Safely heat your tent in winter. Choosing a heater for a camping tent

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Spending the night in a tent is great. But when it’s cold outside, it requires special preparation, especially if children take part in the hike. Today we will find out what methods exist for heating a tent during the cold season. Let's start with the simplest and end with the most technologically advanced and costly.

Clothes and sleeping bag

An important role in the matter of heating is played by the tourist’s clothing, his mattress, and his clothes. If all these attributes are selected correctly and executed with high quality, then they will be quite enough to comfortably spend the night in autumn forest. However, with the arrival of real cold weather, such warmth will not be enough. There will also be little of it for children, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, children get colder. And secondly, in their sleep they like to toss and turn and open up. Therefore, it is important to heat the entire tent.

By the way, if you are spending the night in, and in principle, and in any other case, try to make sure that the parts of your body are in contact with each other as much as possible. At a minimum, take your arms out of your sleeves. The principle of a mitten works here, which, as you know, warms (or, more correctly, retains body heat) much more effectively than a glove. To make the night in a sleeping bag warmer before severe cold sets in, it will help simple bottle With hot water, which you need to take with you in your bag. You will get a kind of heating pad.


The second easiest way is to heat the tent with candles. It will be suitable in the fall when you need to warm it up a little, but in winter candles will not be enough. A live fire in a tent is very dangerous, so it can only be used in two cases. The first is when you are awake and can monitor the burning of the candle and its vertical position. Typically, candles are used by winter fishing enthusiasts who set up a tent not for sleeping, but for protection from wind and precipitation. Well, the second case is when the candle is in a safe burner. The design of such a burner was invented by tourists. You just need to take the metal shell from an old flask thermos and put the candle in it. This burner has a number of advantages. Firstly, if the thermos falls, the candle will remain in it and will not cause harm. Secondly, the candle heats the thermos, which means the heat transfer surface increases significantly.


Heating a tent using a stone/stones - old way, characterized by its simplicity and reliability. It is suitable for stronger cold weather than the previous two. But here, as in everything, there are some nuances.

If you just take a heated stone and bring it into the tent, it will be hot, but not for long. In just an hour the stone will cool down and the cold will set in again. The first way to increase the cooling time of the stone is to place it in a kettle and cover it with a lid. Such a simple manipulation will heat the tent for three hours, but this is not enough for a comfortable sleep. It is necessary to slow down the heat transfer of the stone so that it remains hot for at least 6-8 hours. For these purposes, simple aluminum foil is used. It is non-flammable, lightweight and very compact. If you wrap the stone in several layers of foil, it will cool much more slowly and will not create stuffiness in the first hours of cooling. Warmth will be maintained by air gap between layers. If you feel that it is getting cold in the tent, simply remove one layer of foil.

A hot stone can burn through the bottom of the tent, so it is placed in a kettle or saucepan. It is good if the stone gets stuck in the socket of the container and does not heat its bottom. Otherwise, you need to put a wooden plank under the pan. Another important nuance: Do not heat the stone too intensely in the fire. Due to a sharp temperature change on the surface and inside, it may crack.

A canister of hot water works like a stone. Only heat transfer occurs much faster.

Warming up the earth

Now we’ll find out how to heat a tent while camping in severely cold conditions. Old and reliable way- put up a tent at the site of the fire. There are two options here. The first takes more time and energy. First, in the place where the tent will be installed in the future, you need to remove the turf. You should dig to a depth of 20 centimeters. Then a huge fire with wide logs is built in this pit. The main goal at this stage is to dry and warm the earth, as well as to obtain large coals. When the coals are ready, they are evenly distributed over the pit and covered with a 7-10 cm layer of earth. It is important that the soil is dry. If there is none, you need to use the second method given below. Dry grass or spruce branches are laid on the ground, and a tent is placed on top. The tent is heated throughout the night.

The second option is less energy intensive. In this case, there is no need to dig a hole. All you need to do is light a large fire, and when it burns out, carefully remove the coals to the side. Spruce branches are laid on the ground hot from the fire and a tent is pitched.

Heating a tent using a pipe

Let's move on to more sophisticated and technologically advanced methods. To bring this idea to life, you need to take 5-6 meters of duralumin pipe with you on a hike. It can be divided into meter sections for convenient transportation. It’s even better to take pieces of different diameters and stack them on top of each other. But do not forget about the seal at the joints, otherwise all the heat will escape into the air. The weight of such a set will not be significant at all.

So, to begin with, a fire is lit a few meters from the entrance to the tent. The pipe is placed on the fire so that one end goes into the tent, and the other protrudes beyond the flame so that smoke does not enter it. The end of the pipe that goes into the tent should be 1.5 meters higher than the second end. This design works very simply: cold air entering the pipe heats up and rises, entering the tent. The steeper the slope of the pipe, the more air will circulate. And the closer the fire is to the tent, the hotter this air will become.

To provide yourself efficient heating, you can go further and make two holes, as in the picture below. The first is needed to protect the tent from fire, and the second is needed to ensure good airflow. If it's too hot in the tent, you can simply close the pipe.

Heating a tent using the above methods requires energy and time. In conditions where you move to a new place every day and get very tired, this is completely inconvenient. It is also inconvenient if there are children in the hiking group. Therefore, many people prefer to use modern technologies. We'll talk about them below.

Gas heater

- a simple design device that has compact dimensions and does an excellent job of heating the tent. By itself it works very unproductively. It simply heats the air, which is mixed due to natural convection. To make a real heater, a special nozzle (working fluid) is put on the burner, which accumulates heat and gradually releases it to the air. It is the nozzle on gas burner for heating a tent determines the type of device. Nozzles are available in metal and ceramic. In addition to nozzles that work in tandem with the burner, there are independent heaters, which also have a metal or ceramic structure as a working fluid. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Heater with metal working fluid

Such a camping heater can be either an attachment to a gas stove or independent device. The first option requires special care, because its hot surface is usually not protected. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave such a heater overnight.

Self-contained structures are more suitable for heating a tent at night. They are more stable on the surface and have protection of the danger zone from external objects. Such heaters may have one or two independent burners. Thanks to the parabolic reflector (reflector), the working fluid can be directed in the desired direction. There are a lot of such heaters on sale, both foreign and domestic production. The advantages of the device are simplicity of design, low cost, safety. Disadvantages - low return, insufficient efficiency.

Heater with ceramic working fluid

This type of portable heater has stronger heat dissipation and is therefore more economical. The combustion process takes place on the surface of a ceramic plate, which has a shape similar to a honeycomb. Heat is removed much more efficiently than with an open flame. Up to 50% of combustion energy is converted into thermal radiation. The advantages of ceramic burners are efficiency, compactness, unpretentiousness, a little carbon monoxide is released during operation, and directional action. Unfortunately, domestic heaters are inferior to imported ones on all fronts.

Gasoline heater for tent

Gasoline heaters work on the same principle as gas heaters. The main advantages of such products are availability and ability to work in any weather. A gas burner for heating a tent at a temperature of -5 degrees and below begins to malfunction. However, along with all the advantages, gasoline heaters also have significant disadvantages. The main one is danger. If used incorrectly, the cylinder can cause serious harm. And the fuel itself - gasoline - requires careful transportation.

Safety precautions when working with gas and gasoline heaters

Using these products in a tent is worth Special attention pay attention to the following safety rules:

1. The tent must have at least some ventilation to remove combustion products.

2. The tent heater should be positioned at least half a meter from the wall.

4. It is advisable to have sleeping area at a height of up to 25 cm from the floor. Carbon monoxide heavier than air, so it accumulates at the bottom.

5. Only special cylinders that are equipped with automatic protection are suitable for use in a tent. It blocks the gas supply if the burner goes out or overheats. The cylinder must also have a certificate authorizing its use in residential premises.

6. The heater must be installed on a non-combustible base with an area at least 30% larger than the burner area.

Well, the most effective way to heat a tent is to put a stove in it. This is the method used in army tents. Of course, it has more modest dimensions than the army one, but the essence is the same. This heating method is not suitable for a small tent. You will have to tinker with the stove, but the result will be more than worthy. There are few such products on the market, but they still exist. And some even adapt to gas and gasoline. The stove, as a rule, comes complete with a collapsible chimney. It is made of light metal and does not weigh much at all. Advantages of the stove - it provides a lot of heat, it has a simple, but reliable design hoods, inexpensive, does not require refueling.


Today we found out how to heat a tent while camping. There are many ways to make camping life more comfortable and safer, starting with the use simple candles and ending with full-fledged stoves. Which of this variety to choose depends on the time of year, place of vacation, composition of the group and the personal characteristics of each person. Some people wear a T-shirt in winter and sleep in one sleeping bag, but for others a stove wouldn’t hurt even in the summer.

Hello, dear readers of the site. The topic of heating a tent in winter is extremely relevant for those who like to go fishing from the ice - as they say, fish like fish, and the comfort and pleasure from the process has not been canceled either. When the frost gets stronger and the wind tears so hard that warm clothes does not save, many fishermen make a decision .

The very first fishing trip with a tent will give you an idea - how to heat a tent during winter fishing? How to insulate, what heating devices are best to use? This article aims to cover the topic of heating and answer these questions.

Statement of the problem of heating a tent for fishing in winter

Selecting a heating device is a two-level task:

  1. Deciding on the size of the heated tent— it will be single-person or for a team of fishermen (since tents are often made square, 4 people is the standard). The required heater power sets a set possible options burners, stoves and other devices.
  2. Selecting a heating unit winter tent - the stage is the most critical, as it is associated with financial costs and the fisherman’s hope for a happy, safe and most importantly long-term use of the heating device.

Personally, I have experience using winter fishing tents of both sizes, so I’ll briefly talk about each type of tent and possible devices heating

Heating a single tent for winter fishing

I started with a self-unfolding tent for 500 rubles (a traditional purchase on the Chinese market), shown in the photo:

Let me explain right away: although this tent is formally a two-person tent, there is only enough room for one person to fish in it. The tent has been modified with a three-meter zipper, which allows you to unzip and bend a segment of the bottom to access the holes. As a rule, two holes were used both in freshwater reservoirs and at sea, for flounder. This tent is enough for one to three seasons. I tried many heating options in this tent and came to one, but everything was in order.

Heating the tent with stoves and burners based on gas cartridges

In Primorye and surrounding regions (up to the Vologda region), Chinese portable gas canisters with liquefied gas have spread like cockroaches. Prices for cans are rising, but they don’t go too far - the popularity of cans is not subsiding.

Gas cans and burners for heating a tent in winter

The tempting cost of burners and simplicity are the panacea for heating in winter fishing tents! But that was not the case - there was gas and burners in the garage and at home of this type relevant, but as soon as things go below -10-15 degrees Celsius, these devices will let you down. The can freezes and requires heating to work.

I’m sharing my experience, but before my eyes are the memories of how at 5 in the morning, after setting up a tent in a mad wind, I pinned my hopes on heating from a gas burner, and lit it in vain - I got chills.

The burners provide a lot of heat, but extremely fire hazardous! Even in mild conditions(10 degrees below zero) the burner may sneeze with emissions of gas and, accordingly, fire. When transporting, the burner should be carefully isolated from other things - a speck may get into it and heating will end before it begins. Before my eyes, one friend tried to clean his burner, and as a result his eyebrows disappeared... It could have been worse.

Gas stove on cans - great option only in summer

The option of a gas stove in a convenient black suitcase looks tempting - you can warm up, boil some coffee, or even fry some fish. But gas cartridges cause the same problems as with burners - they don’t work in the cold. The cylinders require systematic heating, and they hiss ominously when heated over an open fire.

A fisherman I know, when heating a tent, found this way: he took two cylinders from the package - one he inserted into the tile, and the second he hid in his bosom. As soon as the fire on the burner weakened, he replaced it. However, an icy belt forms on the gas level of the canister; it can “damage” your well-being, and in general, sitting with an icy layer under a winter suit is a debatable pleasure.

There are options for solving the problem of a gas canister freezing. Watch a short video about heating a fishing tent in winter using gas from small cylinder with one of these options:

To sum it up: burners and hotplates are pampering; to heat a tent in winter you need something more reliable.

Let's move on to the next option - liquid fuel stoves, alcohol lamps, burners.

Heating the tent with liquid fuel stoves and burners

Many devices using kerosene and gasoline are produced by industry. The domestic (often Soviet) “Bumblebee” and “Ogonyok”, as well as the imported “Coleman” and, of course, Chinese ones, are widely used.

Gasoline and kerosene burners and kerosene stoves for heating a tent in winter

I used Bumblebee - the orange one in the picture. Everything about it is great: it burns well, it’s frost-resistant, it’s convenient to cook food and warm up a tent. Perhaps I would recommend that you also get one, like other storytellers on the topic “How to heat a tent.” But there is experience not of a sofa nature, but of a fishing one, both at sea and on the river. He says that the disadvantages of gasoline and kerosene stoves are strong:

Kerosene lantern-heater for a winter tent

  1. There is a need carry a can of fuel(It’s not for me to tell you about the price of good, reliable canisters). One and a half liters, five liters are a temporary solution that brings the smell of gasoline (kerosene) and a non-zero probability of leakage.
  2. Hand contact with fuel is inevitable. Wearing gloves when working with primus parts is practically fantastic, which means you will smell of gasoline or kerosene!!! No, not for fishermen (I wiped my hands and it seemed fine), but for fish. You adjust the light, adjust the bait (worm, scallop or shrimp) with your hand and begin to tell: “ At first it didn’t bite, but then it cut off...«.
  3. Gasoline and kerosene are higher hydrocarbons than gas, often burn with soot and soot on pots and kettles. And frankly speaking, the smell in tents with such heating is not very good. You will get used to it, but an outside observer will feel the smell immediately. The houses will be so full of clothes and all the fishing equipment that there is no need to talk further.

I will highlight kerosene lantern heaters as a separate tempting category. It will heat a single tent and provide light for the hole - just fantastic! But they fully have all the disadvantages described above. These problems aren’t just made up out of thin air; I’ve encountered them myself. No matter how carefully you use gasoline and kerosene heaters for fishing tent in winter - the fish will know about it!

Heating a tent with devices based on dry fuel

Dry fuel is suitable for heating a tent and cooking food, however, if you are not the head of a warehouse with dry rations and an unlimited supply of fuel tablets, you will have to purchase large enough volumes of tablets (briquettes) in order to keep warm all night. It’s simply inconvenient and dangerous to use, constantly add, control... To heat food - yes, to heat a tent - no.

Using candles to heat a tent

We have reached a very interesting, trouble-free and quite effective way heating a single tent. The candle is ideal for heating small tents in any environment. If the frost is not severe, then Gelendzhik in a tent will be created by an ordinary tea or paraffin candle.

If the frost is stronger than -15 degrees, then such a candle is enough to create a thermal buffer zone in the upper part of the tent. We took out the fish, wet our hands, raised it up for a few seconds and it was done. There will be objectors, of course, but I checked it myself - it’s enough to warm up your limbs at -30, but what else is needed? After all, they didn’t come to the ice wearing sneakers.

While I was traveling with a one-person tent, I always used these candles for heating - they are inexpensive, burn for a long time, and provide enough warmth. Many devices have been invented to accumulate heat from candles. For example, here are short but succinct videos about making a candle-based heater with your own hands:

I didn’t make a stove, I took paraffin candles and a candlestick - and there was enough light and warmth at night.


During the cold season, heating is required not only for a residential building or garage, but also for temporary housing - a campsite, a campsite, a tourist tent. The last two options, as a rule, involve a greater distance from settlements and lack of power supply. In addition, the design of a tourist tent itself requires compliance with certain rules, and therefore the heater for it must comply with the established parameters.

Types of heaters

Depending on the purpose tourist trip and its duration, different types of temporary housing are selected. If you are planning a family Sunday picnic, you will need a large camping-type tent. To heat the latter, you will need a fairly high-power device, but since people get to the picnic by car, this will not be difficult. If a two-week hiking route is planned, then both the tent and the device for heating it are selected based on considerations of compactness and lightness.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose the appropriate heating device depending on its purpose.

  • Gas - this option has become popular in the last ten years, due to the appearance on the market large quantity similar devices. Typically, a gas burner can operate in two modes: heating and cooking, and, due to its compactness, has earned positive reviews many tourists.
  • Gasoline heaters are a very common type of camping heaters, due to the low cost and availability of fuel.
  • Collapsible stoves - potbelly stoves. Stoves are in great demand for heating large tents in extreme cold conditions: mountain tourism, mountaineering.
  • Alternative – This category includes various heating methods using local materials. For example, heating stones on the coals of a fire and placing them in a tent, or heating with bottles filled with hot water and the like.

Alcohol candles

The heating option is popular among winter fishing enthusiasts. Such devices are often made independently and consist of some kind of container with a narrow neck filled with alcohol. The wick is immersed in the container, ignited, and the burner is ready for use. When the air temperature is below 5 degrees, you should choose a more efficient heating method.


The design is in demand among fans of hiking because of its light weight. Very easy to use, reliable, compact, and almost silent. The device is available in two modifications.

  • A burner on a cylinder - in addition to the listed advantages, has a disadvantage: at temperatures below 5 degrees it stops functioning. It is recommended to choose such a burner if you plan to hike in spring and autumn.
  • The burner and cylinder are connected using a hose - the device works great at low temperatures.

When using gas burners, safety precautions must be carefully observed. In addition, both designs have one more drawback: the burners can only be attached to their “original” cylinders, so the tourist has to carry gas containers with him. The photo shows a tourist gas burner.

Gas heaters

They also have two modifications and are characterized by greater power.

  • Universal - is a burner equipped with a reflector. Using the regulator, the device can take a vertical or horizontal position for cooking. The burner power is about 1 kW, which allows you to heat 5–6 cubic meters. m.
  • Ceramic gas heater - the fundamental difference is that this device is intended only for heating. You cannot cook food on it. Heating occurs due to flameless oxidation on a catalytic panel. Of all the tourist heaters, this type is the most fireproof. However minimum weight such a device is 0.7 kg, plus replaceable large cylinders. The photo shows a device with a ceramic panel.

They are fundamentally no different from gas burners, except that gasoline is used as fuel. The cost of the devices is lower, and their popularity ensures the availability of fuel that does not need to be carried with you. When using devices, precautions must be taken - devices are fire hazards. If the route goes through nature reserves, it is recommended to abandon this heating method.

Portable ovens

An option that is implemented only in a large tourist group, if necessary, heat a large tent such as a camping or camping one. The stoves are characterized by high heat transfer and, judging by reviews, are indispensable in extreme tourism. However, they have a large weight and dimensions, which narrows their range of applications.

All lovers of tourism and simply relaxing in nature have to solve the problem of heating. You can't light a fire in a tent. And I really want to dry my clothes and equipment after a hike. What can we say about winter tourism!

The ideal solution for this is a portable gas heater. It is lightweight, safe and easy to use. A wide range of models will allow you to choose what you need.

Advantages of a portable gas heater:

  • light weight and compact dimensions;
  • convenient source of fuel - gas cylinder- safe, lightweight, instantly ready for use (can be inserted inside the heater or connected with a flexible hose);
  • high efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the heater;
  • safe - minimum flame size, automatic safety;
  • convenient to use;
  • instant warmth - no need to wait for the air to heat up, infrared radiation will instantly warm you up immediately after turning on the device;
  • can be used outdoors.

You can use a portable gas heater to heat your tent, ice fishing, car, garage and just outdoors. It all depends on the power of the device.

You can also choose a heater for the most convenient gas cylinder size for you - from a miniature gas cylinder to a full-size propane cylinder

A tent is a very useful thing. It is indispensable for romantic outings into nature. It has also become a classic for fishermen, who now rarely go out with just one fishing rod in their hands.

The tent itself is already a comfort. But a person always strives to further improve his living conditions, so attempts to heat a tent do not surprise anyone. It is worth recognizing that a heater in a tent is sometimes even necessary.

You can’t do without it if an outing into nature or a fishing trip takes place in cold weather, and also when children are traveling with adults and should not be cold. For those who like to travel in the mountains, it is completely impossible to do without a winter tent.

Previously, people tried to light fires to keep warm near the tent. But it's unlikely modern man This will go for it. A portable heater for your tent is much more convenient and safer. You can take fuel for it with you, so you don’t have to waste time looking for brushwood.

And around the clock, which is also necessary, there is nothing to say. Therefore, a travel portable heater usually runs on liquid fuel, which can be topped up as needed.

For a winter tent, you can use a portable infrared heater. It is convenient because it does not heat empty air, but a specific area that you need, and does it very well.

Infrared waves are targeted. For example, you direct them to the place where you are going to sleep. This is what will be heated. Thus, an infrared heater for a tent does not heat what you absolutely do not need, which is important in field conditions.

Heater brand Kovea

Among them, the most popular are:

  • Kovea (Korea);
  • Coleman (USA);
  • Elekon (China).

Heaters from the first manufacturer on the list are available in two modifications. Some are equipped with collet cylinders, others with threaded ones. The latter, in addition, have an adapter, which allows you to switch from one type of cylinder to another if necessary.

The line of equipment from this manufacturer includes devices with power from 0.9 to 1.67 kW. You can buy such a device at a price not exceeding 5,000 rubles.

Heaters American company designed for use exclusively with threaded cylinders. They are catalytic and equipped with a platinum-coated canvas. A special feature of the equipment is that it cannot be used with cylinders from another manufacturer.

Coleman BlackCat

The Coleman product range is represented by devices with the following power:

  • 0,85;
  • 1.1 kW.

Depending on this parameter, the cost of the heater also changes. The cheapest model costs about 3 thousand rubles, and the most expensive – more than 7,000 rubles.

Elekon brand equipment is manufactured in China. It has a power of 2 kW and costs no more than 2,500 rubles. Such heaters operate on collet cylinders, but are characterized by low safety. You need to be especially careful with the device in the first 10 minutes of operation, as during this time the flames can reach 30 cm in height. Therefore, such heaters should be used with special attention.

Watch a video about the Falo model:

The most spectacular model of gas lantern heater is the Italian brand Falo. This is one of the most popular devices on the domestic market. It can not only be used on a hike, but is also a kind of decoration used in many stylish restaurants in the region. outdoors. Devices of this type are designed for outdoor use, have a stylish design and can be operated from either a cylinder or mains gas. It all depends on what jets are installed in the gas heaters, made in the shape of an old lantern, made in Italy.

Safe operation is the key to a successful holiday

Since the operation of such devices is based on fuel combustion, when using them it is necessary to observe certain rules. It is prohibited to use the device for:

  1. Drying clothes;
  2. Direct it towards flammable objects.

During operation, do not remove the safety grill or cover the device with cloth or paper. Install the device exclusively in a vertical position. You should not make a gas heater with your own hands - at home it is difficult to achieve both the correct operation of the equipment and its environmental safety.

If there are problems with the fuel supply, then you should not disassemble the cylinder yourself, much less try to fill it with gas. This work should only be trusted to professionals.

Before turning on the purchased device, you should carefully study the instructions for its operation and act according to the recommendations given therein. This will help avoid unpleasant moments when using the heater and allow you to fully enjoy your outdoor recreation.

There are no similar entries.

A gas lamp for a tent is a source of bright, non-directional lighting. Such lamps are used today by tourists, hunters, and fishermen.

How does a gas lamp work?

The structure of a gas lamp and a gas burner are identical, with the only difference being that the head of the gas lamp is a rod on which there is a catalytic mesh that ensures the device glows brightly. From external influence the mesh is protected glass shade, which has a metal cover attached to metal frame on the gearbox. A chain or wire bow is provided for hanging the device. The kit may also include spare nets and a transport case.

So the device gas lamp for tent is quite simple and reliable. Its weak elements (shade and mesh) are always available for sale and are inexpensive. They can be purchased in our online store, which also offers a wide range of various goods for recreation and tourism (for example, you can purchase here gasoline burners for winter fishing, tents, rugs, tools, etc.).

How to use gas lamps correctly?

Using gas lamps has its own characteristics, among which the following can be emphasized:

  • it is important to monitor the condition of the mesh - if holes begin to appear in it or it begins to crumble, then it should be urgently replaced, since further use of the device is impossible;
  • To operate such a lamp or lantern you need a little pressure, so if you use gas infrared heater for heating a tent or gas stove for cooking, then half-empty cylinders can be used for a gas lamp (the remaining gas in the cylinder is quite enough for normal lighting);
  • You should purchase only branded gas cylinders for a gas lamp and avoid using alternative options fuel to avoid clogging and lamp breakage;
  • If the lamp model you choose does not have piezo ignition, then you should take a lighter or matches with you.

What can you purchase in our online store?

In our online store you can choose gas equipment from Kovea, which is suitable for use in fishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation. Gas lamps from this manufacturer occupy leading positions in the market due to the excellent quality of the products and ease of use. Recently main problem Kovea gas lamps were bad job in winter conditions. But with the transition to propane, gas lamps can easily operate down to -40 degrees, thereby beginning to displace gasoline burners and lamps from use.

The store's catalog also includes Orgaz gas lanterns, which are connected to a household valve gas cylinder. Such lamps are well suited for those people who travel to their destination by car. For fishing in Russian conditions, such lamps are simply ideal, as they can work with local propane cylinders, and at the same time the cost of their use is low. However, such lamps are somewhat inferior in brightness to Kovea lamps.

In addition to gas lamps, lanterns and heaters, in our store you can purchase various camping equipment and items necessary to ensure comfort in hiking conditions. For example, tourist knives online store“On the Seven Winds” offers to purchase various forms, handle colors and at attractive prices. All you have to do is choose the product you like, put it in your cart and wait for a call from the store manager to clarify all the delivery details.

Field trips – great way relax and have a good time. However, tourism lovers know very well that they have to face many inconveniences along the way, the main one being the cold. If you decide to spend the night in a tent, you need to think ahead about how you plan to stay warm. A gas tent heater will help solve the problem. Let's consider what it is and how justified its use is.

The gas tourist heater is designed quite simply; it consists of the following elements:

  • heat fan;
  • power regulator;
  • gas-burner;
  • reflector;
  • safety valve.

All components are housed in a small metal case, which is called a portable gas heater for a tent. It’s not difficult to buy such a device, but to choose suitable model not so simple. Many devices have additional elements, designed to control the combustion process.

Regardless of what type of heater is used, its operation is based on the process of processing fuel and generating thermal energy. Moreover, everything happens without connecting to the network, which allows you to use the device even while hiking. The food comes from a small cylinder filled with gas, which you can easily take with you.

Heat transfer occurs due to infrared emitter, which ensures economical fuel consumption and uniform heat distribution throughout the entire affected area of ​​the device.

Helpful advice! In camping conditions, a gas infrared tent heater can also be used outdoors to keep warm in cold weather. The field of action will not be too large, however, if you are close to the device, it will be quite enough.

Types of gas tourist heaters for tents

Depending on how heat is transferred from the source to environment, heaters are divided into three main types: ceramic infrared, metal and catalytic. Let's take a closer look at each of the options to figure out which one is preferable.

In the first case, a ceramic plate is used as a base. It receives the heat produced by burning gas in a burner and releases it using an infrared emitter. It should be noted that with this route the efficiency is no more than 50%. That is, at least half of the thermal energy is lost during the transition from one element to another. Nevertheless, such heaters are the lightest and most compact, which is an undeniable advantage on a hike.

Note! Infrared ceramic devices are considered to be the most economical when it comes to fuel consumption. A small can that can easily fit in a backpack is quite enough for a long hike.

The second option is a portable gas heater for a tent, equipped with a metal emitter. Due to the fact that the metal bars of the working element are hidden, this option is also quite acceptable for use on a hike. Its design is safe, and a special reflector located at the rear of the housing allows you to adjust the direction of heat flow.

The catalytic tent heater is considered the most versatile. Its capabilities are much wider than those of other representatives, and with its help you can not only keep warm in a tent, but also cook food. Such a device is not very expensive, but it consumes much more fuel.

Another difference between catalytic heaters and others is the presence of a thermal panel, which, thanks to a layer of platinum, has a catalytic effect on the combustion process. The efficiency of such devices is maximum and often reaches 100%. From a safety point of view, these devices are considered the least dangerous, since the process of fuel combustion in them occurs without the formation of a flame.

What to Consider Before Buying a Gas Tent Heater

Of course, living and sleeping in a tent are significantly different from the conditions to which we are accustomed at home or in the country. Therefore, before choosing and buying a portable gas heater, you must meet the appropriate requirements for it. And first of all, this concerns the safety of the device.

All heaters that can be considered as hiking option, must be equipped automatic system protection. This is necessary in case you tip over or tilt the burner excessively, which happens more than often when living in a tent.

Another requirement that will most likely become useful is the presence of a sensor carbon dioxide. The thing is that gas combustion requires oxygen, which the heater absorbs from its environment. And if you are for a long time next to such a device, you will definitely feel if the level of carbon dioxide released exceeds the norm. Of course, this is not safe for health.

Considering all these indicators, ideal option can only be considered a compact gas ceramic burner infrared radiation. With their own small sizes, she has it all necessary characteristics and fits perfectly into the set of necessary camping equipment.

Helpful advice! Such a device can be used not only to heat a small enclosed space, but also as a camp stove.

Safe Use of Gas Ceramic Infrared Tent Heater

The presence within the system of the process of fuel combustion and its conversion into thermal energy makes the gas ceramic infrared burner not the safest household device. Its use requires strict adherence to operating rules, which are designed to protect against emergency situations.

The main prohibitions aimed at using gas heaters from a tent cylinder:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the device to dry clothes, as well as any other items that can catch fire when dry.
  2. Do not install the heater near explosive or flammable objects.
  3. The device must always be in an upright position and must not be covered with cloth or paper.
  4. Any operations with the heater, including changing the cylinder, must be carried out strictly outdoors.
  5. While the heater is on, the ventilation valve of the tent must be slightly open. You should also try to ventilate the tent as often as possible in order to maintain normal level oxygen.

Note! The category of flammable items includes, among other things, all cylinders under pressure. It can also be a regular mosquito repellent spray.

If your infrared gas tent heater needs refueling and you do it yourself, be very careful. Find out in advance how exactly disassembly and gas refilling takes place, what is necessary for this, and also how to avoid leakage.

Take the time to read the instructions for the purchased device. This will save you from many unpleasant situations associated with improper operation of the device. It is much better to spend a little time on this in advance so that no unpleasant surprises arise later during the hike.

Characteristics and price of the infrared gas burner and heater Pathfinder-Ion

Among the models offered by manufacturers, you can find both simple and more complex and expensive devices. Many companies, both domestic and foreign, are engaged in the production of gas heaters. Consider the most popular model, which is made in Russia and is widely popular.

The Pathfinder-Ion gas heater is designed taking into account the climatic conditions in which it will be used. Main advantages of the device:

  • light weight - only 370 g;
  • compact dimensions – 120x200x215 mm;
  • enough high power– 1000-12000 W;
  • presence of piezo ignition;
  • the ability to heat rooms up to 20 m².

Such a device is extremely economical: depending on the mode used, fuel consumption per hour does not exceed 50-110 g, which allows you to warm up for a long time even with the help of the smallest cylinder. As many hobbyists confirm, this is an excellent option for a gas heater in a tent for winter fishing or for camping.

Helpful advice! Counting required amount Be sure to leave some reserve of fuel that you will take with you on your hike. By calculating reserves back to back, you run the risk of not matching your needs.

The average cost at which you can buy an infrared gas burner is 1,650 rubles, the price of the Pathfinder-Ion heater is 2,900 rubles.

With piezo ignition Pathfinder

Gas heater Pathfinder-Ochag: reviews and device features

The second most popular device for heating tents and marquees is the Pathfinder-Ochag. Affordable, simple and very convenient, this heater has taken a strong position in the domestic market. Let's look at how it is characterized and differs from the previous model.

First of all, this device has large dimensions - 275x275x180 mm, and weighs 1.8 kg. Carrying such a heavy device with you can be quite problematic, but if we are talking about a large tent where several people or a family with children will live, then you simply cannot do without it.

The area that such a device can heat is about 15 m², but the fuel consumption in maximum operating mode does not exceed 108 g/hour. This suggests that, despite its size, such a device consumes fuel quite economically and does not require excessive gas reserves.

After reading reviews of the use of this device in real conditions, we can highlight several fundamental advantages that made the device popular:

  • it can easily be used for cooking as a gas stove;
  • using a special adapter, the device can be connected to large gas cylinders;
  • the burner does not blow out either in a strong wind or even when trying to do this on purpose;
  • There is no smell of gas during use, and the burning of oxygen in the tent is minimal.

Features of choosing an infrared gas burner: reviews of use in a tent

Before you finally decide which infrared gas burner to buy, you should evaluate your choice from several points of view:

  • fire safety;
  • Efficiency and fuel consumption level;

  • Availability additional functions, for example, the ability to heat or cook food;
  • availability of appropriate product certification confirming the safety of its use in small spaces and tents.


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