Winter solstice - rituals! Magical rituals of the winter solstice.

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On December 21, the next year according to the solar calendar ends, and the next day, December 22, the Sun is born again. This perfect time to perform rituals. And if ritual actions are performed by tens, hundreds, thousands of people at the same time, the magical effect will increase many times over.

This is a great day to do a meditation to commemorate new beginnings and projects. If you are planning something new, find time on this day, because meditation is winter solstice especially strong.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development; it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

The day is suitable for rituals to fulfill desires. if you have cherished wish, wish it on the day of the rebirth of the Sun.

They perform rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles decorated with symbols of the Sun are placed in the center of the ritual altar. To aromatize the air, it is good to use juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary oils. To help perform rituals and meditations, use herbs, stones and metals appropriate for this day:

Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, bay, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, sloe, thistle.

Stones: aventurine, turquoise, moonstone, ruby, sapphire, tiger's eye, black tourmaline. Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

1. Let go...

If this has not been your year, sit down at sunset, take a piece of paper and write down everything bad and negative that has happened to you over the past 6-12 months. Light a fire in the fireplace or a fire outside the house.

Come up with your own prayer for the ceremony, for example, “Farewell to the past, I let you go. I give you freedom. There is no return for you."

Burn the paper, imagining how all your sorrows and difficulties disappear along with the smoke and set you free.

If you don't want to burn your problems (or don't have the option), you can find a place to dig a small hole. Take your trouble paper and bury it.

Place a few stones on top and say goodbye.

2. As it is written...

Write your dream down on one side of the paper, then turn it over and write down everything you think you need to do to make it happen. Decide to take one item from your action list each week and work on it - do this for the next 25-52 weeks.

Hang your list in a special place.

3. Create sacred space...

If you meditate, midnight would be a great time to meditate on setting your intentions for the coming year.

4. Plant the seeds of intention...

Buy any flower seeds and plant them in small glass on the window. You don't need soil for this - just wet two napkins, squeeze lightly and unfold.

Fold them carefully and place them in the glass so that they form a soft wall inside the glass.

Place the seeds between the napkins and the glass so that they can be seen. The napkins should hold them in place. Place the glass on a window where the sun appears every day for several hours. Add enough water to keep the wipes moist. The plants you grow will be a reminder of your dream.

Every time you water them and watch them grow, imagine one small task you can do to achieve that dream. Perhaps by the time the plant reaches maturity, you will already be making progress towards achieving your dream.

5. Stage a revival...

Water represents purification and renewal.

Light the candles and fill the bath. Turn on some calm music and allow yourself 20 minutes of complete relaxation. Visualize all the good things you want to see in your life in the next 6-12 months.

When you flush the water, imagine how all the problems and difficulties are washed away along with the remaining water.

6. Create a place...

Spend the evening clearing a space for your dreams. Buy large trash bags and over the next week, fill them with things you haven't used in a while or things that make you feel bad.

Clear your home of excess items and donate them to charity before the end of this week.

7. Use cultural traditions...

In Ecuador on New Year It is customary to eat 12 grapes before midnight and for each grape eaten, make a wish. You can do this with your dreams. Each grape can represent a step needed for your movement. Imagine yourself living every step of your dream as you eat the grapes.

Ecuadorians believe that walking around the block with a suitcase in hand will bring you the trip of your dreams.

You may find it interesting to pack your suitcase, put pictures representing your dream in it, and carry it around your home (neighborhood). Either way, it will amuse your neighbors.

8. Visualize...

Create your Wish Board. Find images that represent your dream and spend an evening cutting them out and gluing them onto a board or piece of construction paper to hang on your refrigerator.

You can create your own board online - call it “My Dream” or Your Solstice Celebration. Collect the pictures you need on the Internet that represent your dream or what you plan to do to achieve it. Make a decision to look at it every morning and every evening for the next 6-12 months.

And the last piece of advice: as soon as you perform any of these rituals, imagine very clearly your dreams for next year. Make this visualization very real and imagine that it has already happened in the present moment.

Rituals are a powerful tool for inspiration and motivation to pursue your dreams. You can even spend an evening writing down what is working in your life today and what you are grateful for. Declare your gratitude for all the good things in your life right now. Start by being grateful for the eyes that see and read this, the computer and internet that got you here, the fingers that typed in the search bar, the roof over your head that protects you from the weather and cold.

These rituals help you Restart your life. They serve as a marker for moving on to something new by clearing your head and allowing yourself to move in a new direction.

Holidays, depending on the time they occur, have different meaning, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. This better days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. They are not meant for worldly affairs. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

✨ Symbolically, the year is divided into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the winter solstice (December 21-22) to the summer solstice (June 21-22) is day, and the period from the summer solstice to the winter is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday and calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered and deified by all nations. Solstice days were used to improve the quality of life; it was the starting point of a new life. The days of the equinoxes are also important - these are the most important astronomical events, special energetic times, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

✨☀✨ Winter solstice, solstice.

The winter solstice begins when the Sun enters 0° zodiac sign Capricorn

Year Date time in Moscow
2018 - December 22 01:23
2019 - December 22 07:19
2020 — December 21 13:02
2021 - December 21 18:59
2022 - December 22 00:48
2023 - December 22 06:27
2024 - December 21 12:20
2025 - December 21 18:03

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight hours increase and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest. From this day the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at its smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the Earth’s approach and distance from the Sun are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of solstice is a critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy; this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any time of transition, it is intended for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material matters. It greatly promotes God-centeredness, not self-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of the New Sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of a new one, renewal, rebirth, the transition from old life to a new one. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

✨ In this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, be reborn, just as the renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything that is outdated, disturbing, unnecessary (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, make donations favorably, and pay off debts. IN new life It's better to go in light.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.
And in clean place(you first need to clean the area, get rid of trash, debris and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps and incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It’s good to sum up the past year and thank God for everything He gives. It is important to free yourself from worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth and ascension. It is very important to be God-centered, to step away from the bustle, and turn inward.

Prayer and meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions and goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time greatly contribute to this. The power of the regenerating Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

I INVITE YOU TO PARTICIPATE in the online meeting on December 28 at 19.00

It is auspicious to meet the sunrise, express your respect to it, congratulate it on its birth, and thank it for its gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If you do this consciously (discard the negative, the outdated and create the intention to acquire the bright), then there really is a bright path of revival and growth ahead.

At this time the sky opens, they come to earth strong currents energy. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth and improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intention. Is it worth missing out on this chance?

This great time in order to improve, change what needs changing; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

Look in the recording -. Energy practice "My Talisman of Happiness and Good Luck"

You can complete the Meditation-Activation by following the link"SOLSTICE. STAR GATES. New Light Codes of Creation" ) (you can light candles, an aroma lamp, turn on soft relaxation music)

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires.

IN Slavic tradition celebrated Christmastide.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe performed symbolic actions with fire during the winter solstice, celebrating Yule.

In the Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Festival of Mithras. Mithra is the God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma and order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

In Holland they celebrate St. Thomas's Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to arrive at school, otherwise they will be teased as “sleepy Thomas.” On this special day, even children should not sleep long

Winter solsticegood time for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.
During the Night of Svarog - the darkest time of the year - a gap opens between the worlds. This allows creatures to move freely in and out of our world. Although the most severe cold is still ahead (and they are needed to crystallize the intention laid down these days), the middle of Winter falls precisely in this period. Three days are especially important during this period.

On the day of the Winter Solstice, you can tell fortunes in any way, using like ancient fortune-telling with the help of various items, runes, and fortune telling on various symbolic and metaphorical cards (Tarot).

I will tell you about three Nights dedicated to the Goddesses of Fate. So..

✨ Night of December 20 Mother of the past.

Night of the Crone Goddess. At this time, it is necessary to perform all cleansing rituals. Rituals and rituals aimed at cleansing and protecting the Family also work flawlessly. And also the day of Thanksgiving to the Gods of house spirits for their help.

✨ Night of December 21 - Night of the Mother Goddess. This is the Goddess of Becoming.

At this time, a cycle of harmonious connection of events in your destiny should be established. For example, weaving fate from three threads. This is the time when guests from underworld and guests from the world of the Gods descend to the Middle human world. In order not to offend the spirits, these days it is not customary to refuse hospitality to anyone - any traveler will receive a table and lodging for the night.

✨ Night of December 22. The night after the birth of the sun.

This is the night of the Goddess of the Future. Here you lay down what is about to happen to you. This is the night when you make wishes. You can also return luck and prosperity to your entire Family.


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn will occur December 21, 2017 at 07:28 pmby Moscow time. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, unapproachable peaks, long-term prospects, ascetics and directors.

Capricorn jumps along steep cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the lack of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material planes all jumps from cliff to cliff must have a specific idea behind them, which warms Capricorn.

So these days we need to find between the material and the spiritual. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. You can’t throw yourself into monetization and making a profit and lose sight of your dream.
If you plan projects for next year, then taking into account pragmatic earthly sentiments - with financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step you will take to achieve it. AND do it after the Solstice.

This solstice can have a transformative effect on people whose significant chart indicators are in the third decade of mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces). Now their fate may change track. It is especially important for them to be conscious and honest with themselves and others so that the turnaround turns out to be for the good.

Most of the energy and attention should be spent on completing and closing the old one. Before the Solstice, it is better not to start or discuss new projects. We need to give them time to mature. Assess what occupies your strength and energy - whether actions, relationships, reading the tape in in social networks. Evaluate whether it benefits you. Ask yourself the question honestly and answer it honestly.

This is a great time to get your finances and relationships in order. For example, closing ties with other people, conducting final negotiations, paying off debts of any kind. This way, entering the New Year will be much easier, and there will be more inspiring events in it.

Alina Urnikis


Whether we like it or not, everyone participates in all processes occurring in the Universe. Everything that happens affects everyone. That is why it is so important to live in harmony with the rhythm of the Universe. This is one of the the most important conditions healthy life, prosperity.

Holidays, depending on the time when they occur, have different meanings, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. These are the best days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. They are not meant for worldly affairs. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

The sages divide the year into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the winter solstice (December 21-22) to the summer solstice (June 21-22) is day, and the period from the summer solstice to the winter is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday and calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered and deified by all nations. Solstice days were used to improve the quality of life; it was the starting point of a new life. The days of the equinoxes are also important - these are the most important astronomical events, special energetic times, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: Winter Solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight hours increase and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest. From this day the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at its smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the Earth’s approach and distance from the Sun are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of solstice is a critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy; this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any time of transition, it is intended for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material matters. It greatly promotes God-centeredness, not self-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of a new one, renewal, rebirth, the transition from an old life to a new one. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

During this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, and be reborn, just as the renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything that is outdated, disturbing, unnecessary (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, make donations favorably, and pay off debts. It is better to enter a new life lightly.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the area, get rid of trash, debris and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps and incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It’s good to sum up the past year and thank God for everything He gives. It is important to free yourself from worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth and ascension. It is very important to be God-centered, to step away from the bustle, and turn inward.

Prayer and meditation at this time will have tremendous power, as well as your good intentions and goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time greatly contribute to this. The power of the regenerating Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

It is auspicious to meet the sunrise, express your respect to it, congratulate it on its birth, and thank it for its gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If you do this consciously (discard the negative, the outdated and create the intention to acquire the bright), then there really is a bright path of revival and growth ahead.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy flow to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth and improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intention. Is it worth missing out on this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs changing; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires.

In the Slavic tradition, Christmastide was celebrated.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe performed symbolic actions with fire during the winter solstice, celebrating Yule.

In the Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Festival of Mithras. Mithra is the God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma and order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

In Holland they celebrate St. Thomas's Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to arrive at school, otherwise they will be teased as “sleepy Thomas.” On this special day, even children should not sleep long


The winter solstice is a good time for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.
During the Night of Svarog - the darkest time of the year - a gap opens between the worlds. This allows creatures to move freely in and out of our world. Although the most severe cold is still ahead (and they are needed to crystallize the intention laid down these days), the middle of Winter falls precisely in this period. Three days are especially important during this period.

On the day of the Winter Solstice, you can tell fortunes in any way, using both ancient fortune-telling with the help of various objects, runes, and fortune-telling on various symbolic and metaphorical cards (Tarot).

I will tell you about three Nights dedicated to the Goddesses of Fate. So..

Night of December 20 - Mother of the past.

Night of the Crone Goddess. At this time, it is necessary to perform all cleansing rituals. Rituals and rituals aimed at cleansing and protecting the Family also work flawlessly. And also the day of Thanksgiving to the Gods of house spirits for their help.

December 21 - Night of the Mother Goddess. This is the Goddess of Becoming.

At this time, a cycle of harmonious connection of events in your destiny should be established. For example, weaving fate from three threads. This is the time when both guests from the underworld and guests from the world of the Gods descend into the Middle Human World. In order not to offend the spirits, these days it is not customary to refuse hospitality to anyone - any traveler will receive a table and lodging for the night.

December 22. The night after the birth of the sun.

This is the night of the Goddess of the Future. Here you lay down what is about to happen to you. This is the night when you make wishes. You can also return luck and prosperity to your entire Family.

Light a candle in honor of the Goddess of the Past on the night of December 20. And Ask her to cleanse your ancestral roots from negativity like this: " Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the ancestral roots, what is imposed on the roots of evil, what is said through unkind lips, what is broken in ignorance of the unclean. Truly so!"After reading the plot, put out the candle with your fingers.

On the Night of December 21 light the second candle. Tell: “The world will get along well and the fate of my family will be adjusted! So be it!” Put out the candle.

Here you need to make a Vow. That is, you promise to do something for the benefit of the Family. The vow can be anything. Don't drink alcohol in New Year's Eve, give up candy for 10 days, do something that you keep putting off until later...

You just need to think carefully about how you want to make a vow, so as not to break it under any circumstances. After making a vow, say “For the Good of the Family!”
Before dawn, take three candles and twist them into one clockwise. As soon as the edge of the solar disk appears in the sky, light a candle and read repeatedly.

Spiridon-Solstice! Turn the sun to summer, and the roads of my Family for the good, Strengthen the Family Tree on a short day. When the red sun rises in the sky, when the small hour crosses the sky from sunrise to sunset. Strengthen Spyridon on my Tree, roots at dawn, branches at zenith, fruits at sunset. Strengthen, Spyridon-solstice, from this prayer, from the word of the spell, the high, noble Tree of my Family on high thresholds, on wide roads. It is good for the family to prosper, and for all relatives to live in height and honor. Walk along wide roads, put the profit in your wallet. Luck is laid on my Tree, luck is laid on the roots and fruits from this hour to forever. Truly!
The plot should be read repeatedly until the candle in your hands burns out.

Darina Oleynik


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn will occur on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, unapproachable heights, long-term prospects, ascetics and directors.

Capricorn jumps along steep cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the lack of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material planes all jumps from cliff to cliff must have a specific idea behind them, which warms Capricorn.

So these days we need to find between the material and the spiritual. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. You can’t throw yourself into monetization and making a profit and lose sight of your dream.
If you plan projects for the next year, then take into account pragmatic earthly sentiments - with a financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step you will take to achieve it. And do it after the Solstice.)))

Another mystery of nature associated with the main source of light and heat took place from December 21 to 22. The name is winter solstice. From the point of view of astronomy, the following happens: the tilt of the axis of our planet Earth becomes greatest towards the Sun. After the 22nd, the length of the day increases, the length of the night decreases. On December 21, the first day of the winter solstice, the next cycle of the Sun begins. Many signs and magical actions are associated with this phenomenon among the people.

Winter solstice day signs

From time immemorial people have noticed changes in nature. The turn of the sun did not go unnoticed; people waited for it with trepidation and prepared for it. There are a number folk signs related to the weather on the day of the winter solstice.

  • Frost on the trees on December 21 and 22 - expect a high grain harvest.
  • To find out what fruit harvest to expect in the new year, cut 3 cherry branches. Put them in water room temperature in the kitchen. If delicate white flowers appear on them before Christmas (January 7) New Year, expect an excellent harvest of fruit and berry crops.
  • Do you want to increase your apple harvest in the new season? Go to the garden on December 22 and shake the apple and pear trees for an excellent harvest.
  • To find out what weather to expect on December 31st, take note of the weather on Solstice Day. What is the weather like on December 22nd, the same on December 31st.
  • The wind direction at the solstice will remain unchanged until the equinox on March 22.
  • If it is sunny from December 22 to 25, then wait for late spring, and do not rush with sowing, otherwise frosts will ruin everything. And, vice versa: cloudy day 25 promises early spring, and the year is expected to be fruitful if the weather is cloudy at noon on December 25th.
  • The 12 days, starting December 25th, make a weather forecast for the next 12 months ahead. Ancestors always kept track of these days to create their weather calendar. 26.12. showed what the weather would be like in January, 27 in February, and so on.
  • If December 25th is sunny, get ready for a frosty New Year on December 31st. Cloudy 25.12 means that warm and cloudy days will set in at the beginning of January.

Winter solstice rites, rituals, conspiracies

Our ancestors regularly celebrated Solstice Day year after year. It was considered a great holiday not only in Rus', but in all countries of the world. Solar rebirth was a symbol of rebirth; on this holiday they performed various rituals, held street rituals, read conspiracies, and made a wish.

The most common ritual was to burn a fire. Also on this day it was necessary to wash in order to rid oneself of filth. To eliminate troubles, people read various conspiracies. According to magicians, on the day of the solstice, any conspiracies work, even those that people come up with themselves.

Conspiracy from troubles

To perform this ritual, you will need two sheets of paper plus a pencil. You are taking free time December 22, write on one piece of paper everything negative that you want to get rid of, and on the second - what you want to attract, positive, good.

After transferring the negative onto paper, tear the sheet into small pieces. Go outside, stand with your back to the wind, release pieces of leaf into the wind. Another piece of paper with good wishes attach it above the mirror, which is the largest in the house. Then, every day for 12 days in a row, morning and evening, read the following plot:

Ritual to fulfill wishes

Solstice is the holiday of the new sun, the day when wishes are made. Rituals are performed not only on December 22, but also on December 23, 24 or 25. Let me remind you that in 2017 the solstice coincided with Mercury retrograde, which means you need to be careful what you wish for. You can’t guess everything related to relationships and love. Mercury is a treacherous planet, any magical actions give the opposite effect.
There are no prohibitions for other worldly desires. To help - a wish spell carried out on the day of the solstice, it will help fulfill your plans.

For the ceremony to make your dream come true, you will need: candles, loose clothing, a candlestick, live fire (matches will do). Take a wax church candle, a thick one will not work, only a thin one.

How to make a wish correctly: technique

The ritual of wishing is performed before bedtime, so that after it you don’t have to do anything else, but go and go to bed. Before the action, put on a loose dress or a long tunic made of natural fabric. If you don’t have such clothes in your wardrobe, then a cotton sheet tied with a knot on the shoulder will do. Retire to a separate room.

Sit on a chair, armchair, or floor in lotus position.

Light a candle. Look through the fire and try to unfocus your eyes. Let your mind relax. Your gaze should be hazy, as if passing through fire.

Imagine the state you will feel when you get what you dream of. Create a state of happiness within yourself. Hold it. Rejoice. Catch the feeling of joy and happiness in your body, as if you own what you dream of. Concentrate on this feeling. And then quickly, clearly, with energy in your voice, ask for what you want. While doing this, look directly at the candle flame.

Continue looking at the fire until the candle burns out. Wait for the last spark, after which you can consider the ritual over, go to bed.

Home protection ritual

The energy of the solstice can be used to create protection for your home. Not only private houses and cottages, but also urban apartments need protection. You may need to clean out your living space before installing home security. You can do this yourself. But, if you want 100% results, use the help of specialists, especially if “guests” from another world live in the house.

Have you ever thought that someone else lives in your apartment with you? Yes, it could be relatives, husband or wife, children, parents, boyfriend or girlfriend. But besides them, something else shares the same space with you, something completely different, inhuman, invisible...

A conspiracy to protect a home will work more effectively if the living space is clean and free of negativity and destructive destructive programs. Attention, when we talk about the cleanliness of an apartment and a house, we do not mean physical cleanliness, clean floors, shelves and order, in this case we are talking about something slightly different, about the energetic cleanliness of the home.

When talking about the cleanliness of an apartment or house, it most often means the need or lack thereof for thorough cleaning and maintaining order in residential premises. But, as practice shows, this is not always sufficient for normal family relations, prosperity, monetary...

So, the house is cleaned, every room is clean and orderly on the physical, energetic and subtle levels. Proceed with the ritual.

Protective spells gain additional power if the ritual is performed on the solstice. Days of the full moon, spring or autumn equinox are also suitable for this action.

What is needed for the protective ritual: rowan wood, red threads, red natural fabric, dry herbs: St. John's wort, basil, anise. You can also prepare stones: turquoise, agate.

A rowan branch is suitable as a tree; it is better that it is thick and not very long.

Take a piece of red cloth and place it on the table. Place rowan, dry herbs and stones in it. Carefully wrap everything up and tie it with red thread. In this case, you should say 7 times:

As you say these words, tie one knot each time. The result is a bundle tied with 7 knots. Protective amulet ready for home, store it in a secluded place.

How to make a wish on the solstice

There are also a number simple rituals, associated with the material plane, which are held at the solstice.

  • Take a clean one White list paper, write your wish on it in red ink. Roll 7 times and place close to the body. Women can put it in their bra, and men can put it in the breast pocket of their shirt. Carry the piece of paper with you always until your plan comes true, and put it under your pillow at night.
  • On the night of the solstice, write a wish on a piece of paper. Burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.
  • Take a piece of paper and write one wish on it. The leaf must be small so that it can go inside hot air balloon. Inflate the balloon, say your plan again and release it into the sky. To make the balloon fly better, you can fill it with helium.
  • Before going to bed, calm down and relax. Close your eyes. Try to enter a calm state at the level of meditation. Mentally speak or whisper the request three times and immerse yourself in meditation. At the end of it you should fall asleep. If everything happened as it should, then your wish will quickly come true, since your consciousness falls into the alpha state, thanks to this the ritual has power.

Ritual for healing

Solstice Day is great for healing from ailments and rituals to gain strength and wisdom. You need to prepare for it ahead of time. To do this, conduct several cleaning sessions. You should also perform the “Forgiveness” practice, more about it in this article:

The winter solstice is celebrated as the most ominous day of the year. People call it “Karachun”, which among the Slavs meant “death”, “death”. People were afraid of this holiday; they performed various rituals to help the Sun be born again. They were looking forward to a new sunrise...

In parallel with spiritual and energetic cleansing, you should visit a bathhouse or take a shower to thoroughly wash your body.

Before performing a ritual for healing or gaining strength, prepare the necessary attributes for it. You will need 4 candles (paraffin candles are suitable), 2-3 incense sticks, dried flowers and herbs St. John's wort, wormwood, basil and juniper. You also need aromatic oils of rosemary and pine.

Choose free time for meditation. Prepare the room. Light the candles and place them in the corners. Turn on the incense sticks and light the aroma oils. Choose music.

Stand in the center of the room and begin meditation. Don't forget to express your greetings and gratitude to the Sun, God, and the Universe. Only after you give out the energy of gratitude, say what you want, while imagining that the Sun is shining directly on you.

This ritual can be performed at sunrise. Wait for the sun to rise and go! If you do everything correctly and sincerely, your wish will be heard and quickly come true.

All rituals described here can be performed within 3 days after December 22 to 25 inclusive. Happiness and joy to you!

Study signs, perform rituals and ceremonies, improve your life!

December 21 is a holiday for Slavic peoples, because the winter solstice is one of the four main sunny days in astrology, along with the summer solstice and the autumn and spring equinoxes. Speaking in the language of astrology, the winter solstice 2016 is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun, which, in turn, is located at the southernmost point of the ecliptic. On this day, our ancestors always performed specific rites and rituals, which we will further pay attention to. We also recommend reading along the way important information about full moon in December 2016.

Winter Solstice 2016

When answering the question when is the winter solstice, you need to remember that this the holiday will take place on December 21, when the shortest day is 2016 and the longest night is 2016, which also affects the women's horoscope for December 2016. Such an event, naturally, among almost all nations is covered in myths and legends, as well as specific traditions that reveal the culture in a special way.

Winter Solstice Day: signs

On the day of the winter equinox or winter solstice, our ancestors carefully looked at the world around them in order to predict their near future. Nowadays horoscopes help to understand everything, but then the following signs played a very important role.

  • If there is frost on the trees, you should expect a lot of grain in the coming season.
  • The weather that will be on the day of the winter solstice will be repeated on December 31st.
  • If the cut cherry branches bloom before Christmas, there will be a lot of berries.
  • It is raining- for a wet spring.
  • The sun is clear, radiant - the New Year is frosty, gloomy and frost on the trees - on New Year's Eve it is cloudy, with a thaw.
  • Quiet windless day - good harvest fruit trees.

Winter Solstice: Rituals

Winter Solstice Day 2016, December 21, at folk tradition is accompanied by interesting rituals and rituals, because it is not so often in the year that the longest night and the shortest day of the year are 2016. Here are the traditions that were relevant among our ancestors:

  • On December 21, you need to start new things - they will be doomed to success;
  • On Solstice Day 2016, it is worth engaging in spiritual practices and meditating, since the powerful flow of energy that comes from heaven to Earth greatly enhances the influence of meditation;
  • You need to boldly throw away old things, clear your thoughts and consciousness, and pray. On this day you can say goodbye to the past and open the way to a happy future;
  • On the day when the shortest day of 2016, you need to make wishes - they will definitely come true;
  • You can also tell fortunes using cards - on this day they will tell the honest truth. In general, when the day is shortest, rituals for healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom are performed. Winter solstice divination gives accurate results, Tarot and Oracle divination works well.

As astrologers say, the winter solstice is good for reflecting on life experiences and making plans for the future. Don't miss the chance to improve your life with the help of the forces of nature and the elements.


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