Adonis spring (Adonis) - use in official and traditional medicine. Adonis - medicinal properties and contraindications

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Adonis or spring adonis is a medicinal plant of great medical interest. On the basis of its extract, tinctures and tablets are made, which have proven themselves as effective means in the treatment of the heart, alleviation of the condition with vegetovascular dystonia, kidney diseases.

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time. Today they are used not only by herbalists and traditional healers: the plant has found wide application in industrial pharmacology. In the herbals, which were compiled by healers back in the 16th century, the spring adonis plant and its healing properties are mentioned. Healers successfully used it in the treatment of dropsy, fever, pain in the heart. In the old days, it was believed that if a person managed to see the flowering of adonis for the first time, then he should collect the flowers, dry them and fumigate his eyes with healing smoke. This will save you from night blindness.

Adonis spring has been listed in the Red Book for many years. Under natural conditions, it is under the strictest protection. With private collection, Adonis can only be cut selectively: it must be left on each square meter at least three stems. For industrial collection, it is grown on plantations.

Legend of Adonis

The plant got its name in honor of the beloved goddess Aphrodite. Somehow Princess Mirra angered the beautiful goddess of love and sent terrible misfortunes on her, turning her into a tree. But when a child was born from the cracked trunk of this tree, Aphrodite could not restrain herself and kidnapped him. In a small chest, she delivered the baby to the underworld to Persephone and begged to hide the child from prying eyes. But very soon, the charming baby won the heart of the wives of the gloomy Hades.

Persephone refused to return the first beauty of Olympus Adonis. The angry goddess demanded Zeus to restore justice. And he decided this: Adonis would live with Persephone for six months, and Aphrodite for six months. Adonis grew up, turned into a beautiful young man and became the beloved of Aphrodite. The jealous Ares could not endure this: he ambushed Adonis, who was hunting in the mountains, and killed him, turning into a boar.

Aphrodite was inconsolable, mourning her beloved. From the drops of his blood, the goddess grew anemones, and in the very place where the lifeless body of her beloved fell, she commanded on the day of mourning to bloom annually beautiful and tender yellow flower, which people called Adonis.

Where does spring adonis grow?

The plant is distributed in Europe and Asia, in southern regions Russia in the Mediterranean, in the east Western Siberia. Due to improper collection, its number is constantly declining, and it may soon disappear. AT certain regions our country impose temporary restrictions on the collection of Adonis in order to restore its numbers.

Adonis spring: description and photo

it herbaceous plant, belonging to the Buttercup family, includes about 45 species of perennial and annual herbs. Spring Adonis, the photo of which we posted in this article, is a perennial plant. Its flowers are rich yellow. Adonis has many names - adonis, mohnatik, yellow-thousander, yellow flower, upland outcast, old oak, hairy grass, hare poppy.

The height of spring adonis is small - no more than half a meter. The plant has a well developed root system, erect or slightly deviated stem that may branch slightly. It has a small number of shaggy palmately dissected sessile leaves. Basal leaves, which resemble scales, are divided into several lobes, about 6 cm wide. They are painted brown.

The description of the spring adonis plant is published in almost all reference books on medicinal herbs. They give Special attention plant flowers.


Flowering begins in April, when small bushes are covered with bright yellow, beautiful single flowers located at the top of a branch or stem. They are quite large - up to 8 cm in diameter. Like bright lanterns, they are clearly visible on gray spring edges. Interestingly, the flowers appear at the same time as the leaves. They have a five-leaf pubescent base and many fiery yellow petals.

Interesting fact: spring adonis has not only yellow flowers. In the mountains of Mongolia and Tibet, there are species with white, bright blue and pale lilac petals.


The spring adonis plant bears fruit, depending on the region of growth. In the southern regions, this occurs in June, in the more northern regions - in July. Flowers replace shriveled nuts with hook-shaped spouts.

Chemical composition

Spring Adonis contains up to 0.83% cardiac glycosides. Most of them are found in leaves and green fruits. In addition, the aerial parts of the plant contain cymarin and K-strophanthin, the specific cardenolide of this plant is adonitoxin.

Phytosterol, dimethoxyquinone, flavonoids, steroidal saponins, organic acids, ascorbic acid, carotene, choline, adonite alcohol, coumarins have been isolated from the herb. The highest biological activity is observed during flowering and fruiting. In the roots, glycosides accumulate at the very end of the growing season.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that healers from ancient times used this plant to treat many diseases, a scientific study of the medicinal properties of spring adonis was carried out much later, in the clinic of S.P. Botkin. According to its results, the plant was recognized as an effective natural remedy for the treatment of many heart diseases.

Today, spring adonis, the photo of which you can see below, as well as preparations based on it, are used both in folk and traditional medicine. Preparations, which are based on the herb Adonis, have beneficial properties for the body:

  • diuretic;
  • vasodilating;
  • stabilizing heart rate;
  • normalizing sleep;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • painkillers;
  • cardiotonic.

Indications for use

Spring adonis preparations are prescribed to patients suffering from diseases such as:

  • heart failure (chronic) with circulatory disorders;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hysteria;
  • neuroses of the heart;
  • epilepsy;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • lung diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.);
  • parkinsonism;
  • acute cystitis,
  • complicated by edema of renal origin.

Adonis-based preparations

"Adonizide" - is available in the form of an aqueous solution or in tablets. It is prescribed for vegetative-vascular diseases.

Ankylosing spondylitis - known for its powerful sedative effect. Adult patients are prescribed 30 drops four times a day.

This is not a complete list - many are made from Adonis. effective drugs used in traditional medicine.

Use in traditional medicine

You should know that along with your healing properties, spring adonis is poisonous, therefore, before using preparations based on it, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly observe the dosage.

For heart and infectious diseases, they drink tea every hour on a spoon (two tablespoons of adonis are poured into 800 ml of water and steamed).

  • Infusion #1

Pour two tablespoons of chopped Adonis herb with four cups of boiled warm water and leave overnight in a warm place. The infusion is recommended for getting rid of stones in the bladder and kidneys. During the day, the composition is taken in a tablespoon, but not more than an hour later.

  • Infusion #2
  • Infusion #3

With a painful dry cough, pour a teaspoon of dry adonis with 100 ml of boiling water. After two hours, the drug will be ready for use. Take it by spoon before every meal.

  • Infusion #4

Pour 7 grams of adonis (a teaspoon with a slide) with a glass of boiling water. An hour later, you can take a tablespoon a day with myositis. The course of treatment is one month, then you should take a break for 10 days, and after it, treatment can be continued.

In most cases, infusions from the leaves and flowers of spring Adonis are prepared in almost the same proportions - 5-7 grams of Adonis is brewed and allowed to brew.

Alcohol tincture

This tincture will help in the fight against insomnia. You can use medical alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or high-quality factory vodka. Pour 100 grams of dry grass with a liter of alcohol (or vodka) and place in a dark place with room temperature. Take 15 drops of tincture three times a day.


Adonis is widely used in many medicinal herbal preparations. For kidney diseases, mix finely chopped herbs: adonis (7 g), birch buds (6 g), bearberry (10 g) and horsetail grass (4 g). Pour the mixture 600 ml hot water and let the composition brew for two hours. Then put the container with herbs on a slow fire and boil for 5 minutes. Take an hour in a tablespoon.

It is necessary to take this remedy lying down, food should be limited to dairy products and salt should be completely abandoned.

To lower blood pressure

Mix spring (2 tbsp), herb motherwort, cudweed, adonis, horsetail (1 tbsp each). Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water. Close and wrap the jar tightly. After three to four hours, strain the composition, and take a spoonful three times a day.

With hepatitis

With this disease, two different collections are used, we will present you with recipes for both.

The first composition includes adonis, yarrow, field horsetail (40 g each), celandine grass (80 g). Pour a spoonful of a mixture of these herbs with 200 ml of boiling water. Three to five minutes, the composition should warm up over low heat under a closed lid. After this, the broth is infused until completely cooled. It is taken 100 ml in the morning and evening.

Another collection for the treatment of hepatitis. Adonis grass, and dog rose, aloe root (25 g each) mix. Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water (500 ml) and put in a water bath for two minutes. The broth is infused for no more than half an hour and is taken in a glass twice a day.

Heart disease

For the treatment of the heart, a collection of the following herbs is used:

  • Adonis;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • birch leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • gout grass;
  • clover and calendula flowers;
  • mistletoe shoots.

All components are taken in equal parts. Mix them thoroughly and measure out 12 grams of the collection. Fill the collection with 350 ml of boiling water, and insist for three hours. Strain, divide into four parts and drink during the day. We must repeat once again that adonis is poisonous, so it is necessary to be extremely careful when treating with this plant. To prevent poisoning, you can use ready-made medicines containing adonis spring, which are sold in pharmacies. But in this case, it is necessary to remember about the exact observance of the dosage. The intake of any medications must be agreed with the doctor.

Side effects

Due to the poisonous nature of Adonis vernalis, an overdose of it can cause Negative consequences. In this case, the symptoms are manifested by weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, cramps, gastrointestinal disturbances and a rapid or slow heartbeat. Having found these symptoms, it is necessary to take drugs that remove harmful substances from the blood: saline laxative medicines. Vomiting drugs are not recommended.


Adonis grass and preparations based on it have contraindications for use. With peptic ulcer, gastritis, with increased blood clotting, enterocolitis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ventricular arrhythmias - taking drugs is prohibited. In addition, they should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation and children under three years of age. Older children are allowed to take, but only as prescribed by a doctor and in a dosage appropriate for age.

Collection of raw materials

AT folk medicine almost the entire plant is used, with the exception of the bare part of the stem: when harvesting raw materials, it is recommended to cut the plant from the middle, where the leaves begin to grow. The herb is harvested during the fruit ripening or flowering season. The rest of the healing properties are lost.

It is very important to dry adonis correctly: tied in bundles in a ventilated, shady place. Under no circumstances should this be done in the sun. You can use the oven, oven. Temperature from +40 to +50 °C is ideal for drying. Dried raw materials are stored for about a year in a ventilated room in paper or canvas bags.

Adonis spring - very gentle and beautiful plant, which can decorate a flower bed in your garden, will cheer you up and, thanks to its healing properties, will help cure many serious diseases.

Recipes, uses and healing properties of spring adonis.

Medicinal plant adonis spring (other names - western grass, marigold, spruce, hare poppy, spring adonis, golden flower, black grass, spring yellow flower, Montenegrin, yellow thousand, hairy, hairy, mokhnatik, starodubka)- herbaceous perennial medicinal plant. Family: buttercup. The average height is about thirty - forty centimeters.

Adonis (Latin Adonis vernalis). Video

ADONIS (HAIRCOAT). At adonis (Adonis) thick rhizome, many-headed, cord-like roots, they do not die off for the winter. Various stems: ribbed, erect, branched or simple, and the lowest part of the stem is covered with brown scales. The leaves of the plant are pinnately dissected, alternate and resemble linear narrow and narrow lobes. oval shape, as well as - dill.


Flowers are located on the upper parts of the shoots, and they are large enough, and they reach a diameter of up to seven centimeters, single. There are about twelve to twenty petals on one flower. Flowers attract attention with their yellow - bright color. The fruit of adonis- a large number of single-seeded nuts, attached neatly to the elongated receptacle. The shape of the nuts is back ovoid. The width is three mm, and the length is about five mm. Wrinkled in appearance.

PREPARATION OF ADONIS (HAIRPACK). ripen fruit from March to May, and full ripening occurs in May - June. For medicinal preparations, it is considered best collection adonis fruits during the period flowering his. During this period, it accumulates Adonis maximum amount active substances - cymarin and adonitoxin.

Adonis - Adonis. Video

DISTRIBUTION OF ADONIS (HAIRPEN). spring distributed in forest-steppe and steppe regions, on the edges of forests, in areas of mountain shrubs, open slopes, in glades, in light spruce forests. You can meet him in the Samara, Saratov, Voronezh, Orel, Ryazan, Volgograd, Tula, Mordovian regions and on the territory of Tatarstan and Bashkiria. In Ukraine, in the Crimea, it grows along the coasts of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov (northern part). It is also found in the Donetsk and Nikolaev regions. This grass is now considered rare and needs protection.

ADONIS (HAIRCOAT). Benefit and harm. Video

Adonis spring (spring adonis), medicinal properties. Adonis spring first introduced into medicine (scientific) in 1880. It happened in the hospital. And from now on the usefulness adonis Herbs began to be recognized by pharmacists from different countries.
The most famous drugs that are created on the properties of useful adonis,- this is Ankylosing spondylitis (as a sedative), "Adonizide" (applied for circulatory failure), recommended "Cardiovalen" for cardiovascular diseases and neurosis.

APPLICATION OF ADONIS (HAIRPEN). Preparations and infusions which include spring adonis possess cardiotonic, and action. Effective Adonis for chronic circulatory failure treatment in the form easily flowing, for treatment, at neurosis, chronic heart failure stages I and II.

HEALING PROPERTIES OF ADONIS (HAIROPLE). Usage , as therapeutic became possible due to the active substances found in its composition: quinones, cardiac glycosides, saponins, cymarin, coumarins, adonivernit flavone glycoside, adonitoxin and adonite cardenolides, adonyl acid.


Folklore has long been prepared from spring adonis infusions and decoctions special in treatment scarlet fever, dropsy, febrile conditions, infectious diseases, typhoid. was also used as a means sedative (CNS) central system.

PRECAUTIONS FOR THE USE OF ADONIS (SPRING ADONS). Adonis spring- the plant is poisonous, therefore it is absolutely necessary to strictly observe the dosage! Absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, its application can be miscarriage reason. , hypertension and angina pectoris are also contraindications to the use of therapeutic agents, in which Adonis is included.

With convulsions. INfusion of freshly dried adonis herb. Spoon st. fresh dried adonis herb pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water steep, close the lid and dark place insist two hours. Then strain. Freshly prepare the infusion every day, it quickly loses its strength and turns sour. Take 1 tablespoon. three times per day.

. INfusion of ADONIS. Adonis spring grass dry. Take seven gr. dry adonis vernalis herbs Art. pour boiling water and leave for 60 minutes.
Apply: on a spoon of Art. drink three times a day for muscle and pain . Helps well with myositis. Take a break after each month of treatment for ten days.

. COLLECTION WITH ADONIS (hawthorn, adonis, horsetail, common birch, cudweed).
a color- two parts, spring adonis- one part, cudweed grass- two parts, birch- one part, motherwort herb- two parts, horsetail- one part. Two spoons of Art. mixture crushed into half a liter of boiling water. After wrapping insist five - six hours, then decant. Drink half a st. three times a day, before meals, warm.

Adonis - medicinal herb which is of great medical interest. Based on the extract of adonis, tablets and tinctures are produced that show high efficiency in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, kidney diseases, and to maintain heart function.

Flower Adonis

Adonis spring flower (adonis vernalis - Latin name) - a herbaceous representative of the genus of the Buttercup family, includes 20-45 species of many- and one-year-olds. Grows in Asia, Europe. annual treatment plant: Adonis summer - blooms in summer, is found in the southern part of Russia, Central Asia and Western Europe; mohnatik autumn - common in the Mediterranean, blooms in summer. Adonis perennial: Volga; Amur; spring; Siberian. The plant is endangered, it is not listed in the Red Book, it is included in the Appendix of the CITES Convention.

Adonis spring - description

Plant Adonis spring - perennial medicinal flower:

  • Height reaches 60 cm.
  • It has a wide rhizome with a diameter of up to 4 cm.
  • The stem of a plant without leaves, they are located at the very bottom, look like small scales.
  • The flowers are bright yellow in color, can be seen in the photo, located at the top of the branch. The size is large, diameter up to 6 cm.
  • The adonis flower grows in Russia, the Crimea, Siberia, Young and Central Europe. It is found in the forest, mountain slopes, flat areas. Adonis blooms in spring.
  • Fruits: seeds-leaflets with a nose in the form of a hook.
  • Popular names of the plant: Montenegrin, yellow flower, starodubka.

Adonis - medicinal properties and contraindications

Preparations based on the herb Adonis have beneficial features for the body:

  • vasodilating;
  • diuretic - excess fluid is removed, effective for kidney diseases;
  • stabilize the heart rate;
  • normalize sleep and act as a sedative, especially on nervous system;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • cardiotonic;
  • painkiller.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Adonis spring are associated with the medicinal components that make up its composition. Already long time the plant is used as a remedy for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, heart (neurosis, chronic insufficiency). For example, hare poppy, when used simultaneously with bromine, can treat epilepsy. Indications for use medicinal herb leotard as follows:

  • heart disease, especially this applies to the stage of decompensation;
  • shortness of breath associated with cardiac arrhythmias;
  • diseases and inflammation of the kidneys (dropsy, kidney stones);
  • glaucoma;
  • jaundice;
  • myositis;
  • fever;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions caused by taking camphor and pyrotoxin. Adonis saves with convulsions provoked by an overdose of narcotic drugs;
  • enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever;
  • painkiller, prescribed for diseases of the muscles or joints.

The most important functioning substances of the plant are cardiac glycosides, they have a positive property in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They can increase the stroke volume of the heart, slow down the heart rate. Medications obtained from Adonis, due to their properties, are used for heart failure, heart neuroses. Adonis is very poisonous, be sure to follow the rules of admission.

In case of an overdose, you should call a doctor, do a gastric lavage, take activated charcoal. Compliance with bed rest, a sparing diet is prescribed, but it is not recommended to take emetic drugs. Adonis-based medicines should not be used if a person has:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • colitis (acute and chronic forms of the development of the disease);
  • hypertensive diseases;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tachycardia, bradycardia;
  • tendency to form blood clots.

Herb Adonis - application

Adonis spring is approved for use in medicine, recognized medicine. The use of Adonis spring must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise severe poisoning is likely. Before using the herb, consult a doctor. For children (only older than 3 years), it is recommended to take 1-2 tsp. The dose depends on the age, condition of the child.

Known for its healing properties since the 14th century spring adonis (Adonis vernalis L. ) or adonis. For many years, preparations from Adonis remain indispensable in the treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular system, being a mild cardiotonic and sedative.

plant description

Adonis- this is perennial from the buttercup family, herbaceous, wild, about 50 centimeters high. Rootstock short, yellow color. Adonis has several erect stems, densely covered with leaves, with twigs pressed against it. The leaves are broadly ovoid along the contour, palmately dissected, narrow segmented, linear, with an entire margin. Flowers solitary, with 10 to 20 petals, bright yellow. The fruit is a polynut. In addition to spring Adonis, Turkestan Adonis is distinguished, which is equivalent in biological action to spring Adonis; Amur adonis - with greater biological activity; golden adonis - the raw materials of this species are the root with the rhizome. Blooms from April to May.

Adonis grows in the steppes among herbs, on forest edges in the forest-steppes of Ukraine, it is found in the Crimea, middle lane Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia.

Preparation of spring adonis

Adonis grass is harvested from the beginning of flowering to the period of seed shedding, using a knife or sickle when cutting. If you pick the grass with your hands, you can pull out the plant along with the root or damage it, while the rhizome dries up and the plant dies. When harvesting, be sure to leave part of the plants to renew the thickets. Adonis is a difficult-to-cultivate plant, so you need to take care of it when harvesting medicinal raw materials. The frequency of harvesting in one area is 3-4 years, if you do not comply with these terms, you can completely destroy the thickets of adonis.

Drying grass should be fast at a temperature of 50-60 degrees or slowly at a temperature of 20 degrees. The temperature depends on which cardiac glycosides need to be extracted from the raw materials in the future. 1 gram of properly harvested herb contains 50-60 ICE (action units of a biologically active substance). Since the plant is poisonous, the storage of raw materials is carried out according to list B.

Chemical composition

Adonis grass contains 0.7% cardiac glycosides: adonitoxin, K-strophanthin-b, cymarin, other cardiac glycosides. In addition, flavonoids, saponins, and coumarins were found in the rhizome. Adonis glycosides are similar in action to digitalis and strophanthus glycosides, but have less activity and do not accumulate in the human body.

Useful properties of Adonis

Preparations from medicinal raw materials of adonis due to its chemical composition render positive influence to the following body systems:

- cardiovascular system- they are used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, drugs increase the contractile function of the heart muscle, affect the heart rate;

- central nervous system- have a calming effect;

- digestive system- are used in preparations for violation of the digestive function, accompanied by vomiting, with enterocolitis.

Adonis also has diuretic and antitumor effects.

Application in official medicine

Official medicine uses such preparations made from adonis:

adonizide It is a clear yellowish liquid with a specific odor and a bitter taste. One milliliter of adonizide should contain 23 to 27 ICEs. Doctors prescribe adonizide for chronic circulatory failure, autonomic neuroses and heart failure. Adonizide increases the strength of heart contractions and the duration of diastole, reduces the number of heart contractions. Take 30 drops 30 minutes before meals, doses for children are calculated individually and only a doctor should do this;

cardiovalen - a combined preparation, it consists of adonizide, hawthorn fruit extract, sodium bromide, fresh juice of jaundice herb, camphor, valerian tincture and alcohol 95%. Cardiovalen has a slight cardiotonic and sedative effect. Apply 10-20 drops twice a day for one month. Indications for its use - angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, circulatory disorders, neuroses and heart failure;

dry adonis extract - used for the manufacture of tablets and infusions;

adonis bromine - tablets, which include a dry extract of adonis and potassium bromide. Assign for neurosis, irritable behavior, with circulatory failure;

ankylosing spondylitis - contains an infusion of Adonis herb, sodium bromide and codeine phosphate. Prescribed to patients with mild forms of heart failure, various types vegetovascular dystonia, as a sedative. Apply 15 ml three times a day.

Contraindications for use

Adonis preparations are contraindicated in gastric ulcer, gastritis, inflammation of the intestine during an exacerbation. With caution appoint children, as these are potent drugs. Also contraindications are bradycardia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypokalemia.

In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, heart rhythm disturbances, headache, depression, sleep disturbances are observed. With these symptoms, you need to wash the stomach and give the patient activated charcoal.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine suggests using a decoction of adonis as a remedy that improves the function of the liver and stomach, with rheumatism and swelling of the lower extremities, and with various infectious diseases. Adonis is part of the fees used for prostatitis, cystitis, asthenia, lung diseases and nervous disorders. Adonis tea is brewed, but should be used with caution.

Growing adonis spring

Adonis spring is cultivated in Europe, there are garden molds this plant. Adonis can be propagated by seeds or by dividing rhizomes, but both methods are very difficult, since adonis is very sensitive to changes in soil quality, grows slowly and responds to any changes. It is best to transplant plants with a clod of earth so as not to disturb the roots. Adonis seeds have low germination, some of them germinate a year after sowing.

Beautiful is associated with Adonis ancient greek myth about the love of the goddess Aphrodite and a mortal man - Adonis, son of the king of Cyprus. Together they hunted, spent a lot of time, Aphrodite sometimes forgot about her divine origin. Once, during another hunt, a huge boar mortally wounded Adonis. Aphrodite mourned her lover for a long time and, in memory of him, grew flowers from drops of his blood. Zeus took pity on Aphrodite and, on his orders, Hades began to let Adonis out of the realm of the dead for a while every year so that the lovers could meet. And when Adonis comes to earth with the rays of the spring sun, it blossoms and beautiful flower named after him.

Adonis: photo

Adonis vernalis L.

vernacular name : adonis, starodubka, Montenegrin, light, yellow flower.

Ranunculaceae family - RANUNCULACEAE.

Description. Perennial herbaceous plant with a short rhizome and cord-like brownish-black roots. The stems are arranged in several, erect, densely leafy, almost bare after branching, 30-40 cm high. The leaves are broadly ovate in outline, finely serrated. The fruit is a multi-nutlet, the nuts are obovate, finely serrated with a nose wrapped downwards. Blossoms in April-May, bears fruit in June-July.

Geographic distribution. in wooded and steppe zones European part former USSR and Siberia.

Organs Used: above-ground part(grass).

Adonis- perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family, up to 60 cm high. Vertical rhizome; short, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, dark brown. Cord-shaped roots, brown-black. Rhizome many-headed, with several stems. Stems erect, round, almost glabrous, slightly branched, with brown scales at the base. Leaves sessile, repeatedly divided into narrow linear lobes, basal and lower in the form of membranous scales. The flowers are large, solitary, golden yellow, with numerous petals, stamens and pistils, located at the tops of the stems, up to 6 cm in diameter. The calyx is five-leaved, pubescent. The fruit is a cumulus achene. Nuts are obovate, wrinkled, with a short, hook-shaped bent nose. Blooms in April-May. Adonis is one of the earliest spring flowers. Grows on chernozem soils on dry slopes, forest edges, clearings. There are over 20 species in the temperate zone of Eurasia and in North Africa. In the USSR - 17 species are found, mainly in the southern regions. In the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Europe, in Siberia, in the Caucasus, it is also found in Ukraine, Bashkiria, Far East(Gilyarov).

In the Sverdlovsk region, significant thickets are found in Kamensky, Kamyshlovsky, Baikalovsky, Irbitsky, Krasnoufimsky, Nizhneserginsky, Sukholozhsky, Artinsky, Bogdanovichsky, Tugulymsky districts.

In the Tyumen region there are thickets in the Ishim, Kazan, Uporovsky districts.

The finished raw material consists of dried stems with leaves, flowers and fruits that retain the color inherent in the plant. The taste is bitter, the smell is weak. After drying, it is recommended to tie the grass into bunches and trim evenly from the bottom, this prevents it from being crushed during packaging and transportation.

According to the State Pharmacopoeia, humidity should not exceed 13%. Biological activity in frog action units (ICE) when dispensing raw materials to pharmacies - at least 50. When dispensing raw materials into production - at least 75 ICEs.

Chemical composition. Contains glycosides cymarin C30H44O9, which breaks down into strophanthidine and cymarose; adonitoxin C29H42O10, highly soluble in water and hydrolyzed to adonitoxygenin C23H32O6. In addition, several new cardiac glycosides have been isolated, as well as the flavone glycoside adonivernit C26H30O16, which is a homoorientin monoxyloside; 2-6-dimethoxyquinone C8H8O4, etc.

Pharmacological properties. An experimental study of the pharmacological properties of adonis was carried out by N. A. Bubnov (1880) at the suggestion of S. P. Botkin. He found that the preparations of this plant have a pronounced cardiotonic effect and that when they are administered through the mouth, the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) is relatively more likely to occur.

adonis cardiac glycosides spring contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body: edema gradually disappears, the causes of their appearance are eliminated. As a rule, they do not have the toxic and cumulative effects inherent in other cardiac glycosides. Distinctive property preparations of spring Adonis, especially cymarin glycoside, their pronounced sedative effect. Even V. M. Bekhterev pointed out that spring adonis enhances the sedative effect of bromine in the treatment of epilepsy.

Application. Adonis preparations are prescribed mainly for relatively mild forms of chronic heart failure, as well as for heart neurosis, increased nervous excitability, insomnia and epilepsy, especially in combination with bromine and codeine (V. M. Bekhterev's mixture), infectious diseases, when cardiac activity is weakened, with edema of various origins as a diuretic. V. M. Bekhterev et al. (1925) proposed to treat patients with epilepsy with adonis and its drug adonilene.

Spring Adonis preparations, especially cymarin glycoside, are distinguished by a pronounced sedative property. When taken orally, they are absorbed in quantities sufficient to therapeutic effect.

Adonis glycosides are similar in their action to digitalis glycosides, but they are less stable in the body and less active in systolic action, have a weaker effect on diastole and vagal tone, their action is shorter and practically does not accumulate in therapeutic doses.

Application. Adonis preparations are indicated for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure. They are used as sedatives of the central nervous system for vegetodistonia, neurosis and other nervous disorders. The drug adonizide, obtained from the spring adonis, is part of cardiovalen, and the infusion of adonis is part of Bekhterev's mixture. From the extract of dry adonis - a brownish-yellow hygroscopic powder, soluble in water (1:10) - tablets and infusion are prepared.

Preparations. Methods of preparation and use

An infusion of spring adonis herb is prepared from 4-10 g of herb and 200 ml of water. Adults: 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day; children 1/2 - 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon 3-4 times a day.

Dry adonis extract. Brownish-yellow hygroscopic powder. Soluble in water (1:10) to form a cloudy solution.

1. One tablespoon of plant herb is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. The infusion can be stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

2. A teaspoon of grass is poured into 1 glass of water, brought to a boil, infused for 1 hour, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

thickets of adonis needs to be protected. It reproduces only by seeds, the seeds are spread by ants, the seeds germinate very little, and the plant develops slowly - 20-30 years pass before the formation of a productive bush. Therefore, when preparing, you should observe certain rules that ensure the safety of the thickets: you can not pull out the shoots, as this affects the buds of renewal and the plant does not grow for a long time and dies. For seeding the site, one or two bushes should be left uncut for every 100 square meters. m (square 10x10 meters). Procurement in one place is carried out once every two to three years.

According to the clinical picture, adonis preparations act softer than foxglove, they are less resistant and practically devoid of cumulative properties, i.e. the ability to accumulate in the muscles of the heart with repeated doses.

Pharmacies prepare water infusions from dried herbs, which are dispensed as prescribed by a doctor.

Adonis spring - poisonous plant. Therefore, use it only as prescribed by a doctor.

When poisoned with adonis the following symptoms are observed: the pulse is either sharply slow, then quickened, temporary heartbeat stops. Severe weakness, cold extremities, abdominal pain, hiccups, vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, chills, delirium, shortness of breath, convulsions.

Before rendering medical assistance, it is necessary to wash the stomach and intestines with water with a suspension of coal or a half-one percent solution of tannin. Warm baths, mustard plasters on the skin. When vomiting, give ice cubes to swallow. Bed rest, rest. Recommended under the skin - camphor, caffeine. Intravenously - glucose (Afonaseva, 1981).

The yield of medicinal raw materials after drying from 100 kg of freshly harvested grass is 22-23 kg. Controlled annually during storage.

The grass is dried in the air in the shade or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. Store for a year in a dry, ventilated area.

Natural resources Adonis spring are annually reduced. Its introduction into culture is very difficult and requires high costs manual labor. It is better to sow freshly harvested seeds. Seedlings appear after 50 days. In the year of sowing, cotyledon leaves and 1-2 true leaves are formed. By the end of the growing season of the second year, the plant reaches no more than 8 cm and has one stem with several leaves. Flowering and fruiting begins in the 4th year, then the procurement of raw materials is possible. The seedling method of growing adonis is also used, with a transplant on permanent place in the 3rd year after sowing the seeds (Epanchinov, 1990).

Planting adonis rhizomes is produced as follows: cut the rhizomes lengthwise into 2-3 parts and plant them in September or in early spring to a depth of 20-22 cm with a distance in rows of 30 cm.

Plantation care consists in loosening row spacings, weeding and fertilizing with fertilizers (manure, superphosphate, lime). It reaches its maximum productivity at the age of 7-8 and gives good harvests for 10 or more years (Kotukov, 1975).

One of the main glycosides of Adonis is adonitoxin. Preparations from adonis slow down the heart rate, increase systole, lengthen distole, increase the stroke volume of the heart, and moderately decrease intracardiac conduction. Adonis preparations have a more pronounced diuretic effect compared to other cardiac drugs, which is associated with the presence of cymarin. characteristic feature Adonis drugs is a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Adonis tincture and infusion are an antidote for cocaine poisoning and stop convulsions caused by camphor and picrotoxin.

Currently adonis is used with decompensated heart defects, with heart failure, with heart neuroses, infectious diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases and acute attacks of glaucoma.

Infusion of spring adonis. Prepared from 6 g of grass per 200 ml of water. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Children are prescribed a teaspoon or a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day (Turova, 1974).

The introduction of adonis into scientific medicine is associated with the name of S.P. Botkin and his student Dr. N.A. Bubnov. They identified a pronounced stimulating and regulating effect of adonis on cardiac activity. In medical practice, they are used for various cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular insufficiency, Graves' disease, in combination with bromine - for neurosis, neurasthenia, hysteria.

pharmaceutical industry releases drugs from Adonis.

"Adonizide" is a novogalenic drug from the herb Adonis. Clear yellowish liquid. Produced in bottles of 15 mm. Assign adults 20-40 drops 2-3 times a day, for children as many drops per reception as the age of the child. Highest dose adult 40 drops - one-time, 120 drops - daily.

"Adonizide dry" - amorphous brownish-yellow powder, easily soluble in water and alcohol. Available in tablets of 0.00075 g. Assign adults inside 1 tablet 2-4 times a day (Sokolov, 1984).

"Dry Adonis Extract". Hygroscopic brownish-yellow powder. Used to make tablets.

Tablets "Adonis-bromine". Contains dry extract of adonis - 0.25 g and potassium bromide - 0.25 g. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (Zhukov, 1983).

Adonis - old folk remedy. Even in the XVII - XVIII centuries. its grass and roots were widely used for heart and kidney diseases, convulsions, hysteria, edema, dropsy (Gammerman, 1983).

A decoction of adonis roots. To prepare a decoction, one tablespoon of dry roots is poured with two cups of boiling water, brought to a boil, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and taken in a tablespoon 4 times a day for pneumonia (Surina, 1974).

In folk medicine, adonis used for emphysema, nephritis, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, typhoid, influenza, scarlet fever, convulsions, cough, bone pain, headache, fever, pulmonary tuberculosis, malaria and cancer of the esophagus (Sviridonov, 1984).

In acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, a mixture is used: adonis grass - 4.0 g, bearberry leaf - 5.0 g, birch buds - 3.0 g, horsetail grass - 2.0 g.

The mixture is poured into 300 g of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, boiled for 5 minutes on low heat. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. At the same time, a milk, salt-free diet, bed rest, and a bath every other day are prescribed (Nosal, 1960).

"Cardiazide". A mixture of equal parts of adonizide and cardiomin. Take 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day as a tonic for the cardiovascular system (Turova, 1974).

Adonis preparations increase the contraction of the heart muscle and cut the rhythm of these contractions, contribute to an increase in blood pressure. They are used for heart defects, diseases of the heart muscle, hypertension, cardiosclerosis, defects of rheumatic origin, as an anesthetic (Minaeva, 1991).

Adonis is used with nervous diseases, Graves' disease, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with tuberculosis, cough, pneumonia (decoction of the roots), enlarged liver, colds, shortness of breath.

In veterinary medicine, decoction horses are watered when singing (from the fuse). The root is used in the treatment of anthrax (Surina, 1974).

Aqueous extracts from the aerial part of the adonis have a pronounced cytotoxic and strong antiviral effect against herpes viruses, influenza, vaccinal virus and polioviruses.

Assign preparations of adonis with a preparation of valerian, lily of the valley, mint (Petkov, 1988).

In India, adonis flowers are used as a laxative, diuretic for kidney stones.

In Tibetan medicine, it is used for women's diseases.

In Central Asia, they are used for chills, shortness of breath. Dry grass is sprinkled on wounds.

In Karelia, it is used for boils, scabies as a wound healing agent. Roots for animals. Medonos (Yudina, 1988).

Adonis preparations used mainly for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure. It is recommended as a means of calming the central nervous system in vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses.

Side effects: Adonis preparations can cause dyspepsia. They are not recommended for patients suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis and enterocolitis.

Adonis herb is part of the anti-asthma mixture.

Still found: Summer Adonis, Apennine Adonis, Turkestan Adonis (Plant Resources, 1985).


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