from wood.

Despite the absolute external dissimilarity of each house in the catalog, they can still be divided into two large groups. One includes projects of classic Russian manor houses, the second includes ethnic stylizations like “ fairytale mansion OK".

Russian style estate project

This concept usually includes a traditional, often one-story, residential building, or rather, a complex wooden buildings together with a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a fence and a gate, forming a whole “yard”. IN modern projects Several techniques of traditional Russian architecture are used.

  • Log houses can be assembled from logs of different diameters, laid “butt to top”.
  • Multi-tiered roofs different shapes- “chest”, acute-angled, 4-slope.
  • The gables are made from the same logs as the walls - there is a feeling that they stand “by themselves”, without any support (“males”).
  • Characteristic are peculiar “bay windows” - half of a hexagonal “drum” protruding beyond the wall.
  • Wood carving- a business card of the house. The porch, platbands, and overhanging edges of the roof are richly decorated with figured elements.
  • Open galleries "gulbishcha", small cozy balconies- supported on carved wooden columns.

A characteristic feature of Russian houses is individuality. Each of them is unique, expressing the taste and wealth of the owners of the house. IN modern interpretation a cottage can be built from brick in the Russian style, or with combined stone walls. The combination of materials of different textures gives the building a new look, while maintaining all the charm of a wooden frame.

Traditional house in Russian Terem style

The first wave of interest in medieval Russian architecture arose in the 19th century, and the “pseudo-Russian style” arose on its crest. Of the house designs of Russian architects of that period, the works of Ivan Ropet, who built many “mansions” with multi-tiered turrets and carved patterns, have survived. Among the techniques of the 18th century, two stand out that can give a wooden house a particularly “fairy-tale look.”

  • Russian chalet is a building with a log house that expands upward due to a gradual increase in the output of crowns (“fall”). They formed a cornice on which the roof was laid, the overhangs of which could be significantly increased. Nowadays this is a rare technique; modern houses of this type are rather a stylization on the theme of a chalet.
  • A log house “in the oglo” is a connection of logs in the corners of a log house with the remainder (remember the house of “Baba Yaga”). The project of a tower in the Old Russian style in our catalog includes such rare elements: figured columns with carvings, a hexagonal glazed “lantern”.

All house designs developed by us in the Russian estate style are accompanied by a full package of architectural and constructive solutions. The attached specification of materials facilitates the work of builders and ensures that the building being constructed complies with the technical plan.

Alexander Kravtsov’s project is an excellent example of how Russian traditions can fit into modern interior. We invite you to enjoy the warmth of the Russian style, which has successfully transformed this wooden house.

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Designer's decision.

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On the picture:

Designer's decision. Construction of houses in the Russian style is in trend today. The interior of a house in the Russian style is always original. In addition, wooden houses are environmentally friendly and retain heat well. Russian style home owners suburban areas often chosen not by chance - many want to feel a connection with their roots. In his project, designer Alexander Kravtsov tried to link together the achievements of civilization and Russian traditions. The center of the house was a Russian wood-burning stove in the 21st century version. In addition to the traditional wood burning firebox, it has modern equipment: electric hob and a hood. Niches around the perimeter of the stove are used for storing firewood and kitchen utensils. A small illuminated staircase leads to a cozy lounger.

4 techniques to repeat

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Wooden houses in the Russian style - have a centuries-old tradition. Russian houses are characterized by finishing elements in the form of carvings, wooden shutters, platbands, and carved facades. The house can be one or two stories. The gable roof is quite high, with an attic underneath. Required element is a separate high porch.

The Russian style of a modern wooden house is emphasized by traditional architectural and constructive techniques and the unique aesthetic and constructive qualities of wood. The presence of wooden shutters, platbands, and carved facades distinguishes Russian-style houses. A common technique in the construction of such buildings is the construction of towers with decorations and windows. Such housing is built spacious and roomy, having one or two floors.

Exterior of a house in Russian style

Russian style in wooden architecture very diverse. A house in the Russian style can look like a fairy-tale mansion with many carved elements, like boyar mansions with their inherent pomp, like a noble nest (the so-called Russian estate) with a strict and laconic exterior design, like a Russian hut with simplicity of design. At the same time, the Russian style can be read in each of them.

Interior decoration

Interior decoration modern house in the Russian style, of course, is different from the past. However, log walls And wooden ceiling will resemble the semblance of an old hut. If you add rough plank floors and matching furnishings, you can create an antique design.

Walls made of natural wood create a unique cozy atmosphere, which can be emphasized with exquisite staircases, forged metal products, original fireplace and various items furniture, including benches, chests of drawers, massive tables and carved cabinets.

House designs in the Russian style are becoming more and more attractive to customers every day. This makes sense, since, firstly, wooden estates have a connection with centuries-old traditions. Secondly, in such houses good thermal insulation. Thirdly, buildings in the Russian style are economical to maintain.

The main thing in Russian architecture is to treat wood as a material for art. Russian style is characterized by details worked out to the smallest detail, emphasizing the aesthetic and constructive qualities of wood, and much more. Accordingly, it will be extremely difficult to find two identical houses made in this style.

Previously, only nobles were the owners of estates. They chose a site for a house away from the bustle of the city and looked for a picturesque area for future construction. It was to such estates that the nobles tried to leave as quickly as possible after noisy balls and bustle.

For such a building, a quiet, secluded place must be a mandatory attribute. Great option in in this case- this is a place not far from a picturesque river or forest.

Doors for a Russian-style estate are usually made of oak. But if you wish, you can choose other wood. The main thing is that it is durable. Another one of important elements style is the light-filled dining room. IN wooden houses this room is especially cozy.

MARISRUB company - individual design

Home design is important stage, which must be treated with utmost care. It is necessary to take into account the subtleties and nuances of the matter both inside and outside the house.

In our catalog you will find the most popular standard projects buildings When constructing houses, we use rounded and chopped logs. With us you will undoubtedly find your own option, suitable only for your family.

Are you thinking that you want something unique and at the same time want your home to be beautiful, functional and last for many years? Then we are ready to develop individual project. At the same time, we will take into account all your wishes.

After completing the project, you will have the opportunity to see how your future home will look like outside and inside. You can also take a virtual walk through it.

Our main goal is to make sure that we complete the task 100%. You can rest assured that the specialists of the MARISRUB company will do everything only based on your wishes!

The Russian style in the construction of houses made of timber, which resemble a log house, is becoming more and more fashionable. The material for building a wooden house in the Russian style can be rounded logs, profiled, non-profiled or glued beams. Building a house from pine or spruce is the most economical option. Larch and cedar are more expensive wood models.

Features of Russian-style houses

Modern houses in the Russian style combine long-standing traditions of national architecture, Hi-tech house building and modern methods wood protection. Russian-style houses made of laminated veneer lumber look especially elegant. The beams are made by joining individual boards together, with the fibers running in opposite directions to achieve strength. The material is smooth, fits perfectly on top of each other, does not require shrinkage, and the structure will not have any cracks.

Painting, exquisite railings, verandas, installation of openwork cash on the windows - good way emphasize the style of the building. Houses in this tradition can use many carved decorations that are installed around windows, under the roof, and on shutters.

The interior design of the house should also highlight the aesthetic benefits of wood. Among the furniture there are benches, even chests. Carved cabinets and a massive table with chairs will create the appropriate atmosphere.

In the Russian style, it is decorated with stairs, stone, fireplace, and forged metal products.

House from natural materials helps you get away from the bustle of the city as much as possible and plunge into the village atmosphere. The timber structure is durable and reliable. Such a house will amaze you with its comfort and warmth, an extraordinary aura, and will demonstrate the best Russian traditions of house building.


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