Quick-drying, odorless paint for the floor of your country house. Choosing quality: odorless and quick-drying floor paint - study the rating Painting a wooden floor with odorless paint

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Painting the floor is a long and quite labor-intensive process. At the same time, ordinary paints and varnishes have such a poisonous and disgusting smell that even people living next door certainly feel that their neighbor has started renovations and painted the floor in his house/apartment/office. However, it is possible to update your interior using innovative, quick-drying, odorless floor paint.

Such paints and varnishes appeared on the market a relatively long time ago, but not everyone knows about their existence and proper use. With its appearance, odorless floor paint made a small revolution in its segment of the building materials market. After all, it was created specifically for those who cannot move out of their living space during renovations.

Advantages of quick-drying materials

Such materials:

  • do not have a pronounced chemical “aroma”;
  • do not require wearing a respirator or mask;
  • prevent slipping;
  • dry quickly enough;
  • environmentally friendly and do not harm human health;
  • do not require to vacate the premises during and after the process.

Material for wood

There is odorless floor paint separately for wood and concrete floors.

For example, a wooden floor should be coated with a special durable emulsion that will withstand any mechanical stress and protect the floor from scratches, water or household chemicals, and will also emphasize the naturalness of the wood and dry very quickly.

Material for concrete

Such paints are used when the likelihood of mechanical and impact loads on the floor is very high. Uncoated concrete has absolutely no aesthetic appearance and limited operational period.

Let's sum it up

Fast drying paint for wooden floor odorless is a coating that not only refreshes appearance premises, making it beautiful and impressive, but also surprisingly durable.

Quick-drying floor paint and its features

Painting a floor is long and quite labor-intensive process. Moreover, ordinary paint and varnish coatings have such a poisonous and disgusting odor that it is simply impossible to be in a room with a freshly painted floor. However, you can update your interior using innovative paint and avoid all these troubles.

Quick-drying, odorless acrylic enamel

Modern quick-drying paint dries in a matter of hours and has no odor. Next we will look at its features and methods of application.

General information

Quick-drying, odorless floor paint has appeared on the market for a relatively long time, but not everyone knows about its existence and how to use it correctly. It must be said that with its appearance it made a small revolution in this area of ​​building materials.

Moreover, the product is intended specifically for those people who cannot leave their living space during repairs.

Advantages of quick-drying paint

Each of us knows how long regular floor paint takes to dry, and sometimes this discourages us from doing repairs. Fast-drying paint takes several hours to dry completely.

But, besides this, it has a number of other advantages:

  • Does not have a pronounced chemical “aroma”;
  • When working, you do not have to wear a respirator or mask;
  • Has an anti-slip effect;
  • The product is environmentally friendly and not harmful to human health;
  • Relatively low price on the product;
  • Does not fade or fade in the sun;
  • There is no need to leave the room after painting the floors.

Painting a wooden floor

Types of quick-drying floor paint

First of all, quick-drying floor paints are divided according to their composition, they are:

It must be said that there are other types of quick-drying paints, but they are either not suitable for painting floors or have a strong odor.


The binder in these paints is acrylic resins, which form a hard film after the solvent evaporates. Rapid drying is achieved due to the oxidation of alkyd resins in the open air.

Such products have many advantages:

  • They can be used on all surfaces;
  • Easy to use;
  • Due to fast drying, the second coat can be applied four hours after the first.
  • Easily washed off from instruments.

As a result, paintwork based on acrylic resins are the most popular.


Quick drying polyurethane paints provide coatings with a lasting shine. These are also quick-drying paintwork coatings that are used to protect products that are subject to wear and friction, including floors. Polyurethane paintwork can give the surface the texture of crushed silk.

The photo shows a concrete floor covered with polyurethane paint.

It should also be noted that they can be used for objects that are exposed to weather conditions, for example, for floors on the veranda. Otherwise, polyurethane coatings are similar to acrylic floor paints.

Note! Quick-drying paint is available separately for concrete and wood surfaces, so when choosing, you should consider what type of floors need to be painted.

How to paint floors with quick-drying paint

Applying quick-drying paint to your floors with your own hands is not difficult. When working with acrylic paints, it is best to use a wide, short-haired roller. They allow you to apply a layer of paintwork evenly and quickly.

Painting a concrete floor

Advice! To make it more convenient to work with the roller, you should put a long handle on it.

For painting corners and hard to reach places you will have to use a small narrow brush.

Painting a concrete floor

You can paint a concrete floor when the surface temperature is not lower than 5 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature in the room should not fall below 10 degrees. Air humidity should be no more than 80 percent.

The procedure can be performed on fresh or wet concrete, but not earlier than five days after it is poured. Smears should be applied in different directions, after which the paintwork is rubbed over the surface. Before applying the second layer, you need to make sure that the previous one has dried.

Floor painting tool

Advice! The layers of paint should not be thick, as thin layers not only dry faster, but also look better.

How quickly the floor dries depends on many factors, such as the moisture content of the concrete, air humidity and temperature, etc. Therefore, do not rush to use the surface as quickly as possible so that it has time to completely dry and acquire the proper wear resistance.

Painting wooden floors

Painting wooden floors things are a little more complicated due to the unevenness of the surface. Therefore, a number of operations must first be performed.

Instructions for performing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, the floor needs to be oiled.
  • Then the surface must be treated with a primer.
  • After the primer has dried, if unevenness is noticeable on the floor, they should be filled with oil putty.
  • Then the putty should be sanded, putty again and sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Putty areas must also be treated with a primer.
  • After this, you can proceed directly to painting. The procedure is practically no different from the method described above. In the same way, you should use a roller and brush and apply thin layers of paint to the surface.
  • If necessary, the surface should be coated with a second layer of paintwork after the previous one has hardened.

Wood floor putty

Advice! After work, containers and tools should be washed in water.


Quick-drying paint not only allows you to update the look of the floor, but is also reliable protective layer, which can withstand even enough extreme conditions operation.

But the most important thing is that in order to carry out repairs, it is absolutely not necessary to leave the premises even for a short time, which greatly simplifies the task. Additional information information on this topic can be obtained from this article.


When choosing paint for treating a wooden floor, you must consider the following parameters:

  • indoor air humidity;
  • the degree of traffic of a given room;
  • opportunity additional processing wood protective compounds;
  • optimal service life of surfaces.

Given these characteristics, you can use certain paint and varnish coatings. The aesthetics of the floor, as well as the maximum service life, depend on the correct choice of paint.

Preparing a wooden floor for painting

Before painting begins, the following activities must be carried out:

  • remove dust and dirt from the surface using detergents;
  • use a spatula or knife to remove dirt from the cracks;
  • Remove grease stains from wooden floors with a solvent;
  • hammer in all the nails, get rid of any irregularities.

Rules for painting a wooden floor

It is not enough to simply apply paint evenly onto a wooden floor using a roller or brush and wait for it to dry completely to ensure a durable and beautiful coating. There is a special algorithm for painting wood floors. This sequence of actions is suitable for those floors that do not have significant defects:

  1. A thin layer of special protective oil is applied to the floor. For complete drying you need to wait 2-3 days.
  2. Armed with a sprayer, brush or roller, thin layer Paint the entire floor surface and dry thoroughly.
  3. Apply the next layer of paint (if necessary), dry it for 3-4 days. If you want to cover the floor with 2-3 layers of paint, the painting frequency is 4-6 days.

Painting a wooden floor with defects

If it is necessary to paint a floor that has pronounced defects, proceed as follows:

  1. Before painting begins, we get rid of all defects visible to the naked eye: irregularities, cracks, protrusions.
  2. To eliminate cracks, we use putty, and remove the remaining material with sandpaper.
  3. After the wooden surface has completely dried, we begin to paint the floor (2-3 layers).

Advice ! To fix the paint layer, we use an additional varnish layer or protective oils, which give a visual glossy finish to the floor.

Professional floor painting option

Painting stages:

  1. Dissolve dry paint powder (200 g) in a liter of natural drying oil.
  2. Apply the finished mixture to the wooden surface until completely dry.
  3. Apply a thin layer of putty to the floor, wait for it to dry completely, and remove excess material with sandpaper.

    Attention! We perform similar actions 2-3 times.

  4. Apply 2 layers of paint to the prepared floor surface. After drying, the floor should be washed with a damp cloth.

Features of painting a wooden floor

Wooden floors create a feeling of homely warmth and comfort. Those homeowners who dream that the painted floor will retain its original aesthetic characteristics for as long as possible use special varnishes and regularly care for the painted surface.

Having tried these modern coatings, like laminate, carpet, linoleum, many return to traditional version gender - natural wood. The natural material has many positive characteristics that make it a popular element in modern room decoration:

  • aesthetics of the coating;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • environmentally friendly, the coating does not emit toxic substances;
  • You can apply a pattern to the surface depending on the chosen room design.

About paint consumption

The average consumption is 200-300 grams per square meter wooden floor. Minimum consumption will be when using a roller or spray, maximum amount paint is consumed when painting with paint brushes.

Processing wood flooring

For a long time, oil paint was the only material used to paint wooden floors. The range of shades was slight, from light brown to dark brown. The wood eventually lost its natural uniqueness and became “faceless.”

The most “advanced” townspeople covered the floor with green oil paint, and achieved contrast with the help of brown or burgundy baseboards. The use of varnish, mastic, wax material, and oil has significantly increased the scope of use of wooden floors.

Coverage from scratch

  1. Having chosen for the floor in your city apartment either country house wooden boards, you will have to be patient, since laying wooden floors is a lengthy procedure. Since the start finishing works It will take quite a long time until complete completion, but the final result is worth the effort.
  2. After all the floorboards have been laid, it is necessary to saturate them with a starting layer of protective varnish. Depending on the initial condition of the wood, it will take from 4-5 days to 1-2 months to completely dry the floor.

Advice ! To speed up preparatory stage, use dry floorboards.

Bringing “new life” back to the old floor

Among the main problems faced by buyers of the secondary real estate market, we highlight the removal of old paint from the floor. You can deal with this problem using the following methods:

  • Arm yourself with an old iron;
  • Purchase a special paint remover;
  • Stock up on sandpaper;
  • Use a grinder with attachments designed for sanding wood;
  • Find sharp knife and construction spatulas.

We heat the old iron and apply it through a layer of paper to the old floor. After some time, the paint becomes soft under the iron and partially remains on the paper. Any residue can be removed from the floorboards using sharp tools. To remove all paint residues, apply a remover to the floor surface, then remove it with a soft rag.

If you decide to use electric tools (grinder, plane), first check that there are no protruding nail heads.

Removed with a plane old paint, it is necessary to eliminate unevenness and roughness from the floorboards. We perform these actions efficiently, obtaining a perfectly smooth and even floor surface.

Advice ! To speed up the process of smoothing wooden floorboards, you can use a sanding machine.

During the work associated with removing the old layer of paint from the floor, a lot of sawdust and wood dust are generated. By mixing them with PVA glue, you can get a homemade putty mixture.

Types of coatings

To preserve wood and emphasize its natural beauty, you can use various coatings:

  • Water-soluble varnish. He does not have unpleasant odor, suitable for treating floors in children's rooms. The varnish contains special adhesive components that guarantee reliable adhesion to wood. Water-soluble varnish can be one-component or two-component. The second option has maximum wear resistance and retains the coating for 8-10 years.
  • Alkyd varnishes based on oil resin. This type of varnish is used by professionals; it is important to choose the right proportion.
  • Oil paints. The oil is absorbed into the wood structure, increases wear resistance, and reduces abrasion of floorboards. You can choose oil paint desired color, a roller and brush are suitable for applying it to wood. Among the disadvantages of the floor, we note the difficulty of care;
  • Wax coating. Beeswax environmentally friendly, absolutely safe for plants, humans and animals. Apply this material 2-3 times a year, use a cotton cloth for polishing;
  • Acrylic dispersion paint. Among its advantages it is necessary to mention: color fastness, variety of color palette, durability, ease of maintenance.
  • Polyurethane varnish. The material has excellent mechanical characteristics, suitable for use in public places with high traffic.

Features of applying varnish:

  • The strokes are made across the floorboard, then along, creating a cross varnish.
  • The first layer is applied with a brush or spatula.

Rules for caring for painted wood floors

To make a wooden floor for a long time retained its aesthetic characteristics, it is necessary to comply certain rules caring for him.

  1. Wet cleaning is carried out 3-4 times a week, wiping the floor with a damp cloth.
  2. The contaminated floor is washed with a solution of ammonia.
  3. The floor is given shine by rubbing it with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. All excess oil is removed with a cloth.
  4. When painting the floor oil paints, do not wash it with soap or soda solution(the coating deteriorates).
  5. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places.

Choosing wear-resistant paint

The best option for a wooden floor would be to use Tikkuril paints. They have the following advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to fading and peeling;
  • quick drying;
  • reliable protection against fungus and mold

Similar paints are suitable for washable wooden coverings, have good elasticity. Tikkurila is easy to apply, dries in minimal time, is economical, and the color of the floor remains bright and rich for several years.

The modern market is saturated with various paints that are suitable for floor coverings. The choice depends on the following factors: the purpose of the floor, functionality, and the financial capabilities of buyers. We advise you to select paints that contain natural ingredients: dispersion acrylic or rubber paints.

When renovating a home, you can’t do without painting surfaces, including floors, doors and windows. Distinctive feature majority paint and varnish materials, which are used for similar works, the presence of a difficult-to-dissipate odor appears. As a result, after the procedure you may experience a headache, and it becomes impossible to use the room for some time. Therefore, odorless paint, which today can be produced on different bases and by different manufacturers, is the best solution for interior works.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic compositions are a type of water-based mixtures; today they are becoming increasingly widespread when painting wood and other building materials. odorless has the following advantages:

  • no odors;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • different coating textures;
  • high hiding power;
  • resistance to negative factors;
  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • versatility of use;
  • Possibility of application using different tools;
  • wide range of colors;
  • short drying time;
  • abrasion resistance.

Acrylic mixtures are completely harmless to environment and human health, this was confirmed by experts who advise using this particular type of coating. This odorless paint is fireproof and can reduce damage from unintentional fire. Coatings made on the basis of polyacrylates have White color. In order to give the material a tint, you can purchase a color scheme. It is mixed into paint. However, there is a simpler solution, which is computer color selection. It will be enough to find desired shade according to the catalog in the store, indicating the number to the operator, and at the exit you will receive a package of finished paint, the shade of which will correspond to your preferences.

Reviews of acrylic paints

According to buyers, it is odorless and contains antiseptic additives that help prevent the occurrence and development of fungus and mold on treated surfaces. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly extend the life of wood and coating. Buyers claim that among the advantages of acrylic mixtures, one can also highlight the fact that during their production, modifications with dirt- and water-repellent characteristics are added to the base. As a result, it is possible to completely or partially avoid regular cleaning of floors and walls, as well as other surfaces that were made using lumber.

Reviews of acrylic paint brand Ceresit CF 33

This color is intended for painting the floor. Among the characteristics are:

  • high wear resistance;
  • weather resistance;
  • manufacturability;
  • environmental safety;
  • absence organic solvents among the ingredients;
  • suitability for interior and exterior work;
  • ability to dry quickly.

This quick-drying paint, according to buyers, is used to increase the surface’s resistance to mechanical stress. After drying, the surface is easier to maintain, which especially applies to the color design of the base. This coloring is used on balconies, exhibition and warehouses, hallways and offices. Users do not recommend using this composition for the installation of coatings that will be used under conditions of exposure to an aggressive chemical environment. Among other things, it is not recommended to apply this mixture to floors that are constantly exposed to moisture during use.

Reviews of Tikkurila acrylic wall paint

If you need odorless paint for walls, then you can pay attention to the manufacturer Tikkurila, which is one of the most popular among buyers today. For example, "Argentum 20" - these are the requirements for high requirements on hygiene. According to buyers, this composition is suitable for painting new and previously treated surfaces. The objects of application can be ceilings and walls in rooms that have special requirements for durability and hygiene. This should include stairs, hospital corridors, halls, and wards.

After drying, you will receive a semi-matte gloss level, and the consumption will be approximately 1 liter per 8 m2 of surface. Water is used as a diluent. According to users, application can be done with a brush, roller or spray method. This paint will dry at a temperature of +23 °C and relative humidity air within 50%. The layer can be checked for tack after 2 hours, each subsequent layer must be applied after 4 hours. As practice shows, the layer has high stability to washing and exposure to strong disinfectants.

Odorless paint for radiators

If you need paint for batteries, then you should pay attention to water-dispersion acrylic enamels or paint. They will still have a smell, but it is not pronounced. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to purchase for these purposes special composition, the scope of which must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to consider temperature regime operation. The advantages of such mixtures include high drying speed, ease of application, and the absence of yellowing and cracking.


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