Meaning of the name Aristarchus for a boy. Meaning of the name Aristarchus

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Forms of the name Aristarchus

Other forms of the name Aristarchus: Arist, Aristides.

The name Aristarchus in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿里山德 (ali-shan-de). Japanese: アレクサンダ(are-ku-san-da). Arabic: إسكندر (is-kan-der). Hindi: अलेक्जेंडर (alek-jen-der). Ukrainian: Oleksandr. Greek: ἀλέξωἀνδρ (a-le-xander). English: Alexander (e-lee-xan-de).

Origin of the name Aristarchus

The male name Aristarchus comes from Ancient Greece, where they called a man who was “the head of the best” - the best boss. This name has very good energy: strong and active, meaning that Aristarchus must possess such qualities as firmness, determination, and the desire for leadership.

Characteristics of the name Aristarchus

In our country the name Aristarchus is not very common; it is considered old-fashioned and ecclesiastical. However, parents who are just looking for something unusual and rare name for your child, it will probably be interesting to know more about this name. So, what can we say about Aristarchus? As a child, he is a calm, quiet and sickly boy; he does not like noisy games and kindergarten; his peers often tease and offend him.

Aristarchus knows that he is smarter than his peers, and therefore has a hard time with the fact that they always treat him with disdain. It is as a result of this attitude that the owner of this name has a desire for leadership, he dreams that one fine day he will become richer, more famous, better than others. In adulthood, this desire does not disappear, but often career success Aristarchus achieves on his own, thanks to his efficiency and entrepreneurial talent.

Often the owners of this name prefer solitude or the company of one, but best friend. They have high intelligence, are kind, slightly nervous, and have a hard time with change.

The secret of the name Aristarchus

As a child, he was a weak and defenseless boy who was very calm. He feels bad with his peers, because they often offend him. Likes to play alone, often prefers the company of girls.

Aristarchus loves to teach important look. But even this quality does not prevent him from having many friends. He is an outwardly calm person, but in reality he is overly nervous. His emotionality often goes beyond all boundaries. Aristarchus comes up with problems himself, gets nervous over trifles and worries. He is influenced and easily excitable.

This man has difficulty adapting to everything new. He is horrified by the very thought that something needs to change. For him ideal option is work on site.

He spends all his time with his family. Loves children and his wife. Aristarchus can easily take on household responsibilities. He always consults with his wife about matters. His family is strong and friendly.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Incompatibility of the name Aristarchus

Rare and unusual male name Aristarchus is actually very worthy of naming his son, especially his first-born, by this name. Because the meaning of the name Aristarchus is “leader of the first” or “leader of the best,” and only sons worthy were called by this name great destiny.

This name has Greek origin, and its roots go back to antiquity. Synonyms of the name – Aristide, Arist. Abbreviated or affectionately they say Arist, Aristasha, Aristyusha, Arik, Arichek. Aristarchus celebrates his name day twice a year - on January 17 and November 27.

What is he like, what awaits him?

If you remember what the name Aristarchus means, then it immediately becomes clear why the boy has such a strong and persistent character. This little man seems to understand from an early age that he was born for great victories and brilliant conquests. He is the bravest among the other boys, the most lively and active, he is never afraid of anything or anyone.

He can stand up not only for himself, but also for the weak, whom he always protects. A real little warrior, Aristarchus is not only brave and courageous, but also cunning. He can go ahead, or he can find a cunning workaround, come up with an incredible plan. You won't get bored with him!

Friends love Aristarchus and respect him very much. True, it is better not to enter into an argument or conflict with him - it will only get worse. He doesn’t need diplomacy; he can achieve his goal on his own, defend his interests, prove he’s right.

In disputes or quarrels, Aristarchus is tireless and passionate, he always has the last word! This guy is a fierce fighter for justice. He is a wonderful friend, he really appreciates moral principles, honor, freedom, friendship.

He hates it when someone deceives, flatters, or is a hypocrite; it all makes him furious. Aristarchus is very irritable, he will never hide his feelings, and will not remain silent if something does not suit him.

The adult Aristarchus is “number one” everywhere and in everything. He chooses his profession quite early, often even at early childhood. This is a rare example of how a childhood dream becomes a lifelong endeavor. If he decided as a child that he would become a fireman or rescuer, then so be it!

He builds his career confidently, boldly, and knows how to work without getting tired at all. Overworks, being an example of workaholism. But he also reaches the top quite early - often before all his peers, it is Aristarchus who buys his own home, car, and lives to envy former classmates and fellow students. He knows how he wants to live and confidently strives towards this goal.

Aristarchus is more inclined to hard work than to creativity. He likes everything concrete, everything that can be weighed, calculated, sorted into shelves and carefully planned, so he rarely chooses art. He is a leader in everything, so with a high degree of probability he will become a leader, and later even the president of some successful company.

Money has great importance for this man, because Aristarchus clearly understands: without them it is impossible to live harmoniously and fully. He treats money as a means to realize his desires, and not as a blind goal.

He turns out to be a strict boss, very demanding, but fair. He does not demand the impossible, does not press without reason, never humiliates his subordinates, but demands that his work be done honestly and flawlessly.

Despite all this, Aristarchus knows how to have fun and appreciates good vacation. He is very responsible about his health, wants to live long and not get sick, and clearly knows: overwork will not bring any benefit, he needs to rest. Alcohol does not appeal to him, but he can enjoy fine wine, knowing a lot about it.

In general, when it comes to entertainment, this man chooses sophistication, high cost, high quality. Loves everything rare, interesting, spectacular and beautiful. Has a penchant for exclusive things and antiques.

Who are we compatible with?

In love, Aristarchus does not seek pleasure and thrills, but strives to immediately build a strong family. He approaches relationships very responsibly, will never cheat on his wife, will not deceive her, will not offend her.

Demanding, searching perfect couple. His woman should, like himself, be the best and the first. She must be attractive and well-groomed, not vulgar, with good taste and manners.

Aristarchus' chosen one is educated, not empty inside, has her own interests and hobbies, dreams and goals in life, and talents. She is loyal, caring, thrifty and kind. Aristarchus finds such a girl one day and creates with her happy marriage.

Usually has more than one child. He takes family and family ties very seriously, tries to provide not only for his family, but also for his parents – both his own and his wife’s. He never forgets family dates, loves to gather all relatives at one table, and is proud of his family.

Name compatibility can show which women are potentially suitable for this difficult man, and which are unlikely.

1. Perfect compatibility, love and understanding, kinship of souls, happy marriage: Anastasia, Angela, Maria, Marina, Dora, Emma, ​​Alexandra, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Olga, Irina, .

2. Good compatibility, warm relationships, attraction, great love and family are possible: Nina, Polina, Varvara, Tamara, Sofia, Regina, .

3. Low compatibility, difficulties in understanding, difference in characters: Yanina, Evgenia, Daria, Darina, Anna, Elena, Diana, Gloria, Svetlana, Natalya.

A strong character and excellent spiritual qualities - all this makes Aristarchus not only interesting man, but also a confident creator of his own destiny. You won’t be lost with someone like that, it’s comfortable, calm and good to be around. This man knows how to build real happiness not only for himself, but for all his loved ones! Author: Vasilina Serova

There are not very many abbreviated addresses to Aristarchus for use at home - Ari, Arya, Arik, Aristasha, Ristasha, Aristya, Starkh.

There are approximately the same number of synonymous forms - Aristarchos, Aristarchus, Aristarkes, Aristarko, Alistair, Listar, Listrakh, Alistarchus.

The appearance of the name Aristarchus is due to Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and the Greeks.

The name was formed according to the meaning of words from the language of the ancient Greeks, meaning in translation “the best”, “the best” and “ruler”. The language of modern Greece modifies the translation - “the best leader”, “the best boss”. In myths, the ancient Greeks gave the name “Aristarchos” to the thunder god. In modern times there is no such form of the name; it has lost popularity, is outdated and has fallen out of use. This name was often used to call clergymen.

The form of the name Aristarchus remains in demand in many countries, but in each of them the name has its own sound: the Greeks - Aristarchos, the Germans - Aristarchus, the French - Aristarke, the British - Aristarkes, the Italians and Spaniards - Aristarko. The name is not ignored by common people: Aristarchus turned into Alistarchus, Listarchus, Alistar, Listara, Elistrakh, Listrakh. Although many are inclined to attribute the name Alistair to the forms of the word Aristarchus, this is a mistake - it is from the name Alexander.

When reading part of the New Testament Bible, you can come across the name Aristarchus. Its owners of the Catholic faith celebrate their name day in early August - the 4th, and Aristarchs who profess Orthodoxy, on all other listed dates.

Characteristics of the name Aristarchus

A man with this name is often silent and reasonable, as he is not entirely confident in his abilities. He has to put on a mask of indifference, and then disdain is attributed to him, although in reality Aristarchus is extremely sensitive and sincere. It takes a lot of effort and effort for a man to be sociable. The bearer of the name is always distrustful of the unexpected and unknown. He always adheres to the rule: “and there will be a quiet cart on the mountain.” He works tirelessly, wanting to achieve praise for his work, for this Aristarchus makes every effort and effort.

The owner of the name is often lonely, despite the expressed interest in others and a craving for society. Aristarchus simply needs to take part in ongoing events to demonstrate solidarity and responsibility. He is susceptible to vulnerability and suggestibility, as a result of which he is highly dependent on his mother and, in general, on the female sex.

The bearer of the name is interested in psychological, ethnological, environmental and a huge number of various fields knowledge. All areas are available to him. Aristarchus is amorous and strives for a calm relationship. He can be an ideal father, paying a lot of attention to young children and understanding their problems. But it is possible that those named by this name themselves will remain adult children who want to find an analogue of their mother in their wife.

Aristarchus is capable of becoming researcher, work in accounting, management, choose a technical specialization, i.e. those areas in which precision and methodicality are required. He will cope with difficulty social worker, will become a consultant, teacher, psychologist - these are professions where intuition is needed. Aristarchus is capable of working as a civil servant in the field of security if he so desires.

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Origin of the name Aristarchus

The male name Aristarchus comes from the ancient Greek name Aristarchos, which is formed from two words. The word "Aristos" means "the best". And the word “archos” means “to command”, “to rule”, “to rule”. Thus, the meaning of the name Aristarchus is “the best ruler.”

The name Aristarchos was used in Greek mythology as one of the epithets of the sky god Zeus, who controls thunder and lightning. This name is mentioned several times in the New Testament.

The name Aristarchus in Greece sounds like Aristarchos, in Germany it is pronounced like Aristarchus, in France - like Aristarke, and in England - like Aristarkes. In Italy and Spain the Aristarco variant is used.

Such colloquial forms of this name are known as Alistarch, Alistar, Listarch, Listrakh, Listar, Elistrakh and others.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Aristarchus

The name Aristarchus means determination, patience, diligence, desire for leadership, strength of character and exorbitant willpower. Also, the name Aristarchus speaks of an impulsive, nervous character and painful pride. All these qualities in Aristarchus will manifest themselves to one degree or another as they grow older.

A man named Aristarchus often lacks self-confidence, so he is forced to hide behind a mask of arrogant indifference and avoid communication, although people are interesting to him, and he has a very kind and sensitive soul. Aristarchus is very vulnerable and dependent on the opinions of other people, especially his mother and wife. Can often worry about trifles.

Aristarchus does not like surprises and sudden changes in life. It is extremely difficult for him to adapt to new conditions, work and people. Therefore, he never chooses work that involves business trips.

Aristarchus is a tireless worker. He is ready to work tirelessly to receive recognition for his work. He is fair and finds recognition in any team. Aristarchus is demanding of himself and those around him. His desire for leadership and enormous capacity for work help him climb the career ladder.

Aristarchus is interested in exact sciences, as well as sciences such as psychology, ethnology and ecology. Although he can become successful in other areas. He can work as an accountant, economist or engineer. He will make an excellent teacher or researcher. He also has entrepreneurial talent. Aristarchus can make a sports career and become a coach.

He marries a calm, gentle, but strong-willed girl and becomes good husband And loving father. However, there is a possibility that Aristarchus will find a second mother in his wife and will remain for life big kid, requiring attention. He strives for well-being and tries to help his wife in everything. Aristarchus carefully and tenderly deals with the child, trying to understand his problems. He usually has a close-knit family, which he values ​​very much.

Name day

January 17, January 27, April 28, August 4, November 27

Diminutive version

Aristasha, Ristasha, Aristya


Ari, Arya, Arik, Starkh

According to church








Stone talisman





nut, honeysuckle

Totem animal


Character traits

ambition, emotionality, perseverance

Name number


Actors, celebrities, scientists, famous and famous people named

Aristarkh Lentulov ((1882-1943) Soviet artist, painter, portrait painter, designed sets for performances. He worked in the genre of “Russian avant-garde”. His works are in some of the world’s major museums and galleries.), Aristarkh Kashkin ((1723-1795) political figure, privy councilor, was the head of the Tsarskoye Selo office), Aristarkh Krapivin ((1909-1992) Soviet statesman, Hero Soviet Union(1945)), Aristarchus of Samos ((c. 310-230 BC) ancient Greek astronomer, mathematician and philosopher, was the first to publicly voice the hypothesis that the Earth revolves around the Sun, worked to improve the calendar, invented flat sundial, founder of trigonometry, developed a method for calculating the distances from the Earth to the Moon and the Sun), Aristarkh Polubensky ((1831-1868) Russian doctor), Alistair Overeem ((born 1980) Dutch MMA fighter and heavyweight kickboxer)

Names: origin and forms

Aristarch- (from Greek) leader of the best.

Derivatives: Aristakha, Aristasha, Ristasha, Aristya, Arya.

The mystery of the name

Aristarch- leader of the best (ancient Greek).
The name has great active energy. The name is rare.
Zodiac name: Calf.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: bright green.
Talisman stone: emerald.
Auspicious plant: nut, honeysuckle.
Patron name: albatross.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: persistence, ambition.


Aristarch, apostle, companion of the Apostle Paul, then bishop, died a martyr in Rome in the year 64 on April 28 (15).


Aristarchus is a snowman: always with greenery. The shine of the cloud on this day means warmth and rain. Hot during the day, cool at night - good weather.


The child is stubborn and always tries to insist on his own. The character is contradictory. At school he takes all assignments responsibly, but his studies are uneven, it all depends on his mood. In high school, vanity appears, he wants to be a leader, and he studies much better. He gets along quickly with his comrades, but just as quickly quarrels if someone does not recognize his authority.

The adult Aristarchus is a persistent, active person. He is decisive and firm, always and everywhere he wants to be the first and most often achieves what he wants. Hardy, not afraid of difficulties, but can be irritable if something doesn’t work out. Aristarchus is very serious and does not always understand a joke, which leads to unpleasant situations.

Aristarchus likes to act independently and does not recognize authorities. Interested in politics and art.

Aristarchus experiences failures acutely, is sensitive, and proud. However, he already knows how to value friendship and will do anything for a friend, even to the detriment of himself.

Marriage to Aristarchus is difficult; he suppresses family members with his will. However, he and his wife are patient, helps her, does not neglect homework. Children love him. With age, Aristarchus becomes more flexible and less serious.

Loves hunting and fishing. He cooks from trophies himself and has his own special recipes.

Surname: Aristarkhovich, Aristarkhovna.


Every artist has in his creative path there is the most important thing in which the peculiarity of his talent is expressed. Such a feature for Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) was the picturesqueness of his works. He perceived the surrounding reality through color and light saturation. He was invariably delighted with the sunrises and sunsets over city streets or the expanses of a river, blue-orange rocks above the blue of the southern sky, a night pierced by flickering lights, and the transparent green of sea water.

With Aristarkh Lentulov, the most familiar objects - a samovar, flowers - become sources of intense energy, and the most traditional genres - historical, still life, portrait, landscape - turn into expressive, colorful generalization images filled with dynamics.

His most famous works, “Moscow” and “St. Basil’s” from 1915, are seen through the eyes of a man who lived at the turn of the century, who inspired these familiar images new life, which turned them into symbols of the coming era.

Dynamic shifts, colliding planes of color, which enliven the motionless architecture, create the impression of an agitated and fluctuating fairy-tale mirage.

The artist wrote that he does not take “any corner typical of Moscow or any general form from any point. I took the highest point of Moscow, its Ivanovo Bell Tower, as the center and placed all the buildings around it... In a word, I depicted it from the point of view of three eras - the era of the 15th century, the Baroque and the modern era." All this rich festive spectacle is brought out of a state of rest the ringing of the bells of Ivan the Great and many other churches, since the image itself was brought to life by the solemn customs of the Easter spring night.

In both works, a generalized image of the cathedral-universe is created, inspired by waves of hums and crimson bells and the light of white stone architecture. Awakened, brought out of its inherent immobility, the cathedral, whose domes are cracked and contours are doubled due to unusual movement, predicts the upcoming deep upheavals of the Russian way of life, which previously seemed stable and unshakable. It is no coincidence that the poet Velimir Khlebnikov wrote in his dramatic poem “The Hacking of the Universe” that “the most sensitive ones burn with foresight.”

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.


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