How to putty OSB boards, is it possible to plaster - advice from experts on choosing materials and carrying out work. How to plaster OSB walls and ceilings in a house, correct OSB plaster indoors Plastering OSB boards

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The subject of numerous discussions among those who build houses or do repairs with their own hands is the question of whether it is possible to plaster OSB boards without spending additional materials and effort.

Plaster - great way improve and strengthen residential buildings erected according to frame technology, equip and insulate the walls.

Expensive building materials can be successfully replaced wood boards OSB. The practice of using them for external walls has become widespread.

Popularity of using OSB boards

OSB is a popular material in construction frame houses

OSB boards for exterior finishing facade and living space - an excellent alternative, affordable and affordable. Every type of building and every building material has positive and negative sides.

Lightness and thermal insulation properties slabs made from layers of wood chips are an undeniable advantage, but, according to builders, such walls require additional decorative finishing.

Detailed information about each type of waterproofing layer should be carefully studied. It is advisable to consult with specialists. Sometimes saving on building materials today results in significant expenses in a short time.

OSB boards are good alternative expensive building materials. Widely used in the installation of floors, ceilings, structures internal partitions. Aesthetic appearance The material allows you to leave it without any finishing. However, quite often OSB is subjected to finishing - painting or applying decorative plaster, with preliminary putty. About whether it is possible to putty osb boards How to putty OSB under wallpaper or painting, as well as the rules of application will be discussed in this article.

Features of OSB boards

Oriented strand board is produced by pressing large chips of softwood wood. The gluing process occurs when exposed to high temperature under pressure. Synthetic resin serves as the adhesive material. In addition, the composition contains boric acid and synthetic wax. The products are quite durable and are not subject to delamination, which guarantees a long service life.

Before you putty the OSB board, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and advantages of using the material, including:

  • strength of structures– due to the direction of the chips in one direction;
  • moisture resistancespecial processing protects the material from rotting and swelling under the influence of water or moisture;
  • fire resistance – coating with special substances ensures complete resistance to fire;
  • resistance – characteristic of negative natural influences, including fungus, insects, etc.;
  • lightness – the slabs are light in weight and are available in various sizes.

Good to know! When purchasing, do not forget to pay attention to moisture resistance indicators, which may vary depending on the different brands products.

Types of putty compounds

OSB boards consist of more than 80% natural solid wood, so it would be correct to use mixtures intended for wooden surfaces. Putty for OSB boards on modern market presented in a fairly wide range.

Puttying osb boards can be carried out using the following leveling agents:

  • Oil-adhesive compositions– products based on oil varnishes in addition to drying oil and other fillers.

  • Adhesive compositions - putties based on oils, adhesive solutions and plasticizers can be made at home.

  • Nitro putties are quick-drying compounds that contain cellulose ethers, resins, plasticizer fillers and a certain amount of solvents.

  • Gypsum mixtures are putty for OSB boards containing gypsum and polymer additives.

  • Compositions with latex- an order of magnitude more expensive than the previous ones, they represent the most suitable option, based on a fairly long service life.

If you don’t know how to putty an OSB board, choose mixtures for wood processing, which should be indicated on the product packaging.

On video: how to choose putty.

Before puttying, the surface is first sanded and then primed. To carry out the work, material is selected based on a number of requirements, namely:

  • Choice of primer. Needs primer special mixtures intended for wood processing. As a rule, these are compositions based on drying oil or glyphthalic varnish that do not contain water. The end parts of the OSB are first treated with primer mixtures even before the sheets are installed, since this is very problematic to do afterwards. The primer will help prevent stains from resins and other substances contained in the material.

  • Choice of putty. You should opt for compounds intended for finishing wooden bases. The walls should be plastered in several layers, horizontally and vertically, which will provide a more even surface. It is also worth remembering that in order to avoid cracks after drying, it is recommended to reinforce the surface with elastic materials, for example, non-woven fabric.

Advice! It is preferable to buy already polished slabs, the price of which is not much higher, but the finishing work will be much faster.

Basic requirements for compositions

Regardless of the type, OSB putty must have some characteristics, including:

  • Homogeneous consistency– will ensure the absence of large solid particles and facilitate the application process.
  • Good adhesion - the boards are coated with wax or resins, so not all mixtures will be able to adhere to their surface.
  • Low shrinkage– will significantly speed up the finishing work time.
  • Solid consistency– such compositions are easy to grind.

Low shrinkage ensures that cracks do not form when the substance dries. The finished base should be suitable for painting or wallpapering and create a durable final coating.

Application technology

After acquiring all the necessary materials, you can immediately begin work. It is worth noting that pox putty is carried out in the same way, regardless of whether the surface is painted or wallpapered. Puttying OSB should be done in the following sequence:

  1. Applying primer in 2 layers. Depending on the type of mixture, the drying period varies from 4 to 12 hours.
  2. Puttying. Work must take place in a room with positive temperatures and permissible humidity air 60%. For maximum effect putty mixtures are applied in 3 layers.
  3. Grinding. After the putty has completely dried, the surface is sanded to remove possible defects and make it smooth. You also need to carefully remove any dust that has formed on the surface.
  4. Reinforcement. Requires overlapping material.
  5. Alignment. Apply to the surface glue solution, after which the coating is leveled. Next, you can plaster or glue wallpaper.

Puttying process

If we talk about whether it is possible to putty OSB boards, we must take into account that for these purposes it is preferable to choose specialized compounds that do not contain water.

putty osb walls makes them suitable for painting, as well as for gluing vinyl, non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

The article states full information about how to putty an OSB board, tips on choosing materials and application rules. This finishing is completely optional, but will help protect the base from moisture and allow you to create a beautiful, high-quality decorative coating.

Now you know how to putty OSB boards profitably and in a fairly short time. Compliance with the described recommendations will allow you to carry out high-quality putty on OSB boards, guaranteeing a long period of use and maintaining an excellent appearance.

OSB preparation and puttying technique (2 videos)

Necessary tools and putty work (36 photos)

Rules for applying plaster on OSB boards for facade finishing

Frame houses are fast and affordable way get your own home. But such buildings require a more careful selection of materials to perform insulation and decorating work.

Those who choose plastering are wondering whether to lay plaster on an OSB board on the facade or not, and what compositions are best to choose?

Oriented- particle boards(OSB, OSB) must be protected from external negative impact. Because decorative finishing should have the following advantages:

  1. Resistance to high humidity.
  2. Tolerance of sudden and frequent temperature changes.
  3. Mechanical reliability.
  4. Heat and sound insulation properties.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Duration of operation.
  7. Light weight.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to plaster an OSB board, the answer is definitely possible and necessary, since this type of finishing has all the listed characteristics. The main thing to remember is that wood absorbs moisture quickly and a lot, even if it is coated with a moisture-repellent composition.

Before plastering the base, it must be protected with a special layer that will not allow moisture to pass through from the solution. This layer can be bitumen cardboard, paper-based roofing felt, kraft paper or an elastic polymer coating.

This option involves extensive preparation. Without this, OSB boards will constantly be exposed to moisture, which the plastered layer absorbs and transfers to the base.

IN preparatory stage includes:

  • Fastening on a base of moisture-proof material. As mentioned above, this can be asphalt cardboard, roofing felt, kraft paper or polymer coating.
  • Installation of reinforcing mesh. It can be fiberglass or galvanized steel mesh. It is filled with special glue so that the composition completely covers the reinforcing layer.
  • After the glue has completely dried, the surface must be treated with primer. deep penetration to increase adhesion.

After waiting for the applied primer to dry completely, you can plaster the OSB boards using silicate or mineral mixtures. They have good long service life, decorative and protective properties.

The solution is applied in a thin layer of 1.5 to 5 mm. Therefore, this process is reminiscent of applying putty. This type of plastering of OSB boards requires time and money. But, once everything is done efficiently, the owner can forget about repair work for a long time.

If you don’t want to bother with a lot of layers, you still need to decorate the facade and you can use another finishing method. To do this, you will need to purchase polyurethane foam in sheets. Fix it securely to the base. It will perform the functions of thermal insulation.

To attach the insulation, you can use a special glue for external works. When choosing an adhesive composition, pay attention to whether it can be used for polyurethane foam.

A thin layer of plaster solution is applied to the insulation, and reinforcing fiberglass is laid on top of the wet layer and pressed in, leveling the applied solution. After this layer has dried, apply a little more solution in order to hide the places where the mesh may be visible.

After drying, you need to rub and paint the surface. For painting it is better to choose acrylic paint.

The most in a fast way Applying plaster to the surface of OSB boards will use polymer compounds based on acrylic or latex synthetic resin. They are available in the form ready-made solutions. After opening the container, everything must be used very quickly. Because the plaster sets quickly and it is impossible to dilute or restore the original consistency.

Now let’s figure out how to plaster an OSB board in this way.

  • Grinding. For this they choose sandpaper coarse grain. At the same time, all elements that protrude beyond the surface of the slab and do not connect well with it are removed.
  • Primer. After sanding, the slab is cleaned of dust and covered with deep penetration primer intended for wooden surfaces. This will not only protect the wood from moisture, but will also increase adhesion, which means the plaster solution will be easier to apply.
  • If there are any unevenness on the OSB board or there are gaps at the joints, then after the soil has dried they are treated with acrylic sealant. The composition is sent into the uneven area and carefully leveled with a spatula. This process will allow you to use less polymer plaster.
  • Plastering. After the sealing layer has dried, begin applying the finished composition. The solution is applied to the wall and leveled to obtain a layer 5 mm thick. You need to work quickly.

The polymer layer of plaster does not require painting, but if desired, the owner can change the color of the finish at any time. This method of decorating OSB boards is expensive, but its service life of over 25 years makes it possible to eliminate this disadvantage.

The compositions that are used for plastering slabs harden very quickly, so if the owner does not have experience in this area, then it is better to use the work of a professional team.

How to plaster OSB walls and ceilings in a house, correct OSB plaster indoors

How and why to plaster internal walls made of OSB

Oriented strand board (OSB), also known as OSB (OSB or OSBI), is perfect for construction. These slabs are increasingly used in house construction. This is especially true for the construction of frame houses. They are used both for cladding exterior facades and for arranging interior spaces inside. Therefore, the question is which method to prefer for finishing interior spaces, is relevant for every home owner.

Main types of interior decoration

As finishing of interior spaces, the walls of which are made of OSB, you can use different ways. The choice is always up to the owners. A short list of finishing works that are suitable for OSB is given below:

  • wallpapering
  • painting
  • varnish coating
  • decorative putty and decorative plaster
  • gluing tiles or ceramic tiles

You can learn about all finishing methods in the article: methods of finishing surfaces from OSB sheets in the house.

All of the listed types of finishes have one thing in common. The OSB surface must be properly prepared before the final finishing coat is applied.

There is essentially only one weak point of oriented strand boards. This is the ability to absorb and gradually accumulate moisture. Over time, the entire slab or part of it swells and deforms. Therefore, the OSB surface must be insulated from exposure to high humidity. And here many people have a question: is it better to putty OSB walls or cover them with a layer of plaster?

Initially, the puttying process is used to seal seams between slabs and to level walls. This layer serves as the basis for applying paint, wallpapering partitions and, oddly enough, for the finishing layer of plaster. So the conclusion is quite definite: putty is an element of rough finishing of premises.

So plaster interior walls from OSB it is quite possible. This, along with others, is a fairly common finishing method that is often used by designers. It should be added that the use of conventional sand-cement mixture in in this case Not recommended. There are special types of plaster that are designed for interior works with OSB panels.

What plaster is used for OSB indoors

Plaster, in this case, is used to create the last layer, which largely determines the design of the premises. These mixtures are called decorative plaster. For wooden surfaces, it is recommended to use compounds that have high adhesion. We are talking about polymer-based plaster mixtures. A layer of such plaster “breathes” and prevents the formation of fungi and mold. The plaster layer helps to significantly reduce sound transmission and retain heat. It is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe. A wall covered with plaster looks absolutely uniform. Joints between slabs and other defects are hidden. This coating will last more than twenty-five years.

Plaster mixtures are sold ready-made or dry. Dry varieties should be diluted with water or another reagent before application, in accordance with the instructions. It is very important to make sure that the OSB boards are rigidly fixed and not subject to movement. Only after this can you start working. Otherwise, the plaster may crack and begin to peel off in places.

Decorative plaster OSB indoors. Types, characteristics

Decorative plaster can be classified according to two parameters: the composition of the filler and the type of binding components. Based on the type of filler, one can distinguish Venetian, structural, textured and flock.

Venetian plaster when applied, it can form smooth surface. It contains an admixture of the smallest marble chips. This gives the surface a mirror shine.

Structural mixture has small impurities of quartz and other components. The surface becomes rough. Its main difference is that when applied to the wall, multi-colored spots appear on it.

Textured plaster may have different kind and include admixtures of any suitable material. These can be small pebbles, pieces of mica, silk fibers or other fabric. Wall panels coated with this mixture have a pronounced texture, which is determined by the filler.

The most difficult thing to work with seems to be flock mixture. But it is very advantageous in design. The fact is that it consists of three layers - the main one, the layer with flocks and the varnish coating. Pieces of dried acrylic paint are used as flocks.

Types of decorative plaster for OSB indoors by composition

Based on the presence of different binding components in the mixture, textured plaster can be divided into the following types:

  • mineral
  • acrylic
  • silicone
  • silicate

IN mineral plaster Cement acts as a binder. It is not very suitable for OSB, since it is afraid of impact when hardening. Although the finished layer becomes stronger over time, it lacks a certain plasticity. An accidental impact may cause a piece of the coating to come off the wall.

Acrylic plaster made on the basis of acrylic resin. Compared to the previous mixture, it has lower strength and service life. Has many color solutions. You can color the mixture yourself by adding a special colored paste. It is quite suitable for application to a prepared OSB surface.

Synthetic resins serve as a binding component for silicone decorative plaster. It is very flexible and can be easily applied to the wall. Silicone plaster It is resistant to moisture, vapor permeable and has an antiseptic effect. There are many color varieties. This kind textured plaster fits perfectly into the solution of the task.

Silicate plaster stands out in that it is used to create an astringent effect liquid glass. The frozen surface has increased strength, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and antifungal properties. This plaster will last a long time, up to fifty years or more. This option can also be used for working with OSB.

Relief of textured plaster for OSB in the house

According to the shape of the surface relief, the most known species textured plaster are: “lamb”, “bark beetle” and “fur coat”.

"Lamb" It has a fine-grained structure due to the filler of small unprocessed pebbles.

Plastered surface "Lamb".

"Bark beetle" resembles a tree that has been attacked by bark beetles.

Plastered surface "Bark beetle"

"Fur coat" has a smoother surface compared to the first option, since the filler in this case is cement.

Plastered surface “Shuba”

OSB surface preparation

As already mentioned, finishing walls and ceilings from OSB sheets indoors takes place in two stages. The first, roughing, includes preparing the facade of the slabs for finishing coat. The second, finishing, involves applying plaster to the prepared base.

Surface preparation begins with sealing the seams between the slabs. For this it is advisable to use acrylic or silicone sealant . After completing this operation, it is recommended to get rid of all visible irregularities and defects using a grinding machine. If this is not possible, then you can go over the walls with ordinary sandpaper.

Sealing joints with sealant.

The walls should be cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner. For ceilings, all processes are similar. If necessary, wipe the surface with white spirit. After this, the first layer of primer is applied. Best used acrylic primer with additives, which improve its properties . Adhesive grade primers have also proven themselves well. They contain fine quartz chips, which help keep the putty on the walls. After the first layer of soil has completely hardened, the operation should be repeated.

More details about choosing suitable primers and technologies for their application can be found in the article: how to properly prime OSB.

Next up is plastering the walls. There are specially developed mixtures for OSB panels. It is better to use adhesive-based putties. Before applying the composition, a special metal or plastic mesh is attached to the walls, which helps the putty adhere better. Fastening is easiest done with a construction stapler. Then the first layer of putty is applied. The mesh should be completely hidden under the mixture. To create a perfectly flat surface, you can putty the wall a second time when the first layer has dried.

The next two videos show the preparation process clearly.

More details about the intricacies of choosing putty, preparing the base and puttying can be found in a separate article: OSB putty.

After this, you can think about applying a decorative coating, be it wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster.

Applying decorative plaster indoors

The selected mixture is prepared as written on the package. The work is not much different from puttying. However, getting the wall surface to look as intended requires some skill.

To apply the mixture, use a flat spatula, as shown in the figure. The plaster is carefully applied in several layers. The layer thickness is small, ranging from one and a half to five millimeters. Typically, two or three coats are sufficient. It is very important to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one has dried and gained strength.

Applying plaster to the prepared surface

This is circuit diagram works on plastering internal surfaces made of OSB. It should be noted that each type of decorative plaster has its own nuances during application. This type of finishing is relatively inexpensive. And if everything is done correctly, the resulting interior will satisfy the most demanding taste and will last for many years.

Example Venetian plaster with an image.

Silk plaster can be classified as a separate finishing class - this is what liquid wallpaper is called. You can learn about the use of silk plaster on OSB in the article: the right technologies applying liquid wallpaper to the surface of OSB sheets.

How and how to plaster, paint and putty OSB boards

When working with OSB boards, first of all you need to remember that more than 90% of these products consist of wood. Therefore, high-quality finishing of OSB boards is associated with the use of materials typical for working with solid wooden surfaces.

The slabs lend themselves to almost any finishing: they can be glued, painted, puttyed, varnished and even, subject to certain rules, plastered. All processing methods have their own characteristics, so each one should be analyzed separately.

A material such as OSB can be painted with water-based or oil compositions applied by brush, spray or roller.

The question often arises: is it possible to paint OSB boards with water-based compounds? It is possible, but this will increase the shape of the sheet slightly (swelling is possible), so it is highly advisable to use OSB 3. If you paint only on one side, this may lead to a slight bending of the panel. Therefore, it is worth treating the slab with water-based paints in cases where the appearance is not important. In opposite situations, it is necessary to use oil compounds. What are the features?

1. Any paint tends to spread on sharp corners. Therefore, before painting, they must be rounded by light sanding (with a radius of at least 3 mm). This is especially important for OSB used for exterior finishing.

Before painting OSB, the perimeter is first painted

When treating slabs located outside, it is necessary to use paints intended for use on outdoors. In this case, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations for painting wooden surfaces.

2. Edges. Their surface is more porous than the plane of the slab. The result is greater absorption, i.e. moisture absorption. Therefore, special attention should be paid to sealing edges. Moreover, this operation must be carried out before priming and applying the main coating.

Painted OSB floor

3. Padding. If you decide to treat the slabs with an antiseptic or fire-retardant impregnation, then you should carefully read the instructions - some of these chemicals may contain a high alkali content, which will require the use of a special primer.

4. Layers of paint. The opinion that the thicker the layer, the better it will protect the surface, is not entirely true. It is better to apply several thin coats rather than one thick one. In this case, each layer must be thoroughly dried.

  • the edges must be processed before the assembly of the structure begins (rounded and sealed);
  • If water-based sealing compounds are used, then due to swelling in the future, mandatory grinding will be required. Therefore, it is better to use solvent-based formulations (for initial processing);
  • When using transparent dyes, it is necessary to use those that prevent penetration ultraviolet rays(i.e., such materials must contain inhibitors);
  • slabs must be fastened in such a way that there are no potential areas for moisture accumulation;
  • It is necessary to cover both sides with dye equally;
  • Not recommended end connection at 45 degrees (due to the formation of sharp edges). If the finishing requires that the edges will be visible after completion of the work, then they must be filled with cellulose (wood) filler, then sanded and primed.

Putty and varnish

The design of the OSB board itself, its texture is decorative and looks aesthetically attractive. The use of colorless putty or varnish will only emphasize the naturalness of the surface. But do not forget about the “tendency” of the material to swell.

So is it possible to putty OSB? It is possible if oil-based formulations are used. A good effect is achieved by using putty when applied to slab flooring. The surface is glossy and sufficiently protected from mechanical stress.

There is no special putty for OSB or varnish. Regular will do composition used for wooden surfaces. If it is necessary to use them, it is better to use special boards that have already been sanded by the manufacturer - such panels do not require preliminary preparation. Sanded boards can also be used for film coating or lamination.

If you use drywall to decorate your home, we advise you to read the article on how to putty drywall.

Pasting wallpaper on OSB

Here the traditional approach is no longer suitable. The plate has high absorbency. Therefore, you cannot simply paste wallpaper using glue containing water - the slab will begin to swell and the wallpaper will simply fall off.

In order for the wallpaper to adhere securely to the OSB surface, it is necessary to take a number of preparatory measures.

First, a layer of primer must be applied to the panel. After it has completely (completely!) dried, any dispersion putty based on synthetic resin is applied. Its drying time should not be less than 12 hours.

And the final preparatory step is gluing the elastic material for reinforcement. Only compliance with the above rules will allow the pasted wallpaper to remain on the OSB surface.

Very often, OSB boards are in demand in the construction of frame houses - they are used to upholster the load-bearing frame. One of the ways to protect it in this case is plastering. However, here again the problem of absorption arises and the question “is it possible to plaster OSB” is quite appropriate.

The process of plastering slabs has its own characteristics. These, first of all, include preliminary fastening of bituminized cardboard to the surface. It is also possible to use roofing felt with paper base or facing kraft paper.

The mesh on the OSB wall allows the putty to stick

The next stage is attaching the galvanized plaster mesh. The resulting structure is filled with a special adhesive (the grille must be completely immersed in it). No special plaster on OSB board is required. The only requirement is that it must be vapor-permeable and polymer-acrylic.

Gluing elements onto OSB

If necessary, various materials can be glued to the OSB board. decorative elements at interior decoration. For external use, the need for gluing may arise, for example, when fastening soft roof on the roof. Typically, several types of glue are used, depending on the location of application and the required strength of the joints:

  • thermoplastics: for working in dry conditions (the objects to be glued must be fixed);
  • thermal hardening compositions: serve as structural, i.e. load bearing, glue (harden when heated, but there are compositions that harden at room temperature);
  • urea-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde: have limited resistance to weather conditions. It is better to use in a place protected from precipitation or indoors;
  • elastomers: include 2 components (binder, glue itself), used for gluing thick parts (sets quickly, no preliminary fixation is required);
  • bitumen-based: most often used for fixing when arranging the roof.

In the previous article "technology prefabricated houses"we talked about building a house from sip panels, an important component of which are OSB panels. These boards are distinguished by their dryness. Therefore, it is better to use oil compounds when working.

Painting OSB boards

If you use water-based paints, this is a big risk.

It is better to varnish the OSB before applying a coat of paint.

But, if the paint is applied on one side using water-based paint, this is fraught with twisting of the material on one side.

Sharp corners

The corners should not be sharp under any circumstances, otherwise the paint will spread over them. To avoid this, the corners must be rounded using a grinder or sandpaper.


Water is absorbed especially strongly at the edges. Therefore, these areas must be isolated before applying paint.

Antiseptic and fire retardant

If you plan to impregnate OSB with an antiseptic or fire retardant, they may contain a large amount of alkali.

If there is a lot of alkali, the OSB must be coated with an appropriate primer.

Applying paint to OSB boards

A thick layer of paint may crack and fall off in pieces when drying. It is better to apply several thin layers than one thick one.

At the same time, make sure that when applying a new layer, the previous one is thoroughly dry.

So, the list of rules:

1. Edges must be sealed and rounded before painting begins.

2.If used for OSB coverings water-based substances, after which you will need to grind the swollen material. It is better to use solvent or oil based substances.

3. If the dye is transparent, you need to make sure that it does not allow direct sunlight to pass through.

4. When attaching slabs, you need to get rid of places where moisture may accumulate.

5. It is necessary to paint both sides at once so that one side does not curl.

OSB putty and varnish

Given the tendency to swell from moisture, OSB should be filled only with oil-based materials.

There are no special varnishes for OSB. But you can use varnishes for working with wood. This will save the drawing.

There is also a decorative component.

Pasting wallpaper on OSB

Again, we start from the fact that OSB absorbs moisture well. Therefore, OSB is first coated with a primer.

The primer dries, and a layer is obtained that does not allow moisture to pass through. But now we apply putty based on synthetic resin.

It also needs to dry. Drying time - 12 hours.

Elastic reinforcement material is glued on top. And only at the end the paint is applied. This method will 100% protect the wood from moisture carried by the glue.

Plastering OSB boards

Often on load-bearing structures you can find OSB boards. In this case, the surface must be strengthened and insulated.

For this, bitumen cardboard, roofing felt or craft paper is used. These materials are optionally attached directly to the OSB board.

Then a zinc plaster mesh is attached to the base. It must be completely buried in the plaster.

Methods for decorative coating of OSB panels - Video

Frame structures have proven themselves quite well in modern construction– today, buildings on a lightweight basis can be found almost everywhere. As outer skin for buildings frame type OSB sheets are most often used, which are distinguished by their lightness, affordable price and high level thermal insulation.

For plating you can use various materials– abundance modern technologies makes it possible to bring almost any idea to life. However, with traditional finishing the situation is somewhat different - the combination with wood will not benefit everyone finishing materials. In this regard, fans monolithic finishing Quite reasonably they ask the question: is it possible to plaster an OSB board?

Initially it was applied exclusively to solid, immovably mounted structures - brick walls, concrete, blocks, etc. Plastering surfaces on a moving surface wooden base until recently, it was not practiced, since without preparatory work this action will lead to disastrous results.

This article will provide you with step-by-step instruction, through which you will learn how to plaster an OSB board with your own hands. In it you will find a description of the most important points, which will help you avoid serious mistakes in the process of forming plaster.

Strengthening the structure

It is advisable to think about the choice of coating even at the stage of forming the skin, in order to be able to prepare the surface as much as possible for future work. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the assembly of the supporting frame and/or sheathing, which will serve as the basis for installing OSB sheets.

The frequency of arrangement of load-bearing elements must comply with construction regulations - reducing their number and increasing the distance between them is extremely undesirable.

The installation of the sheets themselves must also be carried out as reliably as possible in order to prevent strong mobility of the elements. The main enemy of a plastered surface is vibration and the moving structure of the base - when forming the cladding, it is necessary to smooth out these negative factors as much as possible.

Note! In this case, we mean strengthening the structure within building codes and prescribed technologies. Sacrifice expansion joints or others necessary elements for the sake of strength it is impossible.

Surface preparation

OSB is a wood-based product that is formed from shavings and chips. As such, wood is not used as a base for plaster because it absorbs water and then rejects the plaster mortar.

Without preliminary preparation, the plastered surface will almost immediately become covered with cracks. Before plastering the OSB board, it is necessary to create an insulating layer between the plaster and the sheathing.

There are two ways to prepare the surface - installing insulation or upholstery with kraft paper/bituminized cardboard. Let's look at both technologies in more detail.

Installation of insulation

OSB sheets are used as a material for external insulation polystyrene foam boards, which have sufficient strength and are completely waterproof. The lightness of polystyrene foam insulation allows it to be installed on an adhesive basis, which in this case is the only available option.

In general terms, the installation process looks like this:

  • The sheets should be cleaned of dust, they should not be wet or greasy - if necessary, the sheathing should be treated with white alcohol to degrease the surface. Oil stains, large amounts of dust or dirt can significantly reduce the degree of adhesion of insulation to OSB sheets;
  • Apply the adhesive composition to the insulation using a calibrating spatula so that the glue covers the entire surface of the sheet. Then the sheet is pressed against the sheathing - in order for the glue to fill the voids, you need to lightly press on the insulation. After the entire structure has been covered with insulation, you must wait until the glue has completely dried and only then proceed to the next stage;
  • Reinforcement is installed on the insulation in the form of a plastic or fiberglass mesh with 6x6 mm cells - they have a self-adhesive base and you will not have any problems with installation.


First of all, the joints between the sheets are coated elastic sealant, after which the surface is covered with kraft paper or bitumen cardboard, which is fixed with a stapler. Reinforcement in the form of fiberglass or plastic mesh, then

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OSB putty: a proven method, plus answers to frequently asked questions

Greetings. In this article I will talk about how and with what to putty OSB board. Today’s topic will be of interest to both developers building frame houses, as well as owners of houses lining their premises with particle boards. You will also learn the characteristics of the slab material and why it needs finishing.

A few words about oriented strand boards

Oriented strand boards (abbreviated OSB or OSB in foreign terminology) are construction material, made from compressed large-sized chips.

During production, it is arranged in several layers crosswise relative to each other. The outer layers occupy the longitudinal direction in the slab, and the inner layers occupy the transverse direction, and it is this feature that ensures their mechanical strength.

The chips in the slab are glued together with a mixture of resins, boric acid, synthetic wax and a number of other additives. Thanks to the additives used in the binder component, the board acquires additional strength and resistance to excess moisture and resistance to biological factors.

On the other hand, the use of resins as a binder in combination with a number of additives results in some disadvantages, including:

  • High formaldehyde emissions - the release of volatile substances that are potentially harmful to health and everyday well-being;
  • Semi-gloss surface of the slab and, as a result, difficulties in subsequent decorative finishing;
  • Microrelief due to the heterogeneity of the surface, and therefore the impossibility of wallpapering, as unevenness will appear.

In order to compensate for these shortcomings, the surface of particle boards must be puttied.

A layer of applied putty will even out the microrelief and serve as barriers to the release of formaldehyde. In addition, the degree of adhesion will increase, since the putty layer will cover the gloss of the surface.

Features of applying putty

As previously mentioned, OSB board has a semi-gloss surface and this is the reason that no paints and varnishes they don't stick to her. The situation is similar with most putties, which will fall off when applied to a particle board.

This problem is especially aggravated if the slab is finished with your own hands not on the walls, but on the ceiling.

Are there ways to level the surface so that the layer of applied mixture does not fall off? Yes, there is such a method and you can familiarize yourself with it in the instructions below.

Preparatory work is half the success

Before starting to putty walls and ceilings lined with OSB boards, preparatory work, which consists of the following steps.

Surface primer

In order to improve the adhesion of the surface, we treat it with Ceresit CT 17 primer. What is the advantage of using this particular primer? Oriented strand board is an embossed and porous material, and this primer is highly penetrating and can penetrate most pores.

Sealing cracks and technological gaps

After the applied primer has completely dried, we fill the gaps of up to 1 cm between the plates with putty - in the corners between the walls, at the junction of the walls and the ceiling, etc. As a putty mixture for OSB, I recommend Knauf Rotband paste mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Installation of plaster mesh

After the joints between the slabs are filled with the mixture, a fiberglass mesh is lined and attached to the surface. The mesh on one side is needed so that the layer of leveling mixture adheres to the surface and does not move away from it. On the other hand, installing a mesh will prevent cracks from appearing in the corners.

When installing the mesh, consider the following:

  • We lay the mesh on the surface in overlapping strips(strip to strip) 10 cm wide and fastened to the slabs with a construction stapler;
  • We lay the mesh so that the bend of the strip goes along the corner;
  • The fold along the entire length of the corner should be smooth without waves., because if there is a wave, the mesh will have to be cut, which means its reinforcing properties will be impaired;

  • We aim the fixing staples with a stapler at a distance of no more than 10-15 cm from each other.

Why do we fill the seam before installing the mesh, and not afterwards? If you fix the mesh and only then apply the mixture, it is unlikely that you will be able to properly fill the gaps. If you putty the gaps in a timely manner, there will be practically no gaps left.

Installation of plaster corner

After the fiberglass mesh is fixed over the entire surface, we attach the plaster corners - special metal profiles. The installation of corners can be external, for example, along the outer perimeter window slopes and internal, for example, at the internal junction of walls.

Correctly set angles allow you to carefully and evenly apply a layer of putty. In addition, the set angle will press plaster mesh, which will enhance the surface finish.

The instructions for installing the corners are as follows:

  • We measure the length of the corner that is supposed to be reinforced with a metal profile;

  • We measure this length to metal profile and cut it with metal scissors;
  • At the ends of the prepared profile, we cut each of the two shelves (sides) at 45° so that when combining several profiles, their ends do not overlap each other;

  • We apply the prepared corner to the surface and shoot it on both sides with staples from a stapler, so that the staple passes through the perforation.

Putty on the prepared surface

Now that the building surface is ready, you can begin applying putty. The instructions include the following steps:

  • Preparation of the leveling mixture is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • Application of the mixture and leveling;
  • Applying a finishing layer over the starting layer, if necessary;
  • Sanding the leveled surface.

How to putty an OSB board for painting and how to prepare this product correctly? I recommend a proven option - the Knauf Rotband mixture, to which we add PVA glue at the preparation stage. That is, by 3 kg ready mixture add 50 grams of glue and mix the mixture until smooth.

Adding glue allows you to make the mixture more plastic, but at the same time the applied layer will take twice as long to dry. Thus, if we add glue to the putty, we wait for it to dry before applying the second layer, not for a day as usual, but for two days.

Application of the mixture is carried out traditionally using two spatulas - wide and narrow. Using a narrow spatula, take the mixture from the container and apply it evenly to the edge of a wide spatula. Next, we press a wide spatula with putty to the surface of the slab and move it towards ourselves at an angle of 45-30°.

By the way, the greater the angle between the spatula and the surface being treated, the thinner layer putty on the wall and vice versa, the closer you tilt the spatula to the slab, the thicker the applied layer will be. Try to ensure that the thickness of one layer does not exceed 2 mm.

Knauf Rotband is a universal putty that can be applied as a starting and finishing layer. The feasibility of applying a second layer is determined by a powerful spotlight, which is placed close to the surface and, under strong light, determines how intense the relief is.

If leveling the surface is carried out for subsequent wallpapering, you can get by with one layer; if the wall or ceiling is puttied before painting, then apply it on top of the starting layer finishing layer, which will bring the surface to zero.

Sanding walls - The final stage, after which you can begin painting work

For the initial leveling, prepare the putty with the consistency of thick sour cream, while for the finishing layer, dilute the mixture to the state of liquid sour cream. Liquid putty is good because it fills the smallest irregularities and does not create a new relief.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  1. Is it possible to putty OSB board? gypsum putty outside ?

Use gypsum mixtures I advise only when finishing works in the interior. For the outside, I recommend polymer or cement based putties.

By the way, you can make such a mixture yourself and its price will be lower than the cost of store-bought analogues. Mix dry cement into the PVA glue until you get a plastic mass with the required degree of viscosity. This product has a low tendency to crack and is characterized by excellent adhesion to various surfaces.

  1. How to putty OSB board under wallpaper in rooms with high humidity?

Let me start with the fact that it is generally not recommended to glue wallpaper in rooms with high humidity. However, if you decide to glue, I recommend Vetonit VH dry mixture, specially designed for wet rooms and for surfaces that require higher adhesion of finishing materials.

  1. How can you putty particle boards for painting with water-based paints? ?

In this case, any construction putties are suitable without restrictions. But there is one condition - after leveling is completed, the surface will need to be primed with a composition that will correspond to the type of putty used and the type of paint selected.

  1. Is it possible to paint something on an OSB board without prior puttying? ?

Without putty, oil-based ones are placed on particle boards, alkyd enamels and similar compositions.

But there is a problem - after such painting, nothing will fall on the surface except similar paintwork materials. Again, when painting without prior leveling, the relief will be visible through the paint layer, however, some designers specifically achieve this effect.


Now you know how and how to putty an OSB board. If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer all of them. And, of course, I recommend watching the video in this article, I’m sure it will interest you.

December 12, 2016

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