Gemini zodiac sign name Julia what health. Diminutive pet names

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The name Julia is quite common. This is due to its meaning, having learned that many mothers want to name their daughter this way, because it is translated as “curly” or “July”.

Origin of the name

Two versions of the meaning of the name are associated with disputes about its origin. Some scientists claim that the nickname appeared in Ancient Greece from the word characterizing the peculiarity of the bearer’s appearance - “curly”.

The second part of linguists is inclined to believe that the name was given to girls and boys born in July. And some insist that among the ancient Roman classes there was a very famous and popular Julius family.

general characteristics

Little Yulia is spontaneity itself, she does not know how to imitate false emotions, she does not like flattery and fawning. The girl grows up overly curious, as soon as she learns to walk, you need to watch her carefully, and at the age of why she asks too many questions.

Yulyasha has had many friends since childhood; those around her are drawn to the cheerful and sociable girl. Adults admire a brave child who, without hesitation, climbs onto a chair to read a poem or sing a song, even if there are people at the party who are unfamiliar to the little one.

Yulenka's inherent frivolity prevents her from becoming an excellent student at school; sometimes she may not remember that she needs to do her homework, or, when getting ready for school, she may forget a notebook or book at home. Seat for homework This fidget will be very difficult for parents. However, high intelligence will not allow the girl to get below average grades.

Positive character traits

Yulia has been an optimist since the cradle; she is always determined for the best, no matter how difficult the period in her life may be. She is witty, the girl’s sense of humor is simply unique, she is able to cheer up everyone around her.

The girl is very sociable and active. She can easily strike up a conversation with stranger, there are always a lot of friends around her. Thanks to her resourcefulness, Julia is able to emerge victorious from the most difficult situations.

Negative character traits

Julia has a spirit of adventurism. To achieve her goal, she is ready to take a rash step, risking a lot. Sometimes a girl makes hasty decisions, which ultimately turn out to be wrong, but nothing can be corrected.

A passion for adventure and excessive sociability can lead an eccentric person to make unwanted acquaintances, because of which she may later get into trouble.

In rare moments of a bad mood, a woman can be unrestrained, irritable, and can be rude to a person for no reason, thereby offending him.

Zodiac sign

For Julia, the ideal sign would be Leo.
Patronizes the cheerful curl bright sun.
A girl's lucky color is bright, rich yellow, associated with her patron planet.
A beautiful figurine or amber jewelry will be a talisman for Yulia.


Julia, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulyasha.

Name options

Julia, Julie, Julia, Julia, Julie, Juliet, Juliana, Juliet, Juliet.

Historical figures

1803 – 1875 – Russian aristocrat Yulia Samoilova.
1924 – 1991 – Soviet poetess Yulia Drunina.
Born 1925 - Soviet actress Yulia Borisova.
1940 – 2015 – prose writer and poetess Yulia Voznesenskaya.
Born 1960 – Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko.
Born 1965 – actress Yulia Rutberg.
Born 1967 - Hollywood film actress Julia Roberts.
Born 1969 – TV presenter and actress Yulia Menshova.
Born 1984 – figure skater Julia Obertas.
Born 1981 – Latvian psychic Julia Wang.
Born 1978 – singer Yulia Chicherina.
Born 1979 – Belarusian track and field athlete Yulia Nesterenko.
Born 1983 – Ukrainian tennis player Yulia Vakulenko.
Born 1987 – singer Yulia Savicheva.

Over the past thirty years, the incredibly gentle and feminine name Yulia has become one of the most popular female names in Russia. It attracts with its melodic sound, filled with the sun and warmth of July. When pronouncing this name, associations arise with something soft and cozy. And this is no coincidence.

Brief meaning of the name Julia

History of the name Yulia

The origin of the name Julia is ancient. There are two versions of its decoding. According to the first of them - translated from ancient Greek language The meaning of the name Julia is “fluffy”, “wavy”, “curly”. The second version correlates the female name Julia with the family name of noble patricians - Yuliev, who trace their origins to the son of the legendary Aeneas Yul (Askania), who built ancient city Alba Longa. In this meaning, the name Julia is from the Yuli family.

There is also a version of the transcript of this pleasant-to-hear female name. Yes, the harsh Scandinavians, whose names are traditionally filled with growling sounds, call girls born in December this soft name. This is due to the consonance of the name with the word jul - “Christmas”.

The “winter” interpretation of the name Julia is surprising for us. After all, it is traditional to associate Julia with the summer month of July. And the very meaning of the name Julia for us is filled with light and warmth. There is some truth here - the month of July is named after the famous commander Gaius Julius Caesar, the most famous bearer of the family name “Julius”. Caesar was born in this month, the literal name of which is “the month of Julius.”

Characteristics and meaning of the name Julia

So, what does the name Julia mean? How are the amazing interweavings of different meanings of this female name combined in the fate of all Yulias? How does summer Julia get along with the winter interpretation? The characteristics of the name Julia reflect these contradictions, revealing the contradictory nature of its owners, the sharp turns of their fate.

As children, little Yulias are meek, a little withdrawn girls. They love privacy and can spend hours playing with dolls with themselves. This self-sufficiency can develop into gloominess and mental aloofness, but if Yulia has brothers and sisters, she will overcome external coldness and grow up to be a cheerful and sociable girl. But what is definitely not in Yulia’s character is frivolity. Pleasant, often beautiful appearance, a slightly absent-minded appearance, can mislead representatives of the opposite sex, but Yulia’s sharp tongue will quickly put them in their place.

Yulia's emotional life is stable, but explosive. She does not forgive insults for a long time, but it is also difficult to get her angry. Although if this happens, an emotional outburst of unprecedented proportions will follow. At the same time, Yulia strives for a compromise, but not at the expense of personal interests. Self-esteem is combined in them with a developed sense of empathy, and this feeling is often not innate, but is the result of personal efforts.

In her work, Yulia is guided by a sense of duty and responsibility. They are efficient and active. They constantly strive for self-development, so they receive more than one education and have more than one profession. Career matters, but they will never intrigue their rivals or weave intrigues. Yulia appreciates coziness and a comfortable environment both at work and at home. But people close to Yulia need to always be on the alert - she can drop everything and go, for example, hitchhiking around Europe. And this decisive and unexpected act is not the result of eccentricity or frivolity, it is an escape from boredom and routine, which for Yulia are simply unbearable.

Julia must constantly feel significant and needed. Otherwise – loss of strength and depression. Home and family are one of Yulia’s most significant projects, a platform for self-realization. Therefore, children should be excellent students and smart people, and the husband should be Brad Pitt and Albert Einstein rolled into one.

Julia's energy finds good use such professional fields, such as acting, writing, singing, folk healing.

Marriage, family, compatibility with male names

For Yulia, rudeness and vulgarity are unacceptable in relationships with the opposite sex. As a rule, she has no shortage of admirers - ease of character and the ability to behave correctly at the right moment are one of the most valuable qualities.

The charm and beauty of girls named Julia attracts many men, but their personal life is not particularly successful. Problems with the opposite sex often begin due to the fact that Julia is not able to devote most of her personal time to a single man.

She is preoccupied with the problems of relatives and friends, she tries to help many, while forgetting about the person who would like to be with her more often. Not everyone has the ability to realize this, which is why relationships often end in separation for Julia.

The gentleness and kindness inherent in girls with this name can play a bad joke - the partner begins to abuse these qualities, which Julia, of course, will not like. But everything is not always so bad - there are always men next to Yulia who can and want to make her happy. She is able to structure her behavior in such a way as not to conflict with her chosen one and his relatives, and this can be of great benefit for a calm family life. But a man who wants to connect his life with Julia should be patient.

Despite the fact that Julia cannot boast of the ability to restrain her emotions for a long time, it is quite possible to come to terms with this side of her character by trying to find an option that will suit both sides of the conflict.

Compatibility with male names
Julia is least likely to have a successful union with men named Efim, Evgeny, Artem, Zinovy, Ruslan, Vikenty, Kazimir, Stanislav, Yaroslav, Yuri.

More chances for happy family, if Julia connects her life with men named Vasily, Alexander, Pavel, Eduard, Maxim, Kirill, Gennady, Vladislav.

It is important for women named Julia that from the outside their family seems, if not ideal, then at least exemplary. Therefore, she can be advised to look for a husband with similar views on life.

If during the period of marriage they manage to build reliable and strong partnerships, which is no less important than love and attraction to each other, the marriage will be quite happy. Perhaps the passion between the spouses will cool down over time, but they will remain strong friends and reliable support for each other.

Religious meaning and forms of the name Julia

The name Julia, its derivatives and related forms are widespread in European countries and the countries of North and South. Related forms: Julia, Julie, Julie, Juliet, Julitta, Iulitta, Juliana, Julianna, Julianna, Gillian, Juliet.

In Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the memory of the early Christian martyrs for the faith Julia (Julia) of Corsican and Julia of Ancyra is honored. Days of remembrance and name day of Julius are July 29 and May 31, respectively.

The full form of the name in Russian is Yulia. Derived forms: Yulia, Yulchik, Yulchenysh, Yulenka, Yusya, Yulyusya, Yulek, Yula, Yulenok, Yulitsa, Yulanchik, Yulyasha.

Declension of name by case

  • nominative case – Julia;
  • genitive case – Julia;
  • dative case – Yulie;
  • accusative case - Julia;
  • instrumental case - Julia;
  • prepositional case – Julia.

Spelling and sound of the name Julia in different languages

  • English – Julia (Julia), Julie (Julie);
  • Arabic – جوليا (Yu li I);
  • Bulgarian language – Julia;
  • Greek language – Ιουλία;
  • Spanish – Julia (Julia);
  • Italian - Giulia (Julia), diminutive - Giulietta (Juliet);
  • Chinese – 朱莉娅 (Yu-li-a);
  • Latin - Iulia (Julia);
  • German – Julia;
  • Tatar language - Yulia (with emphasis on the last syllable);
  • Ukrainian language – Yulia;
  • French – Julie (Julie);
  • Japanese language – ジュリア (Yuriya).

Famous Julias

  • Drunina - poetess;
  • Borisova – actress;
  • Menshova – actress, TV presenter;
  • Tymoshenko is a statesman and political figure of Ukraine;
  • Rutberg – actress;
  • Liptitskaya – figure skater;
  • Chicherina - rock singer;
  • Savicheva – pop singer;
  • Giulietta Masina – Italian actress;
  • Julie Andrews – English actress and singer;
  • Julia Roberts - American film actress;
  • Juliette Binoche - film actress;
  • Julianne Moore - American film actress;
  • Julia Cameron - American writer;
  • Gillian Anderson is an American actress.

The meaning of the name Julia in the video

The female name Julia comes either from the Greek word “yulos”, meaning “curly”, “wavy”, or from the Latin generic name Iulius. It is known in many countries of the world as Julia, Julie, Julia. Most often this name is given to a girl born on Christmas or July. There is no such tradition in Russia, but here this name is also well known and has been consistently popular among young parents for many years.

Characteristics of the name Julia

Phonosemantically, the name Yulia gives the impression of something tender and at the same time strong. Its owner is a sensitive person, but not used to showing her emotions. Good-natured, reserved and vulnerable, she wants to communicate with people who would understand her perfectly and accept her for who she is, without criticism or the desire to remake her. IN childhood Julia will be cheerful, excitable and very touchy. In the process of raising her, parents need to show tact rather than pressure - only in this way can they convince and bring this girl to reason. IN adolescence Julia can be a little self-confident, striving for leadership and rebellion. But, as an adult, the owner of this name becomes softer and more tolerant of people, although she often continues to wear a mask of cold restraint, which scares off many people from her environment. In business, Julia can be completely irresponsible. She doesn't particularly like to work, so it's hard for her to find herself. Gradually, she will most likely lose her enthusiasm and activity, and may become lethargic and unlucky. The owner of this name has few friends, but those that she has remain close to her throughout her life. long years.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Julia is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Libra, that is, from September 24 to October 23. This sign is very similar to Julia, it will make her a little arrogant, temperamental, not liking a commanding tone towards herself, dependent on her mood and interested in psychology.

Pros and cons of the name Julia

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name a child Yulia? Its advantages lie in the pleasant sound of this name, its tenderness and at the same time strong energy. The name Yulia goes very well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has many cute abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Yulya, Yulchik, Yulenok, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yusya. Julia's character, although somewhat complex, is quite suitable for life in modern world, so the name Yulia can be called good option in order to name a child that way.


Julia's health is also good. She rarely gets sick, although she can sometimes whine for no reason, complaining of fatigue. Throughout her life, her pancreas may bother her, so the owner of this name should watch her diet.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Julia wants to maintain a golden mean in everything, so a husband who is not too strong, but not spineless, is suitable for her. In general, she will be a good wife, housewife and mother, but you should not expect her to give up her career for the sake of her family, since work plays an important role in her life.

Professional area

Since Julia does not particularly like to study, a profession that is not painstaking and does not require deep analysis. She can be a waitress, hairdresser, dancer, circus performer, psychologist, flight attendant, croupier, interior designer.

Name day

There are several saints named Julia in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars. Orthodox name days Julia (Iulia) are celebrated on May 31 and July 29, and Catholic ones on October 14.

Name Julia- meaning and origin: feminine form of the name Julius. Came into the Russian language from foreign names.

Energy and Karma: the name Yulia is characterized by amazing nervous excitability, swiftness of emotions, and it seems that Yulia likes to be groovy.

At the very least, a state of rest often causes her apathy or, at a minimum, boredom and laziness. But when she’s on edge, she often can’t restrain herself. It’s not for nothing that the name is so similar to the word spinning top.

Secrets of communication: this is where it really makes no sense to appeal to logic and reason in case of any conflicts! It’s like convincing a waterfall to stop for a second or to flow in the other direction altogether. However, it is no less useless to give in to your emotions; it is better to simply give Yulia the opportunity to speak out and cool down, or to direct her energy in a different direction, in which a sense of humor can greatly help.

  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Planet: Jupiter.
  • Name colors Julia: orange, light green.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, sapphire, jade.

Meaning of the name Julia option 2

1. Personality. Meaning of the name Julia- those who make up the wine of life.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 83,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Name analysis: sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.

7. Totem plant. Vine.

8. Totem animal. Deer.

9. Sign. Scales.

10. Type. Julias are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem - vine, require care in order to bloom on time. Happy marriage or interesting job for them it is the purpose of life.

11. Psyche. They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Julia does everything not to show the strength of his character. But there is a will, and right time she makes herself known.

13. Excitability. Very strong and goes well with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.

14. Reaction speed. In order not to show that this situation frightens or worries them, Yulia restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely impassive.

15. Field of activity. They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Or they choose a home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages own life.

17. Intelligence. Yul has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. Receptivity. If Julia and people like her become attached to someone, then it will last for a long time, and perhaps forever. They are very careful, often waiting for their fairy-tale prince for many years.

19. Morality. These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. Julia He is equally friendly with both men and women and has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest acts.

20. Health. Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only thing weakness in their body - internal secretion organs.

21. Sexuality. They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.

22. Activity. It takes a lot of tact and at the same time perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Yulia considers imposing her point of view on someone reprehensible.

23. Sociability. They overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

Conclusion. You need to understand them well so as not to inadvertently offend. Julia does not like to discuss his character flaws and dreams that the prince from a fairy tale understands them perfectly...

Meaning of the name Julia option 3

Female names Julia- “wavy, fluffy” (Greek)

Mobile, it is difficult not to notice her presence. Julia always goes up the stairs. The darling of fate has been surrounded by worship since childhood and accepts it with dignity.

Talented, with a twist. Yulia is trying to achieve universal recognition, but she has a sense of tact and gives appropriate honors to the strongest. Fidget goat with graceful sharp horns. He beckons and... leaves. Secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. It requires increased attention and care from parents in order to bloom with unprecedented force at the right time. Its activity should be tactfully and persistently developed.

A happy marriage or an exciting job can become the meaning of life for her. Julia avoids conflicts, is a little shy of new acquaintances. She has somewhat aristocratic manners and does not like popular entertainment or fairs. He does everything not to show his will. But in certain time she fails to suppress it. Strong excitability is surprisingly combined with cold rationality, and the ability to react with lightning speed is completely confusing. In order not to appear that she is too worried about anything, she restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely insensitive and indifferent to everything that happens.

Does not feel much desire to study, does it out of necessity. At the moment of choosing a profession, great opportunities open up before her. Julia can choose a home and become an unrivaled housewife. Can combine household with the work of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant. Has the gift of foreseeing the main stages in his life. She has a synthetic mentality, an excellent memory, but she is not too inquisitive and susceptible to all failures. If he becomes attached to someone, it is strong and for a long time, so he is very careful when choosing a friend.

Julia very restrained, but outbursts of feelings are not excluded. Although she can wait for her betrothed for many years. She does not tolerate moralizing and does not lecture or reproach anyone - this is beneath her dignity. Accurately carries out instructions, obligatory. He is equally friendly with men and women. Has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest actions of others. Julia is sensitive to defeat. She is unobtrusive and cannot stand it when anything is imposed on her. She knows her worth, is very vulnerable, and you need to be very tactful in communicating with her.

Julia's health is impeccable. She never complains of being unwell, she is hardy and tireless. But it is worth paying attention to the internal secretion organs and blood.

"Winter" Julia purposeful, collected, smart, reserved.

“Autumn” is reserved, silent, but unusually practical. She can be a draftswoman, a programmer, a medical worker. Name Julia suitable for patronymics: Naumovna, Mikhailovna, Grigorievna, Bazhenovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Savelyevna, Alexandrovna.

“Summer” is charming, kind, gentle.

“Spring” is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination. Can become a musician, art critic, artist. Name Julia suitable for patronymics: Denisovna, Markovna, Moiseevna, Vyacheslavovna, Stepanovna, Karlovna.

Meaning of the name Julia option 4

The mystery of the name Julia- this is the feminine form of the name Julia, comes from the Latin word “julius” - curly, fluffy1.

With an unbridled imagination, a touchy and vulnerable girl. Significant changes in mood are noticeable when the cheerful, playful and noisy Yulenka suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic for no particular reason.

In this state, it is best to leave the girl alone, time will pass, and she will be the same again. It is difficult to argue with her, she stands her ground until the last moment, and is reluctant to admit her mistake. She is somewhat timid, does not like to watch horror films, and cannot stand the sight of blood.

Adult Julia thrifty, thrifty, cooks well. What is there in her pantries! He devotes almost all his time to his family, housekeeping, and the well-being of his relatives, work, professional growth she is of little interest, so colleagues often have the impression of Yulia as a lazy person.

Julia lucky in her marriage, the doors of her house are always open to friends and relatives. Guests come to Yulia willingly, she is not stingy, loves to chat with her friends, gossip a little, sincerely rejoices at the successes of her friends, and is not envious.

The stubbornness that characterizes her even in childhood gets in the way. She will not follow other people's advice, even in cases where she knows that they are quite reasonable. This character trait prevents Yulia from finding mutual language with her mother and mother-in-law, which is why she prefers to live apart from them.

Many Yulias are passionate book lovers; reading is their favorite pastime. They will not let their husband get bored and will always add variety to family life. The husband usually loves Yulia and obeys her in everything.

Selflessly loves his children.

The alliance with Vasily, Eduard, Evgeny, Bogdan, Mark, Vladislav turns out to be reliable. Julia's family life with Taras, Anatoly, Nikolai or Andrey most often does not work out.

1 V Ancient Rome assigned to women from the Yuli family.

Meaning of the name Julia option 5

Julia the name means - from lat. female Roman name; from Greek - fluffy, wavy; old July.

Derivatives: Julia, Yula, Yulyusya.

Folk signs.


A kind, gentle, capricious creature, with her head in the clouds and devoid of any sense of self-preservation and responsibility. That's why Julia needs the patronage of a mature person with a strong character. This will not be a burden for her, since in her spiritual essence she is obedient, trusting, and submissive. Her imagination is occupied by all sorts of supernatural phenomena and otherworldly forces.

Meaning of the name Julia option 6

Origin of names Julia- July (lat.).

Name day: May 31 - famous names: Holy Martyr Julia, along with other virgin martyrs, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was drowned in the lake. July 29 - Holy Martyr Julia-virgin, after suffering for the faith of Christ, she was crucified (5th century).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - oak.
  • Patron name Julia- dragonfly.
  • The talisman stone is amber.


Julia wise and gentle in appearance, but her character is capricious. Very passionate about everything fantastic and supernatural. She is quite good-natured, inclined to charity, and willingly shares with others. He is very good at blaming anyone for his problems, but not himself. She has no sense of responsibility.

Julia created for obedience and with good influence can succeed. Her being, overflowing with fantasies, needs a strong will.

Meaning of the name Julia option 7

Julia- a stubborn and persistent person. She will not yield in any dispute, no matter what you tell her, she will remain unconvinced.

Diminutive pet name - Julia. It's very easy to offend her vulnerable person. Her temperament is rather choleric, with swings.

At times, Yulia is attacked by inexplicable apathy, and then it is better to leave her alone. She will soon gain fresh strength, and her usual energy, imagination, and wit will return to her.

Julia, as a rule, have good husbands, lucky in marriage. They are wonderful housewives, everything in their house sparkles. They love to receive guests and love to gossip kindly about loved ones. But they approach work with laziness, although in their youth they choose professions according to their vocation, achieve positions and, it would seem, show promise of making a career. Rare Julia will recycle seniority required to receive a pension.

Many Julias are passionate book lovers. Reading is their favorite pastime. Some people get seriously into it traditional medicine, engage in self-medication and treatment of loved ones. But there are practically no professional doctors among Yulia - they cannot stand the sight of blood.

Sometimes Julia behaves indecisively. To persuade Yulia to see a doctor, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Meaning of the name Julia option 8

Interpretation of the name Julia- this is the female form from male name Julius, and can be translated from Hebrew as “flame of God.”

The name Yulia is characterized by amazing nervous excitability, swiftness of emotions, and it seems that Yulia likes to be groovy. At the very least, a state of rest often causes her apathy or, at a minimum, boredom and laziness. But when she’s on edge, she often can’t restrain herself. It’s not for nothing that the name is so similar to the word “yula”.

Quite good-natured, inclined to charity. Blames anyone for his problems, but not himself.

  • Name color Julia- bright yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - oak.
  • The treasured plant is the sunflower.
  • Patron name Julia- dragonfly.
  • Talisman stone - amber.

She is gifted with a wonderful sense of humor, endowed with a wonderful mind, and is distinguished by amazing observation and resourcefulness. She is capable of showing such resourcefulness that many will envy, and can get away with almost any situation. At the same time, she tends to take unjustified risks, get involved in adventures, and be extremely unrestrained, which often results in getting into unpleasant situations.

Origin of the name Julia

The name Julia came to us from Eastern European areas, where it was taken from the Greek language. The name itself came from the Roman family, originating from “Yul”, which meant “from the Julian family”. It is interesting that in Scandinavian countries this name is mainly given to children whose birth occurred in the month of December, because in their language the name is consonant with the word “Christmas”.

The meaning of the name Julia

Translated from Greek, Julia means “fluffy” or “curly.” Now let's see how soft and fluffy Yulia's character is.

Personality of the name Julia

Yulia has a rather capricious character, but she is quite capable, the inclinations of which lie deep in their soul. They are fascinated by everything connected with something fantastic and supernatural. They like to do charity work, help those in need, giving goodness and bringing happiness. The sense of responsibility among girls with this name is not so well developed, but they can listen to the advice of others and unquestioningly follow instructions. They, who need a strong will like air, so girls will only be glad if there is a person nearby who has developed this trait from birth.

Yulia is a very touchy and vulnerable girl, and their mood changes very often and unexpectedly, and very dramatically: from noisy and cheerful to apathetic and lethargic. As soon as the mood drops, it is better to leave Yulia alone and not touch her; it will take very little time and she will become normal again. It is very difficult to argue with a girl; she will stand her ground until the last moment, and only in the most exceptional cases can she admit with great difficulty that she is wrong. But despite this, she is always surrounded by friends, which she takes for granted. For the most part, Yulia is laconic and indecisive in her actions, so it is important for parents to begin to develop activity and activity in her from an early age.

This girl has no particular zeal for learning in any of its manifestations and does it only because it is necessary. But she has an excellent memory, so if you arouse her curiosity, she can show serious success. What is really interesting to most of them is fortune telling and everything related to mysticism. And girls prefer to read romance novels.

High intelligence allows Julia to choose the field of activity that their heart truly lies in. They make good lawyers, medical professionals, art critics, artists, flight attendants and fashion models.

A girl with that name doesn’t really like to take the initiative, but if you entrust her with a task, you can be sure that she will complete it on time and efficiently. She cannot stand lengthy and tedious moralizing and she herself does not seek to lecture anyone. It is very difficult for her to forgive and survive betrayal, as well as failures that occur on life path. Circumstances and other people are more likely to be blamed for problems, even if in fact they themselves are to blame.

Most girls named Yulia have a beautiful athletic figure from birth, they like to dress beautifully and fashionably, and look feminine. No one is indifferent to them, some love them, and some are jealous. But this does not bring them happiness.

As a rule, they are reserved and sensual at the same time, especially when a person they really like comes along their way. These girls love sex, but they have little passion. Feeling her popularity among the stronger sex, Julia does not get lost and skillfully manipulates men.

And here family life construction is very problematic. She doesn’t like running a household and sitting within four walls, taking on the role of a mother of a family and a housewife, although she does all these things well. Yulia has a lot of friends and she is always happy to host guests, and sometimes this approach turns the house not into a cozy hearth, but into a passageway, which becomes a cause of conflict with family members.

The fate of the name Yulia

Characteristics of some areas in the life of Yuli.

  • Health . Little Julia is prone to laryngitis and pharyngitis, which by adulthood often transform into the stage of a chronic disease. Girls who were born in December more often have problems with an unstable psyche, can often throw tantrums and become problematic in their upbringing. Another weak point of all Yulias is their teeth, which begin to hurt quite early.
  • Love and marriage . It is difficult for Yulia to settle down even after reaching adulthood. They tend to express themselves through sex, showing their partner all their whims and morals, without hiding anything. But it’s impossible to say that these girls have a superficial attitude towards sex; on the contrary, for them it is a natural continuation of personal relationships, so they still take it seriously. Relationships develop most favorably with men named Eugene, peacock, Titus, Julian, and Julia rarely gets along with Prokhor, Firs, Dasius, Varlaam.
  • Career and business . For girls with this name there are no special barriers and they can achieve financial and career success, in principle, in any field in which their soul lies. The only thing you need to pay attention to is wasteful generosity, which is aimed at loved ones and friends. This trait is not in the best possible way will affect the prosperity of this area. It is also worth giving up the bad habit of sometimes throwing dust in the eyes of other people.
  • Profession . Yulia is endowed with the talent of a businessman and has a well-developed logical thinking, which can find its application in the banking industry or in trade. In addition, with due diligence, Yulia can become a wonderful actress, manager or producer.


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