Business plan for the production of knitted clothing. How to make money from knitting and create a business at home: myths and reality

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You have decided to turn your favorite hobby into income and open a knitting business. A business plan will help you understand the intricacies of launching a project: in what direction to take the first steps at the start, how to start earning money, what needs to be done for the business to continue to grow. And the key to success will be: competent assessment of demand, high quality of work, strong self-confidence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

How to start your own knitting business

Individuality, naturalness, handmade (eng. hand made- made by hand) is trending today. Unique designer items are highly valued and are in constant demand. Taking into account this trend, needlewomen who knit well themselves, as well as beginners who are just starting to learn, but know how to profitably realize the results of the work of hired workers, can open a profitable business.

The prospect of opening your own knitting business is available to those who have organizational skills, understand where to start, and how to do it.

To get a serious business back on its feet, initial stage you will have to devote all your time to this. Develop models, knit, look for customers and new sales channels, select quality yarn according to optimal price, engage in promotion, keep records.

The market does not stand still; store shelves are bursting with a huge number of knitted items. This means that your products will have to compete with them.

A unique item, knitted with love by a craftswoman, is for many preferable to a factory-made product

Market and resource analysis

Researching the knitwear market is a key step in preparing a business plan. Already at the first stage of planning, you should know: who, where, why and in what volumes will purchase your products, what the range should be, how strong (and important) the competition is.

At the initial stage, it is enough to evaluate:

  • The number of potential buyers, the total volume of the sales market.
  • The presence of competitors, how they operate, how they position themselves, where they advertise.
  • Are there any vacant niches in the local market?
  • Cost of similar products.

It is not always possible to accurately calculate the number of clients, sales volume in your niche, or money turnover in the market. But at the beginning of your journey, when you need to determine the viability of an idea, it is important to understand the lower limit of your monthly income. If the calculations allow you to hope for a profit that suits you, you can continue working on the project.

Study prices for knitted products, including industrial production, as well as imported analogues both in stores and on the Internet. Don’t trust your memory: take pictures of products and prices, write them down, put all the data in a file. This will be useful when calculating the selling price of your products.

Visit the personal pages of competitors or online stores where they sell handmade things - this will give you great food for thought

Market assessment is an important stage for launching a project. But not less important To start a knitting business, you need to study internal resources (subjective factors that depend primarily on you):

  • Personal enthusiasm, involvement of the author in promising project. It all starts with your interest. This is the main resource during the launch phase. You need to understand that there will definitely be difficulties, obstacles and mistakes. An inner attitude and a great desire to pursue this particular direction will help overcome them.
  • Competencies and knowledge. For beginning knitters, the main available resource is personal time. Part of the work (or all) at the formation stage will have to be done independently or checked by the craftswomen. Therefore, it is important to have a good understanding of the basics of knitting, designing and modeling.
  • The size of the starting investment. Start-up capital is not just money. TO initial capital This includes personal acquaintances and connections, the competencies of close people, and much more. Everything needs to be taken into account.
  • Understanding opportunities to develop your business. If already at the start of the project you think about steps to scale (grow your business), the chance to withdraw home business to the average level - significantly higher. It is important to imagine what the project will look like during its maturity period.

It is at the stage of assessing the market for knitted products and internal resources that it is necessary to calculate the approximate profit, the period for the business project to reach a certain monthly profitability, and its payback period.

Without a well-thought-out business plan to conquer the knitwear market, you shouldn’t expect success

Define “your” assortment

What to specialize in? Which products will be the main one, and which direction will be the accompanying one? These questions need to be answered in the second planning stage. After analytical preparation, it is enough to simply select an assortment to launch a knitting project.

  • children's clothing (hats, booties, blouses, warm pants, etc.);
  • outerwear for adults (coats, cardigans, sweaters, vests, skirts, blouses, dresses);
  • home knitted clothes;
  • scarves, hats, stoles;
  • mittens and mittens, socks and leggings;
  • knitted rugs, blankets, pillowcases have become firmly in fashion;
  • curtains, tablecloths, napkins.

A set of knitted hat, scarf and mittens never goes out of style.

Quite a new range for the market:

  • clothing for pets (overalls for cats and dogs);
  • sets that are worn in pairs are becoming popular: he + she, daughter + mother, father + son;
  • handmade swimsuits, light tops;
  • knitted carpets;
  • Mug covers can be sold as business gifts or as a personal gift from the heart.

Clothes for your beloved pets can be an addition to your assortment or your main business.

The wider the assortment, the greater the volume of products sold and, as a result, the profit. But the higher the financial investments and risks, the greater the time costs and physical exertion.

Choose knitting methods

“Machine knitting or hand knitting?” - this question haunts most craftswomen. Any product has demand and its customers. Each method has advantages.

100% handmade

Advantages of hand knitting

If you only knitted or crocheted before starting a business, it is recommended that you start with hand knitting. In this case you will be able to:

  • quickly understand opportunities, see bottlenecks, find ways to reduce costs and mitigate risks;
  • adequately assess the time costs per unit of production, the degree of professionalism when hiring female workers;
  • do not purchase expensive equipment, separate workplace;
  • see for yourself that hand-knitted models are sold 30–40% more expensive than machine-knitted products;
  • get ample opportunities to realize the most daring ideas.

Let's consider three options out of a dozen possible.

Knitting by hand. In a few hours, a massive blanket is knitted from bulky yarn (merino wool or thick acrylic threads).

For a fabric measuring 70 x 100 cm, knitted with a simple stockinette stitch, you will need about 1.5 kg of yarn. The costs of the material will be offset by the price of the finished product.

A blanket knitted by hands brings special tenderness and warmth.

Knitting with beads. A simple technique that can do amazing things. An inexhaustible source for creating unique clothing and accessories. When beads are woven into the fabric, things begin to play with new colors and halftones and acquire a unique charm.

Photo gallery: working with beads

Cozy knitted toys. They are in great demand, require a minimum of material, and what a flow of warm and tender emotions these babies carry. And finding a place to implement them is not difficult.

Knitted toys will not leave anyone indifferent

Benefits of machine knitting

Machine knitting has a number of advantages:

  • a knitting machine significantly speeds up work;
  • the time for making parts using simple knitting is reduced, and the craftswoman can focus on the author’s handmade elements (embroidery, crocheting, etc.);
  • things turn out thinner and lighter, look elegant and sophisticated.

Knitting on a machine significantly reduces the time it takes to make one product.

If you plan to increase volumes and expand the range, a knitting machine will be necessary. Therefore, at the development stage of a business project, it is recommended to plan to purchase one (two) knitting machines and begin to combine both knitting methods.

Provide a set of tools, select personnel

At the second stage of business planning, it is necessary to include in the costs a complete list of all the right tools and equipment, take into account personnel costs.

Basic kit for starting knitting:

  • knitting needles with a diameter from 2 to 10 mm;
  • hooks;
  • needle sets;
  • accessories (buttons, appliqués, buckles, lace, fur, beads, sequins, other decorative elements);
  • steamer (preferably);
  • knitting machine (possibly later, during development);
  • consumables for machine knitting: carriages, deckers, weights (for fabric), needles, other tools.

If you decide to use machine knitting, you should take the choice of working tool seriously.

There are machines: single-font and double-font, punched card (mechanical) and electronic. They are all divided into classes, the lower the class, the thicker the knitting threads (such machines are used for making outerwear and winter accessories).

Machines with class level No. 5 can knit any product, so they are optimally suited for mass production. The price range is from 25 to 120 thousand rubles. The more professional the equipment, more features by typewriter, the higher the price.

During the work process, you yourself will determine what materials are needed, everything is individual.

A knitter's tool kit is not limited to knitting needles and hooks

Should you work on your own or hire knitters?

The number of female employees when starting a business depends on financial capabilities. To get started faster and start receiving a stable income, it is advisable to hire one to three people.

These could be women on maternity leave, pensioners, people with disabilities. Such work is estimated at $50–150 per month, payment depends on the volume and complexity of the work. Knitters must be responsible, patient, diligent, have a high knitting speed, have good taste and modeling ability.

As a rule, a separate room for female workers is not required. Knitters can work from home, and finished products submit by the specified deadline.

It’s better to choose craftswomen yourself, because their technical and creative possibilities the success of your business will depend.

Knitting is not a job, but a calling

Organize your workplace

The main criterion for a knitter’s workplace is comfort: everything is at hand, nothing distracts.

Regardless of whether you plan to rent a room or plan to work at home, the place to work should be bright, dry, and well ventilated. After all, the more conveniently the work is organized, the faster the knitting process goes, the volumes increase.

The workplace must be professionally arranged.

To do this you need:

  • Designate a space for storing yarn and consumables.
  • Determine a place for finished products and organize a visual storage system (if you plan to receive clients in the workshop, this will be additional advertising).
  • Provide a comfortable place work furniture(table, chair or armchair).
  • Put coffee table and a chair for receiving visitors (preferably).
  • Set up a fitting room.

The work place for machine knitting should be comfortable and well lit.

Are you planning to work on a typewriter? Immediately try a table with a built-in knitting machine (“cabinet”, as the manufacturer calls it). If the machine is not built-in, the table must be selected based on its dimensions (usually 0.5 m is enough). The main thing is that the table is heavy and stable, otherwise it will be difficult to knit.

Search for clients and advertising

Until such time as you have stable sales channels for your products, it is recommended to work on order and through online sales.

It’s easier to find first buyers among friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Don't be shy about asking clients to advertise your work (if they like it, of course). Word of mouth will help increase sales of individual items. If you and your child have interesting knitted items, display them in places where there may be potential customers: playgrounds, holidays, art exhibitions, etc.

We are collecting a portfolio of our work. Such a catalog will be useful for display to clients in the workshop and for advertising on the Internet. Perhaps you decide to make small booklets with your work.

Sales and promotion on the Internet are a separate matter; here you can sell almost everything:

Your own page with samples of work will dramatically increase sales of knitted products

  • place ads in places where your target audience is;
  • post booklets with jobs at large enterprises and kindergartens;
  • register a workplace if you accept clients.

Make stylish business cards indicating what you do (designer items, custom accessories, repairs, etc.). The costs for them are minimal; you can order from 24 pieces from a printing house or make them yourself. Leave them in kindergartens and at store checkouts so that everyone can make individual orders from you.

During the development of a business project, in order to ensure a stable income, you need to find places where you can deliver finished products on an ongoing basis. These could be women's and men's clothing stores, children's departments, departments of souvenirs, home textiles, and hats. Almost all cities have art workshops that sell designer items (clothing, souvenirs, textiles).

The choice of distribution channel should depend on the product range. Knitted toys, for example, will be in demand in flower stalls, as well as in specialized gift delivery stores.

When determining the selling price, it is important to take into account that stores take goods only for sale, and the store’s markup is on average 30% or more.

How to register an individual entrepreneur

To protect yourself from the legal and financial side, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation are registered by the tax inspectorate.

Most quick way registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur - through a personal account on the State Services website. This is the best option if you already have a personal account on the website.

Service delivery time: 3 working days. Cost: 800 rubles.

How to get the service:

  • Fill out an electronic application for state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Pay the state fee.
  • Send the completed application to the tax authority and wait for the results of its consideration (you will receive an invitation to visit the registration authority in your “Personal Account”).
  • Take the documents.

The government services portal is the best assistant in registering any business

The second option for registering as an individual entrepreneur is to submit documents in person. Since 2017, registration of individual entrepreneurs from tax authorities has been transferred to multifunctional centers. If there is no MFC in the city, the application is submitted to tax office(required at the place of registration).

Before visiting the center (or the Federal Tax Service), you need to prepare documents and decide on the following points:

  • Select main and additional types activities according to OKVED-2 (All-Russian classifier of species economic activity, entered into force on July 11, 2016).
  • Determine the taxation system. The best option Here - simplified system taxation (USN 6%), when individual entrepreneur pays six percent of all gross profits.

  • Pay the state fee (800 rubles).
  • Collect a complete package of documents. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (with copies of all pages); a copy of the certificate with the individual’s TIN number (if any); receipt of payment of state duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs; application for registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur in form P21001; application for application of the simplified tax system according to form No. 26.2–1.

  • Submit the completed package of documents.
  • In 5 days you will receive the finished documents.

For knitting clothes, the main code will be OKVED 14.13.1 (Production of outer knitted or knitted clothes). You also need to select several additional individual entrepreneur activity codes. For example, OKVED 14.14.1 (Production of knitted and knitted underwear); OKVED code 14.19.5 (Sewing and knitting of other clothing and clothing accessories, hats according to individual order population), etc. A separate code is required for the sale of knitted products. OKVED 47.51 (Retail trade in textile products in specialized stores) is suitable here.

Don’t get carried away by the number of OKVED codes, select 10–15 codes. After opening an individual entrepreneur, you can always add new types of activities to the list or discard unnecessary codes. To do this, just write an application to the tax office.

When paying the state fee, be careful about the details and purpose of payment. It is impossible to get a refund for an incorrectly paid fee.

A receipt with details must be taken from the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. When applying through the MFC, in the payment purpose you must select the wording “ State registration FL as an individual entrepreneur."

If you plan to go to the tax office to submit documents, then the wording should be “ Government duty for registration of a sole proprietor as an individual entrepreneur.”

If you live in another city, you can register by sending a package of documents by registered mail with a description of the contents. But it is better to visit the inspection in person; employees may have questions and clarifications regarding the package of documents.

Table: what factors to consider when drawing up a business plan

Indicator / method of work (indicators are based on 1 month) Individual work from home Industrial production /
hiring workers
1 Profit tax rate / individual entrepreneur 6% 6%
2 Number of workplaces 1 from 2 to 12
3 Salary 0 from 5,000 rub. / person
4 Income tax / fund payments 0 13–30% / per person
5 Cost of workplace equipment (hand knitting) from 200 rub. up to 5,000 rub. +, depending on what is in stock No
6 Cost of workplace equipment (machine knitting) from 30,000 to 120,000 rub. / for 1 workplace from 60,000 to 150,000 rubles. / for 1st place
6.1 place for storing yarn (cabinet, rack, etc.) from 0 to 2,500 rub. from 2,500 rub.
6.2 for storing finished products (hangers, shelves, racks, etc.) from 0 to 2,000 rub. from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles.
6.3 place for receiving clients from 0 to 5,000 rub. from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
6.4 additional equipment: lockstitch machines,
loop machine,
chain stitch machine, overlocker, steam table, cutting table
- +
7 Material costs (yarn, accessories, consumables) The cost of production is calculated separately, based on materials, models, etc. production costs are calculated separately
8 Room area not taken into account from 50 to 400 m²
9 Rental cost 1 m² per month 0 from 100 rub. + per 1 m² / per month / depending on the region, location and condition of the premises
10 Advertising expenses
and promotion
from 50 rub. from 9,500 rub.
11 Household expenses (cleaning, personnel consumables, etc.) 0 from 7,000 rub.
12 Percentage of unexpected
expenses from profit
3% 5%
13 Profit from 10,000 rub. depending on all points
14 Payback from 1 to 12 months 1-3 years

Should I open a knitting business?

If you still doubt whether to start, weigh all the nuances. Take this issue seriously.

Take a piece of paper or make a sign on the computer, thoroughly calculate all the expenses (the table above will help you), supplement it, clarify the details. The consumable part must be as accurate as possible.

It’s easier with the income part. Calculate based on real possibilities: how much time it takes to make one thing, what and in what way you will knit, how many workers you will attract. You are unlikely to be able to achieve 100% of your target income from the first month. Therefore, there is no need to describe this point in detail.

You can start small starting capital, look at the result and then decide on the amount of further investments. You can immediately take out a loan for development, but this is a big risk, keep this in mind.

At first, invest 50-80% of your profits in business development. There will be a temptation to do differently, but accept as a rule that this is working money.

Know that people just like you live and work in business. Just in certain time they were not afraid to take risks, took into account all the nuances and stepped forward. Take your business responsibly, analyze the market and opportunities, draw up a detailed action plan, think about ways of development. Know that starting a business is quite easy, keeping it afloat is more difficult. If you put in your best effort, you will definitely achieve your goal.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


This business plan discusses the creation of our own full-cycle production of knitted clothing. The production will be located in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The company will specialize in the production of original knitted jerseys for men, women and children.

The production area of ​​the enterprise will be 65 square meters. meters. Necessary knitting, sewing and auxiliary equipment in the amount of 798.1 thousand rubles. The total volume of start-up investments will be 1.4 million rubles. The success factors of the enterprise can be called:

    increased demand for knitted wool products due to fashion;

    originality and modernity of manufactured products;

    work for a wide target audience: different genders and ages;

    affordable prices with high quality products.

The planned monthly turnover of the enterprise is 925 thousand rubles. Net profit - 311 thousand rubles. Return on sales - 33.6%. The main indicators of the project's effectiveness are given in Table. 1 business plan.

Table 1. Integral performance indicators


For a long time, knitted clothing in the public consciousness was associated with rather simple and unpresentable clothing, suitable for wearing only at home. However, in last years the situation has changed radically: knitted clothes have become the highlight of fashion shows and entered the everyday wardrobe of many people, including those with high incomes. If previously the practical factor came first - convenience and comfort, now consumers value the design of knitwear no less. The brightness and originality of the author's idea often become the decisive pros and cons in choosing a purchase.

This business plan discusses the creation of our own full-cycle production of knitted clothing. The production will be located in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The enterprise will specialize in the production of original knitted knitwear. These will be original designer sweaters, coats, cardigans, tops, scarves and other knitted products. The basis of the product range will be products for women and children (about 70%), the rest will be knitted goods for men.

The organizational and legal form of business will be individual entrepreneurship (IP). The business is opened from scratch, the initiator of the project is a person who previously had experience in the production and sale of designer knitted products at home. The products will be sold in small wholesale and retail through our own online store.

Ready ideas for your business

The production will be located within the city in a rented premises with an area of ​​65 sq. m. meters. For the arrangement, the necessary knitting, sewing and auxiliary equipment will be purchased in the amount of 798.1 thousand rubles. The total volume of start-up investments will be 1.4 million rubles. In Table. 2 business plans present all the starting costs for opening a workshop.

Table 2. Investment costs of the project


AMOUNT, rub.


Equipment purchase

Intangible assets

Creation of an online store


Working capital

Working capital

Purchase of raw materials


1 401 600


The clothes that will be produced by the company will not only be warm and comfortable, but will also be able to emphasize the individuality of the owner due to a wide selection of designer patterns. All products will be created so as not to restrict a person’s movement and at the same time emphasize his style. Raw materials for production (yarn, accessories) will be purchased in bulk from a local supplier working directly with several dozen manufacturers, which will ensure procurement various types products in the “one window” mode. The list of manufactured products and variable costs are given in Table. 3 business plans. Note that in the future, with access to wider production capacity, the range of products produced will be expanded.

Table 3. Nomenclature and variable costs







Knitted sweater for children (1-14 years old)





Men's regular knitted sweater





Long knitted men's sweater




Women's regular knitted sweater





Women's long knitted sweater/cardigan




Women's knitted top




Women's knitted coat





Children's knitted coat





Children's knitted scarf



Women's knitted scarf



Men's knitted scarf



Knitted hat




Our products will be aimed at people of both sexes and all ages. The main emphasis will be on female audiences aged 18-35 and children. A typical representative of our target audience is a solvent person who strives to keep up with fashion, is interested in new and unusual things, has a good sense of humor. Such a person is ready good clothes, but at the same time demands from her the maximum High Quality and comfort at a reasonable and affordable price.

Sales will be carried out in small wholesale to retail clothing stores, as well as retail through our own online store. In parallel, it is planned to promote in social networks: product samples will be presented in the company’s communities on Instagram, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. It is also planned to participate in specialized clothing fairs and knitwear fairs.


The production will be located in a rented premises with an area of ​​65 square meters. meters. 40 sq. meters will be used directly for the knitting shop, 10 sq. meters will be occupied by the sewing room, the rest of the area will be utility rooms, warehouse, bathroom.

For production will be purchased necessary equipment in the amount of 798.1 thousand rubles. A detailed list is given in Table. 4 business plans. Preference will be given universal equipment, namely fifth-class knitting machines, which will make it possible to easily expand the line of knitted products in the future. Some of the knitting machines will be electronic, which will allow you to create precise patterns, automatically knit a pattern, create and edit patterns on a computer, etc. All knitting equipment and components come with a 1-year seller's warranty. Installation and basic training are included in the price.

Table 4. List of equipment



price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Production equipment

Knitting machine Silveer Reed SK840/SRP60N

Vehicle class: 5

Number of fountains: 2

Number of needles: 200

Programming method:


Programmable pattern repeat: up to 200 needles

Country of development: Japan

Country of origin: China



Knitting machine Silveer Reed SK840

Vehicle class: 5

Number of fountains: 1

Number of needles: 200

Programming method:


Up to 200 needles

Country of development: Japan

Country of origin: China



Knitting machine SilverReed SK280/SRP60N

Vehicle class: 5

Number of fountains: 2

Number of needles: 200

Programming method: Punch card

Programmable pattern repeat:

24 needles

Country of development: Japan

Country of origin: China



Kettelny machine Hague 280H

Manual knitting machine Hague 280H class 5



Openwork carriage LC580 for Silver Reed SK840

Carriage for knitting openwork on computer machines of the 5th class.



Silver Reed YC-6 Color Changer

A machine for knitting multicolor fung weaves, Norwegian and double jacquard. For knitting machines SK280, SK840. Thread feeding system for 4 threads.



Jacquard carriage Silver Reed RJ-1 for Silver Reed SRP60N

Jacquard carriage Silver RJ-1 for elastic attachment for knitting machines Silver 60 and Silver reed SRP60N class 5.



Carriage Silver Reed AG24 (Intarsia) for SK280, SK840

Carriage for knitting large patterns with many colors in one row without broaches on the wrong side of the product.



Yarn winder

Yarn rewinding device



Sewing machine Janome JB 1108

Electromechanical sewing machine



Other equipment

Overlockers, irons with steam generators, ironing table, etc.



Auxiliary equipment


Personal Computer



Knitting machine table

Knitting machine table



Sewing machine table

Sewing machine table







PC desk

PC desk




Other auxiliary equipment





In addition to what is listed, you will need specialized software, necessary for tracking the process of knitting patterns and working on creating projects with complex design. The cost of the software will be 25,500 rubles.

Knitted clothing is a seasonal product and is in greatest demand from October to April, which will be taken into account in the production plan of the enterprise. During the off-season, production will be partially reoriented to the spring-summer assortment, while revenue targets will include a 30% reduction in planned levels. Planned production indicators are given in Table. 5 business plan.

Table 5. Planned production indicators


Average planned sales volume

Revenue, rub.

Variable costs

Children's knitted sweater

Men's regular knitted sweater

Long knitted men's sweater

Women's regular knitted sweater

Women's long knitted sweater/cardigan

Women's knitted top

Women's knitted coat

Children's knitted coat

Women's knitted scarf

Men's knitted scarf

Children's knitted hat

Knitted hat


The organizational and legal form of doing business will be individual entrepreneurship (IP). The form of taxation is simplified (6% of income). The initiator of the business will be an individual entrepreneur who previously had experience in selling knitted products of his own production in small volumes. In addition to his responsibilities for managing the company, his responsibilities will include sales management. The company's staff will include 8 people, including 5 knitters, 2 seamstresses and a design programmer. The wage fund and staffing table are shown in Table. 6. Accounting will be outsourced. Maintenance Responsibilities sewing machines will be carried out by mechanics-adjusters, whose labor will be paid under a contract. Production is scheduled to begin in August, before the start of the sales season.

Table 6. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.

Knitting machine operator

Destinator programmer



Social Security contributions:

Total with deductions:



Investment costs for opening an enterprise will amount to 1.4 million rubles. The main amount of funds will be used for the purchase of equipment (798.1 thousand rubles), the purchase of raw materials (308 thousand rubles) and the formation of a fund working capital(200 thousand rubles). The structure of start-up costs is shown in Table. 2 business plans.

Variable costs include expenses for the purchase of raw materials and transportation costs. Variable costs are presented in detail in Table. 7 of this business plan. In number fixed costs included rent, accounting, depreciation, website hosting (see Table 8). Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated using the straight-line method over a service life of 10 years.

The financial plan for a three-year perspective is presented in Appendix 1.

Table 7. Fixed costs enterprises


Amount per month, rub.



Website hosting


30 000

Knitted items always remain in fashion, regardless of the knitting method, machine or hand, the choice of threads or pattern. Knitted hats, booties and blouses are in high demand among young mothers; not a single wardrobe of a true fashionista is complete without cardigans. Blankets, pillows, covers - these interior items, knitted from elegant or bright yarn, also become an integral part of the design of an apartment or house.

Despite the fact that a huge number of women know how to knit, not everyone wants to turn their hobby into a business. Knitting takes quite a lot a large number of time, and therefore it is difficult to combine it with the main job. And, nevertheless, with proper business construction, each of the needlewomen can learn from their own experience how to make money by knitting at home.

Where to start knitting as a business and how to succeed

A home business can become the basis for serious production that will bring solid dividends, but for this, novice businessmen will have to rebuild their habits and change their attitude towards knitting.

If you think about how you can make money from knitting without taking time off from your daily routine or day job, you will not be able to develop a serious business. It is necessary to allocate a certain amount of time that will have to be devoted to this work.

As a rule, beginning businessmen have to spend almost everything on business development free time, because you need not only to work, but also to look for materials according to the most favorable prices, new customers, new sales channels.

If you do not plan to rent a room and are going to work at home, you need to equip a workplace, allocate space for storing raw materials, etc.

Types of models

Today there is a huge assortment of knitted items in stores, and your business will have to compete with them. Despite the possibilities of choice, many turn to needlewomen with orders for individual production of items.

The fact is that knitted clothes are quite difficult to fit, and due to the abundance of patterns and shades of yarn, choosing ideal model almost impossible.

The most popular models are:

  • children's clothing (booties, blouses, etc.);
  • scarves and hats;
  • cardigans;
  • coat;
  • toys;
  • blankets, pillows;
  • mittens and socks, etc.

More elegant items are made on knitting machines, since such knitting is thinner and lighter. Light summer tops, cardigans, blouses, skirts and dresses made from machine knitting make exquisite items.

Business plan for machine knitting and hand knitting

Like any other business, knitting requires drawing up a business plan. This document will help you figure out how to make money by knitting at home, what kind of profit you can expect and what you will have to do to make this profit possible.

Search for clients

In order not to lose anything in the process of creating a business, at first, before you find reliable and stable sales channels for your products, it is recommended to work to order. You can search for your first clients among friends, colleagues and acquaintances. These products will help you create your first portfolio and systematize your skills and abilities.

The first works will help to identify shortcomings in your creativity if you have been knitting relatively recently.

In order to make money from knitting in the future, you will have to look for places where they will accept finished products. You should start with children's departments, home textile stores, hats, women's and men's clothing.

Workplace equipment

To work comfortably, you will need to fully equip your workplace. Please note that you may have to receive clients at your home, and therefore the workplace should be equipped as professionally as possible.

Knitting production at home will require the following equipment:

  • visual storage system;
  • comfortable furniture (table and chair);
  • knitting machine;
  • table and furniture for receiving visitors (optional);
  • small fitting room.

The main criterion for a successful workshop at home is that the work must be convenient and comfortable, so that the work is a pleasure despite the volume.


To organize the work you will need different tools:

  • a set of knitting needles of different diameters;
  • hooks of different sizes;
  • needle sets;
  • buttons;
  • appliqués, buckles and other decorative elements.

If you plan to use machine knitting, you will need to purchase a specialized machine. On average, the cost of one device varies from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, but professional equipment can cost more.


If you work to order, you will have to purchase yarn in small quantities, which will significantly increase the cost of the product.

However, purchasing different yarns in bulk is also unprofitable - the threads can sit for months or even years. With this way of working It’s best to take a certain percentage for the work: calculate how much time you will have to spend on making the item, estimate the cost of an hour of your work and add the resulting amount to the cost of the yarn.

In the case of working with things that you plan to organize as a machine knitting business and sell your goods through stores - in this case prices for wholesale yarn purchases will be lower, however, you will have to take into account the percentage that you will have to give to the intermediary.

On average, from the sale of one piece of clothing, a needlewoman can earn 300-600 rubles per work and more, depending on the complexity.

How to attract clients

To attract clients, you need to figure out how to make money knitting on the Internet. The Internet is huge trading platform, where you can find a buyer for absolutely any product. You need to create your own group on social networks and actively promote it using different channels.

The use of business cards and leaflets will also be effective - but distribution must be organized in places with a high concentration of potential clients.

Knitting training

Another way to make money by crocheting, knitting or machine knitting is by organizing copyright courses where you could teach knitting lessons to everyone.

The only equipment you will need is comfortable furniture and several skeins of thread, knitting needles.

As a rule, there are a huge number of girls and women who have a desire to learn not just to knit, but to create real masterpieces from yarn. These include pensioners, young mothers on maternity leave, and students - the audience is vast and multifaceted.

You can even use own apartment- then you won’t have to pay money for renting the premises.

This way you can monetize your skills, share knowledge and experience, and teach the new generation this art. On average, one group lesson can cost from 150 to 500 rubles, depending on the training conditions.

What main secret success of women who want to organize own business? You must really love your job! That is why, most best view earnings will come from selling products made by hand and with love. In this article we will talk about knitting as a business and a way make money at home. So, where to start and how to succeed in this matter?

Quality of work

The most important aspect knitting business at home is the quality of your work. Many girls complain that no one wants to buy their things, and the reason is often considered to be the irrelevance of such income. However, it is not! In order to develop a profitable business, you need to constantly improve and learn.

There are many master classes and free video lessons on knitting and crocheting on the Internet. You can register on forums and social networks, where participants will be happy to share beautiful diagrams, ideas about what is best to sew, business plans and experience in making money from scratch. By the way, you shouldn’t think that this type handicrafts will be profitable only in winter time of the year. In addition to scarves and hats, you can knit many different things:

  • toys;
  • women's jewelry (brooches, rings and even bracelets);
  • bags and phone cases;
  • dresses, sweaters, etc.;
  • gloves and mittens;
  • summer boots and slippers;
  • rugs, carpets;
  • napkins;
  • swimwear;
  • clothing for animals;
  • children's things (including booties and socks for little ones).

As you can see for yourself, the list is quite impressive and it can be continued for a long time. The main thing is imagination, patience and a great love for knitting. Please note that if you really want to organize a profitable knitting business, you need to devote a lot of time to this business. You won't be able to earn much money if you devote your free hour before bed to crafts. Here we are talking specifically about knitting to order and sale, and not just about a pleasant hobby and pastime. If you are not ready to devote a sufficient amount of time to needlework, this option is suitable as additional income, but not your main income.

You can also earn additional income from knitting by recording your own instructional videos. About, how to make money doing master classes on the Internet, we talked about in the corresponding article!

Attracting clients

So, are you sure that you have learned to knit like no one else and are ready to open your own knitting business? It's time to start actively advertising so that customers know about you. There are several methods that are best combined and used together for better results:

  1. Creating a group on social networks. At the moment, this method is the most effective in finding new clients. Be sure to take beautiful photographs of each of your works and display them in a group, adding a small interesting description. Invite everyone you know to join the group, as well as those who may be interested in knitting. Make sure that the information in the group is updated frequently and be sure to communicate with clients.
  2. Website creation. This option will be more relevant when your knitting business is already quite well known, otherwise hardly anyone will visit the site. Here you also need to take care beautiful design, high-quality photographs and advertising on social networks. To create a decent website, we recommend turning to a professional and keep in mind that this type of client search cannot be done without investments. In addition to advertising your items for sale, you can also give master classes, this will make the site more popular.
  3. Your video blog on Youtube. You can create your own video blog teaching knitting at home. The method for developing a business is quite labor-intensive, but if done correctly, you can not only earn money by advertising and selling knitted items, but also get additional income from blog views.
  4. Ads. Despite the fact that now almost every home has Internet access, we should not forget about time-tested methods of finding buyers. Advertise in newspapers, post ads on poles, send a news ticker to your local TV station, or create your own flyers.
  5. Advertising among “friends”. Be sure to tell your relatives, friends and work colleagues about your knitting business. As experience shows, most often it is the people you know who make the first purchases. By the way, for better efficiency, from time to time wear things associated with you, it will attract attention and become a good self-promotion.

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Hand or machine crafts

A hand knitting business will be valued much more, hence the price will be high. Don’t forget about this, value your work and sell your products at a high price. However, keep in mind that while in foreign countries people willingly buy handmade clothes, in the CIS countries the majority of consumers have average earnings, so you shouldn’t overinflate the cost of goods. A good price/quality ratio to start with is a 100% markup on the cost of the material used. Those. if you spent 1,000 rubles on yarn for a scarf, feel free to sell it for 2,000 rubles. Such profitability cannot but rejoice, and I think questions about whether it is profitable to do business in knitting should not arise.

You can also buy a knitting machine to increase your productivity and sales. As reviews show, it is worth doing this only if you have found a sufficient number of buyers and cannot cope with the number of orders on your own. The cost of such a knitting machine is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. Expensive models will be ideal for business development; you will be able to knit any items, decorate them with a variety of patterns and use the most complex patterns. Thus, you will be able to organize a real knitting workshop at home!

So, we told you about where to start and how to succeed in knitting as a business. Love your job, improve yourself, learn and communicate with clients. Believe in your success and then everything will definitely work out!

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Knitted clothes, products for decorating rooms and accessories are now in fashion, as they were once upon a time. For creating profitable business must be drawn up effective plan actions, according to which it will be possible to calculate the approximate costs and payback periods of this business.

Knitting machine

This type of business includes both the production of finished products and the creation of fabrics and knitwear. This process can be carried out automatically or manually. At the same time, automated production is based on the use of knitting machines, which makes it possible to receive a batch of products in a short time. Hand knitting is only suitable for making single unique models, because... This process of obtaining one product takes a long time.

Selection of premises and equipment

The room for the knitting workshop should be dry, spacious and with good lighting. You also need to take into account the presence additional room for storage ready-made clothes and fabrics.

Knitting machines used in production are large in size. Such machines are equipped with a mechanical or electronic control system. Most knitting machines are double-pattern, which allow you to create various patterns, knit elastic and more. To work on such a device, you must find a qualified specialist.

Costs of organizing production

To organize this business, it is necessary to take into account all the necessary investments, estimate production volumes, and determine sales markets finished goods. Costs needed to organize production:

  • rent of premises for a workshop – 5000 rub. Per month;
  • purchase of knitting machines – 10,000-50,000 rubles/piece;
  • purchase of raw materials (thread) - the cost will be determined by quality.

These were the main costs of organizing the process, but you also need to take into account the investments in starting a business. We are talking about registration and registration of all necessary documents opening a knitting business (private enterprise will cost 30,000-50,000 rubles, organizing an LLC - 150,000-300,000 rubles).

Upon completion of all organizational issues, it is necessary to determine the list of customers. Please note that with the slowest work, it is possible to produce goods worth 80,000-100,000 rubles in a month. With a well-drafted business plan and strict implementation of all its points, this type of production will pay for itself within 6 months.

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