August - Orthodox names according to the calendar for girls. Names for girls born in August

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When giving a name to a child, parents, first of all, always plan to lay the foundation of their character, intelligence and everything else. In this article we will consider which name is best for a girl born in August.

Girls born in August are real authorities who are capable of leading crowds. They are very active, agile, bright, and often have enormous talents. They love to be the center of attention and they manage it without special effort, since their charm always makes them the soul of the company, even if they “joined” it only recently. These girls are always and everywhere accompanied by success and luck, both in their personal lives and in their studies and other hobbies. They are very smart, thoughtful and hardworking. Despite the fact that girls born this month have a kind, calm and gentle character, they will never allow themselves to be controlled, they always have their own opinions that are different from others, and this is a huge disadvantage of their character, since they are very They strongly repel others and even their enormous charm in this case is not a salvation. While defending their point of view, they do not even notice their selfishness. Being overly active, these children are able to do several things at the same time; in turn, they are irritated by sluggish and slow people. The huge disadvantages of these girls also include vindictiveness. If you once offend her, it will be very difficult, even practically impossible, to restore trust, and besides, they do not consider it necessary to be the first to reconcile.

For August girls, any name option is suitable, be it affectionate and homely, or something exotic and non-standard, since these bright personalities stand out on their own and, regardless of the name, will occupy a leading position in any case.

Names for girls born in August according to numbers

  • Eugenia - (from ancient Greek) “descendant of a noble family.”
  • Milena - ( Slavic name) "Darling".
  • Karina - (Latin) "steer of the ship."
  • Violetta - (Latin) "violet".
  • Alina - (from Latin) “stranger”.
  • Catherine - (from ancient Greek) “eternally pure”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Christina, Christina - (Latin) “Christian”.
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Iraida - (from ancient Greek) “heroine”.
  • Olympics - Greek mythology “praising the gods”.
  • Raisa - (from ancient Greek) “main”, “light”.
  • Praskovya - (Greek) “Friday”.
  • Sylvia - (Latin) "forest".
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Inna - “strong water”.
  • Anastasia - (from Greek) “resurrected.”
  • Elena - (from Greek) “fire”, “torch”.
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Seraphim - (from Hebrew) “fiery.”
  • Angelina - (Late Latin masculine name Angelus) “messenger, angel.”
  • Agnia - (Greek) “innocent.”
  • Kira - (Greek) “lady.”
  • Elizabeth - (Hebrew) “God is my oath.”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy.”
  • Sophia, Sophia - (from ancient Greek) “wise.”
  • Yesenia - (Slavic) “autumn.”
  • Nina - from male. Ninos (founder of the Assyrian state).
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek) “peace, tranquility.”
  • Oia - (from Greek) “violet”.
  • Clara - (Latin) “bright”, “clear”.
  • Daria - (ancient Persian) “dara” - “possessing, possessing” + “vaush” - “kind, good”.
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Nona - (Latin) "ninth".
  • Ilona - (from Hungarian) “light.”
  • Tatyana - (from Greek) “organizer.”
  • Elina - (from Greek) “Greek”.
  • Sarah is from the Orthodox Church. "Madam".
  • Elvira - (Old German) “truthful.”
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek) “peace, tranquility.”
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Regina - (Latin) "queen".
  • Rose - literally "rose".
  • Emilia, Emily
  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Ksenia, Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana
  • Eve - (from Hebrew) “life-giver.”
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Margarita - (Greek) “pearl.”
  • Monica - (Greek) “the only one.”
  • Sophia, Sophia - (from ancient Greek) “wise.”
  • Maria - (from Hebrew) “desired, beloved.”
  • Lyudmila - (Slavic) “dear to people.”
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Snezhana - (Slavic) “snowy”.
  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy.”
  • Joan - (Hebrew) “gift of the Gods.”
  • Rufina - (from Latin) “rufus” - “golden yellow”, “red”.
  • Ulyana, Yuliana - (Latin) “happiness.”

Born in August strong personalities, as well as charismatic leaders. August girls are surrounded by everyone's attention and love it. In childhood, crowds of boys circle around them; in adulthood, they are loyal friends and comrades. Girls born in August greatly value the attention of others and consider the highest praise when others take care of themselves. The name for them should be chosen extraordinary and creative, since life path These girls' careers may overlap with acting.

What to name a girl born in August - astrology

The following names will help maintain a strong sense of justice, enthusiasm and creative growth:

  • Tatiana,
  • Alina,
  • Anastasia,
  • Evdokia,
  • Victoria,
  • Christina,
  • Seraphim,
  • Natalia,
  • Alina,
  • Ulyana,
  • Svetlana,
  • Irina,
  • Arina,
  • Antonina,
  • Juliana.

The names Zhanna and Yaroslav should be abandoned, as they are capable of introducing internal dissonance into the emotional calm of the August girl.

What to name a girl born in August - church names

The ideal solution would be to match the church and astrological names. Look at some meanings and translations of August female names:

  • August 1 – Eugene, which roughly translates from ancient Greek to “nobility.”
    Euphrosyne, from the same ancient Greek language “joy, fun.”
    Milena, which literally means “pretty one.”
  • August 7 – Iraida, which is translated from ancient Greek as “daughter of a great hero.”
    Eupraxia – “prosperous”, “virtuous”.
    Olympiad, from the Greek literally “singing the sky”,
    formed from the famous Mount Olympus, where according to myths all the gods lived.
    Raisa, a name derived from Iraida - “daughter of the hero.”
  • August 11 – Feodosia, which can mean “divine gift.”
    Seraphim is a biblical name.
    Clara - “bright sky, clear.”
    Susanna or Susannah, translated from Hebrew, means lily flower.
  • August 18 – Daria, literally from Slavic “gift from above”, and from Greek “blessing giver”.
    Nona is the “ninth child.”
    Christina or Christina - “in the name of Christ.”
    Tatiana is a Latin name derived from the name of King Tatius.
    Ellina - “radiance”.
  • August 27 – Eve, which is from the biblical word “giver of life.”
    Monica, derived from the Greek “single”, “inspiration”.
    Teresa, biblical name.
  • August 30 – Julia, translated from the Greek “curly”.
    Ulyana or Yuliana.
    Jeanne literally means “endowed with the power of God.”

First of all, pay attention to the girl’s last and middle names, because the name should suit them first of all. If you want to take a church or astrological name, then try substituting it in full name, what the girl will be called in the future.

In addition, many people name their child after a relative or respected person. In August there are many memorial dates dedicated to great women, for example:

  • You can give the girl the name Ada on the first day of August, since it is the birthday of the honored film actress Ada Woitsk. Valentina and Lydia are also suitable.
  • August 5 is a famous day for admirers of the art of cinema, since Vera Kholodnaya was born.
  • On August 11, pay attention to the name of the Saint - Clare of Assisi, also Alice, Vanga, Barbara.
  • August 16 – Margaret, Madonna or Louise.
  • On the 21st, the names of famous artists and actresses are suitable - Via, Kim, Valentina.
  • On August 27, Faina Ranevskaya, skier Lyubov Baranova, Natalia Sats and, no less famous, Ira Levin were born.

If you have a revered and respected relative, then using his name will draw the attention of the little August girl to his merits and achievements throughout his life. So you will submit good example and a role model in childhood, but you should not remind the child of this too often, since every person wants to feel like an individual and original person.

The birth of a child is a real miracle that every parent looks forward to. But before the baby is born, you need to properly prepare for such a significant moment. First of all, you need to choose a beautiful and melodious name for a girl born in August. At first glance, everything is quite simple, but it is not so. It's not easy to choose beautiful name for the baby, but choose a name that suits both the girl’s date of birth and her zodiac sign.

We choose what name to give a girl born in August, depending on her character

In August, girls are born with a bright character. They are very positive and love increased attention to their personality. As children they will have many friends and admirers.

Because of their excessive increased self-esteem and egoism, they may have problems communicating with other people. But usually girls don’t care much about this, since they are independent and only their own opinion matters to them.

If you let girls be themselves, they can become great and loyal friends. They are very loyal, so you can always rely on them.

Because of their honesty, they often encounter deception. But they still don't lose theirs positive attitude and faith in people. Which will undoubtedly help them stay on track regardless of the situation.

They have strong leadership skills and charisma, which makes them excellent leaders. Usually girls climb quickly career ladder, so they occupy leadership positions without any problems.

Because of their love and everyone's attention, girls often go on stage. They love to play for the public, which provides them with the attention and love of the people around them. Because of this, they often set strict rules for themselves, because they must always be on top.

Therefore, girls are very sensitive to their appearance, which will be noticeable at an early age. After all, the baby will often try to decorate her face in front of the mirror with her mother’s cosmetics.

The best names for girls born in August

What name should I give to a girl born in August? - this is a frequent question that parents face.

But this should not be a problem, since this month you can choose almost any name for girls. The main difference between August names for girls is that they should be bright and sonorous.

But with all this diversity, you should not choose a name that could become a reason for ridicule or unpleasant nicknames. After all, this can greatly hurt the little ones, which is why they can withdraw into themselves, or it can serve as a reason for the development of various phobias.

When choosing what to name a girl in August, you can also use the following options:

The following are considered lucky names for girls born in August:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Milena
  • Christina
  • Seraphim
  • Nonna
  • Ulyana

Choosing names for girls born in August on their name day

August babies are very friendly and charming. In order for the name to well emphasize the character of the girl, you should carefully choose from so many options.

The name for a girl born in August should be loud and affectionate. You should not choose firm names; it may unfavorably highlight harsh notes in the baby’s character.

What to name a girl born on August 1

On this day, kind and sweet babies are born. They love to have fun, which is why they will always have loyal and cheerful friends. They are also noble, so even with early age will be interested in art. And in the future they can choose a profession related to this industry. They grow up to be wonderful singers with a beautiful voice.

Names for girls born on August 2

On this day, sweet and generous girls are born. It is not surprising that they are involved in charity and volunteer work in the future.

Even in childhood, they may begin to bring home stray animals.

Choosing names for girls born on August 3

Girls born on August 3 love humor very much. They like to amuse and make people around them laugh. They will not let you get bored, because the concept of boredom does not exist for them; the little ones will always find a fun activity for themselves and their friends.

What to name a girl born on August 4th

On this day noble and beautiful girls. Family will always be their priority in life. They like home comfort and a happy big family.

Names for girls born on August 5th

On August 5, kind and cheerful girls are born. They like to spend free time surrounded by his friends.

Also, the little ones are very cheerful, so they can support anyone who needs it.

Names for girls born on August 6

On this day, smart and cheerful girls are born. They love big, noisy and fun companies. Since childhood, they will gather a lot of people around them. They like to attract attention to themselves.

What to name girls born on August 7

Girls born on this day are very kind and generous. They have great faith in people. Even though they can be easily offended, they will still forgive and give a second chance. And because of their kindness, they will help everyone who needs support or help.

Names for girls born on August 8

On August 8, very positive babies are born. For them there is no word for despondency. There's never a dull moment with them.

They can spend every day as a holiday, attracting as many friends and family as possible.

Choosing names for girls born on August 9

On this day, kind and peace-loving girls are born. They love nature very much, so there will always be a lot of flowers in their room.

They can tirelessly care for plants all year round. Therefore, they can often be found in the warm season in the front garden watering or caring for flowers.

Names for girls born on August 10

Girls born on August 10th are very modest. They can easily find an approach to any person, thanks to which they quickly make new friends in childhood. They are very kind, so they win people over without any problems.

Names for August 10 for girls: Pavla, Anna, Irina, Alena, Mavra, Arina, Anastasia, Elena, Antonina.

What to name a girl born on August 11

We can say about them that they radiate light and positivity. Babies can easily cheer up any company.

Names for girls born on August 12

Girls born on August 12th are very clean. Their appearance. A large number of They can spend time taking care of themselves or in front of the mirror. Since childhood, they will borrow cosmetics from their mother and try to put on makeup as brightly and beautifully as possible.

What to name girls born on August 13th

Girls born on August 13th love attention. They happily go on stage and play for the audience. In the future, the little ones may choose a profession related to the big stage.

Choosing names for girls born on August 14

On this day, very smart and wise girls are born. They can easily take first places in studies and competitions.

Names for girls born on August 15

Girls born on August 15th are very brave and independent. It doesn't matter to them what other people think about them.

There will always be only faithful and devoted friends next to them. They easily find new and fun activities. Kids always try to achieve their goal, no matter what.

Choosing names for girls born on August 16

On this day, mischievous and cheerful babies are born. They love to have fun and go out, they will always have friends next to them. Girls can easily drive away melancholy and boredom from your life.

What to name a girl born on August 17

On this day, peace-loving and noble girls are born.

They are sophisticated and modest, their opinions are always listened to. In society, they can easily establish themselves as an excellent conversationalist.

There is always something to talk about with them, because the little ones are excellent conversationalists and listeners.

Choosing names for girls born on August 18

On this day, persistent and self-confident babies are born. They are purposeful and for them there is no word impossible; they always achieve their goal at any cost.

Names for girls on August 18: Evdokia, Daria, Nona, Iola, Avdotya, Ellina, Ilona, ​​Tatyana, Christina.

Names for girls born on August 19

Girls born on this day love homeliness and comfort. For them, the main priority in life will always be family and maintaining family happiness.

They love children very much, so they try to spend as much time as possible with them.

What to name a girl born on August 20

On this day, kind and cheerful girls are born. They like other people's attention, which is why there will always be a lot of people and fans around them.

Names for girls born on August 21

On this day, honest and fair girls are born. Little ones don't like understatements or truths hidden from them.

They are ready to defend their point of view at any cost, which often leads to quarrels between friends or relatives. Often in the future they may choose to work as a lawyer.

Choosing names for girls born on August 22

Girls born on this day are peaceful and kind. They are very gentle and elegant, their appearance is very important to them. They like to spend their free time surrounded by friends.

What name to choose for a girl born on August 23

On this day, graceful and friendly girls are born.

It is not uncommon for them to do volunteer work; it is important for them to help everyone who needs it.

We are choosing what name to give a girl born on August 24

Babies born on this day are confident in themselves. They always achieve their goals.

Girls quickly climb the career ladder and occupy high-ranking positions.

What to name a girl born on August 25

Girls born on August 25 will be interested in art and the big stage from early childhood.

From birth, they contain many talents, which over time she will begin to show, this could be a love of drawing or singing.

Names for girls born on August 26

Babies born on this day are very inquisitive. Already from childhood, a thirst for adventure and travel will awaken in them.

Therefore, in adulthood they will travel a lot and try to see as many diverse and unusual places as possible.

Choosing names for girls born on August 27

Girls born on this day are very kind and confident in every action. They can easily inspire people to take new, more confident actions.

Their positivity will not let anyone lose heart; they always come to the rescue at the right time. Girls like to lead people.

Names for girls on August 27: Teresa, Eva, Monica, Feodosia, Margarita, Evdokia, Avdotya, Anfisa.

What to name a girl born on August 28

Girls born on August 28 are smart and resourceful. The kids are true to their beliefs and will never betray their friends.

Their opinions are listened to and advice is often asked. They are very wise and can find a solution, even in a seemingly hopeless situation.

Choosing what name to name a girl born on August 29

Babies born on this day are very inquisitive. From childhood, they will be interested in how the world around them works.

Ordinary toys for girls will not be particularly interesting to them. Educational toys are more suitable for girls.

Names for girls born on August 29: Anna, Oksana, Maria, Elizaveta, Anastasia, Irina, Valentina.

Names for girls born on August 30

Girls born on August 30 are sociable and playful. They like to spend most of their time in a large group of friends.

Already in early childhood they will have many fans, which will undoubtedly please them, because universal attention and recognition are exactly what they love most.

Names for a girl born on August 30: Albina, Vlada, Yulia, Ulyan, Zhanna, Rosa, Evgenia, Sofia.

Choosing names for girls born on August 31

Babies born on this day are very beautiful and charming. They are smart and quick-witted. They like to help other people.

Names for girls on August 31: Ulyana, Rufina, Yulia, Anna, Tatyana, Lilia, Margarita, Valentina.


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