Women's names in December on church holidays. What to name a boy born in December? Adviсe

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Our people love various holidays, so domestic calendars are simply filled with all sorts of dates that we usually celebrate. Now I would like to tell you what people’s names will have their name day in December.

All in all

At the very beginning, I would like to say that every day according to the Orthodox calendar is a name day. Some names are repeated several times a year, or even a month. So don’t be surprised if the holiday comes to someone more often. It is also important to say that there are also names in the calendar that today it is almost no longer customary to call children, but they still have a place.

From 1 to 10 December

So, who celebrates name day in December? The first number is legitimately occupied by Roman and Plato - men. The second of December belongs to a woman named Aza, as well as to the guys Illarion and Varlam. 3rd number: who celebrates their holiday today? Anna, as well as Anatoly, Ivan and Grigory. The fourth of December belongs to the ladies Ada and Maria, as well as to protectors with such old names, like Prokop and Yaropolk. December 5th is a purely men's day. Peter, Mikhail, Valerian and Arkhip celebrate. December 6th: Grigory and Mitrofan are only guys again. The seventh day of the name day in December ( female names exclusively) from Katerina and Augusta. 8th: Peter, Klim, and also Claudia. 9th - Innocent, Yakov, Yuri, Egor and Georgy. The tenth number again belongs only to men: Roman, Gabriel and Vsevolod.

From 11 to 20 December

Let's go further, now I want to find out who can celebrate in December, or rather, in the very middle of it. The 11th is again a purely men's day, celebrated by Vasily, Ivan, Stepan, Fedor. Olga and Neonila, as well as Paramon, celebrate their holiday. The next day, Andrei and Arkady are congratulated (on this day in Rus', girls on the 14th - Naum and Filaret - men with such beautiful old names. On December 15, only a male company gathered again from Stefan, Ivan, Stepan and Afanasy. 16- The 1st is for Ivan and Fedor, the 17th is for Ivan and Gennady, as well as the ladies Varvara and Juliana. Who else celebrates name days in December? The 18th: Zakhar and Anastasia, the 19th - Nikolai (a holiday for children when he brings them gifts under their pillow), and this block of Christmastide ends with Pavel, Ivan and Anton, who celebrate their name day on December 20th.

From 21 to 31 December

Who else celebrates name day in December? Male names fall on the 21st: Kirill and Potap; 22nd: Stepan, Stefan and beautiful Anna. The next day, Foma, Ivan, Evgraf and Angelina are congratulated. December 24th belongs to Nikon and Daniil, the 25th belongs to Spiridon and Alexander. Next comes the day of Arkady, Arseny, Orest and Eugene, again, only men. December 27 belongs to Apollo and Philemon, the 28th belongs to Pavel, Stepan, Stefan and Tryphon, the 29th belongs to a girl with the southern name Marina, and the 30th and 31st again men's days. First, Stefan, Mikhail and Daniil will celebrate their name days, and then Semyon, Modest and Sevastyan.

Characteristics of the month

All people who celebrate their name day in December can be united according to certain criteria. So, born in winter- people are talented, purposeful, but very hot-tempered. Such persons are characterized by excessive emotionality; women can be very whiny. Positive side character: straightforwardness, but not everyone likes this. But such a comrade will never be cunning or deceive, and this is good. In addition, those born in December are open people, ready for new contacts, and very friendly. They are also big hard workers who take on everything at once. However, they do not always manage to finish the job they start, because often they simply lose interest in it. They also say that all those born this month are long-lived. However, such people more often than others suffer from pneumonia, sore throat, and have problems with blood circulation. Children often have adenoids.

Men born in December are characterized by increased emotionality, are quick-tempered over trifles and unbalanced; in moments of irritation they have difficulty controlling themselves. They need frequent changes in their environment and social circle; they cannot stand monotony and monotony. However, their explosive nature does not prevent them from being persistent; they know how to overcome various obstacles and achieve the desired goal. Correct selection name will make the boy more easy-going and decent. A strong, bright, sonorous name will give him determination and energy.

December men are ambitious and independent. They are straightforward and incapable of cunning and intrigue. In addition, they are unusually sociable; they need society like air. Most of all, they value their freedom, always striving to dominate in everything. Avoid any obligations.

Incorrigible romantics and idealists, they know how to be true friends. A December man will always tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. They never hide anything from a friend or other half. Straightforward and decent, they expect similar behavior from others. They will always prefer the bitter truth to ignorance, even if it preserves their imaginary peace of mind.

Men born in the first month of winter become excellent leaders if they do not succumb to unjustified risks. Extraordinary mind good memory, courage, determination and originality help representatives of the stronger sex born in December easily take their place in any field of activity.

Family life for December men is difficult. They are impulsive, prone to impulses, amorous and fickle, it is very difficult for them to build stable, long-term relationships. Planning a family budget is not easy for them either. They are not thrifty and do not know how to spend money.

The main advantage of December men is kindness, responsiveness and lack of rancor. They are easily angered, but they quickly move away and rarely get seriously offended.

Most suitable names

For a boy born in December, the following names are well suited: Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander Alexey, Valery, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Christopher, Yakov, Roman, Platon, Gregory, Ivan, Mitrofan, Clement, Vsevolod, Paramon, Arkady, Arseny, Orest, Mark, Adrian, George, Egor, Yuri, Innocent, Vsevolod, Leo, Pavel, Kirill, Thomas, Daniil, Arkhip, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Naum, Gury, Modest, Sophron, Nikon, Spiridon, Afanasy, Savva, Gennady, Zakhar, Anton, Valerian, Procopius, Yaroslav, Filaret, Tryphon, Sevastian, Semyon.

Will bring happiness to those born on their first winter month such names as Roman, Alexey, Grigory, Andrey, Mikhail, Artem, Stepan, Kirill, Maxim, Alexander, Pavel.

It is not advisable to call December boys names: Anatoly, Nikolay, Dmitry, Sergey, Stanislav.

Choosing a name for a newborn is not an easy task. Usually parents think about this question long before the baby is born. After all, it is important not only to understand what name you like, but also to choose the right one from among those that suit your baby. In this article we will look at the question of what to name a boy born in December. What should you consider when choosing a name for your little son?

Why is it important to choose the right name for your child?

A name is not only a set of sound forms dressed in a harmonious combination. The name accompanies a person throughout his life: from birth to death. For each of us, our name is dear in its own way; it emphasizes individuality, makes a person unique, different from others.

According to ancient belief, any name carries with it secret sign. In other words, each name has its own unique meaning. By naming a child one name or another, parents program him for a certain destiny, worldview, system of views and beliefs. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a name, so as not to inflict on your own child unnecessary problems, troubles, fears. If you are thinking about what to name a boy born in December, then our advice will come in handy.

What are December babies like?

Children born in December are distinguished by determination, enormous willpower, psychological endurance, resilience, and love of life. Boys are very temperamental, persistent, from childhood they know how to achieve their goals and know what they want from life. They cannot be deceived - they are very perceptive and easily recognize lies. The name of a boy born in December must necessarily be combined with the character qualities of a strong, self-confident person. As a rule, such boys grow into brave and self-sufficient men. Determination and the desire to win are in their blood. They themselves organize their space in such a way as to feel comfortable and content. Rest assured that your son will achieve success in the future high results, and you can rightfully be proud of it!

But it's not so easy to choose a boy's name. In December, strong-willed people with leadership abilities are born. They are often ambitious and independent, they love to be in the spotlight, talk about themselves, and attract attention to themselves. They make talented actors and singers.

What should you pay attention to?

There are several things to consider important points. Firstly, you, the parents, should like the name. Of course, you can listen to the opinions of grandparents, friends and acquaintances, but your own preference should be paramount. Don’t try to please someone, because the child is yours, and you will have to educate and raise him.

You should not name a child (no matter whether a boy or a girl) after someone: a favorite aunt, grandmother or uncle. In this case, the child, voluntarily or unwittingly, will begin to take over the fate of people close to you, and it is extremely important for him to be able to preserve his individuality. In general, any person needs to live his own life, not someone else’s. The name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and sound beautiful, for example, Roman Dmitrievich, Pyotr Kirillovich, Viktor Petrovich, Arkady Petrovich, Pavel Olegovich. Examples of unsuccessful ones: Vladislav Vyacheslavovich, Vyacheslav Stanislavovich, etc.

What to name a boy born in December? The following names are perfect for this month: Ivan, Pavel, Konstantin, Gennady, Andrey, Boris, Vasily, Daniil, Nikolai, Yuri. If possible, it is better not to name the child Dmitry, Sergey, Denis. These wonderful names much more suitable for other months.

Orthodox male names in December

According to the Orthodox calendar, for each day and week of the month, special names are allocated that can be used to name a child. For a boy you can choose the following names: George, Gury, Zakhar, Vladimir, Stepan, Seraphim, Anatoly. If parents decide to strictly follow the church calendar, then they should first study what each of those born in December means; it can be either very simple or unusual, sophisticated. The main thing is that it sounds soft and beautiful, and suits the child in all respects.

Combination of first name and patronymic

The name of a boy born in December should have a special sound. Sometimes it may seem that these children have a somewhat freedom-loving character and cannot obey the will of another person. Sometimes December children look too harsh. This is because they are very independent and ambitious by nature. allows them to easily and practically unhindered achieve what they want. At the same time, the patronymic plays an important role in a person’s fate. It must be remembered that a hard patronymic will only enhance a difficult character, while a soft one will significantly soften a tough character.

Thus, there are many options for what to name a boy born in December. The main thing in this matter is not to rush and trust your own heart in everything. Whatever opinions exist and no matter how much advice acquaintances, parents, friends give, always choose with your heart. Only it will not deceive, but will suggest a truly correct solution.

A name is a very important component for a person. It should fit the person perfectly, since the first opinion is formed not by clothes, but by name. Therefore, young parents bear a huge responsibility for the future of their child. In order to be confident in choosing a name, you can look at the name day of the month in which the child was born. For example, more than 100 people celebrate their name day in December.

In addition to all the holidays, on the eve of the New Year there are also December name days. Girls who were born in December, whose names were chosen according to the calendar, celebrate their name days. For some reason, this holiday was forgotten and stopped being celebrated. Only true believers continue to celebrate the name days of saints and their children.

Some believe that this event is celebrated several times a year. But this is not true, it is celebrated only once a year for each name.

What is the difference from an angel's day

Some people confuse Angel's Day with name days. But these are slightly different holidays. Angel Day is the day when a child is baptized. And the name day is the day of the name of the saint in whose honor the baby is named. Angel days famous people December:

  1. Sergey Bezrukov.
  2. Andrey Anishchenko.
  3. Kirill Berkutov.
  4. Anna Semenovich.
  5. Maria Poroshina.

Girls' Day

In order not to get confused and know for sure the name day, you need to look at the church calendar which saints are honored on the day close to the child’s birthday. Women's names are rare in December according to the church calendar, but they exist. For example, names like:

  • Tatiana;
  • Anna;
  • Catherine;
  • Thekla;
  • Praskovya;
  • Antonina;
  • Anastasia;
  • Sofia.

Very beautiful and alluring female names. It is believed that if you choose a name for a child according to the calendar, the Almighty will give a blessing for a happy life for the baby. And a whole army of angels will protect a person all his life.

It is interesting that in the past the names were given to children by the priest, and not by the parents. That's why there wasn't such a problem as there is now. Now, of course, there are still families who name their children exclusively according to the church calendar and give the names of saints whose days are honored on the child’s birthday. There are fewer and fewer such families, but they exist. Therefore, the Orthodox name day calendar still exists as long as it is used.

On December 3, Tatyana, Fekla and Anna celebrate their name days. Tatyana is a very strong and strong-willed name of Latin origin. Its meaning is “to establish” or “to establish.” A girl with this name will always be a ruler and will be able to put everyone in their place.

But the ancient Greek name Thekla has a certain magnetism. It is translated as “the glory of God” and fully justifies its meaning. The girl is very purposeful, charming and damn attracts attention. What can you say about the gentle, sweet and modest Anna, who translated from Hebrew means “the mercy of God” or “grace”.

December 5th marks the day named after Praskovya. The name is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “Saturday eve,” which means “on the eve of a holiday” (in the ancient Greek lexicon, “Saturday” is a holiday). The girl Praskovya is very calm and stress-resistant, and also a good friend.

December 7 is the day named after Catherine, Augustine and Katarina. These three names have a similar sound and are of ancient Greek origin. Previously it was believed that this is the same name, which has different shapes. Ekaterina is a powerful and self-confident girl, whose name translates as “pure”, “immaculate”. Augustine has the same interpretation as Catherine. This name has long fallen into disuse, but the day of the name is still celebrated. And Katarina is derived from Catherine and also means “pure.”

December 8 is Magdalene Day. A very ancient and beautiful name, which was formed from the concept of “she who lives in Magdala” (Latin origin). Previously, on Magdalene's Day they used to tell the weather. People believed that on this day they should go out into the street and shout. If the echo is loud and clear, it will clear weather, and if it’s quiet, it’s raining.

Anisiya celebrates her name day on December 11th. This ancient Greek name is similar to the Russian name Anna. It is translated as “benefactor” and has a special charm. Anisia's girls are very gentle, deep and good-natured.

December 15 is the day of the name of several names at once: Antonina, Tamara, Vera, Maria, Margarita and Matryona. Angel Days in December celebrates some of the most beautiful female names.

December 16 - Glyceria. Ancient Greek origin from Lukeria, meaning "sweet". The girl has an unimaginable leadership character. She loves to be the center of attention and to be obeyed. In life, he will choose a career rather than a family. But the trait of an unshakable careerist is the most negative thing about her. In real life she is a sweet and sociable girl.

December 17 is celebrated by Kira, Varvara, Ekaterina, Katarina, Yuliana and Ulyana. Anastasia is a very popular name these days. It has ancient Greek roots and the meaning “rebel”, which fully justifies human nature. Nastya has incredible charisma and always attractive appearance. In life he achieves his goals, for which he lives.

Unlike her, Kira is too calm and shy. But it’s precisely about her that we can say “in the still waters...”, because Kira’s quiet lifestyle is just a shelter from the outside world. But Varvara lives life to the fullest and loves communication. The girl is endowed with charm and incredible wisdom.

December 21 is Anfisa's day. The name is Greek, which translates as “flower”. There are many variations of this name in different languages. Anfisa is quite a mannered person. She is characterized by capriciousness, power and pride. Girls with this name used to be associated with narcissistic guys. But thanks to her cold mind, she reaches great heights in life.

December 22nd is Euphrosyne's name day. Better known as Frosya. You won’t find children with this name now, but 70 years ago it was a fairly popular name. Girls have beauty, kindness and devotion. Many guys associated this name with purity and innocence.

December 23 - Evdokia, Tatiana, Anna, Alexandra and Angelina. Evdokia - Russian name, which fell out of use around the same time as Frosya. Evdokia are very smart and nimble girls. Their special feature is optimism. And Alexandra has deeper roots. The name comes from the male version of the name Alexander during the reign of the kings and is popular to this day. It is translated as “courageous,” so the lady’s character contains notes of rigor, justice and courage. She is quite independent and does not like to depend on others.

December 27th is Suzanne's Day. The name has many other forms, such as Susana or Suzana. In the original Hebrew, Shoshana sounds and is translated as “lily.” Therefore, in the Russian language there is the name Lilia, which is the same as Suzanne. Suzanne has a hot-tempered and romantic nature. It is not uncommon for a girl with many talents to become successful in one of her hobbies. For example, a singer or an artist.

December 29 is the day of the beautiful Sofia. This name has a wonderful melody and lightness. Sophia's origin is Greek and means "wisdom". Sofia came with the advent of Christianity in Rus' and has not ceased to be popular since then. At that time, only high-ranking newborns were called this way.

Along with Sophia, among the most noble noble names are Maria, Catherine and Elizabeth.

Birthday boys this month

Birthday people in December according to the church calendar are endowed with talents. In ancient times it was believed that the last day of the month brings a lot of good things to people. Children who were born in this month were special and brought great happiness not only to their parents, but to the entire city or village. Since it was believed that a guardian angel was born who would protect everyone from evil and troubles. But this only applied to boys. Angel Day in December is celebrated by a lot of male names:

On December 1st they celebrate theirs and Roman’s. Very strong names, which previously belonged exclusively to nobles. Nicholas is translated as “conqueror of nations”, and Roman is “Roman”. Both names are Orthodox.

December 2 is the day named after Valentin, Sergei, Konstantin, Dmitry, Leonid, Ignat, Peter, Semyon, Ivan and Mikhail. These names usually belonged to musicians or painters. They have Russian origin and all owners of names have aptitude for art.

On December 3, Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Vladimir, Arseny, Voldemar, Denis, Makar, Joseph, Ostap and Demyan celebrate their name days. Very sonorous and strict names ancient origin. Some of them, for example, Joseph, Ostap and Demyan, are outdated. All the others are still popular today. Especially the name Alexander. The statistics of children named by this name over the past 2 years exceeds 20%.

December 5 is the day of Arkhip, Alexander, Afanasy, Boris and Fedor. A6 - Ivan, Seraphim, Theodor, Alexey, Gregory and Jan. Names of real workaholics. This was the name given to children who wanted to be taught farming. And in fact, nowadays there are real masters of their craft who are called exactly that.

December 7 marks the day named after Mark, Simon, Mikhail. Sociable and open guys who will always come to the rescue. Michaels used to be called priests because the name means “equal to God.” There are many forms of these names.

December 8 is the day of the angel Andrei, Victor, Klim, Pavel, Nikolai, Yaroslav and Seraphim. The ninth is the name day of Yegor, Athanasius, Daniil, Julian, Ilya and Nazar. Tenth - Andrey, Vladimir, Alexey, Voldemar, Grigory, Roman, Sergey and Ian. Names of true romantics. These people always make wonderful musicians, artists or poets. So many famous people that's their name.

December 13 - Andrey. 14 - Anton. These days, the name days of only two names are celebrated, which have similar meanings. Andrey means “brave”, and Anton means “courageous”. The personalities of people with these names are a bit similar. Both are characterized by a love of freedom and justice.

December 15 - Afanasy, Dmitry, Kirill, Kuzma, Stepan and Matvey. 16 - Gabriel, Egor, Savva. 17 - Gennady, Vasily and Nikolay. 18 - Zakhar, Sergey. People who have an analytical mind. It is easy for them to study something and therefore they grow up to be scientists, teachers or professors.

December 19 - Maxim. 20 - Anton, Leo, Ignat. 21 - Potap, Kirill. 23 - Anatoly, Evgeniy, Peter, Thomas, Yakov. Enough unusual names possessing secrecy and modesty. People are very uncommunicative and uptight. But they have a real masculine character.

December 24 - Emilyan, Emil. December 26 - Arkady, German and Yakov. December 28 - Hilarion, Stepan.

December 30 - Denis, Nikita, Sergey. December 31 - Victor, Mark, Ilya, Martin and Semyon. Beautiful names, whose owners achieve great success in the field of sports.

Church holidays

The first month of winter brings with it a huge number of holidays. In addition to name days, this month also celebrates some Orthodox holidays. Such as:

Few people celebrate these holidays now. But the church always remembers these days. St. Nicholas Day is famous for the fact that on the night of this day the Saint comes to obedient children and puts sweets under the pillow. And the next morning, happy children find gifts. Now they started putting anything under the pillow: sweets, toys and even money.

December is a very busy month for names, so there is a huge selection. Special talents are born this month. December boys are very obedient and intelligent. Most famous people were born in December.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is very difficult to choose a name for a boy, so many Christians turn to the church calendar - the Saints. Moreover, church calendar offers a wide variety of names for every day. In December, according to Saints, there are a lot of options for names. When choosing boys' names according to the Saints of December, you will probably pay attention to unusual, rare and sonorous names on the list. Moreover, each name refers to a separate Saint. Many people mistakenly believe that the names in the Saints are the names of the same people, because one name can be repeated more than 20 times a year. But it should be noted that each name has its own canonized Saint, who will patronize the child if the boy is named in his honor.

We all know that a name has a special energy, with the help of which we, one way or another, program our child, sending sound signals to subconscious level. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of name responsibly. According to the Saints of December, a boy can choose such sonorous names as Roman, Nikolai, Makar, Gerasim, Alexander, Sergei. These names influence the character traits of a winter child, enhancing positive traits.

How to choose boys' names according to the Saints of December?

It is best to give the child the name of the Saint who is honored on his birthday. For example, your child was born on December 2nd. You are truly lucky, because according to the Saints, a boy born on December 2 can be called by the following names: Varlaam, Filaret, Porfiry, Sergei, Mikhail, Alexander, Ivan, Konstantin, Ignat, Semyon, Dmitry, Yakov, Veniamin, Gregory, Peter, Gerasim, Valentin, Leonid, Timofey, Adrian, Illprion. If these names do not suit you, then you can choose names for several days in advance, the main thing is that the tribute of the revered Saint has not passed.

When choosing a name according to the Saints, keep in mind that the first and middle names must be combined, otherwise the boy will always feel uncomfortable. IN Lately parents started giving it to their children double names, most often girls are given such names. If you want to follow this fashionable trend, we advise you to give your child one secular name and a second church name. By giving your child the name of the Saint, you can be sure that your baby will be protected from heaven. After all, the Saint, after whom the child was named, will patronize the baby.

Boys' names according to Saints: December

1. Plato, Roman, Nikolai

2. Varlaam, Filaret, Porfiry, Sergey, Mikhail, Alexander, Ivan, Konstantin, Ignat, Semyon, Dmitry, Yakov, Benjamin, Gregory, Peter, Gerasim, Valentin, Leonid, Timofey, Adrian, Illprion

3. Gregory, Proclus, Makar, Alexey, Alexander, Vladimir, Ivan, Vasily, Nikolai, Arseny, Anatoly, Hilarion, Isaac, Hypaty

5. Filimon, Arkhip, Mikhail, Vladimir, Ivan, Vasily, Pavel, Yakov, Fedor, Ilya, Alexey, Afanasy, Gerasim, Peter, Valerian, Maxim, Prokofy, Mikhail

6. Gregory, Alexander, Alexey, Mitrofan, Makar, Seraphim, Ivan, Boris

7. Evgraf, Evgeny, Mikhail, Porfiry, Semyon

8. Clement, Peter, Seraphim, Gregory, Vasily, Ivan, Semyon, Hilarion, Yaroslav, Alexander, Victor, Andrey, Pavel, Nikolai

9. George, Innocent, Nikolai, Ivan, Nazariy, Vasily, Ilya, Daniil, Mikhail, Tikhon, Peter

10. Yakov, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Andrey, Nikolay, Vasily, Boris, Fedor, Alexey, Ivan, Sergey, Xenophon, Alexey, Seraphim, Nieon, Roman

11. Stepan, Seraphim, Peter, Alexey, Nikolai, Fedor, Vasily, Grigory, Ivan

12. Paramon

13. Andrey, Ivan

14. Nahum, Filaret, Ananiy

15. Ivan, Matvey, Dmitry, Konstantin, Nikolay, Sergey, Vladimir, Fedor, Pavel, Boris, Afanasy, Andrey, Stepan

16. Savva, Andrey, Nikolay, Georgy, Ivan, Fedor

17. Ivan, Alexey, Alexander, Nikolay, Vasily, Dmitry, Gennady

18. Savva, Ilya, Gennady, Sergey, Gury, Zakhar

19. Nikolay

20. Neil, Anton, Sergey, Mikhail, Nikifor, Galaktion, Peter

21. Kirill

22. Vladimir, Vasily, Alexander, Sofron, Stepan

23. Yakov, Alexander, Anatoly, Evgeny, Konstantin, Nikolay, Peter, Mikhail, Lavrenty, Grigory, Sergey, Alexey, Ivan, Stepan

24. Daniil, Nikolai, Ivan

25. Spiridon, Alexander

26. Evgeny, Alexander, Ivan, Vladimir, Yakov, Nikolay, Arkady, Arseny, Nikodim

27. Filimon, Nikolai, Vassian

28. Pavel, Stepan, Hilarion, Alexander, Vasily, Tryphon

29. Vladimir, Arkady, Ilya, Pavel, Fedos, Alexander, Makar, Peter

30. Daniil, Alexander, Nikolay, Sergey, Peter, Ivan, Stepan

31. Mark, Victor, Thaddeus, Nikolai, Ilya, Ivan, Vladimir, Sergey, Semyon, Mikhail.


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