Birth name meaning Karina is an Armenian name. Health and social life

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What does the name Karina mean:
This name is literally translated as the helmsman of a ship, or the keel of a ship, sometimes translated from Latin it is looking forward, but translated from Slavic it is a mourner, presumably from Greek it is just a girl, and from Italian it is dear or honey.

Origin of the name Karina:
There are unusually many versions of the origin of this sonorous name. According to one version, researchers claim that it was formed from the Latin word - “Carina” meaning - the keel of a ship. According to the second version, they claim that it can come from Italian word“cara” which in turn means “dear” or “sweetheart”. According to the third version, a name like Karina is Slavic name, and that was the name of the mourning goddess, who always accompanied funeral rites, sounding - to reproach previously meant to mourn. There is also an assumption that a name like Karina comes from Greek word Korina, which primarily means “girl”.

Character, conveyed by name Karina:

Karina - this girl is always decisive and smart, she really does not like a smooth or somewhat monotonous everyday life, and this is probably why she is almost constantly in constant motion. She is extremely hot-tempered and very impulsive, but at the same time she is extremely restless and extremely demanding of herself. At the same time, Karina’s character is extremely difficult, but her will is incredibly strong and perhaps thanks to this, she is always able to simply perfectly withstand all life’s adversities.

IN early childhood Karina is always very active, incredibly stubborn and extremely touchy. And her parents quite often indulge her, and at the same time allow her to sleep longer in the morning or in every possible way please her during illnesses. She always studies well, loves music very much, and can practice dancing or choreography. Often an unusually talented actress lives inside her, especially when she is trying to achieve something of her own. At the same time, Karina very skillfully and easily “pretends” to be whoever is needed, as a result achieving almost any of her goals.

Besides, a girl with such sonorous name incredibly loves attention and often strives to be in the very center of all events. She is often characterized by demonstrativeness and extreme intemperance, and in addition, extraordinary selfishness or jealousy, with which she is able to cover up her ineptitude and even complete insecurity. Often her self-esteem is extremely inflated, while she is unapproachable and unusually proud, and almost constantly strives to subjugate everyone around her.

Karina doesn’t like to work at all, and besides everything household often treats quite coolly. Overall success is extremely important to her, but to actually achieve it, she may often lack some endurance. But chasing two, and sometimes three, birds with one stone is the most common thing for Karina, and her incredible activity can very often actually resemble some kind of aggressiveness.

Karina is an incredibly loving, extremely sensual and extremely sexy girl. She always spoils the one she loves very much. She is devoted to her children almost to the point of fanaticism, madly loves her family and of course her home. But she usually gets married unusually early, but at the same time, unfortunately, it is not always successful.

As a rule, Karina is not quite adapted to her family life. Especially if she was born in winter months. She often bombards her husband with various endless complaints and is indeed very often extremely dissatisfied with almost everything around her.

Karinas born in the summer months are more patient, often very sociable and hospitable, and always friendly to everyone. Their small shortcomings, more often than not, such as a love for sweets and starchy foods, as well as a hatred for washing dirty dishes, can in some way even be attractive to many people around them.

At the name Karina Latin roots. Translated, it means “a woman leading a ship; ship keel; ship manager. In Russia it has become relatively common since the middle of the last century. Polar explorers gave the name Karina to a little girl who was born on the Kara Sea during wintering. This is where the new meaning of the name came from - “born on the Kara Sea.”

The owner of such a name will have an unusual fate. She is simply programmed for various adventures and travels. Karina - to this day rare name.

Karina - character traits

Curiosity and the desire for constant movement and travel have been ingrained in Karina since childhood. This girl will stand out among her peers for her openness and spontaneity. Her desire to explore the world has no boundaries. She is ready to constantly explore everything that surrounds her. And having received full information about nearby objects, will immediately embark on further searches for adventure.

She is active, her credo is gaining knowledge. But Karina is far from a crammer - a nerd, which is so disliked at school. She makes up her own picture of the world, choosing and independently determining the most important directions in her life. If she makes up her mind, she will stay the course. Although sometimes, when funny attractive objects come across on the way, she may briefly move away from the intended line. But this will only be a temporary hobby, and sooner or later, Karina will return to the starting point and again go to the target line.

She is not afraid of obstacles. She often does not even allow the thought of serious interference. But in any case, even if she misfires and a wall grows on the way, she will certainly break through it. Moreover, Karina will act straightforwardly and openly.

A long detour is not her path. She prefers to reach her goal over the shortest, albeit not the easiest, distance.

Karina - name compatibility

Karina is a conquering woman. She, like a real researcher, does not like to stop there. Therefore, even if it happens in her life successful marriage, it will not be lifelong. Most likely, she will change several husbands. And the longer she gets to know her partner, the more durable the union will be. Therefore, a man is simple and understandable, like open book– not her option at all. She would prefer to suffer, seek his love and affection, try to understand what kind of person appeared on her path... But when she reads him, she will leave for someone else.

Best for an alliance with Karina a man will do secretive and businesslike, who is not at all going to perceive his wife as a friend and ally. A man who is a ruler will be attractive to Karina for a long time. Unless, of course, she gets tired of knocking against a wall that is impossible to break through. The most successful marriage would be with Igor, Oleg, Vladimir. But soft and pliable Vasily, Nikita or Ilya will probably not take even a couple of minutes of her attention.

Karina - famous people who bore this name

Karina Razumovskaya is an actress and simply a beauty. For her extraordinary antics she received the nickname “hooligan young lady.”

Karina Filippova is a poet. Songs based on her poems were performed by Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Valentina Tolkunova, Alla Pugacheva.

Karina Moskalenko is the initiator of the creation of an international human rights organization. The structure includes professional lawyers whose goal is to uphold human rights.

Karina - interesting facts about the name

Karina Moskalenko gained fame after a number of high-profile trials in which she acted as a defender. Among her professional successes was helping with the return of Russian pilots from Indian captivity. For this, Moskalenko actually lived in a Calcutta prison for a year and a half.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Karina.

What does the name Karina mean?

The name Karina means forward-looking (lat.)

The meaning of the name Karina is character and destiny

A woman named Karina is extravagant and demonstrative. Strives to be the center of attention and achieves this by any means. She is impulsive, eccentric, unpredictable. Karina is selfish and jealous, unrestrained, amorous. She often marries early out of passionate love; her first marriage is most often unsuccessful, although Karina takes as her husband a wealthy man with established views on life and family. For a long time she remains unadapted to family life; she does not like doing housework or fiddling around in the kitchen. A woman named Karina tries to shift most of the household chores to her husband. In family life, she is often dissatisfied with something, nags her husband, complains, and behaves like a capricious girl. To please this woman, a man will have to act as a housewife. Karina can also be very trusting and naive. She is good-natured, her eccentric antics do not harm others in any way, and if they can affect anything, then only on her personal life. Men treat Karina with caution, wariness, and do not refuse lungs love relationship, but they don’t want to see her as his wife. Only a strong man can tame her. With age, a woman named Karina becomes a good housewife: if she wants to have a family, then life will force her to learn everything. But her reluctance to wash dishes will remain with her forever. The spouse, children, and relatives will have to come to terms with this. Even during parties at her house, guests will wash the dishes themselves. But meat dishes Karina’s cakes are excellent, and she cooks them with pleasure.

Meaning of the name Karina for sex

Karina is an incorrigible romantic, creates various male images in her imagination, makes plans, common feature which is absolute impracticability. As a child, Karina was fascinated by fairy tales, and she continues to live in this fairy-tale world. The first partners of a woman named Karina are sweet, delicate, indecisive boys with a not yet fully conscious sexual desire. It must be said that among women with this name there are people who are the complete opposite. Instead of a gallant and romantic lover, their imagination pictures an unrestrained, rude male man, with whom, if he appeared in reality, they would willingly enter into a relationship and, probably, would be happy. However, all Karinas, as a rule, avoid strong, confident men, feeling safer among the psychologically weak, in need of care and condescension.

The character and fate of the name Karina, taking into account the patronymic

First name Karina and patronymic....

Karina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna good-natured and trusting. But at the same time she is eccentric and impulsive. This is exactly the kind of Karina who can get married right after school. She is amorous and sees everything in a rosy light. Life is wonderful for her and does not promise anything bad: Karina does not know or does not want to know about troubles, betrayals, envy. She loves everyone around her and craves reciprocity. Faced with reality, he may break down and suffer serious mental trauma. Disappointments take a woman named Karina out of her usual bright state of mind for a long time. Such Karina is too vulnerable, she is offended by both a careless word and simply the indifference of others. She cannot stand arrogance, rudeness, in such cases she is completely lost and does not know how to behave. Karina is visually attractive; charming and mysterious. It is not surprising that many are drawn to her, but not everyone can understand her sophisticated soul. Karina is completely selfless and sincere in relationships, which many people laugh at. But she does not understand their ridicule, since she is absolutely sincerely sure that it cannot be otherwise, that everyone is as open and spontaneous as she is. Such a Karina in her family life immediately needs to get into good hands, and over time there will be no price for the spouse. You can fashion anything out of it. Under favorable circumstances, Karina becomes a wonderful wife, mother, housewife, and learns everything quickly. She is very hospitable, cheerful, and has a sense of humor. Everyone loves to be in her house, she is happy to see everyone. She gives birth to daughters more often.

First name Karina and patronymic....

Karina Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Natanovna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna ambitious, has willpower and strong character. A maximalist, she goes all out to achieve her goal. Impulsive and eccentric, she makes life difficult for herself, although she dreams of peace of mind. This woman does not take others seriously, does not listen to public opinion and is not afraid of becoming a victim of gossip or gossip. Her mood often changes, usually for no reason. Karina has a hard time getting used to a change in environment; she is wary of new people around her. A woman named Karina is very attached to her family, never forgets about them, remembers all family dates. Karina is not able to experience failures too deeply, she does not know how to be sad. She believes that there are no problems that are worth spoiling nervous system. He controls his emotions and controls himself. In intimate relationships, Karina prefers an assertive, rude man to a gallant and romantic lover. Often this happens only in her dreams, but in reality she would willingly enter into such a relationship and would be happy. Married Karina - good hostess and an attentive mother. Has a son. In an intimate relationship with her husband, she waits a long time for mutual understanding: she responds to all his demands, waits with great desire for a response, but receives full satisfaction only after several years of married life.

First name Karina and patronymic....

Karina Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a contradictory character. Too domineering, wayward, difficult to get along with, difficult to live next to. She puts forward many conditions to her partner and makes increased demands. Only with strong man, who inspires her true respect and admiration, she feels equal. Karina is quick-tempered, but kind, and outbursts of anger quickly pass. This is a kind of release for her, after which she becomes cheerful, laughs at her own incontinence, and immediately asks for forgiveness from those she offended. There is no point in provoking a woman named Karina into a conflict; she is very touchy, has a sharp tongue, and can say a lot of harsh words. Karina is very independent, she needs to feel completely free from time to time; it should not be limited in this regard. Otherwise, Karina will become irritable and rude. In the company of men, she feels comfortable and relaxed. Karina gets married early and quite successfully. Karina rarely gets divorced with such middle names. She values ​​family and values ​​stability. She needs peace of mind, confidence in a reliable and loving spouse, and beloved children. She is quite sensitive, but marries a man who is moderate in sex. The excessive temperament of her partner frightens her, worries her, and in this case she always suspects him of infidelity: Karina is jealous and suspicious. Karina lives happily with her calm husband. She herself is not looking for love affairs; the measured pace of life suits her quite well. Karina more often gives birth to sons.

First name Karina and patronymic....

Karina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna- possessive, very jealous, proud and ambitious. He tries to hide it, but this is not always possible. In his youth he comes up with an ideal man and stubbornly searches for it all his life. Karina with such middle names is sexy, charming, knows her worth and skillfully uses her advantages. A woman named Karina easily conquers men, conquers them, but never holds them by force, which makes them even more attractive. Many men return to her again after separation, while others remain friends. Everyone is happy to see her, everyone tries to help if Karina finds herself in a difficult situation. She most often marries one of these old friends who know all her strengths and weaknesses and know how to appreciate her. Friendship is of great value to Karina, but the friendship is calm, with smooth relationships. She also strives for peace and stability in marriage. Usually Karina marries a man very close to her ideal, and is quite happy family life. Sex in a relationship with her husband plays a big role for Karina. A woman named Karina is sincere in sex and likes to take the initiative. For her, physical pleasure is not complete without romance: flowers, champagne, candles. From time to time, Karina always arranges such evenings. Without sexual satisfaction, she is jealous and capricious. Karina does not immediately have children; she devotes the first few years of her married life exclusively to herself and her husband. Karina gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Karina and patronymic....

Karina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Filippovna emotional, unrestrained, impulsive. In relationships with a partner, she plays the role of a capricious girl; in order to achieve her goal, she can cry and pout. But in fundamental cases he firmly adheres to his position. He always reserves the last word, but he does it very nicely and tactfully. A woman named Karina has heightened sexuality; in intimate relationships, Karina is unique; she easily holds her husband at her feet all her life. Possessing an artistic gift, she convincingly proves that in the family she is not taken into account; all she does is fulfill the wishes of the household. Moreover, at such moments she looks defenseless and childishly touching. Karina is also overly jealous. Any mistake on the part of the spouse can provoke a family scandal. Quite a long time after marriage, Karina is just learning to be a real mistress, she finds it difficult to cope with household responsibilities. All this comes with age. That’s why at first Karina tries to live with her parents. Karina usually does not get along with her husband’s relatives. Karina often gives birth to daughters.

Karina's character traits are intellectuality and excitability. She is choleric by nature, critical of herself and demanding of others, striving for some ideal internal standard.

The name Karina, translated from Latin, means “sweetheart.”

Origin of the name Karina:

There are several versions of the origin of the name Karina. The most popular of them is the one that suggests that Karina is derived from the Latin “carus” - “dear”, “dear”. There is also an option with the formation of the name from “karina” - “keel of the ship”, “looking ahead”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Karina:

As a child, Karina is stubborn and restless, painful and emotional. Parents simply cannot help but spoil their daughter and, feeling this, she becomes lazy and reluctant to study, although she is naturally talented and multi-talented. Karina enjoys dancing and gymnastics, and can take drawing or ballet classes. Outwardly, she is a copy of her father, and her character inherits her mother’s. The dissatisfied little Karina is offended loudly and demonstratively, attracting attention to herself.

Karina is very intelligent, does not fit into any company, and is instinctively demanding of people. Lucky in the medical, legal or pedagogical path. In relationships he is guided by intuition. Sometimes she is selfish, underestimates the intelligence and talent of other people, and is jealous of other people's successes. Strictly controls herself, is susceptible to criticism, and is always biased in relation to herself. Karina has an unusual destiny and a busy life, but an extra bit of luck often doesn’t bother her. Karina takes failures with humor, does not give up and stubbornly climbs to the top, but a streak of failures can seriously undermine her health, especially since she often neglects it. Prone to mental illness and neuroses, very impressionable. Being offended and angry, she pushes people away from herself and does not know how to get out of conflicts with dignity. Karina's charm and attractive appearance often hides a callous, unkind and selfish disposition.

She is active and mobile at work, but lazy. She subconsciously expects that everything will come to her on its own and immediately, but this almost never happens. If Karina wants to reach career heights, she should pull herself together and work hard, including on self-discipline.

In a relationship, it is difficult to intrigue and surprise her. She is pointedly indifferent with men, but this does not scare away her fans. In her youth, Karina often looks for a strong, aggressive and courageous partner, but is almost never happy with him. What is important to her in men is calmness, balance and patience. In bed, Karina takes the initiative, can be a little despotic, and rarely reveals her sensitive fantasies.

Karina loves her home, but she is not a housekeeper when it comes to details. Does not like to regularly wipe dust and wash dishes. It is very important for her not to lose face in front of the guests.

“Winter” Karins are characterized by constant discontent and grumpiness; not every man can tolerate their character. The opposite of them are “summer” ones - sociable, hospitable, benevolent and patient. Unpredictable, gifted and mystical, those born in spring, “autumn” Karinas are reasonable and calm.

In a first marriage one is almost never happy. Her relationships with Dmitry, Mikhail, Anton, Stepan and Alexei are successful, her marriages with men named Vitaly, Boris and Alexander are unsuccessful.

Read in the article interesting information about the name Karina. The origin of the name, the mystery and the meaning are all described here.

Karina is beautiful and bright name, which is remembered from the first sounds. When young parents are expecting the birth of a girl, they try to choose a name for their baby that will delight everyone around. In addition, I want the name to sound beautiful in other languages. It is also important to know the secret of the name and its origin. This and other information about the name Karina can be found in this article.

What does the name Karina mean according to the church calendar?

What does the name Karina mean? church calendar?

There is no name Karina in the church name book. Therefore, at baptism, the girl will be given a different name at the parents’ choice: Irina, Marina, Kira, Kirien. But it is worth noting that the name Karina is mentioned once in Orthodox calendar- November 25. Other name day dates are according to the Catholic faith. Many of these dates coincide with the day in honor of Katarina.

Patron saint named Karina

Despite the fact that Karina has no Saints with a similar name, she is mentioned once, as written above, on November 25. On this day the church honors the memory of the icon Mother of God“Merciful” (Kiikskaya). This Holy Mother of God can rightfully be considered the patron of the name Karina. Moreover, Karina translated from Latin carus means “darling”.

Your daughter will be baptized under a different name, so her patron saint can be considered a Saint with the same name. For example:

  • Reverend Marina
  • Martyr Irene
  • Martyr Irene
  • Great Martyr Irene
  • Venerable Irene of Cappadocia
  • Martyr Irene
  • Blessed Queen Irina
  • Martyr Irene
  • Reverend Kira
  • Martyr Kirien

Interesting: Among Orthodox Christians, it is believed that it is better to baptize a child under a different name. This way they will not be able to jinx him or cause damage, because the offender will not know under what name the person was baptized, and it will be impossible for him to do evil. But this is what people say, and the priest will say in this regard that it was all invented by people and is not true.

The secret of the name Karina

The secret of the name Karina

The name Karina is a talisman strong personalities who are not afraid of problems and are ready to win in life.

  • The secret of the name Karina lies in the life of its owner, which will be a real swim with high waves and a quiet, calm sea.
  • But the real test is not the storm, but the calm.
  • After all, it is peaceful life Karina can’t stand it and such agonizing waiting kills her as a person.

But the owner of strong energy, Karina, will not sit still and wait for something, she will begin to act instantly, to spite all enemies.

What nationality is the name Karina?

Many people don't even know that names have a nationality, which depends on where the name originates from. What nationality is the name Karina? The name Karina is Russian, Slavic, German, English, Armenian, Greek, Kazakh. Therefore, both Russians and English, Germans, Armenians, Greeks and Kazakhs can rightfully consider it theirs.

This name is both Orthodox and Catholic. We can say with confidence that the name Karina is multinational.

Name Karina: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Karina has a very interesting origin . This fact can be described in several versions:

  • From the Latin carus - “dear”.
  • From the Latin "carina" - "ship's keel".
  • From the name of the Slavic deity who was worshiped by the pagans - the goddess of sorrow Karina.
  • From the Greek language - Corinna (Korina) - “girl”.
  • From the version of the sailors who spent the winter on a ship in the Kara Sea. This was during the times of the USSR. Since then, Karina has meant “born on the Kara Sea.”
  • Among the Arabs, the name Karina comes from the male version of the name Karim, which means “generous.”
  • For Armenians, this name will sound like Karine and will mean “most beautiful.”
  • In Europe, Karina is short form named Katarina. It means "immaculate."

This name has many versions of origin. It was in almost every culture and every people, and everywhere it was perceived as native, and not borrowed. This name also has many meanings., but they all boil down to the fact that the woman who bears this name will become sweet, beautiful, generous and kind.

Name popularity: 28th place. This means that out of 10,000 newborns, girls will be named Karina with a frequency of 100 to 700, that is, every hundredth girl born will be named after Karina.

Karina - decoding of the name from Greek

As mentioned above, Karina stands for “girl” in Greek. This means that a girl named by this name will grow up to be a real woman - beautiful and sweet. She will be popular with men and will know what she wants from life. As a child, she will be touchy and stubborn, but then she will learn to direct these qualities in the right direction.

Every person is interested in how his name will sound in other languages ​​of the world. It is also interesting how the name is written in Chinese or Japanese. The hieroglyphs of these nationalities are always fascinating - this is unusual for the Slavs and very beautiful. Name Karina in English, Latin, different languages:

Name Karina in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Karina written in the passport?

Any name in a foreign passport must be written in Latin. There are names whose spelling causes controversy even among experienced specialists, for example, the combination of the letters Y and A in the name Yana and so on. But the name Karina is written simply: CARINA.

I want to call any little girl, girl or even woman affectionately, and even more so a lady named Karina. This name itself is very beautiful, but any dad, boyfriend or husband will be pleased to call his beloved daughter, lover or wife with a shortened form of the name or in a diminutive version.

But the woman herself must say which form of the name she likes best, because many ladies do not like to be called affectionately. What's the abbreviation? short name, a diminutive for the name Karina? Several variants:

Karina: the meaning of the name character and fate

Karina is an intelligent person and easily excitable. She is choleric by nature, constantly criticizes herself, but also demands a lot from the people around her. Wants to achieve some ideal inner harmony.

  • Meaning of the name talks about cute appearance its owner. Karina always looks forward and is not afraid of dangers. She strictly controls herself and the people around her feel her condemning gaze.
  • Karina's character also not a gift. As a child, she is stubborn, restless and emotional. She gets sick a lot, and therefore parents cannot help but spoil their daughter. If a girl is offended, then loudly, showing it with all her appearance. Already in adolescence Karina becomes an intelligent girl who will fit into any company.
  • Karina's fate sometimes difficult, but mostly successful. She will perceive failures with humor, and without giving up, she will stubbornly climb to the top. If Karina learns to accept insults and disappointments with dignity, and not push people away from her, she will be able to achieve success.

At work, Karina is lazy. She does not need to wait for everything to come on its own, but needs to act - today and now.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Karina: compatibility with male names

Many male names are suitable for the name Karina. The patronymic, just like the name, should be beautiful. The patronymic carries a special energy for a person, therefore the name at the birth of a child is chosen taking into account the father’s name. What middle name suits a girl's name Karina? Here are some options:

What middle name suits a girl's name Karina?

It is also worth noting the compatibility of the name Karina with male names. Karina will have the strongest relationships with men with the following names:

Compatibility of the name Karina with male names

When is Karina’s name day, Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As mentioned above, Karina’s Angel Day only comes once a year - November 25th. But name days can be celebrated on other days if you were baptized under a different name. By Orthodox calendar There are such Saints:

  • March 13— Reverend Marina
  • January 12— Martyr Irina
  • January 16- Venerable Great Martyr Irene
  • May 18- Great Martyr Irina
  • 10th of August— Venerable Irene of Cappadocia
  • August 17- Martyr Virgin Irene
  • August 22— Blessed Queen Irina
  • October 1- Great Martyr Irina
  • March 13— Reverend Kira
  • November 14— Martyr Kirien

Choose suitable date by name and celebrate Angel Day.

It is worth noting: There are several saints with the name Irina, so you should choose the Angel Day that is closest to your birthday.

If you have a daughter named Karina, or a girlfriend, or a wife, then you will want to congratulate her especially beautifully. You can read short congratulations on Karina’s Angel Day in verse or prose. Here are some options for beautiful lines:

Congratulations on Karina's Angel Day short in prose

Congratulations on Karina's Angel Day, short in verse and prose

Congratulations on Karina's Angel Day short in verse

Beautiful congratulations Happy Angel Karina Day short in verse

Song with Karina's name

Beautiful poetry, prose with unique words and congratulations in your own words from the heart - this is wonderful. The hero of the occasion will definitely remember such congratulations for a long time. But most the best gift there will be a song with Karina's name performed by the donor. If you find an accompanist, such a congratulation will definitely remain in your heart forever.

Video: Glucose | Karina

Tattoo with Karina's name

Tattoos have been in fashion for a long time. They are made by both men and women. But the most popular name tattoos. Men leave a mark of the name of the girl they love on their body, and women draw the letters of their name. In addition, many parents get tattoos with the names of their children to declare their love for them to the whole world. Here are several options and designs for tattoos with Karina’s name:

In addition to the name, a man can make a portrait of his beloved girl - beautiful and unusual.

Tattoo with Karina's name

Sketch of a tattoo with the name Karina in Chinese.

Tattoo with Karina's name - sketch

Another sketch of a name tattoo in Chinese.

Tattoo with Karina's name - a sketch of the name in Chinese

The casual letters of this tattoo will look stylish and will have a mesmerizing look on your arm or back.

Original tattoo with Karina's name

This word form of the name Karina will attract attention if you get a tattoo in a prominent place - beautiful and original.

Beautiful tattoo with Karina's name

Any woman will like gold jewelry as a gift. If a product made from this precious metal is made in the shape of a name and contains inclusions of stones, then such a gift will delight even the most demanding girl or woman. Pendant with Karina's name made of gold - photo:

White gold pendant with blue cubic zirconia. It will look great on a blonde with fair skin on the face and neck.

Pendant with Karina's name made of gold: photo

The same pendant, but made of yellow gold with a blue cubic zirconia insert. It looks much more interesting and attractive. Suitable for a blonde or brunette girl with dark or light skin and dark eyes.

Pendant with Karina's name made of gold

Small pendant in white gold with the name Karina. Simple, gentle and romantic.

Pendant with Karina's name in white gold: photo

White gold pendant interspersed with white cubic zirconia. This word form exists for the name Karina, so you can safely buy the owner of this name if one of your relatives or close people calls her Kira.

Pendant “Kira” made of gold: photo

Name Karina: intuition, intelligence, morality

Expansive, decisive and proud, Karina always defends her opinion and, without turning back, goes towards her goal. The thirst for power over the feelings of other people will not lead to anything good if Karina does not stop in time, and this requires a good mind and intellect.

  • Intelligence— Karina is sensible and smart, she thinks globally. The only downside is that she doesn't pay much attention to detail, which can sometimes lead to problems.
  • Intuition Karina's brain is well developed. But she does not know about her sixth sense, underestimating her capabilities. If she trusted her intuition more, she could avoid many problems in life.
  • Moral The owner of the name Karina is changeable. Depends on your upbringing and what your parents laid down. Not alien to her heroic deeds, but Karina cannot be called an altruist.

Karina loves clearly defined frames. She believes that in this life everything should go according to plan, although sometimes she deviates from some of its points.

Name Karina: hobbies, activities, business

Karina has a real one male character, although it can be said about her that she real woman. These contradictions help Karins achieve success in life.

  • Activity. Karina will successfully engage in medicine, law and teaching. If she wants to achieve career heights, then Karina will have to pull herself together, not be lazy and work hard on herself and self-discipline.
  • Business Karina knows how to lead perfectly. Communication skills, organization and responsibility help her in this. She knows how to establish contacts with business partners and clients, and can easily conclude profitable deals. Karina values ​​her reputation and therefore will not make dubious deals. She approaches the matter thoroughly, analyzing the experiences of other people.
  • Hobbies Karina is versatile. She loves to travel, because it is away from home and worries that she can have a good rest and recuperate.

Through her work, Karina expresses herself. In her field of activity, she knows how to attract attention to go up career ladder, and it seems that this woman can do anything.

Name Karina: health and psyche

Karina has been sick a lot since childhood. But parents get used to it, and doctors reassure that the girl will outgrow it - this is true. If in adulthood she does not overwork and sleeps well and eats well, then her health will be excellent. If Karina neglects this, then the result will be weak immunity and constant colds.

The psyche of the name Karina is quite stable. Capriciousness passes over time, and the woman becomes an understanding and kind lady who is respected by the people around her.

Name Karina: sexuality, marriage

Temperamental Karina gets married several times in her life. The first marriage is early, but for love. Over time, Karina realizes that this is not enough to build a happy life. A second marriage with a calm man, and if he is not boring, then the woman will live with him all her life. If her husband’s temperament is not enough, then Karina will again go looking for a new passion.

Karina shows her love for her partner through sexuality, through intimate relationships. She loves to dominate, so for life she is not looking for a tough partner, but one who is light, simple and pliable in character.

What zodiac sign does the name Karina go to?

Most suitable sign Zodiac sign for Karina is Pisces. But others too water signs Also suitable for this name: Cancer and Scorpio. Also, the name Karina suits Aries. Karina is closely connected with water. This is evidenced by the origin of the name. Therefore, to calm her nerves, it is better for Karina to be near fountains or aquariums.

Talisman stone for the name Karina

The talisman stone for the name Karina is jade. Its energy is so strong that in ancient times sailors used it to avoid getting lost at sea and to find their way back home. Therefore, if it is not clear what you need to strive for in life, then such a talisman will help and show the way. In the East, jade is considered the stone of winners.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Karina

Tree mascot for the name Karina it must be from the conifer family. It could be cedar or fir. It is useful for Karina to walk in a coniferous forest, especially if she needs to calm down and make an important decision.

Talisman flower for Karina it is cypress. Although it blooms rarely, it is able to give part of its energy to the person whose talisman it is. You can keep a dried cypress leaf, but the best thing is this is a flower that will become a real amulet in life.

Plant for the name Karina - cumin. Black cumin clears the mind and improves memory. Helps save the family and protects from problems and troubles.

Totem animal named Karina

The totem animal named Karina is a walrus. Previously, talismans were made from the fangs of these animals. Now this is prohibited.

The walrus is an inhabitant of harsh places; nature has tempered his body and will. Therefore, people for whom he is a talisman become even stronger and more determined. It’s good for Karina to carry a figurine of a walrus or a pendant with the image of this animal.

Numerology of the name Karina

The number of the name Karina is 3. These are talented people, but they need constant support and adjustment from loved ones and relatives. If Karina has such a person who is a patient mentor, then she can move mountains. Without it, the “troika”, as an enthusiastic person, may get carried away and the fate will be unenviable.

Nickname for the name Karina

Nickname for the name Karina

To choose a nickname for the name Karina, you can rearrange the letters in different places or use abbreviated forms of the name. For example, Rina. Nice to use for a nickname different signs: Kar&Na (read Kar and Na). You can add other words to the name that are consonant with it:

  • Karina Korolek
  • Francesco
  • Takako
  • Corie
  • Ouellete
  • Gustavo
  • Phung
  • Harrill
  • Julissa
  • Blahnik
  • Virgil
  • Loverich
  • Lorraine
  • Moates
  • Nahmias
  • Theberge
  • Stickman
  • Liter
  • Greff
  • Melina and so on

Famous people, celebrities named Karina

In modern show business, on the stage and in other areas, there are many famous people, celebrities named Karina. It is impossible to remember them all, but here are the most popular and famous:

  • Karina Razumovskaya- actress.
  • Karina Anatolyevna Moritz- Soviet actress.
  • Karina Collins- American porn actress and director.
  • Karina Lombard- film and television actress, singer.
  • Karina Eduardovna Dymont- Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003).
  • Karina Mikhailovna Bagdasarova-circus performer, tamer, daughter of trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov.
  • Karina Abdullina- famous Kazakh singer and actress.
  • Karina Kharchinskaya- fashion model, singer.

All these famous women achieved success through hard work and perseverance. Character helps Karina in life, but you need to work hard for life to be successful. However, few people are lucky enough to achieve high results simply unrealistic. But Karina knows what to do, because they are courageous, determined and lucky.

Video: The meaning of the name Karina


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