How to drill a hole in a pipe wall. How to make a hole in a pipe: instructions

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The smoke exhaust structure is an element characterized by increased fire hazard, therefore, solving the problem of how to make a hole in the roof for a pipe should be approached responsibly. It is also important to protect the roof from moisture penetration, otherwise its service life will be significantly reduced.

Roofs made of corrugated sheets deservedly enjoy the trust of owners of private houses, since they have:

Corrugated sheets are thin, durable and corrosion-resistant sheets of metal that are coated with paint and pressed into the required shape. After installing stoves or heating boilers, it is necessary to make a passage for the chimney through the roof structure.

Every homeowner should understand how to route a pipe through a corrugated roof. Even if this work is done by professionals, it won’t hurt to check the result.

Types of chimney structures

The chimney pipe serves to remove smoke and combustion products into the atmosphere. It is a hollow cylinder.

To organize this process, stove makers build:

  1. Brick chimneys. The smoke exhaust system is created from heat-resistant bricks, which are produced using a special technology specifically for the installation of stoves. The pipe has a rectangular or square cross-section. This method of getting rid of smoke is expensive, but it is more durable and safe. Its main disadvantage is considered to be the porous inner surface - for this reason, it settles on it. large quantities soot and dust. If the pipe is not regularly cleaned, layers of soot can completely or partially clog it, reducing draft force and increasing the risk of fire. The process of how to remove a chimney through a roof made of corrugated sheets is complex and therefore this work It’s better not to do it yourself - it should be done by experienced stove makers.
  2. Metal chimney systems. To assemble a structure of the required configuration, you need to purchase stainless steel pipes with the addition of zinc or molybdenum. Then insert the segments one into the other - you will need straight pipe products, clamps and elbows. Thanks to the presence of a slippery inner surface, soot cannot accumulate, which means that smoke can freely move upward, outside the house. Flaw this method The problem is that metal does not retain heat well enough compared to brick, as a result of which condensation collects on it, since there is a temperature difference between the pipe and the air outside. The metal chimney structure can be easily brought to the roof, because it consists of separate elements.

Chimney outlet location - how to cut a hole

Before cutting a hole for a pipe in a profiled sheet, you should select comfortable spot. Decisive factor this is the location of the furnace unit.

According to professionals, the chimney should be placed strictly vertically, taking into account some nuances:

  1. It is advisable to make a hole for the exit of the chimney pipe at the highest point of the roof, and therefore closer to the ridge. Optimal distance from it to the chimney 50–80 centimeters are considered.
  2. Before you make a hole for the pipe in the corrugated sheet, you should make sure that it does not fall on the elements of the rafter system. To bypass them, bends are used, with the help of which a rotation of 45 or 90 degrees is set.
  3. The length of the chimney segments is selected so that the joints between them are below or above the intersection of the roof and ceilings, otherwise quality connection will not work.
  4. It will be possible to achieve the required draft level if the height of the chimney structure exceeds this parameter at the ridge by 1–1.5 meters.
  5. To ensure that the hatch location is correct, mark it on the roof with a marker and check the temperature at the end of the day. The pipe must remain in the cold zone at all times.

Preparatory measures for venting the chimney through the roof

There is the following technology for making a hole in a profiled sheet for a pipe:

  1. First, use a permanent marker to mark the location where it will be placed on the roof.
  2. The cross-sectional size of the chimney elements is selected taking into account the recommendations of the heating unit manufacturer. The thicker and higher the pipe, the easier the smoke comes out of the stove. The main thing is that there is no gap between the elements when connecting.
  3. Cut a hole with a grinder with a thin blade for metal work, stepping back a few centimeters inward from the drawn line. The corrugated sheeting must be cut carefully and slowly so that the edge of the cut is without jagged edges.
  4. Short cuts are made in the corners of the hole so that the edges of the corrugated sheet are bent upward.
  5. A similar passage is made in the ceiling. Then a metal box is installed to connect the pipe to the rafters. The chimney is laid through a hole inside the box.
  6. Hydro- and vapor barrier material, as well as insulation.

For cold areas where the thickness thermal insulation material more than 15 centimeters, you need to use sandwich pipes with two layers of metal and a layer of insulation between them.

How to remove a pipe on a roof from corrugated sheets

When preparing for how to withdraw chimney through the corrugated sheet is completed, it should be correctly connected and the chimney put into operation, for which:

  1. You need to insert a pipe through the hole in the box and direct it towards the roof, and the edges waterproofing material Secure with adhesive tape to the surface of the chimney.
  2. Expanded clay is densely poured into the box or mineral wool is used.
  3. Rubber or silicone seal, protecting the outlet from water seepage. To improve waterproofing, glue the seal to the corrugated sheet using a fire-resistant sealant.
  4. The smoke exhaust structure is raised in segments to the required height, while the joints are tightened with galvanized steel clamps.
  5. Install an outer apron that has a color roofing, which will close the box and rubber seal.

When installing a chimney pipe onto the roof, you must remember that negligence in such work can result in a fire and material losses.

There is a need to guide them through various obstacles, such as walls, floors and other elements building structures.

But before making holes for the pipe, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the known methods of implementing such operations, which often affect not only bearing structures buildings, but also their decoration. In specific conditions of pipeline laying, the most various techniques, which are supposed to be considered in our article.

What do you need to know?

Making holes in load-bearing walls and partitions presupposes compliance with the known requirements laid down in the current building regulations. When preparing them, it is necessary to carefully ensure that such critical elements of building structures and communications are not damaged, such as:

  • reinforcing and barrier gratings;
  • electrical wiring lines;
  • elements ventilation system(if available).

In addition, the hole prepared in the wall or floor must provide the possibility of placing a special protective sleeve in it, which, if necessary, can be insulated with any non-flammable material ( mineral wool, For example).

General procedure

As for the main working tool, for the purposes we have outlined, a hammer drill or a fairly powerful hammer drill with a “crown” type nozzle, with which you can make holes of various diameters. The order of their preparation in this case is as follows:

  • first in in the right place wall, a circle is marked, the diameter of which equal to section pipes (together with the sleeve);
  • then using a crown of the appropriate size, a hole is drilled in the wall;
  • if the nozzle “slips”, you will need a punch and a hammer, using which you can destroy the material in a place that cannot be drilled;
  • After this, you can continue working until you get the finished hole.

For cutting complex holes In certain materials, it will be necessary to prepare a set of crowns of various sizes. To drill partitions made of plasterboard, foam concrete, as well as wooden partitions, you can use ordinary steel drills.

Note! In the case when it is necessary to drill a hole in concrete, you will need a set of special Pobedit drills. With their help, you can work with materials 10–15 cm thick.

Working with complex coatings

Note! The main problem when working with tiled surfaces (in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens) is fragility facing material, to preserve which it is recommended to drill in a non-impact mode.

When preparing holes large diameter you can use the following methods:

  • use a special diamond “crown” as an attachment, when using which the drill should operate at low speed;
  • take advantage special device, which is called a ballerina;
  • in order to exclude the possibility of the teeth of the nozzle or the tip of the ballerina slipping off the smooth surface of the tile coated with a layer of hard glaze, the latter is first scratched with a file or sealed with a piece of masking tape.

To make holes in tiles, a simpler and cheaper, but more risky method is often used, which consists of the following. First, using a regular drill with a diameter of 3–4 mm, several holes are drilled inside the marked circle. Then the spaces between these holes are carefully destroyed and removed using a well-sharpened chisel. And at the end of the work, using the same chisel, the edges of the hole are expanded to a given size.

Preparing holes in the floor

The procedure for preparing the designated holes depends both on the type of sexual base itself and on the type decorative covering, laid on top of it.

Before you start work, you should first decide whether it is possible to remove by cutting out or disassembling the section of decorative coating in the places where the pipes are laid. If it is impossible to perform these operations, a hole in the finishing material (in tiles, for example), as well as in the floor base itself, is made using the methods already described.


Cut big hole it's difficult to get under the chimney right away. The author of the video shows how to do this by drilling small holes in a circle. Next, this will help you cut a hole of the required diameter with a crown:

Concrete is known to be hard and durable material, which is why it is very popular in construction. However, due to these properties, it mechanical restoration causes certain difficulties. In particular, home craftsmen often face the challenge of how to make a hole in concrete?

Methods for drilling concrete

The choice of method for making holes in concrete depends on the tasks:

  • If it is necessary to obtain a hole of small diameter, for example, for, then use a hammer drill with a special drill with a carbide tip.
  • If it is necessary to obtain a large diameter, for example, for laying pipes, installing sockets, etc., use diamond drilling of holes in concrete using special crowns.

Now let's take a closer look at both technologies.

Making holes with drills

Drills, or as they are also called, a screw-shaped rod and, as mentioned above, a carbide tip. The shank can be smooth and cylindrical, designed for impact drills, or made according to the SDS standard, for rotary hammers.

With their help you can make holes of small and medium diameter.

Instructions for performing this procedure are as follows:

  • Before punching a hole in concrete, you need to mark the location that needs to be drilled.
  • The tip is then inserted into the chuck of a hammer drill or drill. This sets the depth stop to the desired position.

In the photo - drilling with a hammer drill

  • Next, the drill should be rested on the intended point and the tool should be turned on. In this case, you need to place a certain emphasis on the nozzle. Periodically, the drill must be removed from the hole and moistened with water, preventing it from overheating.
  • Once the required depth has been reached, work is stopped.

It must be said that you can make a hole with a regular drill without impact. However, for this you will need a punch with a hammer. In such a situation, the drill must be periodically removed from the hole and the concrete must be broken with a punch.

Drilling with diamond bits

It often becomes necessary to make a large diameter hole in concrete, for example, to install a sewer or water pipe. Today there are many companies that provide similar services. However, before you invite specialists, you should find out the cost of punching holes in concrete.

It is quite possible that you will decide to perform this operation yourself. To do this you will need the same hammer drill. The only thing is that you will have to purchase a diamond crown attachment.

Using such a tool you can make holes with a diameter of 100 mm or even larger. Moreover, a correctly selected bit will allow you to successfully drill even reinforced concrete structures and concrete of any hardness, with any filler.

Toothed crowns can jam when meeting reinforcement, and their teeth, as a rule, break.

Thanks to this, you can get a hole in any concrete structure. For example, when constructing various wells, people are often interested in how to make a hole in a concrete ring? With this task diamond tool can also handle easily.

In addition, there are some other advantages of this method:

  • The ability to obtain a hole of the required size is absolutely round shape.
  • There are no shock impacts or strong vibrations, which makes it possible to use this technology in houses that are under repair or reconstruction.
  • There is no strong noise.
  • Possibility of use when installing air conditioning systems, where sometimes pinpoint precision is required.
  • Ability to drill at an angle, close to walls, floors or ceilings.

The price of crowns is usually quite high.
However, if you follow the operating rules, the used nozzle can be restored.
There are specialized companies that provide such services.

The drilling principle is the same as when drilling with auger drills. Including, it is necessary to periodically moisten the crown with water.

If you need to get a hole with a diameter of, for example, 20-50 cm or even more, then a hammer drill, of course, is not suitable for these purposes. In this case, you can drill a hole in the concrete using a professional tool.

Powerful equipment is not held in the hands like a hammer drill. Usually it is fixed to the wall using anchors. Sometimes fixation occurs using the spacer method using a rod, i.e. the lower part rests on the floor, and the upper part rests on the ceiling.

Professional equipment is usually equipped additional functions, such as supplying water to work area, a dust collector that allows you to perform the procedure without dust environment etc.

Diamond bits may be needed not only when drilling concrete.
Also effective method is cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and grinding with diamond cups.

Of course, such equipment is very expensive, so it makes no sense to purchase it for domestic purposes. Therefore, to perform such an operation, it is more advisable to seek help from specialists.


As we found out, in some cases it is quite possible to make a hole in concrete yourself. In order for this operation to take place effectively and without special effort, you should use a suitable tool for this and follow the drilling technology.

From the video in this article you can get Additional information on this topic.

There is a need to guide them through various obstacles, such as walls, floors and other elements of building structures.

But before making holes for the pipe, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the known methods of implementing such operations, which often affect not only the load-bearing structures of the building, but also their finishing. In specific conditions of pipeline laying, a variety of techniques can be used, which are intended to be considered in our article.

What do you need to know?

The arrangement of openings in load-bearing walls and partitions requires compliance with the known requirements laid down in the current building regulations. When preparing them, it is necessary to carefully ensure that such critical elements of building structures and communications are not damaged, such as:

  • reinforcing and barrier gratings;
  • electrical wiring lines;
  • elements of the ventilation system (if any).

In addition, the hole prepared in the wall or floor must allow the placement of a special protective sleeve, which, if necessary, can be insulated with any non-flammable material (mineral wool, for example).

General procedure

As for the main working tool, for the purposes we have outlined, a hammer drill or a fairly powerful impact drill with a “crown” type attachment is usually used, with which you can make holes of various diameters. The order of their preparation in this case is as follows:

  • first, in the right place on the wall, a circle is marked, the diameter of which is equal to the cross-section of the pipe (together with the sleeve);
  • then using a crown of the appropriate size, a hole is drilled in the wall;
  • if the nozzle “slips”, you will need a punch and a hammer, using which you can destroy the material in a place that cannot be drilled;
  • After this, you can continue working until you get the finished hole.

To cut complex holes in certain materials, it will be necessary to prepare a set of crowns of various sizes. To drill partitions made of plasterboard, foam concrete, as well as wooden partitions, you can use ordinary steel drills.

Note! In the case when it is necessary to drill a hole in concrete, you will need a set of special Pobedit drills. With their help, you can work with materials 10–15 cm thick.

Working with complex coatings

Note! The main problem when working with tiled surfaces (in bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens) is the fragility of the facing material, to preserve which it is recommended to drill without impact.

When preparing large-diameter holes, you can use the following techniques:

  • use a special diamond “crown” as an attachment, when using which the drill should operate at low speed;
  • use a special device called a ballerina;
  • in order to exclude the possibility of the teeth of the nozzle or the tip of the ballerina slipping off the smooth surface of the tile coated with a layer of hard glaze, the latter is first scratched with a file or sealed with a piece of masking tape.

To make holes in tiles, a simpler and cheaper, but more risky method is often used, which consists of the following. First, using a regular drill with a diameter of 3–4 mm, several holes are drilled inside the marked circle. Then the spaces between these holes are carefully destroyed and removed using a well-sharpened chisel. And at the end of the work, using the same chisel, the edges of the hole are expanded to a given size.

Preparing holes in the floor

The procedure for preparing the designated holes depends both on the type of flooring itself and on the type of decorative covering laid on top of it.

Before you start work, you should first decide whether it is possible to remove by cutting out or disassembling the section of decorative coating in the places where the pipes are laid. If it is impossible to perform these operations, a hole in the finishing material (in tiles, for example), as well as in the floor base itself, is made using the methods already described.


Cutting a large hole for a chimney right away is difficult. The author of the video shows how to do this by drilling small holes in a circle. Next, this will help you cut a hole of the required diameter with a crown:

Drilling a hole in a concrete wall, even with a Pobedit drill, is not always easy due to the presence of stones or reinforcement rods.

This obstacle can be overcome using simple techniques: the stones are broken with several blows of a punch, and the reinforcement is drilled with a regular drill.

If you don’t have a Pobedit drill, you can replace it with a punch from the “New Homeowner’s Dream” set.

Inserted into a drill chuck, it takes concrete well.

If a carbide drill is sharpened asymmetrically, it will drill concrete much faster. You need to mark the hole with a drill with a regular sharpening.

You can also punch a hole in a concrete wall using a punch made from a drill with a diameter of 6-8 mm. Its end is sharpened into a dovetail shape.

The drill is struck with a hammer and constantly turned.

It only takes a few minutes to punch a hole with this tool.

When drilling holes in concrete or brick, the drill will last longer if it is periodically moistened with water.

An elastic plastic bottle can be used as a water reservoir.

When drilling holes in the ceiling, crumbs of plaster flying from the drill get into the eyes, behind the collar of clothes, under the sleeves. To avoid this, just cover it with transparent plastic film a spring wire funnel and place it on the drill.

If you overweight ceiling lamp, the metal hook remaining in the ceiling can be easily disguised by using a plastic glass, a button matching the color of the ceiling and a rubber band.
When hanging a chandelier, you often have to punch a hole in the ceiling for installation metal hook. To prevent splinters and plaster from falling onto the floor, you can use an old rubber ball. The ball must be cut in half, a hole must be made in one of the halves and put on a punch or bolt.

If you are going to make a hole in a stone or concrete wall, use masking tape underneath In the designated place for the hole, fold a sheet of thick paper at an acute angle - it will protect the walls and floor from dust and debris.

There are several ways to secure a screw in a concrete wall.

Wooden cork is the right option, but it is far from the only and not always the most suitable option.

It is much better to tightly clog the hole with nylon (shredded old nylon stocking) and melt it with a hot nail. Before the nylon has cooled and hardened, screw in the screw.

The nylon hardens quickly and will firmly hold the screw in the socket. The thread from the screw remains in the hardened nylon for a long time.

Therefore, this method is especially convenient in cases where the screw has to be unscrewed from time to time and then screwed back in again. into the same slot.

The wooden plug can be successfully replaced with a loop of two-core electrical wire in vinyl chloride insulation, the ends of which are cut flush with the wall.

You can also use the technique that electricians use to install rollers: wrap the screw around the thread soft wire(let its ends protrude a little) and tightly insert it onto the liquid alabaster into the drilled hole.

After the alabaster hardens, the screw will be fine hold on. If necessary, it can be turned out - the wire thread will remain in the hole.

As a dowel, you can use a piece of copper or aluminum tube with a longitudinal slot. It is crimped, inserted into the hole drilled in the wall and the screw is tightened.

If the wall is made of enough durable concrete, then you can do it quite simply: drill a hole whose diameter is less than the diameter of the screw and then forcefully screw the screw into it; it will hold tightly without any additional devices.

If it is necessary to drill a through hole in the wall, but the length of the drill is not enough, then this operation can be performed in two steps: on one side and on the other side of the wall. After drilling a hole at the intended point, place a magnet or metal rod into it.

Then use a compass to locate the drilling point on the opposite side of the wall. Using a magnet is preferable as it will prevent the compass needle from mistakenly pointing to the wall reinforcement.

Heavy shelves can be hung with bolts for greater reliability.

Holes with a margin are knocked out in the wall and bolts are cemented into them, leaving the threads to protrude to the required length.

The shelves are secured with nuts, which, if necessary, are recessed and puttied.

When embedding a bolt into a wall (using concrete or plaster) with the head inward and the threads outward, bend its shaft at an angle of about 30°.

This will increase the stability of the bolt.

You need to hang something from the ceiling, e.g. heavy chandelier. How to do it? We offer this option.

Insert a threaded metal sleeve into the hole in the ceiling.

2-4 holes should be drilled in it, in which the steel fingers should move.

We screw a pointed bolt into the bushing from below. He will spread his fingers, and they will forcefully rest against the walls of the hole, due to which the device will be firmly fixed in the ceiling.

The suspension will be even more reliable, although it will require more work if you drill not one hole, but two at opposite angles to each other, as shown in the figure. Two rods are inserted into the hole and fastened together. The pendant is ready.

A little hint. Take your time to cover up the vacant hole in the concrete wall with wallpaper. Put some stuff in it metal object: ball, screw, push pin. With the help of a small magnet you can always find the old hole so as not to drill a new one.

The walls of a standard sanitary block are made of asbestos cement sheet. The screws don't hold in it. To hang shelves, drill holes in the wall and tap them. The mounting bolts must be tightened without applying much force.

Securing a bolt in a thin wall requires preparatory operations, namely: you need to take a soft metal tube along the diameter of the bolt and make a cross-shaped cut at one end.

Then drill the wall along the diameter of the bolt head and insert it into the hole along with the attached tube. When tightening the nut, the head of the bolt (preferably conical) will widen the cuts, and the bolt and tube will be securely fixed in the wall.

Another way. An internal clamp washer can be used instead of a tube. Its shape is visible in the figure. It can be made from tin or aluminum.

When using this method of fastening, you need to be precise in determining the size and shape of the hole in the wall. It is better to make it rectangular, but it can also be round.

The clamping washer can also be made in the form of a cross-shaped clamp, bent in such a way that its short legs hold the nut on one side of the wall, and the long ones serve as a washer on the other sides.

You can also fix the bolt in the wall using a flat pin if you proceed like this: drill a hole along the diameter of the bolt head, cut off part of the head, then insert it into the hole and, holding the bolt with pliers, wedge it with the pin.

The remaining part of the head will be pushed to the side and hooked onto the wall. A nut and washer will make the pin invisible.

Another method of attaching to a thin wall, to back side which there is no access. One or two strips are hinged at the end of the threaded rod.

They are inserted into the hole, the bolt is shaken, and the strips are turned installed parallel to the wall. All that remains is to screw on the nut and cover the hole with alabaster.

If you need to drive a nail into a thin wall, keep in mind that a nail driven into a wall made of plywood or dry plaster will hold better if it is bent in the shape of the letter “M”.

Before making a hole in a pipe, you should familiarize yourself with the appropriate techniques that allow you to solve this problem without the use of special equipment. In this article we will tell you about existing methods, helping to make holes in pipes made of various materials. You will learn how to make a hole the required form, and also subsequently squander it.

Hole drilling tool

In order to complete the work, you will need to prepare the following tool:

  • drill (electric or manual type);
  • clamping vice;
  • special marking tool;
  • core, hammer and “round” file.

To work with metal pipe blanks, in addition to the items listed above, you will need high-carbon steel drills, as well as coolant. In addition, drills equipped with carbide tips can be used.

Let us immediately note that the drilling procedure without the use of special equipment is quite simple. All that is required of you is complete concentration and mandatory compliance with the relevant safety requirements.

Work of this type is carried out, as a rule, in a garage or in a special utility room(in a home workshop, for example). To avoid injury while drilling holes, you will need to use safety glasses and thick gloves. In addition, be sure to ensure that the drill bits are sharp enough and securely fastened in the drill chuck.

You can drill both metal and wood with the same drill, you just need to sharpen it at a different angle.

Work order

Before drilling a hole in a pipe, the following operations should be performed:

  • secure the pipe section in a vice;
  • apply appropriate markings to the drilling site;
  • then in the center of the future hole, using a core, you should knock out a small depression (as they say, “punch” the drilling point). This operation is necessary so that the drill does not move to the side during operation and is fixed in the center of the marking;
  • Once all these operations are completed, you can proceed to carefully and leisurely drilling the hole, starting with small diameter drills and gradually changing them to thicker ones.

During operation, the drill must be kept strictly vertical, otherwise the drill may simply break under the influence of lateral loads. To accurately adjust the diameter of the hole, you can use a round file.

In order to make a square hole in the pipe, first make the usual round hole, which can then be shaped with a file square shape. Note that this method is quite labor-intensive and will require you to be very careful when working with metal.

When carrying out a similar operation with plastic or composite pipes, the easiest way is to use a steel rod rectangular shape. As such a rod is driven into a round hole, the latter acquires a square shape, after which it can be removed from the pipe blank. The irregularities formed during punching are subsequently removed using a regular file.

IN plastic pipes Large diameter holes can be cut with a crown.

And in conclusion, we draw your attention to one more point characteristic of the type of operations we are considering. Since the drill becomes very hot when preparing a hole in the metal, coolant (water or waste oil) should be periodically added to the drilling site.

Video: methods of drilling pipes

Interesting way to drill through holes in small diameter pipes is shown in the video:

If you need to constantly make holes in pipes, you can make a jig for drilling holes:

Installation of any communications in the house, be it water supply, sewerage or laying gas pipes, involves their passage through walls or other ceilings. In this material we will talk in detail about how to make a hole for a pipe in a wall, floor or other structural elements of a building, and what you need to pay attention to during the work process.

First of all, we note that the method of drilling a hole in the wall for a pipe will depend on specific conditions, for example, the type of partition, its exterior finishing, as well as the location of the pipeline.

How to make holes in a wall

Before drilling a wall for a pipe, it is worth understanding what standards must be observed during the work process, especially if you are going to drill a load-bearing wall.

When cutting a hole under communications, make sure that such structural elements buildings like:

  • barrier and reinforcing gratings in the thickness of the wall;
  • ventilation ducts, if any in the building;
  • electrical wiring lines.

At the same time, when arranging holes for pipes in the wall, make their diameter slightly larger than the cross-section of the pipeline so that you can install a protective sleeve and, possibly, insulate it with mineral wool or other non-flammable material.

Technology for working with holes in the wall for pipes

Please note that before drilling brick wall under the pipe, it is important to make sure that there are no electrical lines or reinforcing rods at the location of the proposed hole. This can be done with a simple metal detector.

Preliminary work includes the following:

  • Markings are applied to the wall, indicating the exact location and diameter required hole, coinciding with the cross-section of the pipe with the sleeve;
  • use a “crown” attachment to cut a hole in the wall;
  • in those places where the nozzle cannot cope with very hard material, use a punch and hammer to destroy the wall;
  • Having passed a difficult section, they complete the work with a drill until the desired hole is obtained.

It is worth noting that steel drills are not suitable for working with concrete walls. In this case, you will need special pobedit drills that can cut a hole in materials whose thickness reaches 10-15 cm.

Performing work of increased complexity

Particular care should be taken when cutting holes for communications when working with complex materials, such as tile. Due to sufficient fragility of this material It cannot be drilled in impact mode.

If you need to make a hole, it is enough big size, you will need to know some techniques:

  • to work with such materials, you need special diamond bits, which are used for drilling at low speeds;
  • to drill a hole, you may need a device such as a ballerina;
  • In order to avoid slipping of the diamond nozzle or ballerina with a smooth surface covered with hard glaze, it is advisable to first scrape off the glossy layer with a file or stick it masking tape so as not to damage the rest of the tiles.

However, there is also alternative way work with tiled covering floor. Although it is cheaper, the risk of damaging the material is much higher. IN in this case In the surface of the tile, using a 3-4 mm drill, several holes are made around the circumference. The areas between the holes begin to be carefully broken with a well-sharpened chisel and hammer, thus forming a hole. For getting exact size holes, edges of the tiles are trimmed with the same chisel.

How to prepare holes in the floor

The rules for preparing the marked holes are determined by the type of base laid and the type of decorative coating laid on top.

Immediately before starting work, you first need to find out whether it will be possible to remove a part by cutting or dismantling finishing coating where the pipes will be laid. If this list It is not possible to carry out the work, that is, it is impossible to make a hole (for example, in a tile), then they are done using one of the methods described above.


Cut a large hole for chimney not so simple, but possible - just study the technology of work, and also take into account all the nuances that may arise. You can understand the described process more clearly from the presented video material.


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