Famous statue in Rio. Famous statue in Rio de Janeiro: history and description

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It is one of the largest, and definitely the most famous statue of all, embodying the image of the Son of God. The main symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil in general, the statue of Christ the Redeemer has attracted a huge number of pilgrims and tourists for many years. And in Brazil it is included in the list of the seven modern wonders of the world.

The reinforced concrete statue of Christ towering over Rio de Janeiro was made by classical technology of that time: inside there is a frame made of inexpensive materials, outside - some kind of sculptural stone, in in this case- soapstone chlorite. The height of the statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer is thirty meters. Another eight meters is the pedestal. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the largest statue of Jesus Christ - it is 14 meters lower than the total height of the Polish statue of Christ the King, and two and a half meters lower than the Bolivian sculpture Cristo de la Concordia.

Home distinctive feature The statues are with arms outstretched wide - upon closer inspection, Christ the Redeemer blesses the city, looking at it with his head slightly bowed. But from a distance, the sculpture takes on the appearance of a huge cross - the main symbol of redemption and Christianity. The famous arm span of the Redeemer reaches 28 meters - a length almost equal to the height of the sculpture without a pedestal. The appearance of Christ is classical, accepted in Catholic and Orthodox traditions- thin, slightly elongated face with prominent cheekbones, long hair, beard. Jesus is dressed in a Jewish tunic, with pieces of fabric thrown over his shoulders.

History of creation

The idea to build a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, which at that time was the capital of Brazil, came to the local government in 1921 - a year before the centenary of Brazilian National Independence. The end of the 19th century gave the world several state symbols - the Statue of Liberty was unveiled in the USA in 1886, and the Eiffel Tower in France in 1889. Brazilians have also long dreamed of their own outstanding monument, but there were not enough government funds for this. But the centennial anniversary of the independent state of Brazil united members of the government, ordinary residents, and church ministers - money for construction was collected throughout the year, through a special subscription from the Cruzeiro magazine.

The amount collected amounted to two and a half million miles and was immediately sent to France - it was there that the parts of the statue were to be made. Since 1923, individual parts of the Redeemer were delivered to Rio de Janeiro by railway, and then, with the help of an electric train, they climbed Mount Corcovado - the construction site chosen through a survey of the same Cruzeiro magazine.

The construction of the statue of Jesus Christ continued for nine whole years - the grand opening took place on October 12, 1931, on the same day the sculpture was officially consecrated.

Authors of the project

Brazilian sculptor Carlos Oswald designed general form the future monument back in 1921 - even then Jesus stood with outstretched arms like a cross, his head slightly bowed, but instead of the usual pedestal, under his feet, according to the sketch, there should have been a globe. The sketch was approved, but during further processing of the project this idea had to be abandoned - the ball under the sculpture weighing 600 tons, located on the mountain, seemed very unstable and short-lived. The final form of the future statue of Jesus Christ was developed by the famous Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa - it was his project that was eventually sent to the French. In the photo below is Silva Costa with a miniature of the future statue.

In France, more than 50 architects, sculptors and engineers worked on the details of the statue. The head and hands of Christ were modeled by the famous Parisian sculptor Paul Landowski - it took a year, and then, for another six years, the head was made by Gheorghe Leonid, an artist-sculptor of Romanian origin, based on the created models. The final cladding of the statue was carried out by Carlos Oswald, the same author of the first drawing of the future statue.

Exact location of the monument

The most accurate answer to the question of where the statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer is located is the address of the monument. In the official guide to Rio de Janeiro it reads like this: National Park Tijuca, Alto da Boa Vista village, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. However, in any navigator it is enough to write the name of the statue - this object is too famous not to be found.

Path to the Redeemer

There are several ways to get to the statue - when coming to Rio for the first time, many people travel to the monument along the highway by car or public transport. This method is fast, but not very interesting. Experienced tourists recommend going up to the statue of the Redeemer by electric train - the first in Brazil and the same one with the help of which parts of the future sculpture were delivered to Corcovada almost a hundred years ago. This path, although it will take a little longer, will certainly leave an unforgettable impression thanks to the picturesque landscapes and a leisurely climb to the highest point of Rio de Janeiro, where the statue of Jesus Christ is located. Since 2003, the ascent to the observation deck has been equipped with escalators - so now tourists with any physical abilities can climb to the Redeemer.

Church attitude

The main monument of Brazil is not only an architectural monument and a tourist attraction - it is an important religious site both for the believing inhabitants of Brazil and for Christians around the world. In addition to the very first consecration, on the opening day in 1931, the statue of Jesus Christ was re-consecrated in 1965 by Pope Paul VI himself, who came to Rio specifically for this purpose. In 1981, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the sculpture, it was again unofficially consecrated by Pope John Paul II, who came to the celebration.

In 2007, a service of Russian priests was held near the statue of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Church, who arrived in Rio de Janeiro to celebrate the friendly Days of Russia in Latin America. In 2016, ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church again arrived at the foot of the statue of the Redeemer, where Patriarch Kirill performed a prayer service in memory of Christians undergoing persecution.

Regularly - according to meteorologists, at least four times a year - the statue of the Redeemer is struck by lightning. This is not surprising, since the head of Christ is the highest point in Rio de Janeiro and a kind of lightning rod. Unfortunately, lightning often leaves damage after strikes, but representatives of the Brazilian catholic church people are enterprising, and since the moment of construction they have kept a huge supply of unused soapstone, which is used every now and then in cosmetic restoration, without distorting the general appearance of the monument.

But not only nature encroaches on the beauty of the sculpture - in 2010, the statue of Christ the Redeemer was attacked by vandals. Unknown people they stained the face and hands of the monument with black paint and inscriptions. Fortunately, these outrages were instantly removed, and since then there have been regular security guards around the statue and a video surveillance system installed.

View of Corcovado Hill before the construction of the statue

The name Corcovado means "Brokeback Mountain", "Humpback". The hill received it for the shape of its peak, which is the highest point in the area. The idea of ​​​​building a grandiose sculpture of Christ here appeared back in 1859, but then its implementation was impossible, despite persuasion church leaders– the country simply did not have enough funds. The decision was postponed until better times. In 1884, construction of a small railway was completed that led to the top of Corcovado.

Construction of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

In 1921, when the idea of ​​the monument was remembered again, it was along these routes that materials were transported. A year before the celebration of the centenary of Brazil's independence from Portugal, Catholic organizations in Rio nevertheless initiated the construction of the statue. Such a sculpture was supposed to become a symbol of national liberation and Christianity in general.

However, no money was allocated from the state treasury, so during the so-called “Monument Week”, charitable donations were collected from citizens. Latest idea I liked the construction of the monument; in a short period, more than 2.5 million reais were collected. The church community also made large donations.

Stairs leading to the Statue

Artist Carlos Oswald was the author of the first sketch. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​building a sculpture with outstretched arms, which from a distance would resemble a large cross. This gesture means "Everything is in God's hands" and is also a symbol of blessing. Initially, according to the project, the figure of Christ stood on a spherical pedestal, a stylized Earth. However, it was very difficult to make such a large, stable structure, so the engineer Hector de Silva Costa changed the base to a rectangular one, which was erected.

It was planned to complete the construction in a year, but due to the scale of the work, it took 9 years, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer was opened only in 1931. For technical reasons, it was impossible to produce such a large sculpture in Brazil at that time, so the steel frame and other parts were made in France. The main materials were reinforced concrete and soapstone (soapstone). Interestingly, the final modeling of Jesus’ hands and head was done by a French, not a Brazilian specialist, Paul Landowski.

The finished parts were transported to Rio and transported by rail to the top of the mountain, where installation was carried out. In 1931, the statue was solemnly presented to the townspeople. The first consecration was carried out on the opening day, and the second one in 1965 by Pope Paul VI. The lighting was installed at the same time.

Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil

The statue of Christ the Redeemer is the tallest object in the entire area, so every year it repeatedly falls victim to lightning strikes. The local diocese even keeps a supply of facing soapstone in case it is needed urgent repairs. However, since 2010, when the monument was equipped with new lightning rods, not a single serious damage from lightning has been recorded.

It is interesting that during the installation of this grounding, the sculpture was subjected to the only attack in its history by vandals. Climbing up at night scaffolding, they painted the face and hands of Christ with black paint. Traces of hooliganism were promptly removed by the construction team.

The fact that for so many years lightning has never seriously damaged the statue is associated by believers with the special holiness of the place. However, scientists are more skeptical, because soapstone is a good dielectric, capable of almost instantly extinguishing even a very strong discharge. In numerous photographs you can see impressive moments of lightning striking the statue, which, however, did not cause any damage.

The train that brings most tourists does not reach the sculpture itself - you will have to walk from the carriage to the observation deck. A winding, steep staircase of 220 steps leads there. This building was nicknamed “Karakol”, which means “Snail”. Since 2003, travelers have the opportunity to visit the observation terrace using an escalator.

In 2007, the monument was included in the list of Seven Wonders of the World modern world according to the results of the national vote.

Under the statue of Christ the Redeemer there is a small church where services, baptisms and weddings are constantly held. The Catholic chapel can accommodate up to 100 people. There is a souvenir shop nearby.

Wherever you go in Rio, this statue will be visible from anywhere in the city, so the monument is easy to use as a landmark. Modern illumination in dark time day creates a stunning effect: it seems that the light comes from inside the figure and Christ hovers over the falling asleep city, blessing it.

For many travelers, as well as local residents, the sculpture is not only a landmark, but also a Christian shrine. There is a belief that by climbing the steps of the stairs, a person is purified, and by the time of his visit to the top, his sins are forgiven. However, the escalator here was still installed for the elderly and those with special physical needs or poor health.

Doubles of the Redeemer

After the erection of this statue in different countries similar monuments began to appear around the world:

  • Christ the King, Lisbon (Portugal);
  • Jesus with outstretched arms, Vung Tau (Vietnam);
  • sculpture of the Savior, Monado (Indonesia, Sulawesi);
  • monument in Dili (East Timor);
  • similar sculptures are found in Honduras, Malta, Italy and the Dominican Republic.

These figures differ from each other in details, but the general composition and pose remain unchanged. Some of the sculptures are even installed underwater, which makes them mysterious and mystical.

How to get there

To visit the statue of Christ the Redeemer, you need to drive to the foot of Mount Corcovado. A small electric train departs from there and will take you straight along the route. Along the way, he will make several stops where everyone can buy, for example, water, which is sold by enterprising locals.

You can also get here by road, using car rental or taxi services. Either way, you will pass through the picturesque Tijuca Park. This is the world's largest forest plantation within a city. Locals grow here exotic varieties plants, fauna is richly represented.

Cost and procedure for visiting

The price of a train ticket is about 51 reais. Don't forget to bring money for souvenirs; however, they are quite expensive at the Corcovado observation decks. The cost of transfer down is already included in the ticket price. You will need to present it twice, so it is strongly recommended that you keep your travel document intact until the end of your trip. From the train or car you will have to walk along Ulitka or use the escalator.

The electric train runs every 20 minutes from 8.30 to 18.30. It is advisable to choose the morning on a clear day for sightseeing. This way you can avoid the midday heat and meeting too many other tourists, while enjoying panoramic view to Rio.

If you wish, you can book a helicopter tour to the monument and admire it from a bird's eye view. The cost of such entertainment is about $150.

The official address of the attraction is: Parque Nacional da Tijuca - Alto da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Opening hours - from 8.00 to 19.00.

When traveling to Brazil, you should definitely visit this famous monument. The statue of Christ the Redeemer is stunning in scale and beauty; from the top of Corcovado there is a magnificent view of the city.

View of Rio

The most famous statue of Jesus on the planet is the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. But anyone who thinks that it is the largest in the world is deeply mistaken. The statue on Mount Corcovado, overlooking Rio, is only the fourth largest statue of Christ on Earth. In our review, the tallest statues erected in honor of Jesus in different parts of the world.

1. Cristo Rey - Mexico, 20.5 meters

This statue of Christ is located in the geographical center of Mexico - on the 2700-meter mountain Cerro del Cubilete.

The statue was completed in 1944 and its style is attributed to the Art Deco movement. Now Cristo Rei is considered one of the most significant religious monuments in the country.

2. Statue of Christ the Savior - Maratea (Italy), 21.23 meters

The statue, also known as Cristo Redentore di Maratea, was made of white and blue-gray marble taken from a quarry near the city of Carrara.

Unlike some other statues, which were built with donations from the public, Cristo Redentore was built with the help of one man, Piedmontese entrepreneur Stefano Rivetti.

3. Cristo de las Noas (Mexico), 21.8 meters

The statue was named after the hill on which it was erected - Cerro de las Noas. Construction of the 580-ton statue began in 1973 and was completed only seventeen years later.

At its foot is a restaurant that is considered one of the most popular among residents of the city of Torreon.

4. Christ of the Pacific (Peru), 22 meters

The Cristo del Pacifico was President Alberto Fujimori's farewell gift to the people of Peru. When he lost the presidential election in 2011, he decided to last gift Peruvians by building a copy of the statue of Christ the Savior in Rio in Lima.

However, he was criticized because the Peruvians felt that the people should have their own unique statue, and not a copy of someone else’s.

5. Christ of the Sacred Heart (Mexico), 23 meters

10 kilometers from the Mexican city of Rosarito there is a giant statue of Cristo del Sagrado Corazon, made of steel and fiberglass.

Sculptor Gregorio Tijuana claims to be the creator of the most unique statue of Christ, not because of its height, but because it is made in color (usually all other statues are white or gray).

The statue of Christ of the Sacred Heart is a source of pride for Mexicans.

6. Cristo Rey de Los Alamos (Mexico), 23 meters

The resin and fiberglass statue is located in the border city of Tijuana.

Moreover, they built an almost 24-meter statue on the dome of the Church of San Martin de Porres Tijuana.

7. El Cristo Roto (Mexico), 25 meters

An unusual one-legged and one-armed giant statue of Christ was built in the Mexican town of San Jose de Gracia.

El Cristo Roto (The Broken Christ) attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.

8. Christ Roy de Houches (France), 25 meters

The monumental statue of Christ the King is located in the town of Les Houches, Haute-Savoie in France.

Abbot Claude Delassia, pastor of Les Houches, who initiated the construction of this monument, wanted to erect a statue that would embody the idea of ​​the universal reign of Christ on Earth. The first stone was laid in August 1933, and the statue was unveiled just a year later.

9. Christ of Mercy (Nicaragua), 26 meters

El Cristo de la Misericordia is a huge statue in the city of San Juan del Sur that is the largest statue of Christ in Central America.

This statue was the dream of a local businessman, Erwin Gonzalez, who made his fortune in tourism. As a result, he built it on his personal plot of land.

10. Christ the King (Colombia), 26 meters

A 464-ton statue of Cristo Rey was erected on top of Los Cristales, one of two mountains overlooking the Colombian city of Cali, in 1953. It was supposed to symbolize respect for peace and the safety of local residents.

Only the most energetic tourists get to the statue, because it is located at an altitude of 1440 m above sea level.

11. Cristo Rey Dili (East Timor), 27 meters

The Christ the King statue was a gift from the Indonesian government to the people of East Timor. At the time of construction (1996), East Timor was a province of Indonesia before gaining independence in 2002. Since then, the Cristo Rey statue has become one of the main tourist attractions of the newly independent state.

Unlike most of the statues on this list, the Cristo Rey is made of copper rather than stone.

12. Christ the King (Portugal), 28 meters

Plans for a Portuguese statue of Christ first appeared in 1940, but the statue was not completed until 1959.

The figure of Christ on the top of a rock near the city stands with his arms outstretched towards the city, as if hugging it.

13. Cristo Recusitado (Mexico), 30 meters

This statue is the only one on the list that was installed in a cemetery (in the city of San Rafael). Sculptor David Gutiérrez Becerril made the Cristo Recusitado (Christ Risen) from pink stone in the early 1970s.

14. Christ blessing (Indonesia), 30 meters

In the Indonesian Manado language this statue is called Christus Kase Berkat. It was built in 2010 from 25 tons of metal fiber and 35 tons of steel.

The statue is unusual in its location - Christ seems to lean forward to bless his flock.

15. Christ Otero (Spain), 30 meters

You can find Cristo del Otero on the outskirts of the Spanish city of Palencia.

The statue was built in 1931 in a style reminiscent of the Art Deco movement.

Cristo del Otero is one of the most visited holy places by pilgrims.

16. Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), 30.1 meters

Arguably the most famous Jesus statue in the world, the Cristo Redentor is the fourth tallest Jesus statue in the world.

It is also the oldest of the statues in this list– it was built between 1926 and 1931.

The total height of the monument is about 52 m, which is higher than the Cristo de la Concordia monument in Cochabamba(40.44 m with pedestal) and the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro(39.6 m with pedestal). The height of the statue itself with the crown is 36 m, and 16 m is the height of the stone-earth hill. The height of the other two statues without pedestals is 34.2 m and 30 m. Thus, as of 2010 this statue of Christ is the tallest in the world. The maximum width of the statue (distance between the fingertips) is about 25 m.

3. Monument to Jesus Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine:

4. Monument to Jesus Christ in Monroe, USA (burnt down):

5. “Christ from the Abyss” - Monument to Jesus Christ in Malta:

"Christ from the Abyss"(Italian: Il Cristo degli Abissi) is the established name of the statue of Jesus Christ, located at the bottom of the sea, in the Bay of San Fruttuoso (Italian: San Fruttuoso, near Genoa, historical region of Liguria), in the waters of the Italian Riviera. The statue, about 2.5 meters high, was installed on August 22, 1954 at a depth of 17 meters. Besides, in different parts light there are several similar statues (both copies of the original and variations on its theme), also bearing the name “Christ from the Abyss”.

The underwater 13-ton concrete sculpture of Christ (Malt. Kristu L-Bahhar) is located on the bottom of the sea near the St. Paul Islands of the Maltese archipelago next to Malta's Marine Park.

The famous Maltese underwater statue of Jesus Christ was made by the famous Maltese sculptor Alfred Camilleri Cauchi. The design and construction of the underwater statue of Jesus Christ was valued at 1,000 Maltese liras and paid for by a committee of Maltese divers led by Raniero Borg. The diving committee commissioned Alfred Camilleri Cauchi to carry out this work in honor of the celebration of the visit of Malta in 1990 for the first time by Pope John Paul II.

Initially, the statue was located at a depth of about 38 meters, but in 2000 it was moved to a new, much shallower place - about 10 meters. This is due to the fact that the statue was originally located next to active fish farms, and divers began to complain about deteriorating water quality and poor visibility in the depths of the sea in this place. In May 2000, the Maltese pulled out the underwater statue of Jesus Christ, which had been lying at the bottom of the sea for 10 years, using a floating crane, closer to the old Malta-Gozo ferry, which was sunk a year earlier.

6. Monument to Jesus Christ in London, England:

7. Monument to Jesus Christ in Vung Tau, Vietnam:

8. Cristo de la Concordia - Monument to Jesus Christ in Cochabamba, Bolivia:

Cristo de la Concordia(Spanish) Cristo de la Concordia ) is a statue of Jesus Christ located on San Pedro Hill in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The height of the statue is 34.2 meters, the pedestal is 6.24 meters, the total height is 40.44 meters. The statue is 2.44 meters taller than the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, making it the largest statue in the Southern Hemisphere.
Construction of the monument began on July 12, 1987 and was completed on November 20, 1994. Designers Cesar and Walter Terrazas Pardo made it in the likeness of a statue in Rio de Janeiro. Installed at an altitude of 256 meters above the city, the statue rises 2840 meters above sea level. Weighs approximately 2200 tons. The head of the statue is 4.64 meters high and weighs 11,850 kg. Arm span 32.87 meters. The area of ​​the monument is 2400 sq. m. K observation deck There are 1,399 steps leading up inside the statue. The statue is made of steel and concrete.

9. Cristo Rey - Christ the King in Almada, Portugal:

Christ the King (port. Cristo Rei) - statue of Jesus Christ in Almada, Portugal. The city of Almada is located on the southern bank of the Tagus River estuary, opposite the city of Lisbon.

The base of the statue is located at an altitude of 113 m above the level of the Tagus River. The portico is 75 meters high, the statue of Christ itself is 28 meters high.

The Christ statue was built between 1949 and 1959. and opened on May 17, 1959. The creation of the statue was approved at the Portuguese Episcopate conference held in Fatima on April 20, 1940, as a request to God to save Portugal from being drawn into World War II. It was built with public donations, mainly from women. Portugal did not participate in World War II, so women donated money for the statue of Christ, since he saved their sons, husbands and fathers from death, preventing Portugal from participating in hostilities.
Every year on June 8, the incorruptible relics of Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart are exhibited in the chapel, which is located at the foot of the statue.

10. Monument to Jesus Christ in Havana, Cuba:

11. Andean Christ:

The monument to Christ the Redeemer was erected on March 13, 1904 at the Bermejo Pass in the Andes - on the border line between Argentina and Chile. The unveiling of the monument marked a celebration of the peaceful resolution of the conflict over a border dispute between two countries that were on the brink of war.

12. Blessing of Christ (Manado):

Blessing of Christ(indon. Patung Yesus Memberkati - Blessing Jesus Statue) is a statue of Jesus Christ located in Manado, Indonesia. The statue is located on the top of a hill at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level on the territory of an elite residential complex "CitraLand". The total height of the monument is 50 meters, of which 20 meters are for the pedestal and 30 meters for the statue itself. As of 2010, the statue is the second tallest in Asia and the 4th tallest among statues dedicated to Jesus Christ (excluding the pedestal).
The idea of ​​​​making the statue belongs to the Indonesian businessman Chiputra and the Christian movement "Manado and North Sulawesi society and to worship God". The construction of the statue was carried out construction firm "Yogjakarta Engineer", who erected the statue over three years. The total cost of construction was 5 billion Indonesian rupiah ($540,000). The statue was made from 25 tons of metal fiber and 35 tons of steel and was installed at an angle of 20 degrees.
The grand opening of the monument took place on November 2, 2007 in the presence of the Governor of North Sulawesi Province.

13. "Washing the feet." The statue is located in front of Dallas Baptist University:

Maundy Thursday, according to the account of the Gospel of John, was the day on which the Lord Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, setting an example of service and humility. Apparently for this reason, folk beliefs(superstitions) the following fables have taken hold: “If in Maundy Thursday If you take a swim before sunrise, you will be healthy all year round, On Maundy Thursday you will clean the whole house - you will get a lot of joy, On Maundy Thursday count all your money - there will be money, Wash the windows and doors with the water in which the change lies "...
Dallas Baptist University was originally founded as Decatur Baptist College in 1898. The university is located on top of the hills southwest of Dallas. Dallas (English) Dallas) is a city in the United States located in the northeastern part of Texas on the Trinity River.
14. Jesus carrying the cross
14.1. Jesus carrying the cross in Warsaw:

Basilica of the Holy Cross (Kościół Świętego Krzyża) is a temple in Warsaw, located on Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, belonging to the Catholic Lazarist order. In front of the temple in 1858, a statue of Jesus Christ carrying a cross was installed, cast from concrete in the workshop of Ferrante Marconi, designed by Andrzej Pruszynski at the expense of Andrzej Zamoyski. After several years, cracks appeared on the sculpture. On the pages of the magazine “Vendrovec” there were calls for donations for the casting of the sculpture in bronze. In 1887, a mentally ill man damaged the sculpture, tearing off Christ's hand. This accelerated the decision to perform bronze casting. The statue was faithfully reproduced in 1889 in Rome by Pius of Velona. The monument was erected on November 2 on a new black granite foundation designed by Stefan Schiller, with the gilded inscription Sursum Corda (up the heart).
The concrete statue of Christ was transported to Kruszyny and placed on the Lubomirski crypt. Now it is located in front of the local church of St. Matthew the Apostle.
14.2. Jesus carrying a cross nearCathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Belarus, Grodno):

The Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier is one of the symbols of Grodno. The church stands on the main city square, towering above all other buildings with two bell towers. Opposite the entrance to the church is a sculpture of Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary. The Latin inscription SURSUM CORDA on the pedestal of the sculpture means “let us lift up our hearts” - the initial part of the Christian liturgy.

Christ statue in Rio de Janeiro It is rightfully considered the main attraction of the city, as well as one of the symbols of freedom and peace throughout the world. Moreover, the Brazilian statue is on the list of seven newest miracles light, sharing this honorary title with such well-known attractions as the Roman Colosseum, the Mexican Chichen Itza, the Great Chinese Wall and other celebrities.

Curious facts about the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro

      • The idea of ​​erecting such a monument in the city was first put forward in the distant 50s of the 19th century. catholic priest named Pedro Maria Boss. However, at that time he failed to bring the project to life. Later, in 1921, the idea of ​​​​building a religious monument was put forward for public consideration again - this time, with the combined efforts of the city's Catholics, they managed to achieve their goal. It is from this moment that the history of the now famous statue of Christ the Savior begins.
      • After 9 years of painstaking work (raising funds and directly erecting the statue), on October 12, 1931, this miracle was installed on the top of Mount Corcovado. The main construction materials chosen by the chief engineer of the project, Heitor da Silva Costa, were reinforced concrete and soapstone - reliable and sustainable components.
      • How much did it cost to build the symbol of Rio de Janeiro? An amount approximately equivalent to modern 3 million dollars was spent on the construction of the monument.
      • The height of the statue is 3 meters (to be very precise, 30.1 m) + a support 6 meters high, the width of the Brazilian Jesus is 19 meters, the monument weighs about 635 tons. Thanks to its favorable location on the top of the 700-meter Corcovado mountain, in good weather the statue of Christ can be seen from the center of Rio and the beaches of Copacabana. For example, I had the opportunity to observe the main attraction of the city from the Sheraton hotel room where I was staying. By the way, the foot of Mount Corcovado is located at a distance of about 6 km from the hotel.

  • Serious damage to the statue was caused by a lightning strike on February 10, 2008 - fragments on the eyebrows, head and fingers of the monument were damaged. After the incident, the lightning rod system was restored, and the damaged fragments were restored.

  • Another incident befell the reinforced concrete Christ in April 2010, when, through the efforts of vandals Paulo Sousa Dos Santos and his partner Edmar Batista de Carvalho, the head, arms and chest of the monument were desecrated. The vandals committed the crime under the cover of darkness, taking advantage of the time interval during the change of security. For their crime, the attackers were sentenced to three years in prison, and as a public action they were “invited” to clear graffiti from the walls of one of the city tunnels. So that it would be distasteful to others.

How safe is it to visit the Christ Statue?

It is likely that some of you may be asking this question, because in general Rio de Janeiro cannot be called a safe city. Just look at the stories and stories about the local favelas, where the poorest segments of the population live.

I digress from the topic of our conversation :-). Visiting the statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado is as safe as, for example, Red Square in Moscow. Well, or any other main attraction of the city, be it the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower :-). The areas from which trains and minibuses depart, taking tourists to the top of Corcovado, are guarded. Also, do not worry about a taxi if this is the method you have chosen to visit the main attraction of Rio de Janeiro - the vast majority of taxi drivers are very friendly towards tourists. If I already mentioned this, then let’s take a closer look at the question of how you can get to the statue of Christ and get to the top of Mount Corcovado.

How to get to the Christ Statue in Rio de Janeiro?

  • The most carefree and at the same time expensive way to get to the top of Corcovado is to rent a car (or taxi). It was this option that my friends and I chose to visit the monument, which I later regretted a little. We rented a taxi for the day, paying about $100 (there were 6 of us). The taxi driver took us from our hotel to Corcovado, waited for us to see the sights, and then drove us to Copacabana Beach. Overall, considering that there were 6 of us and each paid less than $20, it wasn’t that bad. I remember very well how at first we didn’t trust the taxi driver, when he immediately asked for the entire amount as an advance payment: what if he let us go while we were taking pictures with Jesus :-). But you can’t fool us that easily, so we first took a picture of the car and recorded its license plate number. But in the end, we didn’t have to worry about this; the taxi driver actually turned out to be an honest and decent person. The downside is that the trip turned out to be very boring and uneventful; we never took the train to the top.
  • By train to the top of the mountain and the statue of Christ - in my opinion, the most interesting and colorful way. You can drive a car at home, but you don’t get to the top of a mountain by train every day :-). Of the disadvantages of this option to get to the statue of Christ, I would only note the queues and long waits for transport during rush hours. The cost of a round-trip train ride and visit to the attraction is 46 Brazilian reais ($23). From the beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana to the train station you can take bus numbers 570, 583 and 584.
  • Most cheap way visit the main attraction of Rio de Janeiro - use the services of a minibus. The cost of a round trip and entrance in this case will be 27 reais per person (approximately $13.5).


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