English words that are spelled like Russian. Borrowings from the Russian language in the English vocabulary

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One of the ways to develop modern language is the borrowing of foreign words. The development of language is always closely related to the development of progress and society. Borrowed words in the Russian language are the result of contacts and relationships with other peoples, professional communities and states. Along with words and expressions that came to us from other languages, Anglicisms are very common in our speech. We'll talk about them today.

Invasion of Anglicisms

Specific words and expressions that came into the Russian language from English are called Anglicisms or Americanisms. Over the past 20-30 years, they have been rapidly penetrating the Russian language, and in such quantities that linguists have started talking about a phenomenon called English-Russian bilingualism.

This invasion was caused primarily by the fact that modern society open to international contacts, as well as international status in English. These are the main reasons for the massive entry of borrowings into the Russian language (in particular from American English).

Reasons for borrowing foreign words

In most cases, the borrowing of foreign language vocabulary occurs due to the absence of a corresponding concept in the cognitive base of the language. For example, English borrowings appeared in the Russian language such as computer, player, toaster, impeachment, voucher, charter, barrel, surfing.

Among other reasons, there is the need to express ambiguous Russian concepts using a borrowed word. Examples: hotel for motor tourists - motel, summit - summit, figure skiing - freestyle, marksman - sniper, short press conference for journalists - briefing, hitman - hitman, parking lot - parking lot, short distance running - sprint, drop in production - recession, retail trade - retail and many others.

Foreign words in the Russian language allow you to increase its means of expression. Particularly noticeable in recent years is the emergence of foreign language stylistic synonyms type service - service, shopping - shopping, motorcyclist - biker, security - security, party - party, loser - loser, girlfriend - boyfriend, dancing - dance hall, friend - boyfriend, performance - performance, receiving guests - reception, etc.

English borrowings in the Russian language are also due to the need for specialization of objects and concepts, therefore many scientific and technical terms are borrowed from English. U significant amount foreign words from formal / book vocabulary, there are corresponding Russian synonyms. Here is a list of such words:

  • accentuate - highlight;
  • similar - similar;
  • vary - change;
  • vulgar - rude, vulgar;
  • misinform - give false information;
  • decorate - decorate;
  • ideal - perfect;
  • infectious - contagious;
  • memoirs - memories;
  • permanent - constant, continuous;
  • reconstruction - restoration;
  • elastic - flexible, etc.

Some English words appeared in the Russian language due to the presence of similar semantic and morphological series. In the 19th century, the words gentleman, policeman came into the Russian language from English; already at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, an athlete, a record holder, and a yachtsman were added to them. Thus, a group of words appears that have the meaning of a person and a common element - “men”. Gradually, the group began to be replenished with new borrowings: businessman, congressman, showman, superman.

The most popular anglicisms

In almost any field of activity you can find words that came to us from the English language. Foreign language is especially widely used in the names of clubs, TV programs, and stores: talk show; dog show; strip show; Coach Center; Show Business; hit parade; Fan club; Tennis Hall; Brain-ring; Home Credit Bank; Fan Park (Roev Ruchey); Second hand; Call center; Real-comfort; Sweet Mama.

Below is a list of areas and Anglicisms that have recently been most often used in them.


summit, briefing, speaker, rating, electorate, voucher, holding, impeachment, image maker, speechwriter, investment, sponsor, barrel, media, recession, marketing, offshore, leasing, sequestration, tender, retail, price list, (top) manager , distributor, dealer, businesswoman, promoter, mentality.


popcorn, hamburger, hot dog, barbecue, cheeseburger, fishburger, chocopie, pudding, (orange) fresh juice, yogurt, lunch, Coke-Cola, Nuts, Twix, Sprite, fast food, shorts, boots, bandana, cotton, top, non-roll (pillow), multi-brand, unisex, casual, catering, shopping, shopaholic, sale, Kodak Express, gel, SPA - salon, supermarket, VIP room, catering, second-hand, discount.


shaping, diving, surfing, fitness, bodybuilding, snowboarding, paintball, frisbee, fitball, freestyle, wrestling, power lifting, training, skating rink, forward, bowling, goalkeeper, biker, sniper, turboslim, scooter, step class, overtime , contest.


western, video clip, thriller, music video maker, newsmaker, blockbuster, bestseller, musical, casting, supersta, underground, pop-Art, (had) rock, rock and roll (l), shake, breakdance, Brain ring, (current ) show, hit parade, skinhead, meteotime, superman.


air conditioner, mixer, toaster, blender, cooler, siding, roller shutters, antifreeze, roller blinds, Bullet Magic, Vanish, Fairy, Comet, Head & Shoulders, Dove, Tide, cleaning company, scrub, perfume, spray, tape, color, diaper, stapler.

Information and communication technologies:

computer, display, calculator, monitor, laptop, printer, Internet, scanner, CD, DVD, device, hacker, processor, upgrade, click, SMS, website, blog, smiley.

Anglicisms are present in all European languages, in the languages ​​of African peoples and peoples of other continents that were once politically dependent on Great Britain or subject to American influence (cultural, economic, etc.). So, for example, in Japanese the word "cassette" sounds like tape-recorder from the English tape-recorder. The presence of Anglicisms in the Chukchi language, which penetrated through American traders, was noted: the word “sopy” means “soap” (in English “soap”), “manet” - “money” (in English “money”).

The editors of the Oxford Dictionary have such a wonderful tradition: every year they choose a new word from the many others that are added to the dictionary. This word is, as a rule, very popular, often quoted and is an unspoken symbol of the year.

Recently, an interesting trend has been observed - most often the word of the year becomes language units generated by the Internet and the wild imagination of users. So, in 2013, the word of the year was everyone’s favorite selfie, and the following phenomena were included in the dictionary social life, like a tweet, a follower, also known as a subscriber, the Dark Web, also known as the dark web, which is a classified segment of the network, and many others. Ah, laughing through tears. God bless him that these words have taken a place in English speech, but no, they are firmly rooted in the Russian language.

In order not to be unfounded, we will conduct a small investigative experiment. Let's take one day in the life of, say, an office worker, and see how many English words he encounters throughout the day. For convenience, after each borrowed word, I will mark its English version in brackets. So, our Vanya Pupkin or John Doe, hearing the sound of an alarm clock early in the morning, sleepily turns it off and begins a ritual familiar to every working person - wash, get dressed, drink two sips of coffee for the road, kiss his beloved wife, daughter, son, dog, cat, and join the ranks of fellow citizens in a hurry.

Taking with him the best seller about shades of gray by E. L. James, our hero goes to work. Entering the office, which is part of the largest holding, Pupkin greets the security guard and goes up to his office, simultaneously wishing Have a good day colleagues. He automatically turns on the computer, makes himself a second cup of coffee, and, sitting comfortably in front of the monitor, watches last news and checks mail.

As a very good manager, Vanya-John remembers that he needs to familiarize himself with the price list of new products, prepare press releases, remind the designer about the banner for new products and think through a strategy PR (Public Relations-PR). There is a lot of work, and while our hero is doing it, he also keeps in mind that at 3 o’clock he will be conducting training for the team’s newcomers. Therefore, taking out his iPhone, the manager looks at the nearest cafe within a radius of 100 meters, which he has not yet been to, and where he can eat a hearty business lunch.

Having had a hearty lunch, Vanya-John returns exactly to the training, which he successfully conducts, and, having completed a number of other planned tasks, remembers that today he has a friendly football match. Although our hero is not an athlete, he tries to keep himself in shape.

By the way, a colleague turns out to be online and has expressed a desire to watch the training. But, as a colleague writes on corporate Skype, he won’t be able to go today. But John Doe is a good guy, sympathetic, because he created such an image for himself, so he encourages his colleague and invites him to go next time.

Well, the working day is over. Having saved the required file and said goodbye to his colleagues, Vanya-John goes to the parking lot, where his iron swallow is parked, and goes home with a clear conscience. If you are still reading this article, resting your cheek with your left hand, that’s good.

Now you clearly see how many Anglicisms we use in our speech every day, without even paying attention to it special attention. Russian people began to borrow newfangled words back in the 18th century, and this, of course, was connected both with the needs of society and with socio-historical processes.

In such huge quantities as information sources allowed. We gradually began to become accustomed to new marker words: advertising, television, the printed press, books, the Internet, cinema, music.

Judge for yourself: American films began to be shown in Russia - people became familiar with the words blockbuster and remake; we brought works by foreign performers - we learned that there are such things as a track and a hit; Computer technology began to develop, we began to have the concepts of hacker and browser; were puzzled by how to deal more closely with overseas colleagues – marketing, offshore, and distributor came up; If a Russian person joins shopping abroad - you get a designer, a print, a brand, and only when we started buying and broadcasting analogues of American talk shows from overseas. ... We will not touch upon the topic of replacing ideals, imposing the American way of life, etc., of course, this is all there, but this is a sociocultural aspect that requires special attention.

Language is a flexible system, and over the years it has changed and is changing to meet the needs of society. And it so happened historically that with the greater informatization of society, people are faster. These are the realities of today's era.

Young people are, of course, more susceptible to this phenomenon - teenagers easily absorb information, process it and transmit it back. They have their own slang, which they do not like to explain to the older generation, but they willingly communicate in it with their peers.

We won’t go far for examples, I’ll just imagine a fresh newbie, which in a matter of time has tightly occupied the Internet space and colloquial speech teenagers While looking for the texture for an article, I once wandered onto the page of the youth magazine “Elle girl”, where I came across an interview with Katya Klap, a fairly well-known girl blogger (web+log). One of the interviewer’s questions was: “Do you have a lot of haters?”

Ems... Ater... The meaning of this word, in general, is immediately clear, but the meaning of its inclusion in the Russian-speaking environment... What didn’t you like about “envious”, “ill-wisher”, “enemy”? Moreover, this anglicism is already so widespread that on the Internet you can learn how to distinguish a hater from a critic, how to deal with him, what to do if an evil man (or woman) writes to you: “It’s good to hate!”, and you go to the keyboard I didn’t touch him for two hours, and other lovely wisdom. It’s also fashionable, if you’re making a video for Youtube, to write something like: “Haters, go through the woods”!

The legs of haters grow from the works of American rap and hip-hop (also borrowed words, by the way). Overseas, this word is used to describe those who fiercely hate any performer. Or something. For example, rap. And he launches a whole information war with the aim of pouring more dirt on the head of the displeased artist.

This usually turns into unsubscribing angry comments on various Internet sites and often under a loud-sounding nickname. Such a small anonymous evil. Harmful antifan writer.

Of course, we can choose a suitable synonym from the Russian language for this word. Honestly, in pairs of babysitter - nanny and security - security, I will choose the second options. Not for any national reasons, but because they are shorter and the meaning is the same. Or the word water closet, which I saw in the Metro newspaper. Sorry, but the toilet, “push”, “tubzik” are no worse.

Therefore, in my purely subjective opinion, many Anglicisms have nothing to do in the Russian language at all. Because there is an equivalent that is familiar to 100% of the population, and no time is wasted on adapting this word to Russian-speaking soil: explaining it to people and consolidating it in speech.

The language becomes cluttered with absolutely unnecessary linguistic units. Why attach a fifth wheel to a car? Is it better to go? On the other hand, the Russian language is enriched due to the influx of new words. But only justified new words that entered the Russian-speaking world with the advent of new phenomena became entrenched in the language, and long years have not gone out of use.

We can save a lot of time by saying, “I’m going to basketball!” (basketball) and don’t describe what kind of game this is. When ordering a clown show for a child, parents do not explain to the other end of the line that they would like to see a guy in a colorful suit and wig who can perform magic tricks. Here it is more difficult to find equivalents, and in the Russian language they took a strong place a long time ago.

First of all, these are terms related to the computer environment that began to penetrate to us back in the 80s of the last century: interface, gamer, chipset and others. Using the example of the same computer world, we can look at the main mechanisms of the Russification of Anglicisms (the division is very arbitrary):

– we transcribe the word, translating Latin letters into Cyrillic letters as closely as possible (how do you like the Enhanced Graрhic Adapter video adapter, also known as EGA for short, which our craftsmen affectionately call Yaga, or Baba Yaga);
– we translate (the echo processor FastEcho in folk etymology became the Fast Ear, although, of course, most often the translation is more than prosaic, the same key (key), for example);
- a term or even a whole phrase receives a completely different sound coloring, built on stylistic literary devices (metaphor, metonymy), such a unique response to Europe in the form of jargon (Carlson - fan, cooling computer, Koran - documents for software, pimp - provider, damn – CD);
- the most common method: ordinary tracing paper, where the phonetic and graphic structure of the word is preserved (Guestbook - a guest book, this is what it will sound like - a guestbook, this also includes the well-known transistor, login, screenshot, etc.). By the way, this method borrowing is very well suited for introducing new concepts and phenomena into Russian-language reality;
– we add a domestic suffix, ending, or prefix to the tracing paper, creating a hybrid word (for example, the diminutive Batnichek actually turns out to be a file with the extension .bat).

In general, this is a unique group of words, where a person’s imagination sometimes creates wonderful linguistic transformations, and the word acquires features of a general folklore character. This is how computer slang is born.
I will never forget one joke:

Two programmers are traveling on a crowded bus. One to another:
– There’s something wrong with my pussy! (the crowd freezes).
- And what happened to him?
- Yes, he gets up often...
- Maybe some kind of virus?
- Yes, I checked, everything is sterile...
- Does it hang well?
- Tight, you can’t help with three fingers...

Nowadays, no one calls personal computers (PCs) “pussyuks”, the fashion for this word has passed, but many similar adaptations remain in people’s memory: pentyukh, aka stump (Intel Pentium microprocessor), CD (and again a CD), Windows (don't think anything bad, just a crash of the Windows system). By the way, whole phrases are born.

For example, “to trample loaves” simply means “to type on the keyboard” (even though button is translated as “button”, in this expression the word has acquired a double meaning).

Slang is typical for any professional sphere activities - business, sports, transport, law, physics, etc. In the English language, jargon and slang are formed in very diverse ways (however, we can talk about this another time). And now we invite onto the stage the main culprit in the emergence of newfangled borrowings - the Internet. Social networks, forums, chats - legends are born here...

For example, this year’s feature is the replacement of the popular duck selfie sponges (duck face) with fish gapes (fish gape). The essence is the same: you take a photo of yourself and post it on a social network, only instead of folding your lips into a tube, you languidly open them, slightly showing your teeth. Here is a phenomenon and a name for it, which did not exist in the Russian language.

By the way, when borrowing a word from English, most often we simply transliterate it, less often we translate it according to its meaning. So keep a cheat sheet. If a word contains these elements, most likely it is borrowed: tion (tion), j (j/g), tch ((t)ch), ing (ing), er (er), men(t) (men( t)).

Law of successful business

Why are we so willing to add linguistic aliens to our speech? The point is not at all that we cannot do without “extra” Anglicisms, the point is that, according to the realities of the 21st century, to do without such words is to lag behind the times and fashion. Nowadays it’s not enough to be an interesting teenager, you need to be a hipster. Milkshakes with pieces of fruit are no longer trendy, drink a smoothie. Need a phone? We are moving to new generation iPhones. Or maybe we'll go to the cinema? They say there's a new horror movie, excuse me, horror has come out...

Opening the menu of a cozy pub that I went to the other day with a friend, I noticed without any surprise that the beer list was written exclusively in English. The list of dishes was full of Cyrillic characters, but the essence was still far from Russian cuisine: a burger with beef, a sandwich with bacon, snacks with garlic...

English language and culture is a well-selling trend. Write your restaurant menu in English, remove the pasta cutlets, add a hamburger and smoothie, and voila, a new sound for a pseudo-English song. Oh yes, raise your prices. Another example - let's take the rapper Timati. He launches new collection clothes, and sells not only in Russia, but also abroad. How can you pave the way for your brand to become famous?

That's right, invent and launch good story and a great name. Bottom line: we sign Black Star, invest a certain amount of money, promote ourselves, and we’re back on top. As a result, based on your request “Black Star”, the search engine produces a list of all the necessary links (I experimented myself for fun).

English is fashionable, prestigious, and, at the subconscious level, rich. By inserting borrowings into our speech, we seem to become closer to the American lifestyle, all the delights of which are unveiledly told on TV screens (higher standard of living, social security, advanced technology, economy, etc.).

But in general, not everything is so critical. Many people use foreign words in their speech in order to quickly learn the language, others - to find a common language with their peers (for example, a teenager who grew up in the 90s will understand what “pisyuk” is, but will not know the word “hater”, while while with its modern counterpart it’s the other way around). For some words, there is simply no worthy equivalent in the Russian language, because Russian people are still unfamiliar with the new concept (for example, our duck-fish selfies), and the language does not tolerate emptiness, filling niches even with foreign terms.

Situations also arise when it is necessary to distinguish between words that are close in semantics, differing in some nuances: you must agree, there is a difference between a jester and a clown, starting from the history of their appearance and up to the functionality of these professions. Or the concepts of player and gamer: gamer is a narrowly local word, we immediately understand that a person is “cut” in computer games, and the player can play on the stock exchange, cards, slot machines, and the same benefits of computer civilization.

So here's the thing, bro...

Olesya Lugovskaya, journalist, editor. She interned at RBC-daily, wrote for the weekly Trade Newspaper, collaborated with the online publications Zvezdny Boulevard, Eastern District, Soroka-Vse Novosti, and became one of the winners of the literary competition of the Moscow Student newspaper.

Anglicization of languages ​​under globalization.

Types, characteristics and use of borrowings.

Anglicism is a borrowing from English vocabulary. Anglicisms began to penetrate the Russian language from the beginning of the 19th century, but their influx into our vocabulary remained weak until the 1990s, when widespread borrowing began as words without corresponding concepts - in computer terminology ( shredder, overhead, plotter) and business vocabulary ( default, marketing, dealer, offshore), as well as the replacement of Russian words with English ones to express positivity or negativity that is absent from the original word in the receiving language (beer - Pub, murderer - killer).

Words borrowed from English began to appear in many languages ​​of the world because people began to travel more, the Internet appeared, connections between countries developed, cultural exchange intensified, the English language became international language communication. It has become fashionable to use Anglicisms - young people use them to imitate Western culture, although there are not so many of them in everyday speech. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the influx of Anglicisms - this phenomenon is most likely temporary.

Types of Anglicisms

Phonological borrowings are foreign words in sound.

teenager< teenager – подросток


Foreign words with a Russian suffix, prefix or ending.

creative< creative – творческий

Tracing paper

Words that are similar in sound and spelling.

menu< menu


Nonsynonymous designations of a special non-Russian reality

cheeseburger< cheeseburger


Synonymous, but colloquially expressive inclusions from a foreign language.


Wow< Wow!


Foreign words from 2 English roots.

supermarket< supermarket – универсам


Foreign words with distorted sound in fast vernacular.

cool< clever – умный

False Englishisms

New formations to denote concepts and phenomena new to both languages ​​from the addition of English or English and Russian words.

shopping tour

fur tour

loch tour

Slang anglicisms

They especially clog speech, so it is best to avoid them.

asker - questioner on the forum

backstage - backstage, sidelines

deadline - deadline

laver - lover

loser - loser

organizer - shoe shelves

post – online recording

speaker - speaker, presenter, orator

traffic - road traffic

fan - fan, admirer

friendline - friendly subscription

midfielder - midfielder

Thematic Anglicisms

Today, linguists especially note the following sources of Anglicisms: advertising, the Internet, cinema, music, sports, cosmetics.




















Mass culture:







Signs of Anglicisms

Very often, words borrowed from English are identified by the presence of the following parts in the word:

j< j/g

ing< ing

men(t)< men(t)

er< er

tch< (t)ch

tion< tion

English Joke

The smug satisfaction of the rustic in his clear perception and shrewd reasoning is illustrated by the dialogue between two farmers meeting on the road.

“Did you hear that old man Jones’s house burned down last night?”

“I ain’t a mite surprised. I was goin' past there in the evenin', an' when I saw the smoke a-comin' out all round under the eaves, I sez to myself, sez I, 'Where there's smoke there must be fire.' An' so it was!”

In 1939, during World War II, one reporter used the word "blitz" to describe rapid action. The original meaning of the German word - "lightning" - reflected how quickly the word came into fashion, symbolizing Germany's constant attacks on Britain. A few years later, linguist Carl F. Koenig documented the words' entry into English in 1943 in the Modern Language Journal.

Soybeans(English Soy)
Language of origin: Japanese

You may already know that karaoke and ramen noodles came into English from Japanese, but soy may seem more European in nature. From a technical point of view, this is true: the word came into English from the Dutch “saio” in the 1670s, and meant soy-based fish sauce. The presence of the Dutch in Japan was conditioned by long trade agreements. The Dutch word “saio” is a derivative of the Japanese “shoyu,” meaning soybean exclusively, which was derived from the Chinese word “shi-yu” - fermented bean oil.

Alcohol(eng. Alcohol)
Language of origin: Arabic

Al-kuhul (English: Al-kuhul) means a type of cosmetic product, powder for blackening the eyelids. Arab scholars enriched the English language with a variety of mathematical and technological terms through interactions with the Romans and Greeks during a close period in the early stages of the world's development and later through conflict with the English during the Crusades.

In the 1540s, the word "alcohol" was Latin for freeze-dried powder, and English speakers used it to mean "powdered" cosmetic product" In the 1670s, this word already meant any sublimated, pure substance, even in a liquid state. In 1753, the alcohol of wine was reduced to "alcohol". When was it withdrawn? chemical formula of this “pure substance,” organic chemists in the 1850s began to name all chemically similar substances in the same way.

Shampoo(eng. Shampoo)
Language of origin: Hindi

During the period of British imperialism over India, both cultures spoke an Anglo-Indian language. The Anglo-Indian word “shampoo”, meaning “to massage”, originally came from the Indian “champna” - “to press, knead”, but stumbled over the form of the imperative mood in the meaning “You! Warm up!” - “champo”. Perhaps the word “champna” comes from the Sanskrit “capayati”, that is, “pounds, kneads.”

In the 1860s, a native English speaker recorded a new meaning for the word “shampoo” as “to wash the hair,” as the English kneaded and pressed soap into the scalp. The nominal form of the phrase “hair-soap” appeared shortly after five English words borrowed from other languages.

Chauffeur(eng. Chauffeur)
Language of origin: French
In French, the word “Chauffer” means “stoker” or “stoker”, since the driver of a French car in 1899 served a steam engine.

The word came into English around the same time as the automobile. steam engine, as the wealthy English-speaking elite often used French words for expensive cultural terms. By 1902, the word had expanded its meaning to “pay driver.”

Sauna(English Sauna)
Language of origin: Finnish

The Finnish Bath Society claims that the word “sauna” may originally have meant a heated, partially underground winter shelter. The dwelling evolved into a bathhouse, and when the English-speaking population adopted the bathhouse, it was also decided to keep the name.


Regional Cyril and Methodius readings

Research work:

"Use of English words in Russian"

Abstract prepared by:

Sunday school students

Kameristov Mikhail and
Yurtaev Kirill

Scientific adviser:

English teacher

Chizhkova Svetlana Vladimirovna

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 3-5
2. Main part…………………….…………………………………………………. 5-11
2.1. Ways of appearance of common words in Russian and English languages………………... 5-6
2.2. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in the modern Russian language………. 7-9
2.3. Ways of forming anglicisms…………………………………………….. 10
3. Research part…………………………………………………………….. 11-12
4. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………. 13-14
5. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………… 15
6. Applications………………………………………………………………………………………… 16-17


Purpose of the study: finding out the reasons and ways of spreading English words in the Russian language.

Research tasks:

Research dictionaries of foreign words, analyze material related to the topic of research;

Identify the most used units of English origin in various areas of our daily life;

Determine the reasons for borrowing English words into Russian;

Consider ways of forming Anglicisms

Object of study: lexical units of English origin.

Subject of study: English and Russian.

Relevance: 1) English is the language of world communication. English is rightly called “Latin of the 20th century”: about ¾ of all borrowings in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are Anglo-Americanisms. Interest in this language not only does not wane, but on the contrary, learning it becomes more and more necessary.

2) The relevance of the study is that the problem of borrowing is especially significant in modern conditions, since today serious concerns are being expressed about the powerful influx of Anglicisms, which could lead to the devaluation of the Russian word.

The study was based on the following hypothesis: It is safe to assume that these days there are already a huge number of English words in the Russian language and that every person uses a certain number of them every day. Every day television bombards us with a stream of information that necessarily contains incomprehensible foreign words, and many of them have already entered our vocabulary. This means that English is worth studying not only in order to read texts in textbooks, but also in order to feel like a cultured person, able to fully communicate with contemporaries both in our country and abroad, to understand the inscriptions on shop windows around us stores, trade tags and labels, advertising, instructions.

Practical significance: of this work is that this material can be used in the process of teaching Russian and English in educational institutions. The material we have collected will help teachers carry out work to develop in students a culture of handling foreign words, good language taste, and students - to correctly and appropriately use linguistic means, both foreign and their own. The material collected in this work will be interesting and useful to everyone who studies English and who would like to better know and understand the Russian language.

There are about 5-6 thousand languages ​​on Earth. But 80% of the world's population speaks only 80 languages. English is considered one of the most common languages ​​on Earth. It is spoken by residents of Great Britain, the United States of America, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and is also studied in many other countries. It belongs to the Germanic languages ​​of the Indo-European family of languages, and is one of the six official and working languages ​​of the UN. “20th century Latin” is spoken by about 410 million speakers (for whom English is native language), and the number of people who know and speak English is more than 1 billion. Today, if a person speaks English, he can be understood in any country.

Borrowing words in one language from another is an effective way to enrich the vocabulary of any language. In the English vocabulary, about 70% of words are also borrowed.


1.1. Ways of appearance of common words in Russian and English languages

Let's try to trace the main ways in which common words appeared in the Russian and English languages.

Both of these languages ​​belong to the Indo-European family of languages. Therefore, in many words of both languages ​​there are roots from their common ancient parent language. We found words in Russian that are also found in English.

For example:

Be – to be

Nose - nose

Goose - goose

Eat – there is

Brow - eyebrow

Beat - beat

Cheek - cheek

Talk - interpret

Three - three

And also the names of the closest relatives: son - son, brother - brother, sister - sister, mother - mother, daughter - daughter.

The largest number of common Russian and English words are derived from Greek and Latin roots. English writing based on the Latin alphabet has existed since the 7th century. In the Middle Ages, Latin was the international language of scientists; through it, a huge number of words passed into all European languages, which became international. Almost all terminology in medicine comes from Latin.

Many common words came into Russian and English from other languages. The first place here is occupied by French, which was spoken by all the Russian nobility in the last century. From them a lot passed into the Russian language French words. Many words have entered international use from other languages, and they have become common to Russian and English. Classical music was formed in Italy, where the concepts of the basic elements and expressive means music, names of its genres, tempos, etc. were adopted by all European languages: opera - opera, aria - aria, bass - bass, baritone - baritone, etc. The words bank - bank, gang - band, brigade - brigade, archipelago - archipelago, casino - casino, etc. also came from Italian.

Certain words passed into Russian and English from other languages: sofa - from Turkish, shawl and kiosk - from Persian, bard - from Celtic, goulash - from Hungarian, etc.

Another group consists of words of direct exchange between Russian and English languages. It can also be difficult to identify English words in the Russian language, since it is usually unknown whether a word came to us from English or came to both languages ​​from Latin or some other language. Therefore, we can only talk about words that entered the Russian language relatively recently (in the 20th century). Football came to us from England with all its terminology. All boys know words such as goal, goalkeeper, penalty, forward, out, time-out, etc. The same can be said about boxing and hockey terminology. Later, commentators began to diligently replace all sports terms with Russian equivalents: goalkeeper, free kick, striker, etc. Relatively recently, the following words from the field of sports appeared in the Russian language: windsurfing (surf - surf, wind - wind), volleyball (volley - volley, ball - ball), arm wrestling (arm - hand, wrestle - fight), basketball (basket - basket , ball - ball), handball handball (hand - hand, ball - ball), sprinter (sprinter - short-distance runner), finish - finish, final - end, final, freestyle, skateboard.

Changes in the political, economic, and cultural life of our society have led to changes in names in power structures, for example:

Supreme Council - parliament; Council of Ministers – cabinet of ministers;

Chairman - Prime Minister; Deputy - Deputy Prime Minister.

Mayors and vice-mayors appeared in cities; The Soviets gave way to administrations.

Heads of administrations have acquired their own press secretaries, who regularly speak at press conferences, send out press releases, organize briefings and exclusive interviews with their bosses. Everyone is familiar with numerous economic and financial terms, such as: barter, broker, voucher, dealer, distributor, marketing, investment, futures loans, etc.

1.2. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern Russian

At the turn of the century, time rushes at such a speed that you don’t have time to comprehend everything new that literally appeared yesterday and this morning. The language, or rather its vocabulary, that is, its vocabulary, is changing just as rapidly. In the process of historical development, human languages ​​have constantly entered into and continue to enter into certain contacts with each other. Language contact is the interaction of two or more languages ​​that has some influence on the structure and vocabulary of one or more of them. Currently, the interest of linguists is focused on Russian-English language contact. The appearance of a large number of foreign words of English origin and their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by rapid changes in social and scientific life. Strengthening information flows, the emergence of the global computer system of the Internet, the expansion of interstate and international relations, the development of the world market, economy, information technology, participation in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows - all this could not but lead to the entry of new words into the Russian language.


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