Meanings of astrological houses. What are houses in astrology and what do they mean

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Experienced astrologers can tell about the meanings of houses in the natal chart. The natal chart is the foundation of a horoscope developed for a specific person, taking into account the characteristics of his personality and the alignment of the stars under which he was born. By deciphering the natal chart, you can learn something new about yourself, determine what awaits you in the future, what are the risks that you will have to face in the near future. Describing meaning different aspects cards, astrologers will advise you on how to avoid dangers and minimize their impact on your life.

general information

The houses indicated in the natal chart for the layman are something incomprehensible. Even the very fact of the existence of such cards for many remains unknown until the end of life. If a person is far from astrology, it is very difficult for him to correctly form a natal chart for himself. To simplify the task, special programs have been developed. Houses listed in this individual horoscope, determine what the person's key life milestones will be. They are associated with the signs of the zodiac. It is these mutual influences that determine the development of the life situation.

The first house is associated with a person, determines his character of a person, individuality, propensity for active actions. The 2nd house of the natal chart is responsible for the acquisition, and the third - for the exchange. The fourth is associated with home, relatives and heritage, the fifth with children and love. The sixth house is associated with the present, the seventh with harmony and relationships, and the eighth with detachment. The ninth house of astrologers is responsible for idealism, the tenth for independence, the eleventh for the ability to strive for something, make friends and hope. The final twelfth is responsible for achievements, is associated with volitional aspects of personality and mystery.

house one

Astrologers, telling what houses are responsible for in the natal chart, draw parallels between the first house and the personality, Lagna. It is associated with the birth of a person, with his first sound, with separation from the mother's body. This block affects appearance and health, energy balance and bodily. Lagnesh at home depends on the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born. If this block is weak, the natal chart will not be revealed to the right extent, even if it is strong. Such a person needs special care physical health, cleanliness.

Astrologers believe that the zodiac sign corresponding to the 1st house in the natal chart determines the future of a person. The ascendant changes on average every two hours. To accurately determine the characteristic, you need to know the moment of birth to the minute. If there is one or more planets in this block, all their features will noticeably affect the personality. During the analysis, the astrologer will evaluate what are the qualities of the planets, in what state they are present in the house, with what they are connected.

First house: nuances

Devoted to the disclosure of the meanings of houses in the natal chart, the performances of astrologers make it possible to find out that the first block is the one that determines how a person will react to what is happening. It is from him that it is clear whether a person is able to receive money, what goals he can achieve. The first house determines self-esteem, status. His analysis allows you to assess what are the prospects for becoming famous. The ruler of this house is Lagnesha. Knowing the manager, the specialist will determine spiritual aspirations, interests.

It is believed that the first house especially clearly defines the character, inclinations. If health is poor, the character is also weak, which means that the person will be prone to psychosomatic disorders. A person who is confident in his health has a large reserve of strength that allows him to go to the chosen goal.

The key indicator of the first house is the Sun. It is associated with career, authority. Those who get up at dawn have the best potentials, because the Sun gives strength to the first house.

Second house

In astrology for the second house, the value in the natal chart is savings and finances, bank accounts and income. The same house is associated with speech and parents, the body's ability to defend itself against disease-causing factors. The second house is associated with education. An astrologer, evaluating a natal chart, can say whether a person is capable of saving, how she relates to finances, whether she has negative attitudes. The ruler of the second house can be combined with profit, professional growth. Of course, only a planetary combination will not turn a person into a rich man, but will provide optimal starting conditions for such a future.

Considering the value in the natal chart for the second house, you need to pay attention to the need to improve its areas. This makes it better financial position. Karaka houses - Jupiter. Regarding immunity, the house is related to the ability of a person to resist diseases. In many ways, this determines the survivability of a person. It is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition: you need to eat properly and fully. This is especially important if the second house is controlled by Mars. healthy eating allows you to grow your own potential, and a meal helps to open the subconscious. Astrologers advise during meals to turn on music that promotes relaxation. Quarrels, conflicts at the table are strictly prohibited, as they will have a bad effect on health.

third house

In many ways, it depends on him whether the person has enough strength to achieve the chosen goal. From the natal chart, you can understand the ability to conceive a child. The ruler of the house must be analyzed in a complex way, taking into account the Saptamsha. Planets in the house of the natal chart - Venus, Mars. The position of the first allows you to predict the sexuality of a person.

Benefic planets give a person numerous talents. From the third house, one can see inclinations towards music, dancing, painting and painting. literary works. A person may have talent in the field of style, social interaction, journalism. If there are enemies here, the person will be bold and courageous, even harsh at times.

This house is associated with short trips (within the city limits, the country). Such business trips make the house stronger and help broaden one's horizons. If a person for a long time lives in one place, its development is slow and difficult. If the house is weak, one should be especially careful on the road.

fourth house

The 4th house of the natal chart is associated with the mother, which determines the energy of a person. From it you can conclude about the comfort and emotionality of the person. In the first quarter of the first year of life, the baby has virtually no protection, so you should not show it to anyone (with the exception of the next of kin). From the nuances of the house, one can see how intrauterine development progressed, how the mother treated the child in the first years of its existence. This block determines the level of satisfaction with oneself and one's life. Given by the mother in childhood, it becomes the potential that determines the entire adult period of existence. The absence of resentment allows you to be more satisfied with life.

The fourth house is associated with the state of the heart, with emotions. The same block is associated with real estate, because the house affects the person, and when the place of residence changes, fate is corrected. This is especially pronounced in children, who are affected by the energies more strongly.

fifth house

5th house in the natal chart is associated with the concept of "Purvapunya". This block is one of the most favorable and regulates the life of a person. It is associated with offspring, romance, moral principles. If the indicators are low, there is a risk of degeneration of the genus. Abortion also closes baby question. The same house allows you to understand how much the lady will be loved by her husband. If there are practically no such feelings, morality and morality will fall. Some tend to use other tactics - to be very jealous, overly attached and constantly experiencing the fear of loss. Astrologers warn: a good relationship only wise, intelligent and highly moral people who understand the laws by which the world develops will have it.

The fifth house is associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, because food and water affect the intellectual and moral level of a person, give the body information and energy. Often, those in power promote junk food, alcohol and other addictive products - this makes it easier to control people. If the fifth house is weak, a person is prone to discontent, disrespectful attitude towards others.

sixth house

The 6th house in the natal chart is associated with the concept of "dustkhana". This block causes difficulties, development and growth. Positive planets here become weaker, and the enemies have greater strength. The person gains the ability to fight disease. The same house is associated with work, service, planning your day and homework. Astrologers analyze the sixth house to determine the prospects for debt. They are usually formed when a person faces an internal enemy. Based on the interpretation of this house, everyone who could not forgive someone is considered sick.

The sixth house shows the appetite and the connection between intellectual work and the desire to eat. The same block is associated with service, supply, medicine, and treatment. Astrologers urge to pay attention to it in order to understand how to get rid of the inner enemy, reduce stress, optimize mental activity.

seventh house

7th house in the natal chart is associated with marriage, partnership. Astrologers believe that it is clear from it where the spouse will appear, what the marriage will be like, how long the union will last. To bring harmony to the block, you need to remember the fifth and ninth houses. The importance of partnerships in life cannot be underestimated. Striving for absolute independence, a person worsens karma, refuses joint work, shows dislike for others. The seventh house is associated with long-term partnerships, including the work team. All the planets of this house strongly influence the first block. Astrologers assure: a person attracts those who are similar to her. The fewer planets in the seventh house, the more favorable it is for a person. It is recommended to analyze the lunar map.

Assessing the 7th house in the natal chart, you need to look at the retrograde planets. They show the echoes of karma associated with past lives. If you combine information about the position of such planets and information about Rahu, you can understand what the relationship of karma is in the present existence.

8th house

The 8th house in the natal chart is associated with catastrophes and negative unpredictable events, which are more threatening to those who do not develop and do not change consciousness. They are less dangerous for those who seek to explore the world and are not afraid of change. The eighth house is associated with sexual attraction and longevity, although astrologers cannot tell when a person will die or how long they will live. The duration of the marriage union is associated with this house (due to its proximity to the seventh block). There is a relationship with food. If the planets in this block are negative, it affects marital relations badly. It is believed that monetary conflicts are possible.

The 8th house in the natal chart is associated with the mystical, mysterious, esoteric, magical. Such activities make a person selfish and close the map. The stronger the pride, the more difficult it is to accept knowledge from others, to respect elders. A strong eighth block can make a person a fortune teller. Such a house is especially valued by astrologers with three key aspects - psychology, mathematics, intuition.

ninth house

It is associated with spiritual guidance, fatherhood, and good luck. This block indicates a tendency to humility and the ability to understand highest value. From the block, you can see whether the person is able to perceive each new person on his life path as a teacher. The stronger the ego, the less likely it is to see other mentors. The less respect a person shows for others, the more difficult it is for her to receive new information, and luck may turn away from him. The same house is associated with male energy. This is due to the fact that the first teacher of any person is the father.

tenth house

It is associated with status in society, career and growth in the chosen field. Astrologers urge to choose for themselves useful work for others. This is the corner block that most influences the personality. It is difficult for a person to decide on a profession. It is impossible to predict what will be relevant in the near future. From the natal chart, you can understand what is the appropriate area in which it will be possible to achieve a pronounced positive result faster. In order to more accurately formulate which area a person should strive for, the astrologer will definitely check the Moon in the house of the natal chart, the solar position and the Ascendant. It is necessary to analyze Rashi, the lunar chart, to bring the information together. The stronger the block, the luckier the person will be.

Eleventh house

This block reflects a person's ambitions, additional profit. The planets in it help to unlock the potential. Astrologers advise not to become attached to the result of your work and the earnings that you can get. It is necessary to strive for development in the area chosen for oneself, so that the material and spiritual are in balance.

twelfth house

The 12th house in the natal chart is the last block associated with spending. This applies to different aspects - forces and material goods, time and energy. From the block, one can conclude how wisely a person spends what is given to him. This is the third block of difficulties associated with the subconscious, loss, mystery and humility. It determines the end of the cycle of life and determines the importance of meditation practices. The same bloc is associated with other powers. The planets in it are lost to the person, their energy is oppressed and destroyed, like the houses they control. If the planet is in this block, filled with misunderstanding, it cannot express itself, although it strives for this, which leads to internal conflict.

Planets and natal chart

The sun is associated with creativity and the ability to express oneself, the moon is associated with love, expectations, feelings of a person. Mercury is the ability to think, Venus reflects the needs, happiness of a person. Mars is associated with the will and activity, initiative of the person. Jupiter determines how a person plans and forms a sequence of priorities.

Saturn is associated with ways to achieve the planned, Uranus - with the ability to accept the new, leaving the obsolete in the past. Neptune reflects the ability to relax and anticipate the development of the situation, Pluto determines how a person gives, how he perceives losses.

The meaning of houses in the natal chart. What are the houses responsible for in astrology - all the secrets of astrology on our website website

Zodiac signs and houses in natal astrologyso intertwined that at first glance, these two terms may seem one and the same.

For example, the 2nd house is responsible for money and matter. Just like the second sign of the Zodiac - Taurus. But this similarity lies only on the surface. In fact, there is a huge and significant difference between houses and signs, which you will learn about from this article.

The main principle of astrological language

Astrological language has its own rules. One of them is an astrological sentence:

  • Planet (Who? What?) is a noun.
  • Zodiac sign (What?) - an adjective.
  • House (Where? What does he do?) - predicate.

The planets are the main actors in the star map scene. The planets set the tone, play their roles, are the main driving force .

The main function of the zodiac signs

Is it to describe a planet orhouse in natal astrology, show how you can activate any point on the map.

In other words, the signs of the Zodiac can be compared to the clothes of the planets or the scenery on the stage, on which the planet-actors play their roles. Every planet has its favorite weekend suit, and there are clothes that spoil the planet.

How will the zodiac signs affect Mars?

Mars is a planet that is responsible for activity, how we defend our interests, how we show aggression. The sign of the Zodiac in which Mars is located will indicate exactly how we will manifest the functions of the red planet.

For example, Mars in Aries is like a young warrior, who is knee-deep in the sea, who is not afraid of anything. Such a person will show his aggression openly, easily get annoyed and "turn on" for any reason.

Whereas Mars in Taurus will show its aggression according to the principle - I endure I endure, and then I will arrange a huge thrashing to everyone who comes to hand. A person with Mars in Taurus will not be aggressive by nature, but it is better not to bring him to a boiling point.

As you can see Mars is different signs will behave differently. In Aries, Mars is impulsive and hot; in Taurus, reserved and moderate.

Main function of signs - description

How does fate manifest itself through houses?

Houses in natal astrologyare directly related to events in our lives. Houses show exactly where this or that planet should manifest itself.

Houses can be conditionally called a manifestation of fate. That is, where exactly fate will require certain actions from us.

In short:

  • Signs of the Zodiac - our personal characteristics, character traits.
  • At home - where we need to show our personal characteristics.

For example, Mercury is in the 9th house. Mercury is the planet of communications, knowledge and communication. According to the IX house, fate will create circumstances where a person will communicate a lot with foreigners, study foreign cultures, and plunge into higher knowledge.

How to connect signs and houses?

But it's not always so simple. Very often, the meaning of the sign and house in natal astrology can contradict each other, causing internal problems.

For example, Mars is in Pisces in the 8th house.

Mars in Pisces says that the native is by nature very kind, not aggressive, it is difficult for him to defend his principles - it is easier to give in.

But Mars in the VIII house shows that fate will create situations where the native will need to give a tough rebuff, perhaps even aggressively defend their interests, in other words, fight in full.

Internally, a person with a fishy Mars will absolutely not want to fight, but fate will force him.

How to find a solution?

The solution is to find a compromise. To put it simply, the meaninghouses in natal astrologywill override the value of the sign. That is, the sign of the zodiac must adapt to .

A native in our situation needs to learn how to fight, but like a fish - with secret and covert actions, but very tough. This will be the karmic task of Mars in Pisces in the VIII house.

Well, if you want to study the theme of houses and signs more deeply, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

The 12th house of the horoscope is considered the most mysterious, confusing and complex in astrology, it causes a lot of controversy and discussion among professionals.

Meanings of the 12th house in traditional and modern astrology

Most astrological schools can be divided into two conditional camps:

  1. Traditional astrologers believe that the 12th house contains only negativity, it is dark, full of fear, troubles in fate are associated with it.
  2. Some modern astrologers argue that when the planet is in the 12th house, a person enters a treasury of unknown talents and opportunities.

Traditional astrology defines the 12th house as the home of demons, evil entities and temptations. In their perception and interpretation, the 12th house was considered the home of the inner figures living in us.
He is associated with prisons, imprisonment, self-destruction, that is, a person under his influence was in captivity of his needs and passions.

The sacred meaning of the 12th house in astrology

For many years, the ruling forces, such as religious structures and political power, suppressed individuality and the desire for self-knowledge in people in order to control the masses and obey general laws.

As a result of this, from generation to generation, all suppressed aspirations and denied talents for several centuries were concentrated in the 12th house.

Few people know, but symbolically the 12th house of the horoscope is the collective unconscious, which is why it is associated with what is hidden and hidden, this is the house of secrets.

Moreover, according to Jungian psychotherapy, the repressed energy of talents is “packed” into the framework of mental trauma, distorted ideas about the world that are passed down from generation to generation. A traumatized society is very easy to manage.

Some researchers of modern astropsychology have made a great contribution to the study of the 12th house and have identified a connection between negative impact this house and repressed childhood fears, hidden traumas.

That is why the 12th house is traditionally associated with fears and vicious addictions. So, the 12th house in the horoscope has sacred meaning and for each planet it can turn out to be both a destructive force and a true revelation.

Contact with higher

When it comes to light Small child, he has an innate connection with the collective and the unconscious, he knows who he is, why he came to this world, where he the best way and how to achieve the highest happiness.
But, growing up, he finds himself in an environment full of restrictions, where he is dictated by the rules of what can be done and what cannot be done, so he loses contact with the self.

The connection with the unconscious, lost from infancy, can be revived by discovering the secret of the unknown through working through the 12th house.

Distorted essence of planets in the 12th house

If a planet falls into the 12th house, it is very difficult for a person to manifest on this planet, since this house is full of restrictions and misunderstanding, but at the same time the desire to prove oneself remains, because the energy of the planet does not go anywhere. Because of this, conflict arises within a person.

The energy of the 12th house is directed inward, towards the self-destruction of a person, which can subsequently lead to severe forms of alcoholism, drug addiction and an inexplicable craving for a criminal lifestyle.

  • If a Sun is in the 12th house, then it will be difficult for a person to openly manifest himself in this world, so he will assert his individuality and try to achieve what he wants through intrigues, squabbles and dirty tricks.
  • Moon, being in the 12th house, will not allow you to open up, be realized as a woman and mother. For example, natal horoscope A 28-year-old girl who does not date men, does not think about marriage and does not want to have children, shows that her Moon is in the 12th house.
  • Position Mercury in 12th house detrimental to writing. In this case, a person ignores this ability, he is tormented by doubts, it seems to him that he will remain misunderstood and he does not have enough knowledge and skill to become a writer.
  • If a Venus located in the 12th house, the person denies marriage and family relationships. In this case, the Venus man will cheat on his wife and lead a secret double life. But if a man grows spiritually, then Venus will open the way for him to great talent in art.
  • Mars in 12th house reveals the consequences of childhood psychological trauma. If a child is constantly suppressed aggression, not taught to stand up for himself, he grows up emotionally failed person. So, a man-Mars in the 12th house often lives life “under the heel of his wife” and cannot realize himself in anything.
  • Jupiter in 12th house will deny the hidden talent of the teacher and crush the desire to travel. A person will consider that he does not have enough knowledge and it is better not to try to take any action so as not to look ridiculous.
  • Saturn in 12th house responsible for fears and limitations, reveals psychological trauma and sets rigid limits. It is difficult for a person to manifest himself in any structure, although in fact he is a leader and a talented leader.
  • Uranus in 12th house displaces inventive talent. He feels chained in a rigid framework, and it seems to him that society will never accept his creations.
  • Neptune associated with alternative medicine, healing and magic. Therefore, being under the influence of the 12th house, a person can harm himself by getting carried away by dark practices.
  • Pluto in 12th house keeps a person at the ultimate level, but does not allow to overcome the crisis. A well-developed 12th house will allow a Pluto person to become a test pilot or stuntman. From Pluto, a brilliant doctor can turn out, able to pull a person out of the other world.

A person whose planet is in the 12th house feels chained in an invisible frame, as if he is bound hand and foot

12th house work

The level of spiritual development of a person depends on what effect the planet in the 12th house will have on him. If he leads a philistine way of life, without wondering about the meaning of life, then it will be much more difficult for him to avoid the harmful influence of this house of the horoscope than for people prone to introspection.

When the secret of the 12th house is revealed to a person, a turning point occurs in his life: he begins to be pushed out of his daily routine, new aspirations and talents are revealed to him. So a person gets access to this storehouse of knowledge and wisdom of ancestors.

A well-developed 12th house can be the key to creative discoveries and new achievements.

12 house hides a colossal volume useful information, but it is not so easy to open it, it is always difficult, the person feels very lonely and thinks that no one is able to help him.

Contact with yourself

To direct the energy of the 12th house in the right direction and find out about your hidden talents, you need to seek contact with yourself. First you need to ask yourself questions: why am I here, what do I really want, do I like what I'm doing?

Foot work

Astrology is full of symbolism, and the 12th house, as the most last house in astrology, is responsible for the feet. To stimulate the 12th house, you need to walk barefoot as often as possible, preferably in natural areas.

Leaving for nature, cottage or sea, do not miss the chance: take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass or sand.

Template break

To fully work out the 12th house, you need to do something extraordinary - this will help you awaken and realize your self, understand your difference from others. For example, while walking along the road, you can suddenly turn around and go backwards or open the door without right hand, as usual, but left.

Gradually, you need to accustom your brain to think not stereotypically, then individuality will begin to wake up and the 12th house will appear.

But, alas, this is not painless. Everyone around continues to live within these limits and stereotypes, so it seems that by destroying the limits, a person becomes superfluous and alien.

Having overcome this period, a person discovers a connection with the collective unconscious, there are like-minded people and teachers right there, and the 12th house ceases to seem so creepy.

Well, if you want to master all the secrets of working through the 12th house, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Classifications of houses in the natal chart can be grouped according to characteristics, for example, by age:

I, IV, VII and X - childhood homes,

II, V, VIII and IX - houses of adulthood,

III, VI, IX and XII - old age homes.

This division can be used when studying the stages life path person and some calendar calculations.

Another division suggests that houses from I to VIII speak of the material side of a person’s life, houses from IX to XI speak of his moral and spiritual life, and the XII house is that worldly fuss that often takes up a lot of space in the lives of many of us. But, of course, the main division is that in which each house is recognized as a special, completely defined role.

1 HOUSE - "life"

He is responsible for the personality, and character is often included here. The planets located in the first house determine a lot both in the character of a person and in his destiny. The type of personality and the sequence of certain life events depend on which planets they occupy and in what order. In time (calendar) terms, this is the period of childhood. Corresponds to the sign of Aries, the co-owner is Mars. It is believed that the first significator controls these elements at the beginning of life, the second - in its middle, and the third - in its final phase.

2 HOUSE - "profit"

He is responsible for property, income, and types of expenses. Venus is considered the mistress - the planet of love, art and relatively small amounts of money. The beginning, middle and end of life are distributed among the signifiers in the same way as in the first house.

3 HOUSE - "brothers"

Responsible for the relationship of a person with others - relatives, neighbors, close relatives, in short, for the circle of everyday communication. Also, since the third house corresponds to the constellation of Gemini, whose co-owner is Mercury, it is responsible for various manifestations of the highest nervous activity person (type of perception, circle of interests, if confirmed in other parameters - profession; in adverse cases, it can also mean diseases), as well as for business life - short trips, correspondence, etc. It is believed that the first significator concerns relations with older brothers and sisters, the second - with younger ones, and the third - movements close to permanent place residence.

4 HOUSE - "parents"

He talks about the family, about the house; these may be issues related to the receipt of an inheritance, with the signing different kind contracts, including marriage contracts (formal marriage). It corresponds to the sign of Cancer, and is its mistress. The first significator concerns the father, the second - the property of the family, and the third in the old days was called "finis rerum" ("the end of things"), which in today's terminology could be expressed as the main contradiction of the personality, " driving force» its development and self-destruction.

5 HOUSE - "descendants"

Children, art and all sorts of pleasures, possibly whims. It corresponds to the constellation Leo, its owner is; this is what the “heart has become attached to”, without which a person cannot imagine himself, as well as the fruits of his labors that he will leave on earth - be it physical descendants, works of art or legends about his deeds. The first significator concerns physical offspring, the second - attachments (addictions), the third - spiritual heritage.

6 HOUSE - "health"

This house is also called the "house of diseases." Depending on where it is located and what its aspects are, you can tell a lot about what hurt or will hurt. It corresponds to the constellation Virgo, whose owner is; therefore, he points to the most important daily concerns (for some, this may be a favorite job, for others, taking care of pets, etc.). It is believed that the first significator corresponds to diseases, the second - people with whom a person does not really value communication, and the third - small domestic animals.

7 HOUSE - "husband"

Responsible for marriage and for the partner that a person chooses for himself; partner can be business. Public relations and unions are also subordinated to this house. His housewife is. The first significator points to the partner itself, the second to possible lawsuits, and the third to enemies.

8 HOUSE - "death"

House of death and life. There is no contradiction here, if we take into account that death in the metaphysical sense means only a gate, a transition to a new life. Corresponds to the constellation Scorpio, therefore, and are considered its owners. The first signifier indicates the circumstances of the death of the owner of the horoscope, the second indicates his belonging to a particular tradition (religion), the third indicates a possible inheritance.

9 HOUSE - "piety"

This is the home of intellectual life, religion and travel, especially distant ones - for example, abroad. It corresponds to the constellation Sagittarius, its co-owner is.

The first significator is responsible for travel, the second for religiosity, the third for dreams and daydreams.

10 HOUSE - "kingdom"

House of professional or social success, career. It corresponds to the constellation Capricorn, its co-owner is. The first significator is dedicated professional activity, the second - "honors" (positions), the third - the role of the mother in the life of the owner of the horoscope and her fate.

11 HOUSE - "good deeds"

This house shows how hopes are realized, what kind of patrons a person has, whether they are; it corresponds to the constellation Aquarius, the planets and. The first significator is devoted to the area in which a person hopes to achieve success, the second - to the nature of his activity (whether he does good or evil), the third - to the results.

/ Houses in astrology (horoscope houses), angular astrological houses, systems of houses, axis of houses. Astrology.

Houses in astrology (horoscope houses), angular astrological houses, house systems, house axes. Astrology.

Houses in astrology (horoscope houses) responsible for the event interpretation of the natal chart. The articles in this section will describe characteristics of astrological houses in traditional astrology.

If we consider the natal chart (horoscope) without taking into account the astrological houses, i.e. cosmogram, then we can only understand the psychological level of the individual. Houses and planets in houses show where, in what areas of life, this person there will be the most important and significant lessons, events. Those. the houses of the natal chart are various areas human life.

House systems.

In astrology, there are many various systems houses. House system of Koch and Placidus are the two main systems by which most modern astrologers work. Which of these systems to choose, only you yourself, over time, will be able to answer this question for yourself - experimentally. For some, the Koch house system works better, for others, the Placidus system. I settled on the Koch house system. Famous astrologer Konstantin Daragan works on the Placidus house system, and astrologer Stefan Arroyo recommends the Koch house system. In general, the choice is yours, try both systems, analyze.

Angular houses in astrology. Axes of houses.

The most important in the horoscope are corner houses- 1 house, 4 house, 7 house and 10 house. These astrological houses do not depend on the chosen house system (Koch or Placidus), axis 1-7 houses and axis 4-10 houses in any of these systems will be built in the same way.

Axis 1 - 7 houses in astrology it is the axis of houses, which reflects the level of "I - You". The 1st house reflects ourselves, and the 7th house reflects our personal and business partners, enemies, opponents.

Axis 4 - 10 houses in astrology it is the axis of personal (4th house) and social environment (10th house), our house (4) is our career (10), our deep habits (4) are our most important achievements in life (10).

1,7,4 and 10 astrological houses of the natal chart reflect our main areas of life. Other houses of the horoscope are also important, but they are less significant. When corner houses are highlighted in the natal chart (in these houses a large number of planets), then a lot of significant and bright events take place in a person’s life, life will be more eventful, especially for the 10th house of the horoscope.

Axis 2 - 8 houses in astrology reflects the material sphere - 2nd house personal income, talents with which we can earn a living, and 8th house - general, collective finances, business, taxes, insurance, inheritance, etc. Although the 8th house has a deeper meaning, but this will be a separate article dedicated to the 8th house. If between planets there are oppositions in the 2nd and 8th houses, then in life there will be problems in the material sphere, with taxes, or because of inheritance. To clarify the causes of difficulties, you need to analyze which houses these planets rule.

Axis 3 - 9 houses in astrology defines the scope of learning, communication and broadening one's horizons. 3rd house - initial education, courses, hobby groups, inner circle, short trips. 9th house - higher education, travel, contact with different cultures, jurisprudence, spiritual development. Oppositions of planets from 3 - 9 houses can give difficulties in travel, in training and in communication.

Axis 5 - 11 houses in astrology can be seen as personal social development. 5th house - personal talents, what we experience joy, hobbies, hobbies, sports, creativity, as well as children and romance novels. 11th house - here we develop in a team, among like-minded people, friends and cannot take into account only our own, personal interests. Oppositions of planets from 5 - 11 houses natal chart can be interpreted as problems in social life because of friends, difficulties in raising children, obstacles to the realization of talents.

Axis 6 - 12 houses in astrology responsible for work and leisure, for illness and health. 6th house is daily work, duties, subordinate position, illness. 12th house - solitude on one's own initiative (like rest, meditation, recuperation after illness), or forced loneliness. Oppositions between 6th and 12th houses one of the most unpleasant, it often speaks of illness, health problems and forced isolation.

Opposition between corner houses the most painful, because the two main areas are difficult to balance. Opposition between 1st and 7th astrological houses always gives problems in relationships, obstacles to marriage, frequent quarrels or disagreements with a personal partner. The opposition between the 1st and 7th houses forces a person to choose such partners in life with whom there will be a constant “tug of the blanket”. In the article "" You can read in more detail about the tense 7th house and the description of other houses in terms of relationships and marriage.

Oppositions between 4th and 10th astrological houses also very unfavorable. It is difficult for a person to choose where to invest his strength - in the house (4) or in a career (10th house). This opposition can make you torn between work and family. And if a person chooses a career, then in old age he risks being left alone, and if he completely focuses on family and home, then work suffers, and he risks not being realized in his career.

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