DIY bubbling bath ball recipes. A bubbling recipe, or how to make a bath bomb with your own hands

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Bath bombs can transform your relaxation into... new level. You can de-stress and enjoy a warm, pleasant-smelling, and impeccably beautiful bath. But how safe are these bombs?

Buying bombs at Lush, The Body Shop and "bubbling balls" at Stenders, you will be tempted natural oils, pleasant smells and incredible colors. Salespeople will tell you how the bombs will hydrate your skin and relieve stress, but what will actually happen to your body?

Study the ingredients of the bombs. They contain chemicals that affect hormones and dyes that reach the mucous membrane. Standard bath bombs are definitely not something that will be good for your body. Luckily, we have a recipe for homemade bombs that will help relieve stress without harming your health.

1. Totally fake and toxic flavors

The aromatic fragrance added to the bombs does not seem to be a dangerous ingredient. But in fact, synthetic additives are the most toxic part of the product. The US National Academy of Sciences has found that 95% of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are petroleum products (). Yes indeed. Throwing a mango-scented bath bomb into the bathtub may result in a spilled puddle of oil without you even noticing it. However, your skin will receive all the dangers associated with this fact. For example, the likelihood of skin itching and allergies.

Many of us are aware of the dangers of phthalates and other chemicals that affect hormones. They can cause serious illnesses and problems, so we do not recommend using bath products when bathing children and pregnant women (,).

When studying the composition before purchasing, pay attention to “fragrance”, “fragrance oil”, “fragrance oil blend”. This is a legal way to hide the names of chemicals from buyers and manufacturers regularly use it. In total, manufacturers use 3,000 toxic flavors and do not indicate their names in the composition. Such flavorings may cause malfunction nervous system, respiratory diseases and are potentially carcinogenic ().

2. Food dyes get into the blood

Food dyes are dangerous in more than just food. A 2013 study found that skin can absorb toxic dyes, especially skin that has undergone hair removal. Once in contact with the skin, the dyes enter directly into the bloodstream instead of passing through digestive system and be filtered by the liver, like other toxins ().

Dyes are regularly used in bath bombs. They can cause an allergic reaction. Some studies suggest increased risk oncological diseases. This primarily concerns the yellow dye. ()

3. Urinary tract infection

Experts may note that showering reduces the risk of infection (), but bathing with a bomb seriously increases this risk. It has been proven that bubble baths and bombs touching the genitals seriously increase the risk of infection. ()

4. Glitter is made of plastic.

Many bath bombs contain glitter. These are tiny particles of plastic that do not decompose. After flushing, they will pass into sewer system and will eventually pollute the water. They are harmful to the ecology of the planet, and if this does not bother you too much, then they are not very useful for your skin and mucous membranes either.

5. Yeast Infections

First of all, this applies to women. The chemicals contained in the bombs can disrupt the natural pH balance of the female organs and increase the risk of yeast infection. ()

Are boric acid bombs dangerous?

Some stores promote bombs homemade containing boric acid. The advantage of this solution is the antifungal effect of the acid. It is used to treat some female diseases and treat fungus on the feet of athletes.

Unfortunately, the special European Commission found evidence that boric acid affects hormones. Its use is prohibited in Japan and Canada ().

It is so serious that the Government of Canada has recommended that the use of acid in art (it was used to make clay) and veterinary medicine be phased out. The reason given is harm to reproductive system person. ()

Safe Bath Bomb Recipe

You can make the best bombs yourself and without any special skills. You will need:

  1. 1 cup soda
  2. 1/2 cup citric acid
  3. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  4. 1 teaspoon cream of tartar or wine vinegar
  5. 1/2 cup ground sea salt
  6. 1.5 teaspoons
  7. 1/2 teaspoon
  8. 1 tablespoon (witch hazel)
  9. 1 teaspoon beet powder (instead of coloring)
  10. ethereal
  11. orange essential oil

Preparation will take 10 minutes, you can discard most of the components and replace them with others.


  • Mix all dry ingredients (soda, citric acid, salt and starch) in one glass or ceramic container
  • Mix all wet ingredients (vinegar, oils) in another container
  • Mix ingredients from both containers
  • Place the mass in a mold or simply squeeze it with your hands until you get a ball with a diameter of 3-5 cm
  • Let the mixture dry, this will take up to 2 days.
  • Use a bath bomb and enjoy without harm to your health
  • This bomb can be stored for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator, closed from contact with air.


Bath bomb- This is a mixture of dry ingredients, including oils, flavors and dyes. The dry substances of the bomb completely dissolve in water, changing its composition, color and smell. The mixture may contain skin moisturizing oils.

What is a bath bomb used for? The bomb is used for aesthetic reasons, making the bathing process more pleasant and interesting. Selected species mixtures can be used to soften and moisturize the skin. Bombs can be used to reduce stress levels.

A few facts:

  1. Flavorings are made from petroleum and are hazardous to health.
  2. Bombs can cause allergies, asthma and serious illness.
  3. Food dyes enter the bloodstream and this is unsafe.
  4. Bombs increase the chance of infection, especially in women.
  5. Glitter spoils the environment.
  6. Boric acid can affect hormones and is banned in some countries.

You can relax, unwind, put your body and spirit in order if you take a bath with fizz. Bath bombs have come into fashion relatively recently, but those who have already tried this miracle know its extraordinary effect on the body. Today we will try to make these sizzling bath bombs with our own hands. The recipes for making them are simple and safe enough, so you can make them with your children, and then try them out in a full bath!

Homemade bath bombs

To begin with, here is the simplest recipe for a base that can be used for children's games in the bathroom. Once you've learned how to make the bomb base, you can then experiment with flavorings. So, we will need:

  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • vegetable oil any.

Important clarification. There should always be 2 times more soda than citric acid, only in this case we will ensure the correct chemical reaction. Also don't forget to use gloves!

Thoroughly grind and mix citric acid, soda and salt in a cup for several minutes. Make sure there are no lumps! Now gradually add the oil, rubbing the mass with your hands. The mixture should be plastic, but at the same time dry. No need to achieve the consistency of plasticine! We compact the resulting mass tightly into a previously prepared container. The easiest thing to do at home is to take baking dishes or a container from Kinder Surprise. To make our workpiece fit more tightly, you can add a little alcohol to it. This way the mixture will be moistened and compacted better. Do not use water for this under any circumstances - it will start the reaction, and alcohol will have no effect. In addition, it will quickly evaporate. Now we leave our bath bombs to harden for several hours. After that, we easily remove them from the molds and they are ready for use! It’s enough to throw a bomb into the bathroom and it starts to hiss, releasing a lot of bubbles - it’s gone chemical reaction with highlighting carbon dioxide.

Bath Bomb Recipes

Now that we've understood the point of making bath bombs (and learned how to make them), it's time to give some recipes for making them.

General idea The flavoring of bombs is as follows: there is a base (we made it with our own hands a little higher), to which aromatic components (for example, essential oils) and, possibly, some dyes are added.

You should not approach the choice of oil thoughtlessly, because they have different effects. For example, olive oil good for dry skin, and coconut or almond for oily skin. Lavender soothes and relaxes, while citrus oils invigorate and tone.

Essential oils should be added literally drop by drop. When adding essential oils to the base, the bomb may begin to fizz. In this case, you need to quickly stir the mixture. If it doesn't help, add a little soda.

Below you will find several recipes for sizzling bath bombs.

Soothing Bath Bomb Recipe

This soothing bath bomb is made with lavender. To the base add a few drops of lavender oil and purple food coloring. Full Recipe relaxing bath bomb looks like this:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops,
  • purple food coloring - 5 drops.

Toning bath bomb

A bath bomb with the addition of orange and cinnamon oils is an excellent tonic and cleanser for the skin. The bomb recipe is also quite simple:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • sea ​​salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • orange essential oil - 10-15 drops,
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5-7 drops,
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.

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Bath bombs: 4 shells of joy, easy to make at home

Explosion, storm, madness! These three words perfectly describe bath bombs, which can turn ordinary water procedures into a real holiday. I want to go further and not just limit myself to flattering epithets in the direction of such a “terrible” weapon of mass destruction of water masses in your font, but to offer you several simple recipes making it at home.

And yet what are we talking about?

But first, I think it is necessary to expand on the topic of bath bombs in a little more detail for those who have not yet encountered them at all. Most often they are colored balls (although they may have other shapes, this is not important) and are launched into the collected font. The effect of this can be observed as follows:

The action of the “shell of joy”

  1. When an object comes into contact with liquid begins to boil, forming a real geyser;

  1. Then in all directions bubbles and whole streams diverge different colors , the shades of which depend on the type of sample used;

  1. They rush into the air pleasant aromas , filling in ;
  2. The water takes on a fantastic look, and medicinal essential oils begin to affect the body of a person lying in the font.


Here I also want to expand a little more on the topic of how bath bombs can be useful for you:

  1. Direct use. That is, as I described above: fill the tank warm water, throw a shell there and enjoy all the further special effects;

  1. Present. Remember that situation when you need to make something inexpensive, but original gift to someone, but your head refuses to invent anything suitable? So, bath bombs will be an excellent and unusual gift present in any situation.

If you are planning to use a homemade bomb as a gift, then I recommend not limiting yourself to a spherical shape, but giving it some more interesting shapes. So, for example, on “Valentine’s Day” it could be a heart, on “March Eighth” it could be a rosebud, and a child can be pleased with a figurine of an animal. This will make it even more pleasant for the person.

Let's start cooking

Making bath bombs at home requires having the following tools on hand:

Name Comments
Kitchen scales Many ingredients require precise proportions; it is not advisable to add them “by eye”
Clean dry container A large bowl, preferably glass, is quite suitable, and it is needed to mix all the constituent elements
Latex gloves Do not touch anything you will be working with with your bare hands, as this may cause negative consequences for your skin
Face protection Goggles and a gauze bandage are quite suitable to prevent reactive dust from getting into the eyes or respiratory tract
Sieve Will be needed to sift the mixture being prepared.
Matching molds It depends on what you want to get as a result, but most often these are special purchased plastic containers, cut tennis balls or “eggs” from Kinder Surprise children’s toys.

As you can see, some special tools It is not necessary to purchase it to realize what you have planned with your own hands. Most likely you are all you can find in your own home.

Joy Projectile #1: “Simple Torpedo”

I started with the most basic recipe, for which I needed the following ingredients:

The process itself looked like this:

  1. Properly equipped, in prepared containers began to mix the amount of citric acid and soda indicated in the table until you get a homogeneous substance. In the process of completing this step, I also added the selected dye and sea salt;

  1. Further poured into essential and olive oils, and added dry cream and chopped herbs;
  2. He started mixing the substance again, achieving a homogeneous mushy state. Ready mix should mold well, if it continues to be crumbly and does not want to form a lump in your hand, then add a little water to it. Just do this very carefully so as not to provoke the onset of a chemical reaction;

If the hissing still begins after adding liquid, add a little citric acid and soda. The substance in the bowl is then stabilized.

  1. Scooping up a handful of sticky mass, made a ball out of it, like a snowball made of snow;

  1. Impromptu snowball fight put it in the mold, which was then closed;

  1. I left the mixture closed into a sphere to harden for 20 minutes., after which he took out the ready-made bomb. Signs of a correctly performed procedure: the object leaves the mold easily, without sticking to the walls, and does not crumble in your hands.

Joy Shell No. 2: “Lavender Relaxation”

Those who especially like to soak in warm water will certainly appreciate the “warheads” made of lavender. Here I needed:

After I collected everything, I got down to business:

  1. The first step here is the same as in the previous recipe, that is, I carefully mixed soda with citric acid, turning them into a single substance;
  2. While working with a spoon also I also added some dry cream;
  3. After the mass has become homogeneous, very slowly poured wheat oil into it;
  4. Further also slowly I also added lavender oil;

  1. Added crushed plant particles and sea salt, continuing to stir the contents of the bowl;

  1. I took a spray bottle of water and slowly began to “refresh” the substance until it began to hiss at me;
  2. I greased the molds for bath bombs from the inside with sunflower oil, filled them with the prepared mixture, and then, just as children make Easter cakes from sand, I laid it out on a clean sheet of paper;

  1. After 6 hours, the “shells” are ready for use.

Lavender has a very relaxing effect on the body, so launching such a “torpedo” into the bath before bed is most pleasant.

Shell of joy No. 3: “The goal is romance”

If you want the degree of romance in the bathroom to go off scale, then the following recipe, which requires the following ingredients, will do the job perfectly:

My cooking process went like this:

  1. I took a piece of cocoa butter and melted it in a water bath. The source of heat in this case can be either a microwave oven or a regular battery;

  1. Cooled the substance a little, then slowly I started adding all the stored essential oils and the prepared dye to it while stirring with a spoon;
  2. Then immersed the remaining ingredients in the container, which include baking soda, citric acid and oatmeal powder;
  3. Next I'm already mixed the mixture with my hands until doughy and homogeneous;
  4. Divide the resulting dough into molds;
  5. And I placed the filled molds themselves in the freezer for half an hour;
  6. The hardened samples were taken out of the containers and wrapped in pieces of plastic film.

Projectile No. 4: “Tenderness for the skin”

Roses are always beautiful. And you can also create bath bombs from them. For this you will need:

And I started:

  1. First of all, I tackled the dry ingredients. For this I needed soda, citric acid and " Epsom salt", which is easy to purchase at the pharmacy. I combined all these loose mixtures into a homogeneous mass without a single lump;

  1. Then added glycerin and continued stirring gently;

  1. Further followed by essential oils: almond and pink;
  2. By adding curry, I changed the color of the mixture to yellowish;
  3. Added water and mixed thoroughly, without reacting to the hissing and increase in the substance;
  4. I squeezed a lump of mass, checking it for readiness: if it doesn’t crumble, then everything is in order;
  5. Lined the inside of the mold with rose petals, after which he filled it with the prepared substance;
  6. Two days later I took out the finished “warhead”.

What the store can offer

I’m interested in making bath bombs myself, but not everyone has the time or desire for this. But almost everyone still wants to try this delight at least once in action.

And here, as always, there is an alternative in the form of a trip to specialized stores. You can buy extremely safe and fully equipped kits for the production of “shells” that even children can handle, as well as ready-to-use samples.

Example sentences

The price of ready-made bombs, of course, is much higher than manufactured ones. with my own hands, but still remains quite accessible:

  1. Aloe Vera Bomb:

  1. Bomb "Banana Paradise":

  1. Hot Chocolate Bomb:

  1. Bomb “Lemon freshness”:

  1. Bomb "Sea Breeze":

As you can see, purchased samples do not differ as much in shape, composition and price as homemade ones, although, of course, you can find more intricate examples if you wish. These include, for example, this heart self made"calendula", having the following description:


Bath bombs will make taking water procedures more fun, more enjoyable and more useful. And making them with your own hands is quite capable of delivering sincere emotional pleasure.

The video in this article will introduce you to additional information. Ask any questions you have on the topic in the comments.

Boom and pshshh! With this sound, the bath bomb “explodes”, which I put in hot bath. I rarely take a bath, but if I do, I like to turn it into a real SPA procedure and I can’t do it without a bath bomb.

It turns out that you can make such a bomb yourself, and you don’t have to buy it. Store-bought ones are not cheap, but making a bomb at home turned out to be quite easy, does not take long, and is also very fragrant.

All ingredients can be found in regular stores. This volume was enough for two bombs.

Baking soda – 10 tablespoons;

Citric acid – 5 tablespoons;

Sea salt – 2 tablespoons;

Essential oil with your favorite scent;

Olive oil – 1 teaspoon;

Dry cream – 1 tablespoon;

Chopped herbs.

We start by mixing the dry ingredients: baking soda and citric acid. Mix everything in a bowl. It is these components that provide the explosive effect of the bomb.

I added some food coloring left over from Easter. I diluted the dry tablet in water and then added a little to the dry mixture. Then I realized why everyone recommends making bombs with gloves. I was all smeared with dyes.

It is important to carefully add all the liquid ingredients little by little as the acid will react immediately. The more dye there is, the richer the color will be. It was very convenient to stir the mixture with a whisk. I saw this idea in one of the videos on YouTube.

Add 2 tablespoons of sea salt. Salt serves as a filler and gives volume to the bomb. I use regular sea salt. They say you can use colored aromatic bath salts, but I don't see the point in that.

Add a few drops essential oil. The recipe said 20 drops, but I was afraid to overdo it, so I added just a little. The smell of lavender still enveloped the entire kitchen.

Add one tablespoon of dry cream. You can use cornstarch instead of cream.

The last step is to add the herbs to the mixture. And mix, mix, mix. Although the mixture looks crumbly, it sticks together like sand. If you feel that it is not sticky enough, you can add a drop of water. Very little.

We begin to fill the mold with the mixture. I used handmade soap molds that I had. You can use regular muffin tins or buy special two-piece bomb molds.

It is important to pack the mixture very tightly so that it sticks well. The mixture I prepared was enough for two bombs.

When everything is ready, leave the bombs to dry. It is better to leave it for a day or put it in the freezer for an hour.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Modern man Doesn’t often take time for a bath, but in vain: pleasant sensations and relaxation perfectly relieve irritation and tension. For greater relaxation, many add special oils, foam, sea salt and other products. In addition, you can use bath bombs with the aromas of essential oils or fragrances - a ball of this type begins to bubble, spin, spreading a pleasant and subtle scent. Their use can be a good alternative salt bath.

What is a bath bomb

Bath bombs are a product that contains specially selected compositions of oils, herbs, mud, clays and other dry ingredients. Some options contain glitter or flower petals. These effervescent balls are sometimes called geysers and are known for their healing properties. One of the main components, which is baking soda, works very well against itching and skin irritations, and citric acid makes bath balls fizz. You can give them any color using natural dyes.

How to use

Before using bubbling bath balls, learn about the rules for their use. In general, using bath bombs is very simple:

  • First of all, decide on suitable option bombs, which can have scents of lavender, essential oils, etc.
  • Next, fill the bathtub with water comfortable temperature and drop one of these bombs there.
  • As soon as the ball is in the water, it will begin to foam and bubble.
  • Then it will begin to fall apart and dissolve, as a result of which the aroma will be released, and beneficial oils and salts will fall into the water.

How to make a bath bomb

Bath balls are sold in specialty stores, but to save money, make them yourself. With the right approach, a homemade ball will turn out no less fragrant and healthy than the store-bought version. To prepare it, you need to buy the ingredients in advance in accordance with the instructions with the photo - for example, dry flower petals, a few spoons of soda, food coloring. Then they are thoroughly mixed, take a mold and pour the whole mass into it. After this, the mixture is left to dry and finally wrapped in cling film.

Bomb Ingredients

Scroll necessary ingredients May vary slightly depending on the recipe, but a good place to start would be to use a basic recipe for making scented bath balls. Please note that if you use solid oil in the future, you must first dissolve it in a water bath. In addition, if the mass does not stick together (does not mold) or after drying it crumbles, then you have not moistened it well. As for the basic ingredients, many of them are used in making soap:

  • citric acid in granules or powder;
  • baking soda;
  • sea ​​or salt;
  • dyes (additional component);
  • fillers (additional component).

Bath Bomb Recipe

To make bombs, you can buy special molds or use Kinder Surprise eggs. The proportion of the main components (salt, soda, citric acid) should be 8-4-2 parts. You can add the remaining components at your discretion: for example, it could be a few drops of essential oil, almond, olive, etc. To prepare colored multilayer balls, you need to prepare a mixture of different colors, which will have to be placed in layers in the mold. In addition, you can put large colored salt or dried flowers. Useful tips:

  • To prepare bath balls, use food coloring because... they are harmless to the skin.
  • If you over-moisten the bomb mixture, you can simply dry it next to the radiator or add dry ingredients in the correct proportions.
  • To avoid making a mistake with the amount of water, use a spray bottle.
  • When cooking, do not use apricot and peach kernel oil, as... the mass into which it is added does not hold its shape very well.
  • Store finished products for the bath in a dry place, but better - in an airtight package.

With lavender

To begin, grind 2 tbsp in a coffee grinder. spoons of citric acid, then 8 tbsp. spoons of sea salt with lavender. Then mix thoroughly 4 tbsp. spoons of soda (baking soda), 2 tbsp. spoons of base oil (almond, olive, etc.) with salt and acid. All that remains is to add 8 drops of lavender oil. Do everything carefully so that the mass does not start to sizzle. The end result should be a mixture similar to wet sand. Then:

  1. For a design, for example, in the shape of a heart, separate a little mass from the mixture, mix it with 1 g of food coloring and compact it at the bottom of the mold.
  2. Firmly compact the bulk of the mixture into the two halves of the mold, pressing them firmly together.
  3. After a few seconds, open both halves and leave the finished bomb to dry for a day.

With mint

A good choice for you might be the “Mint Ecstasy” recipe, which will give you a feeling of vigor and freshness throughout the day. To prepare, mix the following ingredients with each other: baking soda (4 tbsp), milk powder (2 tbsp), mint essential oil (15 drops), sea salt (1 tbsp) and olive oil (2 tbsp). As soon as the mixture becomes thick during mixing, add dry mint - about 1 tbsp. l. Squeeze the mixture in your fist - if it starts to crumble, add a little water from a spray bottle or oil. Finally, place the mixture in a mold and leave to dry for 1-2 days.


Original and interesting option called “Chocolate Chic” will help you relax and absorb the subtle aroma of chocolate into your skin. The method of its manufacture corresponds to the basic recipe, i.e. you also need to mix citric acid, salt and soda with other additional ingredients, shape and leave to dry for a while. Ingredients you will need:

  • soda – 100 g;
  • citric acid, sea salt, milk powder - 50 g each;
  • cocoa powder – 30 g;
  • cherry/chocolate flavoring – 12 drops.


Essential citrus oils perfectly fight cellulite and give the skin the necessary elasticity. To prepare bombs with citrus aroma take the basic components, i.e. soda (4 tbsp.), sea salt (2 tbsp.) and citric acid (2 tbsp.) and additional: sea buckthorn oil (2 tbsp.), essential oils of tangerine, orange, lemon (each 10-20 drops). Additionally, you will need yellow food coloring. The cooking process is no different from the basic recipe: mix everything, place the mixture tightly in molds, and leave to dry.

With almond oil

This type of bath bomb helps to tone the skin and lift your mood. The preparation is very easy and simple. Mix together 4 tbsp. l. soda, 2 tbsp. l. sweet almond oil, 1/4 tsp. essential oil (of your choice), 2 tbsp. l. citric/ascorbic acid, 1 tsp. oil solution vitamin E. That's not all, the list of ingredients in this recipe, called “Sweet Almonds,” is wider than in other options: add another 1 tbsp to the main mass. l. borax and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and follow the basic recipe.


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