36 standard options for Unified State Exam Tsybulko. How to write the title of an essay correctly

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While the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory exams which must be passed to receive a certificate. And then try yourself at a university, or, with a clear conscience, go into the army.

Every year the tasks are simplified, so the number of hundred-point papers is only growing. To write everything well, it’s enough to get good at it by going through a dozen or two options. General theoretical knowledge will come to mind by itself. Someone will say that there is also an essay (task 25), but there, too, everything comes down to basic things. Complete clichés, from literary examples"War and Peace". There are a lot of similar essays in the bank of verified works. Study the best ones, see how to build a reasoning. Nothing complicated. Again, it just takes a little practice and you'll get it right.


Part 1: consists of 24 tasks with a short answer consisting of numbers or a word (phrase). The maximum you can get is 58 points.

Part 2: consists of one task where you need to write the already mentioned essay in the recommended volume of 200 words. Maximum 42 points.

3.5 hours are allotted to complete all tasks.

Explanations for grading assignments

For correct completion of each task in Part 1 (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24), the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can score from 0 to 2 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct. 1 point is given if: one of the numbers indicated in the answer does not correspond to the standard; one of the numbers specified in the answer template is missing.

In all other cases, 0 points are given. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter. For completing task 7, you can score from 0 to 5 points. For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to a number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: 1 error made; 3 points: 2 errors made; 2 points: 2 digits indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or lack thereof. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.

Unified State Exam dates in Russian

The final dates for the Unified State Examination will be known only in January. But today specialists from Rosobrnadzor are ready to announce the approximate time periods during which testing will take place:

  • the early stage of the Unified State Examination will take place from mid-March to mid-April 2018 (start date – 03/22/2018);
  • The main stage of the Unified State Examination will begin at the end of May and will last until the beginning of June 2018. Rosobrnadzor tentatively names the start date as 05/28/2018;
  • additional period (passing the Unified State Exam by students who received unsatisfactory grades or missed the main exam due to illness and other good reasons, documented) is scheduled for the first half of September 2018. So far, the starting date is September 4, 2018.

Let us remind you that the following people can write an application to take the exam early:

  • schoolchildren who received secondary education before the 2017/2018 academic year;
  • students who graduated from school with a certificate instead of a certificate;
  • evening school graduates;
  • individuals who go to study outside of Russia;
  • Graduates current year who completed the curriculum ahead of schedule;
  • children leaving for sports competitions, competitions, Olympiads and other events of national or international significance;
  • schoolchildren in need of treatment or rehabilitation on the dates of the main exam.

Statistics for passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

Students’ opinion that with good preparation for Unified State Exam Russian Passing the language is quite easy, as confirmed by official statistics. Thus, in 2017, 617 thousand schoolchildren took part in the examination, of which only 1.6% were unable to overcome the minimum threshold (i.e., score 36 passing points required for admission to a university).

In 2016, there were 2.5% of such students. In turn, only 0.5% of examinees did not achieve the minimum scores required to obtain a matriculation certificate, i.e. half as much as in 2016. According to Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor, this trend indicates the effectiveness of the “I will pass the Unified State Exam” project, in which lagging students from Chechnya, Dagestan and Tuva took part before testing.

According to statistics, the percentage of schoolchildren who fail the Unified State Exam is gradually decreasing

Rules for the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language

The testing procedure remains the same - students will have 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the tasks. According to the regulations, before entering the examination hall, the student must empty his pockets of any foreign objects, which include cheat sheets, smartphones, cameras, headphones, tablets, smart watches and any other equipment.

When writing a test in the Russian language, the use of any other reference and auxiliary materials is not provided. Schoolchildren are prohibited from changing seats, talking with neighbors, turning their heads in the hope of spying on the answer, and also leaving the classroom without permission and accompaniment of a member of the supervisory commission.

What is included in the Russian language ticket?

The Russian language exam is aimed at:

  • assessment of the ability to conduct linguistic analysis;
  • identification of practical language skills in compliance with relevant norms and rules;
  • communication skills test;
  • assessment of understanding writing through the prism of one’s own perception;
  • testing the ability to compare, analyze, synthesize, generalize, specify and find patterns.

When completing the work, the student will be faced with tasks that will test the level of his knowledge of vocabulary and phraseology, his understanding of language, spelling and punctuation norms, as well as the ability to use speech instruments.

Each ticket includes 26 tasks, divided into two parts:

  • The first part of the ticket is 25 tasks that require a short answer from the student. In this part of the Unified State Exam, the answer should be given in the form of one or more numbers, a word or a phrase. For correct completion of this part of testing you can get 34 primary scores, which is 59% of all points for the Unified State Exam. Tasks numbered 2, 3-6, 8-14, 16-24 are scored 1 point, 1 and 15 – 2 points, 7 – 5 points, 25 – 4 points;
  • the second part of the ticket is an essay on the proposed topic. It should provide a detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed. For correct completion of this part of the test, you can receive 24 primary points, which is 41% of all points for the Unified State Exam.

The entire ticket allows you to earn a maximum of 58 primary points.

Innovations in tickets 2018

Experts from FIPI report that the following changes await schoolchildren in the new Russian language tickets:

  1. One task (numbered 20) was added to the tickets, aimed at testing knowledge of the norms of vocabulary of the Russian language.
  2. The maximum primary points that can be obtained for all work have been increased - now there will be 58, not 57, as in 2017.

Will speaking be included in the exam?

Over the past few years, rumors have increasingly arisen that another part will be added to the Russian language exam - speaking. Lyudmila Verbitskaya, head Russian Academy Education, stated that speaking would become an integral part of the exam back in 2016. Sergei Kravtsov, who heads Rosobrnadzor, also believed that Russian should not be taken at the basic and specialized level, but to test the skill modern schoolchildren It is imperative to express your thoughts out loud.

The Unified State Exam 2018 will require not only knowledge of the rules, but developed speaking skills

The leadership of the main educational department of the Russian Federation explained the need for this innovation by saying that the ability to apply language norms in practice can only be revealed when a student answers questions orally. This is the only way to understand whether the student knows how to express his thoughts beautifully and cogently, or whether he has simply memorized a certain number of rules.

Speaking did not appear in the Unified State Examination 2017, but at a conference at Moscow State University dedicated to the problems of the modern Russian language, Verbitskaya expressed confidence that in 2018 this part will definitely supplement the national examination in this subject. Not long ago, information appeared on the FIPI website that department specialists discussed the issue of including speaking in the Unified State Exam, having prepared a corresponding project. Today it includes two possible options CMM improvements:

  • the first assumes that the student will have to read the text expressively, then take part in the dialogue, and at the end, argueably express his position on some issue, based on the proposed text. You will need to do it in 15 minutes;
  • the second option includes four types of tasks: expressive reading of the proposed passage, retelling of the information read, monologue in this topic and participation in dialogue. 15 minutes will be allotted for all tasks.

When passing the Unified State Examination, audio and video recording of the student’s answers will be carried out, which will then be listened to by members of the examination committee. However, in the CMM versions presented today, there is no speaking in the demo version. Possibly test the new kind The Unified State Examination will first be for schoolchildren in the 9th grade, who will have to take the State Examination.

Firstly, it is easier for them to equip classrooms with the necessary equipment, and secondly, for students high school errors in the calculations of specialists from FIPI can become critical, ruining the chance of entering a university. It is quite possible that the project will not have time to pass the final approval stage in 2018, but students should prepare for this type of test.

How will the Unified State Exam in Russian affect the certificate?

Let us remind you that the scores that an eleventh grader received for the national exam influence the certificate. The maximum points for this Unified State Examination are 100. If we translate them into the regular school system of assessing knowledge, the picture looks like this:

  • students who managed to score only 0-35 points are recognized as “failing students”;
  • schoolchildren who were able to score 36-57 points for testing can qualify for the “three” mark;
  • 58-71 points guarantee the student a grade of “four”;
  • graduates who score 72 points and above receive an “excellent” grade.

To enter the budget you will need more than 73 points for Russian

The minimum points that should be scored for the Russian language are directly dependent on the goal set by the student:

  • schoolchildren who do not intend to enter a university can write an exam for 24 points - this is enough to simply receive a certificate;
  • students who plan to enter higher education educational institution, must receive a minimum of 36 points on the test. You can overcome this threshold by correctly solving at least 16 tasks from the first part of the ticket. Of course, 36 points will not allow you to qualify for a budget place and a scholarship at the university. As the practice of past years shows, for regional universities the score must be at least 73, but to get into capital universities you need to manage to write the Unified State Examination in Russian with at least 88-94 points.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian?

Preparing for the Russian language exam involves regular classes, practicing all existing rules and regulations, memorizing exceptions, and developing punctuation skills. In addition, it is highly recommended to regularly write dictations and short essays on a variety of topics.

Experts say that you should devote most of your time to task No. 26 - the essay will require you to be able to discuss and comment on a specific topic, support your point of view with arguments, think broadly, draw analogies and correctly insert quotes from other sources into the text. To do this, it is worth paying attention to reading classical works, the authors of which raise themes of ideological problems.

Of course, when preparing for the exam, you cannot do without working through the demonstration CMMs developed by FIPI specialists for the new academic year. Of course, there will be no absolute match between the demo versions and the real tests, but the tasks are so similar that it will be easier for you to collect your thoughts during the exam. Only in this case you will not waste time trying to understand the structure of the ticket and its content. You can download official demo versions of CMMs in Russian at the beginning of the article.

At the Unified State Examination in Russian, you should correctly distribute the allotted time. Don't waste precious minutes lingering on difficult tests. You can return to them later, when answers to tasks that do not cause you difficulties are ready. To write an essay, you will need at least 60-70 minutes - creative tasks require time to gather your thoughts, sketch out a draft version of the work, and then carefully rewrite the essay on the answer sheet.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, train yourself to regularly write essays and dictations.

What should you consider when writing an essay?

The essay involves writing a text in which the following components will be clearly highlighted:

  • introduction– here you should give a suitable quote, highlight the main idea of ​​the author of the work, talk a little about his worldview, give your own thoughts on this topic, and then move on to the main part;
  • main part– is divided into several structural components, each of which will be assessed by a commission. Start by formulating the problem, describing its relevance and urgency. Provide comments on the problem, briefly retelling the text in your own words. Next, you need to express the author’s main idea and retell his vision of the issue. Express your opinion on this matter, agreeing with the author or, conversely, giving counterarguments. Your own thoughts should be supported by arguments in the form of quotes famous personalities, statistical and scientific facts, descriptions life situations or the thoughts of other writers. At least two arguments must be given, and one of them is literary;
  • conclusion and conclusions– in this part of the essay it is worth summarizing all of the above.

Remember: according to the essay evaluation criteria, the main factor that the commission members will evaluate is the ability to rely on the proposed text. Extensive conclusions and introductions are not very welcome - they should occupy no more than 25% of the entire work. The essay must consist of at least 150 words. If you can write more, correctly covering the main part, that’s good, but work of less than 70 words may not be assessed at all, giving zero points.

Option 5. Assignments for the Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1) The bulk of salt in the world is not obtained from sea ​​water, and in salt mines deep underground, underground salt is called rock salt. (2)Her education relates to distant times(225-185 million years ago), when the area of ​​the seas was shrinking and land was advancing: closed lagoons dried up, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits. (3) Over time, huge layers of crystalline salt were covered with layers of various rocks; the salt ended up hundreds of meters underground.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The formation of rock salt, from which the bulk of salt in the world is extracted, dates back to ancient times, when the area of ​​the seas was reduced; Over time, thick deposits of evaporated salt were covered with layers of various rocks.

2) The production of rock salt exceeds the production of sea ​​salt, which, when evaporated, forms thick deposits in salt mines.

3) Table salt in ancient times was mined deep underground, in closed lagoons, which in our time have been converted into salt mines.

4) In ancient times, the area of ​​the seas decreased, and the evaporated salt formed thick deposits, which were covered over time with layers of various rocks; This underground salt, called rock salt, is the world's main source of salt.

5) Huge layers of crystalline salt, formed in ancient times and called “rock salt,” are evaporated for about two hundred million years in salt mines located hundreds of meters underground.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this,


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word POWERFUL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

POWERFUL, oh, oh; -schen, -schen, -schen; more powerful.

1) Very strong in the degree of its manifestation, its action. M. blow. M. gust of wind. M. surf.

2) Distinguished by great physical strength and strength, powerful, testifying to great strength(about a person, an animal). M. man. M. horse. Powerful shoulders.

3) Large, massive, thick. M. coal seam. Powerful ice of the North.

4) Capable of completing a lot of work in a period of time (about a mechanism, device). M. engine. M. fan.

5) Significant in its impact on a person’s thoughts and feelings (colloquial). Powerful article.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

After winning the semi-finals, Konstantin began training with DOUBLE force. Just a few years ago this place was a vacant lot, but now there is a MAJESTIC building rising here.

In two months, the northern region received ONE YEAR'S worth of precipitation.

The young teacher felt PRIDE in his work.

Beyond the field one could see a SOLID house with an attic, to the left were two poor huts, behind them was a black forest.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

PARTIZAN detachment


THE FINEST threads

present your PASS at the entrance

on both sides

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect sentence construction with participial phrase

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

B) violation of species-temporal correlation verb forms

D) error in construction complex sentence

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

F. A. Vasiliev in Crimea.


1) Six paintings dedicated to northern Russian nature were painted

2) Vladimir said that “it was then in the old Russian town, in Vologda, that he became interested in history, it was then that he began to study his grandfather’s archives.”

3) After reading this book, it seems to me that it will be useful to many.

4) Sasha was offended by his friend and did not want to talk to him.

5) Those who have admired cherry blossoms at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful sights.

6) It feels like the waves are rushing onto the island, throwing their salty spray far away.

7) Moscow State University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov.

8) When asked to celebrate the victory, the tournament participants replied that we were tired and would go to rest.

9) When the hero came to his senses. It was too late.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

defend yourself




pop out

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

hugs, in..south

week..cooked, pos..was

pr..zident, pr..stige

pr..endure, pr..miracle

worthless, not...cheap

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.






11. Write down the word in which the letter A is written in place of the gap.



(parents) tickle..t

dragging (in tow)

(things) is moving

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The gate turned out to be (NOT) LOCKED.

Skotinin was far from a POLITE person.

The sun, which has not yet come into force, warms carefully and affectionately.

He carefully keeps (UN)UNSOLVED feelings in his soul.

A.K. Tolstoy, (UN)WISHING to remain on the sidelines during Crimean War entered the army.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

There is (NOT) SOMETHING very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian county towns (AT) THE END of summer.

In I. Bunin’s novel “The Life of Arsenyev” poetry and prose merged (IN)ONE TO reveal deeper inner world person.

(B)CONTINUING the entire viewing, it seemed to me that these illustrations were spreading the earth wider and wider, decorating it with fabulous cities, showing me (B)ALLY high mountains, beautiful seashores.

(NOT) LOOKING at futuristic experiments, in early lyrics V. Mayakovsky’s feeling still prevails, WHATEVER his comrades say.

V. Mayakovsky's style from the first poems is ambiguous and (B) BECAUSE of the public's habit of classical poetry, it is difficult to explain.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Many contemporaries (1) considered A. K. Tolstoy to be a proponent (2) of “pure art”, but this opinion was not substantiated by anything (3) about: in the poet’s work there are many poems filled (4) with topical society (5) oh sound.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The elegy genre involves discussions about life and death, memories of the past, sadness about fleeting happiness.

2) Neither life’s ups and downs nor a privileged position in the world could change the character of G. R. Derzhavin.

3) It gets dark and last Sunbeam soon slips out of the room

4) The warrior could rely on neighbors both on the left and on the right and felt their support.

5) Before Lyonka’s eyes, the foggy veil tore apart and an unusual picture opened up.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

V. S. Solovyov is known as a philosopher (1) who rebelled against materialism and positivism (2) and (3) who prepared with his works Russian philosophy of the 20th century (4) continued in the works of N. A. Berdyaev, L. I. Shestov, S. N. Bulgakova.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

Low house with blue shutters (1)

I will never forget you, -

Were too recent

Sounded out in the darkness of the year...

I don’t know how to admire (2) (3)

And I wouldn’t want to disappear into the wilderness,

But (4) probably (5) forever I have (6)

Tenderness (7) of the sad Russian soul.

(S. Yesenin)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

The carriage drove up to the estate of the lady (1) about whose cruelty and greed (2) (3) incredible rumors were circulating in the area (4).

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Try to remember any of your days minute by minute (1) and you will see (2) that (3) if you restore this entire flow of time (4) you can write a whole book.

20. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

The company's legal adviser was instructed to express his response to proposals for cooperation received from the Astarta concern within two weeks.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 – 26

(1) In peaceful years, a person, in contentment and happiness, like a bird bathing in the sky, can fly far from the nest and even seem to him as if the whole world is his homeland. (2) Another person, embittered by bitter need, will say: “Why do you keep telling me: homeland! (3) What good did I see from her, what did she give me?”

(4) But a common disaster was approaching. (5) The enemy is ravaging our land and wants to call everything eternal his own. (6) Then both the happy and the unhappy gather at their nest. (7) Even the one who would like to hide like a cricket in a dark crevice and whistle there until better times, understands that now it is impossible to escape alone.

(8) Our nest, our homeland has prevailed over all our feelings. (9) And everything that we see around us, which perhaps we did not notice or appreciate before, is like smelling rye bread smoke from a snow-covered hut - now piercingly dear to us.

(10) The homeland is the movement of the people across their land from the depths of centuries towards the desired future in which they believe and which they create with their own hands for themselves and their generations. (11) This is an ever-dying and ever-born stream of people carrying their own language, their own spiritual and material culture and an unshakable belief in the legitimacy and inviolability of their place on earth.

(12) The land of Ottich and Dedich are those banks of deep rivers and forest glades where our ancestor came to live forever. (13) He was strong and bearded, wearing a lengthy long shirt, salty on his shoulder blades, smart and leisurely, like all the dense nature around him. (14) The ancestor could see a lot, looking around from under his palm... (15) “Nothing, we can handle it,” he said and began to live. (16) The graves of his fathers and grandfathers grew and multiplied behind him, and his people grew and multiplied. (17) With wondrous script he weaved the invisible network of the Russian language; bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, sincere, like a song over a cradle, melodious and rich. (18) He called all things by names and sang everything he saw and thought about, and sang his work. (19) And the dense world, over which he threw the magic net of the word, submitted to him like a bridled horse, and became his property, and for his descendants it became a homeland - the land of Ottic and Dedich.

(20) The Russian people have created a huge amount of oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics, heroic, magical, everyday and funny tales. (21) It is vain to think that this literature was only the fruit of popular leisure. (22) She was the dignity and intelligence of the people. (23) She established and strengthened his moral character, was his historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul and filled with deep content his entire measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature and veneration of his fathers and grandfathers.

(24) It was not for nothing that the ancestor weaved a magical network of the Russian language: the entire broad, creative, passionate, seeking soul of the Russian people was reflected in our art of the 19th century. (25) It became global and in many ways led the art of Europe and America.

(26) Russian science gave the world great chemists, physicists and mathematicians.

(27) The first steam engine was invented in Russia, as well as the voltaic arc, wireless telegraph and much more.

(28) Our ancestor probably discerned these deeds of his people in the distance of centuries and then said to this: “Nothing, we can handle it...” (29) Each of us bears the responsibility for our Motherland, for preserving the heritage of our people, strong, freedom-loving, truth-loving, intelligent and not offended by talent.

(According to A.N. Tolstoy)

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) A common misfortune forces people to unite to save their homeland.

2) The homeland is a historical past created by many generations; it is a people with its own place on earth with its language and culture.

3) The land of Ottic and Dedic was conquered by our ancestors from enemy tribes who came there to live forever.

4) Oral literature created by the people is just the fruit of people's leisure.

5) Russian art had a great influence on the development of world culture.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentence 5 explains what is said in sentence 4.

2) Sentence 10 contains a description.

3) Sentence 13 provides a description.

4) Propositions 21-23 contain reasoning.

5) Sentence 29 presents a narrative.

23. From sentences 8-9, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 19-23, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun, word forms and cognates. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “The article “Motherland” was written by A. N. Tolstoy during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. The narrative is permeated with pain for the fate of Russia and at the same time pride for it. Numerous paths help the writer express these feelings, among which (A)___ ("flow people" in sentence 11, "threw a magic net of words" in sentence 19) and (B)___ ("like arrows" in sentence 17, "like a bridled horse" in sentence 19), as well as lexical device- (B)___ (“prevailed” in sentence 8, “sang” in sentence 18) and reception - (D)___ (sentences 22, 23).”

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) comparison

3) dialectism

4) book words

5) phraseology

6) quoting

7) opposition

8) colloquial vocabulary

9) anaphora

26.Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Option 5


The problem of determining the role of the Motherland in human life. (What role does the Motherland play in a person’s life? What is the Motherland?)

The homeland is a historical past created by many generations; it is a people with its own place on earth with its language and culture. The homeland is the basis of every person’s life, it is his native nest.

Option 5

Job number


Job number


together to

1245 or any combination
these numbers


145 or any combination
these numbers

put or put down

1234 or any combination
these numbers

jump out

give or prepare


125 or any combination
these numbers


134 or any combination
these numbers



Tsybulko Irina Petrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, presenter Researcher laboratory for teaching the Russian language in a Russian school has been working at the URAO “Institute of Content and Teaching Methods” since 1997
.Irina Petrovna’s scientific interests include problems related to the assessment of educational achievements of students in the Russian language, problems of the content of teaching the Russian language at school,
with state final certification in the subject, diagnostics of students’ learning, and questions of interpretation of measurement results.
Irina Petrovna is the author of more than 200 scientific papers on the research problem. Tsybulko I.P. is a member of the academic council of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

Series “Unified State Exam-2013. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials. The collection contains:

  • 30 updated standard exam options to prepare for the 2013 exam;
  • instructions for completing the examination work and standard Unified State Exam answer forms;
  • answers to tasks of all parts of the examination paper (1, 2, 3);
  • evaluation criteria.

Completing tasks from a large number of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the final certification, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation.
Teachers can use standard exam options to monitor student learning outcomes and intensively prepare students for the Unified State Exam.


Contents of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials in the Russian language has always been the subject of close attention of the professional community, and therefore we can say that the content of the 2013 exam was the result of a certain consensus of teachers, methodologists, representatives high school countries.
The stability and comparability of the results of recent years, the tested monitoring tools in general make it possible to quite effectively determine the level of training of graduates, identify shortcomings in mastering individual elements of the school course, as well as determine directions for improving the study of the subject at school and, finally, assess the quality of control measuring materials and outline ways to improve them. In other words, the Unified State Exam in the Russian language allows you to obtain high-quality generalized information that characterizes trends in the training of graduates in the Russian language and allows you to identify existing problems in teaching the subject.
When preparing for the Unified State Exam, it is important to understand the main thing - there is no need for special preparation for the Unified State Exam in the content of the subject. There is nothing in the text of the examination paper that goes beyond the general educational minimum in the Russian language and school programs. However, such preparation (as well as preparation for a traditional exam) does not exclude the necessary generalization and systematization of what was studied at school. And here it follows Special attention pay attention to what methodological mistakes were made in the student’s preparation and to ways to eliminate them. We hope that this book will help students with this.
The book contains 30 standard exam options corresponding to the demo version of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2013. Instructions for performing the work, which are common to all options, are given at the beginning of the book. Following the instructions is a standard Unified State Exam answer form.
The student will be able to check their answers to the test options using the answer table at the end of the book.
Completing tasks large quantity options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam.
Teachers will find the book useful for organizing various forms control in Russian language lessons.

Unified State Exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Instructions for performing the work

You are given 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the examination work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts.

  • Part 1 includes 30 tasks (A1-A30). For each of them there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct.
  • Part 2 consists of 8 tasks (B1-B8). You must formulate the answers to these tasks yourself.
  • Part 3 consists of one task (C1) and is a small written work according to the text (essay).

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.
The correct answer, depending on the complexity of each task, is awarded one or more points. The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible.
We wish you success!

Here is an example of several tasks from the collection

Option 1
Part 1
When completing the tasks of this part, in the answer form M 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1-A30), put an “x” in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you have chosen.

A1. In which word is there a mistake: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly?
1) let's call 2) bAites 3) jealous 4) tore

A2. Which answer option uses the highlighted word incorrectly?
1) In order to homemade kvass turned out to be SPARKLING, pleasant and refreshing, it is necessary to follow the technology of its preparation.
2) It was hot in July, and when drops of LIVING moisture began to knock on the green foliage, first slowly and hesitantly, and then more and more insistently, all nature perked up and reached out to meet the rain.
3) Nephrolepis can grow even with ARTIFICIAL lighting, but, like all ferns, needs high humidity air.
4) During the summer months, schoolchildren are sent to an international LANGUAGE camp, one of the main activities of which is the study of foreign languages.

A3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.
1) two hundred items 3) a very serious remark
2) a kilogram of tomatoes 4) go to town

A4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Creating a novel trilogy,
1) documented data were used.
2) the writer used authentic documents of the era.
3) authentic documents of the era were used.
4) documents of the era confirmed the authenticity of the events.

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).
1) The animal world, studied by zoology and some other sciences, is extremely diverse.
2) Those who persistently strive to achieve their goals are worthy of respect.
3) Contrary to the forecast, the weather became clear.
4) V.M. Vasnetsov grew up in a northern village, fenced off by centuries-old forests from large cities and preserving ancient customs and rituals, beliefs and legends.

▫ Do they send their child to school and wonder whether there will be a gap in education or not? The children warned the director in advance, but this did not stop anything or anyone...Mom is talking nonsense about “everyone laughed and shot, got bruises”...And these are adults. And the children were at least smart enough to warn the adults. It’s a pity we didn’t think of going anywhere with the “shooter” that day. And again friendship... `Ilya D. studies at our school, but we are not friends. He is a hooligan, he is conflicted in himself, one of the school students told RIA Novosti. Other children also confirmed that the shooter had conflicts with many of his peers for any reason.`
▫ This is the law of life: - If two taxes conflict, then both are paid in full; - If they don’t join, then each one is paid separately. ...And entirely, of course.
▫ What's at school? And at school they chewed something. Instead of taking measures to detect and seize pneumatic weapons. It was not fate to call the district department. It became known about the “barrel” (knife, ax, canister, tactical nuclear charge...) - there is no time to read morals and educational process study. And especially not to find out the teacher’s guilt (degree, measure, depth). Because other measures must be taken. The shooting was NOT at school. They were taught to shoot at each other NOT at school. ====================== - I brought a gun and showed it to everyone at the FIRST lesson. - I missed the first two lessons that day. - Everyone started shooting one by one. - He shot, as eyewitnesses said, at the children’s legs. (well... one does not exclude the other: he waited his turn, maybe. How many pellets were there in the store? Not indicated). - (The hero of the day) was shot in the neck and left shoulder. So what is THERE, at school?! You cannot recreate the picture using such mutually exclusive information. And you can’t draw the right conclusions. (They are not for everyone collected material can be done: material differs from material. It happens that they will bring such material - either stand or fall). Why are we wondering how it is and what?! There are twenty contradictions in ten lines... And about the fact that the situation at school was... cleared up and about the fact that they did not organize a shooting at the school - I have already said. And the questions for my mother, of course: how she raised her or didn’t raise her like that - and why. Although she is obliged to raise her child. And first of all - a parent. Teacher - later. If you want to argue with this, it’s not for Us. Those who want to argue, let them argue with the current legislation. And yes: “a gap in school education” (and even if there is one, and I didn’t want to blame it for not having it, etc.) - I believe it should not be put on a par with inability or reluctance to organize everything possible in the event of the actual occurrence of relevant circumstances. It's not the same thing at all.
▫ Thank you so much!
▫ What then in this school No. 10? Here is the mother’s explanatory note.... `Tatyana, the mother of an eighth-grader who shot at other children with an air pistol in the village of Akhatnizovskaya, in a conversation with a correspondent of KP - Kuban, cannot hold back her tears. - They exaggerated such horror, they made such a criminal out of him. I'm afraid for my son. I came home now, and he was sitting there, not even eating anything. What if he does something to himself? It all happened on March 4 at 11:30 near a school in the village of Akhtanizovskaya, in the Temryuk region. After the lesson, the boys ran to the local stall for buns and chocolates. The shooting took place at this outlet. Tatyana swears that she does not know where her son got the gun. He told her that he had found it, but she doesn’t believe him. The woman defends her son, but does not justify him: they say, yes, he shot, you can’t do that. However, she has her own version of what happened. - He brought a gun to school and showed it to everyone during the 1st period. Everyone was laughing and having fun. And then during recess we went to the stall. My son had 50 rubles with him. I know that he always buys himself chicken. He asked someone for 10 rubles. Then everyone at the kiosk started shooting one by one from this pistol. Everyone laughed. And he himself said: Now shoot at me. He was also shot in the neck and left shoulder. I talked about this, but no one even pays attention to it. Why didn’t they help my son? The teachers can’t do anything either. Who will do it then?

C - 2018 Option 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) The solemn (rhetorical) style aims to evoke in listeners or readers a feeling of respect for the greatness of the events and personalities described. (2) He finds a place both in journalism and in works of art, less often in general assessments of the achievements of science and cultural figures. (3) In terms of language, it is characterized by the widespread use of vocabulary with emotional overtones, vivid imagery, processed syntax with features of orderliness, rhythm, and symmetry of syntactic elements.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Found in journalism and fiction solemn (rhetorical) style, which is characterized linguistic expressiveness, is intended to inspire respect among readers and listeners for the events and personalities described.

2) Solemn (rhetorical) style is characteristic of scientific texts, whose main goal is to use emotional and figurative vocabulary in order to evoke a sense of admiration for science in readers.

3) In a solemn (rhetorical) style, the use of emotionally charged, figurative vocabulary and ordered syntax delights readers and listeners.

4) The greatness of events and personalities must be conveyed in a solemn (rhetorical) style in order to use a variety of means of expression language.

5) The solemn (rhetorical) style, characterized by linguistic expressiveness and found mainly in fiction and journalism, aims to evoke respect among readers and listeners for the greatness of what is being described.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

may be

vice versa

For example


3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word WIDE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text.

Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

WIDE, oh, oh

1) Having a large width, large in diameter; spacious. A wide street. Wide brim hat.

2) Too spacious, free. Someone's coat is wide across the shoulders. Wide skirts are in fashion.

3) Having a large extent, covering a large space. Offensive on a broad front. Wide steppes.

4) transfer Encompassing many, massive. The general public. Wide dissemination of technical knowledge. Consumer goods.

5) transfer Distinguished by a large scope in activity, generosity in the manifestation of feelings. Broad soul, nature. Wide heart. Sh. way of life (unconstrained, on a grand scale). Sh. welcome (cordial, generous).

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.

call backIt


will seal

more beautiful


5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Not every DRAMATIC actor can play a comedic role.

High EFFECTIVENESS of some antiviral drugs combined with a fairly high probability of occurrence side effects, which makes it extremely undesirable for children under 12 years of age to take these drugs.

Guarantee period is established by the manufacturer or seller and is calculated from the moment the goods are transferred to the buyer.

It was easy for factories to switch to the production of BONE china because the production sequence, pouring and glaze firing temperatures were the same as for the production of conventional ceramics.

FOREST plantings are placed on mountain slopes, and when favorable conditions– fruit and nut plantations, vineyards.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

without BALLOTS

SLIPPED on ice



LET'S TRY TO figure it out

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) misuse case form noun with preposition

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases


1) The midday heat was replaced by the cool of the evening.

2) Chasing the beast, the hunters went to the river.

3) At the Bolshoi Theater we listened to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “ Queen of Spades».

4) Upon the passenger’s arrival at the airport, border control workers put a border crossing stamp in the passport.

5) The city of Sochi became the capital of the XXII winter Olympic Games.

6) According to the agreement, after some time we met in the library.

7) The bridges built on the Moscow River were floating.

8) Noticing signs of an approaching storm, the ship's sails were removed.

9) With the creation of the “Workshop of Poets” in 1911, a new literary movement declared itself - Acmeism.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

intelligent.. intelligent


fall asleep

is getting paid

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

r..count, about..look

successor, successor (deeds)

pr..sech, pr..stay (in the city)

o..throw, for..break

counter..gra, rose..grish

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

get stuck




11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



la..la (dog)

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A warm wind blows across the steppe, which has not yet had time to cool down overnight.

(NOT NOTICED me), the swans swam along the shore.

(UN)DRY drops of dew glistened in the rays of the sun.

(NOT)EVERYONE knows how to admit their mistakes.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(IN) THE MORNING the peonies were burning on the windowsill, (AS) LIKE hot coals.

I would like (FOR)EVER to fall asleep so that (B) the strength of life slumbered in my chest.

(THROUGH) the whole summer there was a lot of duckweed on the lake, and in the fall, when the duckweed sank to the bottom, the water STILL turned black again.

Rubber conveyor belts rustle tirelessly on fast rollers, on which (I) VIEW thick (DIFFERENTLY) COLORED envelopes, bags covered in sealing wax, piles of newspapers, parcels in plywood boxes float.

(B)CONTINUING the entire viewing, it seemed to me that these illustrations were spreading the earth wider and wider, decorating it with fabulous cities, showing me (B)ALLY high mountains, beautiful seashores.

14. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The sparkling waves laughed mysteriously and ran onto the shore and crashed loudly against the stones.

2) Be silent, hide and hide your feelings and dreams.

3) The whirlwind raged for about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly died down.

4) Childhood memory turned out to be tenacious and the first meeting with the theater remained in it forever.

5) In his work, M. Voloshin tried not only to comprehend Russia’s past but also to predict its future.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Jeeps and SUVs (1) with increased cross-country ability (2) appeared during the war years, and in the 1950s, leading companies (3), anticipating trends in the development of automobiles for decades to come (4), launched mass production of new vehicle designs.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Walk (1) you (2) guests (3) along the old street,

By new houses, by collective farm barns.

By cattle yards, you will walk through the estate,

Probably (4) you (5) will sing us a song then.

(A. T. Tvardovsky)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

Futurists (1) whose poems (2) (3) were perceived ambiguously by readers and listeners (4) sought to excite the public with their creativity.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Poetic perception of life is the greatest gift (1) and (2) if a person does not lose it throughout for long years(3) then he is a poet or a writer (4) the difference between which is not so great.

20. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The companies involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill incident have made a number of decisions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) The main educator of any person is his life experience. (2) But in this concept we must include not only “external” biography, but also “internal” biography, inseparable from our assimilation of the experience of humanity through books.

(3) An event in Gorky’s life was not only what happened in the Kashirins’ dyehouse, but also every book he read. (4) A person who does not like a book is unhappy, although he does not always think about it. (5) His life may be filled with the most interesting events, but he will be deprived of what is no less important - empathy for what he read and comprehension of it.

(6) There are people who say: “I like to read... just not poetry.” (7) There is a lie here: a person who does not love poetry cannot truly love prose; education with poetry is the education of a taste for literature in general. (8) The charm of poetry, more than prose, is hidden not only in thought and in the construction of the plot, but also in the music of the word itself, in intonation, in metaphors, in the subtlety of epithets. (9) A genuine reading of the literary word (in poetry and prose) does not imply information that is quickly gleaned, but an enjoyment of the word, the absorption of it by everyone nerve cells, the ability to feel this word with your skin.

(10) Once I was lucky enough to read the poem “Citizens, listen to me...” to the composer Stravinsky. (11) Stravinsky listened, it seemed, half-hearing, and suddenly at the line “wisdom with his fingers,” he exclaimed, even closing his eyes with pleasure: “What a delicious line!” (12) I was amazed, because not every professional poet could note such an inconspicuous line. (13) I am not sure that there is an innate poetic ear, but I am convinced that such an ear can be cultivated.

(14) And I would like, albeit belatedly and not comprehensively, to express my deep gratitude to all the people in my life who raised me in the love of poetry. (15) If I had not become a professional poet, I would still have remained a devoted reader of poetry until the end of my days. (16) My father, a geologist, wrote poetry, which I think was talented. (17) He loved poetry and passed on his love for it to me. (18) He read perfectly from memory and, if I didn’t understand something, he explained, but not rationally, namely the beauty of reading, emphasizing the rhythmic, figurative power of the lines, and not only of Pushkin and Lermontov, but also of modern poets, reveling in the verse, those he especially liked.

(19) In 1949, I was lucky when at the editorial office of the newspaper “Soviet Sport” I met journalist and poet Nikolai Tarasov. (20) He not only published my first poems, but also sat with me for long hours, patiently explaining which line was good, which line was bad and why.

(21) I was able to get acquainted with the works of Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam. (22) However, my expanding “poetic education” did not at all affect the poems that I created at that time. (23) As a reader, I got ahead of myself, a poet.

(24) The turning point in the life of a poet comes when, brought up on the poetry of others, he begins to educate readers with his poetry. (25) The “powerful echo”, returning, can, by the force of the return wave, knock the poet off his feet if he is not strong enough, or so concussed that he loses his hearing for poetry and time. (26) But such an echo can also educate. (27) Thus, the poet will be educated by the return wave of his own poetry.

(28) I sharply separate readers from admirers. (29) The reader, with all his love for the poet, is kind, but demanding. (33) I found such readers in my professional environment, and among the most people various professions in different parts of the country. (34) It was they who were always the secret co-authors of my poems.

(32) I still try to educate myself with poetry and now often repeat the lines of Tyutchev, whom I fell in love with last years:

We can't predict

How our word will respond, -

And we are given sympathy,

How we are given grace...

(33) I feel happy because I was not deprived of this sympathy, but sometimes I feel sad because I don’t know if I can fully thank him for it.

(34) Beginning poets often write letters to me and ask: “What qualities do you need to have to become a real poet?” (35) I have never answered this, as I considered, naive question, but now I will try, although this may also be naive.

(36) There are perhaps five such qualities.

(37) First: you need to have a conscience, but this is not enough to become a poet.

(38) Second: you need to have intelligence, but this is not enough to become a poet.

(39) Third: you need to have courage, but this is not enough to become a poet.

(40) Fourth: you must love not only your own poems, but also those of others, however, this is not enough to become a poet.

(41) Fifth: you need to write poetry well, but if you don’t have all the previous qualities, this is also not enough to become a poet, because

There is no poet outside the people,

Like a son without his father's shadow.

(42) Poetry, according to a well-known expression, is the self-consciousness of the people. (43) “To understand themselves, the people create their poets.”

(According to E. A. Yevtushenko)

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) One of those who instilled in the narrator a love of poetry was his father, who beautifully recited lines from classical and modern poets from memory.

2) The first poems published by the narrator were influenced by the work of Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, and Mandelstam.

3) Cultivating literary taste is impossible without a love of poetry, because poetry, to a greater extent than prose, teaches one to feel artistic word.

4) Stravinsky, being a professional poet, appreciated the beauty of the line “wisdom with his fingers” read to him by the narrator.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentence 2 is contrasted in content to sentence 3.

2) Sentences 10-11 contain a narrative.

3) Proposition 20 explains, reveals the content of sentence 19.

4) Sentences 21-23 provide a description.

5) Sentences 24-27 present the reasoning.

23. From sentences 19-22, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 8-13, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and word forms. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “In the autobiographical article “Education with Poetry,” E. A. Yevtushenko sings a hymn to the poetic word. Introducing readers to the beauty of the poetic word, the author uses various linguistic means of expression, while mentioning the names of some of them in the text. These are the tropes: (A)___ (“the music of the word” in sentence 8, “the absorption of it by all nerve cells, the ability to feel this word with the skin” in sentence 9) and (B)___ (“ delicious line" in sentence 11, " deep gratitude" in sentence 14). Discussing the education of poetic taste and the qualities of a poet, Yevtushenko uses techniques such as (B) ___ (“not quickly gleaned information, but enjoyment of the word” in sentence 9, “not rationally, namely the beauty of reading” in sentence 18) and ( D)___ (“this is not enough to become a poet” in sentences 37-40).”

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) gradation

3) epithets

4) phraseological units

5) synonyms

6) metaphor

7) opposition

8) epiphora

9) colloquial and colloquial words














1. The problem of cultivating a love of poetry. (How to cultivate a love for poetry?)

2. The problem of the meaning of a book in a person’s life. (Why should you love books?)

1. You can cultivate a love for poetry “by the beauty of reading, emphasizing the rhythmic, figurative power of the lines.”

2. Books educate people. “A person who doesn’t like a book is unhappy, although he doesn’t always think about it. His life may be filled with the most interesting events, but he will be deprived of what is no less important - empathy for what he reads and comprehension of it.”


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