How to clean a fabric stretch ceiling. How and with what to wash a suspended ceiling? Professional store products

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“How and with what to wash a suspended ceiling” is a question sooner or later that any owner of such a coating will ask. In this case, it all depends on the type of fabric - each material has its own care rules. However, in general, operating rules do not require specific skills or knowledge.

Ceiling types

In order to understand how to properly wash suspended ceilings, you should understand the difference between them and their design features. Distinguish the following types such coating based on the material of the canvas:

  • fabric;
  • fabric seamless.

It goes without saying that the suspended ceiling should be washed, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Stretch ceilings can be cleaned using a soap solution or dry. In this case, it all depends on the degree of contamination. The ceiling should be cleaned regularly, as stubborn dirt will be difficult to remove, even from a PVC surface.

If you don’t know how to wash a suspended ceiling, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • when dry cleaning, the dust is simply wiped off with a special napkin;
  • Wet cleaning should only be carried out using special cleaning products. Such substances do not leave streaks and do not spoil the structure of the material, but it is necessary to wipe the surface dry.

When wet cleaning, dirt is first removed, then wiped and polished. The latter is necessary if it is a glossy or matte PVC ceiling.

Before you start washing the suspended ceiling, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • To clean the surface, you can use a soft sponge, flannel cloth or microfiber cloth. The material must be soft;
  • Under no circumstances should you scrape dirt from the surface with metal or plastic tools. This may result in the canvas being damaged beyond repair;
  • To simplify the washing process, you can use a mop. However, you need to be very careful, as this device has sharp corners, which can also damage the material.

Cleaning solutions

You can thoroughly wash a suspended ceiling if you follow the following recommendations regarding the cleaning solution:

  • Only foam of the cleaning solution is suitable for washing; concentrated liquids cannot be used, especially if the ceiling is with photo printing;
  • the liquid should be warm - this will help to effectively remove dirt and not harm the fabric;
  • Do not use abrasive cleaning products, regardless of the type of fabric;
  • good cleaning agents for suspended ceilings should contain ammonia and antistatic. Antistatic will help long time keep the surface clean to prevent dust from accumulating on the surface.

Washing the matte ceiling

It is somewhat easier to wash a matte stretch coating than a glossy one, since there are no streaks left on the surface. To remove dirt and dust, you can use a weak solution based on dishwashing detergent. Window spray is also a good idea. In case of heavy contamination, the surface can be cleaned using steam. In any case, be sure to wipe the surface dry.

Cleaning a glossy ceiling

Glossy stretch ceilings are somewhat more difficult to clean, as the surface is susceptible to scratches. In addition, stains are very clearly visible on such a surface.

You can wash a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface as follows:

  • For washing, you can only use napkins made from soft fabric. Sponges are not suitable as they may leave small scratches;
  • To remove heavy dirt, use a special substance for shiny surfaces. It must be diluted strictly according to the instructions;
  • in order for the surface to be glossy after washing, it must be wiped with a solution of ammonia and water, in a ratio of 1 to 10. If there is no alcohol, you can use vodka;
  • on final stage The canvas is wiped dry and lightly polished with soft circular movements.

Washing fabric ceiling

The specialists who installed it can correctly tell you how to wash fabric stretch ceilings, since much depends on the type of fabric itself. In general, you can wash the fabric correctly if you take into account the following recommendations:

  • To remove contaminants, you need to use only special solutions or sprays;
  • You cannot use abrasive cleaning agents, even if heavily soiled;
  • movements should be from side to side, soft and smooth, without pressure;
  • If there is no special cleaning agent, you can use a weak solution of powder intended for delicate fabrics.

Based on the above, we can confidently say that you can wash a suspended ceiling made of fabric, but this must be done very carefully.

Cleaning frequency

The frequency of washing the stretch ceiling depends on the degree of contamination. In this case, the room itself plays an important role. So, in the kitchen you will have to wash the ceiling much more often than in the bedroom. In any case, this should be done only when necessary. The canvas should always be treated with a special antistatic agent to prevent dust from accumulating.

How and with what to wash a suspended ceiling correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the material from which the canvas is made, the specialists who will install it can tell you exactly. It should also be noted that the surface must be cleaned at such intervals that there is no intense contamination. In this case tension structure will last as long as possible and without deteriorating its appearance.

Let's start with what a stretch ceiling is. So, Stretch ceiling- This unique material, used for decoration, which wonderfully combines practicality and sophistication.

Despite the claim of some manufacturers that suspended ceilings do not need to be cleaned or washed at all, they still need to be washed from time to time. How and with what to wash a stretch ceiling? The main material for the production of stretch ceilings is a special polyester fabric or PVC film. These materials are quite durable and resistant to various mechanical influences and can delight you. long years. The main thing is to properly care for them, in particular cleaning and washing.

When starting to wash a stretch ceiling, you should know that it is very not an easy task. Therefore, I wash the suspended ceiling, first taking into account some important points. After all, improper washing tension material may result in loss of color, clouding or deformation of the material.

To wash suspended ceilings, you cannot use detergents containing abrasive particles: soda, powder, etc. Abrasive particles can irreversibly damage fabric or PVC film. It is also prohibited to use detergents containing any alkalis or acids to wash stretch fabrics.

There are two ways to care for a suspended ceiling: dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning is performed using a soft, dry cloth, which is rubbed onto the ceiling with non-pressing, gentle movements.

Wet cleaning is carried out with a damp sponge using non-aggressive detergents. Some people ask, is it possible to wash suspended ceilings with brushes or a mop with an attachment? It is strictly forbidden to wash the stretch ceiling with brushes with a scratching or piercing surface, as they can seriously damage the canvas, just like with a mop. Regular cleaning or washing of ceilings will help maintain their magnificent shiny appearance, while stubborn dirt is very difficult to wash off.

How to properly wash suspended ceilings?

How to wash a suspended ceiling according to all the rules and what is required for this? To clean and wash the stretch ceiling you will need:

Step ladder;
soft napkins made of suede fabric or microfiber;
soft sponge;
a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle brush attachment;
non-abrasive detergents.

Depending on the material of the stretch ceiling and the type of contamination, one or another method of cleaning and washing is used.
For example, to remove small dirt from a stretch ceiling: minor stains, dust, you just need to wipe the canvas with a damp and clean soft suede or microfiber cloth. After wet cleaning Wipe the coating with a dry cloth.

If the stretch ceiling is heavily soiled, you will have to take more serious measures. If the ceiling is after repair work heavily covered with dust, use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to clean it.
The brush should not touch the ceiling. It is best to drive it 2-3 centimeters from the canvas, otherwise ceiling material may sag or become damaged.

Stains and other heavy dirt are removed with a soft cloth or sponge using a soap solution or detergent, then wipe dry with a dry soft cloth.

Wash the ceiling with soft circular movements, without pressure or pressure. If the ceiling is made of suede polyester fabric, then you only need to clean it with a soft, dry brush, again without pressure, with gentle movements. To restore the shine of the glossy surface of the ceiling, wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in a 10% ammonia solution or glass cleaner. After such restoration, the ceiling is wiped with a dry cloth.

How can you wash suspended ceilings?

Having figured out a little how and what to wash a suspended ceiling with, let’s try to figure out how to wash suspended ceilings, that is, which detergents are best used for these purposes, and which ones should absolutely not be used. The best and safest detergent for stretch fabric - this is an ordinary soap solution. To obtain a soap solution, it is enough to dilute a soft washing powder or planed laundry soap in warm water. Window or dishwashing detergent is also suitable for cleaning ceilings. Before using the selected detergent for suspended ceilings, it must be tested for loyalty and safety to the ceiling material.

To do this, the detergent is applied to small area stretch ceiling somewhere inconspicuous. After some time, we check if the stain applied with the product did not leave any traces or streaks, then it can be used to wash the entire ceiling.

As for other detergents, there are products on sale today that are specifically designed for washing suspended ceilings, and which are more expensive than regular detergents. But you should know that these “special” products are nothing more than a regular cleaning solution, albeit a “universal” one. Therefore, when deciding what means to wash suspended ceilings, give preference to a soap solution or ordinary detergents, but not abrasive ones.

How to wash glossy ceilings?

Stretch ceilings can be glossy or matte. To avoid streaks, it is best to wash glossy stretch ceilings with glass cleaners. But before washing the ceiling, the product must be applied somewhere on the edge of the ceiling sheet and after a while check the reaction. To wash a glossy ceiling, use a soft suede or microfiber cloth, as well as special wipes for cleaning rooms. The reflective properties of glossy ceilings can also be improved using ammonia. After wiping the ceiling with a soft cloth moistened with ammonia, then wipe it dry with a dry suede or microfiber cloth.

Remove construction dust from the suspended ceiling using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. Stiff bristles can scratch the glossy surface if moved carelessly. PVC film. The vacuum cleaner is turned on to minimum or medium mode and, without touching the ceiling, move the nozzle at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. If the ceiling is heavily soiled, wash it with a cleaning agent diluted according to the instructions, and then wipe it dry with a clean, dry cloth.

How to wash matte ceilings?

A classic matte stretch ceiling most closely resembles a perfectly plastered surface. The material for such a ceiling is a canvas impregnated with polyurethane. The surface of matte ceilings is not subject to cracks, scratches or dust, but they still need to be looked after from time to time. Cleaning matte stretch ceilings is much easier than glossy ones, since there are no streaks left on them.


Care matte ceiling It mainly involves cleaning it with water steam, or washing it with a mild degreasing agent. After washing, the matte ceiling canvas is wiped dry with a soft cloth and polished.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

Fabric stretch ceilings are more fragile than stretch ceilings made of PVC film, so in order not to damage the fabric, fabric stretch ceilings should be washed carefully and carefully. When washing fabric ceilings, it is not recommended to use glass cleaners, since the dye contained in some detergents can penetrate the structure of the fabric and color it an undesirable color.

Also, you should not wash fabric ceilings in a circular motion - this will only create even more stains. It's better to wash fabric ceiling moving your hand back and forth. For severe contamination, you can use a powder solution. To avoid damage, you should not rub the same area of ​​fabric for a long time.

How to wash a suspended ceiling in the kitchen?

The surface of a stretch ceiling installed in a kitchen gets dirty most often, especially if there is no hood in the kitchen. This is facilitated by greasy soot, which is formed from cooking food on gas stove. Street dust, which enters through open window, as well as tobacco smoke (if the family has smoking members). You need to wash the suspended ceiling in the kitchen in the same way as in other rooms, using non-abrasive detergents and soft rags, sponges or napkins.

After washing the ceiling with detergent, rinse it clean water and wipe dry. To clean a suspended ceiling from soot, you don’t need to use any special detergents; it’s quite suitable for this purpose. common remedy, which is used to wash dishes or a solution of ammonia.

Secrets of perfect cleanliness of suspended ceilings

1. To ensure that there are no streaks left on the washed ceiling, make a minimum of circular movements when washing. The best option- move from left to right, if there is a seam on the canvas - along the seam, but not across it;
2. Before washing the tensioners glossy ceilings or structures made of matte film or fabric, it is worth conducting a safety test. A drop of detergent is applied to the sponge, then rubbed onto an area that is not visible to the eye. If after 5-10 minutes. after applying the composition, the color and texture of the ceiling will not change, feel free to start washing the entire surface;
3. Manufacturers of suspended ceilings recommend using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. The recommendation should be used only if the installation ceiling structure carried out in compliance with technology. When it is loosely secured around the perimeter, using a vacuum cleaner can disrupt the geometry of the ceiling, which will result in costly repairs. If the dirt is limited to one or two cobwebs, it is better to carefully remove them with a rag or broom without help household appliances. A vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment should be used after repairs, when you need to remove a thick layer of dust. It is important to remember that the nozzle should not be in direct contact with the ceiling surface during cleaning. It is driven at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, so as not to damage or stretch the tension material.

How often should you clean?

As a rule, in terms of cleaning, housewives are divided into two types: the first wash contaminated surfaces when they are already dirty, the second do this with well-honed, pedantic regularity, not allowing dirt to accumulate. In case of stretch ceilings The second option is more suitable, since stubborn stains are quite difficult to wash off.

/ How to care for fabric ceilings?

How to care for fabric ceilings?

Stretch ceilings may not require any attention for several years. But no matter how much time passes, the ceiling will have to be cleaned. Caring for film tension coverings is quite simple and is described in. But with fabric coverings everything is a little different.

What is the difference between film and fabric

The main care for fabric stretch ceilings will consist of regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Only severe stains will require wet cleaning.

Dust is not attracted to fabric sheets due to the antistatic effect, but sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to clean them of dust.

Most often, such cleaning will be required if work has been done in the room that generates construction dust - drilling, chipping walls, and so on. There are micropores in the fabric covering that become clogged with this construction dust. It is this dust that needs to be collected with a vacuum cleaner.

Another difference between film coatings and those made from fabric will be the texture. Coatings made from polyester fabric or fabric have only a matte surface, on which streaks are not visible.

They are a little easier to wash than those made from film, but they also have a serious drawback - due to the special structure of the material, water that gets on such canvases as a result of flooding by neighbors will leave strong stains on them. As a rule, nothing can remove them, since dirt gets not only on the outer surface, but also penetrates into the material.

General rules

It doesn’t matter what material is used to make the tension fabric - there is general rules that must be observed when caring for them.

All rings, bracelets and jewelry from hands must be removed before working on the ceiling. This way there will be no risk of damaging the surface of the ceiling covering.

You cannot use abrasive detergents such as powders, soda, etc. The same applies to strong chemicals. These include all acids, alkalis and solvents.

Before using any detergent, it is better to try its effect on the material, somewhere in the corner, where the tragic consequences of an unsuccessfully chosen product for use will not be so noticeable.

For all types of coatings, the best cleaning composition is plain water.

It is necessary to use everything else only when water has no effect.

The next choice should be special means For tension coverings, and everything else comes after.

You cannot put too much pressure on the fabric - you can easily tear the tightly stretched fabric.

Different types of pollution will require different approach to their removal. Dust, as already mentioned, can be easily removed with a regular vacuum cleaner. But with other contaminants, you need to act differently.


It would seem – what’s so difficult about removing cobwebs? As soon as you take a broom and brush it off, there is no problem. However, this is the wrong way.

By brushing away the cobwebs with a broom, you can further rub them into the outer layer of the fabric. It is better to take a vacuum cleaner and remove the cobwebs with it. This will be both cleaner and more correct.


You can't just remove them anymore. A wet method is required. For wiping fabric sheets, you can use the same products as for film coatings.

Dish detergents work great.

They need to be applied in small quantities to a damp sponge and wipe the stained area.

If the stains cannot be removed in this way, you will have to use stronger products.

The most common means of dealing with stubborn stains on stretched fabrics is ammonia. You need a 10 percent solution of this substance. After moistening a sponge or napkin with it, carefully wipe the area where there is a stubborn stain.

Usually, such processing is quite enough, and no additional care for fabric stretch ceilings is not required.

Some types of dirt can be removed with a soap solution. This is ordinary soap, which is dissolved in a small amount of water. Most types of dirt do not tolerate soap and are easily washed off with it.


Unfortunately, such stains are very difficult to remove. In most cases, they appear after a flood and rust penetrates into the canvas. Despite the abundance of “folk” methods, it is almost never possible to remove them.

There is a way out like this difficult situation. It is not necessary to replace the canvas that has rust stain. The good thing about textile ceilings is that they can be easily repainted.

At the same time, it becomes possible to add a new touch to the interior by painting the ceiling surface a different color. You can repeat this up to five times.

It must be remembered that it is better to use acrylic paint, and it is better to make each subsequent coloring layer darker than the previous one. In this way, you can reliably hide both stains and mistakes made during previous staining.


The most useful device in the house, which can be used to care for fabric stretch ceilings - a washing vacuum cleaner. It will help both get rid of dust and carry out more serious cleaning of the surface.

If there is no such unit in the house, a regular vacuum cleaner will do. The nozzle must be chosen softer and with long bristles so as not to damage the coating.

When it is not possible to remove the dirt, you can simply repaint such a coating, hiding all existing stains under a layer of paint. But you shouldn’t do this too often - the painting life is not endless, and after five stainings, the canvas will still have to be replaced.

Any ceiling covering needs cleaning periodically. Depending on the purpose of the room, dust accumulates on the surface, stains from water, soot and grease appear. Tension panels require special careful care, as they are easily damaged. We will tell you how to care for fabric stretch ceilings. There are some nuances, knowledge of which will allow you to get rid of complex stains and preserve the beauty of the coating for many years.

General principles of care for tension coverings

First of all, it is worth listing the basic rules for caring for ceilings made of stretched fabric:

  1. Since the fabric panel can easily be damaged by sharp objects, you should not use abrasives when cleaning. chemical substances, hard brushes and rough, rough fabrics. For the same reason, it is recommended to remove all jewelry from your fingers so as not to damage the product.
  2. So that you don’t have a question about how to clean a suspended ceiling after repair, it is better to dismantle the covering during the repair work, and upon completion, install the panel again. But if you can’t do this, then simply cover the ceiling surface with film. This way, you will protect the coating from dust and dirt, which will then have to be cleaned.
  3. Observe the optimal one for the tension fabric temperature regime in room.
  4. If you live in own home, then, if possible, prevent any water leakage from the roof or upper floors, because it is very difficult to remove stains and stains from water on a fabric panel. Only dry cleaning will help, but in order to clean the coating, the ceiling will have to be dismantled and installed again, which will require additional financial expenses.
  5. Cleaning fabric coverings is very easy, because all of them have antistatic impregnation, so they do not attract dust. To regularly care for the surface, a dry soft cloth is sufficient. If they appear stubborn stains, the coating has to be washed.

Important! In the bathroom and kitchen you will have to clean the ceiling more often. That is why it is not recommended to install fabric coverings there; it is better to use PVC film.

  1. If you want to know how to clean a fabric stretch ceiling, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations for caring for the product.
  2. It is best to wash the ceiling using factory-made products specifically designed for this. Also suitable for these purposes are a soap solution and a composition with the addition of ammonia.
  3. It is prohibited to use solvents, alkalis, acids and other strong substances for cleaning. The same goes for powders, soda and abrasive detergents.

Features of care for fabric covering

Now we will tell you how to care for fabric stretch ceilings. Stick to it following rules care:

  • To remove dust, use a soft brush rather than a regular cotton cloth;
  • particularly dirty areas can be washed with soapy water, but first try its effect on an inconspicuous area (sometimes the cloth changes its color under the influence of the detergent; if this happens, then it should not be used);
  • dry cleaning of tension fabric ceiling will get rid of stubborn stains and return the coating to its original appearance;
  • Before removing stains from a fabric stretch ceiling, please note that vigorous rubbing of the surface is prohibited; a few touches with a damp sponge are sufficient.

Attention! If you don’t know how to clean a fabric stretch ceiling from dust, then the best way Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is considered. Use a soft furniture nozzle and set the power of the unit to minimum.

Before washing the fabric stretch ceiling, you should try any cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the covering, for example, in a corner. If the cloth has not changed color or changed its other characteristics, then the selected substance is suitable for washing fabric products.

The ideal detergent for any type of coating is water. If it turns out to be ineffective, then use other detergents for cleaning. In this case, preference should be given to specially developed factory compositions, and only then use everything else.

To avoid tearing the tension cloth, do not press hard on the surface when washing.


Many owners of such coatings are interested in how to wash fabric stretch ceilings if stains appear on them.
In this case, the following remedies can help:

  • kitchen detergent for caring for dishes (gel is applied to a damp sponge and the dirt is wiped off);
  • ammonia will cope even with stubborn stains (prepare a 10% solution with ammonia, wet the cloth and wipe the area covered);
  • To remove some contaminants, a soap solution is suitable (to prepare it, ordinary laundry soap is grated and dissolved in water).

Cobwebs and dust

If you think that you need to remove cobwebs and dust from the ceiling with a broom, then you are very mistaken. This will rub them into the coating even more, and then it will be more difficult to remove them. The easiest way to clean the surface from dust and cobwebs is to use a regular vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.


It’s also worth telling how to clean a fabric stretch ceiling from rust stains. Such pollution usually appears after flooding from above. The problem is that it is impossible to clean off dirt from rust and stains from dirty water almost impossible.

If you do not want to replace the panel with a new product or dismantle it to take it to the dry cleaner, then the easiest way is to simply paint the surface. The main advantage of fabric coverings over tension fabrics made of PVC is that they can be painted many times. The painting procedure can be repeated up to 5 times.

Advice! Suitable for dyeing fabric coverings acrylic paint. When repainting, choose a coloring composition that is a shade darker to hide stains and defects of the previous layer.


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