Female name Maryana meaning. Different languages

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This beautiful-to-hear name Maryana was formed from two female names Marya - “beloved” and “grace”, which generally translates the name Maryana as “beloved by all.”

Diminutive form of the name: Maryasha, Marisha, Arisha, Yanka, Mara, Riana.

There is a male version of this name - Marian, translated as “sea”.

Maryana's name day Orthodox calendar notes under the name Mariamne:

  • March 2 – Mariamne, sister of St. Philip the Apostle.
  • June 22 – Martyr Mariamne.

Positive character traits: Passion, emotionality, sensitivity, determination, self-control.

Negative character traits: Conflict, recklessness, tendency to pessimism.


A girl named Maryana is growing up as everyone’s favorite and doesn’t know the word “no.” If you take care of her upbringing in time, then Maryana will stop throwing a tantrum, demanding her own. Despite her capriciousness, Maryasha is a cheerful and energetic girl, surrounded by friends, and loves outdoor games. She is not devoid of creative talent, she draws well, dances, sings, and is not afraid to perform on stage. She loves to flirt, imagine, dress up in her mother's outfits, high-heeled shoes, use her cosmetics and spin in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

In high school, Maryana becomes more serious, devotes more time to her studies, and pleases her parents with her attitude towards them. Seriously engaged in one of the types of creativity. He cannot stand loneliness and tries to surround himself with friends or relatives. She selects for her company those friends who have proven friendship and loyalty to her in deeds, not words. He will never forgive traitors.

As an adult, he looks well-groomed, dresses with taste, loves perfume, jewelry, and is not lazy to style his hair and apply makeup every day. He prefers to solve all problems on his own, without resorting to outside help.

She will defend her opinion to the bitter end, even if she understands that she is wrong. He trusts secrets only to close people. Can find mutual language with any person, feels his mood. After a quarrel, she is the first to make peace, even if she is wrong. She is close to her mother and will always come to her aid and support her.


As a child, Maryana is susceptible to colds, as she gets cold quickly in the cold. It is important to follow a daily routine, eat right, play sports or dance.


Even in childhood, she will choose a creative profession that will bring her pleasure and will not be routine, for example, artist, sculptor, dancer, architect, designer. Usually at work he achieves high results. She becomes a favorite of the team with her open and sociable character.

He does not tolerate a quarrelsome and conflict-ridden team, cannot stand this job for a long time and quits. For her, the team atmosphere is most important. Can take on a leadership position. Money does not always stay in Maryana’s hands; expenses often exceed income, so she should not engage in business.


Maryana begins to fall in love with the opposite sex late, after 19 years. She does not immediately manage to communicate with them, at first she tries to lead her suitors, which they do not like, but over time the authority turns into softness and tenderness. Can date several guys at the same time. Maryana categorically does not accept office romances.


Maryana starts a family either immediately after school, or after 30 years, having had a good time walking around. She will choose a financially secure man with high position in life, who will love her, endure her whims and carry her in his arms. He endures everyday life with difficulty, looks after the household through “I don’t want to”, but tries not to let the house go to waste. Maryasha produces responsible mothers who monitor their children’s studies and push them to success.

Name description: Maryana is a Hebrew name meaning “bitter, tart.”

Maryana grows up emotional, restless and charming. She doesn't cause any trouble for her parents. She does well in school and loves to draw and listen to music.

In her adult life, Maryana shows determination; she is a sociable and emotional woman. She is impatient in conversation and often interrupts her interlocutor. He does not take into account the opinions of others and considers only himself to be right.

She is resourceful and witty. Capable of even noticing the smallest features person.

Maryana solves her problems herself. She is extravagant and never withdraws into herself. She loves communication, actively spending time with friends and in nature. She loves sports, and her friends include more men.

By nature, Maryana is a bright individual. She perceives people by their potential, which can be useful to her in bringing her ideas to life. If they cannot be useful to her, then they cease to interest her. Therefore, despite the fact that Maryana is surrounded by many people, she very rarely bothers anyone with her attention. She's friendly and sweet, but that's where it ends.

In people she values ​​a sense of humor and fortitude in critical situation. She doesn't like bores and whiners. If she sees someone's helplessness, she gets irritated. It will help an active and energetic person who is in a difficult situation faster than one who is the culprit of his own failures.

Maryana happily gives advice, and in a moralizing manner, but does not tolerate criticism. Feels good there. Where required independent work, taking decisive action or leading others. She cannot do monotonous, boring work; her energy is always looking for a way out. Maryana is an initiator, organizer, instigator.

Date of Birth: October 13, July 30, July 22, June 12, May 26, March 13, January 23, February 17, March 29

Personality: emotional, restless, proud, charming, hot, capricious, purposeful, extravagant, receptive, elegant,

Name abbreviations: Marianna, Marisha, Masha, Marusya, Manyusha, Maryasha

Suitable middle name: Viktorovna, Igorevna, Nikolaevna, Andreevna, Alekseevna, Adolfovna, Pavlovna, Arkadyevna, Evgenievna, Aleksandrovna

Suitable for boys or girls: for all

Name pronunciation: hard

Nationality of the name: Jewish

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Cancer, Scorio, Aries, Leo

Good compatibility with names: Leonty,

The origin and meaning of the name Maryana is determined by two other widespread names - Anna and Maria. This is because this is a simplified version of the name Marianne. Therefore, we can say that Maryana has a double interpretation - “sad” and “beloved”.

According to another version, the meaning of the name Maryana is Jewish roots. According to her, the name was formed from a combination of ancient Hebrew words that give it the meaning “tart” and “bitter.”


The name Maryana for a girl means the desire to attract attention. A child grows up very active, so it is important for him to direct his energy in the right direction. You can give it to developmental clubs, for example, dance or music. The girl usually becomes the life of the party among her peers; teachers and educators love her. It always becomes obvious to others what the name Maryana means in childhood - a combination of the character of a coquette and a troublemaker. She can spend hours admiring her reflection in the mirror and pursues the goal of always being liked by others.

Little Maryana is not deprived of parental love and attention. The girl is often pampered with gifts and affection, which subsequently leaves a significant mark on the formation of the girl’s character. The meaning of the name Maryana for a girl is a tendency to whims. The baby is not able to accept refusals, so she often begins to be mischievous and even start scandals. Fortunately, with age, this trait in Maryana’s character gradually disappears. But, it is quite likely that the other way around can happen, the girl will become violent and eccentric. And this will have a negative impact in adult life.

Studying at school is usually good for Maryasha if she is interested. Otherwise, she will not become a diligent student and will not be active. By nature she is endowed with an inquisitive mind and excellent memory. If you develop these natural inclinations, your child will be guaranteed success in school. This is a very creative girl. She will be interested in singing, music or poetry.

Personal life

The name Maryana, the meaning of the name and the fate of this girl make her passionate and sensual. She will feel happy in a turbulent emotional relationship. She always gives in to the impulse of feelings and passion. Otherwise, Maryana, which means the name “belongs to the Virgin Mary,” will feel unnecessary. Men cannot always correctly interpret such behavior, mistaking it for ordinary whims.

Maryana Ro

Maryana, the meaning of a girl’s name awakens her interest in men only after 20 years. But guys begin to show attention to her person much earlier. Seeking protection and support in the form of a reliable knight - this is what the name Maryana means in her personal life. She needs to always feel the support, support and protection of a real man who has a calm and balanced character. He should be somewhat older than the girl.

Maryana can get married very early, without consulting anyone about such a serious decision about life. However, according to the meaning of the name Maryana, a very strong union can result. In most cases, women with this name are excellent keepers of the hearth. They value and cherish personal happiness, despite emerging life difficulties and various problems. The girls take on the role of leader in the family, while she rules wisely, without humiliating anyone. Having entered into marriage, the spouse shows maximum attention, care, affection, tenderness towards her spouse and children, while being an excellent housewife. But despite all these positive sides family life It’s difficult to call her calm, since Maryana can often make trouble.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Maryana, this woman’s character and destiny in terms of her career are often associated with creativity. The girl is sure that work, first of all, should bring pleasure. Therefore, she chooses for herself areas that she really likes. She can become a dancer, journalist, musician, actress. Often associated with creativity since childhood, she transfers her passion to future profession. Therefore, visiting a music club can develop into a profession as a musician, singer, or music teacher. A visit to a dance club can turn Maryana into a professional dancer, poetry - into a talented writer or journalist.

It is very important for Maryana to see the admiration of others, the recognition of the public and to realize her worth. Often leadership skills allow her to occupy leadership positions. She will also become a leader in the team, as her colleagues see her as a strong personality.

A girl named Maryana, which means “beautiful,” can realize herself in other areas. A sharp mind and extraordinary thinking encourage her to delve into science and learn something new. Boring, monotonous work does not suit her. She is an energetic and active organizer, she can easily manage large teams and be a manager in various industries.


For the adult Maryana, the nature of the meaning of the name lies in sociability and determination. This girl always trusts her intuition, so she is more often worried about her own opinion than the arguments and arguments of others. Most of the time, she turns out to be right. She is endowed by nature with insight and the ability to pay attention to the smallest details.

Not everyone knows what the name Maryana means - the ability to solve problems independently. The reasons for this are mistrust and self-confidence. This girl is a very bright individualist. She has a clear point of view on every issue. For communication, he chooses interesting and strong-minded individuals. Maryana is like that herself; she hates communicating with bores and whiners who have no sense of humor. Maryana is always a passionate and emotional person. It is difficult for her to be restrained and rely on logic in her actions and decisions. This incontinence often leads to conflict situations in a girl’s life, this is where mood swings arise, which are reflected by the appearance of despondency. In this state, Maryana assesses life as very gloomy and can do stupid things.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Maryana lies in this girl’s ability to skillfully manipulate people. Thanks to this technique, she gets her way, although she does not like to use it. Only the worst circumstances force her to use her natural skill. He reacts negatively to the manipulations of other people, so try not to allow yourself to do this either.

The secret of the name Maryan is the following astrological compatibility:


Maryana, the meaning of the name determines favorable compatibility with Arkady, Vadim, Gennady, Ilya, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Eduard. With these men she will be able to create lasting marriage. She may have a strong attraction to Alexei, Vladimir, David, Ivan, Maxim, Pavel, Sergei, Yuri.

Most likely, relationships with Georgy, Alexander, Albert, Boris, Egor, Igor, Dmitry, Makar, Oleg, Nikolai, Nikita, Taras, Stanislav, Yaroslav will not work out.

Many of us have noticed that each name sounds special, each fills us special condition. For example, the sound of the name Maryana resembles the trill of a forest bird or the murmur of a mountain stream.

This woman has a cheerful and kind character, she is able to create a holiday even in the most dull atmosphere, she knows how to hold and present herself. Find out more full meaning We will try to name Maryan in today’s article.

The first thing we need to look at is the origin of the name, its history, where and under what circumstances it appeared. In fact, few people know how this name appeared; some researchers claim that it is of Hebrew origin.

One thing is certain: the name Maryana is a synthesis of names and, each of which carries its own meaning. As Wikipedia says, Maria means “sad” and Anna means “beautiful.” As a result, Maryana means “sad and beautiful” or “sad beauty.”

It must be said that two women with this name entered the struggle for faith at one time. Therefore, it is included in the calendar, and therefore, it can be given to a child at baptism.

Secret identity

So, in order to put together an image and understand what kind of woman has such a name, it is important to examine her character, as well as what fate awaits her. If you decide to give this beautiful, murmuring name to your daughter, then you will have a young star growing up. It will be important for Maryana to be in the spotlight and attract admiring glances.

In order to realize all the inclinations and needs of this girl, parents should send her to an art club, where she can choose for herself what to do - dancing, singing, drawing or acting. But it is important for parents to gently and delicately define Maryana’s boundaries, otherwise the girl may become spoiled and unbearable.

For a girl, recognition is important not only from her parents, but also from friends and teachers. Therefore, she tries to be visually attractive, loves new outfits and beautiful hairstyles, as well as unusual toys.

Young Maryana grows up slowly; as a teenager, she remains at heart a little girl in need of attention. During this period, parents should support the girl’s hobbies, because she has every chance to develop in creativity.

This girl is a little immersed in herself, trying to know her inner world, his character, which is why he moves away from his best friends. She pays more attention to learning, creative activities and her family. It is during this period that she is able to get closer to her parents.

Growing up, this woman does not change her habits and still has the same character. She loves to look bright, attracting many glances. Therefore, this woman is easy to identify among others. The older Maryana is, the more emotions bubble up in her, the more she experiences and feels everything around her. Life for her is a real performance where it is worth showing all your character.

Sometimes Maryana experiences mood swings with difficulty, but not only she suffers, but also the people around her. Many understand that this woman is a real volcano of passions, which means that you just need to learn to live at the foot of the volcano and love it with all your heart.

Also, when examining a person’s name, it is important not only to thoroughly study his character, but also to understand what other features distinguish him from the owners of other names:

  • Maryana is moral. She tends to rely on generally accepted moral standards, respect the law, and also tries not to deviate from her internal values. She is adamant in her views and in her attitude.
  • This woman should be gentle and leisurely, because an active life can damage her health. If she does not exhaust her body with stress, she is able to maintain excellent shape until old age.

  • Maryana knows how to think analytically, is capable of a detailed analysis of a situation or problem, but sometimes she cannot synthesize something into one whole, which prevents her from seeing the situation as a whole.
  • The work for this lady is creative, one to which she can devote her entire life. Having an emotional character, she is ready to devote herself entirely to her favorite business, constantly raising the bar of achievement higher and higher.
  • This woman has enviable intuition, but she is not always ready to use it. Therefore, from time to time she should listen to the voice of her “sixth sense.”

About relationships and family

It is important to examine not only a person's character, but also how he feels when communicating with other people and building relationships with them. Love stimulates Maryana to the greatest achievements; it is her engine, her strength, the meaning of her life. After all, the emotions that she experiences in love, she can easily express in creativity.

Usually Maryana begins to be interested in relationships closer to the age of twenty, but young people attack her much earlier. Special meaning This girl has a sense of security, so Maryana always chooses a real knight as her companion, who can be a reliable support and protection for her.

Maryana has a creative nature, which means that she especially enjoys creating coziness in her home.. But other female responsibilities can make her feel sad - she, of course, will perform them, but without much enthusiasm and a twinkle in her eyes.

Maryana loves her husband and finds herself with someone who knows how to see a goddess in her. This woman raises her children in an atmosphere of harmony and acceptance; for her this process is very responsible, because she wants to raise truly worthy people.

Also, all owners of this name should know the following:

  • Maryana's name day, according to church calendar, celebrates March 2 and October 17.
  • The abbreviated name of this girl sounds like Mara.
  • A stone that can become a talisman is jasper.
  • The totem animal is the peacock.
  • The patron tree is maple.

Names permeate our entire lives, because almost every name has a specific person associated with us. By exploring the meaning of names, we explore both ourselves and the whole the world. Author: Daria Potykan

It is very important to know the interpretation of your name. It will reveal the main character traits and success in business.

What does the name Maryana mean? What is the origin and history of the name Maryana? It's worth looking into.

The meaning of the name Maryana

Maryana is a saddened beauty. The fate of this girl faces a huge number of trials. The zodiac sign that accompanies her is Libra. They give the girl endurance and patience.

The planet that controls the most important changes in a girl’s life is Saturn. She brings chaos and confusion into her life. Makes it more difficult. The color that appeals to Maryana is green. A tree from which you can make a talisman for a girl - maple. A stone that will protect her from negative influence- jasper.

Origin and history of the name Maryana

The name has Jewish roots. It comes from adding the meanings of the names Maria and Anna. So, the meaning of the name Maryana came from the addition of sad (Maria) and beautiful (Anna). Short values name - Mara, Maryasha.

Some languages ​​use a form of the name Marianne. Maryana celebrates her name day on the second of March, the thirteenth of October. The name is common in many countries around the world. But its form Marianna is very popular.

The character and fate of Maryana

TO positive qualities Maryana’s character should be attributed to:





What does the name Maryana mean? Sad beauty. And indeed, the girl herself often does not notice the happiness in life, she is sad over little things, and allows sadness and melancholy into her life. Maryana often gets upset because of someone's behavior, not realizing that it is not her fault. Mariana shouldn’t take a lot of things personally. It will be better if the girl learns to share her guilt and the mistakes of others.

She can be overly emotional and this damages her reputation. Maryana should restrain her emotionality, otherwise she may end up in trouble. TO negative qualities The character of the girl should be attributed:

Mood swings;



It's always fun with Maryana. She is ready to make everyone happy. It will give everyone hours and minutes of joy. She always has good mood And positive thinking. She has no time to be bored and sad, she prefers to relax and rest rather than escalate the situation. But, if the question concerns her personally, she can be cruel and rude. It might even start screaming.

Maryana is a fountain of emotions. It sometimes seems to others that she combines several girls at once, one of whom is kind and gentle, but the second is rude and evil. Maryana's fate is controlled by the number four. It makes a girl decent, honest, fair, and open to conversation. Indeed, in matters of friendship and official duties- Maryana is decent and honest.

WITH early childhood Maryana gets used to attracting attention to herself. Both her peers and those who are older pay attention to her. She can find a common language with anyone in a matter of seconds. She easily predicts what a person wants and what he really needs. He uses it to his advantage.

She has been inquisitive and sociable since childhood. If her parents do not forbid her from doing this, Maryana grows up to be a joyful and happy child. If her parents limit her impulses to communicate with her peers, scold her for all her misdeeds, she grows up withdrawn. Begins to be offended by the world and see negativity in it. This leads to regular nervous breakdowns and health problems.

Maryana always manages to do everything. She can successfully work in several studios at the same time. He can attend a lot of clubs and still manage to do everything around the house. Maryana always helps her mother. She subtly senses when she is needed and tries to immediately come to the rescue.

Maryana should choose a creative profession. When she works in a large team, the problem of people’s perception and their criticism arises. Maryana has a very hard time with quarrels at work and with loved ones. She then has to get out of depression for a long time.

Maryana does not know how to be offended for a long time, so she immediately tries to establish contact with others after a quarrel. She is not very lucky in business. She tries to understand the essence of the matter, tries to create something herself, earn good money. But business is not her environment and not her calling. Maryana is better off doing something creative.

IN financial matters it always has periods of ups and downs. At first she earns well, after which she begins to be lazy, and the profit slips out of her hands. This character trait does not always play into Maryana’s hands. She gets nervous and depressed.

If things are not going well for Maryana on a personal level, she cannot concentrate and begins to lose the desire to work and communicate with people around her. Maryana takes a long time to come to terms with any failures in life. At first she worries for a long time, then with surprise she remembers how she could be upset for so long over trifles.

Maryana's Love

Maryana's character and destiny make her sensual and passionate. She is driven by a rush of passions and feelings. She needs emotional outbursts and stormy relationships. Otherwise, Maryana feels unnecessary. Partners do not always understand and accept this behavior of a girl, considering her too capricious.

Maryana will feel happy only when a balanced, restrained, wise man is next to her. Then she will be able to reveal all her inner beauty. Maryana is devoted and loving. Her fate befalls a lot of suffering and trials. But the girl embellishes most negative situations.

She likes to talk about the eternal, she loves romance and is looking for the same partner for herself - sophisticated and sensual. Maryana does not get married for a long time. She experiences tragedy after tragedy in her personal life and only then finds peace in a calm relationship. Maryana loves children. She is a wonderful mother, she surrounds her children with warmth and care. She tries to give them and her husband only the best. Her family life can hardly be called calm; Maryana often makes scandals.


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