Unstressed vowels in case endings.

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Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Unstressed vowels in case endings

§ 67. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in endings is established by checking the forms of words with the same ending (of the same type of declension), in which the vowel being checked is under stress, for example:

o?zero, knee?but, over?field, towel (window?, chisel?, face?, gun),

cha?shi, ko?ni (tables?, tree stumps);

book, about the book (hand?, about the hand?);

chair, lake, stone (table?, window?, stump);

home, field, hundred, glue (table, window, knife, edge);

about the teacher, about the guard, about the dress, in the field (about the horse?, about the knife?, about the linen?, in the window?);

but?chi, horses, joy (indirect cases singular h.; Wed love?, wilderness?);

readers, joys (teacher, horse);

servants, songs, o?knam (cities, teachers, seas);

red, blue, red (young, big and mine, myself?);

si?nim (big?m);

eleven (five?, twenty?);

ninety (one hundred?);

nine?one hundred(indirect cases; cf. hundred?).

Note. Letter And written at the end of TV forms. p.m. including nouns and adjectives and TV. n. numerals - in endings ?ami (?yami), ? (?by them): tables, sisters, nights; big, strong; three hundred etc. The final vowel of these endings, always unstressed, can be verified by comparison with the stressed ending tv. n. plural ?mi in forms children?, people? and in form options doors?, daughters?, horses?(cf. doors, daughters, horses).

§ 68. In the form named after p.un. h. husband of the gender of adjectives (as well as all other words inflected as adjectives) the ending is written without stress ?th(after soft paired consonants and sibilants - ?th), although the stressed ending is ?Ouch.

Wed, for example: angry, young, big, But full, vigorous, blue, strong, good, fresh; Wed options such as portable And figurative, delusional And delusional; Wed big And bigger, sea And Primorskiy, river And dawn.

§ 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not tested by stressed position.

The final vowel of im endings is always unstressed. n. adjectives for women sort of ?and I (?yaya): red, big, blue; environment, kind ?oe (?her): red, big, blue; pl. numbers ?s (?ie): red, big, blue.

Nouns on ?anine (?Janin), as well as words master, boyar, gypsy in them p.m. h. have an unstressed ending ?e: peasants, townspeople, citizens, Romans, Armenians, boyars, bar(along with the option bars), gypsies(but cf. form gypsies in Pushkin).

In them. and wine endings for numerals are written: ?And in the word two hundred; ?A in words three hundred and four hundred; ?O (?e) in collective numbers, for example: four, six, two, three. At the end of TV n. of the numeral three the letter is written e: three.

§ 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in the writing of unstressed endings.

Nouns with an augmentative suffix ?searching- husband. or medium genders end in them. p.un. hours on ?e, eg: house, wolf, cat, writing, veslishche. Feminine nouns genders with the same suffix end in im. p.un. hours on ?A, eg: cows, hands, dirt. Words on ?search husband. kind in them. p.m. h. end in ?and: wolfs, houses, eyes.

Note. Words of Wednesdays, kind on ?search- both with magnifying and other meanings - have in them. p.m. h. ending ?a: letters, shoulders. Wed. conflagration, hatchet(masculine) - magnifying to fire, ax- them. p.m. h. conflagrations, axes; But conflagration(Wednesday, gender) ‘the place where there was a fire’, ax handle(Wednesday, gender) ‘axe handle’ - conflagrations, axes. For words with an augmentative suffix ?searching- having only plural forms. h., in them. p. - the same ending as in im. n. of the producing word, for example: money - money, gate - gate.

Nouns with suffix ?ishk- end in them. p.un. hours on ?A or ?O: in the words of the husband. kind of animate and in the words of women. kind - ending ?A, in the words of the husband. kind of inanimate and in words of environments, kind - ending ?O. Wed, for example: brother, boy, little man, kitty, service, little thought and little house, little town, little factory, little coat, little dress, little boy. Nouns with a caressing (unstressed) suffix have the same endings ?ushk- (?yushk-): Wed., e.g. uncle, father-in-law, neighbor, nightingale, widow, nanny, little girl And bread, child, polelyushko, goryushko.

In words of environment, gender with a suffix ?yshk- in them p.un. h. - ending ?O, eg: feather, neck; in the word wives sort of pancake- ending ?A.

In nouns with suffix ?l- in them p.un. h. - ending ?A or ?O: common nouns or husband. gender - names of persons ending in ?A, inanimate nouns Wednesday, kind - on ?O. Wed, for example: sang, started, crammed, smashed, bounced, cheated, pestered And blower, sharpener, measure, wandered, scarecrow.

Note. IN proper names type Gavrila, Danila, Kirila, Mikhaila, Samoila the ending is written ?A. But cf. traditional spelling Mikhailo Lomonosov, as well as obsolete spellings like Gavrilo, Danilo, preserved in some texts of writers of the 19th century.

§ 71. Case forms of nouns na?ii, ?ie, ?iya.

1. Nouns with a non-monosyllabic stem (male). and Wednesdays, kind of on ?th And ?ie in sentence n. and women sort of on ?and I in date and sentence p.un. h. have an unstressed position, in deviation from the general rule, ending ?And, but not ?e, eg: genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri, separation - in separation, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance; army - to the army, about the army; line - along the line, on the line; station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria - in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Maria - to Maria, about Maria.

If there are options for ?ie And ?ie, ?ia And ?ya the indicated case forms have different endings - ?e: cf., e.g., variant pairs like about skill - about skill, in bloom - in bloom, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

Note. In artistic, especially poetic, speech it is allowed to write sentence forms. n. nouns, gender ?ye(usually with the preposition V) with ending ?And, eg: You walked alone in silence with a great thought(P.); There is feat in battle, / There is feat in struggle. / The highest feat is in patience, / In love and prayer(Hom.); And the snow competed in zeal / With twilight death(B. Past.); "Enchanted"(title of the poem by I. Severyanin); Birds scream in the sky, / The heart beats in the hypochondrium(V. Valley). The end of the sentence is stressed. P. ?And marked only for one word per ?ye: oblivion - in oblivion?.

2. Few nouns on ?ii, ?ii with a monosyllabic base have in the indicated cases in an unstressed position according to general rule ending ?e. List of such words: serpent - about the serpent, cue - about ki?e(option: about which ones?), Cue(legendary founder of Kyiv) - about Kie, Chiy(plant) - about whom, “Viy” - in “Bue”, Pius - about Pius, under Pope Pius; hria(rhetoric term) - according to hria, about hria; Biya(river) - along Biya, on Biya; Iya, Liya, Viya (female names) - to Ie, about Leah, about Vie; Gia (male name) - to Gia, oh Gia.

Note to paragraphs. 1 and 2. Few nouns have ?ie, ?ie, with an accent on the ending, the indicated case forms end in And on either e , eg: judge? - to the judge?, about the judge?, lithium? - in lithium?, litany? - in litany?, being? - about being?, life? - about life?, in life?, But: edge - on the edge?, about the edge?, Ziya?, Aliya?, Zulfiya?(personal names) - about Ziya?, about Aliya?, to Zulfiya?, Kyzyl-Kiya?(city) - in Kyzyl-Kiya?.

§ 72. Stable combinations of prepositions in, on, by with nouns on ?ie in sentence p., close in their role in a sentence to prepositions, end (according to the rule of § 71, paragraph 1) with ?ii. Written: in a relationship someone-something, in anticipation something, in anticipation something, accompanied someone-something, according with something in agreement with someone or something, compared or in comparison with someone or something. (‘compared’; but: doesn't compare); based something, for something; after the lapse of something The adverb is also written subsequently.

They must be distinguished from stable combinations of prepositions V (in) And on with nouns on ?ie in wine items that have become prepositions or close to prepositions; such combinations end in ?ie. Written: Finally something (And Finally‘at the end, finishing’), in conclusion something, in violation something, in contrast from someone or something in continuation something, during something, to avoid something, in change something, in pursuance something and (together) due to something, like something

Combinations close to prepositions differ in spelling in the absence of someone (‘in the absence’) and in the presence someone

Similar stable combinations with the letter e at the end (including the form of a v. p.) should be distinguished (in meaning) from free combinations with a sentence. Wed., e.g.: in continuation, But: notice an error in the continuation of the story; Finally, But: find a contradiction in the commission’s conclusion; in the absence of, But: see a crime in the absence of a student at a lecture.

§ 73. Russian (and modeled after Russian) surnames ?in (?yn) and on ?ov (?ev) are on TV. p.un. h. ending ?ym(like adjectives), e.g.: Prishvin - Prishvin, Lisitsyn - Lisitsyn, Orlov - Orlov, Turgenev - Turgenev, Gazzaev - Gazzaev. Wed. under emphasis: Borodin - from Borodino.

Note. In foreign surnames ?in And ?ov on TV p.un. h. the ending is written ?ohm(like masculine nouns), for example: Darwin - Darwin, (Charlie) Chaplin - Chaplin, Gershwin - Gershwin, Virchow - Virchow.

Names of cities on ?ov (?ev) And ?in are on TV n. ending ?ohm, eg: the city of Lviv - the city of Lvov, Saratov - Saratov, Kanev - Kanev, Mogilev - Mogilev, Kamyshin - Kamyshin. Wed. under emphasis: Tulchin - near Tulchino. Thus, surnames and city names have different TV endings. P.: Pushkin(surname) - Pushkin And Pushkin(city) - Pushkin; Alexandrov(surname) - Alexandrov And Alexandrov(city) - Alexandrov.

In titles settlements and territories on ?ovo (?evo) And ?foreign (?no) in TV forms. p. is also written ?ohm, eg: Kryukovo - near Kryukov, Odintsovo - Odintsovo, Golitsino - Golitsyn, the village of Maryino - the village of Maryin, Kosovo - Kosovo. Wed. under emphasis: Borodino? - near Borodino, Strogino? - Strogino?m.

From the book 100 great writers author Ivanov Gennady Viktorovich

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: try on (m?rit) a suit - reconcile (peace) neighbors; flutters

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels The spelling of unstressed vowels, which cannot be verified by stress, is determined by the spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, twine, can, bodyaga, briolin, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, vestibule, ham,

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Reference author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

VI. Vowels after sibilants and c in suffixes and endings § 35. Vowels o and e after sibilants 1. After sibilants, o is written under stress, in accordance with the pronunciation: a) at the endings of nouns, for example: dugout, turn (turn), listage, displacement, footage,

From the author's book

§ 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: forests (les), fox (li?sy), try on (me ?rit) suit - reconcile (peace)

From the author's book

§ 2. Unverifiable unstressed vowels The spelling of unstressed vowels that cannot be verified by stress is determined by a spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, twine, can, bodyaga, briolin, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, vestibule, ham,

From the author's book

§ 3. Alternating vowels Alternating a and o1. At the root gar- - gor- under stress it is written a, without stress - o; tan?r, ug?r - tanned, angry.Exceptions: you?burn, and?tan, burnt (special and dialect words).2. At the root zar- - zor- the vowel in is written under stress

From the author's book

VI. VOWELS AFTER SISSINGS AND C IN SUFFIXES AND ENDINGS § 34. Vowels o and e after sibilants 1. After sibilants, o is written under stress, in accordance with the pronunciation: a) at the endings of nouns, for example: dugout, turn (turn), leafage, displacement, footage,

From the author's book

§ 35. Vowels after c 1. After c in endings and suffixes under stress it is written o, without stress e. For example: end?m - finger, merchant?v - merchants, coat? - dress, beret? vyy - chintz, ringed - ringed.2. After ц in endings and suffixes it is written ы (in

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in roots § 34. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being tested is under stress, for example: water? (cf. waters,

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in prefixes § 38. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in prefixes (except for the prefix raz-/roz-, see § 40) is established by checking words and forms with the same prefix , in which the vowel being tested

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in suffixes § 42. In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in suffixes is established by checking words and forms with the same suffix, in which the vowel being checked is under stress. Examples

From the author's book

Unstressed fluent vowels in the roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives Introductory remarks. The correct spelling of a letter in place of an unstressed vowel is in some cases determined by the fluency of this vowel. The fluent vowel appears in many names

From the author's book

Unstressed connecting vowels § 65. When combining the stems of two or more words into one compound word, as well as when forming difficult words With components of an international character, a connecting vowel is used, expressed in writing with the letters o and

From the author's book

Unstressed vowels in verb forms Vowels in verb endings § 74. The writing of unstressed vowels in verb endings follows the general rule (see § 33): unstressed endings are checked by the corresponding stressed ones. Application of this rule requires skill

From the author's book

Unstressed particles not and neither § 77. There are two particles different in meaning and use - not and nor. Wed. cases when they are stressed: He doesn't? was at school today. Whoever he is? was, you need to talk to him. But in most cases the particles are neither unimpacted nor in

  1. Noun endings. The choice of e/i in the endings of nouns of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular is difficult.

Remember: edge to edge, oblivion to oblivion.
Please note: in the prepositional case of words ending in -i, - ie, -iy, the letter i preceding the ending “calls” for the ending -i, the preceding letters e or ь - ending -e: o
energy, constellation, happiness, but about livery, gallery, solitude, fun, happiness.
Pay attention to the spelling of the endings of nouns with the suffixes -ish-, -ushk-/-yushk-, -yshk-/-ishk-, -l-: -ish-e - in noun. masculine and neuter: city - city-isch-e, crucian carp - crucian carp-isch-e; swamp - swamp-looking, suburb - suburb-looking;
-isch-a - noun. feminine: leg - knife-isch-a, head - head-search-a;
-ushk-o (-yushk-o),
-ishk-o (-ishk-o) - for inanimate beings. masculine and neuter: bread - bread-ushk-o, house - house-ishk-o, grief - goryushk-o, wing - wing-yshk-o;
-ushk-a (-yushk-a),
-ishk-a (-ishk-a) - for all other nouns (animate noun m. r.; animate and inanimate nouns. zh. r.): brother - brother-ushk-a, uncle - uncle- yushk-a, student - student-ishk-a; girl - devch-ushk-a, will - vol-yushk-a, trifle - trifle-ishk-a;
-l-a - for common nouns: imagine-l-a, fill-l-a, bison-l-a, chudi-l-a;
-l-o - in neuter nouns with the meaning of an instrument of action: load-l-o, cover-l-o, shine-l-o, sharpen-l-o, chisel-o, urine-l-o.
  1. Verb endings. In unstressed personal endings of verbs, the spelling e/i depends on the conjugation of the verb:
  1. conjugation - in the endings the letter e: shave - shave, shave, shave, shave; fight - fight, fight, fight, fight.
  2. conjugation - in the endings the letter and: offend - offend, offend, offend, offend; pray - pray, pray, pray, pray.
1) for the conjugation of “erroneous” verbs (verbs of the first conjugation; see their list in § 4 p. 5):
sow - sow, sow, sow, sow, sow; winnow - blow, blow, blow, blow, blow; repent - repent, repent, repent, repent, repent; grow moldy - moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy;
lay, lay - lay, lay, lay, lay, lay;
  1. intransitive verbs with the prefix obes-/obez- are verbs of the 1st conjugation, transitive - 2nd conjugation: weaken (transition) - you will become weak, you will become weak, we will become weak, you will become weak, you will become weak; weaken (nepereh.) - weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken.
Today we will work in groups.

Let's remember the rules of working in groups.

I wish you Have a good mood And careful attitude to each other.

First task to pay attention to.

Group 1 will sit down when I say a noun, group 2 - a verb, group 3 - an adjective. (mysterious, make a wish)

What part of speech have I not mentioned yet? (noun). The first group is to form a noun yourself, it should be related to the previous words. (mystery)

What do we know about the noun?

What topic are we working on now?

The topic of our lesson : “Unstressed vowels at the end of a noun.”

What do we need to know to check the unstressed ending of a noun? Discuss in groups and write what you need to know, repeat and why?

What is the purpose of the lesson? ? (Learn to check for unmistakably unstressed endings of nouns)

Let's determine, in order to achieve our goal, what work we need to do in the lesson.

I hope that today in class we will work concentratedly, learn new, useful, interesting things, and also work together in groups.

We start the lesson with vocabulary work.

Vocabulary work .

1. There are words on the board

Bus, car, diesel locomotive, ship, highway, ride

I suggest training your thinking.

What can you say about these words?

Which word is missing? Why? (ride – verb) Removed verb

What other word is missing? (highway - middle kind)

What do the remaining words have in common? (nouns, 2 declension, masculine)

I suggest you train your memory.

Write these words down from memory, and

Group 1 will write them in the genitive case,

Group 2 in dative

Group 3 in the instrumental case.

Tasks on the card

1) Nouns in the genitive case answer questions

a) which one?, which one? b) who?, what? c) who?, what?

2) What declension nouns have in P.p and D.p. ending -I

a) I declension b) II declension c) III declension

3) What are the supporting words in

a) I declension

b) II declension

c) III declension

Peer review.

Words on the board .

Divide them into three columns, so that in the first column there are nouns of the 1st declension, in the second there are nouns of the 2nd declension, in the third there are nouns of the 3rd declension. Explain the spelling of the endings.

On the outskirts...; in books...; on the tablecloth...; oh thing..., on the table...; near the gatehouse...; branch ate...; on the sirens..., on the swan..., on the arable land..., on the city..., on the saucer..., winter blizzard


Assess your strengths.

1. Yes, I understood the topic well. Take the blue card.

2. I sometimes make mistakes, take a yellow card.

3. For those who are not entirely confident in their abilities, take a red card.

Blue card tasks

Correct the errors in the text and come up with your own proposal.

Write down the text and your proposal.

Maros left little patterns on the windows. In the rays of the sun, sparkling lanterns burned on them. The fluffy branches of the Christmas tree are shimmering with silver lights and frost.

Yellow card tasks

Write the nouns in the prepositional case, adding a preposition.

Write the declination in brackets.

Weather, blizzard, sparrow, frost, blizzard, cold, drops, snowdrift, gatehouse.

Red card tasks

Write the endings, indicating the declination in brackets.

In the notebook...(), at the fair...(), early morning...(), in the kitchen...(), grandmother's apple...(), cheese for the mice...(), in the cold...(), across the river...(), on ate...().


Complete the sentences .

Today in class we learned...

I can praise our group for...

This knowledge will be useful to us...

Homework : choice exercise.

Open lesson in 3rd grade

SUBJECT: Unstressed vowels in the endings of first declension nouns.

Target: Development of the skill of spelling case endings of nouns of the 1st declension.


  1. develop students’ spelling vigilance, the ability to recognize the declension and cases of nouns and follow the algorithm for writing unstressed case endings of 1st declension nouns;
  2. to form educational and cognitive motivation;


1. Presentation - slides;

2. Didactic material to the lesson:

3.Task cards;

4.Colored signal cards

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

The bell has rung for us,

I'm starting the lesson.
Guests came to us today...

You will now turn to them,
Smile, make friends.
We will respond actively

To behave,
So that dear guests,

They wanted to come again.

Smile at each other. Get ready for work. Today is March 1st - the first day of spring. Nature smiles at us too. (Slide 2)

Let's start our Russian language lesson.

Today each of you will draw (make) your own sun. After eachstage of the lesson you will attach a ray to the sun.

Greeting students at the beginning of the lesson. Students take turns touching the fingers of their neighbor.

I wish (thumb)

success (index)

large (medium)

in everything (nameless)

and everywhere (little fingers).

To make it easy to write,

I need to stretch my fingers.

There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (rotate hands)
Knock (knock with the heels of your palms)
And - they opened it! (hands unclench)

- Look at yours workplace and those who have everything ready for the start of the lesson will slowly sit down. Where do we usually start our lesson?

From creating a good mood, as the key to successful work.


For the work to be successful,

First, let's write the letter slowly.

Look at the slide.


(Slide 3)

Find a letter that is different from the others.

Give her a description. What sound does it represent?

Write a whole line of lowercase and capital M.

The feather runs up and down,

Drawing the letter M, -

It's like going down the subway

And then it goes up.

II. Warm-up – brainstorming. Vocabulary and spelling work. Slide 4.


Read the words written on the board.

p*walker, bee*la, bitch, tr*pick, c*nura, beehive, transport

What task can you suggest for this entry?


Insert the missing letters into the words, divide them into groups according to different criteria.


What spelling are the missing letters in words?


Explain the spelling of the unstressed vowels being tested.


Is there a way to remember the spelling of an untested unstressed vowel? about the words dog and kennel? slide 5


Yes, you can by association. The entrance to the kennel is shaped like a circle and resembles a letter O , and the dog lives in a kennel and every time gets into it through this entrance. So easy to remember. If the children don't tell, the teacher says.

Write down vocabulary words by filling in the missing letters

dog kennel dog kennel

Add an accent mark. Emphasize the unstressed vowel.

Why do we learn vocabulary words? (To write without errors, to be literate).


What groups would you divide these words into and based on what characteristics? Justify your answer. Slide 6.


  • words denoting animate and inanimate objects;
  • words consisting of two and three syllables;


Which word might be superfluous and why?


  • The word beehive, since it begins with a vowel, and the rest of the words with consonants;
  • The word pedestrian , since it is complex and consists of two roots, while the rest have only one root.


Read the words carefully again. Maybe you'll notice something interesting.


Words can be used to form logical pairs based on meaning.


Let's write down these pairs and see what we can come up with.

Slide 7


beehive - bee

kennel - dog

path - pedestrian


- transport


And we are left without a word for transport. Having chosen a couple for the word transport , using semantic connection, you will learn our new vocabulary word


. What is this word?


- Road.


How do you understand the meaning of this word? What is the road for? Read those lexical meaning

on the slide..

Slide 8.

ha 1. Road
- way of action, direction of activity.
Be on the good (right, bad) road. Go your own way.
2. Road - travel; stay on the road
Tired from the road. Take food for the road. There were a lot of interesting things along the way. I slept the whole way. 3. The road is a place where you need to go and
drive through.
On the way home.

4. Road - a strip of land intended for movement, a route of communication

Asphalt, highway, dirt road.


Slide 9.

Did you know, the origin of this word still remains unclear. tug and tear . A road could also be called a passage cleared from trees in the forest or a clearing with uprooted, torn out trees. Other scientists claim that open places any path or rut quickly turned into water-washed ravines - “roads”.

Write down the word road a whole line with emphasis and highlighting of a dangerous place.

Physical exercise.

Video - if life is fun

III. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson through creating a problem situation.

slide 10


I also wrote sentences with our new word on the board.

Make your way.

What is written here? Explain the meaning.

Slide 11.

Go your own way.

Explain the meaning of the phraseological phrase. Listen to the parable.


Everyone is given a path from... God.

One person felt that there were a lot of trials in his life and that his road was too difficult. At night he had a dream that he came to God and asked for a different path for himself. God offered to choose any of the roads. The traveler chose for a long time, but he did not like all the roads. Some were too wide and light, others were narrow and dark like a mountain gorge. Finally, he chose a convenient road, there were obstacles on it, and dark places, but he felt so good walking along it. He said: “Can I have this road?” God replied: “Of course you can, because she is yours.”

What can you say? How should you approach challenges in life?

Slide 12.

Read the poem:

The road has been chosen for me A

There are no roads even that mile

I belong to that road e

And more tolerant and wiser.

I'm on that road by the shore,

And I’m proud of that dear one,

And I will say without a doubt:

"On the right road I am."


Find a dangerous place when writing.

Today in the lesson we will learn to write without errors the unstressed endings of nouns of the 1st declension.

First, let's answer the questions:

1. What is a noun?

- Noun- a word denoting an object and answering the questions who? What?

2. How do nouns change?

Nouns change by cases and this is called declension.

  1. What nouns belong to the first declension?

Feminine and masculine nouns with endings –а, -я refer tofirst declension. In the process of declension graduation nouns can bestressed or unstressed. If the ending is unstressed, then this is an erroneous place, which means it is a spelling error.


What question will we have to answer during the lesson?


How to correctly write unstressed case endings for first declension nouns. What should you do to determine which letter to write in weak position at the end of a noun.

IV. Posting new material. Work in research groups.


How do you determine what ending to write?

Let's think logically. How do we check for unstressed vowels at the root of a word?


We select a test word in which the unstressed word becomes stressed.

So, how can you check unstressed case endings by analogy?


It may also be an accent.


Ending of first declension nouns

It's hard to write without stress.

To prevent mistakes in them,

You need to know the magic words.

Slide 13.

The snowball has melted

The earth is visible

Which means soon

Spring will come.

What nouns of the 1st declension do you see? What can you say about vowels in endings?

Slide 14.

These are the magic words - helpers.


Remember these magic helper words and you can use them in your work to check unstressed endings if you suddenly forgot a rule or need to check a completed task.

Now let’s return to our sentences and, using the algorithm, determine the unstressed case endings of a noun of the first declension road .

Slide 15.

I.P. road

R.P. roads and

D.P. expensive

V.P. roads near

T.P. Expensive

P.P. expensive

Writing in a notebook.

Dynamic pause. Relaxation exercises.

We read, we wrote
And a little tired.
The arms are unbent,
The legs straighten.
Movements are canceled
Relaxation sets in..

We look at the road and remember best moments our lives connected with the road.

Slide 16.

V. Consolidation of the studied material

Game “Score the word - the ball into the right goal”. Balls with the letter e and and draw and cut out.


On the poster:

I'm walking along the roads...

Think about roads...

No roads...

I'm standing on the road...

I invite children to the board who have difficulty writing unstressed endings of nouns,in order to form a positive attitude towards learning and reduce the level of situational anxiety of the student, to create a situation of success) and the opportunity to correct their mistakes.

  • At this time, students high level work using cards. Or according to the textbook...


Put the nouns in the correct case and determine their unstressed case endings. Justify your choice by making the necessary markings(designation of gender, declension, case over the noun and highlighting of the ending).

Settled in (thicket), darted along (birch), trampled near (path), smell (dirt), sat on (cherry tree), carried into (hat), threw into (river), grabbed the throat (dog), rolled along (nettle), teeth (vole), live in (village).Well done! You will succeed!

VI. Lesson summary. Slide 17.

Reflection Slide 18.

Show us your suns, which rays you got the most. Well done!!

Assessing student work. (Cut out beautiful fives and fours in advance). Slide 3


Warm-up – brainstorming p*la, b*baka, tr*pick, k*nura, beehive, transport p*walker,



hive - bee kennel - dog path - pedestrian? - transport

LEXICAL MEANING OF THE WORD 1. Road - way of action, direction of activity. Be on the good (right, bad) road. Go your own way. 2. Road - travel; stay on the road Tired from the road. Take food for the road. There were a lot of interesting things along the way. I slept the whole way. 3. A road is a place where you need to go and drive. On the way home. 4. Road - a strip of land intended for movement, a route of communication. Asphalt, highway, dirt road.

Make your way

Go your own way

The road has been chosen for me and There are no roads even that mile. I treat that road more tolerantly and wiser. I am on that road by the shore, And I am proud of that road, And I will say without a doubt: “I am on the right road.”

The snow has melted and the earth is visible, which means spring will come soon.

SPRING EARTH Magic words - helpers

Checking magic words(SPRING EARTH) I.P. roads and R.P. roads and D.P. roads e V.P. roads near T.P. dear oh P.P. expensive

Lesson summary: Two ways to check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 1st declension: Substitute a word with a stressed ending. (spring, earth). Learn endings.

Nouns have three “fallible” cases: genitive, dative, prepositional. This lesson will help you cope with difficulties in declension of nouns.

For nouns of the first declension in the genitive case the letter I is written at the end, and in other “mistaken” cases - dative and prepositional - the letter E is written.

For nouns of the second declension, only the prepositional case, in which the letter E is written, causes difficulties. For nouns of the third declension, the letter I is written in all “mistaken” cases.

To find out which vowel should be written in unstressed ending name of a noun, you must first determine which declension this noun belongs to, then find out in which case it is used, and remember which vowel letter is written in this “erroneous” case.

2. Reinforce what we have learned

We reason like this:

Smile when meeting... Meeting- a noun of the first declension, used in the prepositional case, we write the letter E at the end.

Strive for the goal... Goal is a noun of the third declension, in which the letter I is written in all “erroneous” cases.

When writing unstressed case endings of nouns, you can use another verification method. You can use wildcard words with stressed endings in all “fallacious” cases. For first declension nouns, such a “wildcard” word will be the word fox.

We reason like this:

Write in a notebook... Notebook- a noun of the first declension. Without specifying the case, we use a “wildcard” word fox. Wrote in a notebook - wrote in a fox.

We remember that nouns ending in -Я, -И,

II ( army, essay, planetarium), in all “mistaken” cases the rule of two letters I applies.

For nouns ending in -IYA, -IE, -IY, in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases we write two letters I at the end (one letter I belongs to the stem, the second letter I belongs to the ending).

We reason like this:

Approach Marie... Maria- a noun ending in -YA. In all “mistaken” cases it has two letters AND at the end. That's why we write approach Maria.

Visit the planetarium... Planetarium- a noun ending in -II. In “erroneous” cases, the rule of two letters I works in it. Therefore, we write visit the planetarium(two letters I at the end).


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.


Task No. 1

Rewrite, opening the parentheses. Determine the type of declension of nouns and their case. Graphically indicate the endings.

To languish in (captivity), play on (piano), hear about (defeat), stand on (square), think about (realization) (idea), travel around (Central Asia), in quiet (solitude), arrival (parliamentarian) , walk along (path), play a role in (development) of the plot, calm down at (thought), fight (duel), come to (mother), visit (construction), prepare for (audit), participate in (excursion) .

Task No. 2

Rewrite by putting the nouns (in brackets) in the appropriate case form. Indicate the case of nouns and indicate their endings.

1.Gavrila was overcome by a wave of (memories) of her (village), running down a steep mountain down to (river), hidden in (grove) (M. G.). 2. So he lived with (the feeling) that he could call and come to (Lyubov Petrovna) (Sol.). 3. I sit in (half-oblivion): neither sleeping nor awake (Sweet). 4. The snow at (the foot of) the trees resembled lean sugar (Nag.). 5. I lived in (charm) (incomprehensibility) of the surrounding (Nag.). 6. In the fierce (singing) winds, the heart does not hear the correct (harmony) (Sick.). 7. And how many (deeds), (events), (fate), human (sadness) and (victory) fit into these ten (days), which turned into ten years! (Tward.). 8. The trunks of (apple trees), (pears), (cherries) and plums are painted from worms in white paint(Ch.). 9. Heavy huge clouds (T.) were still crowding in (distance).


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