Drawings for a sliding wardrobe by hand. How to make a cabinet with your own hands

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The presence of a niche and the desire to wisely use the available space encourages many to think about making a wardrobe with their own hands, which is quite possible to make yourself. There are craftsmen who convert panels from old furniture. We invite you to find out in more detail what is necessary for a good-quality sliding wardrobe to appear in your home and whether it is really possible to do everything yourself without the involvement of specialist furniture makers.

Practice shows that for those who do not engage in carpentry work on a regular basis, it may be advantageous to contact specialists to cut parts and draw up an accurate drawing, since poor quality work at these stages can entail significant additional expenses, which will negate all attempts at saving.

Before you start making sliding wardrobes for the parts of your home that you like, you need to decide what type of structure you will choose:

  • cabinet, which can be located either in a corner or across the entire wall;
  • built-in, for which the best place is in a niche or part narrow room, for example, angle.

For someone who has already made a cabinet on their own, has experience working with tools, or has built a house with their own hands, making a cabinet will not be difficult. When choosing a simple design, the main thing is to correctly determine the size of the product.

It’s ideal if you know programs that allow you to create drawings and diagrams, but most often enthusiasts, in order to correctly design a wardrobe with their own hands, make drawings on graph paper, the same one that is used in drawing lessons. This helps to perform high-quality scaling at home without special devices, software.

To choose the most good option design, you can first take a photo of the place where you plan to install a cabinet or install a built-in wardrobe, and experiment with finishing the drawing of a piece of furniture, taking into account the perspective of the space. If you are planning to make a homemade built-in wardrobe in your country house, remember that wooden building During the year, it undergoes seasonal deformation, which is associated with an increase or decrease in humidity and air temperature. The material of the built-in wardrobe will be deformed following the walls on which it is fixed, which may cause difficulties when opening and closing the cabinet, therefore country houses cabinet furniture is preferred.

When designing internal contents, actual and working dimensions are taken into account:

  • thickness of shelves, body panels;
  • the space that the coupe guide system will occupy;
  • working depth of cabinet shelves;
  • hanging height;
  • static, retractable sections.

Depending on the location in the room, configuration (straight, corner) in the closet, “ dead zones» - hard-to-reach, inconvenient places to use. When designing, take this feature into account and either arrange a compartment in such an area for rarely used items, or modify it using competent internal filling to make the space as functional as possible - a stand, a built-in chest of drawers, a hanging system.

Having made a preliminary drawing of the cabinet, it is better to give it to the designer, who will do a thorough study in the program. During the check, errors that have surfaced and unaccounted parameters can be identified and corrected. Do not make the closet too deep, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get things out from under the wall. The width of the shelves should not exceed the length of an outstretched arm. In addition, when planning the placement of hanging in the closet, clothing should not be allowed to rub when the doors move.

Materials and tools

To make a sliding wardrobe yourself, you need to purchase the material and make sure that you have the necessary tools:

  • electric drill, screwdriver;
  • screwdriver, drills for working on wood, plywood, MDF or chipboard;
  • knives - blunt and stationery;
  • clamp for parts, clamps, rubber mallet;
  • for confirmation - a hex key, a bat;
  • tape measure, awl, pencil, square;
  • iron, fine-grained sandpaper for edging.

This kit is enough for you to assemble the structure. To work with the iron, also take care to protect your hands and stock up on gloves. It is better to put 2 on the controlling hand at once to avoid burns.

When assembling the housing, it is recommended to use a guide device and clamps to achieve a 90° connection. How to use the guides correctly can be seen in the training videos, which clearly demonstrate the assembly sequence.

Now let's move on to the materials. There is often a great temptation to do new wardrobe from the old one. You can borrow individual parts from an old cabinet - for example, drawers or shelves for internal structure. Remodeling a cabinet completely without purchasing new materials can be a challenge in terms of matching parts and materials. In addition, the material of the old cabinet could be deformed during operation and subsequently distort the new product.

The best option is to purchase new materials for making parts. A wooden cabinet can be made of chipboard, MDF, solid wood.

Material Advantages Peculiarities
Chipboard, laminated chipboard Relatively low cost, large selection of textures and colors. High strength, excellent for facades. Suitable for simple designs, poorly amenable to fine processing.
MDF Practical, available material, easy to process. Big choice decisions on shades and textures. The cost is more expensive than laminated chipboard and chipboard.
Solid wood Eco-friendly, natural material, guaranteeing long term operation. High cost of the material, difficulties in processing if the material has defects on the surface. Wood is sensitive to changes in humidity, can swell and dry out without proper care.

A wooden compartment will truly decorate your home if you have carpentry skills. Not everyone dares to make furniture out of wood with their own hands, since the material requires understanding. Most often, cabinets are made from furniture board– specially manufactured wood board, passed necessary processing still in production. It is not recommended to make a wardrobe from plywood. The material is cheap, but does not have sufficient strength and is very thin. If you have pieces of plywood with your own hands, you can cut out the back wall or bottoms for the inner drawers.


Preparing parts

If you have previously looked at photos of the preparation of parts, then you understand that in the case of such large-scale structures it is very important to strictly follow the drawing. IN mandatory We make preliminary markings of parts. When cutting, do not forget to take into account the fact that the cut may take away the required millimeters and then the shelf or other part will be smaller than necessary; step back a little from the edge.

In the ideal scenario, cutting is done on high-precision machines in a furniture workshop. Order fabric cutting – The best decision, which will save time and money, because in case of an error, you will have to purchase additional material. Having collected the parts, number them in accordance with the drawing, so that the assembly of the sliding wardrobe with your own hands will be organized as required by the description of the algorithm - horizontal or vertical.

We produce the entire set of parts. In addition, some craftsmen recommend making a guide with an angle of strictly 90° for assembly. Then, with the help of it, you can connect the body parts much faster so that there is no distortion, which is especially important if you have chosen a horizontal type of cabinet assembly, that is, assembled on the floor, and then lifted and installed.

The guide and clamps will become indispensable assistants on summer cottage, since in suburban wooden houses It can be difficult to find a perfectly flat surface to work on.

Applying an edge

If you have never done edging, then watch the lesson first. Thanks to a special tape, it is easy to process the edge, that is, the place of the cut, yourself. The material is accompanied by detailed step-by-step instruction. There are craftsmen who recommend edging on parts involved in the visible zone. But on the other hand, the edge protects the cutting area from moisture and dust.

Simply apply the tape yourself by securing the adhesive side and heating it with a hot iron to ensure adherence. Please note, this is not about professional instrument- an ordinary household iron. It is recommended to heat the material at mode “2”. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid burning your hands. After cooling, excess tape is trimmed and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper or a special bar that has a soft side and is low-abrasive. Edge around the perimeter of all structural parts.

PVC edge

Housing assembly

For those who have not given up the idea of ​​assembling a wardrobe with their own hands, a video with the participation of professional furniture assemblers will be a very useful guide. Masters in detail and in simple language They tell you where to start and in what sequence to move forward.

Built-in wardrobes are most often mounted vertically, starting from the base, followed by fastening false panels, installing internal sections and shelves. The last to be mounted are the guides on which the façade is installed in the form sliding doors. Unlike kitchen cabinets, there will be no back wall or body, because the built-in structure is mounted directly to the wall, floor and ceiling of the niche.

For a cabinet cabinet, assembly will be carried out starting with the cabinet box, then attaching the back wall and shelves. Next, the structure is raised, installed vertically, and the facade is mounted in this position. Sometimes the dimensions of the room do not allow you to assemble the cabinet horizontally, then you have to work in the vertical direction.

Part marking

Hole preparation

Fastening housing parts

Securing the partition

Fastening accessories

When assembling a wardrobe with your own hands, do not forget that high-quality fittings can seriously extend the service life of any piece of furniture. Modern fasteners ensure that a lot of weight is held and there are no sharp corners that could later damage things or clothing.

The fittings are fastened using self-tapping screws; the protruding parts are closed with plugs that hide surface defects and smooth out the surface that has been drilled. Purchase accessories from trusted furniture stores. This is very important, since the operation is carried out due to the guides and fasteners. internal space wardrobe

Correct fastening

Installation of a sliding system

A distinctive feature of the coupe is precisely sliding system doors. Since making a sliding wardrobe with your own hands will be a little more difficult than just a wardrobe, make sure you understand the specifics of fastening the guide rails.

Coupe systems can differ in two main characteristics:

  • material – the basis is steel or modern aluminum alloys;
  • principle of extension.

The guide material used is the same as in the door frame. Though steel structures distinguished by lower cost, preference is given to aluminum for its lightness and strength.

    Having understood our drawings and understanding which part belongs to what, we begin the assembly.

    Having selected the diameter of the drill for the holes for the comformats, take the drill in your hands and begin drilling the holes. Drill holes symmetrically to avoid damaging appearance closet

  1. Using a screwdriver, assemble the cabinet frame onto the comformats.

  1. Next, you need to strengthen the doors with canopies (if the door system is ordinary) or screw in guides (if you have sliding doors).

  1. Then, in the places where there will be shelves and drawers, make markings for shelf supports and drawer guides. The markings must be precise so that the shelves and drawers are not awry, but run parallel.

  1. After marking, drill the corresponding holes and screw the shelf supports and drawer guides.

  1. Having assembled the closet, finish it appearance to the ideal. As you can see, there is a missing edge at the chipboard seams. Take an iron and a towel. Carefully place the edge on the chipboard and iron it through the towel.

  1. After gluing the edge, pick it up sharp knife and carefully, slowly, begin trimming the excess edge.

  1. Finally, put the plugs on the comformats.

Now we can congratulate you! You have become the owner of a beautiful handmade wardrobe.

Using these instructions and your imagination, you can make your own wardrobe with lighting inside, with built-in lamps, or with a regular mirror on the doors. Once you have the courage, you can create a cabinet of any design and complexity. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this!


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  • February 27, 2009 at 4:05 pm
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A mandatory piece of furniture that should definitely be in every home is a closet designed for storing things. Sliding wardrobes are especially popular - they are not only fashionable, but also an incredibly functional interior detail. Unfortunately, family budget problems do not always allow one to purchase one. valuable thing, so many have to look for another way out. Alternative option is to create a wardrobe with your own hands - drawings and descriptions that will be useful during the work process will be presented below. This way you can not only build a piece of furniture that will meet your wishes, but also save a lot Money and also acquire useful skills.

The demand and popularity of this piece of furniture is due to a number of advantages:

  • spaciousness;
  • saving space;
  • attractive appearance;
  • harmonious combination with the design of any interior.

A hand-made wardrobe will fit perfectly into both prestigious apartments and a miniature studio apartment. Main feature technology is the design of doors: moving to the sides due to rollers, they provide a person with access to the contents. Having decided to assemble a wardrobe with your own hands, you will need appropriate instructions, drawings, diagrams and certain recommendations that will significantly simplify the work process.

The first thing to do is determine the size of the cabinet and its location. This is followed by drawing up a drawing of a wardrobe with the desired dimensions and purchasing the necessary fittings. If you have no experience in this matter, it is recommended to start with the simplest model rectangular shape, because the radius wardrobe Difficult to install for beginner carpenters.

The simplest way to make a wardrobe is to place it in a niche or closet. In this case, you won’t have to rack your brains about making the walls, bottom and top, since these elements will already be ready. All that remains is to come up with the doors of the wardrobe and the internal filling of the wardrobe. Consequently, not much materials will be required, and the work will take much less time. To accommodate such furniture product Often they choose a corridor, since this place is the calling card of any apartment.

Sliding wardrobes have long gained incredible popularity for just a few important reasons: they are very roomy, save space and look great in any interior. You can find a wardrobe in both a small studio apartment and luxury apartments. The difference between this technology and those that existed previously is in the special door opening mechanism. They move in different directions, giving the owner access to things. At the same time, the space in front of the cabinet itself and on the sides of it is completely unused, which allows you to place other pieces of furniture there. It is worth noting that many people confuse sliding wardrobes with built-in ones. The latter doors can open in any direction possible technologies. And only if they move apart on casters, built-in wardrobes can be called sliding wardrobes.

DIY built-in wardrobe step by step

If you are not an experienced master who long years is engaged in the manufacture and installation of sliding wardrobes, we recommend start with a simple rectangular model. The fact is that radius cabinets They look unusual and interesting, but are difficult to create and install the front surface. To an ordinary person Even if you have extensive furniture experience, it is better not to take on such a project.

The simplest type of cabinet placement is in a niche or closet. In this case, you already have all the walls, tire and bottom. The only thing missing are doors and interior filling. This means that few materials will be required, and the work will take much less time.

Decide on the material

Both the durability of your furniture and the appearance of your wardrobe depend on the material you choose. The choice of material should be approached very carefully. Traditional tree, for example, is not suitable for installation in a niche. The problem is that in a niche there is always more high humidity than in the room. Because of this, the tree may begin to warp and lose its beautiful texture. But as a last resort (when it is dictated design solution) you can use wood or lining pre-treated with drying oil or water-polymer emulsion.

And here plasterboard is not suitable for creating a wardrobe under no circumstances. This material is not only fragile and heavy, but also not very durable. It's impossible to make it out of reliable design. Moreover, the drywall itself needs support; it must be mounted on solid foundation. It is precisely because of this property that plasterboard is completely unsuitable for sliding wardrobes. However, you can use it to create incredible pieces of furniture that look unusual and stylish.

Perfect option- Fiberboard, MDF and even laminate. Of these high strength and quality materials You can make a wardrobe either free-standing or built-in. They are insensitive to humidity, durable and easy to work with.

Select the contents of the wardrobe

Now you need to figure out how the clothes will be distributed in the closet. How the shelves and drawers will be formed depends on the filling. For example, outerwear should take place closer to the door, so the moisture from it will not spread to other things. Think about what you will put on the shelves and in the drawers. If you design places for all things in advance, then later you won’t face the problem of a very large shelf with nothing to put on it, but the lack of the necessary drawer.

After this, you can begin developing the project.

DIY built-in wardrobe: drawings and diagrams

By selecting suitable drawing or create it yourself, check the original plan. Do you have enough drawers and shelves? Carefully measure all walls, and also calculate the dimensions of your cabinet parts.

Number and sizes of doors

Choosing the number and sizes of doors is easy. But you must take into account certain standards:

  • The width of each door should not exceed 600-700 millimeters. Otherwise there is a risk of distortion. A leaf that is too heavy will put pressure on the roller system, and the door will become very “tight.”
  • The permissible overlap of doors is 50-70 millimeters. If it is larger, then putting things in and taking them out of the closet will be more difficult. Otherwise, when closing the door, you will have to try to prevent the formation of a gap.
  • The side profiles take up about 50 millimeters, which also needs to be taken into account when planning the doors.

There are three main door suspension systems.

  1. The “top rail” is not widely used despite the fact that the entire weight of the canvas is transferred to the ceiling. As a result of a sharp push, the door may fall into the closet, but the bottom will still need a guide.
  2. "Monorail" assumes a separate guide for each door. In addition, each carriage contains two pairs of rollers. Although the entire structure is attached to the ceiling, it is almost impossible to do without a lower guide.
  3. “Bottom rail” has become widespread due to its simplicity, convenience and comparative cheapness. The doors do not fall out of the guides or collide with each other. And the system itself has minor shortcomings. But you should be very careful when choosing rollers, since the entire mass of the web presses on them.

Cabinet assembly

If you do separately standing wardrobe, then you need to assemble it in the same way as a regular one. But built-in wardrobes, where the shelves are attached to the wall itself, require a different approach. You can use both expensive brackets and the most common ones floor skirting boards. The latter may be eye-catching, but will significantly reduce the value of your cabinet.

The blanks for the built-in wardrobe are made according to the drawing, and the parts themselves are cut out on site. The thing is that minor curvatures of the walls are simply impossible to measure in all places. That is why it is necessary to “tweak” the details. Don't forget to install door stops.

If you have any questions, watch the video: how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands.

DIY built-in wardrobe: video

How to build a wardrobe at home without experience or skills in furniture making. There will be a photo and some text. Text from the author's perspective.

The logical continuation of my renovation of the room turned out to be the arrangement of a new, voluminous wardrobe to replace the standard Soviet one, which probably everyone has in their house, or at least had. Having absolutely no experience in the furniture business, I decided to study the topic of cabinet construction on the Internet and downloaded a program in which you can design a specific product...

I was so carried away by this program that I probably created 10 options for cabinets for my room, including corner option, but settled on a simple flat one. The cabinet is divided into 3 sections of shelves. One for the Wife, the second for the unborn child, the third for my beloved. And 2 sections for short and long clothes.

Acquaintance with the theory forced me to purchase some tools... An awl, a confirmation drill, a countersink... I learned a lot of new words and concepts for myself...

To assemble a crooked box, at a minimum, I bought 2 clamps and made an L-shaped template. At the same time I practiced drilling holes for confirmation.

On forums, people use rulers and pencils trying to make markings on the end part of the chipboard, and smart people make themselves a so-called Conductor. 2 pieces of composite, 2 pieces of chipboard, self-tapping screws, a bearing of a suitable diameter and a jig for drilling into the end is ready.

I came across this question on the forums - Should I install a dowel for a confirmation tie or not? I read it, poked it around and found out that it is advisable to place a dowel next to the confirmat and made a jig for drilling holes for both the confirmat and the dowel. Let it go.

So, I designed the cabinet and sent it to be cut. A couple of days later I received a sea of ​​boards. At first I kind of freaked out, I thought that I wouldn’t figure it out and it was in vain to start such a grandiose thing...

But after walking around them for half a day, I laid everything out, scattered it, and calmed down. I have hands, I have a head, thank God I have the Internet - I’ll figure it out.

The ceiling with a corner groove remains from the Soviet cabinet. We will assemble boxes based on this design. I'll practice at the same time...

This turned out to be convenient and not tricky...

Marked, assembled, clamped, drilled, screwed and ready. The main thing is to pay attention to the joints. Everything should be beautiful, neat, as if for yourself.

So that the legs would slide on my new OSB floor, thrice varnished with eco-friendly varnish, and not scratch it, I glued felt to the legs. I also assembled the middle partitions, installed sliders for the drawers and, of course, everything on dowels and confirmations because this is the load-bearing part and should be stronger than Arnie’s steel balls.

The boxes moved from the garage to warm room and also purchased runners for their wooden sides. I marked them strictly in the center.

It's cold outside, all our things are in the garage and the closet is just being built... I installed the side wall alone, and the first partition... shelves, shelves... we twist it, we sit it down.

Cabinet depth 650 mm. Height 2635mm, length 2758mm... in general, such a big colossus.

We install the shelves using our device.

Then we install the facades. Not difficult. I laid 2mm plastic in the gaps between the front and the shelves, glued the front with tape to the closed drawer, then opened it and screwed in the screws. Reliable, fast, without errors.

More facades

Basically, this is what the cabinet looks like when assembled...

And here we have a box with a secret.

All that's left is to install the doors...

What am I actually doing here?

2 doors were installed, albeit with the help of my wife... she is on the other side of the frame.

General view without me.

WITH closed doors.
Basically that's all. I even hugged the piece at the end, welcoming it into my home...I loved it so much when it was finished.


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