Why do you dream about an earthen pit? Why do you dream of a hole: digging a hole, falling into a hole, ending up in a hole with someone? Basic interpretations - why do you dream about a hole, big or small?

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according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

danger; to see someone dug up - cooling of feelings (if familiar), trouble, material or personal; to climb into a hole - to experience relationships.

The meaning of a dream about a pit

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will “crawl out” out. If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big “but” stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse. Jumping over a hole - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but it seems difficult for you to discuss it. Thus, every time you get to a “difficult place”, you try to pretend that nothing “like that” is happening, that everything seems to be fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

The meaning of a dream about a conductor

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself in the role of a conductor indicates that you have a leading role in your intimate life. It is from you that the initiative and proposals come. You do not let your relationship fade, but want it to open up in its entirety. Your partner is too inactive and passive to offer a counter option. For now, this situation suits you, but someday you will get tired of it.

I dreamed of digging

according to Miller's dream book

See in a dream excavation- means that a difficult, but by no means poor life awaits you. If, while digging a hole, you find some sparkling valuable things, then this promises a favorable turn of fate. But finding vast voids in the pit means that true misfortunes will haunt you. Water filling the hole you dug means that, despite your best efforts, the state of things is not subject to your will.

Seeing an orchestra in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The orchestra everywhere signifies beauty and sophistication. Even those people who do not like classical music admit that the orchestra is a complex and sophisticated musical machine. Dreams about your participation in an orchestra can reflect a feeling of harmony or disharmony with the world. Perhaps you have a great desire to demonstrate your abilities in some area real life. If the orchestra conductor is known to you - a colleague or boss, a family member, an acquaintance, etc., then the relationship between the conductor and you can shed light on the extent of such longing. Attending a concert with an orchestra can have a romantic connotation depending on who your date is. There may be a hint of your desire to take a break from the everyday routine and find relaxation in music. It is also possible that this dream is a dream of wish fulfillment if you took music lessons as a child, but were never able to take part in public speaking, as an adult.

I dreamed about an orchestra

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are playing in an orchestra foretells fun entertainment. This is a sign that your sweet lover will be faithful to you. Hearing the sounds of an orchestra means that your humanity in any circumstances makes you a very attractive person, and fate will infinitely favor you for a long time.

Why do you dream about a brass band?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

loss in litigation; argument.

I dreamed about a ditch

according to Miller's dream book

I dreamed about a ditch

according to Miller's dream book

Falling into a ditch in a dream means decline in business and personal loss; but if you jump over it, it means that by your behavior you will make you forget suspicions about the sins you once committed.

Expert answers


In a dream, I drove my car into a pit with manure and got out of the car wearing white sneakers, which remained clean. I saw my dead parents. My father gave advice on how to get out of a hole in a car, and I was angry with him for his advice. I understood that I could get out on my own, but I didn’t know how to get the car out. So I woke up without getting out. What does it mean? (Ivanova, Galina)

I step onto a beautiful green island. And I immediately fall into a deep hole underground. The pit is gloomy, it smells terribly of something, and strange sounds can be heard. I'm getting scared, I'm getting really scared. And then my old friend appears, whom (I thought) I had seen in my previous dreams. I don't remember what he looked like. But I’m happy, I know he will help me get out. Indeed, an old friend helps me get out of the hole, and I leave. The place where I came was either a hostel or some kind of educational institution, not like a barracks... In general, these were rows of beds placed next to each other (something like a barracks). And it's all under open air. There were some people in the bunks, and I also took my bunk. My bunkmate turned out to be a pretty girl in a colorful blouse. We started talking and soon became friends. This is how my days passed in this “institution”. I talked to my new friend, talked to other people. One day it was daytime, but I was sleeping (daytime sleep), and for some reason the rest of the people were awake. And then that same old friend of mine came to our “institution”, he came to me. But I was sleeping, and he did not dare to wake me up, although it was clear that he really wanted to talk to me. “When she wakes up, tell her to come to me, she knows where. I really need to talk to her, please don’t forget to tell her!” - he then said to everyone present and left. When I woke up, no one said a word to me. Even mine new girlfriend in a colorful blouse she was silent. But I felt, I felt in my heart that he, who had always helped me, now needed my help! And without saying a word to anyone, I ran down to the pit. But I stopped in front of the pit... I became scared. It’s scary to go there, because there is darkness, dirt, cobwebs... But then I remembered my old friend, overcame my fear and jumped straight into the hole. It was indeed very dark there; I walked a couple of steps, turned the corner, and a beautiful green forest appeared before my eyes! And in the middle stood my friend, his eyes lit up when he saw me. Happy, I ran up to him, looked into his eyes and without any words I read there great joy and... love “The forest is dying, the kingdom of joy and love is dying,” he said. “Soon everything here will become like in that dark pit that is the entrance to my kingdom.” “But what can be done?” - I asked. “I don’t know,” said my old friend, “but perhaps at the end of the world we will find the answer.” “Then let’s go to the end of the world!” - I laughed. And we went, chatting happily along the way. I was not at all afraid to go even to the ends of the world, because he, my old friend, was with me. And in these minutes of the journey I felt the most happy man on the ground, and he, too, shone with happiness. Finally, we came to the end of the world. It was earth, a piece of earth, and behind it was thick fog, emptiness. And two roads - right and left. My old friend and I decided to go on reconnaissance: he went to the right, and I went to the left. I followed his silhouette with my eyes and was about to go on my way, but before I could take even a couple of steps, that “friend” in a colorful blouse attacked me and began to strangle me. She choked me so hard that I felt like I was going to suffocate and couldn’t call for help. These sensations were too real even for a dream. But suddenly, when I was almost dead, my old friend appeared and threw my “friend” off a cliff into the thick fog. I came to my senses, and we looked into each other’s eyes... And then... then the dream ends...


I rule the city. There is a bay in the west, ships came here in the summer, but now the bay is frozen and goes on ice road surrounded by snowdrifts. I stand on top of a large hill and look out over a bay covered in twilight. Along the road in one direction there is a continuous stream of trucks, I don’t remember exactly, but they seem to be from the city. From the city there is another major road to the east. But now I'm thinking about a certain hole in the southeast of the city. I need to put her to sleep. I am gathering all the city leaders, small and large, I need funds to fill up the hole with a slide. I understand that everyone’s situation is not very good, and that extra money no one has, but my business is important and urgent. I can solve the problem with a switch, but I refuse force method. I ask everyone to chip in for a good cause, we can do it. And I fly away, I concentrate and fly, at some point I begin to lose control of the flight, I gather all my will, clench my fists and repeat: but I really don’t feel the flight. There is a feeling of movement in a spiral. And so I touch the stone with my shoulder. One more turn and I land on stone slab, on the shore of my native lake, near my real city. And I wake up in my bed.


Very often I have a dream in which I am thrown into a sort of very deep pit with lions (which at the bottom of this hole will rub off on me, waiting for me to fall to them)... the dream ends when I almost reach them and.... that’s all ends and I wake up..


Located not far from my house high building shipping company, past which I usually walk to work and to the shops. I dreamed that once passing by this bulky building familiar to my eye, I saw a deep longitudinal hole under the wall in which people were swarming. One of these people raised his head and I met his eyes from top to bottom. Although in reality I never remembered who it was, in the dream I immediately recognized an unimaginably dear, beloved face. I am a person who is reserved in his emotions, and here I artificially gave a humorous look at his situation in the pit. As if it was funny that he was dirty, emaciated, in a suit that was not suitable for this place. He recognized me too, hope appeared in his eyes. Chuckling and greeting what I realized was my dearest being in mock youth slang, I walked to the edge of the hole and looked into it. The hole was very deep; he had no opportunity to get out on his own. He extended his hand and said: “Help me...” I didn’t remember any other words, I gave up all my pretense, I was overcome with horror from the realization of his condition. Shouting that I would be back soon, I rushed across the road back to the house, feverishly wondering what I could find and grab from the city house, where there was never a need for ladders, ropes and other devices. Part of my soul sobbed and howled in despair, and the other part was delighted to meet a loved one close to me. I ran, determined to help, to do something. I almost reached my house, and then they woke me up. The first thought was: I DID NOT MAKE TIME! - he stayed THERE!


I was on the street... I saw how my grandfather and my youngest sister, 10 years old, were climbing into a hole. I approached this hole, looked in and saw how my grandfather was lying, or rather, I only saw his legs, and my sister began to chop them with an ax .. then I don’t remember what happened...


I saw this dream several times, about three times. Vineyards, hedges, sunny day, nice people around. Suddenly I fall into a hole, quite deep underground, I raise my head and see a small bright spot high above me, I begin to slowly move towards it, I find myself not just in a hole, but in a hole, quite narrow, and the closer to the exit, the more the hole becomes everything is narrower and narrower. At the very end, when there is very little left before sweet liberation, the hole is so narrow that I climb, leaving skin on the walls, but, despite all the difficulties, I still get out to the ground, where the sun still shines and the birds sing and.. I wake up! such a dream.


I went out into the garden with my cousin and began to pull out bags from the garbage pit. The bags were full of papers and something else. They were all tied separately, so they were easy to pull out.
I saw only old yellowed documents, all bags white with a green pattern, these are the bags I usually bring home from the supermarket with food.
I explained to my sister that I wanted to pull them all out to clean out this hole. The hole itself is not deep, it is covered with green grass like the entire garden. I don’t know why I decided to empty the pit. (in fact, such a hole does not exist), And the place where everything happens is like my house, or rather my garden, but I don’t remember such a place. It reminds me a little of my grandmother's garden, where my sister and I played as children.


By analogy with the real one, a garbage pit in a dream is a place for storing “outdated” emotions. That is, experiences end up in the trash pit. There they are processed by recycling programs and archived. The garbage pit should, in theory, be empty.

But in your dream we are not talking about a garbage pit, but about a memory area in which you have preserved emotions that cannot be processed. Most likely, there was psychological trauma, shock, and the most that the psyche could do was to isolate emotions from everything else - forever or until the moment when what happened could be rethought.

This moment has probably arrived. But by this time the shocking emotions had dried up to “bundles”, “yellowed paper”, which is symbolic.

Some dreams can be quite frightening and can even cause panic. But it's just a dream. Why do you dream about a hole? How to interpret a dream in which you fell into a hole?

Why do you dream about a hole - the main interpretation

The pit that you dreamed about is a harbinger of rather unpleasant events. It is important to remember all the details of the dream:

How the hole was formed;

Have you fallen into a hole?

Who fell into the hole;

Who else appeared in your dream;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream that a hole has formed in the middle of your house, a difficult period awaits you. It is important to remember that you were also afraid of falling into it. If you were afraid, you already know that trouble awaits you. Perhaps it was your careless attitude towards what was happening that led to the difficulties. The dream book advises you to survive future difficulties with dignity. Do not create similar situations in the future.

If you dream that you are not at all afraid of falling into a hole, such a dream promises you new discoveries, but whether you use the information received correctly depends entirely on you. If you dream that the hole inside is overgrown with flowers and grass, such a dream means that troubles that at first glance seem very difficult to you will actually turn out to be tests that will lead to new opportunities.

If you dream that someone close to you has fallen into a hole, such a dream means the possibility of trouble for this particular person. Then you will have to help him resolve difficult situations. If you provide all possible help, this will give you the opportunity to receive support from him in the future.

If you see a hole that has divided your house into two parts, such a dream means that difficulties in relationships will soon await you. In addition to quarrels and scandals, you will be separated by an abyss of misunderstanding with loved ones. If you dream that a hole has formed at your place of work, such a dream means that employees, subordinates and managers will not be able to find a common language.

To fall into such a hole is to be compromised in the workplace. You may not be guilty of the charges against you, but in any case, you will suffer losses. If in a dream you are trying to pull someone out of a hole, take a closer look at who. If this person tries to pull you down with him in a dream, try to avoid contact with him in reality.

In real life, he may try to impose bad habits and a negative lifestyle on you. Even if it's yours close person- try to distance yourself from his problems for a while. If we are talking about your lover, try not to aggravate the relationship with quarrels. Do not support scandals, even if you are really right about them.

If a young girl dreams that she finds a baby in a pit, the girl has long dreamed of becoming a mother. This dream will soon come true. If the baby died in the pit, it is worth considering temporarily giving up childbearing. The dream book says that this is not a frightening dream at all, it simply warns against hasty actions.

If a man has such a dream, it means that he is not ready for serious relationship, although it is considering similar possibilities. If a man saves a child from a pit in a dream, he will have the opportunity to improve relations with his soulmate.

If a man dreams that his beloved has fallen into a hole, and he tries in every possible way to pull her out, but he fails, such a dream means that it is time for the partners to reconsider their relationship with each other. Most likely, each of them looks only inside himself, not noticing the problems and concerns of the other. This attitude led to relationship problems. If partners do not maximize efforts to restore the relationship, they will lose each other.

In those dreams in which you yourself fall into a hole and cannot call anyone to help, it is worth remembering exactly how the dream ended. If in a dream you did find a way out, you got out of the hole on your own - in reality you will also get out of a difficult situation on your own, resolve everything yourself financial questions. You just shouldn’t retreat and change direction. Don't be afraid to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

If you managed to get out of the hole thanks to the help of other people, remember who exactly became your savior. In reality, you will also receive great support and help from this person. If another person’s attempt to save you from the pit fails, it means that in reality you will be defeated. But the dream book does not advise you to become discouraged; you just need to think more carefully about all your actions and calculate their consequences.

Why do you dream about a pit according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why the pit is dreamed of. This is a symbol of troubles and problems. You will be immersed in them if in a dream you fall into a hole that you did not see in front of your feet. If you fall into a hole due to the fault of another person, such a dream directly speaks of the interference of other people in the course of events in your life.

If you still don’t remember who was responsible for your fall, then in reality you will not be able to find out who exactly caused the troubles in your life. The dream book advises not to get hung up on finding the culprit, but to intensify your desires to achieve your goal. Even if this time nothing worked out for you, then next time you will definitely get the desired result.

If you see in a dream huge hole into which people fall and disappear in it - such a dream speaks of possible danger for Your health. You, just like these people, will suddenly lose control of the situation and simply fall into a pit of problems and worries.

In those dreams when holes start appearing everywhere, it is important to remember your behavior. If you calmly bypass them and find yourself safe, such a dream speaks of the need to show flexibility of mind in reality and not succumb to provocations.

If in a dream you constantly fall into holes, but at the same time, somehow miraculously get out of them - such a dream suggests that in reality you, despite constant competition and pitfalls from your colleagues, will always be in a winning position.

If in a dream a pit is filled with dirt and large blocks of stone, in reality you will be subject to attacks of envy, contempt, and slander. Moreover, the person who brought negativity into your life now treats you quite positively. In those dreams in which you yourself push someone else into a hole, you need to remember the motive of your behavior.

If you do this solely for reasons of defense, then in reality, defending your point of view, you will have to infringe on the rights of another. If you purposefully push another person into a hole, such a dream speaks of your evil intent in reality. But for such acts you may face retribution.

Why do you dream about a pit according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that newlyweds dream of a pit as an indicator of their unconscious fear of relationships. They are afraid of becoming dependent on this relationship, but the dream book also indicates that all doubts must be left behind. It was worth doubting before marriage. Now the time has come when they only need to build relationships.

If a young girl dreams that a man is pushing her into a pit, she will find herself in a relationship that will only bring her pain and tears. This relationship will make her suffer, but the girl will not be able to refuse it. This will be a kind of dependence on the partner. And the longer this relationship lasts, the greater the girl’s attachment to the man. The dream book advises you to think about the need to avoid such unions.

Why do you dream about a pit according to other dream books?

IN Summer dream book it is said that if you dream of a hole, the details of your negative experience, your negative past life. Grishina’s dream book says that a dream about a pit predicts a huge misfortune that a person will find himself in thanks to the machinations of his enemies. Digging a hole in a dream means trying to change the situation in reality.

Loff’s dream book says that the fear of falling into a hole in a dream is a reflection of a person’s conscious fear of everything new in reality. You are afraid of slipping up and making the wrong decision. But, if you do not learn to take risks, you will not get anything in this life that you have dreamed of for so long. If in a dream you see holes that disappear on their own, the approaching troubles in reality will resolve themselves. It is important to remember that dreams only give clues about what to do in a given situation. They can predict the future, but man himself creates his own destiny.

Dream book online Pit

Dreams are very disturbing if you dream about a hole. As a rule, these are gray or brown visions that leave a painful and aching feeling upcoming troubles. It is difficult to understand why a hole is dreamed of. Because such night dreams cannot be unambiguous. But only deep Scan Details will help you find out approximately what the subconscious is warning you about.

Many dream books agree on the interpretation that this is a bad omen. Possible financial difficulties and reputation problems.

It is possible that on an important issue you will make the wrong decision. What you hid will become public knowledge.

If you dreamed of a hole

You can explain why you dream about a hole in a dream only by analyzing a lot of details of the dream and your own feelings. What you should pay attention to first:

  • where exactly was the pit located (in own home or in the yard, in the garden, on the street or in an unfamiliar deserted place);
  • what were its dimensions in the dream, and did the dreamer see the bottom ( small hole or it could accommodate whole house or city);
  • what it was filled with (an empty pit means a gap in relationships or financial debts, and a cesspool with sewage, on the contrary, means profit)

The main thing is inside

If you dreamed of a deep hole in own yard- this is very bad sign. Most likely you are in difficult situation make the wrong decision and this will entail a series of troubles. The most unfortunate thing in this case is that you for a long time You will be confident that you are right, and no one will be able to convince you otherwise. And only when nothing can be changed will you repent of your own deafness to other people's advice.


Looking into an empty hole means thinking about the situation that is currently developing in your life. The most interesting thing is that nothing special is happening now, but some sixth sense makes you carefully think about every step and every word you say - and for good reason.

If you dreamed of an empty pit

Seeing an empty pit is detrimental. This can be material, moral, or personal damage. Perhaps your business will suffer a loss or you will learn unpleasant information about someone close to you.

Falling and getting out of an empty hole means victory over various difficulties.

Your moral core is strong, which means you won’t mind any tests. Not finding the strength to get out is bad. Prolonged troubles will make you depressed, which will lead to physical illness. And only by going to a medical facility can you improve your health.

Carefully lowering a rope into a hole is a difficult task, on which you will spend much more money than you expected.

What it contains

That's what he says modern dream book: a hole whose bottom is filled with water means the condition of your mental health. The deeper it is, the more difficult it is to maintain emotional balance. Possible depression, apathy, or vice versa, excessive aggressiveness or temper.

if you fell but got out of the hole

Get out of it - get out of a difficult situation, avoid debt or pay bills on time. If you dream that you are falling into a hole, but never reached the bottom, or you wake up from the feeling of falling, this is a bad omen. You will face difficulties that will unsettle you for a long time.

But clearly seeing its bottom and remembering what it was filled with is already not bad. The subconscious mind tells you how best to solve impending problems.

Animals or reptiles

Falling into a pit with animals in a dream is a very bad sign. You will have to face cruel and powerful people, on whom your future activities will depend. Serious bureaucratic problems may arise during the execution of a transaction or real estate transactions.

if the pit was with snakes

Seeing that there are snakes in the pit is also not good. This means that a trap has been prepared for you for a long time and just a little more, and you will fall into it. You should not make any decisions at this time. The best way To avoid trouble - just hide and wait for a while.

A very large pit full of predators waiting for their prey - the situation is completely different from what you think. Be prepared to do a 180 degree turn in your decision.

By digging a hole in the ground to make a trap for large animals, you can legally eliminate a serious competitor who occupies a high position.

Going down there to get the loot means you could be seriously cruel, and an innocent person will suffer.


Seeing people in a pit in a dream means showing true cruelty and prejudice. Burying them or filling them with dirt means you are capable of committing a low act that will radically change the opinion of your loved ones about you.

If you saw a man in a hole

Fill the holes with dead people- try to hide your own sins. If you dreamed of a person in a hole with water, you need to take a closer look at your own “I”. It seems that for the sake of profit and money you are ready to sacrifice your own moral principles.

Watching a person dig holes for other people to bury them - you will witness someone's illegal act. Thus, you will be involved in a crime. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and then you will not be able to escape responsibility.

To go down into the pits and get people out of them - you are ready to sacrifice yourself and your own position in society for the sake of the truth. If you are very scared to go down, but you overcome your fear and still do it and help people get out of the hole, you will be able to overcome the vicious character traits in yourself and, thanks to this, you will achieve a lot in life.

Opinion of different dream books

As a rule, all popular sources today say that holes seen in a dream are an unfavorable sign.

If it is huge, filled with dirt or muddy water and placed in your yard - this means you can expect difficulties in the material sphere. Health problems due to nervousness cannot be ruled out.

Difficulties, says Miller's dream book

if you crossed a hole on a bridge

This is what this dream book says: a hole that you come across on the road means a test. If you were able to jump over it or cross the bridge, it means you can cope with it and not tarnish your own reputation. But if you couldn’t do this, that’s a bad sign. To fall into it and be able to get out means a protracted period of difficulties and troubles in life.

Veles's long-standing misery

Having already had the opportunity to dig a deep hole, I had to prepare myself for a period of unpleasantness. The darkness of Veles is hidden from any mandrivkas and households.

For people who live on the earth and whose main income comes from plantings, such a dream means unfavorable weather conditions and the presence of uneasy comas. For those who are engaged in the cultivation of thinness, such a dream prophesies mass destruction, pestilence.

A deep hole, like a muddy building, means the death of one of its inhabitants.

If you fall into a hole, you will get sick, unless you manage to get out of it, the illness will not be serious.

Hidden complexes, says Freud

Digging holes in the ground in a dream means unconsciously multiplying your own complexes in the sexual sphere. If you happen to go down into them, you will find yourself in an awkward situation when, as it seemed to you, the person stepped on a favorite blister, although in fact, nothing of the kind was on his mind.

  • To climb into a deep hole and find a person there is to drive yourself into a corner with complexes. Only a qualified specialist will help you get out of this situation.
  • Burying holes or throwing dirt is an attempt to hide your shameful sexual experience. And it's not about intimate relationships before marriage. You may have had sexual experience with someone else's spouse.
  • If you manage to get out of a hole in a dream, it means that you have to solve an intimate problem that may soon arise in your life with your partner. And here the most important thing is not to try to brush it off or hush it up, but to talk to him frankly, and if necessary, seek the help of a specialist.
  • Bury or fill with clay - you will be able to resist the temptation of betrayal.
  • Going down, hoping to find a treasure in a deep hole - you will plunge headlong into a new acquaintance, which will very quickly develop into a whirlwind romance, and then into a serious relationship.

Dream interpretation of digging a hole

Often, dream books say that digging a hole in a dream means that you are degrading, going downhill. But it’s worth figuring out whether this vision should always be viewed from a negative point of view, or are there still certain scenes in which it is possible to consider favorable signs?

Dig in night vision

Why dream of digging a hole? It is possible that the sleeping person will have to work hard.

To understand what a vision promises for a particular sleeping person, and whether he should be afraid of something, you need to remember all the details and try to put them together.

General prediction

Using a shovel in a dream

If you are digging a hole with a shovel, then you should prepare for long and hard work. According to dream books, this is the only scenario where you can achieve the desired result.
Often such dreams occur to people who set themselves difficult to achieve goals. But if you have raised the bar so much, then all you have to do is act. Your determination will definitely lead you to success.

Is a shovel the main symbol in a dream? Then you should be alarmed. Now you should not act impulsively, you should think about every step you take.

Such a vision says that you should definitely learn to bring any task to the end, and you will be able to achieve what you want.

Predictions of interpreters

A similar symbol is often considered by dream interpreters. Each of the suggested sources can tell you a lot of interesting things.

Interpreter Hasse

Seeing a hole in the ground in a dream

A hole in the ground means that a sleeping person is trying to achieve everything through honest work. But the vision shows that no effort can help a person find stability.

The same prediction will await you if you dug a hole yourself.

Miller's Interpreter

Gustav Miller believed that seeing a hole being dug, or digging one yourself, meant that you would have to work hard. But over time, you will be able to achieve a high financial position with your work and will be able to provide for your relatives.

Did the dug hole begin to quickly fill with water? Unfortunately, you cannot influence the situation; now everything depends on the decisions and actions of strangers.

Find jewelry in the ground

No matter how hard you try to take control, you will fail.

Digging a hole and finding jewelry in the ground - your life can change dramatically for the better.

An empty hole in the ground means that misfortunes and troubles will haunt you for a long time.

If you are forced to dig the ground and you wield a shovel, then in reality you are in the role of a subordinate, this suits you quite well.

You yourself force the other person to do this - now not everything is in order in your personal life.

Interpreter Vanga

The Bulgarian seer believed that digging a hole with your own hands means that people around you will hide the truth from you. You must mentally prepare for this.

Such a dream says that they will forget about you for a long time, you will have to be completely alone.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

I dreamed about finding a corpse at the bottom

What does he think? this dream book, digging a hole in a dream is a sign that you will study a certain issue. Soon you will learn new knowledge that will allow you to look at the task assigned to you from a different angle. This will help you succeed.

Oddly enough, finding a corpse at the bottom is a favorable sign. Everything planned by the sleeping person will be successfully accomplished.

Esoteric interpreter

Digging holes means you are wasting your energy. Often you do things that are not even worth your attention.

Are you digging the soil in night vision, and it smells unpleasant, and insects are crawling out of it? Then the dream interpreter says what you are doing terrible mistake. You should re-evaluate your actions and look at others completely differently.

Chinese interpreter

If in a dream you dug a grave, then in real life you will suffer losses, this will happen through your fault.

I dreamed of insects at the bottom

Digging a hole with a shovel - good dream. Troubles will begin to disappear. The day will soon come when the dreamer will feel that he is happy.

Modern interpreter

In a dream you are digging a hole - in reality, your friends are perplexed by your actions. Now they are judging you for your actions.

The interpreter says that if you value their friendship, then you should try to sincerely talk to them and try to explain the reasons for this behavior.

Interpreter Loffa

Before you begin to solve the dream, you should indicate for what purpose you dug the hole:

The prediction will depend on your actions and motivations. If you dug a hole and tried to hide something in it, then in reality you have something to hide for the people around you.

Such a night vision may indicate that you want to forget about something, perhaps about a certain person. You understand that it’s high time to put an end to it, but you keep putting it off.

In the night vision, you didn’t dig the hole alone - many people will know about your innermost dreams and fears.

And the last thing you should pay close attention to is the object with which you dug the ground:

  • shovel - you always act thoughtfully, make a plan in advance and strictly follow it;
  • spoon, fork, pen, any object not intended for digging - you often act spontaneously;
  • dig with your hands - the dreamer will set a goal and will go towards it, working hard.

Digging the earth with your hands in a dream

Sigmund Freud's prediction

A hole dug in a dream may mean that people around you will witness your secret. The consequences of your acquaintances finding out your secret can be catastrophic.

Freud advised you not to wait for the time when those around you find out everything themselves, but to voluntarily tell them everything. Only in this case will you be able to avoid censure. After explanations, your friends will look at your sins more kindly.

Different dreams

I dreamed of a grave that you are digging - troubles with your significant other, your partner will grow cold towards you. At the same time, you will quarrel with your friends and be left completely without support.

Falling into a newly dug hole means changes are coming, which will be for the worse.

Dreamed of digging trenches

Watching a hole being dug - your hard work will finally bear fruit, you will become financially a wealthy person.

If you dig a hole in clay, then your enemies are making a real plan on how to harm you.

If you were just digging and got to the clay, then the prediction will be slightly different. You will start a new business, and on the path to success you will have to overcome many obstacles.

Digging trenches - you will begin to doubt your strengths and capabilities. Digging peat, or seeing others doing it - you will have to suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Digging sand - in in this case you shouldn't start new things. Now is not the right time for this, you will not be able to do anything right.

Try to remember the depth of the hole you dug. A hole that is not very deep is a sign that if you think carefully, you will be able to cope with your troubles and tasks yourself. Didn't see the bottom, did the depth scare you? Then it’s worth enlisting the support of other people.


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