10 largest countries by. The largest empire in the world in history

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Created by a union of Turkic tribes and headed by rulers from the noble Ashinov family, this state was one of the largest in the history of medieval Asia. During the period of greatest expansion (at the end of the 6th century), the Kaganate controlled the territory of Mongolia, China, Altai, Central Asia, East Turkestan, North Caucasus and Kazakhstan. In addition, such Chinese states as Northern Zhou and Northern Qi, Sassanian Iran, and, from 576, Crimea, depended on the Turkic empire.

Created in the thirteenth century as a result of the aggressive policies of Genghis Khan and then his successors. It became the largest in world history, occupying the territory from Novgorod to South- East Asia and from the Danube to the Sea of ​​Japan. The area of ​​the state was approximately 38 million km2. During the heyday of the Mongol Empire, it included vast areas of Central Asia, of Eastern Europe, Southern Siberia, Middle East, Tibet and China.

The first and oldest unified state of China, Qin, founded solid foundation for the subsequent Han Empire. It became one of the most powerful government entities Ancient world. For more than four centuries of its existence, the Han Empire represented an important era in the development of East Asia. To this day, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom call themselves Han Chinese - an ethnic self-name that comes from the empire that has sunk into oblivion.

During the Chinese Ming era, a standing army was created and a navy was built. Total number soldiers in the empire reached a million. Representatives of the Ming dynasty were the last rulers who belonged to ethnic Chinese. After their fall, the Manchu Qing dynasty came to power in the empire.

The state was formed on the territory of modern Iran and Iraq after the overthrow of the Arsacids, representatives of the Parthian dynasty. Power in the empire passed to the Sassanid Persians. Their empire existed from the 3rd to the 7th centuries. It reached its peak during the reign of Khosrow I Anushirvan, and during the reign of Khosrow II Parviz, the borders of the state expanded significantly. At that time, the Sassanid Empire included the lands of present-day Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia, the eastern part of present-day Turkey, parts of modern-day India, Pakistan and Syria. In addition, the Sasanian state partially captured the Caucasus, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Egypt, the lands of modern Israel, and Jordan, expanding its borders, although not for long, almost to the limits of the ancient Achaemenid power. In the mid-seventh century, the Sasanian Empire was invaded and absorbed into the powerful Arab Caliphate.

A monarchical state proclaimed on January 3, 1868 and lasted until May 3, 1947. After the restoration of imperial rule in 1868, the new government of Japan began to modernize the country under the slogan “Rich country - strong army.” As a result of imperial policies, by 1942 Japan had become the largest maritime power on the planet. However, after the end of World War II, this empire ceased to exist.

After Portugal and Spain, France in the 15th-17th centuries. was the third European state to colonize overseas territories. The French were equally interested in the development of tropical and temperate latitudes. For example, after exploring the mouth of the St. Lawrence River in 1535, Jacques Cartier founded the colony of New France, which once occupied the central part of the North American continent. In the 18th century, that is, in its heyday, French colonies occupied an area of ​​9 million km2.

As a result of Napoleon's occupation of Portugal, the royal family went to Brazil, the most important and largest of the Portuguese colonies. From that time on, the country began to be ruled by the Braganza dynasty. After Napoleon's troops left Portugal, Brazil became independent from the mother country, although it continued to remain under the rule of the royal family. Thus began the history of an empire that lasted more than seventy years and occupied a significant part of South America.

It was the largest continental monarchy. So, in 1914 Russian empire occupied a huge area (about 22 million km2). It was the third largest power that ever existed and extended from Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea in the south. The head of the empire, the tsar, had unlimited absolute power until 1905.

Her possessions were in Asia, Europe and Africa. Turkish army for a long time was considered almost invincible. Power in the state belonged to the sultans, who owned countless treasures. The Ottoman dynasty ruled for more than six centuries, from 1299 to 1922, when the monarchy was overthrown. The area of ​​the Ottoman Empire at the time of its greatest prosperity reached 5,200,000 km2.

On our entire planet there are about 200 countries and territories, which are located on 148,940,000 square meters. km of land. Some of the states occupy a small area (Monaco 2 sq. km), while others extend over several million square kilometers. It is noteworthy that the largest states occupied about 50% of the land.

2,382,740 sq. km.

(ANDR) ranks tenth among the most big countries in the world and is the largest state on the African continent. The capital of the state bears the name of the country - Algeria. The area of ​​the state is 2,381,740 sq. km. It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and most of the territory is occupied by the largest desert in the world, the Sahara.

2,724,902 sq. km.

It ranks ninth in the ranking of countries with the most large territory. Its area is 2,724,902 sq. km. This is the largest state without access to the world's oceans. The country owns part of the Caspian Sea and the inland Aral Sea. Kazakhstan has land borders with four Asian countries and Russia. The border area with Russia is one of the longest in the world. Most of the territory is occupied by deserts and steppes. The population of the country as of 2016 is 17,651,852 people. The capital is the city of Astana - one of the most populated in Kazakhstan.

2,780,400 sq. km.

(2,780,400 sq. km.) is the eighth largest country in the world by territory and the second largest in South America. The capital of the state, Buenos Aires is the most Big City Argentina. The territory of the country stretches from north to south. This causes a variety of natural and climatic zones. The Andes mountain system stretches along the western border, and the eastern part is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The north of the country is located in a subtropical climate; in the south there are cold deserts with harsh weather conditions. The name Argentina was given in the 16th century by the Spaniards, who assumed that its bowels contained a large number of silver (argentum - translated as silver). The colonists were wrong; there was very little silver.

3,287,590 sq. km.

Located on an area of ​​3,287,590 sq. km. She comes in second place by population(1,283,455,000 people), giving way to China and seventh place among the largest countries in the world. Its shores are washed warm waters Indian Ocean. The country got its name from the Indus River, on the banks of which the first settlements appeared. Before British colonization, India was the richest country. It was there that Columbus sought to go in search of wealth, but ended up in America. The official capital of the country is New Delhi.

7,686,859 sq.km.

(Union of Australia) is located on the continent of the same name and occupies its entire territory. The state also occupies the island of Tasmania and other islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The total area covered by Australia is 7,686,850 sq. km. The capital of the state is the city of Canberra - the largest in Australia. Most of the country's water bodies are salty. The largest salt lake is Eyre. The continent is washed by the Indian Ocean, as well as the seas of the Pacific Ocean.

8,514,877 sq. km.

- the largest state on the continent of South America, it ranks fifth in terms of territory in the world. On an area of ​​8,514,877 sq. km. 203,262,267 citizens live. The capital bears the name of the country - Brazil (Brasilia) and is one of the largest cities in the state. Brazil borders all the countries of South America and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side.

9,519,431 sq. km.

USA(USA) - one of the largest states located on the mainland North America. His total area is 9,519,431 sq. km. The United States ranks fourth in terms of territory and third in population in the world. The number of living citizens is 321,267,000 people. The capital of the state is Washington. The country is divided into 50 states, as well as Colombia - federal district. The USA borders Canada, Mexico and Russia. The territory is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.

9,598,962 sq. km.

(People's Republic of China) tops the top three with the largest territory. This is not only a country with one of the largest areas, but also with a huge population, the number of which ranks first in the world. On an area of ​​9,598,962 sq. km. 1,374,642,000 people live. China is located on the Eurasian continent and borders 14 countries. The part of the mainland where China is located is washed by the Pacific Ocean and seas. The capital of the state is Beijing. The state includes 31 territorial entities: 22 provinces, 4 centrally subordinate cities (“mainland China”) and 5 autonomous regions.

9,984,670 sq. km.

With an area of ​​9,984,670 sq. km. ranks second in the ranking largest countries in the world across the territory. It is located on the mainland of North America, and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Canada borders the USA, Denmark and France. The state includes 13 territorial entities, of which 10 are called provinces, and 3 are called territories. The country's population is 34,737,000 people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa - one of the largest cities in the country. Conventionally, the state is divided into four parts: the Canadian Cordillera, the elevated plain of the Canadian Shield, the Appalachians and the Great Plains. Canada is called the land of lakes, the most popular of which are Superior, whose area measures 83,270 square meters (the largest freshwater lake in the world), and Medvezhye, which is one of the TOP 10 largest lakes in the world.

17,125,407 sq. km.

(Russian Federation) occupies a leading position among the largest countries by area. The Russian Federation is located on an area of ​​17,125,407 sq. km on the largest continent of Eurasia and occupies a third of it. Despite its vast territory, Russia ranks only ninth in terms of population density, the number of which is 146,267,288. The capital of the state is the city of Moscow - this is the most populated part of the country. The Russian Federation includes 46 regions, 22 republics and 17 subjects called territories, federal cities and autonomous okrugs. The country borders on 17 countries by land and 2 by sea (USA and Japan). There are more than a hundred rivers in Russia, the length of which exceeds 10 kilometers - these are the Amur, Don, Volga and others. In addition to rivers, the country is home to more than 2 million fresh and salt water bodies. One of the most famous, Fr. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The highest point of the state is Mount Elbrus, whose height is about 5.5 km.

Seizing power must be the dream of at least half of aspiring supervillains. However, some more benevolent (which is doubtful) people try to do this the old-fashioned way: exploration, colonization, conquest, and sometimes (okay - occasionally) even mutually beneficial policies.

Although no one had yet been able to openly seize power (shadow communities don't count), the age of empires was certainly not boring, and impressive progress was made as recently as the late 1900s.

Let's start all the way from 500 BC and go through it in chronological order until modern times. Here are 25 of the greatest and most powerful empires in human history!

25. Achaemenid Power - around 500 BC.

As the 18th largest empire in history, the Achaemenid Power (also called the first Persian Empire) is already impressive. At the peak of its rise around 550 BC. they occupied an area of ​​31.6 million km², including the vast majority of the countries of the Middle East and regions of Russia.

Even more impressively, under Cyrus II the Great, the empire had a comprehensive social infrastructure, including roads and a postal service, that other empires would later strive to surpass.

24. Macedonian Empire - around 323 BC

Under Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Empire destroyed the Achaemenid Empire and built the final Hellenistic state, giving rise to ancient Greek civilization, the philosophical contributions of Aristotle, and probably orgies.

At its peak, the Macedonian Empire occupied almost 3.5% of the entire world, making it the 21st largest empire in history (and second largest after the Persian conquest).

23. Mauryan Empire - around 250 BC

After the death of Alexander the Great, all of India and much of the surrounding territory was conquered by the Mauryan Empire, resulting in the first (and largest) Indian Empire.

At its height, under a benevolent and diplomatic ruler known as Ashok the Great, the Mauryan Empire covered an area of ​​almost 5 million km², making it the 23rd largest empire in history.

22. Xiongnu Empire - around 209 BC

During the period IV-III centuries. BC, what eventually became China consisted of several warring states. As a result, the nomadic Xiongnu armies launched raids into the northern territories.

At its height, the Xiongnu Empire occupied more than 6% of the entire world's territory, becoming the 10th largest empire in human history.

They were so irresistible that it took years of negotiations, arranged marriages, and concessions by the Han Dynasty to keep them from being conquered.

21. Western Han Dynasty - around 50 BC

Speaking of the Han dynasties, the Western Han dynasty reached its peak about a century later. Although they never reached the level of development of the Xiongnu Empire, they still managed to occupy an area of ​​6 million km² with over 57 million people, becoming the 17th largest empire in human history. To achieve this, they successfully pushed the Xiongnu north while aggressively expanding south into what is now Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula.

The Western Han Dynasty included the major diplomatic achievements of Zhang Qian, who established contacts with states as far west as the Roman Empire and established the famous Silk Road trade route.

20. Eastern Han Dynasty - around 100 AD

During its almost 200-year existence, the Eastern Han dynasty experienced a succession of different rulers, revolts, instability and economic crisis. Despite these factors, the Eastern Han Dynasty was the 12th largest empire in history. It was larger in area than its pre-Christian counterpart, covering almost 500 km² more - a total of 4.36% of the entire world.

19. Roman Empire - around 117 AD

Due to the huge number of references that the Roman Empire receives, the average person mistakenly considers it the largest in history.

Indeed, at its peak in 117 AD. it was the most extensive and social structure in Western civilization, but even then the Romans occupied a total of only 5 million km² of land, making them the 24th largest empire in history.

IN in this case it is not a question of quantity but of quality, since the influence of the Roman Empire affected almost every aspect of Western civilization.

18. Turkic Khaganate - around 557 AD

The Turkic Khaganate consisted of what is now north-central China. The rulers of the Kaganate came from the Ashina clan, another nomadic tribe unknown origin from the northern part of Inner Asia.

Like the Xiongnu almost six centuries earlier, they expanded to rule vast areas of Central Asia, including the lucrative trade along the Silk Road.

By 557 AD they became the 15th largest empire in history, controlling 4.03% of the entire world's territory (much more than the Roman Empire's 3.36%).

17. Righteous Caliphate - around 655 AD

The Righteous Caliphate was the first Islamic caliphate in the earliest period of Islam. It was founded immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD to manage the affairs of the Islamic community.

Having subjugated or allied with various Arab tribes, the caliphate embarked on a conquest that led to the dominance of Egypt, Syria, and the entire Persian Empire. In your best period in 655 AD The Righteous Caliphate was the 14th largest empire, covering 6.4 million km² of territory in the Middle East.

16. Umayyad Caliphate - around 720 AD

Second of four main caliphates after the death of Muhammad, the Umayyad Caliphate arose after the first Muslim Civil War in 661 AD. In addition to dominating the entire Middle East, the Umayyad Caliphate continued to expand towards North Africa and some parts of Southern Europe.

Having a comprehensive social structure, consisting of 29% of the total world population (62 million people) and 7.45% of the entire world land area, the Umayyad Caliphate became the 8th largest empire in modern history and the largest empire in the world, which only existed until 720 AD.

15. Abbasid Caliphate - around 750 AD

30 years after the heyday of the Umayyad Caliphate, as a result of the uprising and disobedience of the descendants of Muhammad's youngest uncle to the Umayyads, the Abassid Caliphate came to power.

They claimed that their lineage was closer to the Prophet Muhammad, so they were his true heirs. After successfully seizing power in 750 AD. they began a "golden era" that lasted almost 400 years and included a strong alliance with China.

Although their empire was no larger than the Umayyad Caliphate, it existed for long period, successfully controlling 11.1 million km², making them the 7th largest empire in human history until captured by Genghis Khan in 1206.

14. Tibetan Empire - around 800 AD

The Tibetan Empire occupied more than 3% of the entire world's territory by 800. At the same time, a comparatively gigantic and prosperous Arab Empire flourished from the West. On the other hand, the Tang Dynasty, having become a stable and united force that established diplomatic relations with the Arabs, made the Tibetan Empire one of the first in history to be between two strong states.

Thanks to diplomacy and impressive military power, the Tibetan Empire lasted for more than 200 years. Ironically, the growing influence Buddhist teachings ultimately provoked civil war which split the empire.

13. Tang Dynasty - around 820 AD

The Tang Dynasty ushered in what is considered a golden period of multicultural culture in Chinese civilization. Two of China's most famous poets, Li Bai and Du Fu, belonged to this period, and the invention of woodblock printing contributed to the development artistic culture among the growing population of China and throughout Asia.

Less significant than other Chinese dynasties from a historical perspective, the Tang Dynasty lasted for almost three centuries (618 to 907 AD), inhabiting 3.6% of the total world area and ranking as the 20th largest empire in the world. history of mankind.

12. Mongol Empire - around 1270

Although many people know about it, few people really understand how huge Genghis Khan's empire really was. In their better times The Mongol Empire controlled a whopping 24 million km² of territory.

For comparison, this is more than 4 times the size of the Roman Empire and just under 3 times the size of the modern United States, making the Mongol Empire the 2nd largest empire in human history.

11. Golden Horde- around 1310

Genghis Khan was not stupid, and knew that without his leadership the empire was unlikely to be able to maintain its size. Thus, he divided the empire into regions, giving control of each to each of his sons to preserve his legacy.

Due to the sheer size and power of the original empire, even its individual domains were impressively powerful. In the next generation after the Mongol Empire reached its peak, it became an independent entity.

Even on its own, by 1310 it was the 16th largest empire in history and controlled a still impressive 4.03% of the world (about a quarter of the Mongol Empire's land).

10. Yuan Dynasty - around 1310

From the northern Chinese territories, previously controlled by the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan's grandson led his troops to conquer the rest of China and found the Yuan Dynasty.

By 1310, it had become the largest fragment of the previous Mongol Empire and the 9th largest empire in human history, with 11 million km² of land in its possession. Unfortunately, uprisings in the mid-14th century led to the final overthrow of the Yuan in 1368, making the dynasty the shortest-lived in Chinese history.

9. Ming Dynasty (Great Ming Empire) - around 1450

The Ming Dynasty was formed after the fall of the Yuan Dynasty. Unable to expand north due to the presence of the powerful Mongols, the Ming Dynasty still occupied a respectable 4.36% of the world's land area and is the 13th largest empire in history.

She is perhaps best known for building the first navy China, which made it possible to send maritime expeditions and stimulate successful regional maritime trade.

8. Ottoman Empire- around 1683

When Istanbul was Constantinople, it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire (also called the Turkish Empire). Although historically it was quite small (5.2 million km², making it the 22nd largest empire in existence), it was otherwise successful and long-lived.

Beginning just before 1300, the Ottoman Empire was able to secure its place between the eastern and western worlds for more than six centuries. After defeat in World War I, the empire was destroyed, resulting in the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1922.

7. Qing Dynasty - circa 1790

The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty China. This huge empire became the 4th largest empire in the entire history of mankind and occupied almost 10% of the entire globe, including the territory of Korea and Taiwan, with a population of more than 400 million people.

Almost three centuries passed before local uprisings forced the last emperor to abdicate, forming the Republic of China in 1912.

6. Spanish Empire - circa 1810

Not wanting to be outdone by the last Chinese dynasty, the Spanish Empire was formed in 1492 and became only the second global empire in world history. With an area of ​​15.3 million km² of land under its control, it was the 5th largest in history.

Through numerous maritime conquests, they controlled a huge percentage of territory in both North and South America, as well as virtually all of the Caribbean, parts of Africa, Europe, the South Pacific, and even some cities along the coast of the Middle East.

5. Portuguese Colonial Empire - circa 1820

Also known as the Portuguese Overseas Territories, the Portuguese Colonial Empire became the first global empire in history.

However, it never achieved the same massive dominance as the Spanish Empire. With 3.69% of the Earth's territory under its control, it is the 19th largest empire in history.

However, it is the longest-lived modern European colonial empire, lasting six centuries and just shy of the new millennium (the Portuguese Empire officially ceased to exist on December 20, 1999).

4. Brazilian Empire - circa 1889

Initially former part The Portuguese Empire, the Brazilian Empire declared its independence in 1822. After several years of instability, a period of calm emerged in 1843, which allowed the Brazilian Empire to gain stability until conflicts arose with Great Britain and Uruguay.

After successfully resolving these conflicts, the Brazilian Empire began its "golden age" and quickly became known throughout the world as a progressive and modern nation.

By the 1880s, the empire represented most of South America, covering an area of ​​8.5 million km², making it the 11th largest empire in human history.

3. Russian Empire - circa 1895

The Russian Empire was a powerful state that existed (officially) from 1721 until its overthrow in 1917 by revolution. The empire expanded from the beginning, transforming Russia from a primarily agricultural state to a more modern one.

At its height in 1895, the population of the Russian Empire grew from 15.5 million to 170 million people living in an area of ​​almost 23.3 million km². With the addition of the Baltic states, Poland, Finland and more significant Asian territories to its territory, the Russian Empire became the 3rd largest in the history of mankind.

2. Second French Colonial Empire - circa 1920

Competing with Spain, Portugal, the United Provinces and (later) Britain, the Second French Colonial Empire began in 1830 with the conquest of Algeria. They colonized a large percentage of Africa and took over the Middle East, Southeast Asia, New Caledonia and a tiny part of South America.

This made the empire at its height the 6th largest in history, as its population accounted for 5% of the entire world population, and it lived on 7.7% of the Earth's territory.

1. British Empire - circa 1920

This may or may not come as a shock to you, but in the competition to conquer the world, no empire has been more dominant than the British. Covering an area of ​​35.5 million km², the British Empire was easily the largest in human history (30% larger than the Mongol Empire).

For more than a century, Britain was the world's premier superpower and controlled 23% of the world's population. As a result of massive expansion throughout the world, their cultural and linguistic heritage can be found in almost every advanced culture on Earth.

Most consider the official handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997 to be the official end of the British Empire. Although if you look at the world stage, the UK still controls the largest part of the world... they just do it very smartly and more progressively. Perhaps this is world domination... just done well.

There are states on our planet that we only heard about in geography lessons. Entire worlds with their own rules and mentality that live on the other side of the world.

They are not well known because they are not active foreign policy, the scale of their lands and production within does not affect other countries.

Other countries are powerful fighters for rights and active helpers for neighboring states.

They are endowed with huge territories and supply their “neighbors” with products and minerals. Their territory is so vast that it is difficult to imagine.

Anyone who went to school knows an approximate list of the largest states in the world. Let's refresh our knowledge by remembering their names and the size of the area.

List of the largest countries in the world:

The first 7 countries on the list are considered giants in terms of territory size. Any state whose size exceeds 3,000,000 km² is gigantic.

The territory of Russia is the undoubted leader. Almost twice the size of second-place Canada.

Interesting fact! Under the USSR, our territory was even larger. Its size almost reached the territory of all of North America.

The lion's share - three quarters of the land - belonged to Russia. One sixth of the earth's space belonged to the USSR.

This order was maintained from 1922 to 1991. The area of ​​the USSR is 22,402,200 km². 293,047,571 people lived in these open spaces.

Largest countries by population

Population is another indicator. Territory and numbers vary greatly. The leaders of the previous table are changing abruptly.

Numbers do not depend on wealth, on the contrary: poor countries have larger numbers. Climate matters national characteristics, mentality.

List of countries with the largest population:

  1. India.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Pakistan.
  4. Brazil.
  5. Nigeria.
  6. Bangladesh.
  7. Russia.
  8. Japan.

Russia occupies only 9th position. China is in the lead; Russians have long been making jokes about the situation with population growth. And in vain, since in Russia the situation is the opposite.

Despite the high population, the birth rate in the country is low. In 2016, the birth rate in Russia was 12.9%, and mortality statistics showed exactly the same.

Today in our country there is an active policy to support mothers with children. New laws are being adopted that will improve the financial situation of families with children.

But, as statistics show, it is not a matter of the country’s material well-being.

Leaders in natural population growth:

  1. Malawi - 33.2%.
  2. Uganda - 33%.
  3. Burundi - 32.7%.
  4. Niger - 32.7%.
  5. Mali - 31.8%.

These countries cannot be called developed and wealthy. The fertility rate is taken from the same ratio.

Another surprising pattern: in these countries the mortality rate is lower than in Russia, which occupies - attention - 201st place in the ranking of population growth! We are in 201st place. These are the data for 2016.

In 2017, due to the wave of the financial crisis, the situation did not improve. The mortality rate has decreased, but along with it there has been a real collapse in the birth rate.

So we are still far from reaching the indicators of Malawi and Uganda. The mortality rate in 2017 was 12.6%. Men do not live to see 60 years of age. The female figure is 71 years.

Ratings of countries by standard of living in 2017

The effect of wealth on fertility is a controversial issue. Developed countries are known for having the lowest birth rates.

Psychologists explain this by the lack of a sense of fear, which activates the instinct of self-preservation in residents with low level life.

The instinct of self-preservation calls on people to leave offspring behind. The worse they live, the stronger the desire to continue the family line, to give birth to more children in order to increase the likelihood of continued life.

Developed countries provide stability, and people do not have such an instinct.

In addition to the survival instinct, the culture of a country influences fertility. In the East it is customary to start large families.

They sincerely cannot understand what childfree is and how such people can even exist.

Interesting information! Childfree - families who reject the idea of ​​having and maintaining children.

Top 5 countries leading in terms of living standards in 2017:

  1. Norway.
  2. Australia.
  3. Sweden.
  4. Switzerland.
  5. Netherlands.

The Netherlands ranks 184th in terms of population growth. It is slightly more than 2%.
Sweden - 180th place.
Switzerland - 182nd place.
Norway - 169th place in the ranking, population growth 4.1%.
Australia - 159th place, 4.9%. The mortality rate does not exceed the birth rate - this is a positive indicator for states.

Many countries have a negative rate of natural population growth.

The list includes world powers:

  • Poland.
  • Moldova.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Italy.
  • Japan.
  • Portugal.
  • Estonia.
  • France.
  • Greece.
  • Belarus.
  • Romania.
  • Monaco.
  • Germany.
  • Croatia.
  • Slovenia.
  • Hungary.
  • Ukraine.
  • Latvia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Serbia.
  • Bulgaria.

The birth rate in these states ranges from 8 to 10%, and the mortality rate: from 9 to 13%.

Comparative data show that the demographic state of affairs in Russia is relatively good.

Financial crisis recent years affected the birth rate, but the numbers give hope for a better outcome. Mortality and birth rates are at least equal. The current policy of our country is aimed at preserving the nation.

Along with the birth rate, the number of marriages in Russia decreased in 2017.

But the government continues to introduce new laws that will help restore the balance between mortality and fertility in the direction of increasing natural increase.

Useful video

In the last article we talked about, in this publication we will learn about the largest countries. The largest country by area is the Russian Federation, occupying 17,126,122 km?. The largest country by population is China, with 1,368,779,000 people. You can get more information on this issue below.

Largest country by:

Owners of wide open spaces

First, let's look at the TOP largest territories of countries and their occupied area:
  1. Russia - 17,126,122 km?;
  2. Canada - 9,976,140 km?;
  3. China - 9,598,077 km?;
  4. USA - 9,518,900 km?;
  5. Brazil - 8,511,965 km?;
  6. Australia - 7,686,850 km?;
  7. India - 3,287,590 km?;
  8. Argentina - 2,766,890 km?;
  9. Kazakhstan - 2,724,902 km?;
  10. The rest - 80,646,216 km?.
In the diagram below you can clearly see these indicators in percentage terms.

As we see, Russia occupies 11% of the planet’s land area, Canada – 7%, China – 6%. Thus, these three countries occupy about 24% of the world's land area. Now let's study the leading countries in more detail.

Russian Federation

The largest country by area is Russia, its area is 17,126,122 km?.

Russia is the largest country in terms of territory, with a federal structure. Until 2014, the territory of Russia was 17,125,187 km?, after Crimea was annexed in March 2014, the area of ​​the state increased to the present figure.

Due to such a huge territory, Russia borders on 18 countries, which is the highest number in the world.

Territory Russian state includes 85 federal subjects, of which:
  • 46 regions;

  • 22 republics;

  • 9 edges;

  • 4 autonomous okrugs;

  • 3 federal cities;

  • 1 autonomous region.

Russia occupies 1/8 of the land mass and is comparable not just to countries, but even to continents.


The second largest country in the world is Canada, its area is 9,984,670 km?.

Canada's territory is almost 2 times smaller than Russia's. Like Russia, Canada is a federal state.

Canada's territory includes:

  • 10 provinces;

  • 3 territories.

Canada is the most largest state American islands, even surpassing the continental neighboring state of the United States in area.


The third largest territory on the planet belongs to China, which occupies 9,640,821 km?.

The area of ​​China is not too far from Canada when compared with Russia.

China includes:

  • 22 provinces (some sources indicate 23 provinces, including Taiwan);

  • 5 autonomous regions;

  • 4 municipalities;

  • 2 special administrative regions.

Despite its significant area, most of China's territory is occupied by mountains, about 67%.

"People's" countries

Let's look at the overall ranking of the most populated countries:
  1. China – 1,368,779,000 people;
  2. India – 1,261,779,000 people;
  3. USA – 318,613,000 people;
  4. Indonesia – 252,812,245 people;
  5. Brazil – 203,260,131 people;
  6. Pakistan – 187,878,027 people;
  7. Nigeria – 178,516,904 people;
  8. Bangladesh - 156,951,230 people;
  9. Russia – 146,200,000 people;
  10. The rest – 2,911,254,980 people.

As you can see from the table, the top three leading countries have a population equal to all those countries that are not included in the top nine. Now let's look at the top three in more detail.


The most populous country is China, which is home to about 1,368,779,000 people.

China's population increases by 12 million people every year. Starting in 1979, the state switched to a policy of limiting the birth rate, but having reached average levels, over time the birth rate gradually increases again from year to year.


The second most populous country is India, with 1,261,779,000 people living in the country.

Oddly enough, almost 70% of Indians live in rural areas. The state does not pursue any birth control policy. India's annual population growth is about 14 million people.

The top three countries in terms of population are the United States, with 320,194,478 people.

The US population growth per year is about 8 million people. A fairly significant portion of this number are migrants from other countries. It will be very difficult for the United States, just like other countries, to catch up with China and India in terms of population, and in the conditions modern life- unreal.


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