DIY slate gazebo. DIY gazebo - interesting projects and options for a private home (105 photo ideas)

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A gazebo is an ideal addition to any dacha, because it’s a nice place to sit alone with a cup of tea, talk with friends, and celebrate a family celebration. Do you want to become the owner of such a functional and cozy building? There is nothing simpler - you can make it yourself, using the most common materials at hand. In order to cope with the task 100%, we suggest you understand the construction technology step by step: for your attention detailed instructions, how to build a gazebo beautifully, but quickly and cheaply, as well as photos and videos that will serve as a useful visual reference in your work.

Stage 1: Deciding on the parameters of the gazebo

To ensure that the construction of the gazebo does not result in large temporary, power and financial expenses, it is important to think through every detail future design. In particular:

  • dimensions;
  • shape;
  • roof type;
  • foundation type;
  • frame materials.

The dimensions of the gazebo are best calculated using the formula: 1 person = 1 sq.m. space. The shape of the structure determines the level of complexity of construction, so if you take on similar work for the first time, give preference to the traditional rectangular gazebo.

The roof of the gazebo can be single-pitched, gable, round or pyramidal. Naturally, it is cheaper and easier to install a pitched roof.

As for materials, it is best to build a gazebo from wood beams, corrugated sheets and metal racks - it is much easier to work with them than with brick, stone, logs or forged gratings. In addition, these materials are very inexpensive.

Stage 2: Getting ready for construction

As you can see, the ideal option for a novice builder is a rectangular gazebo with a pitched roof on a slab-type foundation. To build such an extension, you will need the following supplies:

  • beams of two types - with a section of 50 x 50 and 100 x 100 mm;
  • wooden boards 30 x 150 mm and 50 x 150 mm;
  • corrugated sheets;
  • reinforcement bars;
  • large crushed stone;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand;
  • self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws;
  • primer;
  • dye.

Don't forget about working tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • anchor bolts:
  • steel corners
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • rule.

After all the materials and tools are prepared, you need to select the location for installing the gazebo and mark it. To do this, you first need to determine the four corners of the future structure, taking into account the pre-designed dimensions, and mark them with beacons. Then you need to stretch the string between the beacons. As a result, you should end up with a rectangle - this is the area your gazebo will be.

Stage 3: Setting up the foundation

Pouring the foundation begins with preparing the pit. Its depth should be 20-30 cm. You can dig it with a simple shovel: remove the soil, level and compact the bottom. Make sure that the walls of the pit are vertical, without slopes. A 10 cm layer of sand should be poured into the finished recess. It should be moistened and compacted tightly. When you are sure that the layer is perfectly even, place formwork from boards around the perimeter of the pit. Its height should be no more than 10 cm. Next, you need to secure the formwork with beams.

The next step is filling the pit with large crushed stone. Then, in the corners of the future gazebo, reinforcement bars must be installed in the crushed stone. To ensure stability of the extension, the rods should rise 10-15 cm above the foundation level. Then fill the pit with concrete mortar.

Advice. After pouring, be sure to level the concrete so that the base is perfectly level. Proceed with further construction work only after the foundation has completely hardened!

Stage 4: Assembling the frame

Installing a gazebo frame is one of the most complex and important works of the entire construction process, so it is very important to carry it out in a clear sequence:

  • Prepare 4 bars with a cross-section of 100 x 100 mm and cut them to the height of the structure. Treat the finished elements with a primer.

Important! The front bars must be at least 15 cm longer than the rear ones to be able to form a roof slope.

  • Drill each support bar at the bottom end. The diameter of the hole must be equal to the diameter of the reinforcement bars installed at the corners of the foundation.
  • Place the support bars on the rods and level them vertically using a level. Secure them with anchor bolts.
  • Connect the corner beams with 50 x 150 mm boards and install special braces for the rafters.
  • At a distance of 10 cm from the top of the structure and 50 cm from the floor, connect the racks with jumpers made of bars with a cross-section of 50 x 50 m, securing them with bolts. Between these jumpers, every 50 cm, use steel corners and self-tapping screws to fix the vertical bars. Only the entrance area should remain free.

Stage 5: Install the roof and arrange the gazebo

Installing a roof will not require much time and effort, since lean-to structures are very easy to install. So, first install the joists on the boards that connect the corner bars. The average step is 30-40 cm. Then cover them with boards 30 x 150 mm, leaving 10 cm gaps between them. Next, cover the boards with glassine and stuff thin slats on top. Place sheets of corrugated sheets on these slats and secure them with screws or nails. Actually, the roof is ready.

After the main construction work is completed, proceed with the design of the gazebo. First, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Then the structure can be painted, varnished or even sheathed with clapboard. After this, install electricity and install the necessary furniture. And finally, you can cover the walls of the gazebo with light tulle to give the space even more coziness.

As we see, in construction summerhouse there is nothing complicated. If you follow our simple instructions, you will be able to get a beautiful corner for comfortable rest Outdoors.

Increasingly, owners of private houses decide to build a gazebo on their property - what is surprising is not the presence of such an extension near the house, but its absence. They may have various shapes, built from traditional or the most unusual materials. To achieve harmony on the site, the gazebo is made in uniform style with the rest of the buildings. Installed inside dinner table, it will be possible to have family dinners at fresh air. In closed gazebos equipped with a stove you will be comfortable even in the cold season.

A beautiful gazebo made of timber for family gatherings in the warm season, located in a flowering garden

How to find the right place

The site intended for construction must be level and not swampy. The lumpy area must first be leveled and cleared of debris, stones, stumps and large roots. If groundwater passes too close to the surface of the site, the structure will not be stable and safe.

The location for the gazebo should be selected in accordance with its purpose.

    If you plan to throw noisy parties for a large number of guests, then it is advisable to remove the building from the residential building. Then elderly parents and children will be able to rest in silence.

    Spacious pavilions are chosen by owners of large plots. Small structures for two or three people fit harmoniously into the thick of the garden.

    On small areas small architectural forms They are erected close to the house so that its walls protect the gazebo from the wind.

    When placing a building on open area It will be necessary to plan a convenient approach, fencing to protect from wind and precipitation.

Considering that the gazebo is intended for relaxation, ensure beautiful view from it to a flowerbed, garden or lake.

Small gazebo in the garden overlooking a decorative pond

What materials can you use to build a gazebo?

Big choice building materials allows you to select suitable option for any budget and building style. Conventionally, all materials can be divided into 2 groups: traditional and unusual. The first include:

    Stone, brick. Building a gazebo made of brick or stone will be expensive, but such a structure will be reliable and durable. The materials are not subject to the negative influence of precipitation and pests. Finishing bricks and stones are sold various colors, the strength of the structure allows you to install a roof even from heavy natural tiles.

    Tree V various types: boards, lining, euro pallets, OSB boards. The basis of the structure will be timber or pillars with a diameter of at least 10 cm or round, square metallic profile. Such a gazebo can be built quickly and at an affordable cost.

    Designs from forged metal , as a rule, have an exclusive design, are durable and expensive. For budget options, a painted corrugated sheet is suitable.

TO unusual materials, from which you can build a gazebo, include everything you can imagine:

    Bottles made of glass or plastic. The structure is built on a foundation; a metal profile is used as a frame. Plastic bottles are fixed to rods, glass bottles are fixed to cement mortar. When laid out in a certain way, they create walls with high noise and heat insulation. The building will have unusual design, will allow you to realize your creative potential.

    Cement mortar. For construction, current monolithic construction techniques will be used. The roof and decorative inserts are made of plexiglass and cellular polycarbonate. This design will look harmonious in an architectural ensemble of high-tech or minimalist style.

    Living plants from your garden. As a frame, a structure is created from wooden or metal supports that are braided climbing plants. The cost of construction is the lowest, but it requires a lot of effort to care for the flowers.

    Vine, reed. Wicker gazebos will fit into any landscape; they look especially advantageous near bodies of water. The hollow stem of the plants will provide an optimal microclimate inside the structure.

When choosing suitable material It is worth considering what season you plan to relax in the gazebo.

Summer metal gazebo braided with decorative vines

How to Determine the Suitable Size and Shape for a Building

If the shape of the gazebo is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owner, then its dimensions should be determined taking into account the area standards. For buildings intended for recreation, the norm is 2 square meters. m. area per person. Accordingly, if events for 8–10 guests are planned, then inner space should be about 20 sq. m. Of course, such a company will fit in a smaller gazebo with a continuous installation of benches, but then the guests will feel a little cramped.

The minimum size of rectangular gazebos for family dinners is 2x2 m. If you choose round form, then its diameter must be at least three meters. The most common gazebos with dimensions are 3x4 m, 4x4 m, 4x6 m.

Gazebo adjacent to the house

After defining required area you need to choose the form of future construction. Let's look at the most common options and their features.

Rectangular shape

Construction of a gazebo rectangular shape- the simplest option. They are often chosen when planning self-construction. Such designs easily fit into any architectural style. They repeat the outlines of other buildings, so the ensemble looks harmonious. It is convenient to operate such gazebos; it is easy to install a large table, stove, or barbecue in them.

Rectangular structures can be created from any materials and their combinations. Closed buildings made of brick and wood can be used year-round. Rectangular structures can be of either minimum dimensions (2x2 m) or maximum (6x6 m). If a large object is planned, then it is better to build it behind a residential building so as not to block the house.

The disadvantages of rectangular structures include their simplicity appearance. If the walls are not decorated, the gazebo may get lost against the background of other buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider its external design.

Rectangular gazebo decorated with fresh flowers

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Round form

Round-shaped buildings require careful selection of materials. It is difficult to build a round gazebo from the most popular tree. When building in an antique style with columns, cement mortar is used, forged elements for the construction of a gazebo. Openwork open gazebos made of forged metal will emphasize the refined taste of the owners, but are very expensive.

A semicircular gazebo with columns has become popular today open type in oriental style. They are called rotundas and are erected near bodies of water. Round structures are spacious; the absence of sharp corners in them creates the most harmonious appearance.

Round gazebo with columns in oriental style

Polyhedral shape

Designs with 6–8 corners combine the main advantages of round and rectangular buildings.

    Occupying a small area, they have good capacity.

    The multifaceted design is characterized by increased stability and strength, which is important in regions with strong winds, snowfalls, and seismic activity.

    The buildings fit into any architectural style.

    They can be either compact in size with a diagonal of 1.5–2 m, or spacious with a diagonal of 3–5 m. You can install such a gazebo in the garden or in front of the house; the entrance can be easily turned in the desired direction.

Most multifaceted open-type buildings have carved wood trim or forged elements. For winter recreation, closed grill houses are built from timber or logs with fireplaces and stoves.

Multifaceted gazebo closed type

Multifaceted open-type gazebo

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer small-scale construction services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

When choosing a multifaceted shape to build a gazebo in the country, it is better to purchase ready-made projects or use the services of construction companies.

Combined buildings

If traditional forms of buildings cannot satisfy the needs of the owner, then combined buildings are chosen. Designs with two floors are multifunctional and spacious. Such a building is usually zoned: the second floor is intended for family recreation, the first floor is for public use. It is also possible to use the first floor as warehouse space or a garage. Such objects are especially popular in small areas, as they can significantly save space.

Look possible options gazebo design on video:

Another option for a combined building is a combination of a closed utility block with an attached open shed for recreation. The utility block is built in a rectangular shape; the canopy can be polyhedron or round.

Owners country houses they say that they often make the same mistake: “When we build a gazebo, we pay more attention external design, not comfort. As a result, the building is inconvenient to use.” Therefore, it is better to immediately learn from the mistakes of others and evaluate the practicality of the building in advance.

Two-story wooden gazebo

Small designs

Such structures are erected in small areas, often attached to residential building or other building. The main advantage of such structures is their low cost and minimum size occupied area.

The average width is 1.5–2 m, length – 2–2.5 m. A metal profile and wooden posts are used for the frame. Lightweight cellular polycarbonate is used as cladding material.

Small gazebo with polycarbonate roof

What to prefer: open or closed gazebo

Garden structures can be made closed or open depending on the planned use.

An open gazebo will be a wonderful place to relax in summer time. The structure must have a reliable frame and roof that will protect from sunlight and precipitation. The absence of walls allows air to circulate freely; in the heat, the breeze will blow across vacationers. To build the frame, you can use brick, metal profiles, and wooden supports. A railing is installed along the perimeter of the building, decorative fencing or supports with climbing plants.

An open wooden gazebo with a stove located in a flowering garden

Indoor facilities are suitable for relaxation in any weather. Indoor pavilions have a roof and solid glazed walls, front door. Installing heating devices will allow you to relax in them even in winter. Brick, wood, and glass are suitable for construction. Minor disadvantages of such structures include the high cost of construction. The presence of walls will not create a feeling of complete solitude with nature.

Big closed gazebo with oven

To save money, but at the same time be able to use the gazebo in winter, install a structure with removable frames.

Closed gazebo with the possibility of removing double-glazed windows in the warm season

Gazebo with grill or barbecue

Owners of gazebos with barbecues can grill kebabs and not worry about the weather. In order for the structure to be safe and reliable, a foundation is made for it with additional supports for the barbecue and stove. The walls are erected from bricks, blocks, wooden beams with fire-resistant treatment.

The shape of the barbecue is chosen according to personal preference; it is only important to ensure that there is a side along its edge for support on the frame. A warm wood stove is easy to use, but it weighs a lot and requires a reinforced foundation.

The design of a building with an open fire source must take into account fire regulations. It is necessary to provide 3 m of free space in front of the barbecue or firebox, and more than 1 m on the sides. The wall close to the fire source can be sheathed with cement-bonded particle board. Flooring under the grill and within a radius of 1 meter from it is covered with sheet iron. If the floor is stone, then additional protection no need.

Gazebo with barbecue

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden gazebos

Wooden structures are the most common in garden construction. They have many advantages.

    Affordable price. The buildings are durable, but do not require large expenses.

    Large selection of materials: logs, solid and laminated timber, lining, boards.

    Wood is easy to process, so you can build an object with the most complex design.

    High environmental performance.

    Working with wood is easy and does not require expensive equipment.

The disadvantages of wooden structures include the need for regular treatment with antiseptics, fire and bioprotective agents. If the material is of low quality and poorly dried, then cracks and distortions may form in the finished building.

Large wooden gazebo – environmental material and attractive appearance

Advantages and disadvantages of metal gazebos

The metal is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to changes in temperature and humidity. Garden buildings made of metal can be welded or forged. Welded structures have a low cost and simple design. Assembly of such a gazebo is quick and simple. The object will not be very heavy, which allows you to build a lightweight foundation.

Lace forged gazebos will decorate any cottage. They are made according to individual sketches, their cost is very high. Disadvantages include the inability to buy finished object and assemble it yourself. Metal heats up in the sun; it is better to install metal structures in the shade.

Metal gazebo with barbecue

Protection of the structure from negative environmental influences

The harmful effects of precipitation and sunlight can reduce the service life of buildings made of wood and metal. For external protection it is necessary to use special means.

How to protect the gazebo from bad weather, watch the video:

Metal structures are coated with anti-corrosion compounds, primed and painted. The treatment prevents corrosion processes and the appearance of rust. Wooden elements are treated with protective agents against pests, fungi and mold. Impregnations containing oils form a varnish film on the surface, the wood will not get wet.

Treatment wooden gazebo antiseptics


Beautiful gazebos will not only decorate your site, they will allow you to have fun in nature, regardless of the weather.

A beautiful DIY wooden gazebo is a stylish and practical small architectural form that will help decorate your garden plot in any design direction. This is a comfortable place to relax in nature at any time of the year - choosing the right type of structure will help you enjoy the functionality of the gazebo not only in the summer.

tree most practical material to create a frame:

  • wood is easy to process using accessible tools;
  • the material allows you to embody almost any style and shape;
  • wood is an environmentally friendly material;
  • given that correct processing, perfectly tolerates external influences - moisture, temperature changes;
  • The advantages of wood include high strength and durability.

Types of gazebos

According to the criterion of operating characteristics and functional load, the following are distinguished:

According to the criterion of design features:

According to the criterion of location on the site:

How to choose a gazebo style?

Depending on the style of landscape design and the residential building on the site, you can choose the appropriate gazebo option:

Do-it-yourself summerhouses are represented by two of their distant relatives:

DIY gazebos: where to start?

If you have chosen a style and design option, you should choose a location for the structure. Depending on the size and shape of the site, the dimensions of the small architectural structure depend. Consider the purpose for which you are installing the structure:

In the first case, you should choose a secluded place, not very close to a residential building, so that unfriendly gatherings do not interfere with the rest of those who are in the house. Especially if several generations live in the house. As a decoration, the gazebo is installed so that it fits as harmoniously as possible into and emphasizes its features.

A gazebo for feasts can be made in a closed form by equipping a fireplace inside, a lighting system, installing heating devices. If you install it close to your home, you can quickly transport food and dishes prepared in the kitchen.

How to make or garden plot? It is worth paying attention to the recommendations.

Select the location for construction according to the following criteria:

  • the area should not be subject to flooding;
  • preferably a flat, open place;
  • you should not install a gazebo next to outbuildings And .

Photos and drawings of wooden gazebos with your own hands will help you choose the best option:

Foundation and walls for the gazebo

Depending on the type of soil, the purpose of constructing the building, and its parameters, we choose the type of foundation: slab, columnar, strip. A massive structure needs a strong and reliable foundation.

Wall options:

  • wooden beam;
  • boards;
  • whole logs;
  • slats.

If you are a professional, build a structure complex shape, round or 6-gonal, will not be difficult. For a beginner, we recommend starting with a simple, square or rectangular gazebo with lattice walls - it looks elegant and stylish.

Building a gazebo from timber with your own hands - video

DIY gazebo: drawings and dimensions

Let's look at the features of building a small open gazebo made of wood. Characteristics of the future design:

  • size: 3x3 meters;
  • height of the structure to the top – 3.5 meters;
  • 4-pitched roof;
  • columnar foundation.

The initial stage for the construction of a gazebo

Preparing the site for construction. It needs to be cleared, excess vegetation removed, and the surface leveled. The size of the plot should be one and a half meters larger on each side than the building itself. Gazebo from natural wood with your own hands should be protected from flooding.

We buy materials for the gazebo

For square building 3x3 meters you need to purchase timber in several cross-section options:

  • 10x10 cm: 3-meter beams in the amount of 5 pieces for the base; 4 pieces 2.3 meters long for supports, 5 pieces meter long for the construction of the entrance, 3 pieces for strengthening and rigidity of the structure, for the center of other sides of the structure.
  • 10x4 cm: for the roof - 8 pieces of 2 meters each, 7 beams of 3 meters each for piping and railings, beams of 2 pieces in sizes 1 and 4.3 meters (roof cross and railings).

To create a gazebo other than timber:

  • solid floorboard: 4 cm thick, 9 sq. m;
  • lining in the amount of 20 sq. m;
  • wooden slats;
  • inch for roof sheathing;
  • roof covering;
  • bricks and cement;
  • 5 kg of nails and screws;
  • special processing agents for wood (about 15-20 liters).

Installation of a columnar foundation

How to build a gazebo with your own hands? It is very important to build the foundation correctly.

The optimal type for a small, open building is columnar. IN in this case, brick was chosen for it.

What is needed to install a columnar foundation:

  • item for digging holes for posts: a drill or an ordinary shovel;
  • level for leveling;
  • roulette;
  • material for posts;
  • cement;
  • steel reinforcement to strengthen the structure;
  • roofing felt for waterproofing the bottom of a wooden gazebo.

Want to save money? If you have already used bricks, you can use them for the foundation.

A drawing is presented according to which the area for installing the gazebo should be marked.

It is necessary to dig holes at the points where the foundation pillars will be installed. The last row of bricks should be at ground level. Before laying the brick, you need to create a cushion that is placed at the bottom of the hole. The pillow is made of crushed stone or sand.

Using a hydraulic level it is necessary to level the plane brick pillars. To ensure the rigidity of the structure, reinforcement bars must be inserted into the corner posts.

Considering the size of the building, the result should be 9 columns: 4 corner, 4 intermediate between the corners, 1 central.

The supports should be located under the side walls every 2 meters. Considering that brick was chosen as the material for the supports, the holes need to be dug with a shovel, they should have a square shape. Recommended depth – 50 cm (not less). Hand drill used if the posts are made, for example, from metal pipes.

For the base, beams with a cross section of 10x10 cm were purchased in the amount of 5 pieces. The reinforcement that remains on the surface of the posts is placed in a hole drilled in the corner beams.

In order to connect the beams at their intersections, you can use the “half-tree” fastening technique. If everything is done according to technology, the result will be a reliable, durable structure.

Installation of the floor in the gazebo

The design can be made with or without a floor. Floor installation requires a foundation.

If there is no floor, you need to prepare a platform for the gazebo, finished paving slabs, paving stones. The option without creating a special area is also allowed for summer open buildings.

Now consider the option with a foundation and floors. Installation is carried out after the foundation is completely completed and strengthened. What you need for the floor:

  • beam;
  • edged board;
  • tools: hammer, drill, level, jigsaw;
  • nails.

The easiest way to create floors is in a square or rectangular gazebo. The first step is to install timber around the perimeter of the base. Fastening is carried out using reinforcement that protrudes from the foundation.

The next step is to install logs every 30-40 cm. The floor should not be inclined, so you need to use a level.

And the last thing is covering the floor with boards.

When processing wood, it is necessary to use special substances to protect it from rotting, negative influence insects

Frame installation

For the frame, logs 2.3 meters long with a section of 10x10 cm are intended:

  1. The surface of the beams should be smooth; an electric plane can be used to process the surface.
  2. It is necessary to make cuts to attach the roof rafters. The thickness of the cut depends on the thickness of the planks.
  3. In the corners of the gazebo there is reinforcement that must be mounted on support posts. To do this, you need to make a small hole at the end of the post - about 1 cm in diameter.
  4. The posts must be absolutely straight and vertical - you need to use a level to check the post's position.
  5. The position of the pillar is secured using first rough and then finishing struts made of timber.

In addition to wood, PVC or steel pipes. Polymer materials do not require special protection against rotting.

Installation of a roof for a gazebo and lining with clapboard

Construction process:

  1. For the roof, a cross is formed from wooden beams. To connect, you can use the “half-tree” technique.
  2. Cuts are made at the edges of the boards to connect with similar cuts on the supports.
  3. It is recommended to use a special block to enhance the strength and durability of the connection.
  4. The structure is installed on supports.

After the frame is assembled, it is necessary to install the pillars and railings.

It is planned to create a 4-slope roof and cover it with bitumen shingles.

To create the roof, we use 10x10 cm timber - an 8-sided section about 80 cm long is made from it. Makes a cut in the timber for the first 2 planks. This is a post that will be fixed in the central part of the cross; it will ensure the strength of the future roof.

2 rafters are connected using the half-tree method and fixed in the grooves. We then attach the second pair of rafters to the central post. The entire structure is assembled on the ground.

When 2 pairs of rafters are secured, we attach 4 more planks so that their lower ends lie on a bunch of outer posts.

If winter in your area is characterized by heavy snowfall, you should consider additional roof reinforcement. You need to add support posts between the corner supports, above the center foundation posts.

Now you can move on to covering the gazebo with clapboard and roofing work.

To cover the gazebo, we chose clapboard and special fasteners for its simple and aesthetic fastening. The roof is made of wood - planks up to 3 cm thick. We gradually cover all the roof slopes with these planks.

It is imperative to take care of creating a drain - the lower strips must protrude beyond the rafters by at least 10 cm.

In the future, the roofing covering will be laid on top of the sheathing. The choice of roofing depends on stylistic nuances and financial capabilities.

The open parts of the gazebo, which are not covered with clapboard, can be decorated with thin wooden planks, fixed crosswise.

Since the work is carried out with wood, care must be taken to protect the structure from negative influences external factors. Wood is treated with special substances to protect it from rotting.

Alternative: log walls

Projects for building a gazebo at the dacha involve the use of logs to create side walls.

If you choose logs for the walls of the gazebo, keep in mind that you do not need a frame. The actual laying of logs in rows begins immediately. The first row is attached to a base protected by waterproofing. Fastening the corners is done by creating grooves at the ends. Docking is done at the corners. The number of rows depends on the project - for an open type structure, 3-4 rows are enough.

What material to choose for the roof?

The material that will cover the roof of the gazebo must meet a number of requirements:

  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • high level of strength with low weight;
  • durability;
  • providing protection from precipitation (especially if the gazebo is closed and will be used in the autumn-winter period);
  • stylistic match, if the house is covered with soft bitumen shingles, it is naturally better to use it for the gazebo.

The calculation of the roof truss system depends on the choice of roofing material, so you need to think through all the points in advance. The weight of the future structure, which also takes into account the roof, influences the choice of foundation type.

When choosing, consider the type of gazebo, its style and purpose.

What roofing options can be used for a wooden gazebo:

Foundation options for gazebos

Above is an example of the technology for installing a columnar foundation. This type combines practicality and ease of installation. There may be two more types of bases for a wooden gazebo in your arsenal:

High-quality execution of the gazebo is the key to its durability and aesthetics.

Video about building a wooden gazebo with your own hands

Is there enough space for small architectural structures on your dacha or house plot? Then use it to build an open gazebo, where in the summer you can have a snack and relax in the shade or celebrate an important event. If you do not have such experience, then for manufacturing it is better to take available materials from wood - beams, boards and logs; erecting walls of stone or brick is a more difficult task. But first you need to figure out how to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands, which is discussed in this article.

Selecting a gazebo project

The first stage is choosing a design suitable for your dacha. If everything is calculated correctly from the very beginning, then you won’t have to redo anything later, which means the construction will be inexpensive. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How much area are you willing to allocate to make a gazebo? Sketch detailed plan plot and indicate on it not only the future structure, but also other planned and existing objects - a garden, a vegetable garden, an outdoor barbecue and even a children's swing. This will help determine the exact location of the building and its dimensions.
  2. How many guests and residents of the house will be in the gazebo at the same time?
  3. What should be the design and decor of the new building, including the interior?
  4. What materials are available and how much more will need to be purchased.

Note. The dimensions of the open pavilion depend on the planned number of vacationers. To freely accommodate 2-3 people, a room of 2 x 2 m is enough (including a table and benches), and for 10 guests you will need a platform of 4 x 4 m.

Homeowners without experience construction work rectangular or square design is recommended, this is the simplest and cheap option. Hexagonal and octagonal gazebos look much more beautiful, but they are also more difficult to build. The same applies to round structures, where during the assembly process it is necessary to provide for smooth turns of the walls. An example of an original DIY gazebo is shown in the photo:

The main difficulty in the construction of hexagonal and round structures is the installation of the roof. It won't work here a budget option with a pitched or gable roof, which covers the square pavilions. You will have to make a hipped roof in the form of a tent or dome, shown in the photo below, and this complicates the task.

Reference. Landscape design uses unusual architectural forms that do not have a roof at all. These are pergolas - canopies covered on top with grapes and other climbing plants. The roof covering in such gazebos is a sheathing made of boards or timber, which is subsequently entwined with vines.

This is what a pergola looks like - a gazebo without a solid roof

As for building materials, it is better for beginners to build their first gazebo from wood - boards, timber, OSB boards. People with experience can take on the metal gazebo with a polycarbonate roof shown in the picture. But you need to understand that metal, in particular pipes and profiles, will cost more than timber.

The interior design of the gazebo is left to your discretion. But the arrangement of furniture and various fixtures needs to be thought out in advance so that there is enough space. The minimum set is a table and benches for vacationers; how to arrange them is shown in the photo. A stove with a barbecue grill, a fireplace and various furniture, for example, wicker chairs and cabinets.

How to make a simple gazebo

We present a rectangular structure measuring 2.2 x 3 m, assembled from boards using only two tools - a screwdriver and an electric jigsaw. To build a wooden gazebo shown in the diagram, you will need:

  • board 150 x 40 mm – approximately 1 m³;
  • sheets of ondulin or corrugated sheets – 10 pcs.;
  • ridge shaped elements – 5 pcs.;
  • galvanized self-tapping screw 4.2 x 75 mm – 450 pcs.

The idea behind this building is to apply the rapid construction technique. frame houses, when all the walls are assembled on the ground, and then placed in a vertical position and connected to each other. Due to this, you can make a gazebo literally in one day, as shown in the video at the end of the section. Next, we will look at the work in stages, starting with the construction of the foundation.

Preparing the base

Before you build a simple garden gazebo for your dacha, you need to clear the area, remove all interfering objects from it and level the ground. Since the structure is very light, the ground settlement under its weight will be minimal. Here, the columnar foundation will rather serve as an anchor so that the structure does not move from its place due to strong gusts of wind.

Note. The video below shows that the master does not make a foundation for his structure at all, but only lays concrete tiles.

Scheme of a cinder block base

To install a columnar foundation, use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mark the area and locate the 4 corner posts. Dig holes at the designated points under brick pillars dimensions 380 x 380 mm. The depth of mini-pits is 0.7-0.8 m.
  2. Compact the bottom of the holes and pour a sand cushion 10-15 cm thick. Prepare 4-5 buckets of M150 concrete and lay it on the sand to form a platform.
  3. After the concrete mixture has hardened, lay out the columns with a cross-section of one and a half bricks. Cinder blocks laid in pairs with a bandage are also suitable.
  4. Cover the walls of the pillars with bitumen, then fill the remaining gaps with soil. Place waterproofing made of 2 layers of roofing material on top of the foundations.

For subsequent fastening of the wooden frame, iron rods are inserted vertically inside the posts. There is another way - installing beams on anchor bolts. Base of this type also suitable for building a pavilion on an iron frame welded from round and profile pipes.

Important point. If you plan to lay a stove and bricks inside the gazebo, then a separate foundation is needed for it. How to build it correctly is described in.

Construction of walls and roofs

In short, your task is to twist the 2 end walls, install them in a vertical position and connect them with beams. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Make frames end walls, as shown in the photo. For corner posts, use 2 boards, between which the bottom crossbar and rafters are attached with self-tapping screws. For rigidity, screw a small jumper between the boards that form the roof ridge.
  2. Install the frames in the designed position and secure with supports. Connect them together with boards from below and above.
  3. Cut out puberty and secure it in the middle of the building between two boards connecting the gables.
  4. At a height of 0.8-0.9 m, attach railings that will serve as additional rigidity. Tie them with vertical posts to the bottom board of the roof sheathing.
  5. Finally form the roof frame from longitudinally laid boards. Lay ondulin or corrugated sheet on top and screw the ridge elements.

Advice. No need to repeat inclined structure walls, as the master does in the photo. For simplicity, make gables with vertical posts, and then proceed in the same order.

Before assembling the frame, do not forget to soak all the wood with an antiseptic compound and let it dry. This operation is mandatory if you want to extend the life of the structure. Priming and painting will be done upon completion of construction.

Floor installation and decoration

In this design, floors are laid very simply: you need to lay boards on 3 existing joists, aligned along one edge. Then screw them with self-tapping screws to the joists and cut off the ends sticking out on the other side. Leave a gap of about 1 mm between the floorboards so that they do not rub against each other or creak.

Advice. Before laying the floors, attach vertical posts to the central joist; they will serve as supports for future benches.

When the floors are ready, it is worth making stationary benches from the same boards along the side walls. To do this, you need to install short racks in the corners (the middle one is already there) and connect them with crossbars. The role of the backrests will be played by the horizontal jumpers mounted earlier.

To design the resulting gazebo, you can give full rein to your imagination. Instead of unsightly ondulin, you can put reed mats on the roof and decorate the side openings decorative grilles. It wouldn’t hurt to light the gazebo inside and paint it the desired color or cover the wood with several layers of varnish.

Construction process on video

Construction of a hexagonal gazebo

Building an arbor with six corners is somewhat more difficult, although the order of work remains the same. The following materials are usually used for construction:

  • timber 15 x 15 cm - on horizontal beams;
  • timber 10 x 10 cm for racks;
  • board 10 x 5 cm is used for roofing.

Foundation drawing with laid beams

To begin, draw a sketch of the future structure on the site plan - regular hexagon. Enter it into the area allocated for construction and determine the location of the center of the structure. Now you can start marking the yard.

Since hexagonal garden gazebos differ in shape, marking the area will take more time. To mark the installation points of the foundation pillars and vertical racks gazebos, find the center of the structure and drive a peg into the ground, referring to the drawing. Then tie a rope to it whose length is half external size pavilion, and attach a stick to the end. You will get an improvised compass with which you will draw a circle on the ground. By dividing it into 6 equal segments, you will determine the position of the supports.

  1. Place at designated points columnar foundations, as described in the previous section.
  2. Having placed roofing material on the foundation columns, attach beams made of timber to them, connected to each other in half a tree. In the middle, install 3 intermediate logs (can be made of round timber) for laying the floors.
  3. Place 6 vertical posts and fix them to the beams at the corners. Connect the upper ends of the supports with boards and install railings, thereby strengthening the frame of the gazebo.
  4. Assemble the rafter system. The base should be a hexagonal element hewn out of wood, adjacent to it are rafters extending from each corner and the middle of the face (shown in the photo). Make the sheathing and lay the roofing from the selected material.
  5. Lay the floors and finish the walls.

Note. The rafter system does not have to be assembled locally, at a height. The structure can be put together on the ground, and then lifted with helpers and attached to the posts.

Construction of the rafter system

If desired, you can make a large hexagonal gazebo winter Garden. To do this, you will need to glaze all openings and provide for the installation of a stove with a chimney. The procedure for conducting construction work is shown in detail in the video:

Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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A gazebo on the estate is an integral part of modern landscape design. The beauty is that a gazebo with your own hands can be made in absolutely any style. Many people ask the main question after they decide to build a gazebo with their own hands - where to start? We will give a clear answer to this question in today’s material, and will also analyze equally important points regarding the construction of a wooden gazebo with our own hands.

Before starting work, you need to realize that a gazebo is a fairly simple structure that does not require special skills and knowledge in the field of construction. If you understand simple technology and the sequence, which will be discussed below, then a gazebo can be erected in a couple of days, with a minimum of effort, because in the end, you don’t Vacation home gathered to build.

Moreover, having studied detailed guide By building a gazebo with your own hands from wood, you will save not only time and effort, but also money. If the gazebo design below is not to your liking, you can choose a slightly different shape, because you will now be familiar with the main stages and principles of construction. Who knows, maybe you will be able to make such a masterpiece with your own hands, shown in the photo below. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

DIY gazebo. What to make it from?

Let’s immediately decide on the material for the future design. Majority experienced builders They assure that the best gazebos are made of wood. This choice offers a lot of advantages:

· natural look;

· ease of construction of the structure;

· simple wood processing;

· You can make a design of any style.

In addition, during the construction process you will need the most ordinary tool, which lies in every owner’s garage. Just as little materials will be required for the construction, which will save significant money. Don’t forget that if you wish, you can build a gazebo out of wood that, at the sight of it, guests will not want to leave your site. This is of course sarcasm, but there is some truth in it.

What about the foundation?

The wooden gazebo is quite plastic, elastic and weighs little. Thanks to these qualities, you can begin its construction without a previously prepared foundation. It is enough to treat the wood with special chemicals to protect it from contact with the ground. This will protect it from the effect of rotting. Moreover, there are types of gazebos, for example, wicker ones, which would be simply stupid to place on a foundation.

Initial stage of work

The first thing that needs to be done is to work out in detail the plan for the future construction. If you can’t get your bearings regarding design, then today there are a lot of magazines and websites dedicated to construction topics. There you can consider examples of the most unusual, and at the same time the most simple gazebos for the estate. Drawing up a plan includes:

· purpose of the building;

· gazebo shape;

The shape of the structure can be square, round, rectangular, octagonal, hexagonal, and so on. Site owners with creative thinking and wild imagination can experiment by building a gazebo in the shape of Baba Yaga’s house, a fairy-tale palace or a spaceship. Below is a very creative and unusual example of a gazebo.

Or you can give preference to more classic style, which will look simple and tasteful.

Gazebos also differ in their purpose. You need to decide from the very beginning whether you just want to relax in the shade in the fresh air or whether a large group will have fun in the gazebo.

If the first option, then you can start building a regular gazebo with your own hands with several benches.

If you plan to build it for a fun time for a company, give preference to a large platform and a canopy.

For those people who cannot imagine a holiday without barbecue in nature and field kitchen, ideal option there will be a gazebo with a Russian stove or.

Advice! Before choosing the shape of the future structure, you should pay attention to the existing buildings on the site, as well as the landscape design in general. The chosen style of gazebo should be in harmony with the surroundings.

Deciding on a place

Once you've made your final decision on the design, it's time to choose a suitable location. Regarding the proximity of the gazebo to the house, this question remains at the discretion of the owner. Based on the following: do you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your home or do you want to spend time sitting outside with your household.

Do not locate the building in a low-lying area; this cannot be done for obvious reasons - it is in the low-lying areas that water will accumulate over time, which will lead to rotting of the wood.

Advice! Place the gazebo near trees, flower beds or other vegetation. This way you will achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, because it’s nice when you have a view of the wonderful plants from the gazebo.

DIY gazebo. Photos, drawings

After the above preparatory activities, let's start designing. The drawing will take into account:

· height;

· size;

· components;

· methods of fastening, etc.

The drawing should also take into account the amount of necessary building materials that will need to be pre-purchased.

For example, we settled on the standard square shape buildings with a roof. This is the design that will be discussed in today's practical guide. We remind you that taking into account the information and examples below, you can choose any other gazebo design you like.

Required tools and materials

To begin construction, you must have the following materials:

· concrete for the installation process of racks;

· timber 15x15 cm for making the base and racks;

· timber 10x10 cm for roofing elements and top sheathing;

· beams for logs 5x15 cm;

· board for flooring;

· plywood or roofing boards;

· roofing materials, depending on your choice, it can be metal tiles, slate or corrugated sheets;

· boards for railings and other decorative structures;

· lining for side cladding;

· frames with glass (if these elements are provided for in the plan);

· paint, varnish;

· self-tapping screws, screws, nails.

It is worth remembering that changing the project will also affect the list of materials; it can either decrease or increase, remember this.

Also make sure you have the tools you will need during the construction process:

· hatchet;

· shovel;

· hacksaw for wood;

· electric or chainsaw;

· hammer with nail puller;

· plane;

· chisel;

· roulette;

· ladder.

Armed with the above tools, you can build almost any wooden gazebo on your site.

How to build a gazebo with your own hands

After all of the above recommendations have been completed, it’s time to start the main thing - building a gazebo with your own hands. To begin with, it is necessary to treat the wood used with moisture-proof and antiseptic agents. This must be done to protect the tree from rotting.

On next stage supports must be installed. Use pegs and ropes to mark the location of the future building.

Advice! In order to get a perfectly even rectangle or square, it is necessary to maintain the symmetry of the diagonals.

We will focus on the option when the foundation is not poured, but. This option is much easier to implement. Dig holes about a meter deep for the posts.

Compact the bottom of the holes with gravel, approximately 5 cm, and then fill with a 10 cm layer of concrete. Wait until the concrete hardens a little and place the anchors in it. It is on them that the racks will subsequently be attached.

You can do it a little easier. Place the post vertically in the hole and fill with concrete. It is important to ensure that the stand is installed level and strictly vertical. The posts must be dug into the ground in such a way that their piping forms a perfect square.

After installing the racks, it's time to start building the frame. This action must begin with bottom trim. For the floor, you can use ordinary timber, which must be laid every 50 cm. This design is guaranteed to withstand the weight of the flooring.

Next, install the remaining frame structures - racks. They are responsible for supporting the roof and the top trim. The location of the racks must be strictly symmetrical, the number of which depends on the dimensions of the gazebo.

After erecting the frame, we begin laying the floor. The floorboard is attached using ordinary screws or nails.

Installing the roof is a critical stage of construction. First of all, it is carried out top harness the entire structure of beams, which must be attached to the supports with nails. Subsequent construction depends on what roof shape you have chosen for your future gazebo. More often four or gable roof, due to its practicality, reliability and ease of execution.

The hipped roof looks very original; we will focus on it as an example. To make the structure stronger, it is necessary to install additional rafters fixed to the top and main frames. You should ensure the symmetry of the rafters, this is very important.

Important! It is necessary to fasten the material to each other every 20 cm along the entire length of the rafters.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that you should follow safety regulations when working at height. Make sure that the stepladder does not wobble and that there are no sharp or dangerous tools underneath you.

The final stage is decorative design. It's time to show your imagination and decorate the walls, roof and railings of the gazebo. Usually they use a standard beam for the railing, then covering the structure with clapboard.

If you get a little confused, you can apply carvings to the wooden surface of railings and walls. This adds color and originality finished design. However, for wood carving to look truly impressive, there must be certain skills in this matter.

Afterwards you can open it wooden surfaces varnish or paint them.

Further actions depend on your preferences. You can fill the gazebo with comfortable and roomy sofas, install a chaise longue in it, or give preference to ordinary benches and a table.

By the way, you can also decorate tables, benches and chairs for the gazebo yourself. This will complement the overall design. Provide lights, install mosquito nets, take care of the path from the gazebo to the house and enjoy outdoor recreation with close friends and family.

Weaving from twigs - simplifying the process

If you like things simple but tasteful, then you'll definitely love our next idea. Moreover, it will significantly simplify the construction process. A gazebo made of twigs is very popular today. It not only looks impressive, but is also quite practical.

The process of building a gazebo from twigs with your own hands is quite simple. It is necessary to drive the rods into the ground to a depth of 35 cm. The main thing is that the rods form a symmetrical square or rectangle, although the structure can be made in the shape of a hexagon or octagon.

It is also possible to sheathe installed wooden racks an ordinary gazebo with wickerwork. This also looks impressive. If your gazebo is located near the sea or river, you can use ordinary ropes for weaving; it will look quite appropriate.

It is worth emphasizing that weaving is a very painstaking process, although not expensive. Based on the above weaving patterns, you can choose the most suitable pattern for your gazebo.

DIY gazebo made of wood step by step video

Surely, you have seen from your own experience that it is not difficult to build a gazebo with your own hands from wood on your site. We figured out how to build a gazebo with our own hands. Choose the gazebo design you like and decide on the construction site. The main thing is to adhere to the above recommendations and use our methodology. Don't worry, you will definitely succeed. We recommend watching the following video of the process of building a gazebo yourself, for a better understanding of the construction process.


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