What interferes with a calm life? Maybe there is trash in the house? What do you need to get rid of?

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There is one bad news: On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to make new promises to yourself. But, most likely, you will break them even before you start putting the balls and garlands back into the box.

“I promise that I will stop eating chocolate and start exercising!” Yes, yes, we believed you!

Throw away all the old stuff right now

Everything that doesn’t work and no longer suits you. Take a lighter with a fallen “pebble” and throw it in the trash. “Lounge” clothes with elongated knees and a sweater that you haven’t worn for 3 years. What? Will you take this to the dacha? What a dacha!? In the trash! Headphones with one ear. Old “a little more” batteries. Dead player and speakers. An old dial-up modem - even on Avito for 10 rubles no one needs it!

Smash chipped dishes loudly and you are guaranteed to have fun. Leave the things you don't need at the trash heap - maybe those who can't afford new ones will take them. It will be for them New Year's gift. Finally, delete your accounts on forums, from where once a year only a robot sends you an electronic card with congratulations on your birthday. Clean up your “friends” on social networks. Take courage and finally remove useless classmates and casual acquaintances from your friends. It’s worse if they also write to you - “How are you?” Do you seriously believe that they are interested? Yes, they just shut up their boring life with YOUR time. And those who really care, already know how you are doing and what you really need.

Train your “NO!” muscle Start with small exercises, for example, learn to pronounce the word “NO” with at least 5 different intonations. In the process of training and for the sake of experiment, refuse to pay for travel on the tram - this will be an invaluable experience.

Empty the refrigerator of magnets and finally throw out the yellowed and fairly wrinkled piece of paper with the diet. IN new year holidays You definitely won’t think about diet.

Stop making empty conversations on the phone. You already know what they will tell you. It is not interesting.

Adjust your personal goals. Do not confuse your personal real goals and the desires of others. Usually it's not the same thing.

Delete thirty-three alarms on your phone. Leave one. Then you will hear him.

An unwatched series, a hundred hundred torrents and a “disassemble” folder (or whatever it’s called) on your computer. If you can't figure it out, just delete it. You haven't looked there for six months now? This means you won’t look into the next ones. Do you remember what you have there? No? Delete! It doesn't matter.

The habit of being late is also there. Nobody needs her at all! Regrets about what was not accomplished, not earned, not achieved, about what was accomplished and chosen... Understand that at that moment it was the best choice then you. Remember that day, draw a conclusion and let it go. If you want, you can talk about it with . No sarcasm by the way.

Throw it away old chair. Stop empty, unnecessary relationships. Remains of cosmetics, hotel jars, soaps, samples, empty bottles - everything goes into the trash! Change your razor. Queues at the store and savings bank - learn to use the Internet in a new, useful way.

Try not to say the words “I don’t know how”, “I don’t know”, “Of course yes, BUT...” Find out, figure it out, learn... You have one and a half kilograms of a well-designed brain - learn to use it too.

Promises: “Call me someday, come in, bring me something.” If it “hangs” for more than a week, and no one died, then it’s not necessary.

The manner of “giving in”, the fear of growing old and the fear of the new - that’s it.

Stop doubting

Doubt is a stupid habit of pleasing everyone. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. This is fine. Everyone only likes kittens.

But here’s a photo where you don’t like yourself, hundred hundred text messages! “Where are you?”, offers from a taxi and “the subscriber left a voice message”, unnecessary mailings from the mailbox, the habit of spending time in front of the TV - in the trash right now!

It’s better to keep the link to this article for yourself and share it with those who are important to you. Most likely, they also have something to get rid of. The sooner you throw out the trash, the sooner something new, real and truly worthy of you will appear in your life. Just the way you like it.

It is also known that not everything will work out right away, but try to at least start with old batteries. Well, to start RIGHT NOW - walk down the street, air your brain, body, soul... Take a deep breath. Look around - it's good there. There is life there.

It works!

By the way, write about what you are going to do from this list. Create a promise to yourself!


And watch the short video. I made it a year ago when I was thinking about the advice I would like to receive myself.

1. Worry about everything
There are people who are constantly hysterical, arguing, spoiling each other’s mood by always worrying about any reason, instead of sitting down straight and thinking carefully about the issue. They worry for various reasons: they are trying to escape reality, they are afraid of the unknown, they resist change, they are afraid of a lack of trust, etc. Every person has a reason for doubt, you need to work with this in order to maintain your mental health and happiness. In order to get rid of anxiety, ask yourself: what can you do about it now, and everything will go away.
2. Constant desire to please other people
We all live in human society, and that’s why we suffer, in fact. We want to please our loved ones, but suddenly we realize that we become less happy because we diligently fulfill the requests of other people. We need to understand that it is absolutely impossible to satisfy all requests, and at some point our loved ones are literally at subconscious level they will think that it is easy for you to sit on your neck, and they will take advantage of you, without even understanding what they are doing. And that's bad for you. Our advice to you is simple and clear: learn to say a firm “no” to everyone.
3. Delay in doing something
The longer we put off until tomorrow what can be done right now without special preparation, the further the realization of our goal. When you feel that you are again ready to postpone your project for an indefinite period of time, quickly tell yourself “Stop” and think about the project again, or better yet, start doing at least something!
4. Living in the past
The past is gone forever, your ex will not come back, there is no point in bringing her back, and it hurts! You will never be able to drink again and not gain weight like you did when you were 17, because you ruined your body for it. a short time. Your mistakes are a thing of the past! And there is no way to return this! Our advice to you: live in the present, remember that the past should not be near you, but should be expressed only by the experience gained!
5. Constantly think about what's ahead
Oddly enough, this is an extremely bad habit. For example, you are standing in the shower and thinking about how you will drink a cup of coffee, instead of enjoying the streams of water after a hard day! Or you're thinking about vacation when right now you could be enjoying delicious food. When we think about what's next, instead of enjoying what we have now, we devalue life's moments. Besides, when this “Later” comes, we realize that we expected too much, and the reality disappointed us a little, so don’t look into the distance, but live now!
6. Judging others
Almost all people, regardless of gender, have gossiped at least once in their lives. Of course, we did this many more times, to be honest, but in polite society they don’t talk about it!
It’s not worth judging others, especially by yourself, even if they do stupid things, precisely because there’s no need to be interested in other people’s lives: we have our own. If you want, you can easily disappear into other people’s lives, because when the time comes to decide something, we will understand that we are not able to do this.
7. Compare your life to someone else's
Even if things are really worse for you than for your distant relative, and he is happy both in marriage and in business, stop comparing your life with his: it gets in the way. Kill it, and that's it! Well, you’re unlucky, either you’ll be lucky later if you don’t flapping your ears, or he’ll be unlucky later. Life is a box chocolates: Some people always get delicious fudge, while others always get nasty, weird stuffing.
8. Feel shame
Of course, shame is precisely the feeling that, one might say, makes us human. But sometimes the feeling of guilt somehow drags on, don’t you think? If you are not a masochist, stop forcing yourself to feel shame! Shame prevents you from recovering from mental trauma, it is worse than salt in the wounds! Everyone has something they regret, try to get rid of this burden! Conduct an experiment: try not to remember this or that offense for as long as possible. When the offense comes to mind, mentally slap yourself in the face. This should help!
9. Disorganization and laziness
We often complain that we don’t have the opportunity to do anything because we don’t have enough time for anything. But most often the problem is that, due to our laziness, we cannot organize ourselves. We lie on our right side, on our left, watch VKontakte at work, and then we wonder: how come we can’t keep up with everything! Self-discipline is exactly what will help you live a productive, quality life. In order to develop this feeling in yourself, always wash the dishes after eating. And a mug! Do you think I'm telling you something stupid? But in fact, such a little thing will organize you terribly!
10. Constant employment
We often confuse two such different concepts as “busy” and “productivity”. In fact, these are two completely different concepts. Let me give you a stupid example from life: being busy is going to the gym, productivity is when you are still doing something there, and not trying to pick up women, occasionally lifting a barbell.
Some people are constantly busy with something, it is impossible to get them out somewhere because they are constantly busy. Instead of putting things in one sequence and doing them the same way you do exercises in a gym.

When built new house, all its residents are certainly sure that they will live beautifully. We often think that the basis of comfort is the strength of the walls, and we forget about the need to be able to create harmony inside the home, and even house plot may soon remind you who's boss. We bring to your attention one of the “whales” that keeps order in the house. So…

People aren't born trash, they become trash.

There is no use in fighting this, all you can do is relax and enjoy yourself. You can also optimize your inventory, its position in space, and your attitude towards it. What is trash is a truly philosophical question. This is the whole point: if you understand that there is rubbish, consider that you have gotten rid of it.


Trying to identify trash item by item is a hopeless endeavor. To some, egg shells are trash, but to others, valuable fertilizer for their favorite cabbage; to another, a bunch of old screws and bolts are junk, and to another, a future receiver with transistors. There are things that are rarely used, there are those that will never be useful, they lie and lie. Sometimes they still warm your soul, sometimes they don’t. Trash is precisely what is never used, lies like a dead weight and does not warm the soul, but only makes you want to put it away and not see it.

The process of turning a normal thing into trash is complex and mysterious; its reasons and features lie in our soul. This is a good thing, it’s a shame to throw it away, maybe it will come in handy. And a hopelessly out of fashion, but very high-quality coat or a bunch of children's onesies are sent to the mezzanine in anticipation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In a couple of years, even the illusory hopes that the grandchildren will wear it will melt away, but it’s a good thing, it’s a shame to throw it away, in case it comes in handy.

But this thing will definitely, definitely come in handy! And another board is dragged into the house, which should become a super chest of drawers self made, or a piece of fabric is bought, from which someday, when I learn to sew, I will make a dress. And it doesn’t matter that I’ll never learn to sew anyway...

But this wildly cute little thing, of course, won’t be useful at all. But she is so cute that there is simply no way to throw her away. And empty perfume bottles, coffee jars, candy boxes and old wall calendars with crumpled but wildly cute pictures are stored and stored in our house.

Sometimes very good, useful and necessary things become trash. Only they are useful and necessary not for us, but for someone else, and we, crushed by stereotypes in the spirit of “every decent family should have a crystal vase,” litter our house with cheese cutters, turbo mops, coffee sets and smart books that we don’t want to read even under fear death penalty. All this is neatly put away in cabinets and never used in life, because the cheese may be more pleasant to bite off big piece, and drink coffee from large mugs.

The space is very well cluttered with various (useless) little things that are rarely used and difficult to store. It’s much easier to buy new cake candles at X hour than to look for where you put the old ones.

The apartment is almost hopelessly cluttered with various large-sized rubbish. For example, an old, solid and dull wardrobe or chest of drawers. He will outlive you and your grandchildren, but your grandmother could no longer look at him without tears.

Junk is probably very good, but potentially unnecessary or hopelessly outdated things. All this accumulates, occupies cabinets, mezzanines and storage rooms, collects dust, fills the living space, requires care and consumes energy. We need to get rid of all this, and the sooner the better.

The fight against junk comes down, in essence, to just two actions. First, you need to understand that this is him in front of you. Secondly, you need to find the strength to throw him out of the house. And this should be done easily, playfully, so that not only your home, but also your inner world is cleared of trash.

14 ways to get rid of junk

Let's play moving.
While cleaning, periodically ask yourself the question: “If I were moving to a new apartment now, would I take this thing with me?” If the item is not needed new apartment, then why store it on this one?

Matroskin's first lesson.
If you want to get rid of junk and get pleasure from it, sell something unnecessary. Imagine that you have no money at all and you are forced to sell things. What would you sell first? So sell it, and use the proceeds to buy something you really need.

Matroskin's second lesson.
To sell something you don't need, you first need to buy something you don't need. But we won’t do this. Before you buy a big thing, imagine what will happen to it in 5 years. You can’t imagine anything good or reasonable; you don’t need this thing.

“Boogie-woogie, we’ll kick out 27.”
Right now, get up and walk around your apartment with a garbage bag in your hands. You must find 27 things you don't need and throw them away immediately. The junk is right in front of you, you just need to look at it in a new way. Special attention Look for magazines, newspapers, expired medications, old batteries, broken pens and markers, empty cassette boxes, empty bottles, old sponges and rags, torn tights and socks.

We throw it out according to flylady.
Look at the item and ask yourself the following questions:

Do I love this thing?
Have I used it within the past year?
Is this really trash?
Do I have the exact same thing, only better?
Do I really need two of these things?
I love this thing because it evokes emotional memories and feelings in me? Or does she make me feel guilty and upset when I see her?
Clear your room of anything that doesn't make you smile.

Man is a dog's friend.
Get a puppy. A kitten, in principle, would also be suitable. Everything unnecessary will be quickly chewed up and torn to shreds. Everything that you thought you needed, but didn’t hide in time, too. And now you can throw it all away with a lighter conscience

Organize a viper.
Let's be realistic: it is impossible to achieve the ideal, you cannot completely get rid of trash. Therefore, let’s give our household junk a cozy place, for example, a small bedside table. And we will store all the trash in this wonderful nightstand, and only in it. Sooner or later, the nightstand will be full, there will be nowhere to put a new portion of junk, and we will have to solve the problem of which of our household junk is junk, what to put in the nightstand, and what to throw out. An authorized viper is an extremely convenient thing: the amount of rubbish in the apartment is limited, everything is in one place, and at the same time, you don’t have to step on your pet peeves and completely get rid of old jars and cones put aside for a rainy day. But remember that there can only be one viper in the house.

In the best traditions.
It seems that in Italy it is customary to New Year throw trash and old things out of the house. Isn't it a wonderful tradition? A holiday of renewal, a holiday of getting rid of junk. Be sure to celebrate it at least 2 times a year.

Trash can.
With its help it is very convenient to get rid of various small things. However, if the basket is large, then it can also help in the fight against larger trash. All the things you don't know where to put; everything that you don’t know what to attach to; everything that you think will be useful to you, but is not yet clear how, you put in this basket. Let him lie down. Once a week, month, quarter, the entire contents of the basket are mercilessly thrown away. By that time, the really necessary things will have already been taken out of it, and everything else is trash.

We format the hard drive.
This method is a good way to deal with papers, documents, disks, and photographs. Let's imagine that the filing cabinet is not a cabinet, but a hard drive that you have to format tomorrow. Everything valuable must be saved today. Everything else will be destroyed. Save what you have the strength and desire to do. These are truly valuable things. And it’s not a shame to throw away the rest.

Worse than a Tatar.
This method is similar to the previous one, but requires truly samurai endurance from the performer. First you hide everything valuable, and then you invite guests and offer to take away whatever they like from the rest. As an additional bonus, you get the opportunity not to take the trash out of the apartment - the guests will take everything out themselves.

Gifts that are not needed.
I would like to say something separately about the pile of unnecessary gifts that fills our home several times a year. A napkin from Marya Petrovna from the personnel, a vase from Elena Mikhailovna from the accounting department, an apron on duty from her mother-in-law, 24 postcards “to my beloved to the class teacher from 6 b”…. It’s good if the gifts have receipts and can be returned to the store. If there are no receipts, unnecessary gifts can be re-gifted. A napkin - for my beloved mother-in-law, a vase - for Marya Petrovna. It will be more difficult with postcards, but you can also get rid of them - write words of gratitude in response to each student on a postcard and return them back. The main thing is to nip the “inconvenient and dishonest” complexes in yourself, it’s inconvenient to store all this, and it’s dishonest to throw it in the trash.

If you can't change the world, then change your attitude towards it
If you stubbornly fail to throw away trash, you can change your attitude towards it. For example, you can declare yourself a collector, and then your school folder with crumpled postcards will become not junk, but a collection. You can’t throw away the bronze chandelier that your beloved mother-in-law decided to keep in your apartment? Call it a family heirloom and tells guests the stories and legends associated with this antique.

When getting rid of junk, it is important not to go to two extremes: on the one hand, not to turn into Plyushkin and still rid your home of various junk, on the other hand, you must remember that, in fact, some are old and unnecessary we need things. Yes, and sometimes you want to look at the dress you danced in at prom, or even at the corner in which you were discharged from the maternity hospital; re-read old letters and newspapers, paint all over the bathroom mirror with expired lipstick, smile at a teddy bear with a torn paw.

Materials used:

That every time I find myself getting really irritated, I have to take a deep breath and start doing whatever it takes to let go of my anger. Today I challenge you to do the same.

You will never be like today again, so why waste time on stupid anger. It's hard to accept, but it's true. If there is a better day to start letting go of unnecessary worries and stresses that you hold inside yourself, then this day has come. And since we often use our birthdays as markers to track our personal growth and achievements, I encourage you to...

Before your next birthday comes...

1. Let go of what prevents you from smiling and developing.

And don't tolerate it. Follow the path that makes you move. You can always do something that will make you smile.

2. Get rid of all the knowledge you have, you need to leave it behind.

As we get older and wiser, we begin to understand what we need and what we should leave behind. Sometimes, leaving means taking a step forward.

3. Let go of the feelings that prevent you from growing fast enough.

No matter how much you do or how slowly you improve, you are still far ahead of those who don't try to do anything.

4. Get rid of the idea that you have anything to lose.

After all, you don't want to regret the things you've done just as much as the things you didn't do when you had the chance. I would rather live a life filled with events than a life filled with “What if...?” questions. Don't you agree?

5. Stop worrying about everyone else's opinions about your life.

When you write your life story, remember, it's nothing like online reviews, so don't let someone else hold your pen.

6. Get rid of the tendency to avoid problems.

You cannot change what you refuse to face.

7. Get rid of all your empty complaints.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude towards it.

8. Get rid of excuses.

If you really want to do something, you will find a way to do it. If you don't want to do it, you will make excuses.

9. Get rid of laziness and routine.

You can't underestimate a person who always works hard. Be that person. In life, you don't get what you want, but what you put effort into.

10. Stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

You can't make the same mistake twice. If you repeat it a second time, it is no longer a mistake, it is your choice.

11. Stop dreaming about perfection.

If you really want to become a pro at something, throw away the concept of perfection and replace it with the concept of endless fun exploration.

Your life is not in the past, only your memories are in the past. Your life is always right here and right now. Catch her! Decide that each of your experiences today will be a great foundation for an even better tomorrow.

13. Stop thinking that you should always get what you want.

Sometimes not achieving what you wanted can be a windfall.

14. Stop thinking that life is fair.

If you expect the world to be fair to you just because you are fair to it, you are deceiving yourself. It's like expecting a lion not to eat you just because you didn't eat him.

15. Stop thinking that others do things better than you.

The truth is, no one achieves anything easily, everyone has problems. If everyone told you about their problems, you would most likely quickly take it back.

16. Let go of your expectations that are holding you back.

The quality of your life is always 10% dependent on what happens to you and 90% on how you react to it.

17. Stop thinking that the right moment will come someday.

You cannot live waiting for the right moment - it does not exist. You must dare to do this today because life is too short to wonder what could have been.

18. Stop feeling the need to always feel comfortable.

If you want to make an impact in your life, big or small, you'll have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Any development begins outside your comfort zone.

19. Stop thinking that you should have known everything from the beginning.

You don't have to figure everything out at once in order to move forward. Just do the best you can until you can do it even better. Once you learn how to do it better, you will definitely do it.

20. Stop viewing success through an all-or-nothing lens.

Appreciate the gray area between the extremes of success and failure (travel, experiences, etc.). And above all, never let success get to your head or failure get to your heart.

21. Let go of your mistakes.

Don't carry your mistakes with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones that lead to success.

22. Stop allowing your daily challenges to defeat you.

Hard times often lead to greatness. Keep the faith. It's worth it. The beginning of great things is always the most difficult.

23. Let go of excessive worry.

Worry will not take away tomorrow's problems, it will take away today's peace and opportunities. Stop thinking like everyone else. Life is too short.

24. Stop wanting things you don't need.

Don't worry about their cost. Think about their value. And remember: it is always easier to find wealth by needing a little, rather than by achieving a lot.

25. Leave your ungrateful thoughts.

Happiness never comes to those who do not appreciate what they have. So be grateful today. Life is never perfect, it's just not bad.

26. Forget all your reasons why you should be unhappy.

Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on what you have and find reasons why you should be happy. Positive attitude changes everything.

27. Forget about all hypocrisy.

For example, don't pray when it's raining, if you don't pray when the sun is shining.

28. Stop assuming that other people are more “normal” than you.

The only normal people you know are the ones you don't know well.

29. Let go of the emotions that often get the better of you.

Stay strong. Even when you feel like everything around you is falling apart, it’s not. Take control of your emotions before they take control of you.

30. Forget about your intemperance.

Never do something completely stupid just because you're temporarily upset.

31. Get rid of nasty words.

Saying someone is ugly doesn't make you any more beautiful.

32. Stop superficially assessing others.

We never meet in our lives ordinary people. If you give them a chance, each person can show you something amazing.

33. Stop trying to change other people.

In most cases, you can't change people, and you shouldn't try to. Either you accept who they are or you decide to live without them.

34. Stop thinking that you are too cool to be kind.

To be gentle and kind you need to spend a lot of effort. But you are much stronger than you think.

35. Stop being “too busy” to show your love.

Loyalty is hard to find. Trust is easy to lose. Actions speak louder than words. Tell your loved ones that you love them every day and prove it.

36. Get rid of one-sided relationships.

If someone truly cares about you, they won't make you feel like you have to constantly compete for their attention.

37. Let go of those who never came to your aid in difficult times.

Remember that only during the most difficult periods in your life will you be able to see true face those people who claim that they care about you.

38. Get rid of negative influences.

You can't expect to feel good if you surround yourself with negativity. Be with those who open up in you best qualities without causing you any anxiety.

39. Get rid of any self-hatred.

Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself!

40. Forget about any lies you've heard about you not being attractive enough.

The world has more women who suffer from anorexia and bulimia than those battling breast cancer. Love yourself for who you are. You are already beautiful.

41. Stop trying to be someone else.

Someone will always be more beautiful. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be YOU. And that makes you an interesting person.

42. Forget about the things that other people say about you.

Try not to take to heart everything that others say about you. What they think and say is a reflection of themselves, not you.

43. Forget petty conflicts.

You can't change how people treat you or what they think about you. You can always change how you react to it and you can always choose who surrounds you.

44. Stop putting everyone else's needs before your own.

Give as much as you can, but don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Listen to others' opinions, but don't lose your own voice.

You don't need everyone to be like you. But remember, just because some people don't seem to care about you, don't forget about everyone else who truly loves you.

46. ​​Stop changing just to impress people.

Never change just to impress someone else. Change only because it makes you better and leads you to a brighter future.

47. Forget about the little troubles in life.

Don't let dumb little things ruin your happiness. True wealth is the ability to experience and appreciate every moment of life, no matter what it is.

48. Let go of your yesterday.

Don't let yesterday steal your today. Don't judge yourself in the past, you don't live there anymore. Let it go, develop and move forward.

49. Stop thinking that giving up means failure.

Giving up and moving forward are two very different things.

50. Stop thinking that it's too late to start over.

Remember that it is always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the ladder you don't want to climb.

Note: Obviously, if your birthday is tomorrow, or next week, choose just a couple of items that you can work on right now, and make it a goal to get through the entire list before your birthday. next day birth.

And finally...

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is not let go of something, but make the decision to start over in some area of ​​your life. This is the most difficult task we can face.

If you master any of the above points, you will have a clear path to the new beginning you are looking for. Your current habits are simply broken and need to be fixed. When you trust broken habits every day, it's only a matter of time before you feel broken too.

Although, you don't necessarily have to take the route described above. You can start walking it today, which will instantly help you feel better, think more clearly, and live more effectively.

Translation of the article:

How many of you have thought about why life is so hard and what prevents you from living happily? Bad thoughts and lack of taste for life do not appear out of thin air. Having assessed your situation soberly, ask yourself: “Am I not carrying heavy baggage from the past, am I being chained by unnecessary things?”

Often such a burden does not allow us to live and move on. It must be thrown off, like crabs throw away their shell. The truth in in this case We should build a new shell only from pleasant events and achievements that will inspire us and move us further.

So, today we will look at things, both physically and psychologically, that you should throw away without a second thought.
Old things

Let's start by cleaning up the environment. Papers, old clothes, broken things - these remind you of the past and even unconsciously do not let you into the future. You must get rid of this mountain of garbage immediately. After this procedure, you will feel as if you were born again. The past will noticeably let you go if you bring it up.

An environment that doesn't suit you

Perhaps you have to adapt to someone just so as not to be alone? Or maybe you still keep in touch with an old friend with whom you are already completely different, and he still pulls you down? No matter how hard it is, you must cut ties with such people.

As you know: as soon as you let go of the past, the door opens for new people. Also let go of the habit of depending on the opinions of all these people.

Live in the past and future

Now is the time to figure out what thoughts should be thrown out of your head. Let's start with the fact that you should live only in the present. The past is already gone, there is no need to dwell on all the grievances, pain and disappointments. The most that can be taken from the past is experience. But that’s the point, it’s necessary.

As for the future, all you can take from here is to set goals. You shouldn’t live only in dreams and think that someday it will be good. Live in this moment. Carpe diem - seize the moment. Believe me, there was good and bad, there is and there will be. The ability to be happy now is a real art.

Inability to say no

Learn when you need it. The next time a friend asks you to chat on the phone, a friend invites you to play, or an acquaintance begs you to do something for him, know how to answer in the negative.

This does not mean that now you should answer no to all requests, but when you are busy and not inclined to make a request, you should not be unfailing.

Empty promises

Many of us swear every evening: “Well, that’s it, starting tomorrow I’ll definitely eat right,” “Tomorrow morning I’ll definitely start running,” “Tomorrow I’ll be one hundred percent more responsible.” Let's start . If you promised to start something, then be a man of your word.

Know how to squeeze all your will into an iron fist. Often we make more and more promises to ourselves, but everything grows and how hard it is to drag it with us into the future. There are two options: either simply throw it off, consciously abandon ideas, or act. There is no third option, unfortunately.


For many years now we have been hoping that this or that person will change, the boss will raise the salary, people will stop judging us. Understand one simple truth: no one owes us anything, just as we don’t owe anyone anything. Leave these thoughts behind. From now on, you must build your own happiness, without thinking that you will only be happy when someone changes.

All these truths seem to be self-evident, but why then does almost each of us so persistently, although sometimes unconsciously, drag this difficult baggage into the future? Let's get rid of unnecessary junk.


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