Life of Boris. Kontakion to the blessed prince Gleb, in holy baptism to David

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Lord, bless, father!

“The family of the righteous will be blessed,” says the prophet, “and their descendants will be blessed.”

This is what happened shortly before our days under the autocrat of the entire Russian land, Vladimir, son of Svyatoslav, grandson of Igor, who enlightened the entire Russian land with holy baptism. We will tell about his other virtues in another place, but now is not the time. We will talk about what we started in order. Vladimir had 12 sons, and not from one wife: they had different mothers. The eldest son is Vysheslav, after Izyaslav, the third is Svyatopolk, who planned this evil murder. His mother is Greek and was formerly a nun. Vladimir's brother Yaropolk, seduced by the beauty of her face, undressed her, took her as his wife, and conceived the accursed Svyatopolk from her. Vladimir, at that time still a pagan, having killed Yaropolk, took possession of his pregnant wife. So she gave birth to this accursed Svyatopolk, the son of two fathers and brothers. That’s why Vladimir didn’t love him, because he didn’t come from him. And from Rogneda Vladimir had four sons: Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav, and Vsevolod. From another wife were Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from a Bulgarian wife were Boris and Gleb. And Vladimir put them all in different lands to rule, which we will talk about in another place, but here we will talk about those about whom this story is told.

Vladimir put the accursed Svyatopolk to reign in Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. However, I will not explain much, so as not to forget about the main thing in the verbosity, but about whom I started, let’s tell you this. A lot of time passed, and when 28 years had passed after holy baptism, Vladimir’s days came to an end - he fell into a serious illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, and the Pechenegs again moved into the army against Rus', and great sorrow gripped Vladimir, since he could not oppose them, and this greatly saddened him. He then called to himself Boris, who was named Roman in holy baptism, blessed and quick to obey, and, giving him many soldiers under his command, sent him against the godless Pechenegs. Boris went joyfully, saying: “I am ready to do before your eyes what the will of your heart commands.” The Pritochnik said about such people: “There was a son obedient to his father and loved by his mother.”

When Boris, having set out on a campaign and not meeting the enemy, was returning back, a messenger arrived to him and told him about the death of his father. He told how his father Vasily passed away (Vladimir was named by this name in holy baptism) and how Svyatopolk, having concealed the death of his father, at night dismantled the platform in Berestovo and, wrapping the body in a carpet, lowered it on ropes to the ground, took it on a sleigh and set it up in the Church of the Holy Virgin. And when Saint Boris heard this, his body began to weaken and his whole face became wet with tears, shedding tears, he was unable to speak. Only in my heart did I think like this: “Woe is me, my lights, the radiance and dawn of my face, the bridle of my youth, the teacher of my inexperience! Alas for me, my father and lord! To whom shall I resort, to whom shall I turn my gaze? Where else will I find such wisdom and how will I manage without the instructions of your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How did you set, my sun, and I wasn’t there! If I were there, I would honestly do it myself your body removed it and consigned it to the grave. But I did not carry your valiant body, I was not honored to kiss your beautiful gray hair. O blessed one, remember me at your resting place! My heart is burning, my soul is confused, and I don’t know who to turn to, who to tell this bitter sadness? To the brother whom I revered as a father? But he, I feel, cares about the vanity of the world and is plotting my murder. If he sheds my blood and decides to kill me, I will be a martyr before my Lord. I will not resist, for it is written: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” And in the letter of the apostle it is said: “Whoever says: “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar.” And again: “There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear.” So what will I say, what will I do? So I’ll go to my brother and say: “Be my father - after all, you are my elder brother. What do you command me, my lord?

And thinking this in his mind, he went to his brother and said in his heart: “Will I at least see my younger brother Gleb, like Joseph Veniamin?” And he decided in his heart: “Thy will be done, Lord!” I thought to myself: “If I go to my father’s house, then many people will persuade me to drive away my brother, as my father did for the sake of glory and reign in this world before holy baptism. And all this is transitory and fragile, like a spider’s web. Where will I go after I leave this world? Where will I end up then? What answer will I get? Where can I hide my many sins? What did my father's brothers or my father acquire? Where is their life and the glory of this world, and scarlet clothes, and feasts, silver and gold, wine and honey, abundant dishes, and fast horses, and decorated mansions, and great, and many riches, and countless tributes and honors, and the boasting of their boyars . It’s as if all this never happened: everything has disappeared with them, and there is no help from anything - neither from wealth, nor from the multitude of slaves, nor from the glory of this world. So Solomon, having experienced everything, seen everything, mastered everything and collected everything, said about everything: “Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!” Salvation is only in good deeds, in true faith and unfeigned love."

As he walked his way, Boris thought about his beauty and youth and burst into tears. And I wanted to restrain myself, but I couldn’t. And everyone who saw him also mourned his youth and his physical and spiritual beauty. And everyone groaned in their souls from heartbreak, and everyone was overcome with sadness.

Who would not weep when he imagines this disastrous death before the eyes of his heart?

His whole appearance was sad, and his holy heart was contrite, for the blessed one was truthful and generous, quiet, meek, humble, he pitied everyone and helped everyone.

This is how God-blessed Boris thought in his heart and said: “I knew that my brother evil people they incite my murder and he will destroy me, and when he sheds my blood, then I will be a martyr before my Lord, and the Lord will accept my soul.” Then, forgetting mortal sorrow, he began to console his heart with God’s word: “He who sacrifices his soul for me and my teaching will find and preserve it in eternal life.” And he went with a joyful heart, saying: “Most merciful Lord, do not reject me, who trusts in you, but save my soul!”

Svyatopolk, having reigned in Kyiv after the death of his father, called the people of Kiev to him and, having generously presented them with gifts, released them. He sent the following message to Boris: “Brother, I want to live with you in love and I will add more to the property I received from my father.” But there was no truth in his words. Svyatopolk, having come to Vyshgorod at night, secretly called Putsha and the Vyshgorod men to him and said to them: “Confess to me without concealment - are you devoted to me?” Putsha replied: “We are all ready to lay down our heads for you.”

When the devil, the primordial enemy of all that is good in people, saw that Saint Boris had placed all his hope in God, he began to plot intrigues and, like in ancient times, Cain, who was plotting fratricide, caught Svyatopolk. He guessed the thoughts of Svyatopolk, truly the second Cain: after all, he wanted to kill all the heirs of his father in order to seize all power alone.

Then the damned damned Svyatopolk called to himself the accomplices of the crime and the instigators of all untruths, opened his vile lips and cried out in an evil voice to Putsha’s squad: “Since you promised to lay down your heads for me, then go secretly, my brothers, and where you will meet my brother Boris, having seduced the time is right, kill him.” And they promised him to do this.

The prophet said about such people: “They are quick to commit vile murder. Desecrated by bloodshed, they bring misfortune upon themselves. Such are the ways of all who commit iniquity; they destroy their souls through wickedness.”

Blessed Boris returned and set up his camp on Alta. And the squad said to him: “Go, sit in Kyiv on your father’s princely table - after all, all the warriors are in your hands.” He answered them: “I cannot raise my hand against my brother, who is also the eldest, whom I honor as a father.” Hearing this, the soldiers dispersed, and he remained only with his youths. And it was the Sabbath day. In anguish and sadness, with a dejected heart, he entered his tent and cried in contrition of heart, but with an enlightened soul, plaintively exclaiming: “Do not reject my tears, lord, for I trust in you! May I be worthy of the fate of your servants and share the lot with all your saints, you are a merciful God, and we give glory to you forever! Amen".

He remembered the torment and suffering of the holy martyr Nikita and St. Vyacheslav, who were killed in the same way, and how the murderer of St. Barbara was her biological father. And I remembered the words of the wise Solomon: “The righteous live forever, and their reward is from the Lord and their adornment is from the Most High.” And only with these words did he console himself and rejoice.

Meanwhile, evening came, and Boris ordered to sing vespers, and he himself entered his tent and began to create evening prayer with bitter tears, frequent sighing and continuous lamentations. Then he went to bed, and his sleep was disturbed by melancholy thoughts and sadness, bitter, heavy, and terrible: how to endure torment and suffering, and end his life, and preserve the faith, and accept the prepared crown from the hands of the Almighty. And, waking up early, I saw that it was already morning. And it was Sunday. He said to his priest: “Get up, begin matins.” He himself, having put on his shoes and washed his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

Those sent by Svyatopolk came to Alta at night, and came close, and heard the voice of the blessed passion-bearer singing the Psalter at Matins. And he had already received news of his impending murder. And he began to sing: “Lord! How my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me” - and the rest of the psalms to the end. And, having begun to sing according to the Psalter: “Groups of dogs surrounded me and fat calves surrounded me,” he continued: “Lord my God! I trust in you, save me!” And after that the canon sang. And when he finished Matins, he began to pray, looking at the icon of the Lord and saying: “Lord Jesus Christ! How do you, who appeared on earth in this image and by your own will allowed yourself to be nailed to the cross and accept suffering for our sins, grant me the ability to accept suffering in this way!”

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich had twelve sons from different wives. The third in seniority was Svyatopolk. Svyatopolk's mother, a nun, was disrobed and taken as a wife by Yaropolk, Vladimir's brother. Vladimir killed Yaropolk and took possession of his wife when she was pregnant. He adopted Svyatopolk, but did not love him. And Boris and Gleb were the sons of Vladimir and his Bulgarian wife. Vladimir placed his children in different lands to reign: Svyatopolk - in Pinsk, Boris - in Rostov, Gleb - in Murom.

As Vladimir's days drew to a close, the Pechenegs moved into Rus'. The prince sent Boris against them. He set out on a campaign, but did not meet the enemy. When Boris was returning back, the messenger told him about the death of his father and that Svyatopolk tried to hide his death. Listening to this story, Boris began to cry. He realized that Svyatopolk wanted to seize power and kill him, but decided not to resist. Indeed, Svyatopolk insidiously took possession of the Kyiv throne. But, despite the entreaties of the squad, Boris did not want to drive his brother out of his reign.

Meanwhile, Svyatopolk bribed the people of Kiev and wrote a kind letter to Boris. But his words were lies. In fact, he wanted to kill all of his father's heirs. And he began by ordering a squad consisting of Vyshgorod men led by Putynya to kill Boris.

Boris set up his camp on the Alta River. In the evening he prayed in his tent, thinking about near death. Waking up, he ordered the priest to serve matins. The murderers sent by Svyatopolk approached Boris’s tent and heard the words of holy prayers. And Boris, hearing an ominous whisper near the tent, realized that these were murderers. The priest and Boris's servant, seeing the sadness of their master, grieved for him.

Suddenly Boris saw the killers with naked weapons in their hands. The villains rushed to the prince and pierced him with spears. And Boris’s servant covered his master with his body. This servant was a Hungarian named George. The killers struck him down too. Wounded by them, George jumped out of the tent. The villains wanted to inflict new blows on the prince, who was still alive. But Boris began to ask to be allowed to pray to God. After the prayer, the prince turned to his murderers with words of forgiveness and said: “Brothers, having begun, finish what was commanded to you.” This is how Boris died on the 24th day of July. Many of his servants were also killed, including George. They cut off his head to remove the hryvnia from his neck.

Boris was wrapped in a tent and taken away on a cart. As they drove through the forest, the holy prince raised his head. And two Varangians pierced him with a sword in the heart again. Boris's body was laid in Vyshgorod and buried near the Church of St. Basil.

After this, Svyatopolk conceived a new crime. He sent Gleb a letter in which he wrote that his father, Vladimir, was seriously ill and was calling Gleb.

The young prince went to Kyiv. When he reached the Volga, he slightly injured his leg. He stopped not far from Smolensk, on the Smyadyn River, in a boat. The news of Vladimir's death, meanwhile, reached Yaroslav (another of the twelve sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich), who then reigned in Novgorod. Yaroslav sent Gleb a warning not to go to Kyiv: his father died and his brother Boris was killed. And when Gleb was crying about his father and brother, the evil servants of Svyatopolk, sent by him to kill, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Saint Prince Gleb was then sailing in a boat along the Smyadyn River. The killers were in another boat, they began to row towards the prince, and Gleb thought that they wanted to greet him. But the villains began to jump into Gleb’s boat with drawn swords in their hands. The prince began to beg that they would not ruin his young life. But Svyatopolk’s servants were relentless. Then Gleb began to pray to God for his father, brothers, and even for his murderer, Svyatopolk. After this, Glebov's cook, Torchin, stabbed his master to death. And Gleb ascended to heaven and met there with his beloved brother. It happened on September 5th.

The murderers returned to Svyatopolk and told him about the fulfilled command. The evil prince was delighted.

Gleb's body was thrown in a deserted place between two logs. Merchants, hunters, and shepherds passing by this place saw a pillar of fire, burning candles, and heard angelic singing. But no one thought to look for the saint’s body there.

And Yaroslav moved with his army against the fratricide Svyatopolk to avenge his brothers. Yaroslav was accompanied by victories. Arriving at the Alta River, he stood at the place where Saint Boris was killed and prayed to God for the final victory over the villain.

The slaughter on Alta lasted the whole day. By evening, Yaroslav prevailed, and Svyatopolk fled. He was overcome by madness. Svyatopolk became so weak that he was carried on a stretcher. He ordered to run, even when the chase stopped. So they carried him through on a stretcher Polish land. In a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland, he died. His grave has been preserved, and a terrible stench emanates from it.

Since then, strife has ceased in the Russian land. Yaroslav became the Grand Duke. He found Gleb's body and buried him in Vyshgorod, next to his brother. Gleb's body turned out to be incorrupt.

Many miracles began to emanate from the relics of the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb: the blind received their sight, the lame walked, the hunchbacked straightened. And in those places where the brothers were killed, churches were created in their name.

Troparion to the Holy Blessed Princes of the Passion Boris and Gleb

Having sprinkled the purple with martyr's blood, the decorations that stand before you are glorious to the Immortal King, and having received the crowns of glory from Him, pray to our country for the tribute to overcome our enemies and for our souls great mercy.

2.​ Troparion - Transfer of the relics of the Holy Princes-Passion of the Russian Orthodox Church Boris and Gleb

Today the depths of the church are expanding, receiving the riches of God's grace, the Russian cathedrals are rejoicing, seeing the glorious miracles that you do for those who come to you by faith, holy miracle workers Boris and Gleb, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

4.​ Kontakion to the Holy Blessed Princes of the Passion Boris and Gleb

Today in the country of Russia the grace of healing appears to all, to you, blessed ones, who come and cry out: rejoice, intercessors of warmth.

Greatness to the holy noble princes of the passions Boris and Gleb

We magnify you, passion-bearers Saints Boris and Gleb, and honor your honest sufferings, which you naturally endured for Christ.

First prayer to the holy noble princes of the passions of Yerevan Boris and Gleb

Oh, sacred duo, beautiful brothers, noble passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and were adorned with your blood like crimson, and now reign with Christ!
Do not forget us who are on earth, but, as warm intercessors, with your strong intercession before Christ God, have mercy on us, young ones in holy faith and purity, damaged from every pretense of unbelief and impurity, save all of us who pray from all sorrow, bitterness and sudden death, and tame all enmity and malice, raised up by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers.
We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, to assist our ruler to victory over our enemies, ask the Greatly Gifted Master for all of us to forgive our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine.
Provide this city (or this whole city) and all who honor your holy memory forever and ever with your intercession. Amen.

Second prayer to the holy noble princes of the Passions Boris and Gleb

There is no ability and strength to glorify you, holy brothers! You are people in heaven and angels on earth, pillars and support of our land. Help your fatherland, offer up a prayer for the entire Russian land, about the blessed receptacle that has received your honest bodies, like a valuable treasure, the blessed church in which your holy shrines stand! And not only our tribe was given salvation by God, but also the entire earth. People from all countries come there and receive healing for free.
Oh, blessed passion-bearers of Christ, do not forget the fatherland where you lived physically, do not leave it by visiting, and in your prayers always pray for us, so that evil does not befall us and so that illness does not touch the bodies of your slaves. For you have been given grace to pray for us. We come running to you, we beg you, falling to you with tears. But hoping for your prayer, we cry out to the Savior: Lord, act mercifully with us, have mercy on us, be generous, intercede with the prayers of Your most honorable passion-bearers, do not give us over to reproach, but pour out Your mercy on the sheep of Your pasture, for You are our God, to You We send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Third prayer to the holy noble princes of the Passion Boris and Gleb of Yerevan

Let us exalt the wonderworkers and martyrs, the never-setting stars, the sons of Grand Duke Vladimir, blessed Roman and David, who are angels on earth and men of God in heaven, for with your blood you sanctified the entire Russian land. Oh, sacred duo, beautiful brethren, noble passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and adorned themselves with their blood like scarlet, and now reign with Christ! Do not forget us who exist on earth, but, as warm intercessors, by your strong intercession before Christ God, preserve the young in the holy faith and purity, unharmed from every excuse of unbelief and uncleanness, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice, raised by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers. We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, ask the Great-Gift Master for forgiveness of our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine. Provide your intercession to our country and to all who honor your holy memory, forever and ever. Amen.

The holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb are revered as intercessors of the Russian land. They pray to them for the good morals of the authorities, for strengthening Orthodox faith and about overcoming unbelief, deliverance from troubles, hunger, illness, sorrow and sudden death.
They pray to these saints to tame all enmity and malice between people. The pious princes are also asked to ask the Lord for the forgiveness of sins, unanimity and health, preservation from the invasion of external enemies, internal strife and courage in the face of mortal danger for those praying.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (+ July 15, 1015).

Holy Prince Vladimir with his sons

Vladimir had twelve sons from different wives. Vladimir's older children often quarreled with each other; they were born at a time when the prince was trying to strengthen the pagan faith. Svyatopolk was born from a Greek woman, a former nun, whom Vladimir took as his wife after his brother, who was dethroned by him. Yaroslav was born from Rogneda of Polotsk, whose father and brothers were killed by Vladimir. And then Rogneda herself tried to kill Vladimir, jealous of Anna of Byzantium.

Boris and Gleb were born later, around the years of the Baptism of Rus'. Their mother was from Volga Bulgaria. They were raised in Christian piety and loved each other. Boris was named Roman in holy baptism, Gleb - David. There is evidence that Boris was reading some book, usually the lives or torments of saints, then Gleb sat next to him and listened attentively, and so Gleb remained persistently near his brother, because he was still small.

When his sons began to grow up, Vladimir entrusted them with the management of the territories. Boris got Rostov, and Gleb got Murom. Gleb's reign in Murom was not easy. They say that the Murom pagans did not allow him into their city, and the prince had to live outside the city walls, in the suburbs.

Saint Prince Boris

Prince Vladimir loved Boris more than his other sons, trusted him in many ways and intended to transfer Kyiv and the great reign to him. Boris was married to Agnes, a Danish princess, and over time became famous as a brave and skillful warrior.

Shortly before his death, Grand Duke Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv and sent him with an army against the Pechenegs. Soon after Boris's departure, Vladimir died. This happened on July 15, 1015 in the village of Berestov, near Kyiv.
At this time, only Svyatopolk found himself in the capital, who took advantage of his position and arbitrarily seized power in Kyiv, proclaiming himself the Grand Duke of Kyiv. He set out to quickly get rid of his rival brothers before they did anything. Svyatopolk decided to hide his father's death. At night, on his orders, the platform in the princely mansion was dismantled. Vladimir's body was wrapped in a carpet and lowered to the ground on ropes, and then taken to Kyiv, to the church Holy Mother of God, where they buried him without giving him due honors.

Boris, meanwhile, not finding the Pechenegs, turned back to Kyiv. The news of his father's death and Svyatopolk's reign in Kyiv found him on the banks of the small river Alta. The squad persuaded him to go to Kyiv and take the grand-ducal throne, but Saint Prince Boris, not wanting internecine strife, disbanded his army:

“I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my elder, whom I should consider as my father!”

Hearing this, the squad left him. So Boris remained on the Altinsky field with only a few of his servants.
Svyatopolk sent Boris a false message with an offer of friendship: “Brother, I want to live in love with you, and I’ll add more to what my father gave you!”

Murder of Prince Boris

He himself, in secret from everyone, sent hired killers, loyal boyars Putsha, Talets, Elovit (or Elovitch) and Lyashko, to kill Boris.
Saint Boris was informed of such treachery by Svyatopolk, but did not hide and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, readily met death. The killers overtook him while he was praying at Matins on Sunday, July 24 ( old style) 1015 in his tent on the banks of the Alta River. Like wild animals they attacked the saint and pierced his body. Boris's favorite servant, a certain Ugrin (Hungarian) named George, covered him with himself. He was immediately killed along with the prince and his head was cut off to remove it from his neck gold decoration- a hryvnia, which the prince once gave him as a sign of love and distinction.
However, Saint Boris was still alive. Coming out of the tent, he began to pray fervently, and then turned to the murderers:

“Come, brothers, finish your service, and may there be peace to brother Svyatopolk and to you.”

At this time, one of the killers pierced him with a spear. His body was wrapped in a tent, placed on a cart and taken to Kyiv. There is a version that Boris was still breathing on the road and, having learned about this, Svyatopolk sent two Varangians to finish him off. Then one of them drew a sword and pierced him in the heart. Boris's body was brought secretly to Vyshgorod and buried in the Church of St. Basil. He was about 25 years old.

Prince Gleb of Murom was still alive. Svyatopolk decided to lure Gleb to Kyiv by cunning: Messengers were sent to Gleb with a request to come to Kyiv, since his father was seriously ill (for which Svyatopolk hid his father’s death). Gleb immediately mounted his horse and with a small squad rushed to the call. But he was overtaken by a messenger from his brother Yaroslav:

“Don’t go to Kyiv: your father died, and your brother Boris was killed by Svyatopolk!”

Deeply grieving, the holy prince chose death rather than war with his brother. Gleb’s meeting with the killers took place at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, not far from Smolensk. He turned to them with a touching plea to spare “the ear, not yet ripe, filled with the juice of goodness.”
Then, remembering the words of the Lord, “Because of My name you will be betrayed by your brothers and relatives,” he entrusted his soul to Him. Gleb’s small squad, seeing the killers, lost heart. The leader, nicknamed Goryaser, mockingly ordered the cook who was with Gleb to kill the prince. He, “in the name of Torchin, took out a knife and slaughtered Gleb like an innocent lamb.” He was about 19 years old. His body was thrown on the shore, and so lay in obscurity, between two logs.
But neither the beast nor the bird touched him. For a long time no one knew about it, but sometimes lit candles were seen in this place and church singing was heard. Only many years later, by order of Prince Yaroslav, it was moved to Vyshgorod and placed in the Church of St. Basil next to Boris. Later, Yaroslav the Wise built a stone five-domed Boris and Gleb Cathedral on this site, which soon became the family temple of the Yaroslavichs, a sanctuary of their love and loyalty, fraternal harmony and service to the Fatherland.

The noble passion-bearing princes did not want to raise their hands against their brother, but the Lord Himself took revenge on the power-hungry tyrant:

“Vengeance is mine and I will repay” (Rom. 12:19).

Prince Yaroslav, having gathered an army of Novgorodians and Varangian mercenaries, moved to Kyiv and expelled Svyatopolk from Rus'.
The decisive battle between them took place in 1019 on the Alta River - at the very place where Saint Prince Boris was killed. According to the chroniclers, when the defeated Svyatopolk fled from the battlefield, illness attacked him, so that he weakened all over and could not even mount a horse, and was carried on a stretcher. Svyatopolk, called the Accursed by the Russian people, fled to Poland and, like the first fratricide Cain, did not find peace and shelter for himself anywhere and was overwhelmed with such fear that everywhere it seemed to him that they were pursuing him, and he died outside his fatherland, “in a certain deserted place." And a stench and stench emanated from his grave. “From that time,” the chronicler writes, “sedition in Rus' died down.”

Vladimir had other sons who died in the strife. Svyatoslav, Prince of Drevlyansky, was killed by Svyatopolk, but was not canonized because he joined the struggle for power and was going to bring the Hungarian army to the rescue. Another brother - the winner Yaroslav - went against his brother with weapons in his hands. But he is not cursed like Svyatopolk. No wonder Yaroslav had the nickname Wise. Through many years of labor, the construction of temples, and the adoption of laws, he deserved to be numbered among the noble princes, representing an example of an outstanding ruler.

From a rational point of view, the death of the holy brothers seems meaningless. They were not even martyrs for the faith in the true sense of the word. (The Church honors them as passion-bearers - this rank of holiness, by the way, is not known to the Byzantines).
The lives of the holy passion-bearers were sacrificed to the main Christian value - love.

“Whoever says, ‘I love God,’ but hates his brother is a liar” (1 John 4:20).

They accepted death as a sign of boundless love for Christ, in imitation of his agony on the cross. In the minds of the Russian people, with their martyrdom they seemed to atone for the sins of the entire Russian land, which until recently had been vegetating in paganism. Through their lives, wrote the outstanding Russian writer and historian G. P. Fedotov, “the image of the meek and suffering Savior entered the heart of the Russian people forever as its most cherished shrine.”

The holy brothers did something that in those days in Rus', accustomed to blood feud, was still new and incomprehensible; they showed: evil cannot be repaid with evil, even under the threat of death.
The impression of their action was so great that the whole earth recognized them as saints. This was a revolution from pagan consciousness (lust for power and profit) to Christianity (the achievement of a spiritual and moral ideal).

Boris and Gleb were the first saints canonized by the Russian Church. Even their father, Prince Vladimir, was canonized much later. They were honored in Constantinople, the icon of Boris and Gleb was in Sofia of Constantinople. Their lives were even included in the Armenian Menaions (books for reading for each month). Glorifying the saints, the legend dedicated to them says that they became helpers of the people of “all lands.”

Saints Boris and Gleb are special patrons and defenders of the Russian land. In their name, innocent people were freed from their bonds, and sometimes bloody civil strife was stopped.

There are many known cases of their appearance in difficult times for our Fatherland, for example, on the eve of the battle on the Neva in 1240 (when St. Boris and Gleb appeared in a boat, among the rowers, “clothed in darkness,” with their hands on each other’s shoulders... “Brother Glebe, Boris said, they ordered us to row, so we can help our relative Alexander”), or on the eve of the great Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 (when the holy brothers appeared in a cloud, holding candles and naked swords in their hands, saying to the Tatar governors: “Who ordered you to destroy your fatherland ours, given to us by the Lord?”

The names Boris and Gleb, as well as Roman and David, were favorites among many generations of Russian princes. Oleg Gorislavich's brothers were named Roman (+ 1079), Gleb (+ 1078), Davyd (+ 1123), one of his sons was named Gleb (+ 1138). Monomakh had sons Roman and Gleb, Yuri Dolgoruky had Boris and Gleb, Saint Rostislav of Smolensk had Boris and Gleb, Saint Andrew of Bogolyubsky had the blessed saint Gleb (+ 1174), Vsevolod the Big Nest had Boris and Gleb. Among the sons of Vseslav of Polotsk (+ 1101) there is a full set of “Borisogleb” names: Roman, Gleb, David, Boris.


We magnify you, passion-bearers Saints Boris and Gleb, and honor your honest suffering, which you naturally endured for Christ.


The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (+ July 15, 1015). The holy brothers, born shortly before the Baptism of Rus', were raised in Christian piety. Eldest of brothers - Boris received a good education. He loved to read the Holy Scriptures, the works of the holy fathers and especially the lives of the saints. Under their influence, Saint Boris had an ardent desire to imitate the feat of the saints of God and often prayed that the Lord would honor him with such an honor.

Saint Gleb with early childhood was brought up with his brother and shared his desire to devote his life exclusively to serving God. Both brothers were distinguished by mercy and kindness of heart, imitating the example of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, merciful and responsive to the poor, sick, and disadvantaged.

While his father was still alive, Saint Boris received Rostov as an inheritance. While ruling his principality, he showed wisdom and meekness, caring primarily about inculcating the Orthodox faith and establishing a pious way of life among his subjects. The young prince also became famous as a brave and skillful warrior. Shortly before his death, Grand Duke Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv and sent him with an army against the Pechenegs. When the death of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir followed, his eldest son Svyatopolk, who was in Kyiv at that time, declared himself Grand Duke of Kyiv. Saint Boris was returning from a campaign at that time, having never met the Pechenegs, who were probably frightened of him and fled to the steppe. Upon learning of his father's death, he was very upset. The squad persuaded him to go to Kyiv and take the grand-ducal throne, but the holy Prince Boris, not wanting internecine strife, disbanded his army: “I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my eldest, whom I should consider as my father!”

However, the insidious and power-hungry Svyatopolk did not believe Boris’s sincerity; In an effort to protect himself from the possible rivalry of his brother, who had the sympathy of the people and troops on his side, he sent assassins to kill him. Saint Boris was informed of such treachery by Svyatopolk, but did not hide and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, readily met death. The assassins overtook him while he was praying for Matins on Sunday, July 24, 1015, in his tent on the banks of the Alta River. After the service, they burst into the prince’s tent and pierced him with spears. The beloved servant of Saint Prince Boris, Georgy Ugrin (originally a Hungarian), rushed to the defense of his master and was immediately killed. But Saint Boris was still alive. Coming out of the tent, he began to pray fervently, and then turned to the murderers: “Come, brothers, finish your service, and may there be peace for brother Svyatopolk and you.” Then one of them came up and pierced him with a spear. Svyatopolk's servants took Boris's body to Kyiv; on the way they met two Varangians sent by Svyatopolk to speed up the matter. The Varangians noticed that the prince was still alive, although he was barely breathing. Then one of them pierced his heart with a sword. The body of the holy passion-bearer Prince Boris was secretly brought to Vyshgorod and laid in a church in the name of St. Basil the Great.

After this, Svyatopolk just as treacherously killed the holy Prince Gleb. Having insidiously summoned his brother from his inheritance - Murom, Svyatopolk sent warriors to meet him in order to kill Saint Gleb on the road. Prince Gleb already knew about the death of his father and the villainous murder of Prince Boris. Deeply grieving, he chose death rather than war with his brother. The meeting of Saint Gleb with the murderers took place at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, not far from Smolensk. September 5/18 is the day of the martyrdom of Saint Gleb.

What was the feat of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb? What is the point in dying like this - without resistance at the hands of murderers?

The lives of the holy passion-bearers were sacrificed to the main Christian good deed - love. “Whoever says: “I love God, but hates his brother” is a liar.” John. 1, 4, 20). The holy brothers did something that was still new and incomprehensible to pagan Rus', accustomed to blood feud - they showed that evil cannot be repaid with evil, even under the threat of death. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). The holy martyrs Boris and Gleb gave their lives for the sake of obedience, on which a person’s spiritual life and, in general, all life in society is based. “Do you see, brothers,” notes the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, “how high is obedience to an older brother? If they had resisted, they would hardly have received such a gift from God. There are many young princes today who do not obey their elders and are killed for resisting them. But they are not worthy of the grace that these saints were worthy of.”

The noble passion-bearing princes did not want to raise their hands against their brother, but the Lord Himself took revenge on the power-hungry tyrant: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay it” (Rom. 12:19).

In 1019, Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev, also one of the sons of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, gathered an army and defeated Svyatopolk’s squad. According to the Providence of God, the decisive battle took place on a field near the Alta River, where Saint Boris was killed. Svyatopolk, called the Accursed by the Russian people, fled to Poland and, like the first fratricide Cain, did not find peace and refuge anywhere. Chroniclers testify that even his grave emanated a stench.

“From that time,” the chronicler writes, “sedition in Rus' died down.” The blood shed by the holy brothers to prevent internecine strife was that blessed seed that strengthened the unity of Rus'.

The noble passion-bearing princes are not only glorified by God for the gift of healing, but they are special patrons and defenders of the Russian land. There are many known cases of their appearance in difficult times for our Fatherland, for example, to Saint Alexander Nevsky on the eve Battle on the Ice(1242), to Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). The veneration of Saints Boris and Gleb began very early, shortly after their death. The service to the saints was compiled by Metropolitan John I of Kyiv (1008-1035).

Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev took care to find the remains of Saint Gleb, which had been unburied for 4 years, and buried them in Vyshgorod, in the church in the name of Saint Basil the Great, next to the relics of Saint Prince Boris. After some time, this temple burned down, but the relics remained unharmed, and many miracles were performed from them. One Varangian stood irreverently on the grave of the holy brothers, and a suddenly emanating flame scorched his feet. From the relics of the holy princes, a lame youth, the son of a resident of Vyshgorod, received healing: Saints Boris and Gleb appeared to the youth in a dream and made the sign of a cross on his sore leg. The boy woke up from sleep and stood up completely healthy. The blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise built a stone five-domed church on this site, which was consecrated on July 24, 1026 by Metropolitan John of Kyiv with a cathedral of clergy. Many churches and monasteries throughout Rus' were dedicated to the holy princes Boris and Gleb; frescoes and icons of the holy passion-bearing brothers are also known in numerous churches of the Russian Church.


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