The meaning of the name Inna compatibility. What does the name Inna mean for a girl: full description

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To some, the name Inna will seem quite common, and to others, on the contrary, but in any case it cannot be called ubiquitous. Therefore, often, when deciding what to name their daughter in an unusual and beautiful way, young parents pay attention to this option.

In ancient times it was male name– Inna, the first mention refers to the disciples of the Apostle Andrew. This fact only confirms Orthodox history name.

The origin of the name Inna is attributed to Orthodox traditions. However, after the disciple of the Apostle Andrew, the use of such a pronunciation is mentioned when addressing Karina, Elina, Georgina, Agrippina, Dina, etc. When they began to call Iness briefly this way, it became possible to call this name exclusively female.

The history of the name Inna consists of different branches. It is attributed Gothic, Germanic, Greek and Old Russian origins, and is male in all references. Today church name Inna is given exclusively to girls.

Meaning: what the name gives to the owner

The meaning of the name Inna is described by the translation from Latin - “ torrent, floating, flowing." It would seem that its owner should be quite active, perhaps unpredictable, adventurous and sometimes harsh. But the flow can be different, so it is impossible to unambiguously describe the character. But pressure, stability in her opinion, the desire to develop - every Inna has all this.


The fate of the owner of such a name is quite predictable - everything depends only on her. The name Inna, its meaning and fate are subordinate to this girl with a strong character. An analyst by mentality will always choose the activity that she really likes: she will never agree to work without pleasure. Usually she notices her abilities and inclinations in childhood, but if this does not happen, over time she will understand what she likes and will insist on developing her talents.

Personal relationships. Sometimes developing her abilities becomes the meaning of life for the assertive Inna, and she sacrifices everything for this - family, friends, comfort. Close people often remain in the background, which leads to the destruction of relationships, discontent and conflicts. Husbands have to take on household responsibilities.

At the same time, a lot, of course, depends on the man and on how much he loves his wife: if he does not admire her talents and achievements, she herself will leave him. Finding another partner is not a problem for Inna. But the difficulties in the relationship will be the same... That is why after the first divorce she is unlikely to get married again.

However, the characteristics of the name Inna promise that she can become happy. But this will happen only when a truly honest and frank partner appears on her path.

Profession. Inna... what does this name mean? Responsibility, talent, drive. She can be a journalist or an excellent physician, a competent engineer or businesswoman, a photo reporter or an analyst-consultant in any field. But if she suddenly realizes that this is not her thing, new interests appear or new talents are discovered, a woman with that name will definitely change the direction of her activity and start all over again without hesitation.

Despite the fact that her loved ones fade into the background, Inna still strives to be devoted and caring, especially towards her children. Although most often only one baby is born in a family, because the mother has no time to deal with a large number of babies - her first place is work, self-realization, and achieving success. The result is misunderstanding. Adult children lose contact with their mother, and over time they generally make do with minimal communication.

Interesting fact: Inna will never agree to live under the same roof with her husband’s mother. She is a self-sufficient person who is not ready to share her man even with his mother. Moreover, she will not want to share her power over him, over the household, over the situation in the house. Considering the desire of most mothers-in-law to teach their daughter-in-law to cook, housekeeping, etc., it is not surprising that the owner of this strong name will refuse this opportunity.

Character of a woman

The characteristics of the name Inna completely describe the essence of this girl’s personality. “Strong water, or a stormy stream” is the most suitable synonym, which explains why the owner of such a name never becomes depressed, she does not feel sorry for herself and does not give up. She is independent and intelligent, distinguished by common sense and a reasonable approach to solving problems.

Inna's character is quite light and simple. She is usually considered a reliable friend, although she often chooses her favorite job over friendship. If he speaks about the temperament of such a girl, then most likely she will be a sanguine person - an optimistic person with a fairly active and stable life position. She knows how to adapt without sacrificing her principles. Compromises in its implementation are reasonable and mutually beneficial. Although Inna can be frivolous, this is usually typical of young girls who have not yet found their way in life.

Inna - the meaning of the name, its character and the fate of the owner are interconnected, and no one can dispute this. The inability to harbor grievances only proves this: a sanguine person with a light character, who does not know how to fall into depression, may remember that he was offended, but will never remember this to the offender, and especially after he has forgiven him.

Quite principled, stubborn, punctual, Inna usually does what she promises. She makes plans and implements them, even if it takes a lot of time and perseverance. It is unlikely that you will ever see such a girl sitting idle. She will always find something to do. At the same time, she is always interested in what she does.

With all the assertiveness characteristic of most owners of the name Inna, they never impose their opinion. Even knowing that she is right, Inna will not reproach a person for his weaknesses and vices. Although everything depends on the degree of closeness between people: she will tell those closest to her everything, because she is perfect in her work, and will not allow anyone to drag her down. But in general, many consider her to be a positive person, so the meaning of the name Inna for a girl will be rather positive.

What does the name Inna mean for a girl? Stormy childhood. This is a quick-tempered, excitable and rather capricious child. The girl constantly plays on the feelings of her parents and can throw tantrums out of nowhere. She is stubborn and does not yet know how to compromise, despite the fact that she learns this quite easily with age.

This child almost never apologizes. Problems often arise with peers and classmates. Inna still doesn’t know how to make friends and build harmonious relationships. But, interestingly, she always studies well: she is not late, does not sleep in class, and earns the respect of her teachers. The girl tries and studies hard.

Already in early age shows an extraordinary mind. She quickly learns to debate, which demonstrates her ability to analyze and argue reasonedly.

If you keep her busy with interesting things in time, you can avoid many problems and conflicts. Inna is not always able to engage in creativity, but it will distract her from irritants that could cause another surge of whims.

Little Inna remains a girl to the core. She is always neat and active. One cannot deny her hard work. But at an older age, a girl loses interest in her appearance, which can lead to problems with excess weight and inability to choose clothes. And then another turning point occurs, and the girl realizes that her appearance is a tool. But she does not flirt: if she considers it necessary, she will say directly what she thinks and feels.

What else does the name Inna mean? Unpredictability, despite all common sense. The girl is independent, so it is simply impossible to say what she will do at one time or another. IN adolescence and older she learns to give in, to remain silent about her grievances. She makes herself, without allowing anyone to lead her life.

Name day


Lemon, orange and matte shades of blue correspond to Inna's character. Lemon, as a derivative of yellow, is the color of optimism. Indeed, the owner of such a name never gets depressed. No less positive, orange also has notes of red, which indicates a dynamic and active life position.

Blue is the color of fidelity, peace, nobility and at the same time unpredictability.


Lemon and, accordingly, the buds of this tree fully correspond to Inna’s life position. This is a flower of inquisitive, active and independent people. This is exactly what the owner of this name is like.

Church name

Name translation

Stormy stream strong water, flow, float, floating.

Full name

Inna's full name is Inessa, but its short spelling is also allowed - Inna. There is no further reduction. There are diminutive options - Innochka, Innusya, Innet.


The name Inna will sound harmonious with the following patronymic: Alexandrovna, Bogdanovna, Borisovna, Viktorovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Dmitrievna, Egorovna, Ivanovna, Kirillovna, Markovna, Mikhailovna, Olegovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna.

Name compatibility

She will be harmonious when paired with Alexander, Leo, Leonid, Konstantin. It is curious that marriage with Timofey, Sergei, Pavel, Maxim, Mikhail, Alexei and Prokhor is predicted to bring good luck and mutual understanding. But Inna is not advised to start a serious relationship with Ernest, Vasily, Stepan, Nikolai, Ruslan, Peter, Mark, Ivan and Denis.

How the name is declined

Inna, Inna, Inna, Innu, Inna, Inna.

Famous people named Inna

Celebrity namesakes can also serve as confirmation of the character described above and the interesting fate of the owners of such a name. Among them are Churikova, Makarova, Gulaya, Lesnyanskaya, Kashezhevaya, Bednykh, Syskal, Suslina, Wakeham, Gomez, Malikova, Burduchenko and others.

Spectacular, smart and at the same time wasteful, Inna is an amazing person by nature. There is hardly anyone who will fully understand it and be able to predict it. That is why potential partners are often interested in what the name Inna means.

The unpredictability of this woman is captivating, but the desire for perfection and the choice in favor of work often repels men who are looking for a wife who prefers to spend time with her family rather than at work. Although Inna knows how to cook, keeps the house clean, does not allow clutter, and teaches this to her children. But still, her interests and favorite things remain a priority in life.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Inna


If translated from Latin, the meaning of the name Inna is a crying, stormy stream, a raging river. This beautiful female name carries a lot of contradictions and stubbornness. When choosing this name for a girl, parents should prepare for the fact that she will always behave contrary to their wishes.

Little Innochka is very capricious, values ​​​​her personal space, values ​​​​very much personal items. Even while still quite a baby, she, with a rage unusual for a child, protects her dolls from the encroachments of strangers. If you take the toy from her by force, she will create such a scandal that no one will ever want to do that again.

As a child, Inna is very attached to her mother, constantly follows her like a tail, gets involved in all household chores and asks for an interpretation of all the actions that her mother performs. Thanks to such affection, she grows up smart and erudite, since her parents have to do everything possible ways to keep her occupied so that she could at least give them a moment of peace.


The matured Inna retains many of her features childish character, and this means that in his chosen one he values, above all, honesty, openness, and complete sincerity. Also great value she gives fidelity, is always afraid of becoming a victim of betrayal, and therefore is terribly jealous, and if she has already thought of something for herself, then young man You will have to make every effort to prove her otherwise.

Love for prolonged caresses, kisses, love games - great secret named Inna, but no matter how skilled a man is in affection, she will first of all listen to his words and attribute to them a somewhat inflated meaning. Because of this, Innochka is very easy to deceive, so she should not blindly trust eloquent tempters.


Family life for the owner of this name is constant self-improvement, in which she requires participation from her husband, he is simply obliged to support her, encourage her in every possible way, praise her, and sometimes this goes beyond all limits. Therefore, it will be very difficult for a man with this demanding woman.

Because of such a difficult character, her marriage is short-lived, but she will marry well a second, and maybe a third time, and each time she will move towards her ideal relationship, correcting the mistakes of previous marriages.

She will be a wonderful mother for children. This means that Inna will be somewhat strict, but no less caring because of this. She will instill in them decency and strict moral principles. She will treat her daughters with special trepidation, who, although sometimes they will bring disappointment, will remain dearly loved by their mother.

Business and career

The owner of this name is very picky about her line of work, which means she will only work with what she likes and will not do anything worthwhile at another job, even under pressure. Therefore, during the period of searching for her favorite business, she can very often find a job without even having time to delve into all the intricacies.

But when she finds something she likes, then her rush hour will come. Inna will work tirelessly, completely independent in financial terms, she can easily start her own business and not go broke.

Origin of the name Inna

The ancient part of Europe is the area where the name Inna originated. By the way, it used to be purely male, and only in our time has it begun to be used for the fairer sex. Perhaps this is why Inna’s character contains so much perseverance, which is more typical of men.

Etymology, or, in other words, the meaning of the name Inna through the prism of time, leads us to the Latin translation, which means a stormy stream, a mountain river, in general, something spontaneous, unstoppable.

The story of the first, or rather the first man so named, is very sad, and begins in the first century AD. He, along with two adherents of the Christian faith, were frozen in the ice on the river. This is a holy martyr, whose name will forever remain in the memory of believers.

Characteristics of the name Inna

Although this woman does not have a very simple character, she positive qualities she has the sea, that is, like all normal people, she has both pros and cons. By temperament she is almost always pure sanguine; Inna is very cheerful, even a little frivolous, but at the same time she is not noisy or ostentatious.

She doesn't always come across good people, but if someone offends her, she simply and easily forgives, although she no longer has anything to do with this person, since universal human values ​​matter to her. It is precisely the fact that she is not able to harbor a grudge against anyone for a long time that is main characteristic named after Inna

She is very erudite, and only from her you will hear a huge number of spontaneous, but very witty and relevant statements that will always have significant meaning. It is easy for her to adapt to the people around her, so she usually does not have conflicts at work. And she adapts in order to gain attention and goodwill from strangers. Very for her great importance has a desire to assert itself and feel needed.

But still, Innochka’s character is fraught with many mysteries, and her impatience can sometimes confuse even the most balanced person. But at the same time, she is absolutely not prone to depression and melancholy, so there is always an aura of happiness and joy around her.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Opal.
  • Name days - July 3, February 2.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Taurus.

Famous people

  • Inna Volovicheva is a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”, who became famous and gained many fans by losing 25 kg in the television project.
  • Inna Churikova – theater and film actress Soviet Union and Russia. Laureate of the Russian State Prize in 1996, People's Artist of the USSR.

Different languages

As already mentioned above, the origin of the Inna estate takes its roots from the region of Ancient Europe, abroad they usually use its analogue - Inessa, therefore the translation of the classical sound exists only in the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, and it is not particularly different from the Russian-language original, since it is translated accordingly: Inna and Ina.

In Chinese, this name is written as 尹娜 – yǐnnà, and 英娜 – yīngnà, that is, Yuinna and Yuigna, respectively.

The meaning of the name Inna is Japanese, just like in Russian - a stormy stream, and is translated as 速川 - Hayakawa

Name forms

It is quite easy to come up with a diminutive for the name Inna. For example, Innochka, Innushka, Innusya. You can also affectionately call her Inyuta and Inyusha, by analogy with Anna. If you want to name your daughter with a European slant, then you can use foreign sounding options, for example Inessa.

Other derivatives are usually invented by parents who very tenderly, but at the same time very abbreviated, call their child Nyusha, and even Nyura. Another short pronunciation that can be used for the owner of this name is Nyusya; mothers often call their daughters this way, investing special meaning in it.

Of course, such an abbreviated word cannot replace the full one, but its use is quite acceptable among family and close friends. Case declensions follow the usual rules of the Russian language, and are similar to the declensions of Anna and Yana.

According to the church, this name remains so, because in Orthodoxy it is associated with the Great Martyr Inna Novodunskaya, therefore it is Orthodox and will not change upon baptism.

Kind Impulsive Sensual

Inna Afanasyeva, Belarusian singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Inna mean?

The name is rare, but never goes out of use. The meaning of the name Inna endows its owner with emotionality, sensuality, and impulsiveness. It reveals a passionate and honest nature.

This name resembles a stretched string. You just need to touch Inna and you will hear music. But the melody may be different. It all depends on the musician who will play on the strings of her soul. This occurs as a result of the manifestation of her excitability and emotionality.

Analyzing what the name Inna means, we can compare her with a powerful battery of inexhaustible bright emotions and feelings.

The name is most suitable for patronymics: Valerievna, Mikhailovna, Vyacheslavovna, Olegovna, Filippovna, Ivanovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna. Alekseevna is a serious, sensible and concrete woman. Andreevna has a good-natured, sympathetic, caring nature. Evgenievna is tactful, practical, and careful in her actions. Dmitrievna is persistent, suspicious, hardy.

Would you name your child this name?

This name comes from the old Russian male name Inna. This feature is typical for Pinna and Rimma. It is mistakenly considered a derivative form of Inessa and vice versa.

Reasoning what the name Inna means, we conclude: translated from Greek language interpreted as a “seething stream”, and from Latin means “floating”. Some researchers suggest that the name appeared thanks to the Goths and is translated as “strong water.”

History remembers the patron of the name - the holy martyr Inna of Novodunsky Slavic origin.

His memorial day is celebrated on February 2. He was a follower of the Apostle Andrew. For his fanatical faith in Jesus Christ in the first century he was frozen on a river along with Rimma and Pinna. We draw attention to the rare case when a female name has a male patron.

The origin of the name Inna can tell about her famous namesakes: about Lyubimenko - Russian historian and archivist, Lisnyanskaya - a Russian poetess, Markova and Churikova - actresses, Afanasyeva - a Belarusian singer.

Name forms

Simple: Inna Full: Inna Antique: Inna Affectionate: Nyusya

From an early age, Inna has a very complex character, she can drive her mother out of control. peace of mind. The girl grows up as a categorical and vindictive child. Doesn't know how to forgive friends even in small things. Among his peers he stands out for his intelligence and presents original, bold ideas.

Adult Inna will learn to give in to people, but only to those who are pleasant to her, while forgetting about her principles.

The bearer of the name can choose the profession of a hairdresser, journalist, engineer, photo reporter and achieve success in this activity.

The characteristics of the name Inna can tell how she easily changes jobs. Interesting profession captures her and directs Inna’s stormy energy into a calm direction. The main thing is that she chooses a job that she enjoys. In this case, he copes with his job responsibilities perfectly.

Entrepreneur Inna is always seething with an abundance of grandiose ideas and new projects.

Easily establishes new business connections, enters into contracts and agreements. She has the gift of persuasion and knows how to present herself beautifully.

Fate does not always favor her, but Inna does not complain about the vicissitudes of life. This optimism and lightness helps her overcome problems and difficulties. Inna quickly adapts to circumstances and is not subject to stress or depression. She is very impatient. She requires a friendly and attentive attitude from relatives and friends.

By her temperament, Inna belongs to the group of sanguine people, but she is not noisy and assertive, but cheerful and easy-going.

This woman manifests herself as a defender of just causes and weak victims. She needs to learn not to waste her energy on trifles.

The secret of the name Inna reveals her as an open and confident person. He can infect many with his seething energy and unquenchable enthusiasm.

Inna has stubbornness and self-confidence. If she yields to someone, it is only after overcoming her internal barrier. Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Nikolaevna and Vyacheslavovna have especially complex characters.

Personal integrity, integrity, focus on inner world- this is its description from the closed side.

She is very demanding of herself and people, hardworking. Does not accept deception and lies.

Inna is a straightforward and unshakable woman in her principles. But those around her value her as a passionate person, capable of extraordinary and original thinking.

In Inna’s characterization you can recognize that she is an independent person who has her own strong opinion. Doesn't like to obey. He approaches everything creatively, has a rich imagination and developed imagination.

Character traits











IN love relationships Inna is tender and sensual. She demands from her beloved sincerity, openness and honesty.

IN family relationships Any man has a hard time with her. Jealous, and at the same time the very ideal of fidelity. Inna always protects the interests of her family, strives for everything to be perfect, therefore she reacts emotionally to all negative manifestations in the behavior of her loved ones. Inna is an exemplary wife and caring mother.

She adores children, loves them and puts all her soul and strength into their upbringing. Unfortunately, the children do not live up to her expectations, so conflicts often arise between them.

The meaning of the name Inna for a girl

Researchers offer several opinions about the origin of the name Inna. According to these versions, its origins are found either in Rome or in Ancient Greece, then on Russian soil. One of these versions explains that the name comes from a Germanic phrase that means “strong water.”

The meaning of the name gives the child a complex character, in which stubbornness, excitability, emotionality, and integrity are intertwined.

In her childhood, Inna looks like an energetic and active child. She loves to have fun and laugh. The child has a complex and stubborn character. He often amazes others with his nervous disposition.

Inna has a confident, strong-willed, stable nature that easily perceives life. The girl loves to be the center of attention. She is approachable and easily makes new acquaintances.

What will Inna achieve success in?

The girl studies well, but does not show much diligence. This applies to everything she undertakes. The child does not want to participate in school events. Favorite subjects will be literature, history, and labor training.

Inna can become a good journalist and photo reporter. She can choose to work as a store director, hairdresser, or engineer. Many girls try their hand at poetry.

The baby needs to constantly feel the attention of her family. She loves affectionate treatment of herself and always gives people the same feelings. This child needs to be praised and encouraged often.

What games will Inna like?

Since childhood, Inna has been an excellent cook, she likes to come up with new recipes. He spends a lot of time with his mother in the kitchen. Does not strive to do handicrafts. Loves to soak in bed for a long time. Most often, the child is more active in the afternoon.

The girl Inna grows up as a stubborn and capricious child. It can be difficult for parents to find an approach to a wayward and touchy daughter. The girl does not perceive comments and reproaches in her direction, and reacts to her mother’s raised tone and screams with tears and violent hysterics.

Among her peers, Inna is distinguished by her intelligence and ingenuity. She finds mutual language with girls, but prefers to communicate with boys, since she is more interested in boyish toys and entertainment than dolls and mother-daughter games.

  1. 1. Winter is a tough, self-centered and active nature. He achieves his goals through his own efforts and does not complain about life to his loved ones, always being in a great mood. Inna, who was born in winter, is alien to laziness and apathy; she never sits idle.
  2. 2. Vesna is a stubborn, sensitive and wayward girl. She is possessive by nature, self-critical and jealous, and will never allow herself to be offended.
  3. 3. Summer is a romantic, graceful and gentle girl who has a fine mental organization and a heightened sense of justice. For summer Inna, family always comes first; the girl is distinguished by her flexible character and thriftiness.
  4. 4. Autumn is a pragmatic, intelligent and reasonable person. She gravitates towards the exact sciences and loves to visit cultural events. Autumn Inna acts exclusively in her own interests and finds benefit in everything.

The history of the appearance of the name Inna and its meaning is very interesting. According to one of the most popular versions, the name is of Scythian origin. However, its meaning according to this version is unknown. Moreover, the name Inna is a male name. The names Inna, Rima and Pina are the names of three Christian martyrs, Scythians by origin. They were killed in the first century AD, and later their names were included in the Christian calendar. Female name this was due to an error when copying texts, since in the Roman tradition women’s names had such endings, and the names for copyists were very unusual. This is the most popular version of the origin of the name Inna.

According to the second version, it is believed that the name Inna came from the Latin word inno, which means “to float”, “to flow” or “to flow”. It is believed that according to this version, the most correct the meaning of the name Inna is “stormy stream”. But this is not latest version name meanings.

Another version says that the name Inna comes from the name of the goddess Inanna. This is the Greek name for the goddess Ishtar, a goddess from the Sumerian pantheon of gods. According to Sumerian mythology, she is the goddess of fertility, strife and carnal love.

The meaning of the name Inna for a girl

Inna is growing up as a cheerful and active child. She is an energetic and kind girl. Inna is a sympathetic child and empathy for the people around her has been characteristic of her since childhood. At the same time, Inna rarely does good deeds if she does not expect a reward for them, at least in the form of praise. Positive assessment from the people around her is very important to her.

The girl is an average student in her studies. She has good grades, but usually doesn't like to study. Inna rarely strives for knowledge and perceives studying as an unpleasant necessity. Subsequently, this attitude is often transferred to work. Inna sometimes flares up in love for some object, but usually does not grab it for long. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions to these rules.

Inna's health is usually quite good. She has good data, although not without flaws. Weak point Her health is usually prone to allergic reactions and frequent colds. The girl’s parents need to closely monitor her diet and, of course, in case of problems, contact specialists.

Short name Inna

Diminutive pet names

Innochka, Innushka, Inchik, Inusya, Inuska, Inulya, Inulka.

Name Inna in English

IN English language the name Inna is spelled Inna.

Name Inna for international passport- INNA.

Translation of the name Inna into other languages

in Belarusian - Іна
in Ukrainian - Inna

Church name Inna(V Orthodox faith) - Inna, that is, remains unchanged. The name Inna is a church name and can be a baptismal name for a girl. Of course, Inna can be baptized under another church name.

Characteristics of the name Inna

If you try to characterize Inna, the first thing worth mentioning is her sociability. Inna knows how to please people and easily finds a common language with others. She is positive and this character trait attracts people. Her positive attitude and ease of communication make it popular. At the same time, many consider Inna their friend, which is completely wrong. She is very scrupulous about her close social circle and it is very difficult to get into it.

Professionally, Inna is growing slowly but surely. She rarely changes profession and is not prone to hesitation on this topic. She rarely loves her job, although she usually achieves great heights in her work. Inna is punctual and persistent in work matters. She knows how to communicate with colleagues and work together. Inna could turn out to be a wonderful teacher or, for example, a hotel manager.

Family is one of the most important components of Inna’s life. She usually takes leadership position in a family union, although she loves and respects her husband very much. She is looking for a reliable man who is ready to be a leader in the family. At the same time, her husband can be a leader in all other areas of life. Inna is a caring wife and knows how to organize home comfort. He loves his children very much and tries to devote more time to them.

The secret of the name Inna

Inna's secret can be called enough a strong character and good willpower. Behind her ease of communication, her inner rod. She knows how to be adamant and persistent. However, this is rarely seen, since important topics there is not much to demonstrate these character traits.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal- Dingo.

Name color- Lemon.

Tree- Lemon.

Plant- Lemon tree flower.

Stone- Opal.


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