Fish stone amulet sign. What stones are suitable for Pisces women?

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Selecting the most useful stones for Pisces is a task that only the representative of his sign can cope with. The fact is that Pisces are very sentimental people with a rich imagination and a creative mind. Every day they experience a whole range of emotions, so it is sometimes difficult to understand them. But they themselves will easily understand their desires and make right choice.

The selection of a stone begins with determining the specific date and year of birth. It is equally important to “tune in” to a person in order to understand what features of his nature the gem should embody.

Taking into account the features of the sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is better pay attention to the following qualities of your sign:

  • sentimentality;
  • extraordinary thinking;
  • highly developed intuition;
  • the ability to feel and understand another person;
  • sacrifice of character;
  • incredibly developed parental instinct.

The best talisman is the stone that combines the ability to develop the creative powers of Pisces and also help her penetrate the secrets of her subconscious. Also stone must have the ability to level out certain weak qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • indecision;
  • excessive fear of offending another person;
  • reluctance to refuse even strangers;
  • touchiness.

According to the decade

Each zodiac sign corresponds to three periods, which are equal to 10 days. The division by decade is important from the point of view of characterizing a person’s type, his psychological image. Based on this knowledge, you can choose a talisman that will have the most beneficial effect:

  1. Born in the first ten days (February 20 – March 1) are influenced by Saturn - the planet of restrictions and struggle. Such Pisces have a strong, resilient character. They can endure a lot to achieve their cherished goal. They are helped by: moonstone, tiger's eye, aventurine, amethyst and heliotrope. They help attract faithful people into your life, give determination and courage, and protect you from troubles.
  2. Pisces 2nd decade (March 2-11) are under the protection of Jupiter. These are extraordinary people with a philosophical mindset; they tend to build global plans and boldly undertake their implementation. The following are in harmony with such interesting natures: opal, pearls, hairy stones and corals. They help you transition to a new one life stage, give hope and promote the development of intuition.
  3. Finally, born in the third decade (March 12-20) are strongly influenced by Mars. These are quite brave, emotional personalities who are used to directly expressing all their thoughts. Such energetic people are helped by: alexandrite, ruby, garnet, diamond, amber, sapphire, aquamarine, tourmaline. These gems awaken vital energy, help to find faithful like-minded people and also endow their owner with wisdom.

By date and year of birth

In date of birth great importance has a specific year. The influence of the type, which is determined by eastern calendar, quite noticeable for Pisces. For example, amethyst corresponds to active and decisive Tigers. It helps treat diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Diamond and topaz are also suitable for them. They develop business qualities and help a person become a real leader.

And for cozy, kind Hares, it is preferable to choose pearls - stone money luck, as well as emeralds and sapphires, which bring happiness in your personal life and give peace of mind. Garnet, ruby ​​and turquoise are suitable for the Noble Horse. They help maintain an active business pace and also facilitate the establishment of contacts with people of different types.

If we talk about which gem is suitable in its properties for a particular person according to the horoscope, it is important to take into account both the place and even the time of birth, which are calculated individually by the astrologer.

Fish Stone: photo gallery

Talisman stones for men

Representative of the stronger sex, belonging to the sign Pisces is very unusual man. He is charming, sensitive and sincerely cares about all those close to him. He does not seek career fame at any cost and tries to find harmony with everyone around him. He is also a great artist, an amazing storyteller with a rich imagination. Therefore, such extraordinary men you can choose among the following gems:

  1. Amethyst will become a personal talisman that will always come to the rescue in a moment of doubt. This stone allows a person to relax and plunge into a light trance so that the subconscious can tell the right idea. In addition, amethyst harmonizes energy flows and allows the Pisces man to feel more confident.
  2. Pearls give good luck in business and attract financial well-being. It puts its owner on an active wave and activates his business sense. Thanks to such properties, things at work will inevitably go uphill.
  3. Opal is conducive to communication with the weaker sex. In addition, it helps a man discover rare qualities in himself, which also strengthens his faith in his capabilities.

Stones for Pisces woman

Graceful, sweet and very cozy people are girls of the Pisces sign. It’s as if they always live in another world, often hovering in the clouds, but at the same time they are always ready to quickly come down to earth and come to the aid of people dear to their hearts. In addition, these are wonderful mothers who love their child infinitely. Of course, such a manifestation of care can be harmful in some way, so it is important for Pisces women to learn to moderate their emotions and listen to the voice of reason. Astrologers recommend such women pay attention to the following stones:

  1. Moonstone awakens sensuality and allows Pisces women to appear before a man in all their glory - feminine, graceful and infinitely charming.
  2. Aquamarine guarantees emotional stability and the acquisition of long-awaited peace of mind. It harmonizes a person’s own energy and protects him from emotional disorders. In addition, the stone helps to use its feminine charms, which no representative of the stronger half of humanity can resist.
  3. Mother-of-pearl and pearls act in a similar way: they help reveal your best qualities and besides, they are suppressed by fears and the influence of complexes.
  4. Chrysolite sets you up for a good, optimistic wave, and perfectly lifts you out of a depressive state.

Universal Gems

For representatives of the sign, regardless of gender and specific date of birth suitable gems are:

  1. Heliodor stabilizes the constantly changing mood of Pisces, bringing it out of a long-term blues. In addition, the stone helps to relax and open best sides character.
  2. Opal plays a few important roles: protects its owner from envious people, and most importantly, helps to find love. For married women serves as a kind of family talisman and protects the hearth.
  3. Aquamarine awakens the imagination, allows you to move to a new stage of life and gives confidence in your own abilities.
  4. Agate works in a similar way. And its white varieties are able to pacify their owner, giving him real spiritual comfort.

Precious varieties

Among the gemstones that have a beneficial effect on Pisces are:

  1. Diamond is especially suitable business people holding leadership positions. Unbending will, self-confidence and determination - these are the qualities that it develops in its owner.
  2. Ruby is guaranteed to distract from gloomy thoughts and allows Pisces to understand that life really is wonderful.
  3. Sapphire is a gemstone that represents spiritual wisdom. It will be a very necessary gift for mature Pisces, as well as believers and creative people.
  4. Emerald enriches with its energy and allows you to cope with weaknesses; protects against unreasonable actions and emotional decisions.

Astrologer's advice on choosing a stone and talisman (video)

Which stones are contraindicated for the sign

It is believed that Pisces should not wear stones that have a strong energy of their own. The fact is that these people have a strong but sensitive character. They easily convey the state of their interlocutor, and even if he didn’t say anything, such people can understand a lot by reading between the lines. That's why Astrologers believe that the following gems should not be worn:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • obsidian;
  • sardonyx;
  • yellow topazes;
  • olivine;
  • jasper;
  • nephritis.

These gems have quite strong waves. They can suppress the energy of Pisces and make it despondent. Along with the recommendations described, you should also take into account your own preferences, as well as the characteristics of your body.

Other amulets and talismans

Pisces is also protected by other amulets - colors, metals, plants and others:

  1. The colors of luck are shades of soft lilac, lilac, violet, and almost any tone from the palette of blue and green. If we add silver here, we can say that Pisces is protected by a good half of the range of colors that are familiar to us.
  2. Among metals, silver is the patron saint. Noble, with modest shades, it has long been distinguished by its beneficial and protective properties.
  3. Violet, forget-me-not and jasmine are the amulets of the sign from the world of flowers. They personify natural, modest beauty, connection with the highest, as well as grace and elegance of manners.
  4. Trees of luck - willow, pine and linden. Symbolizes longevity vitality and tenderness, pure love.
  5. In the animal world, the most beneficial influence is the fish themselves. They symbolize harmony, wealth and success. It would be nice for fish to have an aquarium - it will act as a kind of sedative. The turtle also has a positive effect - figurines in the form of this animal will become a reliable Pisces amulet.

How to choose a profession for Pisces (video)

It is preferable for a sentimental and artistic Pisces woman to choose natural stones with a calm, peaceful energy. It’s no secret that representatives of this sign have very developed intuition, so trusting your own feelings is the best decision.


Greetings to all Pisces who are interested in amulets and amulets and who want to positively influence their destiny.

The main feature of people born under the sign of Pisces is softness and detachment from reality. These people are very rarely self-confident.

Demanding decisions from representatives of this sign is simply stupid; they will do everything to avoid it.

Emotions are extremely important for Pisces; they constantly try to understand the reasons for any, even the most insignificant act or random word.

Pisces are often seriously interested in religion or mysticism. They are much more comfortable living in a fantasy world than solving problems in real life.

They feel people very well, but do not know how to use it. What Pisces lack is at least a little self-confidence and good, healthy arrogance.

There is no clear answer to the question of which gemstone is suitable for Pisces. It all depends on the person’s date of birth. There is a division into three periods.

The character traits that characterize each person are significantly different. That's why gems, which will become amulets and talismans for fish, are also different.

Pisces born from February 21 to March 1, these are pronounced romantics and dreamers. They are always ready for change, but everyday worries are often ignored.

Pisces of this period need precious stones that are recognized as magically powerful.


  • Sapphire helps a person find his calling, overcome apathy and fear. This stone is considered a powerful source vital energy and a communicator with space. Sapphire exhibits strong healing properties only in relation to mentally pure people.
  • Emerald is a stone of composure and wisdom. This the most powerful talisman, protecting from misfortunes. Emerald helps disperse melancholy, strengthens memory and saves from insomnia. Jewelry with this stone is recommended for those who have vision problems. Very often, ancient doctors used this stone to treat infectious diseases.
  • Jade helps those who want to improve their lives or are in a difficult situation. It helps to find a way out of dead-end situations, gain well-being, vitality and longevity. Jade is associated with courage, honesty and integrity.

Pisces born between March 2 and March 11 are honest and open people. They are in great need of love and attention, and often strive for fame. Vitality and determination are not always enough to achieve this on your own. Some stones can help these people.



  • Corals are called symbols of happiness and immortality. They promote the development of intuition and logical thinking, thereby creating a reasonable balance in the worldview of fish. Corals also have strong protective properties; they are even used to heal wounds in powder form. This stone can neutralize envy and anger.
  • Rock crystal will help you discover and realize your abilities. In ancient medicine, this crystal played a leading role. Astrologers say that the energy of rock crystal instantly adjusts to a person’s vibration and gently stabilizes him. Decorating with this stone allows you to find wise answers to all questions.
  • Sardonyx is considered a symbol of good luck in all cultures of the world. This stone can greatly increase vitality and maintain happiness in marriage. Ancient magicians used sardonyx as a talisman against the deceit of enemies and diseases.

Representatives of Pisces, who were born from March 12 to March 20, are cheerful and slightly capricious people. They often stand out from the general psychotype of fish.

These fish are determined, ambitious and know how to achieve their goals. For these people, there are also stones that can help in all endeavors and protect them from failures.


  • Charoite will give its owner endurance and calmness. The stone helps to awaken and develop prudence, clarity of thinking and improves mood. Charoite powerfully strengthens the health of its owner. It acts comprehensively, but also helps to cope with a specific disease. This stone also develops mental abilities.
  • Jet is a black, opaque stone. Despite the color, the magicians of antiquity considered it the most best defender from dark forces, evil thoughts and negative energies. Decoration with this stone is suitable for all fish, because it is the representatives of this sign who are most afraid of the evil eye and all sorts of dark forces.
  • Mother of pearl is suitable for everyone except twins. Astrologers claim that it helps develop intuition. This stone fully reveals its capabilities only when its owner is a fish. Mother of pearl promotes human health and longevity. The stone brings prosperity, peace and harmony to the family.

Gems for Pisces women

For a woman born under the sign of Pisces, pearl agate or cacholong is very suitable as a talisman.


This most beautiful and rarest of gems will protect its owner regardless of age, character or social status. Cacholong is able to attract love, therefore it is recommended for unmarried girls.

Pregnant women and mothers wear jewelry with pearl-colored agate to protect against diseases and the evil eye.

Beautiful representatives of this zodiac sign are very often unsure of themselves and doubt the sincerity of the feelings of their family and friends. Decoration with cacholong will help the hostess to cast aside groundless doubts and give confidence.

Moon rock

Pisces women often become immersed in household chores and forget that they are attractive, deeply hiding their femininity. A talisman with a moonstone will allow you to reveal sensuality, restore softness, dreaminess and emphasize natural charm.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces should pay close attention to aquamarine. This stone has been a talisman of sailors and fishermen since ancient times.


Aquamarine will give confidence and courage to a fish who is restrained in expressing feelings and is shy.

Decoration with aquamarine gives strength and energy to achieve your goal, determination and freedom. At the same time, the mineral strengthens spirituality and brings harmony to the life of every person.

Gems for Pisces men

A man who was born under the sign of Pisces is partly an altruist and does not know how to value himself or defend his interests. His path to success is slow and difficult.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and belongs to the water element. The symbol of this sign is two fish tied together with a ribbon or thread and swimming in different directions. The duality of the image means the contradiction between the material and spiritual worlds.

Pisces are considered one of the most mystical signs of the Zodiac circle. They have a gentle character, are sensitive, sentimental, gifted with creative intuition and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of ideals or dear people.

Because of his rich imagination and tendency to live in his own inner world, this sign seems helpless and not adapted to everyday life.

A talisman stone that suits this sign is able to protect against evil and activate creativity.

Talisman stones

The water element of Pisces determines the color of the talisman stones: blue, light blue, green, aqua or foam (white, gray, crystal clear).

The most effective amulets are those chosen according to the date of birth. This approach will strengthen the connection between man, the stone and the patron planet.

Each mineral has its own character and strength, aimed at solving various problems and troubles. Depending on which mineral you choose, different positive traits of a person are activated.

Amulet - very personal item, it connects material and mystical space, protects from external and internal negative aspects. Stones should never be stolen or obtained through deception, otherwise the positive energy will be distorted. When choosing a stone, they focus on tactile and emotional sensations: a real amulet seems warm, it’s pleasant to hold in your hands and you don’t want to let go of it.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

The impact of stones on character and energy is very strong. Many talismans can be too powerful and activate negative character traits.

Which mineral is contraindicated for the Water sign? Pisces women should avoid bright red stones. Such minerals will have a suppressive effect and awaken unusual activity.

The contradiction between the soft nature and the motivation of the stone will ultimately lead to depression, or even depression.

The following stones are contraindicated for the water sign of the zodiac:

A well-chosen amulet reveals the best traits in a person. If you wear contraindicated stones, you can disrupt the harmony of the individual, cause depression, depression, attract troubles and resistance from the Universe to all matters and undertakings.

Which one of contraindicated stones Can I wear it if I like the decoration? If the mineral is pleasant to hold in your hands, you get the feeling that the stone is in its place, such a talisman can be used. This means that some character trait is very weakened and requires additional stimulation, active influence, and the help of other signs and spheres of influence.

Modern people believe more and more in otherworldly powers and magical properties of amulets and amulets. Talismans change the aura of their owner and bring good luck. And, although psychologists say that in fact a person builds his own life, amulets and talismans help him gain confidence in himself and his abilities.

Each amulet is tied to certain qualities of a person, his strengths and weaknesses, character traits. A talisman that is not psychologically suitable for its owner will be of no use - a beautiful trifle, nothing more. Besides negative aura can leave its mark, and the owner may be attacked by sudden setbacks: illness, conflict with loved ones, problems at work, stress, and so on.

What stones are suitable for Pisces women?

According to the horoscope, the Pisces woman is a fragile and defenseless creature. She is very gentle, airy and always needs male protection. This zodiac sign is quite unpretentious, and has a magical talisman for Pisces May be a large number of both precious and non-precious stones.

Base stones for Pisces:

Pisces: Talisman Gems

Aquamarine helps Pisces women become brighter, overcome natural shyness and even isolation. It is best to place the stone in a necklace so that it is visible: in this way, the woman will feel more free to radiate energy of confidence, and people around will be amazed by the power emanating from it. Aquamarine also affects appearance, although Pisces, in fact, does not need this: men are already crazy about them. The look of defenseless and open woman will not leave anyone indifferent. At the sight of weak Pisces, men immediately activate a defender complex, ready to stand up for their lady like a mountain.

Alexandrite has medicinal properties, helps improve digestion, with problems with muscles and joints, stimulates the functioning of blood vessels. In addition, alexandrite improves emotional aura and helps strengthen character.

Despite the fact that the Pisces woman looks weak and defenseless, she is quite a determined and courageous person. In marriage, it allows a man to manage the family budget and make decisions, the main thing is to feel under reliable protection.

Amethyst for Pisces is a talisman stone for a woman who cares about her career. It pushes to the new and unknown, gives new strength and more confidence in one’s abilities, which is so necessary for fragile, but strong-willed Pisces women. Amethyst helps set life priorities and focus on what is truly important; drives away sad thoughts and self-doubt.

Rock crystal attracts wealth, relieves worries and anxiety, and has healing properties. These are stones for Pisces who feel insecure when accepting important decisions - rhinestone helps you make the right choice and avoid mistakes.

Agate for Pisces woman It is worth choosing bluish-cold, blue tones. For seemingly defenseless and weak Pisces, agate is a real “ protective field" It helps to hide from the evil eye and slander. Upon returning home, the stone should be thoroughly cleaned and get rid of all the negativity accumulated during the day, free from anger and sadness. Agate helps in difficult situations and activates the sense of self-preservation and self-defense.

Green Diamond is the stone of Pisces suffering from excess negative emotions. If you have difficulty making contact and do not know how to establish relationships with people around you, you absolutely need such a talisman . Carry it in your pocket, on a beautiful chain or as an insert into a necklace or pendant.

It cannot be said that Pisces women are very emotional and subject to violent outbursts, but their mood changes quite often: in the morning she can smile, and by the evening she can become angry and irritated. Green diamond helps Pisces control their emotions and reduce sudden changes to a minimum.

Such women themselves are very sensual and loving. These are excellent mothers, faithful wives and real housewives. They are ready to give themselves completely to their loved ones, although many learn to take advantage of her kindness: it is difficult for a Pisces woman to say “no”, she is always ready to help everyone, she makes concessions and compromises without any problems.

Emerald has calming and healing properties, protects against rash actions and actions. Representatives of the sign there are many ill-wishers - Pisces women literally bask in male attention, so it is possible that other ladies will have an inevitable feeling of envy. Besides, negative energy can also come from rejected admirers. Emerald perfectly protects against evil thoughts and conspiracies.

Jade changes its color depending on the situation and acts as an indicator: if it becomes a dark, rich color, it means that its owner is in danger and she should take a closer look at her surroundings and be more attentive. And also a change in color may indicate a sin lying on the soul, which does not let go of its owner.

Pearl. It is believed that this particular stone is the elixir of youth and helps slow down aging; it is he who is held responsible for family well-being And peace of mind. Pearls for Pisces are a talisman that allows you to monitor the health of its owner: it is believed that when the spectrum changes chemical substances and when the body becomes ill, the stone begins to darken.

Opal stimulates positive energy and protects against failure. Helps you perk up and find the strength to continue working and restore your moral character. Fills life with joy and bright colors.

Peridot is best worn in jewelry shaped like a butterfly. This is how the amulet will fully reveal its magical properties and immediately bring harmony and love to the Pisces family, and will also help save money and even make a profit.

Stones for Pisces according to the eastern horoscope

To make the talisman fully influenced its owner and gave him positive energy, you should select stones by date of birth.

Those born during the first decade (February 21 - March 1) are constant romantics, researchers and dreamers. Thanks to the influence of Saturn they live in bright colors, in an ideal world and see everything through rose-colored glasses. For them, adversity and failure do not exist, so Pisces should buy a stone that has powerful energy that can protect them from external negativity: moonstone, agate, amethyst, rock crystal.

The second decade (from March 2 to 11) is the time of those born with honor and dignity. Their own good name and pride are above all else, and corals, opals, and pearls will be excellent protectors for them.

The third decade (from March 12 to March 20) is under the protection of Mars. People born during this period are very strong-willed and decisive. They are used to boldly moving towards their goal and not stopping at any setbacks. A reliable companion in life, a defender of their aspirations and ambitions will be emerald, aquamarine, and sapphire.

Unsuitable stones for Pisces according to their zodiac sign are ruby, turquoise, carnelian, black onyx, quartz. You should also be wary of any red stones. Red is the color of blood and aggression, it can make Pisces more angry and cruel.

The main thing is to remember that anyone, even the most strong amulet will lose all his strength without positive emotions and faith in his strength.

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Girls born under the sign of Pisces are very sentimental and feminine, so discreet, transparent or light shades decorations. Minerals that resemble the sea can be used as a talisman, since people born between 20.02 and 20.03 belong to the element of Water. A stone for a Pisces woman should be one that can skillfully emphasize the tenderness and sophistication of its owner and at the same time become reliable protection from the machinations of enemies, negative energy sent from outside and one’s own bad thoughts.

The water sign of the zodiac is patronized by the mysterious Neptune - the planet of dreams and unrealistic fantasies. This information is quite enough to understand which stones are suitable for Pisces women. will become a powerful amulet for an impressionable and modest girl, but in order for this noble gem to bring happiness and good luck in business, it is necessary to engrave it in the form of a swan, eagle, horse or deer.

Those born in the third decade of the sign of Pisces should pay attention to aquamarine. Only a trusting, kind and honest girl can wear these stones. will become a great assistant in search of a decent job, it will allow you to quickly find mutual language with colleagues and stay in your place for a long time. This mineral is not suitable for capricious individuals who do not know what they want from life. A stone for a Pisces woman is a source of inspiration, so opal would be an excellent talisman, awakening the potential of creative individuals.

To protect against evil eye and healing the cardiovascular system is worth wearing jewelry with coral. Emerald can improve memory and relieve depression, but it must be inherited or given from the heart. Stones for Pisces women are protectors and amulets from surrounding troubles. The most a strong talisman is a pearl of any color. This sea or river mineral is considered a symbol of spiritual development and harmony. It helps to take right decisions, protects against rash actions, brings happiness and promotes longevity.

A stone for a Pisces woman should be associated with water, and who else but aquamarine resembles a drop sea ​​water! This mineral personifies the soul of the ocean, therefore it is considered a talisman for sailors. The gem imparts courage, gives self-confidence, teaches calmness and restraint. Aquamarine is able to reflect the mood of its owner: if everything is fine with him, then the stone shines and glows with an inner light, if the owner is sick or faces failure, the mineral dims.

The stone for the Pisces woman must still be endowed magical properties. This is what amethyst is, but it is not recommended to wear it all the time. The lilac-violet mineral gives peace of mind and peace, promotes the sympathy of others, helps to overcome causeless fears and anxiety, and become kinder. The talisman strengthens social status the owner, helps to fight with makes a person brave, cheerful and aware of eternal values.


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