Meaning of the name diamond in Tatar. The meaning of the name diamond, origin, character and fate of the name diamond

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At birth, each of us is given a unique name. In ancient times he was given special meaning. Thus, it was believed that the name completely influences the fate of a person and determines his character.

Currently, this theory has become a relic of the past. Few people name children based solely on the meaning of the name. However, scientists have proven that it still influences the development of a person’s character.

Fashion for names

Today it is very popular to call children exotic and If at the beginning of the formation of the Soviet state one could meet Vladlena and Oktyabrina, then towards the end of the twentieth century they became fashionable simple names, such as Olga, Maria, Tatyana.

The new century is characterized by a surge of interest in exotics, and in the field of onomastics too. Today it is easier to meet Stefania and Radomir than Elena and Natalia. Turkic and Asian names are considered no less fashionable today. We will examine one of them in this article.

Meaning of the name Diamond

Today, an increasing number of boys are called this. It is believed that this name, symbolizing wealth, will lead a child to it. Is it so? Or are such speculations just an attempt to justify the parents’ desire to make their child stand out from the crowd?

To clarify the situation a little, let's take a closer look at the meaning of the name Almaz. Male name given to boys - future warriors. It was believed that the fighter who was so named would have diamond strength and longevity.


So, Diamond. Name meaning: precious, unique, best. It is of ancient Turkic origin. Arabs often called children this way, comparing their character qualities to a precious stone. In ancient Persia, diamond was considered a natural amulet against dark forces. To protect the child from them, he was called by this name.

Child's character

How will the baby named Almaz grow up? We already know the meaning of the name; it’s time to determine its influence on fate. Let's consider the main character traits inherent in such a person:

  • Reasonableness.
  • Justice.
  • Conflict-free resolution of disputes.
  • Sociability.

The child will grow up in harmony. He does not like conflicts and prefers to resolve them peacefully. Calm and affectionate, Almaz will not cause parents problems in raising him. However, the eastern roots of the name may awaken. This will lead to the appearance of stubbornness and tenacity in character.

Secrets of success

Brilliant Diamond! The meaning of the name only confirms this epithet. For in the future the young man is doomed to success, luck and glory. However, reaching them will not be so easy. But first things first.

The boy is very emotional. Sometimes this prevents him from revealing and developing his talents. Knowing such sins, it is necessary to restrain unexpected impulses. Only hard work and constant control of emotions will allow Almaz not only to achieve success, but also to reach its pinnacle.

It is better for a person with this name to choose creative professions. You can achieve success in journalism or on the theater stage.

You should not choose an economics or accounting specialty. Almaz's creative nature must be constantly in search.


Who will Almaz be happy with? The meaning of the name will reveal this secret to us. So...

Since childhood, such a baby attracts everyone's attention. It is difficult to find a person who would have more friends than Almaz. His sociable nature allows him to easily find friends. At the same time, friendship comes first for him. Almaz takes each of his comrades very seriously and is ready to help at any time.

However, it is not possible to achieve this with all people. harmonious relations. So, misunderstandings may arise with Natalya, Irina, Alexander.

The name Almaz is ideally compatible with the names Karina, Rose, Regina and Rustam. In relationships with these people there is harmony and complete mutual understanding.

You should treat Oleg and Vladislav with caution. When communicating with them, unpleasant conflicts may arise.

In conclusion, we add that Almaz is the name of leaders and winners. Its owner has a persistent character. It is not for nothing that it is compared to the strongest gemstone. It is difficult to find a more disciplined person than Almaz. His creative nature and self-criticism endow the boy with leadership qualities.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Diamond is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Synonyms for the name Almaz. Almas, Ilmaz, Ilmas, Elmaz.
Origin of the name Almaz. The name Almaz is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Almaz, translated from Arabic, means the name of the stone from which this name came, or rather “diamond”, “diamond”. Very often in the meaning of “brilliant”, “excellent”, “magnificent”.

In Turkic languages ​​this name means “precious stone”, sometimes “the best steel”. For Turkic peoples, the name Almaz is more familiar than for Russians, but in its form it is not much different from the Russian name. For Russians, for whom names from the names of minerals are atypical, the ancient worldly name Almaz was known. The explanation for this lies in how the name Almaz got into the Russian language. The word “diamond” came to the Russians from the Turks, possibly from the Tatars. The Tatars borrowed it from the Arabs, the Arabs from the Greeks.

The Volga Tatars still use the name Almaz, which has the variants Almas, Ilmaz, Ilmas. It means “will not touch, will not take.” This name was given so that the child would not get sick and evil forces he was not defeated. This name is semantically close to the name Ulmas (“will not die, immortal”), Ulmeskhan (“immortal khan”), Ulmasbai (“immortal rich man”), Ulmasbikә (“immortal princess”). From the name Almaz the Tatars formed female name Almasia. Also, the name may sound like Elmaz, and can be either male or female.

Among the Bashkirs the name Almas is used, which is used among both boys and girls. For men, the name expresses the desire for the child to be as strong as a diamond. For a female name, the interpretation given is “precious”, “dear”, “priceless”, “beautiful”.

Among the Kazakhs they use the name Almaz or Almas, which has two meanings. The first of these came from Greek language and is translated as “diamond”, meaning “hard” and the second is from Arabic, which is translated as “pure”, “most valuable”, “precious”. From the name Almaz, the Kazakhs formed the names Almasbay, Almasbek, Almaskhan and the feminine Almasgul. Which is also written with a “z”. The Kyrgyz have a derivative name - Almazbek.

Among Azerbaijanis, the name Almaz is a feminine name. In Turkey it corresponds to the name Elmas. In English-speaking countries, the female name Diamond is found, meaning literally “diamond”, “diamond”.

The name Diamond is most widely used among eastern peoples, especially among followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. The names of this group are found in both men and women.

Diamond is characterized by activity and sociability. He always has good mood. He is an adventurer by nature. Usually a person with this name is a creative person. Sometimes he is prone to reckless actions, so he constantly needs the support and advice of a loved one. If he has a mentor next to him along the path of life, Almaz is able to achieve serious success. Otherwise, his fate may not turn out so smoothly.

The owner of this name will be able to realize himself very well in sports or art. He is talented in various directions. Almaz will make a good leader. He is always confident in his abilities, courageous, evasive, and sometimes prone to deception. Under certain circumstances, he can behave arrogantly and arrogantly.

From the outside, this man always seems to be a strong and invulnerable person. In fact, he is very sensitive to any criticism addressed to him.

This man does everything to create spiritual and physical comfort. To do this, he must be given the opportunity to find himself in life. People with this name are unusually strong, both morally and spiritually. They are capable of limitless generosity. As a rule, they achieve in life what they want and even more. Diamond is not a simple name. It can give the owner extraordinary strength, endurance, patience, courage and boundlessness.

Famous people named Almaz

  • Almaz Ivanov ((d. ​​1669) baptized Erofey; Russian entrepreneur, clerk, diplomat of the 17th century)
  • Almaz Ivanov ((XVII century) Dvina customs head)
  • Almaz Pure ((XVII century) Moscow clerk)
  • Almaz Garafiev ((born 1948) Russian philologist-Turkologist. Author of textbooks and teaching aids By Tatar language for schools and universities. Author of about 30 publications. The main direction of scientific activity is the translation and publication of Turkish sources on the history of the Volga region (chronicles, legislative acts, writings of travelers).)
  • Almazbek Atambaev ((born 1956) President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Prime Minister (2010-2011), Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan. Honorary President of the Sambo Federation of Kyrgyzstan.)
  • Almaz Gismeev ((born 1963) Russian athlete, nine-time world champion in kickboxing, ten-time champion of Russia, Honored Master of Sports and Honored Coach Russian Federation in kickboxing, deputy of the Murmansk City Council. A well-known resident of the city of Murmansk. He created his own kickboxing school, held commercial and non-commercial fights and competitions, and was actively involved in introducing young people to martial arts.)
  • Almaz Ibragimov ((born 1948) major Kazakh entrepreneur, top manager, industrialist, Doctor of Commerce of the Academy of Economic Sciences and entrepreneurial activity Russia (1998), Academician of the Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after E. Buketov and Sh. Yessenov (1998), Honorary Professor of Pavlodar state university them. S. Toraigyrova.)
  • Almaz Sarlykbekov ((1950 - 2008) theater director. People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan, Laureate of the international prize named after Ch. Aitmatov, winner of the All-Union silver medal named after A. Popov.)
  • Almaz Khamzaev ((born 1955) Kazakh statesman, diplomat)
  • Almazbek Raimkulov ((born 1977) Kyrgyz professional boxer who competed in the light weight category)
  • Almasbey Kchach ((1958 - 2012) Major General, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Abkhazia (2003-2005); Minister of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia (1996-2003))
  • The male name Almaz is of Arabic origin. This name comes from the name of the hardest stone. It means “hardest”, “brilliant”, “brilliant”, “excellent”, “magnificent”. The literal translation of this name from Persian is “dark forces will not pester this child.” Parents gave this name to their child to protect him from illness and troubles.

    The name Almaz is popular among eastern peoples. The Tatars have a feminine form of this name - Almazia. The Bashkirs use the name Almas, which is both masculine and feminine. It is believed that it makes a man as strong as a diamond, and the female version of the name has a different meaning - “precious”, “beautiful”, “dear”, “priceless”.

    Among the Kazakhs, the common names Almasbay, Almasbek, Almaskhan, as well as the female name Almasgul, derived from the name Almaz. The Kyrgyz have the name Almazbek. And among Azerbaijanis, Almaz is only a female name. In Turkey the name Elmas is used. In English-speaking countries, there is a female name Diamond, which translates as “diamond” or “diamond”. Such synonyms of the name Almaz as Ilmas, Ilmaz, Elmaz are also known.

    The meaning and characteristics of the name Almaz

    A man named Almaz is characterized by such character traits as responsibility, fairness, energy, sociability, self-confidence and courage. This is a strong and powerful personality. Almaz is a comprehensively developed and talented person who can achieve serious success in sports and art.

    IN eastern countries Diamond is usually called the first child in the family, who will be a reliable support for parents and younger children. Therefore, the boy develops an unusual a strong character. He gets used to taking care of the younger ones and being a leader. At school he also strives for leadership. Almaz chooses his life path early and strives to achieve his goal. He is a devoted friend and is always ready to help.

    Diamond is prone to adventurism and recklessness, so next to him there should be close person or a mentor, whose advice will direct Diamond’s energy in the right direction. Sometimes Diamond can lie. Does not like criticism and can be offended over trifles for a long time. Can sometimes be arrogant and arrogant.

    Diamond has organizational skills and can become good leader. Among the areas of activity, a sports career and own business. Almaz's creative nature feels the need to constantly be in search, so he can become a good actor, TV presenter or journalist. He can also make a career in politics.

    Diamond likes beautiful and smart girls. If Almaz falls in love, he can go to great lengths for his chosen one. He will be unusually generous and caring. A calm and patient girl who knows how to listen to her husband and give him good advice if necessary. Almaz will be a leader in the family and an example for children. The wife must agree with him in everything, and the children will be raised in strictness. He will try to be a good father.

    Eastern names are becoming increasingly popular today. Parents strive to make their child stand out from the crowd and make his life more eventful and successful through positive influence name. One of these names is Diamond.

    Origin of the name Almaz

    The name Almaz, which came from the Arabs and Turks, has several meanings: “diamond”, “brilliant”, “dear” and “the best steel”. The word "diamond" was originally borrowed from the Greeks by the Arabs and Turkic peoples.

    Names derived from the names of various minerals are not very common among the Russian population. However, among the Volga Tatars you can still meet people with that name. It also has several other variations of pronunciation and spelling: Almas, Yilmaz or Ilmas. Parents gave their children this name as a talisman against dark forces, evil eye, diseases. The name Almaz has synonymous variants: Ulmas (“will not die, immortal”), Ulmasbikә (“immortal princess”), Elmaz and Almazia.

    People named Almaz can often be found among the Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz and Azerbaijanis. Among the Kyrgyz, it can be assigned to both boys and girls. For men, it expresses parting words to be strong, like one of the hardest minerals. For girls there is a different meaning - “precious” and “beautiful”. Among the population of today's Kazakhstan, the name Almaz (Almas) is found everywhere and has two interpretations: the first is “precious”, the second is “hard”. It also influenced the appearance of some Kazakh names: Almasbey and Almazbek.

    The name Almaz (Almas) is found everywhere in the East and has two interpretations: the first is “precious”, the second is “hard”, taking on the qualities of the stone from which the name came

    The name Diamond is also used in other countries. For example, in English-speaking countries you can meet a girl with the name Diamond, which literally means “diamond”; in Turkey there is a name with a similar meaning, Elmas.

    Table: the name Diamond in foreign languages

    If a name or its analogue, similar in meaning and sound, is not in the calendar, priests recommend choosing names for baptism that coincide with the child’s name day, as well as with name days close to the child’s birthday. This advice is also relevant for Diamond.

    Table: forms of the name Diamond

    General characteristics of the name Almaz

    The diamond gemstone acts as a symbol of hardness, strength, brilliance and light; Diamond is also a symbol of such aspects of personality as purity, innocence, invincibility, strength. A man named Almaz also has these qualities.

    In childhood

    Parents often name their first child Almaz. He, as the eldest in the family, must be an assistant to his parents. The boy realizes and proudly fulfills his duty. Children bearing this name usually have high self-esteem, enter adulthood early, have good reputation among peers at school, often being leaders. Almaz's studies are easy - he grasps everything literally on the fly, and his academic performance is much above average. Almaz’s efforts are connected with his desire to please his parents; their praise is incredibly important for the boy.

    Almaz has creative abilities, is a good student, and needs approval from his parents.

    During adolescence

    The young man, who was given the name Almaz, is characterized by athleticism and mobility. Playing sports will help ensure that the guy is sufficiently active. The guy seems unapproachable and invulnerable, but in fact he is very emotional. In this regard, he takes criticism painfully. He is characterized by resourcefulness and cunning. From time to time, a boy may exhibit selfishness, inflated self-esteem, arrogance and sometimes cruelty.

    Diamond is by nature a very merciful, kind and understanding person, even despite his firmness and occasional cruelty along with unshakable stubbornness. Ready to help anyone who asks. Loves comfort and luxury. He will be able to achieve goals of any complexity thanks to well-developed willpower. However, the lack of support from a wise and understanding person can negatively affect the fate of a young man.

    Almaz is an active young man, so he needs to play sports

    Grown man

    Having entered adulthood, Almaz, having gained wisdom and experience, will begin to realize some mistakes and missed unrealized plans of his youth, which will certainly affect his psychological health and spiritual development. Therefore, he will do everything to restore this state of inner peace. To do this, he must be given the opportunity to find himself and his place in life.

    The name Diamond can give its owner optimism, courage, perseverance, generosity, patience, sociability and activity. Without a moral guide, a man may commit reckless actions. Because of them, his life may not turn out as smoothly as he would like.

    When meeting an adult Almaz, it seems that he is an unshakable rock, but in reality he is very emotional and sensitive. He tries with all his might to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere around himself.

    Diamond loves comfort and luxury


    Person named Almaz has excellent execution skills. The authorities can always rely on him, being confident that Almaz will not let him down. Such trust ensures the absence financial problems. The man himself is ready to give all his strength to achieve success and a comfortable existence for himself and his loved ones. Almaz claims more to be a performer than a leader. But there are exceptions when Almaz manages to occupy a management position, because he is decisive, reacts quickly in any situation, and makes thoughtful and informed decisions. He prefers to work in pairs with someone rather than alone. The quality that Diamond needs to get rid of for greater success is a tendency to deceive. Ideal areas of activity for Almaz: sports and art, where perseverance, activity, courage and creativity are needed.

    Diamond is perfect for professions related to art.


    Baby Almazik has been in good health since childhood. Until old age, there are no problems with well-being. In sports, injuries are rare, but almost always serious. In the second half of life, problems with the heart and joints may appear, such as arthritis, gout, cardiovascular failure, hypertension. High risk of heart attack. Old injuries will definitely make themselves felt.

    Interesting and beautiful rhymes for the name Diamond - black-eyed, order, phrases, tale, az, laughing, story, topaz, ladies' man, mighty elm, thunder shook, issued a decree, saved from death, he will not betray.

    Love and family

    Almaz chooses his chosen one based on her appearance and wealth spiritual world. Qualities that Almaz’s life partner should have: patience, the ability to listen and understand her chosen one. Build family life It’s not easy with this person, but it’s quite possible. Sometimes he is capricious and picky towards household members. But, in general, as a husband, Almaz is caring and responsive. He tries to solve all family problems peacefully, and not by quarrel. In the role of a spouse he shows authority, in the role of a father he shows responsiveness and tenderness.

    Almaz values ​​his family and loves children very much

    Table: compatibility of the name Almaz

    Meanings of letters in the name Diamond

    Letters also play a significant role in shaping the meaning of a name and its influence on character. Each sound has its own special meaning:

    • A. People whose name begins with the first letter of the alphabet are characterized by courage, leadership abilities, ambition, will and arrogance. They strive for self-development. They prefer to create, not just consume;
    • L. The ability to see true beauty, developed Creative skills, genuine kindness and generosity. Looking for true love, while not forgetting about satisfying physical needs;
    • M. Philanthropy, charisma, caring, unobtrusiveness. Such a person really likes to be a family man. It is important for him to acquire a stable source of income as soon as possible. Only in this state of affairs does he feel safe. Charming;
    • A. The influence of the letter is doubled;
    • Z. Bottomless imagination, common sense. Faithful in marriage. Has good intuition. Can be boring. Indifferent to other people's grief. May become withdrawn.

    Table: astrological correspondences of the name

    Forever shining

    Sparkling in its edges,

    Light shimmering into a rainbow,

    Hardness fused

    In a stone fortress,

    Pure and fiery -

    There is nothing like it in the world.

    Glows fast

    Bright sparks

    The reflection is boundless from different sides,

    The views are enchanting,


    He pleases with his gentle fragility.

    V. Pavelin

    In many ways, a guy named Diamond is similar to the stone of the same name: pure and beautiful, shining and bright, hard and indestructible.

    Water lily - Diamond's totem plant

    Table: the character of Diamond depending on the time of birth

    SummerA little vanity and selfishness, a thirst for adventure, straightforwardness are the obligatory qualities of Almaz, who was born in summer period. Assertive, he gets his way at any cost. The character is complex, and therefore it is not easy to communicate with him.
    AutumnExcessive demands from the people around him, perseverance and perseverance, and justice are characteristic of Almaz, who was born at the time yellow leaves. It won't be easy for him to walk along the long life path because of his craving for justice, but he will only be surrounded by people who really suit his character.
    WinterPrudence will allow the Winter Diamond to achieve success in life. Irresponsibility, lack of restraint and inconstancy can destroy him. Sincere and kind, quite impulsive. Few women meet his requirements, so he gets married quite late.
    SpringEmotionality is the main character trait of the spring Diamond. He easily uses charisma, especially to commit selfish acts, is dissatisfied with himself, and therefore strives for perfection, which with a high degree of probability he will not achieve. Dreams of becoming an exemplary spouse, but is often not capable of this.

    Number of the name Diamond

    The number of the name Almaz is 2. It indicates a lack of impudence, friendliness, humanism and the ability to negotiate. Two brings balance, well-being and stability. In the science of numbers, two is interpreted as a kind of contrast, balancing between good and evil, life and death, wealth and poverty. Loneliness negatively affects such a person; he needs the support of friends and loved ones.

    In order to succeed, Twos need cooperation and the use of intuition. Understanding others and the ability to see the essence of things are the main qualities of a person whose name number is two. Such people make good doctors, teachers and psychologists.

    The number two of the name represents constant variability, which can lead to self-doubt and disappointment in life.

    Understanding others and the ability to see the essence of things are the main qualities of a person whose name number is two

    Table: horoscope named Almaz

    Almaz-AriesUnpredictability, impulsiveness and difficult temperament. He is sociable and attentive to others. Since he loves freedom, he marries late and reluctantly.
    Diamond-TaurusStubborn and purposeful. This gives him big advantage in any activity, but turns other people against him. He tends to impose his opinion on everyone he meets, so he has few good friends and acquaintances.
    Diamond-GeminiSociable, charismatic and friendly men. Future profession such a person is likely to be associated with communication. He is especially drawn to girls who are characterized by inconstancy and frivolity.
    Almaz-CancerEmotionality, moodiness, impulsiveness and absent-mindedness. It is Diamond-Cancer who is the ideal father.
    Almaz-LevStrong both physically and mentally, loves to be a leader, sees people through and through. He admires people who, even in difficult situations, tell the truth.
    Almaz-VirgoHe can be considered a true gentleman: charming, attentive, well-mannered, balanced and a connoisseur of tranquility.
    Diamond-LibraHe has charm, sensuality, romance and a subtle sense of humor. Leadership is clearly not his quality, but wisdom is. He is a good father and a faithful husband, an ideal family man.
    Almaz-ScorpioChangeability, impulsiveness and determination. He is attractive, but at the same time he repels people. He is very freedom-loving, fickle, therefore he is not one hundred percent compatible with anyone. Passionate by nature, but serious relationship not for him.
    Almaz-SagittariusFriendly, cheerful guy. His problem is still with early childhood- gullibility. In relationships with the fair sex, he is calm and tends to idealize his chosen one, which is why he is often disappointed in love and falls into prolonged depression.
    Almaz-CapricornHe will grow up to be prudent, practical, talented and friendly. In everything he will strive for the highest standard, as he is persistent and purposeful. His chosen one is a time-tested friend, positive, faithful, active and sincere.
    Almaz-AquariusHe has a remarkable imagination. He is proud of his powers of observation and wit and believes that he has the right to judge others. But he hardly dares to say anything directly, as he is indecisive and closed. He needs a decisive and wise companion.
    Diamond-PiscesGood-natured, correct, prone to perfectionism and daydreaming. He can “go with the flow,” placing the reins of the family in the hands of his wife. Quite ready to obey her.

    Photo gallery: famous personalities named Almaz

    Almaz Gismeyev - nine-time world champion in kickboxing Almaz Sarlykbekov - People's Artist of Kyrgyzstan Almaz Ibragimov - Kyrgyz businessman Almaz Khamzaev - Kazakh statesman, diplomat

    The eastern name Diamond carries the deepest meaning - it endows its bearer with all the properties inherent in the name of the same name. gemstone. The boy, whom his parents will call Diamond, will become a joy and support for them, and already an adult man - a worthy member of society.


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