What is best to use for painting wheel rims and how to apply auto enamel to them? How to paint cast or stamped wheels yourself? Tips and examples.

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Every car owner sooner or later faces the problem of aging car wheels - after endless kilometers on domestic roads, they get scratched, and the paint, if not peeling off, then definitely loses its original appearance. And this also happens when after a purchase new car I want something more original and, most importantly, unique, so that no one else has it. Therefore, the question often arises about how and with what to paint cast or stamped wheels on a car yourself, so as not to mess up the result.

You can, of course, buy new wheels or take the car to a service center so that the technicians can provide first-class service, but all this costs a lot of money. And if you doubt whether the wheels are painted yourself, look at the attached photos and see for yourself. In this article, we will analyze the entire process step by step to understand how to properly paint cast and stamped wheels on a car. Moreover, the process will not take much of your time or money.

What paint to paint car wheels

First of all, you need to decide what paint to paint your car's rims, and, of course, what color. For this purpose, there are two types of paints: powder and acrylic; Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should pay attention to before choosing.

  • Powder paint is durable, wear-resistant and can last for a long time. The coating is not deformed or scratched. This is production paint, since it is what is used to coat new, freshly manufactured, alloy wheels. The negative side is a complex application technology that requires special equipment; inability to paint part of the disc, for example, a scratched area.
  • Acrylic paint gives more room for imagination due to the variety of color palettes. It is easier to apply and distribute it over the disk, and you can also expose a small piece of the surface. However, this coating is less resistant to damage, and if you drive carelessly over bumps, pieces of paint can quickly break off.

When choosing what paint to paint stamped, cast or forged wheels, it is better to give preference to powder, since it will last much longer, but if you still want brightness and variety, and you are ready for careful care of the wheels, then try acrylic - then for sure you can make your car the most original.

Preparing to paint rims on a car

If, when deciding how to paint your car’s rims yourself, you don’t have special significance the way they are “from birth”, this is a significant nuance for the process of preparing for painting.

For example, how to properly paint alloy wheels. First, they must be carefully prepared - primed with a special primer intended for non-ferrous metals, otherwise the paint will peel off quickly. Steel and forged wheels of this mandatory They don’t require it, but the primer provides a base for the paint, then it applies and sticks better.

The first stage of preparation is removal old paint. To do this, use a stiff brush and a special detergent that will help you easily remove layers of old paint from the discs. If it remains in small areas that cannot be reached with a brush, use an awl or a thin screwdriver. Remember, in order to properly paint cast or stamped wheels yourself, when removing old paint, it is better not to damage the disk.

Next, go over the entire surface with coarse sandpaper - this process will take a little longer as you need to thoroughly sand the wheel if you want to paint it correctly. Gradually move to finer sandpaper until you have sanded the entire surface. Tip: periodically water the disc with water - then it will be better polished, and the sanded material will be removed without leaving a trace.

If the disk is not new, then you will need finishing putty, which needs to treat the surface and putty all chips, scratches and other defects that appear on the disc. After this, sand again with fine sandpaper, not forgetting to water.

  1. Dry the surface after the last step and degrease it with a solvent.
  2. Start priming with inside car rim, only then cover the outer one.
  3. Shake the can of primer periodically while spraying so that it applies evenly; keep it about 30 centimeters from the disc.
  4. Apply two or three layers, allowing each to dry thoroughly - to speed up the process, use a hair dryer, a hair dryer or a regular cosmetic one, available in almost every apartment.

Allow all layers of primer to dry - for this purpose it is better to start painting the next day.

How to paint wheels on a car? Step-by-step instruction

After all the preparatory activities You can also paint your car's rims. To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • paint and varnish (we recommend choosing from the same manufacturer - they will interact better with each other);
  • a piece of fabric or polyethylene on which you will place the disc;
  • protective film and masking tape to cover the wheel;
  • sandpaper or abrasive paste;
  • polish and Silicone Grease(not necessary).

Step 1. Spread a clean cloth or polyethylene on a free area - this will protect the surface from dust. Then cover the tire protective film and secure with the prepared masking tape. Try not to let it climb onto the surface of the disks themselves.

Step 2. Carefully read the instructions for the selected paint and apply it following the manufacturer's recommendations. In this case, proceed with the same caution as with the primer - rims paint in several layers, allowing each layer to dry. Exact time The exposure time depends on the paint, as a rule, you need to wait about 10 minutes. Next apply 2 layers clear varnish, also following the instructions. The layers should be thin, the drying time before applying the next one is from 3 to 5 minutes.

Step 3. After completing the process, let the disc dry thoroughly, and in general, you can finish there. But to add shine, after about a week, go over the surface with polish - after that, the car wheels will shine like new. And the rubber can be renewed with silicone grease.

If necessary, you can paint the wheels again if the first painting did not bring the desired result or a certain defect remains. Now you already have the necessary experience, and things will go faster and the result will be better.

You have to work hard to paint chrome wheels - the old coating cannot be easily removed either with sandpaper or grinder. We advise you to try sandblasting, it cleans the surface more thoroughly. The top can be covered with chrome (if, for example, it is damaged and needs restoration separate plot) or paint the disc using paint as described above.

So, you can paint car rims yourself. To do this, you only need special paint, varnish, time and a little skill. Knowing certain subtleties, you can get results no worse than turning to professionals in a car repair shop, but at the same time much cheaper. Look at the photos and videos that clearly demonstrate the process, and get started.

Every car owner wants the car to be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and, if possible, exclusive. There is plenty of scope for this. At the same time, someone adds certain elements to the exterior of the car, painting the hood, wings and other parts. And someone achieves the desired result by giving an unusual appearance wheel rims.

However, the painting of discs can also be caused by a more prosaic reason - the nondescript appearance of the discs acquired during operation. The result of this is the formation of various types of chips, dents and scratches on the surface of the discs.

There are two ways to paint car rims:

1. Contact a specialist to paint the wheels in industrial conditions by applying powder paint.

2. Paint it yourself using acrylic paints.

Of course, carrying out work in a high-quality specialized workshop gives excellent results, however, not every car owner can afford it from the point of view of financial capabilities. But applying paint in a garage is quite possible for almost anyone who knows how to paint correctly. This does not require any special education or specific skills. Just need to stock up necessary materials and patience, because the work ahead is painstaking and requires increased accuracy.

Materials and equipment

For execution high-quality painting car rims, you need to prepare the following:

· Sandpaper. You will need 4 sheets of fine and coarse sandpaper. It is better if it is immediately prepared for fastening on grinding wheel, installed in a drill.

· Two rolls of medium-width masking tape.

· Paint (preferably acrylic) - four cans, you can different colors, if there is an intention to make original tuning.

· Acrylic primer - 2 cans.

· One can of automotive varnish intended for exterior use.

· Respirator.

· Solvent and rags for degreasing disks and removing stains from them.

Color palette acrylic paints much richer than powder ones. Depending on the quality of paint and primer purchased, as well as the conditions under which painting will be done, the entire process takes from two to five days.

The sequence of operations necessary for high-quality painting of wheels

Before you begin the actual work associated with painting wheels, it is important to clearly understand what needs to be done and in what order. The whole process is carried out in several stages:

1. First you need to make sure that the surface of the disk is even. This stage is best left to specialists who have special equipment for detecting irregularities on disks and straightening them.

2. Purchase all of the above materials and necessary tools, in case of their absence. When purchasing primer, paint and varnish, you should make sure that they are from the same manufacturer. Only compliance with this condition can give confidence that they will be compatible, which means they will fit securely and hold well. Experts recommend buying acrylic paint in cans. This will avoid the need to purchase special equipment such as a compressor or spray gun.

3. You should start by thoroughly washing the disc. This will allow you to get rid of any remaining sand and dirt, even if they are located in places where access is difficult. The washed discs are wiped dry with a rag and, if possible, blown compressed air and dry for several hours.

4. At this stage with discs and primer. This can be done without the use of technology, that is, manually, using sandpaper, but it is best to use a special attachment that is fixed in the drill. Cleaning must be carried out so efficiently that no old paint remains even in the most hidden places.

5. The cleaned disc must be degreased using a solvent. After this procedure, the surface of the disk should dry well.

6. A primer is applied to a dry and clean surface. Best result is achieved if the primer is applied in three layers. After applying each layer, allow the treated surface to dry.

7. Now you can start painting directly. Like a primer, paint is applied layer by layer, and each applied layer also needs to dry. If you are too lazy to remove the tire and you decide to paint the rim on the assembled wheel (although this is not recommended), the surface of the tires should be covered with cellophane film or masking tape.

8. You will also need tape if you need to paint the disc in several different colors. In this case, the required pattern is laid out using tape, and each paint is applied according to its own patterns. This must be done very carefully to prevent the boundaries of the surface being painted from being blurred.

9. After completing the painting work in one or more colors and completely drying the surface of the disc, varnish is applied to it. This is done to give the paint layer additional reliability and strength. After applying the varnish, the disc must dry for at least 24 hours. After which you can mount tires on it and install the finished wheel on the car.

When performing each stage, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment, since both the dust of the old paint being removed and the fumes of the primer and acrylic paint are harmful to the human lungs.


If you decide to paint, then the first thing you should consider is purchasing the required materials. Primer, paint and varnish should be chosen special for wheels: acrylic for wheels, acrylic clear varnish, anti-corrosion acrylic primer– they have wear resistance to mechanical stress. For painting small elements use paint in aerosol cans. Any solvent will do; the sandpaper should be fine - suitable for rubbing scratches, and not for creating them. Car shampoo is suitable as a detergent, or in extreme cases regular shampoo washing powder.

Before priming, the discs must be cleaned and washed from dirt and corrosion products using a brush with plastic bristles, for washing in hard to reach places perfect Toothbrush. The discs are washed and cleaned both from the outside and from the inside. It is better if the rims are without tires, it is much more convenient when painting, and simply because they are much lighter this way, but if the tires can still be used, then there is no need to disassemble them, the rims can be painted just like that.

When the discs are washed, they should be sanded with sandpaper to a uniform matte finish; when the desired effect is achieved, degrease the surface with a solvent and let the discs dry well. Now you need to separate the surface to be painted from the tire; for this you will need thin cardboard and masking tape; we also wrap the wheel nipple with tape so as not to paint it all in one. You can start priming the disc. Apply 2-3 coats of primer with 15-20 minutes between coats to allow them to dry. Wait for the primer to dry completely.

When the primer is completely dry, you can begin painting the disc. Apply also 2-3 layers of paint at intervals of 15-20 minutes. Apply the paint evenly, avoiding the formation of smudges. After the paint has dried, you can apply varnish; it is also applied in 2-3 layers with an interval of 25-30 minutes. Wait for the varnish to dry completely, you may have to leave the discs to dry overnight, then turn the disc over and repeat the painting procedure to reverse side disk. Leave the discs for a day for the paint to dry completely. Now you can surprise your friends with the original color of your car's wheel rims. Believe me, there will be no indifferent people.

Having decided, many people wonder what is the best way to do this? What materials should be used to make the new coating on these car wheel parts last as long as possible? How to apply them and what paint is usually used? This will be discussed in this publication.

What materials to choose?

Car rims are subject to strong mechanical stress, so their paintwork must be especially resistant in this regard. Acrylic-based enamels, primers and varnishes have increased wear resistance, so they are well suited for painting car rims. You can use either a special sprayer or enamel in cans.

Polyurethane-based materials are also suitable for painting car rims. At the same time, the experience and reviews of many car enthusiasts suggest the following painting order:

  • cleansing;
  • application of acid primer;
  • drying discs;
  • one layer of epoxy primer;
  • drying;
  • sanding with 400 grit sandpaper;
  • applying enamel (this can also be done by mixing polyurethane varnish, base paint and required quantity hardener).

An alternative material for . It is a mixture of dust polyester resin and pigment. This type of paint adheres well to the surface due to its electrostatic properties.

After application, the part is exposed to high temperature in a special chamber where the paint melts and is fixed on the disks. Compared with acrylic materials powder paint is less resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. However, this painting option is often preferred due to its quick application and relatively economical consumption. Powder materials are best suited for refinishing cast alloy wheels.

Also, to update these parts you need a solvent and fine sandpaper. To pre-wash parts, it is better to use car shampoo rather than washing powder or fairy.

Separately, it is necessary to say about sandblasting car rims before painting. If you have no experience in this work, then it is better to use in the classic way removing old paint and rust using sandpaper or . If you use poorly sifted sand and overdo it with pressure, then stains and stains may remain on the surface of the part, which will be difficult to remove and paint over in the future. To avoid this, some people use soda ash instead of sand to clean car wheels.

Benefits of enamel for discs

When purchasing materials to paint car rims, do not neglect the consultation of the seller. Surely, he will show you several paint options that are created specifically to update these particular car parts. There are many brands of such enamel today, so there will certainly be plenty to choose from.

What are the benefits of using rim enamel? Let's call them:

  • updating the appearance of the part;
  • creating an elastic coating that is resistant to impact from pebbles, salt, moisture, sand and other factors;
  • providing anti-corrosion protection;
  • many enamels can be applied without prior priming and without varnish;
  • Aerosol cans allow you to paint parts of different shapes.

How to apply enamel for discs?

Before using enamel to paint wheel rims, you need to clean the parts from rust, degrease them thoroughly and dry them thoroughly. Elements that cannot be painted should be protected with masking tape.

Automotive enamel is applied in a well-ventilated place, and do not forget about personal protective equipment, such as a respirator, goggles, and gloves. It is necessary to spray paint from a distance of about 30 cm, shaking the can periodically. The ambient temperature when painting wheel rims should not be less than +10°C. Observe the drying time of the enamel. For different brands The paint may vary, but generally the discs should dry for at least 3-4 hours.

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Wheels are a very vulnerable spot on any car. They are the ones who take the maximum impact: impacts from oncoming stones, curbs, tree branches. Alloy wheels are especially susceptible to wear; when hitting an obstacle, they can not only bend, but also crack or scratch in some places, and their appearance becomes unsightly. However, the situation can be corrected; special paint for discs is used for this.

Wheel rims are painted for two main reasons:

  • if the discs have lost their original appearance and require restoration;
  • painting in decorative purposes– for example, luminous paint for wheels will give the car originality and make it stand out from the crowd.

In the second case, special colors are often used that attract attention; they often use paint for wheels with a “chrome” effect.

Types of car paints

Painting wheels is not only a decorative move, but also protection. Modern coatings can reliably protect metal from corrosion. There are several types of such paints, they all differ in composition and purpose.


Powder paints for painting wheels are popular among car enthusiasts due to their durability and high stability To various kinds influences. Among the serious advantages is the possibility of application to almost any type of titanium and steel discs.

Minus powder paints It is believed that special equipment is necessary - the dye in powder form, according to the technology, must melt at a temperature of about 200 degrees. This is why powder technology is not suitable for aluminum - aluminum wheels can become deformed.

The coloring technology involves cleaning the stamp from the old coating using the sandblasting. Then the surface is thoroughly degreased, covered with primer and dye is applied in a special painting booth.

It will take at least a day for the paint to dry completely. Carry out such work in garage conditions You can do it yourself, but it’s not profitable.


Acrylic paint works well for painting wheels. This option is the best choice. Using acrylic is very convenient, and you can apply it yourself - the dye is sold in an aerosol, but you can also work with a spray gun. You can paint discs with aerosol acrylic paint quickly and efficiently, and at the same time inexpensively.

Among the main advantages are complete protection of the surface from the effects of precipitation. Road reagents also cannot harm the painted surface in any way. But it must be borne in mind that acrylic has average durability.

Spray paint for wheels is chosen in most cases because of its affordable price and ease of use - the spray allows you to get high-quality results in the fastest possible time.

Before applying spray paint, be sure to treat the disc with abrasive materials. Next, the contents of the container are thoroughly mixed (the container must be shaken for three minutes) - this way, color uniformity is achieved. Then, without fail, do a test spraying on any other area; if the paint is sprayed well and evenly, you can apply it to the discs.

Compared to powder dyes, the advantage here is the ability to dry quickly - the painted surface dries in just 10 minutes. Choice color range also extensive, spray paint is available in any shade, but silver paint (chrome-look) is popular.

If you add a little phosphor to acrylic, you can get luminous paint - the wheels will glow in the dark, which will attract prying eyes. The brightness of the glow depends on how much the phosphor is “saturated” with light.


Rubber paints are in great demand among those who like to highlight their car and tune it in every possible way. The reason for the great popularity of such coatings is their versatility. They can be used not only on metal, but also on plastic and glass. The coating can be either matte or glossy, this gives buyers the opportunity to choose what they want.

There is also rubber luminescent paint on sale that glows. The composition contains a special pigment - phosphor, which accumulates light during the day, and dark time day begins to emit it. This creates an interesting glowing effect.

Applying dye to cast wheels is very convenient. Spray spray paint for discs in two or three layers of small thickness. The surface will be smooth and even. The process may take an hour or more. In this case, the primer of the discs is as preparatory stage you can skip it.

In the video: painting wheels with Plasti Dip liquid rubber.

Popular products


Body paints are a one-component alkyd composition produced in aerosols. The product has increased strength and wear resistance, and has good adhesion.

Body paint has an affordable price and low consumption (the optimal number of layers applied is two or three). Ideal as a paint for stamped wheels, as well as cast versions. Should be applied with a spray gun. How much material is needed to paint one wheel is usually indicated on the can, but the consumption is small.


Unlike Body, Motip disc enamels are acrylic-based compositions designed to give an attractive appearance. Products from Motip have all the advantages of acrylic paints; the compositions protect the surface from various influences and are characterized by high adhesion.

The palette includes black, white, and golden colors. The texture can be matte or glossy. All products are supplied exclusively in cans.

How to paint: spray the enamel onto a cleaned and degreased surface, holding the can at a distance of 30-40 cm. The material is ideal as paint for alloy wheels.

As an analogue, you can use Kudo products - these are paints in spray cans based on liquid rubber good quality.

What paint to paint depends on the purpose - if you need to give the surface gloss and shine, and not just protect it from corrosion, then it is better to use acrylic and rubber coverings. Painting the wheels with glowing paint will make the car doubly original.

How to paint wheels yourself (2 videos)

Paints of different brands (25 photos)


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