What is glued first, ceiling plinth or wallpaper? What to glue wallpaper or suspended ceiling first: the right choice

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Occurs after completion of all construction and finishing activities in the premises, incl. after wallpapering.

  • First they mount suspended ceiling, and only then do they wallpaper the walls.
  • Considering both of these methods from the point of view of manufacturability and compliance building regulations, we can safely say that they are fully literate and have the right to use. The choice of whether to glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling first should be guided by the specific parameters of the room and taking into account the working conditions. In any case, if the finishing and decoration of the premises is carried out by highly qualified workers with the necessary experience, both works will be carried out at a high quality level. This is a theory, but in practice, unfortunately, everything does not always go smoothly.

    Exists step-by-step technology, which allows you to hang wallpaper on a suspended ceiling, alternating works. But both the customers themselves and the builders are not very willing to use this method. This is caused by the following:

    • takes more time: before wallpapering the walls, it is necessary to install a stretch ceiling profile;
    • requires additional financial expenses, because stretch ceiling installers will need to be called twice - before wallpapering the walls (to fix the profile on the wall) and after (to install the canvas on the ceiling).

    Installation of a stretch ceiling after wallpaper

    Proponents of this method point to the following circumstance as the main argument: a finished suspended ceiling in the process of finishing walls (including wallpapering) can most likely become contaminated with glue or paint. There is also a risk of damage to the canvas with any sharp object (spatula or scissors) when wallpapering or painting walls.

    This probability is especially high if the interior design of the room involves not only wallpapering the walls, but also their subsequent painting. In this situation, you must first glue the wallpaper and only then install the suspended ceiling.

    Among negative aspects, which can be avoided quite easily, the following should be noted:

    • To install a suspended ceiling profile around the perimeter of the wall, you need to drill quite a lot of holes. In this case, a lot of tiny dust is formed, which settles on the wallpaper.

    To minimize the ingress of dust from the wall drilling area, use a special hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner or resort to an ordinary household vacuum cleaner. Also enough effective method To protect wallpapered walls is to cover them with a special film.

    • One of the conditions quality installation stretch ceiling is to heat the room up to +60 °C. Such heat can negatively affect the wallpaper and cause it to lag behind the wall surface. Such moments most often occur when there is a rush to carry out repair work. If the customer or contractor is in a hurry to complete the finishing of the premises and put the facility into operation, they often use heat gun when installing a stretch ceiling, without waiting for painted or wallpapered walls to dry completely. Although any instructions for wallpaper glue or paint indicate how long it takes to dry, and how long it takes to create a complete coating on the walls. As a rule, after 4-5 days, wallpaper pasted in compliance with the technology perfectly withstands significant temperature changes.

    In practice, a measurer from a company that provides manufacturing and installation services stretch fabrics called after the room has completely acquired its final dimensions. That is, the walls are prepared for finishing or the wallpaper has already been pasted. As a rule, it takes one week to produce a fabric or PVC ceiling sheet. This time is enough for the wallpaper not only to dry, but also to acquire all its strength qualities.

    • Installing suspended ceilings may cause deformation, damage or contamination of the wallpaper. As mentioned above, such cases are possible only due to the low professionalism of the performers.
    • Since the suspended ceiling profile installed around the perimeter of the room presses the upper edge of the wallpaper, difficulties may arise in the future if the need arises to re-glue the wallpaper. But this is a more imaginary problem than a real one. Replaceable wallpaper can be easily trimmed to the very edge before being removed from the walls. And new wallpaper can be glued end-to-end without much difficulty. Even with minimal differences, the uneven top edge can easily be hidden with decorative tape.

    Wallpaper should be glued after the ceiling plinth. In order to make a choice on what to do in this situation, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of work processes. If you glue skirting boards, it will be easier to treat the joints with putty or paint, and gluing wallpaper will not be so scary. But in in this case there is a problem with matching the edge of the wallpaper to ceiling fillets. Looking from the other side, you can understand that if you glue the wallpaper first, there will be problems with installing the baseboard, because after gluing you will have to wait a certain period of time until the glue dries. So what should we do?

    Ceiling plinth for wallpaper, how to glue: selection of material

    Upper skirting boards are used to hide all visible boundaries of the wallpaper and ceiling decoration with whitewash. Except this required function they bring decorativeness to the ceiling, because fillets decorate the interior and give general appearance completeness.

    There are several types of fillets for organizing work with the upper part of the room. Their main difference lies in the materials and manufacturing method. It is with these points that their physical properties are associated.

    Ceiling plinth adds completeness to the overall look

    In order to make baguettes, the following 4 materials are used:

    1. Wood. Wooden skirting boards can look great in any interior. It doesn’t matter at all what style, folk or classical. In order to make wood fillets, mahogany, oak, walnut or larch are mainly used.
    2. Stone. Sometimes in special retail outlets you can find ceiling plinths made of artificial stone. They are able to fit perfectly into classic interior, and goes well with modern types finishing. The cost of such material is high, due to the fact that it is very difficult to extract the material.
    3. Gypsum fillets. Thanks to gypsum, you can create skirting boards of various types and shapes. They are much lighter than the previous material, and also much cheaper. However, before purchasing this material, you need to be sure that the surface of your walls, polystyrene foam, foamed polyvinyl chloride and other types of plastic are perfectly flat.
    4. Plastic panels. At the moment, modern manufacturers are increasingly giving preference to the production of plastic products. Ceiling plinths are no exception. In special construction stores you can purchase polyethylene panels.

    If we talk about soft and flexible materials, then these include plastic and some wooden baguettes. Already, based on this, we can answer that it sticks first. If the product is flexible and belongs to the budget category, then you can try installing ceiling skirting boards on the wallpaper, but you should take into account what is ideal smooth walls they don’t exist, this does not apply to baguettes, therefore, you cannot avoid working with putty. If the fillets are soft and can adapt to the curvature of the walls, then putty may not be needed.

    Is it possible to glue ceiling plinth to wallpaper?

    If speak about this method, then at first glance it may seem quite simple. However, only experienced specialists use it, because they immediately treat all cracks and irregularities with putty, and the wallpaper undergoes a leveling process. All you need is a little practice and you will be able to do the job just as well.

    Skirting boards for the ceiling can create the impression of a complete absence of unevenness on the walls, but in order to achieve this, you need to carry out proper installation.

    Based on this, you can understand what exactly is being done first, installing the baseboard or gluing the wallpaper.

    You can glue the ceiling plinth with your own hands, without the help of specialists

    In any case, prepare for work following materials and tools:

    • Polymer glue;
    • Assembly adhesive;
    • Putty;
    • PVA glue;
    • Construction knife;
    • Hacksaw;
    • Miter box;
    • Putty knife;
    • Ruler;
    • Pencil;
    • Sandpaper;
    • Colorless sealant;
    • Paint (if necessary).

    Despite the fact that at the moment you can purchase any material for installation, it is better to use the glue recommended by the manufacturer.

    How to glue ceiling plinth to wallpaper

    After you decide exactly how you will attach the baguettes to the ceiling, the question remains open, what kind of material can be used to glue the baguette to the wallpaper.

    For this purpose, the following are most often used:

    • Assembly adhesive;
    • Polymer glue;
    • Putty, which contains PVA.

    Significant difference in use adhesive solution no, the main thing is that its drying speed is maximum.

    Glue ceiling plinth You can apply glue or putty to the wallpaper

    You can proceed to the process of gluing skirting boards only when everything preparatory work were finished. Namely, removing dirt and dust, as well as pruning.

    In order to glue the prepared plinths, you need to turn them over on the back side and apply a small amount of glue, it is desirable that the strip is even and does not go beyond the contours. After the solution has been applied, the fillet is set aside to allow the glue to settle.

    If you see that the glue has come out over the edge, remove it dry soft cloth. After this, the first baguette leans against to the right place on the ceiling and presses without strong pressure. You should not remove your hands for about a minute so that the baguette sticks well to the base.

    Basic rules: how to trim wallpaper to fit a ceiling plinth

    In order to get a good and high-quality result, all procedures must be performed correctly and with the right approach. There are no small details in this installation, and the owner who neglects trimming wallpaper at the edges of the walls will become irresponsible.

    In fact, not every craftsman knows how to properly cut or paste wallpaper around baseboards.

    In order for the result to please you, all procedures must be carried out very competently.

    In fact, every homeowner has baseboards under the ceiling. You need to know that each layer of coating on the wall must be glued in such a way that the edges protrude onto the fillets. After this, take a small spatula and run it along the lower edges of the contact between the panels and wallpaper. The result should be a fold.

    After performing these steps, use a spatula to press on the bend and sharp construction knife Carefully remove the protruding edges of the paper. The trimming process is complete. If you notice that glue has released, it can be removed with a damp cloth or sponge. As a result, you will get a neatly decorated room with smooth edges.

    How to properly glue ceiling plinths (video)

    Based on our article described above, we can conclude that ceiling skirting boards can be glued both before and after wallpapering; the main thing is to approach this issue responsibly and correctly. All the main steps have been described above, after familiarizing yourself with them, you will not only easily make a choice, but also carry out the installation quickly, accurately and correctly.

    The average apartment owner makes renovations to his home infrequently - about once every five years. When work planning begins, the question often arises about the sequence of cladding. What to do first: install floors, install doors or glue wallpaper, because you want to do everything correctly and efficiently. Does changing the finishing order threaten difficulties and critical errors? Finishing specialists have a precise answer to this question.

    What comes first: wallpapering or floor installation

    Wallpaper is glued to the walls for painting or with a ready-made pattern and color scheme. Parquet or its more affordable imitation - laminate - is laid on the floor. In the kitchen, hallway and bathroom a good decision There will be tile laying. Experienced craftsmen recommend starting repairs with preparatory activities for leveling and priming walls before finishing coating. On the floor, the rough base is a screed, and for fine leveling and finishing fill in the self-leveling composition.

    Pre-leveling the floors will prevent parquet or laminate flooring from squeaking

    On the question that arises during the work process about what to do first - the floor or the doors - the opinion of the experts is unequivocal. After pouring the floor, installation follows door frame and canvases, then polyurethane foam fill the gaps and plaster the resulting slopes. Only after installing the doors can you calculate the width of the strips around doorway and accurately lay out the damper gaps when laying the finishing flooring. Thresholds and baseboards are installed at the end of the renovation.

    If you are installing doors after finishing the floors, the laminate or parquet must be protected from damage with several layers of industrial cardboard.

    When the walls and floor are smooth and dry, and the doors are installed, you can proceed to finishing. According to the rules, wallpaper is glued first; this order has a number of advantages and allows you to avoid difficulties during the work process:

    • wallpaper is cut on the floor with a stationery knife, and if the laminate has already been laid, you can scratch it;
    • applying glue and paint is impossible without “bloopers” and stains on the floor;
    • under the ceiling they work on a stepladder, which scratches and rubs the new floor, putting pressure on it;
    • Laminate flooring is installed without glue or other liquid or dirty substances, so the risk of staining the wallpaper is minimal.

    After laying the floors, vacuum the walls to ensure that no dust remains on the wallpaper.

    If an inexperienced craftsman is forced to first install the laminate and then glue the wallpaper, then if the following tips It will be possible to avoid errors:

    • you should choose a laminate with a high wear resistance class, then it is not afraid of mechanical loads and scratches;
    • to high humidity When the wallpaper dries, it does not lead to swelling of the floor covering; it should be covered tightly plastic film, this will protect against glue and paint stains.

    At the end, in any chosen order, a plinth is installed around the perimeter of the room; it will hide the bottom edge of the wallpaper and the technological gap of the laminate or parquet.

    In the process of renovating an apartment, sooner or later the question arises: should I do the ceiling first or glue the wallpaper? Pasting wallpaper or, conversely, preparing structures for a stretch ceiling? Each person counts differently, based on his own personal experience or advice from friends. But this article will provide the most correct answer to this question.

    What's important

    Renovating the life of a young couple or an established family is always a difficult and painstaking task. It is important to decide in advance whether the family can cope on their own or will have to resort to the help of specialists. Sometimes, when only certain parts of a room need to be repaired, no problems arise. When should you do it? full renovation With all the components, a whole list of questions is brewing.

    In order to determine the progress of the work being performed, it is necessary to analyze each type according to individual elements. The complexity of this issue lies in the fact that the process may disrupt one of the stages of finishing work.

    Of course, there is no danger that accompanies walls when painting, but nevertheless, deciding in advance what to do first is very important.


    With any renovation, everything starts from the ceiling - this is what many books on construction work, on which knowledge is based professional craftsmen. We have to agree with this. This is what you should start from in order to first make a stretch ceiling.

    The action stage involves:

    Main nuances

    When the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out after gluing the wallpaper, the installation becomes dangerous for them and the entire room for the reason that the gun can not only leave burns on the walls, but also cause a fire in the room due to the ignition of the coatings. How to make a suspended ceiling after wallpapering the walls is shown in the following video:

    Another disadvantage of the stretch ceiling installation procedure after wallpapering is the dust that appears on the wallpaper from self-tapping screws and dowel screws. If the wallpaper is washable, then it will not be difficult to remove dust from it after. But still, here we must not forget about fire safety rules.

    Another tip that states that it is better to glue wallpaper on last stage when the ceilings are done.

    In some cases, the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out using the harpoon-free method, that is, the fabric is tightly stretched and secured to special fasteners, and most importantly, it does not use heat engine. But the disadvantage of this type of fastening is the sagging of the material, which begins after a few years, as the fasteners weaken, and low-quality material can stretch.


    Sometimes, sometimes it is necessary to glue the wallpaper first, but in this case it is necessary to choose the right type and quality of material for pasting. Today there are more than 3,000 varieties, but we can safely highlight the main and most common ones, which should absolutely not be glued before installing suspended ceilings:

    In the case of pasted wallpaper, before installing suspended ceilings, you must wait 3 to 5 days so that they have time to dry. Otherwise, under the influence of the heat engine, the glue will begin to evaporate, and the wallpaper will peel off from the walls.

    As mentioned earlier, dust may remain on the pasted wallpaper, but removing it with a vacuum cleaner or hammer drill is strictly prohibited, otherwise there is a risk that strong current air can tear the wallpaper. It is best to use a dry microfiber cloth and wipe the wallpaper with consistent back-and-forth movements. Professionals always glue wallpaper after all stages of installation, which are carried out on the ceiling.

    To hide uneven corners wallpaper often uses a decorative groove, which can externally unite the walls and ceiling.

    Brief conclusion about the main thing

    In any case, when the question is asked - what to do first: the ceiling or the wallpaper - the answer is clear. For the reason that, due to the fact that actions with the ceiling will be carried out primarily, it will be possible to avoid stains, holes in the wallpaper, “wallpaper falling behind” the walls, and even, possibly, avoid a fire. It is recommended to glue wallpaper as the final stage of repair work.

    What to do first - glue wallpaper and install a suspended ceiling - the following video will help:

    What is glued first, cornices or wallpaper?
    When the rough work has already been completed, it's time to do the finishing touches. And then future homeowners often have a question: what needs to be done first - hang wallpaper, or install cornices first.

    All practicing masters have one common opinion on this matter. In the vast majority of cases, the procedure is as follows:

    1. Leveling and finishing puttying of walls and ceilings.
    2. Thorough priming of plastered ceiling and floor surfaces.
    3. Installation of cornices and other types of stucco molding.
    4. Finishing(wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster...) walls and ceiling.
    Only in the most extreme case, for example, when the cornices in an already used room have been damaged, they are dismantled and new ones installed with wallpaper already pasted.

    Why you can’t glue wallpaper before installing cornices

    There are several reasons for this order of operations.
    Firstly, if you install large stucco molding directly on the wallpaper, then the outer layer of the canvas, as well as the wallpaper glue, will be subject to serious “pull” loads for which they are not designed. As a result, the wallpaper may move away from the wall along with the cornices.

    Secondly, we need to take into account the special specifics of installing polymer molded parts, which practically excludes the option of defect-free installation on top of wallpaper. It is simply impossible to keep wallpaper intact and without contamination, since the installation of a cornice is always accompanied by the following points:

    • First, using a pencil, mark the installation location of the stucco molding on the ceiling and on the wall.
    • There is always some adhesive/sealant coming out from under the edges of the cornice and from the end seams of the cornice. These masses must be immediately removed with a spatula, and then these areas are wiped with a damp sponge.
    • In some cases, to hold the stucco in the designed position, the strips have to be fixed mechanically- using nails or self-tapping screws screwed side by side into the ceiling or wall.
    • The end seams between the cornice strips, as well as the junction of the stucco edges with the load-bearing planes, have to be puttied (sometimes 2 times).
    • The hardened putty should then be sanded.
    • Glued and puttied stucco must be painted on site - usually at least 2 times.
    Please take into account the points listed above and agree that following these steps will not damage finished finishing- almost impossible. Therefore, the answer to the question of what is glued first, cornices or wallpaper, is obvious.


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