Automatic pumps that increase water pressure in the water supply system. When is it necessary to install a pump to increase water pressure?

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Residents ordinary apartment multi-storey building may encounter a rather unpleasant situation: due to low pressure in the water supply, it is not possible to take a quality shower, wash dishes or do laundry. Checking the pipes shows that they are in in perfect order and are not clogged with garbage, and the neighbors do not suffer at all from such a problem, which confirms that insufficient pressure present in only one room. The solution to this problem is to install a pump that will increase the pressure.


As a rule, a pump to increase water pressure is used in cases where the water pipes are relatively new, they are not clogged with anything, as well as the filter with aerators, and the liquid still flows slowly. This is usually explained by the fact that water initially enters the water supply system from the central riser under low pressure. In most cases, purchasing a pump completely solves this problem, bringing the pressure to normal.

By European standards the pressure in the pipeline should be approximately 4-5 bar or atmospheres, which is explained by the requirements for plumbing fixtures. For example, if the pressure corresponds to 2 atmospheres, then the washing machine may simply not start. If we talk about Jacuzzis or showers with special functions, then the situation becomes even stricter - a value of 4 bars will be the minimum acceptable for them.

Therefore, insufficient pressure can really lead to big problems.


Raising and constantly maintaining pressure in the system is carried out using two types of pumps: circulation or self-priming. The first design is arranged as follows: there is a rotor, an impeller is attached to it, and there is also a motor that rotates the entire system. A circulation pump is called because it promotes the circulation of liquid in the pipes. Suction pumps differ more high performance and a more complex device. They are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator with a special membrane. Water is first supplied to the storage tank and then enters the water supply. We can conclude that a circulation pump that raises pressure can solve the problem only in a separate area, while a suction pump can regulate the water supply in the entire apartment or even a house.

Pumps that increase pressure in the water supply system are also divided into two large groups: with a so-called “dry” rotor and a “wet” rotor. “Wet” models are much more compact than “dry” ones. They do not make noise during operation and do not require special maintenance due to the fact that the parts are lubricated by themselves, by pumping liquid. Such a booster pump simply fits into the pipe and functions like a regular flow pump. Installation takes place in front of the water point or in front of household appliances, for example, a washing machine, which requires water under a certain pressure.

These models are cooled due to the fact that water is pumped.

Among the disadvantages of a booster pump of this type highlight the fact that it is not characterized by high productivity and does not demonstrate a high pressure increase coefficient. In addition, the “wet” unit can only be installed in one position: the rotor axis electric drive can only be placed in a horizontal plane.

The second type are models with a “dry rotor”. They have better power and performance when compared to “wet” models. Such a pressure-increasing unit can be used simultaneously for several water intake points. Its power unit is equipped with an individual air cooling system and is located slightly to the side of the main body. As a result, the “dry” pump can only be attached to the wall surface as a cantilever. The internal parts of these models are periodically subject to friction, so it is necessary to ensure constant lubrication. It is also worth keeping in mind that it creates a significant amount of noise.

The device is cooled using blades located on the shaft.

In general, the water pump should only be started when the fluid pressure decreases. Control systems that offer both manual and automatic modes help ensure this. In the first case, the owner himself turns on the pump if he sees that there is a need to increase the pressure. Of course, he must control its use and avoid situations where the pump runs dry, without water.

In an automatic situation, the water flow sensor is responsible for the operation of the device. It turns on when liquid appears in the pipeline and turns off when it is empty. Thus, the pump is protected from running dry and, accordingly, from overheating and damage. Most often, the design is sold equipped with a sensor, but otherwise it can be purchased additionally.

When a part is purchased separately, it is installed after the pump itself.

If the installation is carried out in a domestic water supply system - that is, in a situation where the liquid pressure can be either normal or reduced, then it is recommended to give preference to an automatic pump with a water pressure sensor. The device will turn on when the pressure is below normal, and turn off when everything is in order. When problems arise in a large apartment or house, you can purchase an entire pumping station. In addition to the pump, the kit includes a membrane-type hydraulic accumulator and a pressure sensor. They will not have to increase the water pressure, since they will create it themselves.

Different pump systems are used for hot and cold water supply. To interact with hot water, structures are created from special materials, characterized by heat resistance. Due to this, their price is much higher than for models in contact only with cold water.

There are also universal models, working in both cases.

The water pump, which is responsible for the increased pressure in the system, also has the following technical characteristics: maximum flow, flow rate at which the equipment turns on automatically (ranges from 0.12 to 0.3 liters per minute), maximum and rated power, temperature working environment and dimensions of suitable piping.

It is worth mentioning separately about automatic fire-fighting devices that increase pressure, because these pumps are used not only in everyday life, but also in industry. They are large backup units and are used in various water supply systems, as well as in fire extinguishing, irrigation and water cooling systems.

Their design is based on vertical and horizontal pumps, but the final design depends on the customer’s requirements.

Scope of application

As a rule, in a private house you can independently adjust the water pressure in the pipeline, but in an ordinary city apartment there are no such opportunities. The hardest thing is for the inhabitants of the upper floors. It is possible that the old pipes are completely overgrown with rust or limescale. A drop in pressure can also be caused by filters that have not been changed or cleaned for a long time. In addition, there is a human factor - utility services do not perform their duties efficiently, a neighbor narrowed the diameter of the pipe for one reason or another, and sometimes the required power of centralized equipment was initially incorrectly calculated. In such cases, all sorts of household problems begin to arise: you can take a shower only if the neighbors have gone to work, the washing machine malfunctions, gas boilers and electric boilers turn off. There are also situations when the pressure level in the water supply not only drops, but there is simply no pressure, and the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and the booster pumps at the inlet are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

You can also find pumps that increase pressure among car wash owners, although in this case they differ from pipeline pumps. The body is made of plastic, metal or high-quality alloy. Due to the movement of the pistons in the piston chambers, high pressure is created inside the system. Such designs also have a control system that prevents dry running. When the release valve in the gun is closed, the automation turns off the electric motor. This happens at the moment when the pressure inside the pump rises to operating pressure.


Undoubtedly, the best manufacturers pumps that increase pressure are considered to be European companies. However, domestic companies also demonstrate decent results, especially in collaboration with Chinese ones.

The German unit "Wilo PB-201EA" is considered the best water pump produced in this country. It provides both manual and automatic control and has a performance of 3.3 cubic meters per hour and a pressure of 15 meters. In addition, it functions smoothly in hot water and can withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees.

The Russian-Chinese booster pump “Jemix W15GR-15A” occupies a leading position in the “dry rotor” category.

It is inexpensive, reliable and can be used in both hot and cold water.

The Danish device “Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N)” is equipped with a stainless steel housing and an asynchronous motor. It can operate either manually or automatically. The pressure corresponds to 8 meters, and the flow is 1.5 cubic meters per hour. It is very economical, because the power consumption reaches only 0.12 kilowatts. In addition, it does not make much noise, is very durable and has protection against overheating and dry running.

"Comfort X15GR-15" is one of the best budget water pumps. It is manufactured in Russian-Chinese production and has the following parameters: productivity – 1.8 cubic meters per hour, pressure – 15 meters. The device operates in both manual and automatic modes and is mounted horizontally with additional fixation to the wall. The maximum possible water temperature reaches 100 degrees, which means that it can be used in both hot and cold water supplies.

The pump consumes little energy, is not subject to corrosion and is inexpensive.

Among the pumping stations, the Danish booster station “Grundfos MQ3-35” with automatic control. The suction depth reaches 8 meters, the pressure is 34 meters, and the flow rate is 3.9 cubic meters per hour. The station is equipped with a self-priming pump, electric motor and hydraulic accumulator.

It is reliable and has an anti-cycling function.

How to choose?

The more carefully the buyer approaches the pump selection process, the better effect he will receive as a result.

When purchasing a device, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • Device power. Knowing this indicator, you can determine how many water intake points the pump can serve. The required power depends on which taps, which household appliances and in what quantities require increased pressure.
  • Noise level. It is also recommended to find out this parameter in advance.

  • Installation requirements. Some models can only function when paired with pipes of a certain diameter. Otherwise, the pump will not only not cope with the increase in water, but will also quickly fail if operated under overload.
  • The height of water level rise created by the pump. This indicator is relevant in the case of pumping stations serving several apartments at once.

  • The performance of the device or the amount of liquid that the pump is capable of pumping in order to create the required pressure within certain time. Please note that the value this indicator should be higher than the average water flow at the water intake point where the pump will be installed.
  • Maximum permissible water temperature. Depending on this indicator, it is determined whether the pump will be installed for cold or hot water supply.
  • Device dimensions. You need to know them in order to determine on which section of the water supply the pump will be installed.
  • Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to well-known companies with proper authority and numerous positive reviews.

In this case, you can count on guarantees, maintenance, and repairs.

First of all, a pump is selected based on the outlet pressure, which should reach 4 bars. When choosing a high-pressure pump, the determining factor may be the presence of automation or manual control.

Connection diagram

The connection diagram for the device that increases pressure is simple. The pump must be installed in front of the water intake points. Thus, as soon as it senses slight movement of water, the flow sensor will react and the pump will turn on. To create a system that will provide stable pressure to all the devices in need, you will also first have to consider the water distribution. Installing a pump at the right point will allow you to limit yourself to one device serving all water intakes.

If in a private house the required pressure is not available in the rooms on the upper floors, then you should think about using a hydraulic storage membrane tank of the maximum possible volume and a high-pressure pump. An increase in flow rate will lead to the activation of the pump, which, in turn, will service the system on all floors. This pumping station operates automatically. Its main element is a self-priming centrifugal pump. Even if the pressure in the pipes is at zero, it will lift water from the required depth, for example, from a basement sewer, and create the required pressure. The pressure switch will be responsible for turning on the electric motor only in a situation where the pressure is below the required level. The storage tank will create a certain supply of water. It will also be under pressure and will be wasted if the water supply in the main is interrupted. Following this scheme, the pumping station will raise the water to the top and provide the necessary pressure.

IN multi-storey building It is recommended to create a similar system, but with high power, with a huge reservoir and with funds collected from residents, the entire riser is built. The basement contains a pressurized water supply, required amount which every resident will receive.

How to install?

It is very easy to install a pump to increase pressure with your own hands - installation is no different from inserting other devices into a pipeline. The first step is to shut off the water supply. If there are common valves that are located outside the apartment, then you should take care that they do not accidentally open. In the selected area, the pipe is cut and a pump is inserted into the freed space, which has two taps: at the inlet and at the outlet. If necessary, they will allow you to replace or repair the device. During installation, it is also important to consider which direction the water usually moves.

External threads are also created at both ends of the pipe, while adapters have internal threads. The adapters are also equipped with fittings.

Then, depending on the material from which the pipes and the booster itself are made, joining technologies are used. For example, to work with polymer pipes you will need a soldering iron. Then the integrity is checked, and control procedures are carried out under pressure and the motor is connected to the power supply. To do this, a three-core cable is installed connecting the pump to electrical panel. If possible, it is better to organize an additional outlet near the installation site and connect the device through a separate residual current device. After the final check in operating mode, you can complete the procedure.

As a rule, the installation of the pump is carried out according to the instructions that were originally attached to it.

If a particular model can only be mounted in a certain position, this condition will be indicated.

  • Before buying a pump, it is still worth clarifying what condition the system is in. For example, the divider on the tap must be cleaned of dirt, for example, using citric acid. If this is not done, then accumulating calcium salts can critically reduce the working holes, which will lead to negative consequences. It is also recommended to visit your neighbors and find out if they have the same problems. If the answer is positive, it becomes clear that the reason is more global, and it cannot be solved by simply purchasing a pump.
  • It is also worth remembering that the situation becomes critical when the pressure drops below 1-1.5 atmospheres. Standard indicator, corresponding to the work household appliances, ranges from 2 to 3 atmospheres, and the norm for pipes is 4 bar. If there is less pressure in the tubes, the devices turn off.

At 6-7 bars, leaks appear in the line, and at 10 atmospheres the pipes can burst.

In a situation where low liquid pressure in the water supply makes it impossible to use the washing and dishwasher and take a shower, many of those who live in apartment buildings face. One of the popular and most affordable ways to solve this problem is to install a pump in the apartment’s water supply system to increase water pressure. However, such a measure does not always solve the problem completely, and in some cases it does not solve it at all. In order not to find yourself in a situation where a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment turns out to be a useless purchase, to solve the problem with low water pressure, you should use not a superficial, but a deeper systemic approach.

What can cause low water pressure in an apartment?

Before finding out why the pressure in the water supply has decreased, you should understand in what units it is measured and what value of this parameter is considered normal for domestic water supply systems.

In information tables, as well as on scales control devices the value of fluid pressure can be expressed in four basic units of measurement: bar, technical atmosphere(at), meter of water column (m water column), kilo- and megapascals (kPa and MPa). When measuring pressure in domestic water supply systems, where too much precision in recording parameters is not required, the following relationships between different units of measurement can be used:

1 bar = 1 at = 10 m water. Art. = 100 kPa = 0.1 MPa

What is the normal water pressure in an apartment's water supply? According to current standards, the value of this parameter should be about four bar. This water pressure is quite enough so that all plumbing fixtures and household appliances connected to the water supply system (taps, cisterns, showers, washing machines and dishwashers, etc.). However, this regulatory requirement strictly observed in very rare cases. Usually in water pipes apartment buildings There are constant pressure surges, which can occur in the direction of either increasing or decreasing.

If the question is with high blood pressure in a household water supply is solved quite simply (by installing a water reducer at the entrance to the system, equalizing the water pressure throughout the entire internal pipe distribution), then in order to eliminate the problem with a decrease in pressure, it is necessary to determine why this is happening.

In order to find out where the decrease in pressure occurs - in the water supply system of only your apartment, in the entire house or in apartments that receive water from one riser, it is necessary to interview neighbors living in the upper, lower and side apartments. If it turns out that your neighbors also need increased water pressure, you need to contact the utility service that services your home with this issue. If this problem is local and occurs only in your apartment, then you must personally look for ways to solve it.

First of all, it is necessary to localize the section of the apartment water supply that needs increased water pressure. To solve this problem, a conventional pressure gauge is used, with which water pressure is measured at various points in the water supply system. The data obtained as a result of measurements will allow us to draw conclusions about the negative factor, the impact of which leads to low pressure of water flowing from the taps in your apartment.

  • Helps identify clogged pipes different meanings pressure on separate areas apartment water supply systems. Most often this situation occurs when using old steel pipes, the inner walls of which are characterized by high roughness. The only way to effectively solve this problem is to replace old pipes with new ones.
  • It is also possible that the sump tank (filter) becomes clogged. rough cleaning), usually installed in front of water flow meters. If the reason for poor water pressure lies precisely in this filter, all sections of the water supply located after such a device will experience the same low pressure. The problem of a clogged coarse filter is solved quite simply: it is opened and the accumulated debris is cleaned out of it.
  • The least critical and easiest to solve problem that causes low water pressure is the clogging of the aerator - the filter mesh that is equipped with the faucet jaws. A pressure gauge will also help determine that this is the reason, which in such cases will show that the liquid pressure in all parts of the water supply system corresponds to the norm, but at the same time only a weak trickle flows from the tap. To fix the problem, the filter mesh is unscrewed from the faucet gib, thoroughly cleaned and installed back.
If the water pipes in your apartment, the filter and aerators are not clogged, and water initially enters the water supply system under weak pressure from the central riser, then to increase the pressure, you can install a household booster pump in the apartment.

In many cases, installing a compact pump for pumping water from a central water supply system leads to an increase in pressure in the apartment's water pipes to standard values.

Types and design features of household pumps

Pumps to increase water pressure in an apartment by design can be divided into two large groups:

  • devices with a “wet” rotor;
  • water pumps with a dry rotor.

Pumps for increasing water pressure, belonging to the class of devices with a “wet” rotor, are compact in size, less noisy during operation and do not require special maintenance, since the lubrication of their internal parts is provided by the liquid they pump. The scheme for connecting such devices to the water supply is quite simple: they simply cut into the pipe and work as a flow pump. Such booster pumps are installed directly in front of the water collection point or in front of household appliances, into which water must flow under a certain pressure.

Wet rotor pump design

If we talk about the disadvantages of booster pumps of this type, then these include:

  • low productivity;
  • not too high levels of additionally created water pressure;
  • the possibility of installation only in such a way that the rotor axis of the electric drive of the pump is located in a horizontal plane.

Water pumps for home plumbing, belonging to the class of devices with a “dry” rotor, differ more high power and performance when compared with models with a “wet” rotor. Such a booster pump making the right choice and the installation can be used to simultaneously service several water intake points. The power unit of this type of electric pump is located away from the main body of the device and is equipped with its own air cooling system. Because of this, a booster pump with a dry rotor must additionally be cantilevered to the wall surface.

Pump design with a dry rotor

A booster pump with a dry rotor requires regular lubrication of internal components subject to friction. In addition, this high-pressure water pump creates noticeable noise during operation, which must be taken into account when choosing a place to install it.

The booster pump for the water supply should only be started at those moments when the liquid pressure decreases. This requirement is met using pump control systems that can operate in manual or automatic mode.

The water pressure booster pump, equipped with a manual control system, is turned on by the user himself when the need arises. Accordingly, the user of such a device is responsible for the serviceability of the pump to increase water pressure in cases, for example, when it runs dry, without water.

An automatic pressure pump, controlled by a water flow sensor, turns on independently when liquid appears in the pipeline, and turns off when the pipeline is empty. Equipping the pump with such an automatic sensor allows you to prevent cases of equipment operating on Idling, which inevitably leads to overheating of the device and, accordingly, to its rapid breakdown. When choosing a pump that increases pressure, you can immediately purchase a model equipped with a water flow sensor, or purchase such a sensor separately if included in the factory pumping device it is not provided. If the flow sensor is purchased separately, it should be placed after the pump that increases the water pressure.

For installation in domestic water supply systems, in which the liquid pressure can periodically be either normal or reduced, it is better to use an automatic booster pump, additionally equipped with a water pressure sensor. The task of such a device, which also operates in automatic mode, is to turn on the injection pump in cases where the water pressure drops below normal, and turn it off if the liquid pressure meets the required parameters. In this case, the injection pump will not turn on even if it receives a control signal from the flow sensor, if the water pressure meets the required values.

In cases where living space allows, increasing the liquid pressure in the water supply can be provided by a pumping station for the apartment. Such a pumping station, the design of which, in addition to the pump itself, consists of a membrane-type hydraulic accumulator and a pressure sensor, does not just increase the pressure to the required level - it creates it itself.

The efficiency of pumps used to increase pressure in water supply systems is largely determined by the correct choice of such equipment.

When purchasing a water booster pump, you need to pay attention to the following parameters.

  • The power of the device is a parameter that determines the number of water intake points that a pressure-increasing water supply pump can serve. When choosing a pump based on this criterion, you should first of all decide how many taps and household appliances in the apartment it will need to supply water at the required pressure.
  • The noise level that the pump makes when pumping water into the system should also be known before purchasing.
  • Certain models of pumps for increasing water pressure are installed on pipelines of only a certain diameter. Otherwise, such a device will not only not help increase water pressure, but will also begin to work with overloads, which will lead to its rapid failure.
  • The height of water level rise that the pump can provide is a parameter that is relevant in cases where not ordinary apartment boosters are selected, but pumping stations used to increase the water pressure in the pipelines of several consumers at once.
  • The performance of the device is a parameter on which the amount of liquid pumped by the pump to increase the pressure in the water supply per unit time depends. When choosing a high-pressure pump for water, it should be taken into account that the value of this parameter must be higher than the average water flow consumed by the water supply system or water intake point at which it is planned to install such a device.
  • It is also important to take into account the maximum permissible temperature of the pumped water. The type of pipeline (cold or hot water supply) on which the pump can be installed depends on the value of this parameter.
  • The dimensions of the device determine the choice of water supply section for connecting the pump.
  • The manufacturing company, its fame and authority in the market are no less important than all of the above parameters. When choosing high pressure water pumps, it is better to give preference to models from famous manufacturers that produce high-quality products, provide reliable guarantees for them and ensure their Maintenance and repairs.

How to ensure high water pressure throughout an apartment building

The problem of low water pressure, which worries residents of apartment buildings, can be solved in a more radical way - by installing a pumping station to increase water pressure, which will serve the entire house. Such pumping stations for supplying water to apartments throughout the building, operating in automatic mode, are equipped with a self-priming centrifugal pump, a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch. Pumping stations of this type are also used in systems autonomous water supply for a private home or cottage.

Another way to increase the water pressure in an apartment pipeline is to install a storage tank in which the liquid will accumulate and then, when the pressure in the pipeline drops, be released back into the system. Of course, given the small areas of typical apartments, installing such a container inside a home will be quite problematic. However, many of those who constantly face problems associated not only with low water pressure in the pipeline, but also with its regular absence in it, install small storage tanks (200–500 liters) in their apartments.

A multi-pump station allows you to “remove” the effect of the upper and lower floors in terms of supplying water to them

It is possible to place a storage tank of a much larger volume on the roof apartment building or in its attic part. To install such a container, the volume of which can be very impressive, it is better to cooperate with the other residents of the house in order to share the upcoming financial expenses for everyone who wishes to use water supplied to taps or household appliances at the required pressure at any time.

A water pressure boosting station, equipped not only with a hydraulic accumulator and elements of the automation system, but also with a large-volume storage tank, is another way effective solution issue with weak fluid pressure in water supply systems of apartment buildings. Such a pressure booster installation will provide all apartments in the building with water not only in cases where the liquid pressure in the central water supply system needs to be increased, but also when water does not flow into the pipes at all.

Naturally, in order to purchase all the equipment for such a serious installation, as well as to carry out its qualified installation, the residents of an apartment building will have to come to an agreement and bear joint expenses.

The main characteristic of the normal functioning of water in the system is the presence of optimal pressure. However, it is not always possible to maintain good pressure, especially when there are various devices connected to the water supply system. There are several ways to increase water pressure. We will learn about their features and implementation technology further.

Water pressure in the water supply: optimal value and reasons for the decrease

In order to decide on a method for increasing water in the water supply system, you should first find out the reason for the decrease in water pressure. Most often, the reasons for the decrease in water are:

  • presence of leaks or accidents at the place of water transportation;
  • the presence of foreign deposits inside the pipes that prevent normal fluid circulation;
  • the presence of a faulty water filter;
  • problems with shut-off valves.

If available in the house centralized water supply, quite often the water pressure decreases due to poor performance of the water transporter. For example, in order to save electricity, one or more pumps that improve pressure are turned off. If there is damage to pipes in certain sections of the pipeline, the water pressure also decreases.

Therefore, if you have a sharp decrease in water pressure in the system, first of all, ask your neighbors if they have the same problems. If you are not the only one with low blood pressure, contact your local water supplier directly. The minimum water pressure in a one-story building should be one bar. This information is recorded in legal documentation and must be followed by all utilities.

Install a pressure gauge between the water supply system that approaches the house, with which you can control the water pressure in the system.

If the problem of reducing water in the system affects only you, then you need to check the pumping station for its functionality. Most often, the deep filter, which purifies the water before introducing it to the house, becomes clogged.

In addition, you should inspect the filters that provide fine cleaning; they connect household appliances to the water supply. Problems with these types of filters lead to improper operation of washing machines, boilers, pumps, etc.

If the filters are working properly, go through the entire house and check for various areas water supply pressure. It is possible that a leak may occur inside the circuit. To determine this section, it is necessary to measure the pressure in different sections of the water supply and determine the lowest value. Once the leak is repaired, the pressure should increase.

Pump that increases pressure in the water supply: features of selection and installation

TO artificial means increasing the pressure primarily concerns the installation of the pump. Each pressurized water supply system is equipped with an individual pump equipment, when choosing which factors such as:

  • duration of the backbone system;
  • diameter of pipes of the water supply system;
  • number of floors in the house;
  • amount of water consumed.

When choosing water pressure pumps, pay attention to their performance and power. These indicators are the main ones when purchasing this equipment. In addition, the pump must be made of high-strength materials that are not prone to corrosion.

There is an option to purchase a booster pump. These models are not recommended for installation in private homes that have additional equipment that consumes water.

The cost of a pump to increase water in the system depends on throughput device. approximate price equipment ranges from $40 to $200. Some equipment is equipped with additional automated mechanisms, such as a flow sensor. With its help, it is possible to automatically turn on the equipment when the taps are opened.

Thus, the level of energy consumption in the system is reduced. The cost of the equipment is also determined by the degree of its protection from moisture and additional components that are present in the water. Pay attention to models with a high-quality filtration system. Aluminum, cast iron or stainless steel are used to make the body of the device.

We recommend purchasing equipment from a company store of a particular manufacturer. By purchasing a product directly, you will not only save money, but also receive a free warranty and additional maintenance of the device.

Also, when choosing equipment to increase water pressure, pay attention to the difference in models according to the control method:

  • devices with manual operation provide permanent job the device throughout the entire time, you need to monitor the switching on and off of the device yourself;
  • automatic pumping devices - the flow sensor of such a device regulates the switching on and off of the device, there is also protection against switching on in dry mode, the service life of such a device is longer than that of a hand pump, it is also characterized by economical energy consumption, but has a higher cost.

In relation to the type of cooling of the casing part of the pumping equipment, there are two options for pumps:

  • when choosing a pump with cooling using shaft blades, the sounds produced during operation of the equipment are quite quiet, while the efficiency of the mechanism is at a high level;
  • When the pump is cooled with liquid, complete silent operation is ensured.

An important role when choosing a pump should be given to its dimensions. If the room is small in size, then installing a huge device will be inappropriate. Some pumps are used only for hot and cold cold water. Other devices are suitable for any type of water supply.

In general, when choosing equipment, decide on the following characteristics:

  • purpose of purchasing the pump;
  • operating principle of the equipment;
  • characteristics of the equipment, most often indicated in the instructions;
  • device size;
  • purchase amount;
  • availability of additional functions.

The main characteristics are performance and pressure that the pump in the system can create. They determine the type of equipment purchased.

How to increase water pressure in a private home

The water pressure in the water supply system is determined by the amount household appliances using water. For example, if the house has a washing machine, sink and bathtub, then a pressure of two atmospheres is sufficient. However, if there is a swimming pool or a luxurious jacuzzi in the house, given value needs to be doubled.

In addition, the pressure in the system must be such as to supply water to several water supply points at once. When taking a shower and doing laundry, you should not experience any discomfort associated with a decrease in pressure.

If the site has a private water supply, that is, water is supplied from a well or a well, then the pump power should be much higher than when supplying water from a centralized water supply.

The pump's capacity must ensure that water is lifted from the well and supplied to the house. At the same time, the house must ensure optimal water pressure in the system. These indicators directly depend on the amount of fluid consumed. The more water used in the house, the higher the pump performance should be.

During the operation of a private water supply system, there are two options for water consumption:

1. The well is characterized by the presence of a flow rate in which there is a weak pressure or no pressure at all. At the same time, it is possible to satisfy the water needs of two or three people in a family. As the source quickly empties, the pressure decreases. For these purposes, additional means of modernization are used.

2. The well's flow rate exceeds the level of water consumption for the average family. In the presence of a pump whose performance is constrained by pressure, an excessive increase in pressure occurs up to six atmospheres. Thus, leaks and emergency situations occur.

When choosing pumping equipment for private wells, you must be guided by the well’s flow rate and water consumption. We recommend choosing your daily water consumption as a guide. summer time of the year.

Ways to increase water pressure in your home

As methods for increasing pressure in the water supply system, we highlight the installation of two devices:

1. Tapping into the water supply system under pump pressure - this operation is performed at the entrance of the public water supply system to a house or apartment. Installing pumps in front of water collection points significantly increases the pressure in the system. Compact pumps allow you to automatically or manually regulate their operation. However, this method allows you to increase the pressure by a small amount of 1-1.5 atm.

2. To eliminate more serious problems with pressure, as well as to organize a temporary independent water supply, it is recommended to install a pumping station. In this case, a storage tank is installed, in which water is accumulated in advance and supplied into the system using pumping equipment.

A pumping station that has a hydraulic accumulator requires considerable investment, and in addition, a lot of space must be prepared for its location. You will also need to spend money on purchasing a storage tank, the size of which should be ten times the daily water consumption. However, in this case, you get constant ideal pressure and water supply, even with periodic water outages.

Stabilization of water supply pressure in a private house

Among the main methods of increasing the pressure in the system is the installation of a pumping station or pump. The first option is relevant if there is practically no pressure in the system.

The pumping station allows you to significantly increase the pressure in the system. An electric piston motor pumps air out of the water accumulator. Water from a well or water supply system enters the formed vacuum space. Installation of such a station in a multi-storey building allows you to obtain constant high-quality pressure. However, such stations are quite cumbersome and for their installation it is necessary to obtain special documents for permission to carry out work.

If there is a minimum water pressure in the system, it is enough to install a regular pump in the apartment. It is installed on a pipe that goes inside the apartment. Automatic equipment starts working when the water is turned on, while manual models involve constantly turning the pump on and off.

To connect the pump to the system, you will need a soldering iron, which is designed to connect pipes together. On the inlet pipe, the water supply tap to a certain apartment is turned off. Next, the pipe and flow sensor are cut in. Connecting fittings are installed at the ends of the cut pipes, onto which the pump together with the sensor is screwed. Plug in the pump and open the tap.

Another option for increasing pressure is to install a pump directly in front of the water supply device. To do this, first of all you should study technical specifications device, determining the maximum pressure for its operation.

Next, you need to purchase a centrifugal type pump, the performance of which is comparable to maximum pressure. Please note that centrifugal pumps are very similar to pumping equipment installed to circulate the coolant in heating systems. However, their operating principle and performance are different.

In addition to the pump, you should purchase devices in the form ball valve and flexible wiring. Please note that the diameter of the hose must match the thread of the pumping equipment. You will also need fumig tape; it can be used to seal the joints.

You should begin work by turning off the water supply tap to your apartment or house. Next, the installation location of the pump is determined; most often it is fixed to the wall using plastic dowels. In any case, before installing the equipment, read its instructions.

Mark the pump fixation points on the wall and install it. A flow sensor is placed on the pump, which controls the process of turning the device on and off. Next are mounted threaded connections, do not forget to install rubber gaskets. They come complete with equipment. The inlet on the pump is connected to a water pipe.

After assembling the device, check its functionality. Install the pump and turn on the water; if there are any leaks, seal the connections with fume tape. Don't forget to ground the device. Check the operation of the device in automatic mode. Look at the pressure gauge to see what pressure is present in the water supply. The optimal pressure is 2-3 atmospheres.

Usually, not all residents of an apartment building are satisfied with the quality of the water supply system. It's all about the water pressure, which can sometimes be so weak that it is simply not enough for the functioning of household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, gas water heater). Sometimes when weak pressure In the water supply system, water does not reach the residents of the upper floors at all. If the total pressure in water supply networks We can’t influence it, but we can still do something for our apartment. For getting comfortable water supply Within your apartment, it is enough to buy and install a booster pump. Such equipment will only help if the problem of poor pressure is not related to clogged water pipes or a supply riser.

To increase water pressure in the water supply system, special pumping equipment is used. If for an apartment building the pressure standard should be within 4 bar, then in fact it can drop to 1.5 bar. At the same time, for many household appliances to operate, the water pressure in the water supply of a house or apartment must be at least 2 bar. And a shower stall and a jacuzzi will not be able to function at all at this pressure, since they are designed to operate under pressure conditions of at least 4 bar. At the same time, higher pressure may not have the best effect on the water supply of the house.

Important: some details plumbing system in the house can be damaged when the pressure rises to 7 bar or higher. That is why it should be within normal limits and stable.

As for peak water consumption hours, residents of the upper floors of the house especially suffer here, as they may not receive water from the tap at all. At the same time, normal water supply is ensured in the apartments on the lower floors. To increase the liquid pressure in the water supply on the upper floors, you will need to buy and install a pumping unit to increase the pressure. They are installed in the inlet part of the water main.


All pumping products for increasing pressure may differ in the following characteristics:

  1. Depending on the control features, the following units are distinguished:
    • with manual control. Such a household pump can be constantly either on or off. The apartment owners just have to make sure that there is water in the system. If the unit runs dry, it will quickly fail due to overheating. The smartest thing to do would be to turn on the device when using the water supply and turn it off when finished;
    • The automatic water pump is equipped with a sensor that turns on the unit when the need arises. The same device turns off automatic pump when there is no water in the pipes.
  1. Depending on the temperature of the working medium, pressure boosting pumps are divided into the following types:
    • pumping equipment designed to operate only in cold water;
    • units for increasing pressure in hot water pipes;
    • a universal automatic device designed to operate in conditions of any ambient temperature.
  1. To protect pumping equipment from overheating, one of two cooling systems must be used:
    • units with a “wet rotor” are cooled by pumped water. These devices for increasing pressure in the apartment’s water supply system are characterized by quiet, noiseless operation. But they can quickly overheat and fail in the case of “dry running” (when there is no water in the pipes);
    • devices with a “dry rotor” use an air flow for cooling, which is created by the rotation of blades fixed to the shaft. These products make more noise when operating, but their performance is much higher. In addition, their performance does not depend on the presence of water in the system.

Self-priming pumping unit

As for apartments on the upper floors of the building, where water sometimes does not reach at all, the only solution here is to use a self-priming pumping station. The standard station package includes:

  • pump equipment;
  • pressure switch;
  • hydraulic accumulator (membrane tank).

Such a pumping unit pumps liquid into the hydraulic tank. The required pressure indicator is set on the relay. Then the unit supplies water to consumers from the tank under a certain pressure.

Advice: there are pumping stations without a hydraulic tank, but for your home it is better to buy equipment with a hydraulic accumulator, which will accumulate the necessary supply of water. Thanks to this, the pumping equipment will turn on less often and last much longer.

This pumping system operates on the following principle:

  1. First, the booster pump will draw water into the hydraulic tank. After this it will turn off.
  2. In this case, the consumer can use water from a membrane tank even when there is no water in the pipes of the house.
  3. After all the water from the hydraulic tank has been used, the pump will start again to pump water into the storage tank.

A pumping unit for increasing water pressure can be used not only in an apartment, but also in a country house, in a country house for arranging a water supply system and watering a garden.

Before purchasing a station, it is necessary to clarify its maximum pressure. For an apartment, you can use low-power units. And for country house you will need equipment with significant pressure.

How to choose?

When buying a pressure booster pump, you need to pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  1. The choice of device power should be made taking into account the number of taps in the apartment, as well as the household appliances installed and connected to the water supply.
  2. The noise level is very important for any apartment, so give preference to silent appliances.
  3. Each booster pump is designed for a specific pipeline cross-section. If you choose the wrong unit, it may work with overloads or produce insufficient pressure.
  4. Any pumping installation provides a certain level of water rise. A unit with an insufficient lift level will not be able to supply water to the desired point in the house.
  5. The device is mounted on the inlet water main, which is usually located in the toilet or bathroom. Due to the fact that they do not differ in impressive sizes in modern apartments, pumping equipment should be compact in size to save space in the house.

Installation of equipment

Installation of a water pressure booster pump in the water supply pipeline is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The supply main pipeline to which the booster pump will be attached must be marked taking into account the dimensions of the unit and adapters.
  2. The water supply to the apartment is cut off.
  3. The pipeline is cut according to the markings in two places.
  4. Threads are cut at the ends of the pipe.
  5. Then adapters with an internal threaded connection are screwed onto the threaded pipeline.
  6. After this, fittings from the pumping equipment kit are screwed into the installed adapters. In this case, you should pay attention to the arrows on the device. They will indicate the direction of the fluid and help you install the pump correctly.
  7. From electrical panel A three-core power cable is connected to the pumping product. It is better to have a separate outlet near the pump, and connect the device through an RCD.
  8. After assembling the system, the pump can be turned on and checked for proper operation. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the absence of leaks in the places where the fittings are installed. If necessary, the fastenings can be tightened. For better sealing of all joints, use linen tow or FUM tape.

When installing a pressure booster pump, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To ensure that the pumping equipment lasts as long as possible, use a filter device that must be installed on the inlet pipe of the unit. This will protect the product from debris and other small particles that can cause rapid wear of the mechanical parts of the pump.
  • A dry, heated room is suitable for installing the equipment. If the product operates at sub-zero temperatures, the water will freeze and the unit will fail.
  • Since vibration occurs during operation of the unit, over time it can cause loosening of fasteners and leaks. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to check the tightness and tighten all connections.

Perhaps the main parameter in modern life is the level of pressure. A comfortable level of water pressure in the pipes allows us to operate the entire system without any problems. If there are problems with this in the water supply system, then they automatically affect its performance characteristics.

But what to do if there is not enough water pressure in the water supply? The answer is very simple. Install pumps to increase pressure.

1 Features and purpose

As we all know, modern plumbing in an apartment or country house consists of several main structures or elements. Perhaps the most important of them is the pipeline itself.

Water streams flow through the pipeline to taps, which can then be obtained from any suitable location. The pressure in the system is responsible for the free flow of water through the pipes. According to European standards, the pressure in the water supply system should be at least 4-5 atmospheres.

This is explained by the necessary requirements that are provided by various additional plumbing fixtures. So, the washing machine will not be able to function if the water pressure in the system is not equal to 2 atmospheres. It just won't start.

Pressure showers and a variety of Jacuzzi bathtubs require even more serious conditions. They can already operate normally if the water pressure in the water supply system is at least 4 atmospheres. Various devices for hydromassage are not limited to the stated characteristics.

As you can see, the conditions in a modern water supply system impose serious requirements. Moreover, they do not always answer them. So, in an average apartment, the water pressure in the water supply can be only 2.5-3 atmospheres. Good pressure also happens, but here everything rather depends on the quality of the equipment that serves the apartment building.

In country houses, cottages and mansions, the situation is complicated by the fact that people have to create water supply systems there on their own. And not always one single pump is able to provide normal conditions in the water supply. Especially if the pipe laying scheme was planned incorrectly or in violation of certain standards.

There are also extreme cases when the pressure level in the water supply has not just dropped. It is simply not there, since the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and the booster pumps at the inlet are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

2 Types and characteristics

As you can see, pressure booster pumps have different designs and in this parameter they differ very seriously from each other. First, let's look at their main division by type of design and purpose. According to these parameters they are divided into:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • Self-priming booster pumping stations for water supply systems.

The first type is a standard booster pump. It is called circulating because it promotes the circulation of liquid in the pipes. The device is usually small in size and very compact. It is cut into a certain section of the pipeline, which increases the pressure level and the speed of fluid circulation.

Initially, these pumps were conceived for arranging hot water and heating systems. This is explained by the serious length of the heating circuits, as well as their resistance at the junction points.

Under natural conditions, the carrier simply cannot circulate normally in the water supply system, so a special pump is used to increase the pressure.

In a standard water supply the situation is similar. It’s just that here the device is used not so much for pumping hot liquid, but to stimulate the general level of water movement.

The circulator consists of a small motor that rotates the rotor part with the impeller. It is this small mechanism that is capable of pumping water into the chamber and significantly improving the performance of the entire pipeline.

The most popular pressure booster pumps are produced by Wilo. In particular, the Wilo TOP, Wilo Star-RS, Wilo Star, etc. lines.

Now let's turn to the second type of booster pumps. This is a much more serious unit that cuts off the water supply system from external replenishment.

2.1 How to choose booster pumps?

If you need to choose a household pump to increase pressure in a pipeline, you should be guided by dry calculations and specific characteristics of the equipment. To begin with, it is recommended to contact a specialist to assess the condition of your system.

As a last resort, measure the pressure yourself. This will help you choose water pumps optimal power. After all, there is no point in overpaying for overly powerful equipment, which in your case simply will not be able to reveal its potential.

A circulating sample for increasing pressure is worth buying if you have water, but its pressure is too weak. Moreover, to level out a deficiency of 2-3 atmospheres, one sample is enough. In some cases it is necessary to install two pumps. But this happens quite rarely.

Pumping booster stations are worth choosing if you don’t have water in your tap at all, but at a lower level in the system (for example, your neighbors below, if you are a resident of an apartment building) have it.

In this case self-priming pump will pump fluid to your level, and the hydraulic accumulator will completely close the system and give you the opportunity to control its condition yourself.

From popular manufacturers it is better to buy pumps or Grundfos. Since Wilo companies have proven themselves in the market from the best side and are time-tested.

2.2 Features and connection technology

Pumps for increasing pressure in water supply systems are quite easy to install. As a rule, they are inserted at the entrance to the system so that the stimulation of fluid movement is as convenient and efficient as possible.

Thus, circulation models are cut into pipes in a certain area. All you need is to connect the device to the pipes, seal the connections and connect the electricity. Then it remains to test the operation of the device in practice.

It is worth remembering that circulation models must be mounted in a single position. The correct position will be indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If you install the device by mistake, it will either work poorly or refuse to start at all.

2.3 How to install the pump? (video)


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