Arina born in February. Name days of women's names according to the Orthodox church calendar

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The time of year when children are born plays an important role in their lives. Quite often in winter time girls are born with a “hardened” character. That is, the severity of winter leaves its imprints. That is why the names of girls born in February and January should be soft and mean tenderness, kindness, and calmness. So, parents can “soften” the winter traits in the character of their children.

What is the character of people born in February?

Let's consider the character traits of people born in February. February- “February” people are stubborn, persistent and rather unbalanced, although, unlike “December” people, they control themselves better. Their character is complex and unpredictable. They are prone to nervous breakdowns. Very brave, not afraid of difficulties. They make decisions quickly, although they are often wrong. Unlike the “January” ones, they find it difficult to forgive insults and can be vindictive and vindictive. They are not inclined to play at nobility and generosity, they despise the weak. Too straightforward and selfish. By nature, careerists are capable of not very plausible actions in order to achieve a goal, and they know how to manipulate people. Tend to rush from one extreme to another. They love children; their families often have more than three children.

What are the happiest names for girls born in February?

Each family approaches the choice of names differently, some take the time of year as a basis, while others care about the meaning of the name. You can choose rare unusual name, but in this case remember that such an approach can complicate the child’s life. But you should also not give your child a common name, since your child will be surrounded by his namesakes; children are not always happy about this phenomenon. That is, in choosing a name for a child you need to find a middle ground.

As mentioned above, the time of year affects the character of the child, so winter children, especially girls, should be given soft, calm names. For example, beautiful name Albina, translated means white-faced, Safura - twinkling star, Blessed - happy, Zlata or Zarina - golden. Such names for girls give them tenderness, softness, and kindness.

After choosing a name, try to decline it; the name should also have several beautiful forms of endearment to use in different periods child's life. Then the girl’s character will become more versatile and rich. Very often, girls born in February are given the name Snezhana; this name is best given to summer girls, since the name Snezhana means white as snow, cold.

Considering the character of those born in February, the following names are more suitable for them than others: Anna, Zhanna, Svetlana, Rita, Irina, Natalya, Vera, Alisa, Asya, Milena, Emma.

It is undesirable to call “February” children Valery, Igor, Veniamin, Joseph, Vladlen, Rostislav, Naum, Aron; Ekaterina, Zinaida, Veronica, Tamara, Margarita.

The most popular names of girls born in February:







If from the above list you could not find a single name suitable for your daughter, then we advise you to look at the lists of beautiful names, as well as Muslim names girls. Choose names not only by meaning, they should also be combined with the child’s middle name and last name. For example, with the surname Menshova and patronymic Bronislavovna, there is no need to give the child such difficult name like Apollinaria or Arsenia. Already when pronouncing the name and patronymic together, a certain discomfort appears for Apollinaria Bronislavovna. Consonance - important factor when choosing a name.

The birth of a child is a miracle and a Divine blessing. The main task of parents is to love their children unconditionally and create comfortable conditions to reveal all their talents. Fatherly and maternal care and responsibility for the fate of children begins with the choice of names. After all sacred meaning the name leaves an imprint on the child’s character and temperament and largely determines it future life. Therefore, our ancestors chose names for babies according to the calendar, that is, according to church calendar. It was considered especially favorable to name a child in honor of the great martyr, a holy man who would become a protector, a Guardian Angel of this person. By the way, often a child had two names: a worldly one, known to everyone, and a church name, secret, protecting from the evil eye and evil spirits. Today, these traditions have regained strength, and more and more parents are turning to the calendar.

How to choose a name for a girl in February

In February, according to the Orthodox church calendar, name days are celebrated for more than twenty female names, so parents have a wide choice.

Christmas time in February: girls' names

Meanings of names and their patrons

When choosing a name for your daughter, be sure to find out its meaning and origin.

Agafya - “chaste.”

Agnia – “immaculate”.

Alexandra is a “protector.”

Anastasia - “resurrection”.

Anna - "grace".

Arina, Irina - “peace-loving”.

Athanasia - “immortal”.

Valentina – “strong”.

Vasilisa - “princess”.

Faith is “truth”.

Galina – “calm, quiet.”

Evdokia - “benevolence”.

Catherine - “pure, great, powerful.”

Euphrosyne - “joy”.

Zoya – “cheerful.”

Inna – “ torrent water".

Christina is a “follower of Christ.”

Ksenia is a “guest”.

Maria – “bitter, stubborn, desirable.”

Martha is a “noble woman.”

Pelageya - “sea”.

Svetlana – “bright”.

Sophia - “wisdom”.

If you want to name your daughter after a saint, a great martyr, and thereby give protection to the patroness, then the most powerful names in February will be:

Anna. This is a Hebrew name first mentioned in the Old Testament. This was the name of Mary's mother, the Mother of God (mother of Jesus Christ). The birth of her daughter at an old age was considered a miracle, so the name Anna is translated as “strength, grace, mercy of God.”

Ksenia, Oksana. Since February 6 is the day of remembrance of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, a revered Russian saint. After her husband's death at 26, Ksenia took his name, put on his clothes and gave away all his wealth. She spent her entire life in prayer and serving God in order to save the soul of her beloved husband, who died without repentance and remission of sins.

Maria. Of course, in Orthodoxy, the main patroness of all girls with this name is the Mother of God herself, the Holy Virgin Mary.

Parents also focused on the time of year when the child was born. It was customary to give a soft, gentle name to a child born in a harsh winter, thereby, as it were, softening the impact of nature on the future fate of the baby.

The leadership qualities of girls born begin to manifest themselves at a very young age. early age. They confidently move towards their goals, quickly and confidently make important decisions.

Undoubtedly, February children have an unusually contradictory character. They are ambitious, impulsive and smart

February names for girls

Agnia. Greek name, which translated means “immaculate”, “pure”. This name can soften the natural coldness of a girl, in... Her character will be softer and more flexible, which will help her more than once in life.

Agafya. Translated from Greek - “kind”, “good”. This name will add to the child's born in winter, compassion and understanding.

Anna. An ancient Hebrew name that can be translated as “lovely,” “mercy of God.” An ideal name for girls born in February. It can give sincerity to a cold and calculating child and develop creativity.

Anastasia. Greek name meaning "resurrection". This harmonious and unusually beautiful name can bring happiness and good luck to a child in winter.

Valentina. This name comes from the Latin word "valeo", which means "health", "might" and "strength". It's energetic and very strong name, which gives its owners a positive and easy character. If a child was born weak, this name can protect him from illness and give him vitality.

Victoria. Origin – from the Latin word “victory”. The name gives its owners a controversial character, but it is very suitable for girls born in February. This name is able to curb the impulsive impulses that are characteristic of people born in February.

Ksenia. This name has Greek origin. Its meaning is “foreigner”, “guest”. The name can make its owner more organized, efficient, patient and resilient.

Christina (Christina). The name has Greek roots and means “Christian,” “dedicated to Christ.” The owners of this beautiful name They are distinguished by great love of life and optimism. It makes February more open and friendly.

Maria. An ancient Hebrew name that translates as “bitter”, “stubborn”, “beloved”. Name Maria in various variations has become the most widespread on the planet. It can balance many negative character traits that are inherent in a particular zodiac sign.

Other names that are suitable for February girls: Inna, Rimma, Evdokia, Olga, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Veronica, Vasilisa, Alevtina, Galina, Zoya, Irina, Svetlana, Arina, Vera, Sofia, Pelageya, Feodosia.

Names in February (how to name boys and girls in February)

Name days in February:

1 – Anton, Arseny, Gregory, Efim, Makar, Mark, Nikolai, Peter, Savva, Fedor, Feodosia.

2 – Efim, Zakhar, Inna, Lavrentiy, Lev, Pavel, Rimma.

3 – Agnia, Anastasy, Valerian, Evgeny, Ivan, Ilya, Maxim, Theodosius.

4 – Agathon, Anastasius, Gabriel, George, Efim, Ivan, Joseph, Leonty, Makar, Nikolai, Peter, Timofey, Yakov.

5 – Gennady, Evdokia, Catherine, Clement, Seraphim, Feodor, Theoktist.

6 – Anastasy, Vavila, Gerasim, Denis, Ivan, Ksenia, Nikolai, Pavel, Timofey.

7 – Alexander, Anatoly, Boris, Vasily, Vitaly, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Moses, Peter, Stepan, Felix, Philip.

8 – Arkady, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Joseph, Clement, Maria, Peter, Semyon, Fedor.

9 – Dmitry, Ivan, Peter.

10 – Vladimir, George, Ephraim, Ignatius, Isaac, Leonty, Olga, Fedor, Feodosius.

11 – Gerasim, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Jonah, Konstantin, Lavrentiy, Leonty, Luke, Roman, Julian, Yakov.

12 – Vasily, Vladimir, Gregory, Ivan, Ippolit, Clement, Maxim, Pelageya, Peter, Rustik, Stepan, Fedor.

13 – Afanasy, Victor, Ivan, Ilya, Nikita, Nikifor.

14 – Vasily, Gabriel, David, Nikolai, Peter, Semyon, Timofey, Tryphon.

16 – Anna, Vasily, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Simon, Timofey.

17 – Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Ivan, Joseph, Cyril, Methodius, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Fedor, Feoktist, Yuri.

18 – Agafya, Alexandra, Anton, Vasilisa, Makar, Mikhail, Feodosius.

19 – Alexander, Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Dmitry, Ivan, Maxim, Maria, Martha, Sevastian, Christina, Julian.

20 – Alexander, Alexey, Luke, Peter.

21 – Alexander, Andrey, Zakhar, Makar, Nikifor, Peter, Polycarp, Savva, Semyon, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor.

22 – Vasily, Gennady, Ivan, Innocent, Nikifor, Pankrat, Peter.

23 – Akim, Anastasy, Anna, Anton, Arkady, Valentina, Valerian, Vasily, Galina, Gennady, German, Grigory, Ivan, Karp, Luka, Mark, Peter, Pimen, Prokhor, Semyon.

24 – Vlas, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Dmitry, Zakhar, Fedora.

25 – Alexey, Anton, Evgeniy, Maria.

26 – Anisim, Anna, Artemy, Vasily, Vera, Vladimir, Gabriel, Evgeny, Zosima, Zoya, Ivan, Irina, Leonty, Martin, Mikhail, Nikandr, Nikolay, Pavel, Svetlana, Semyon, Sylvester, Stepan, Timofey.

27 – Abraham, Anisim, Isaac, Cyril, Mikhail, Tryphon, Fedor.

28 – Alexey, Anisim, Arseny, Afanasy, Euphrosyne, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Nikon, Paphnuty, Peter, Semyon, Sofia.

Church Orthodox holidays in February

On February 1, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of St. Macarius the Great of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century. After the death of his wife and parents, he prayed to God for an experienced mentor on the path of spiritual life. This was the hermit elder, following whose example Macarius chose the ascetic path. Like him future teacher Anthony the Great, Macarius experienced many temptations from the evil one. Through the prayer of the ascetic, numerous healings were performed; he saved many in dangerous circumstances. The monk spent 60 years in the desert, being in constant conversation with the Lord.

February 3rd- Day of Remembrance . Saint Maximus, the son of a wealthy Greek dignitary, lived in the 15th-16th centuries, he received brilliant education, knew several languages, traveled a lot, after which he accepted monasticism at the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos. In 1515, at the request of the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily III he was sent to Moscow to translate manuscripts from the princely library. Church unrest resulted in imprisonment for the reverend and many years of church ban and supervision. Last years Maxim the Greek spent time in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, continuing to translate the Psalter into the Slavic language. His canonization took place in 1988.

The memory of one of the most revered Russian saints is celebrated February 6. Blessed Ksenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. in St. Petersburg. Ksenia's husband died, leaving her a widow at twenty-six years old. Having distributed all her property, the saint put on the costume of her late husband and responded only to his name. She was considered crazy, but this was her cross - a voluntary feat of foolishness. Blessed Ksenia spent her nights in open field in prayer or carrying bricks to build a church at the Smolensk cemetery. For her exploits and patience, the Lord granted her the gift of insight into hearts and the future. The blessed one died in the seventy-first year of her life and was buried in the Smolensk cemetery, where a chapel was subsequently built over her grave.

February 7- day of remembrance of the Archbishop of Constantinople, who lived in Cappadocia in the 4th century. Saint Gregory received an excellent education. Together with his friend, the future Saint Basil, he stayed for some time in the desert, then returned home and received the rank of presbyter. After the death of the Patriarch of Constantinople, at the invitation of the Council of Antioch, Saint Gregory took his place and led the fight against heretics. His numerous theological works and sermons made an enormous contribution to the unity of the church. The saint ended his life in 389, leaving the patriarchal throne and returning to the desert.

February 9th- the day of the transfer of the relics to Constantinople from Comana, where he died in 407 on the way to exile, condemned by order of Empress Eudoxia for exposing the vices that reigned at court. The transfer of the relics from Comana took place in 438.

12th of February– Council of Ecumenical Teachers and Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. This general day of remembrance was approved in 1084 by Metropolitan John of the Euchaites. At the end of the 11th century. In Constantinople, there were church disorders associated with disputes over which of the three saints was worthy of greater veneration. By God's will, the three saints appeared to the metropolitan and, declaring that they were equal before God, ordered the disputes to cease and a common celebration be established for them.

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon of Apamea - The 14th of February. The saint lived in the 3rd century. in Phrygia. From a young age, the Lord gave him the power to cast out demons and heal various diseases. Helping the suffering, he demanded only one payment - faith in Jesus Christ. During the persecution of Christians, Saint Tryphon openly confessed his faith and courageously endured torture for Christ. In Rus', the martyr has long enjoyed love and special veneration among the people.

February, 15 Orthodox Church celebrates the twelfth holiday. According to the Old Testament law, a woman who gave birth to a baby was forbidden to enter the temple for 40 days. Then the mother came to the temple with the baby to offer a thanksgiving and cleansing sacrifice to the Lord. Without needing purification, Holy Mother of God, however, brought the Baby Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple, where she was met by the righteous elder Simeon and the prophetess Anna.

Simeon had a revelation from above that he would not die until he saw the Savior. Taking the Baby in his arms, he praised God and said famous prophecy: “Now you are releasing Your servant, O Master...” This event marked the meeting of the last righteous of the Old Testament with the Bearer of the New Testament, in whom the divine had already met the human. The Feast of the Presentation is one of the oldest in the history of Christianity.

The church celebrates the memory of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates February 21. The saint was born in the Asia Minor city of Euchait at the end of the 2nd century. For his courage and mercy, the Lord enlightened him with perfect knowledge of Christian truth. He was appointed military commander in Heraclea, where he combined his military service with preaching the Gospel among the pagans under his command. During the reign of Emperor Licinius in 319, Saint Theodore endured torture for Christ and was beheaded by the sword. The biography of Theodore Stratilates was recorded by his servant and scribe Uar, also glorified as a saint.

25 February A celebration was established in honor of one of the most famous and revered in the Orthodox world. During the iconoclastic heresy of the 9th century. The icon was in the possession of a pious widow living in Nicaea. To save the shrine from destruction, the widow lowered the icon into the sea with prayer. Standing on the water, the icon sailed to Mount Athos, where it was discovered by the monks of the Iveron monastery. Placed in the temple, the icon miraculously appeared above the gates of the monastery several times. Appearing in a dream to one of the monks, the Mother of God declared her will: She wants to be the guardian of the monastery. After this, the image was placed above the monastery gates, which is why the Iveron Icon is also called Portaitissa - the Goalkeeper. In the history of the Iversky Monastery, many cases of the intercession and mercy of the Mother of God have been preserved: the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians, the miraculous replenishment of food supplies, the healing of the sick.

On the same day, the church remembers St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. The saint was presumably born in 1292 in Moscow, into a noble boyar family. From childhood he was distinguished by piety and at the age of 15 he became a monk. He spent more than twenty years in the Moscow Epiphany Monastery. In 1350, Bishop Theognost consecrated Alexy as Bishop of Vladimir, and after the death of the Metropolitan, Alexy became his successor. In 1356, the Ecumenical Patriarch Callistus gave Alexy the right to be considered the Archbishop of Kyiv and great Russia with the title of “all-honorable metropolitan and exarch.” The saint worked to pacify unrest and princely strife, founded numerous communal monasteries, and through his prayers many miracles happened. He died in 1378, having lived to a ripe old age, and was buried according to his will in the Chudov Monastery.

February 27– in the 9th century. preached in Moravia in the Slavic language. The brothers made up Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and many liturgical books into the Slavic language, and also introduced worship in the Slavic language. Cyril, who took the schema before his death, died in Rome in 869 and was buried in the Church of St. Clement.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a name has a certain effect on the human psyche. The name changes the state, character, then the choices and actions performed by the person change. Which leads to a change in the line of fate.

In order for a name to be guaranteed to have a powerful positive effect on the development and life of a girl, in ancient times the name was chosen to suit the individuality of a particular child, her strengths and weaknesses, the task of life, and the structure of her character.

The birth month of February is interpreted by astrology as Aquarius and Pisces, and by numerology as the number 2, and supposedly this gives some general properties in the girl’s character.

Popular astrology identifies a planet, a color, a mineral. More advanced astrology goes further into understanding the essence of the signs of the month, and very professional astrology says that zodiacs are different by year, month, element and other details. Moreover, they are so different that very little remains of the common properties of fish and Aquarius.

The higher the level of a specialist, the more he understands that everyone’s character structure is different. Even “twins” Aquarius and Pisces, born certainly under the same stars, will have different destinies and characters. But this knowledge is lost for most systems and specialists.

Therefore, it would be a big mistake to single out some common characteristic for all girls born in February, and to argue that for this one property you need to select a name with a positive effect on the destinies of different children. And even more so, give a general list of 7-10 names to children with different characters, destinies, parents and life’s tasks - and it’s completely doubtful. Even from the point of view of astrology and numerology, which are practically dead sciences.

What name suits a girl in February - what to look for

The general interpretation of the characters of children born in February (which is impossible even in astrology based only on the month of birth) does not contain the necessary completeness of information for choosing a name, and therefore is not applicable for highly accurate choice of name with a guaranteed effect on the development and life of a particular child.

The Internet is flooded with empty and false information about the best, suitable, popular names, which actually does not provide any real benefit. And it does not give parents knowledge about the effectiveness of the influence of names on their child.

And all these lists do not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the character and subsequent life of the child. Because they essentially work at random, and mislead people into believing that the name was chosen correctly.

Therefore, in order for a name to be suitable, that is, to benefit a person, the principle of individuality must be observed. And based on the assigned tasks, the goals that you want to strengthen and remove in a person’s individuality, select the ideal name.

It would also be erroneous to use the degree of hardness/softness of the sound of the name and the supposed hardness/softness of the daughter’s character, taking into account the “general background energy of February.”

Some fathers want their daughter’s name to “combine” with her middle name. The consonance of names is a very relative concept; also, the name must be selected according to the individuality, goals of development and life of the child, and not to the name of the father. Who, moreover, often does not know about the details of the effectiveness of the influence of his name on his already quite mature and settled life.

It is especially important not to name your child after relatives and friends. All people have different personalities and life goals, and even if the vibration-information code of the name made the fate of a successful woman in February easier, this does not mean that the fate of your daughter, with a different character structure, problems and tasks in life, will also make it easier and help her to open up and achieve well-being.

How to choose the right name for a girl born in February

If you have a specific request, for example, to improve health, protect against generic problems that you know about, then a specialist (the one who is responsible, has the qualities, knowledge and experience necessary for choosing a name) chooses a name, which is pronounced in relation to its owner enhances selected qualities.

If you rely on professionalism and cleanliness, then the specialist independently looks at the aura of the child and parents or the aura of an adult to see his weak and strengths and selects a name that really “closes” weak sides and protecting from external negative impacts and potential problems. It is important that when choosing a name, the person’s purpose and place of residence are taken into account.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is how to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from perceived problems and help him really reach his potential.


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