The meaning of dragon in Feng Shui. Dragon is a powerful feng shui talisman

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Green Dragon

The feng shui dragon is the most revered image and the strongest talisman that protects the house, protecting it from negative energy. The amulet brings prosperity to the home and family.

The dragon, with its breath, gives birth to qi energy, which gives life. This symbol attracts positive changes in the life of the owner and brings the fulfillment of desires closer. Since the dragon is a representative of the element of air, it guides the events of the future, allows it to be correctly programmed and skillfully take advantage of the chance offered by life.

It is believed that the dragon also bestows wisdom on its owner and brings harmony. He patronizes the strong half of humanity, is a symbol of power and endurance, brings prosperity and success in financial matters, and protects from unkind people.

Legend of the Dragon (Qing Long)

Qing Long is a mythological sacred creature in the East. According to legend, there are 9 dragons - heavenly creatures that fulfill people's aspirations. Dragon's breath is an invaluable cosmic energy, and the art of feng shui is to create and attract this energy. It is believed that the dragon that emerged from the waters of the river prompted the sage Fu Shi to discover many symbols.

In China, there is an annual dragon festival and carnival where people wearing dragon masks perform a dance to scare away evil spirits and attract success. The Chinese consider the dragon to be a symbol of their nation; the azure dragon is the protector of the East and a harbinger of good changes, a symbol of imperial power in China.

Materials, appearance and size of the dragon mascot

Blue dragon according to feng shui

Dragon figurines are made from various materials: clay, ceramics, glass, gypsum, wood, metal, stone. The type of material does not matter, but the color does great importance– the dragon should only be green or blue.

The Chinese dragon is depicted with horns, wings, its body is covered with scales, and there are sharp spikes on its back. Most often, the dragon is depicted with a pearl in its paws, which is a symbol of the sun, the power of the dragon, wealth and fulfills wishes. A pearl is a must if you want to have financial well-being.

The Dragon amulet should not be large, otherwise it will dominate the house and have unbalanced energy. With the corresponding dragon image can be made wall panels or fan.

Where to place the dragon?

Listen to Feng Shui advice on where to place your dragon. Each side of the world, according to Feng Shui, corresponds to a sacred animal that personifies the element, strength and energy of that side. Thus, the dragon corresponds to the east, its element is air, and its color is green. Therefore, it is recommended to place the dragon in the eastern part of the house, to the left of front door(if viewed from home), where he will protect the home from attacking negative energy. It is better to place the dragon in the air flow if possible. The movement of air will activate it and give the greatest magical power.

The best room to place this symbol is the living room, but also in the eastern sector. The dragon will support the health and well-being of the residents of the house. If it is impossible to install this symbol in the eastern sector, then, in any case, the dragon’s gaze should be turned to the east.

Because the dragon represents power and brings financial luck, it is good to place it on your desktop or in your office, located in the southeastern sector. For the same purposes, it can be located in an office or store.

Dragon with pearl

The dragon is a symbol of expressed Yang energy, which creates active energy flows, so it is not recommended to place it in a bedroom intended for relaxation. Placing the symbol in the bathroom will lead to loss of luck and money; it is also not recommended to place the Dragon in the south - in the Fire sector.

Yang dragon energy will help single women find their soul mate and make them feel more confident and happier.

How to activate the dragon amulet?

To bring the dragon into an active state, you need to perform a ritual - open his eyes. This will require a new brush and black ink. On the morning of the dragon day (you can recognize it from the Chinese calendar), with ink and a brush you need to draw a dot on both eyes of the dragon, turning it to the East. This ritual can also be performed with an unlit incense stick, touching the dragon's eyes. He wakes up, opens his eyes and begins to “work.”

A few words about crystal amulets

Crystal dragon

According to legend, crystal arose by combining 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Metal. In this regard, the energy properties of crystal are unique. Its energy is tuned to the frequency of human vibrations, stabilizes and regulates them. Crystal talismans are universal and harmonize with all sectors of Bagua. Crystal is a generator of positive energy, dispels stagnant qi energy and removes everything from our lives. Negative consequences. The spirit of crystal kindles the desire to bring your ideas to life and serves as an impetus for various endeavors. According to Feng Shui, a crystal dragon, combining the symbols of the dragon and the positive effect of crystal, will perfectly manifest its effect in the eastern sector.

Features of using the dragon talisman

You should not place several dragon figures in one room, since their excess Yang energy can be harmful. The total number of dragon talismans in the house can be 1-2.

By choosing a talisman wisely and placing it correctly in your home, you will acquire in the “face” of the dragon a great protector of your family.

The dragon symbolizes generosity and strength, courage, endurance, wisdom and nobility. carries the spirit of change and rebirth, representing a kind of life-giving rain. The Dragon is also a symbol of security.

This is a very complex and at the same time universal symbol. The dragon is a symbol of light and a symbol of life. It combines the feminine Yin - the snake, and the masculine Yang - the bird. Initially, the symbolism of the Dragon was completely favorable, identified with the Gods and their representatives on Earth - kings and emperors. But later the symbolism of the Dragon became more ambivalent.

The dragon owns four elements - elements earth, air element, air element and fire element. In mythology eastern countries The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, something supernatural, wish-granting divine power and wisdom. Even the golden dragon is considered the emblem of the Chinese imperial family.

Currently, the Dragon is often depicted on homes and institutions, bringing good luck and wealth, protecting from evil spirits.

promotes financial success, career growth, and also protects a person from unkind people and unscrupulous partners.

As a symbol of male Yang energy, the Dragon patronizes men. Represents the dragon and the awakening of natural forces, new beginnings and growth. Being inside the house, such a talisman brings money into it. It is best to place the Dragon to the left of the front door. But it would be nice if you put the talisman on a stand in the living room. Just keep in mind that the Dragon should not stand taller than a human, otherwise he will begin to manipulate you instead of helping you.

You can activate the Dragon talisman by “opening” its eyes using a ritual. Determine the day of the dragon according to the Chinese calendar and between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, put dots on the eyes of the figurine or image of the dragon using black ink and a new brush. Just make sure that during the ritual the dragon’s eyes are turned to the east.

There are also opinions that different images Dragons can be scared off by different types of negativity. For example, if you have a gold, diamond brooch with a dragon, then it can provide you with enough strong defense from various troubles.

But what is the correct way to wear a talisman with a dragon on your body? Firstly, this symbol cannot be worn near the heart, so pendants on a long chain should be avoided. But the dragons on the neck, on the contrary, protect, so wear a pendant on a short chain.

Very strong amulet in the form of a pin with a dragon located on the collar. Women can attach it on the right side, and men on the left. This amulet will protect you from all misfortunes and diseases.

Dear friend, if one day in New Year According to the lunar calendar, if you find yourself in some Chinese city, you could observe an amazing picture. Before your eyes, entire groups of people would line up in a column and, wearing the Dragon's robe, would walk this mystical animal through the streets of the city.

On New Year and at any other time of the year in China Dragon image can be found everywhere - on cups and vases, scarves and clothes, in decorative elements. He is one of the most popular symbols in feng shui; Chinese tradition gives the Dragon supernatural Power. It can reach almost 2 km in length, and can be graceful and miniature, more like the size of a worm. Sometimes the Dragon becomes invisible altogether. How does the Dragon Power manifest itself?

The meaning of the Dragon in Feng Shui. What is his amazing Power?

The dragon in Feng Shui symbolizes and attracts:

    Success and Prosperity

The dragon is a symbol of Success. His image in the house gives rise to courage and bravery. It brings success in business and is conducive to achieving new heights in life.

    Good luck in love for a woman

The Dragon activates the Love Luck of a woman who strives to meet her Love. It carries living Yang energy. You will feel happier as you begin to respond to this new energy. And she will help you attract into your life the one you dream of.

    Spiritual growth

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Dragon is wise and far-sighted. It symbolizes our inner desire to see life as fully as possible, to have a calm and open mindset.

According to a legend that is already 2000 years old, the souls of people travel to higher spheres on the back of the Dragon to live happily thereafter.

In addition, the Dragon in Feng Shui is considered a mediator between heaven and earth. He is able to transmit human desires to the Universe

    Strength, Power, Favorable Changes

According to Feng Shui, the Dragon carries cosmic chi, and with every breath it gives hope for a better life.


In China, the code of honor is associated with the image of the Dragon. By identifying with the Dragon, you follow the code of honor that you set for yourself, and that society, an elder or a teacher sets for you.

The Universe also has its own code of honor - it is called the Laws of the Universe. Follow the code of honor of the Universe, and you will receive the Power and Wealth of the Dragon, and this, according to Feng Shui, is truly limitless power and Wealth

    Protection and Vigilance

How to use Dragon Power

    Color - mostly Green.

    In various images it varies from bluish-green to golden yellow

    Direction - the East is best

    The image of the Dragon in Feng Shui is a source of beneficial influence in the home and office. His image can be placed in any of the main cardinal directions, because the Dragon, although associated with the East, is also associated with all the main directions.

    And yet the Dragon in the east is more powerful; the image of the Dragon can be decorated with the eastern wall in the living room. According to Feng Shui, if the Dragon is associated with the energy of the rising sun, its power is maximum

    Energy - Ian

    The dragon enhances Yang energy. Yang energy is active and light, so images of the Dragon are best placed in the living room or dining room, not in the bedroom

Feng Shui meaning of the Pearl in the Dragon's Mouth

In many images, the Dragon is holding a round object in its mouth (as in the photographs in this article). Or he tries to catch and swallow a round object that constantly eludes him.

This is a Pearl!

According to Feng Shui, the Pearl in the Dragon's Mouth has the ability to grant wishes. The Magic Pearl is a symbol of the harmony of spiritual and material wealth. This is a symbol of the Unity of Opposites, the inseparability of matter and spirit. It is believed that if the Dragon does not have a Pearl, he is angry and may not bring good luck.

Choose your Dragon with a Pearl in its Mouth!

When the Dragon and Phoenix are together

If the Dragon and Phoenix are depicted together, they symbolize Man and Woman. In Feng Shui, the Dragon is considered a good, useful, and beneficial creature, and the Phoenix symbolizes eternal, unfading Love. The Dragon and Phoenix have made their match in heaven and are bound to each other forever.

In Feng Shui, the combination of Dragon and Phoenix means Endless Happiness, Love and Prosperity. The ideal place for such an image is the bedroom.

Magic Dragon Tears

Dragon tears are tears of joy that Dragons shed as they look at us from the clouds. On the way from heaven to earth, tears harden and turn into crystals.

Dragon tears in feng shui are very large and powerful crystals. Their four corners disperse energy to the four cardinal directions and convey feelings of joy, love and strength.

Dear friend, I wish you Good Luck and Prosperity, Strength and Courage, Favorable Changes and Wonderful Achievements! And let the ancient art of Feng Shui be your Good Helper!

Polina Radetskaya,

Psychologist and Feng Shui Master


P.S.On our website there are more articles about Attracting Luck and Prosperity into your life:

I Attract Prosperity, or a Feast in My Beautiful Castle (hit! Leading in number of views)

P.P.S. Talisman of Luck and Prosperity in a circle, handmade by a Feng Shui Master

Talisman Attracts :


    Kind Good luck in all endeavors

  • Energy Success and cash flow

  • Health and longevity

  • Good luck and harmony in family relationships

  • Equilibrium between business relations and personal life

  • Joy and Prosperity!



Based on calligraphy done by a Calligraphy Master from Japan

Color and Meaning

Purple - red – the color of inner harmony and happiness for no apparent reason. Helps maintain calm and emotional restraint.

The color of inspiration, manifestation of abilities and talents!


Velvet . Material of kings - brings Luck, Fame and Glory.



Natural fibers:Reed paper based

The reed is harmonious and beautiful. It reminds us of lakes with islands and ducks with ducklings. It reminds me of my childhood.

Reed gives a feeling of the world's favor


Natural, light brown





Dark golden metallic, noble color. I painted the frame by hand.


17.7*23.7 cm

The talisman is worth

1,500 rubles

A wonderful talisman. For thousands of years it has been giving its owners Balance and Harmony! Peace and Inspiration!

May your life be full of them!


Your Polina Radetskaya,

Psychologist and Feng Shui Master,

Lillian Tu Feng Shui for Love. 168 practical tips"

Bridget Gertner "Feng Shui: Lucky Talismans"

Anastasia Wei “Feng Shui: Golden Rules”

Lillian Tu, Symbols of Good Luck in Feng Shui

Spektor A. A. “The Complete Encyclopedia of Feng Shui”

Maria Diamond "The Very Simple Law of Attraction"

Lem Kem Chun "Feng Shui: how to harmonize your personality"

The ultimate goal of the teachings of Feng Shui is the harmonization of a person’s life, the activation of positive energies (both around oneself and in oneself) and directing them in the necessary direction.

Ancient Chinese science offers many ways to achieve this. And the most common method is proper arrangement the interior of the room in accordance with the characteristics of the impact of certain elements in certain areas. And here the figurines play an important role, each of which carries a deep meaning, as well as their proper placement in the house.

But before you buy such a figurine for your home, you need to know its meaning. In this article we will talk about a dragon figurine - one of the most powerful talismans in the practice of Feng Shui.

Legend of the Dragon

In Chinese mythology it has developed a large number of legends about dragons and their influence on human life.

One of them says that God sent a dragon and a turtle to earth so that they would save people from the flood. Since then, the dragon has symbolized protection and support.

Another legend says that it was dragons who were considered the guardians of magical pearls with incredible properties. This explains why the dragon in the figurines often holds a pearl in its paws.

In general, we can say that in China the dragon is traditionally considered a powerful talisman, because its breath generates the cosmic energy Qi. In honor of dragons, the country even holds carnivals and celebrations.

The meaning of the figure

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the dragon is considered a universal talisman that gives strength to its owner, increases his well-being, and protects him from influence dark forces, improves his relationships with others.

Most often, a dragon is a figurine of a creature that looks like a snake, but with four legs and sharp spines on its back. The dragon is a mediator between the earthly and the heavenly; he can fulfill our deepest desires.


Such a figurine will attract positive changes to your home - in your personal life, financially and spiritually. Since the dragon also symbolizes wisdom, it can make a person calmer, more reasonable and more harmonious.

This figure is perfect for those who do business, as it gives a person everything necessary qualities for success and prosperity in this field: perseverance, courage, determination and strength.

It should be noted that the dragon symbolizes the male yang energy, so it can become an ideal talisman for representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

The dragon figure can be made from a wide variety of materials and can be large or small. Choose the figurine that you liked the most: both in color and size.

The most important thing you need to remember is that the dragon needs to “open its eyes”, that is, activate it correctly. You won't need much time for this.

All you have to do is calculate from the Chinese calendar when the day of the dragon arrives. It is on this day, in the morning, between 7 and 9 o’clock, take a brush and black paint and put dots on the eyes of your figurine. At the same time, make sure that the dragon’s eyes are directed to the east at this time.

Where to put

Eastern zone. In this part of your home, the dragon will awaken your talents and promote success in all endeavors.

South-East zone. An increase in cash flows, as well as personal self-realization, is guaranteed if you place the talisman in this zone.

South zone. If you decide to place a dragon in this part of the house, do not place it alone - let it be paired with a phoenix or peacock. Then they will contribute to the growth of your authority.

South-West zone. Here the talisman will harmonize family relationships and contribute to their strengthening.

Western zone. The dragon in the western part of the house will help improve your health and the health of your loved ones.

Northwestern zone. The figurine will favor businessmen and managers.

Northern zone. It is better to place a dragon in this zone together with a turtle - then your career will go uphill.

North-East zone. Promotes intellectual development, makes a person smart and his mind clear.

Central zone. It will help you become more balanced and calm, and make wise and informed decisions.

Types of dragon figurines

A dragon with a pearl in its paws is considered a symbol of harmony and protects in achieving goals.

Dragon and phoenix. This magical couple will protect your family hearth and improve your relationships with people around you.

A dragon on coins with a turtle on its back will attract wealth into your home and improve the health of your loved ones.

The dragon, which has five toes on its paws, is considered the most powerful in terms of impact. If you are having big troubles in some area of ​​your life, buy such a figurine and everything will get better very soon.


Feng Shui theory believes that the dragon is one of the most important magic items designed to ensure peace and harmony in the home. In European countries, this mythical unearthly creature always plays the role of a negative character, but the Chinese revere this character for his strength and will. They believe that it is in the dragon that the spirit of earth and sky are closely intertwined.

According to the dragon, it is a very powerful amulet with which a person can protect his home from any evil, plus ensure prosperity and well-being.

Qing Long is an unusually powerful mystical animal and the most important creature of Heaven according to the mythical teachings of the Chinese. Thus, the Azure Dragon reliably protects the inhabitants of the East and portends positive changes in their lives. The dragon symbolizes imperial power in China; it is not for nothing that a five-legged winged dragon was always depicted on the imperial mantle.

In general, as for the people of China, the dragon symbolizes their nation and various benefits. It is because of this that its images with various figures are in such great demand among the Chinese. It is traditionally believed that the art of Feng Shui appeared thanks to dragons.

So ancient legend tells us about a dragon that emerged from the waters of the Yellow River, which was decorated with multi-colored lines on its back. It was this amazing creature that prompted the ancient sage to reveal the symbols necessary to characterize all philosophical terms known today.

Thanks to this, all the processes with objects, the traditional symbolism of Feng Shui, the famous “Book of Changes” arose, later with the concept of Ba Gua and other methods typical of this art.

Why do you need a dragon in your home, how to place it correctly

The dragon in the house is intended to provide its owner with career success, success in financial matters, as well as protect its owner from dishonest people and ensure his success and prosperity. Symbolizing well-manifested Yang energy, the dragon acts as the patron of the strong half of humanity. Thus, the Guardian of the East evokes an association with the awakening forces of nature, growth and different types new beginnings. If you place this traditional Chinese symbol in your home, it will definitely attract financial well-being.

To make the dragon's actions even more effective, it must be placed correctly. Place the figurine to the left of the entrance to the home; ideally, the dragon should be located in the eastern part of the house. It is also permissible to place a dragon in your living room - in this way it will introduce a powerful flow of Yang energy into the room.

The amulet must be placed on a special stand, pedestal or elevation. But pay attention to the fact that the dragon should not be located higher than the height of a person, because in this case he will turn from a patron into an insidious and dexterous manipulator.

Correct activation of the talisman

In order for the dragon to awaken to life, it must be properly activated.

To begin with you take chinese calendar, find the Day of the Dragon in it, and then in morning time from 7 to 9:00 in the morning (these hours are the time of this mythical animal), take a previously unused brush and black ink and draw eyes on the dragon figurine. And when you perform this ritual, it is important that the dragon faces the East side Sveta. Additionally, it is allowed to consecrate the dragon's eyes using a special aroma stick.

What feng shui masters will tell you about the dragon

The element of water has the ability to awaken the dragon and force it to produce a flow of invaluable Qi energy. Therefore, it is allowed to place dragon figurines near the aquarium and even in the kitchen next to the sink, because tap water acts as a symbol clean water, which ends up in your home. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the amulet should under no circumstances be located towards the toilet or in the bathroom. In an opposite situation, you risk quickly losing your financial well-being and luck. The southern part of the house, which represents the sector of fire, is also not suitable for this mystical creature

Note, ideal option The amulets will be an animal made from . But in general, the material used to make the figurine does not play a big role, unlike the color. The most favorable colors will be all green and blue.

Do not forget also that a dragon, which was brought into the house for the purpose of change, can attract both positive and negative changes. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the wrath of this whimsical animal, you should control its hot character, this can be done by the Wise Turtle, the beautiful Phoenix and the eternal antagonist of the Dragon, the Tiger. With harmonious feng shui, the Dragon will always restrain the emotions of the Tiger and exactly the opposite.

It is very important that the dragon is not too big size, because otherwise this creature will become dominant in your home and its energy will become very unpredictable. Instead of a dragon, we can use a plant, preferably one that is alive, but in principle we can take an artificial one, the main thing is Green colour. And if the plant is in the flowering phase, it is ideal that it has blue or blue flowers, but the use of holly or thorny plants is strictly prohibited.

Types of dragons in the home

The most popular version of talismans is a dragon that holds a pearl in its paws. Such a figurine is the personification of wisdom, harmony and is an unusually powerful talisman in the art of Feng Shui. It is not at all surprising that it is precisely this Dragon that the Chinese patronize and personify with the emperors.

As for the production material, it doesn’t really matter what the dragon is made of - it can be porcelain, jade, bronze, or copper, plus there are options for images drawn in the form of paintings or created as panels.

Considering the most favorable color scheme, it should be noted that dragons in general can have any color: green, blue, yellow, golden or red. Based on the color of the dragon, you will know where it is best to place it. For example, green dragons located in the eastern part of the house will improve the health of their owners and also have a beneficial effect on family relationships in a couple.

A figurine that brings happiness according to the art of Feng Shui can easily be made with your own hands. In this case, you can use any materials at hand. You just need to use your imagination as much as possible. There is an opinion that a dragon made with one’s own hand is charged with a person’s personal energy and is tuned in to bring his various plans and ideas into life.

At the end of the article, we can summarize that if you place a dragon in your home, always remember that this creature will be a harbinger of changes, and the most important thing is that they be exclusively positive. Therefore, masters of the art of Feng Shui advise additionally using figurines of a turtle or phoenix to pacify the anger of a winged creature. mandatory follow all the recommendations listed above.

Finally, it’s worth watching an interesting thematic video:

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