What awaits a Taurus woman in the year. Seasonal allergies - features and prevention

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Taurus in 2016 Monkeys will face a period of change that can affect both career and family. Taurus will rethink their previous experience, their worldview and they themselves decide to change something. A year of rethinking and change. Their life goals Taurus can also change.

This year is also characterized by increased expectations of you from your relatives and friends. You will have to work a lot, to match the hardworking horse under whose patronage you have been for a year, but when has this scared Taurus? The year will also bring you many acquaintances.

The year will end well, ushering in a favorable period of constancy, tranquility and wonderful future prospects. In general, the year is turbulent; a lot of patience and endurance will be required.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus woman

The beginning of 2016 was not entirely successful for the Taurus woman. It is accompanied by constant troubles at work, for some this can even result in the loss of their job. But if we manage to withstand this pressure, then by the end of spring everything will calm down.

In the year of the Monkey, you will have to resort to diplomacy in family relationships. Otherwise, squabbles, showdowns, and sometimes even assault cannot be avoided. Thanks to your ability to find the right words, you can get around all the sharp corners with your soul mate. The Year of the Monkey for a Taurus woman is wonderful for creativity. And even those who have never noticed any talent in themselves can easily discover it. The most important thing is desire and inspiration. It is inspiration that will accompany you in all your endeavors.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - man

For representatives of the stronger half of this zodiac sign, the Year of the Monkey will turn everything upside down. A Taurus man will do things that are unusual for him. Some of them will surprise others, and the representative of the sign himself will be shocked.

At the beginning of 2016, he will feel confused, but then he will reconsider his positions, gather his strength and change his attitude towards others. From the middle of the year there will be favorable conditions and opportunities for change and achieving your goals. If you give your all to your work, you will soon feel tangible rewards.

The Year of the Monkey is great for self-education and improving your skill level. This will help change your life, as it will be possible to search high paying job. This year there is a great opportunity to meet new and very influential people; they can be the starting point for a Taurus man in new and fruitful endeavors.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

2016 will be quite stable for Taurus in love relationships. Everything will proceed as usual in a calm direction. At the beginning of spring, you decide to take your relationship to a more serious level. Taurus begins to view life in a more mature, balanced way. Single Taurus will seriously think about marriage, because they are full of love and faithful to their partner. You shouldn’t expect decisive action from your significant other, take the first step, otherwise you may miss the time to create a happy life. It may seem to your partner that your intentions and relationship are only superficial, and he will decide to break up. If you are afraid of getting rejected, then go ahead, you won’t get rejected. A strong and friendly marriage awaits you.

However, in the year of the Monkey, Taurus, you can also commit rash actions, and even more so frivolous ones. Some representatives of this sign may have a light affair in the spring, thereby hurting their partner. It’s better to restrain your emotions, don’t throw your feelings around, just wanting fun and entertainment. You may hurt your partner's heart. Be more responsible, otherwise your conscience will torture you later, and this can lead to depression or neurological diseases. The end of the year is not the time for secret relationships; they will all end in failure. It is better to avoid short-term relationships on the side, for the sake of great and true love.

In family relationships, the Year of the Monkey will constantly require a search for compromise. Only constant concessions to each other can save an already shaken marriage. Otherwise, there will be quarrels, squabbles, and showdowns all the time in the family. Even children will not calm the spouses down. If you do not learn to listen to each other, then a breakup is inevitable.

Business horoscope for 2016 TAURUS

The Year of the Monkey will pass smoothly only for those representatives of the sign who work in government agencies, but you should not expect promotions. The rest will have to make a lot of efforts to survive and stay afloat. Those Taurus who, to the detriment of their family and themselves, plunge completely into work, can also make a profit. And those who are used to working the old fashioned way will have a hard time. You should not risk your finances; investing them in the Year of the Monkey will be unsuccessful. For Taurus businessmen, it is necessary to keep an eye on market trends, otherwise there is a risk of going broke.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Back in the year of the Snake, Taurus made a successful start. And in 2016, Taurus will continue to make profits. At the beginning of the year, you can even reward yourself for your fruitful work in 2015. Spend a certain amount for your pleasure. For example, take a luxury trip.

In the spring, you may receive an offer to jointly inject finances with your friends; refrain from such a step. Do business yourself, otherwise friends may turn into enemies. In the summer you will need additional financing. Do not take out a loan or debt under any circumstances. Be patient for a while and you will be able to solve this problem on your own.

Health horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The Year of the Monkey will not bring Taurus big problems with health. Your busy schedule will not allow you to focus on some problems. And yet there is a risk of disease, but you still won’t go to the doctor. Prefer self-medication and treatment folk remedies. Of course, this is not entirely the right approach to the disease. Better consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can get seriously ill for a long time. Be sure, despite the frantic pace that the Year of the Monkey sets, give yourself a rest and restore your strength. Otherwise, you will be attacked by depression and nervous diseases.

Eastern zodiac horoscope for 2016:

Taurus - Rat

From the beginning of the year, relationships with the people around you may be quite strange, but by the end of the year everything will get better. Finally, you will learn to enjoy your work.

Taurus - Ox

At your workplace, approach your work calmly and carefully, fulfilling all the requirements of your superiors. Show yourself with the best side, and the road to moving up the career ladder will open for you.

Taurus - Tiger

In the year of the Monkey, it will be advisable to combine creative inclinations and work. You will get a second chance to do something that you couldn’t do before. Don’t indulge in narcissism, pay attention to your actions and casual phrases.

Taurus - Cat

This year you may have problems in relationships with those closest to you, because there are omissions and deception between you. Only sincerity can lead you out of the dead end into which you are driving yourself. This year is great for expanding your range of interests; to do this, sign up for some courses that interest you.

Taurus - Dragon

Don't lecture others, take a closer look at yourself. Understand your ambitions and vanity, otherwise you will have huge problems with others.

Taurus - Snake

To be completely happy, you need to take care of your family. Support your husband, take part in the lives of your children. For peace of mind, renovate or rearrange furniture in your home.

Taurus - Horse

In the Year of the Monkey, all you have to do is work and work. But it is necessary to work on the mistakes made last year. Otherwise, you risk continuing to do them. Deal with your relatives' grievances against you. Otherwise you will be tormented by remorse.

Taurus - Goat

The Year of the Monkey will allow you to discover new qualities in yourself that you didn’t even know about. Thanks to them, you can get a promotion or help from sponsors.

Taurus - Monkey

Great time for research activities. This will give you a chance for further development. Trust your intuition, it will not let you down. You will succeed this year.

Taurus - Rooster

The Monkey will awaken your literary talent or open up the world of art. Children will be a bit of a hassle. But this will only help you get closer, you will begin to understand each other more.

Taurus - Dog

Complete mutual understanding in the family and at work will be an accumulator of new ideas for you. Take on everything new, the Monkey guarantees you success. Don't stagnate, but gallop forward.

Taurus - Pig

You are confused in your amorous romances. Stop, don't waste your time. Consult with loved ones who know your situation from the outside. Choose one partner and forever. It's time to think about family and children.

Starting from January 2016, a completely favorable situation will develop for almost all Taurus professional field. Many will be immersed in the business situation and will be especially enthusiastic about achieving high success. The stars do not advise you to stop there, because it is thanks to such perseverance that you can get much more, and rapid career growth will be a wonderful bonus.

The professional activities of Taurus will slow down slightly in the second half of 2016. However, you should not immediately succumb to panic attacks, because this year the stars do not predict any unpleasant turns. That’s why it’s worth calming down, thinking everything through, collecting your thoughts and gradually getting out of a difficult situation, because with just a little effort, Taurus will be able to see progress professional activity on the way to the top.

By the end of the year, you will feel that you will be able to solve all problems and ultimately achieve your goals. It is this optimistic attitude that will contribute to success and achieving the desired result.

Taurus financial horoscope for 2016

In 2016 it will not be in last place material well-being. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that representatives of this zodiac sign are able to benefit themselves from almost any business.
It is in the financial sphere that Taurus always stands firmly on their feet, because they are not used to retreating from difficulties and are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. Taurus will feel calm in 2016, provided that they have not only a stable material income, but also a small supply of finances, which will come in handy in difficult times.

Almost every Taurus knows methods to increase this money. A well-developed intuition, which has repeatedly helped out before, will help you cope with this. In 2016, the stars advise Taurus to refrain from making large and unnecessary expenses. However, this does not mean that this year you will not be able to afford anything at all.

Throughout the year, representatives of this zodiac sign an excellent mood will be ensured, thanks to which they will not despair even in the most difficult situations. However, sooner or later, a simply irresistible desire will appear to acquire some completely unnecessary thing. You should refuse such a purchase, because very soon you will have to make an investment Money into a business that will bring decent profits.

Already in April, Taurus will have their complete material well-being restored. It is during this period of time that they will have unexpected and original ideas who can help with this. However, even despite such crazy luck, throughout 2016 you should pay special attention to your own spending, because there is still a risk of finding yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Towards the end of the year, Taurus will not have the easiest and most painstaking work. It is worth remembering that now is precisely the period when you can quite successfully achieve your own material well-being. Now you are full of strength and can easily overcome all obstacles that come your way. However, everything will have to be done at a fairly fast pace and every action, which should be well thought out, brings you one step closer to your goal. As a result, you will be able to feel a truly fruitful result.

All the works of Taurus will be appreciated by their superiors, which will have a positive impact not only on salary, but also on career growth. But in order to achieve such a result, you will have to act more actively and very soon both your financial and professional situation will begin to grow rapidly.

Taurus health horoscope for 2016

Taurus need to pay special attention to their health, but at the beginning of the year they will not be subject to a large number serious diseases. However, there is a risk of developing severe depression, which will be accompanied by increased nervousness and irritability; some Taurus will begin to suffer from insomnia.

The appearance of such symptoms is directly related to high work pressure, as well as misunderstandings and stressful situations in the family. That is why the stars advise taking time for proper rest; you may need to drink sedatives for a while, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended.

The horoscope advises you to rest as much as possible and not take all minor troubles to heart. There is a risk of exacerbation of old chronic diseases at the beginning of the year. That is why you should pay special attention to your own diet - it is better to give up fatty and smoked foods. If you do not want to face serious complications, monitor your health.

There is a risk of certain problems with internal organs in Taurus, and it is the liver and kidneys that need special attention. This situation may unsettle some representatives of this sign, but you should not abuse alcohol, otherwise you will only aggravate an already difficult situation, because, as is known, alcohol has bad influence on the liver and you risk completely destroying it, as a result of which you will face more serious diseases. Now we need to determine exactly what is more important - stormy and happy life or your own health.

Already at the end of 2016, Taurus will be able to feel much better, and both their physical and mental state will return to normal. You will be able to feel full vital energy, just a huge amount of strength will appear. However, the stars do not advise rushing into battle right away, because your body needs quality and complete rest.

The horoscope advises spending more time on fresh air, worry less and not get caught stressful situations, watch your diet. If you adhere to these simple principles, Taurus will be guaranteed good health throughout 2016.

Taurus love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, Taurus will have to experience not the happiest moments in their relationship with their loved one. For some, life will seem simple, but for others you will have to work hard. But, in any case, the achieved result promises to be quite successful.

If right now you decide to find out the relationship with your loved one and get answers to everything exciting questions, then you can achieve the desired result, and your other half will not be able to avoid answering again.

However, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like it to, and some Taurus will have to go through not the easiest moments of separation. This year, Taurus will be greatly influenced by the planet Uranus, so you will be more demanding of your loved one. You should be prepared for the fact that not everyone is able to withstand such intense pressure, and as a result, there will be a risk of breaking the relationship. That is why the stars advise representatives of this zodiac sign to reconsider their actions regarding their chosen one, of course, if your plans do not include separation. To maintain a relationship, you should moderate your ardor a little.

The horoscope predicts many opportunities for single Taurus to meet their soulmate in 2016. You will be literally overwhelmed with a bright feeling of sincere and mutual love. Many representatives of this sign will understand that their loved one is very important to them and will decide to get married.

A lot of love adventures await in summer time year - the soul will be filled with bright and colorful impressions of love. And for many, the summer of 2016 will be really hot. But at the same time, an irresistible desire will appear to be not only loved, but also accepted, along with all your shortcomings. You can make sure that today there is open people, are capable of giving sincere feelings, but they will demand the same from you.

For those Taurus who have been married for a long time, the second half of the year will show that they made the right choice. During this period of time, the relationship with your lover will be able to reach the very peaks, and you will understand what the words “family harmony” mean.

Single Taurus will have a strong desire to find their chosen one and a new romantic adventure. The whole of 2016 promises to be quite bright and full of interesting events for all representatives of this zodiac sign.

And in the future, Taurus will remember 2016 with a pleasant shudder, because right now they will be able to enjoy the sweetness love relationship and romantic meetings. Some Taurus will be happy to learn that a pleasant addition to the family will soon occur - the birth of a long-awaited baby. The stars advise making every effort to maintain a relationship with your loved one, because this is a very subtle feeling that can be destroyed by even a minor quarrel or a thoughtlessly spoken word.

Horoscope for Taurus men for 2016

The stars do not advise Taurus men to begin any important cooperation at the beginning of 2016, especially with foreign partners. It is in winter that quite big problems can arise for both students and researchers.

During the period from January to February, you should refrain from concluding important business agreements, purchasing expensive items, long-term and long trips. In March, your leadership will show friendly feelings, thanks to which there will be a great opportunity to realize your own ambitious desires.

Through interaction with partners, professional self-expression is possible. The most pressing topic of financial stability will be in mid-summer. From the first days of autumn, your loved one, more than ever, will need pleasant surprises and attention from you.

Taurus woman horoscope for 2016

During the first half of 2016, thanks to the influence of Jupiter, Taurus women will receive from fate a simply huge number of not only pleasant, but also truly useful meetings.

In January and February you can meet foreigners who will quickly become fast friends. At the beginning of spring highest value They will have problems in their relationship with their loved one.

The stars advise in April to start adjusting your leadership positions, and also learn to show your best side, show your talents in such a way as not to harm others at this time.

You should pay special attention to your desires in May, thanks to which you can avoid a big mistake when choosing tactics of behavior or field of activity.

In June, thanks to your sociability, attractiveness and initiative, new opportunities will appear in life for excellent business development, creativity, and partnerships. Due to increased emotionality and your own touchiness, you can disrupt the harmony in your own life. Therefore, you can fix everything yourself.

Taurus horoscope 2016 by year of birth

Taurus - Rat
(born 1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

You have long been accustomed to working tirelessly, but in 2016 work will only bring pleasure, because everything overtime will be rewarded with a bonus. Many Taurus will feel that they have become simply indispensable at work. The stars advise you to be more attentive to the funds you earn. Therefore, before making any major purchase, you need to think carefully about everything. It may be worth saving a little now to make an important investment soon.

Taurus - Ox
(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

For Taurus born in the year of the Ox, almost the entire 2016 will pass under the sign of growth, which can relate to making a profit at work, career growth or adding to the family. The stars advise you to start honing your sociability skills, because it will soon come in very handy.

Taurus - Tiger
(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Such individuals are accustomed to taking risks, and, more often than not, hoping for chance. In 2016, the stars advise you to completely abandon risky and rash actions, because as a result they can lead to serious losses, which concerns not only financial situation, but also loss of previous reputation. You need to try to be nearby throughout the year close person, who will not only provide timely support, but will also prevent you from doing anything stupid. At the same time, Taurus will be required to show sincerity and trust.

Taurus - Cat
(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987,1999, 2011)

This is a great opportunity to find out exactly what a conflict between your personal life and work means - your loved one and your boss will literally start tearing you apart. You can survive only if you learn to make the right schedule and find compromise solutions. The most important thing is to always keep your promises, so you can avoid many troubles.

Taurus - Dragon
(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The biggest mistake you can make in 2016 is to put your interests much higher than the interests of other people who are not just for a long time were nearby, but also always provided necessary support. This will apply not only to work matters, but also to personal life. Now we need to find a compromise, determine what plays important role in life. Don’t forget that your loved ones will also need your support.

Taurus - Snake
(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

2016 is an ideal period during which you will be able to show all your hidden talents. If you have an irresistible desire to devote yourself to creativity, you should not refuse such pleasure. There is a high probability that you will be able to become a recognized star, and with fame will come material well-being.

Taurus - Horse
(born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Starting in January 2016, you can completely erase from your life everything that used to weigh on you so much. Debtors will be able to pay off their obligations. Someone will be able to change their place of work to a more profitable one with a higher wages or put an end to a relationship that has completely exhausted itself. Do not be afraid to start life from scratch, because thanks to this you will be able to feel the long-awaited freedom and begin confidently moving forward.

Taurus - Goat
(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

In 2016, you need to try to find harmony with yourself - you should relax as often as possible, spend time with family and friends, start going to the gym or swimming pool. At the same time, you need to make every effort to give up all bad habits; it will be useful to undergo a full medical examination. Care about own health and self-respect will help you become not only happy, but also successful person in 2016.

Taurus - Monkey
(born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Taurus born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their love of risk, they always want to try something new and unusual, and are ready to go all-in at any moment. In 2016, you should not be afraid of change, moving to a new place of residence or changing your field of activity. As a result, all the risks and determination will be fully paid off with good profits and advantageous offers. But, most importantly, do not put off until later solving issues that you can do today.

Taurus - Rooster
(born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Over the past few years, you have been able to create favorable conditions for yourself not only in the workplace, but also in your relationship with your loved one. The most important thing is to try not to change it throughout 2016, even if a person appears who promises to give you mountains of gold. Now the most important thing is to stick with people you can completely trust - daily stability is best, and not fabulous prospects, which you may not be able to achieve. Thanks to this, you can easily avoid unnecessary stress, and of course, accumulate strength for future achievements.

Taurus - Dog
(born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Throughout 2016, you will find a huge number of different surprises prepared by fate. Single individuals will be able to meet their soulmate, the person with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives. Those Dogs who prioritize their career over their personal life will be able to make a breakthrough in their professional activities. Pleasant meetings await ahead, receiving unexpected profits from sources that were not even suspected before. At the same time, many will have an excellent opportunity to show their best qualities.

Taurus - Pig
(born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

In 2016, the stars advise Pigs to pay special attention to solving family problems and strengthening relationships. Single people should actively search for their soulmate. Thanks to increased care and attention to loved ones, there will be a great opportunity to build a strong family fortress. In addition, this year is simply ideal for those individuals who have long wanted to start their own business - great success awaits you on this path.

What interesting things will the Taurus woman’s horoscope tell us for 2016? Astrologers recommend having a lot of fun in New Year's Eve, because you will have to work hard all year. The Taurus woman will receive her well-deserved reward only by the end of the Year of the Monkey.

The beginning of the year is quite successful for women of the Taurus sign. There may be problems at work or in the family, but due to your character, you should make concessions. By the end of spring the storm will subside and everything will get better.

Don’t be alarmed, in general, for the Taurus woman, 2016 promises prosperity and good luck. The Year of the Monkey is very good for creativity. Perhaps new talents will be discovered, the main thing is to have a great desire to work hard and not be afraid to experiment.

Love horoscope

If you trust the love horoscope for 2016 for a Taurus woman, then great luck awaits them on the love front. This applies not only to those representatives of the sign who have already tied the knot.

Women who have been waiting for their soul mate for a long time will finally find it. The main thing is not to miss anything; Fate may not provide such a gift again. It’s worth taking a closer look around, maybe your man is very close, and you just don’t notice him.

If a Taurus woman nevertheless decides to connect her destiny with her beloved, then the success of such a relationship is guaranteed long years. In the second half of the year, some representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign will already begin to think about marriage, and their attitude towards their partner will become more serious.

What does it warn about? love horoscope Taurus woman for 2016? Be decisive, but be sure to listen to yourself. You shouldn't rush headlong into the pool. If you decide to have an affair on the side, be very careful, you may be taken advantage of.

In general, the Year of the Monkey is favorable for travel. If this is not possible due to busyness or lack of finances, just take more walks and spend time with your loved one, and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Otherwise you will lose your sexuality.

Listen less to advice from family and friends, make decisions yourself. This year you should not make hasty conclusions.

Family horoscope

For representatives of this sign in the year of the Monkey, peace and stability in the family will be very important. Taurus women are excellent housewives, and thanks to their efforts they will maintain coziness and a comfortable environment.

Having affairs and flirting on the side is not for them, and the thought of it shocks them. They value financial stability in their lives and are very thrifty. But not everything is so smooth.

There may be some upheaval in mid-2016. The consequences will depend only on the wisdom of the Taurus woman. She shouldn't take it as usual conflict situation into your own hands, and just keep quiet. Partner seeing this unusual behavior his chosen one, will be very surprised and will quickly calm down.

By the end of 2016 family life things will gradually get better, the Taurus woman will look at her husband with loving eyes. Try to make fewer mistakes throughout the year, this will help preserve the family nest painlessly.

Financial horoscope

The Year of the Monkey will be favorable for improving your financial condition. But this only applies to the first half of the year. Pay more attention to your work in February and March. Your efforts will be rewarded in the form of bonuses and praise.

Large purchases should be made only at the beginning of the year, but if you still have to spend money throughout 2016, then first you need to think a hundred times. Try to rationally distribute your finances, as the second half of the year will be difficult in this regard.


The year 2016 is favorable for changing jobs. If you have recently changed jobs, then there are no obstacles for career growth or development of your own business will not be. The stars promise us new acquaintances, as well as additional work, which will significantly improve financial condition. In the first half of the year, the stars advise purchasing new property, or invest money in a profitable business.

The second half will be a little problematic. Perhaps these are unforeseen financial expenses; perhaps a quarrel with management will lead to loss of work. If you don’t want this to happen, don’t get into conflicts, calm yourself down and keep it in your hands. If, nevertheless, you decide to change your job due to dissatisfaction, immediately look for a new place to your liking, suitable in all respects.


2016, year of the Monkey. It's time to remember about your health. A very favorable time for the treatment of chronic diseases. Limit alcohol, this will strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Don't get too cold, especially in winter time- this will lead to a long illness. The liver and kidneys will not be bothered. We need to pay more attention to healthy food and physical activity.

You may experience an allergic reaction to cosmetics that you have been using for a long time. Astrologers' advice: spend more time on yourself, your health and beauty. Do not refuse the services of specialists in this matter.

The year 2016 is not a bad year for Taurus women, but you should constantly use your head and think about your actions and actions. Very favorable for love and new relationships, career and business.

Pay more attention to yourself, your health and your loved ones. They will become your support and support more than ever!

The numerous talents and experience of women born under this constellation will be evident in the year fire monkey to many people around them. Moreover, they will appreciate the perseverance and hard work with which the ladies will try to achieve success. The stars predict good luck and prosperity only under one condition - you “don’t give up” and continue to work hard. The Taurus woman should take into account the horoscope for 2016 when resolving issues in various areas of life.

Serious illnesses and serious injuries will bypass you. You will show resilience, not only physically, but also emotionally. However, overeating, seasonal outbreaks of allergies and colds can worsen your health. Therefore, a woman should also take into account the Taurus health horoscope in order to maintain her performance throughout the entire period. After all, her financial success.

Astrologers warn that abuse alcoholic drinks and frequent smoking can also cause significant harm to the health of ladies of this sign. The body's immune system will be especially affected. To be healthy and vigorous, regular physical activity (morning jogging, gym classes) must become part of your usual lifestyle. This will not only keep you in excellent shape, but also strengthen your body.

Forecast by Pavel Globa. What you won't have to worry about in 2016 is your health. By leading a correct lifestyle and seeing a doctor about even minor ailments, you will prevent the development of any diseases. Quality rest will help prevent fatigue and nervous tension. The astrologer advises going on a trip for at least two weeks towards the end of spring, summer or early autumn. This will allow you to stay in good health throughout the year.

Love and relationships

The Taurus lady, thanks to her sociability and openness, will have a lot of pleasant acquaintances, mainly with representatives of the opposite sex. Some of these meetings will not have an impact on her future life, and some may become fateful. Single women will be able to meet their soulmate and have a successful marriage.

The love horoscope for 2016 says that a Taurus woman can expect a pleasant time with a new gentleman, evenings filled with the magic of romance, beautiful courtship, a sea of ​​flowers and gifts. However, after some time, you may not show your best side. And it will all be your character that is to blame!

The reason is that you are used to playing the dominant role in relationships; your partner may remain dissatisfied with communication with you. The stars advise taking a secondary position, honoring the opinion and interests of the chosen one, giving him the right to be in charge.

Married ladies and girls who are in strong relationships will have a year of bright impressions and new discoveries in love. All grievances and disagreements will be resolved by themselves and by the beginning of spring peace and harmony will be established.

In addition, the Taurus lady will be satisfied not only by the moral side of the relationship with her lover, but also by intimate intimacy. She will be able to diversify her sex life by trying something in bed that she has long dreamed of.

Forecast by Pavel Globa

  • In the love sphere, everything will turn out favorably for a Taurus woman. At least the stars do not predict separation from your partner. Relationships can be overshadowed by frequent minor quarrels, initiated by the woman herself.
  • The reason is distrust of your chosen one, which leads to jealousy. Gain confidence in yourself and trust your loved one. This will restore harmony and balance in the relationship.

Work and career

You won't have to deal with routine and monotony in your career. This period will be a kind of launching pad, a time that will determine future directions in the professional field. All you have to do is not miss the chances provided by fate, realizing, if not all, then most of your ideas.

Respect from colleagues and management, interesting job, which will only bring pleasure - that’s what the career horoscope for 2016 predicts for you. The Taurus woman will reap the fruits of her hard work.

In addition, astrologers advise reconsidering relationships with business partners. You may have to break a contract with someone. The financial success of a woman’s Taurus depends on how strong the partnership is.

Astro forecast by Pavel Globa. Almost all ladies of this zodiac sign in the year of the monkey will come to the conclusion that the time has come to move from physical work to mental work. And the sooner this intention comes true, the sooner the work will begin to bring tangible, and most importantly, stable profits. By December, a Taurus woman, if she does everything right, will expect crushing success in her career.

Finance and business

The financial horoscope for a Taurus woman for 2016 assures that ladies of this sign will not have to worry about their material well-being. Even if you fail to achieve outstanding success in this area, your income will still be stable.

Stability will be relevant only under one condition - you will not participate in dubious financial scams. You may simply be deceived. Therefore, trust only time-tested people. Also try not to lend or invest money in someone else’s project, even when it seems very profitable to you. Don't take the risk!

Forecast by Pavel Globa. If Taurus women do not plan to make major investments in 2016, they will be able to maintain financial stability. There is no risk of monetary loss. But they will have to part with a tidy sum if they wish, for example:

To implement your plans, you may even have to take out a loan or notarize a loan agreement.

Business horoscope

In order to “stay afloat” and prevent a weakening of the financial flow in 2016, women of this sign will need to make some efforts - to show attentiveness, diligence and hard work. However, you can still count on advancement through the ranks. If a woman accepts a Taurus correct solution, she will have a great opportunity to improve her income by signing lucrative contracts with business partners.

What do astrologers predict?

  • To avoid weakening of the immune system, experts competent in astrology recommend that Taurus women lead healthy image life and stick to proper nutrition. Otherwise, seasonal allergies and colds may occur.
  • In terms of love, single Taurus women who meet true love 2016, it is recommended to transfer the reins of power into the hands of your chosen one. And married ladies need to overcome jealousy towards their partner, which will allow them to avoid quarrels and fully enjoy love.
  • If you don’t waste your time on trifles, making unnecessary purchases, stable financial success awaits you. Even if you have to make significant investments, you will still not suffer from a lack of money. The only thing that can negatively affect material well-being is participation in dubious financial adventures.

Taurus is an earth sign, so its representatives are practical and down to earth. It is very important for them to feel confident. By nature, they are leisurely, soft, and pleasant to talk to. The zodiac sign is ruled by Venus. She empowers creative abilities, love for art. Taurus people love beautiful interiors, impeccable clothes and romantic trinkets. In 2016, the Red Monkey will encourage them to take bold and decisive actions. Fate will constantly throw up cases that will force them to take off their rose-colored glasses. You will need to be friendly and patient, but at the same time be quite active. 2016 will be a truly striped year for Taurus. The white and black stripes will constantly replace each other. In order to withstand such a “swing,” you need to communicate with your friends as often as possible and seek their support. Particular care must be taken in the second half of the year. At this time, the likelihood will increase car accidents. However, overall the year will be calm and very fruitful.

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign should dot the i’s in their relationships. This will allow us to outline their future prospects. At this time, all conflicts will be resolved quickly and easily. Don't be too stubborn, otherwise the relationship may fail. The Year of the Red Monkey will bring a lot of positive emotions to lonely Taurus. They will have a good chance to meet their destiny. Violent emotions will completely take over their mind. Representatives of this sign will have a great opportunity to evaluate how much they are loved and needed. You should also not forget that in a relationship you need to not only “take”, but also “give”. If you ignore this simple rule, then family relationships will begin to deteriorate greatly.

Family Taurus the thought will increasingly come to mind that at one time they did right choice. Comfort and complete harmony will reign in their home. 2016 is a great time to plan for children and strengthen relationships with parents. The Red Monkey will give gentle people of this sign the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of love feelings. In terms of personal relationships, you need to completely rely on yourself and refuse advice from even your closest friends.

Money horoscope

Representatives of this zodiac sign value material comfort very much, so the issue of money is quite acute for them. Taurus derive material benefit from even the most hopeless business. Unfortunately, in the coming year they will have to somewhat limit their financial expenses. You need to plan your expenses especially carefully at the beginning of the year. Then the situation will improve a little. In the summer, cash flow will be restored, but astrologers still do not advise them to waste their money.

At the end of the year, Taurus can count on a small monetary surprise. Perhaps it will be new project or a new, more lucrative position. This great chance improve your financial situation, so it should not be missed. At the same time, money may be needed for a new project or starting a business. In order to achieve success, it is important to carefully calculate everything. The Year of the Red Monkey is very successful in terms of entrepreneurship, so they should pay special attention to this area. However, you shouldn’t grab everything. It may very well be that you decide the right direction Close friends or relatives will help you. This is a great time to put your money into securities, stocks, play on the stock exchange, make deposits at interest.

Career horoscope

The beginning of the year promises to be fruitful. Representatives of the sign will plunge headlong into work. This will increase their self-esteem and give them pleasure. Their efforts will be appreciated by their superiors, so Taurus can fully count on a higher position. But in the summer there will be a lull in professional terms. It is better to devote this time to family, because at the end of the year they will also experience changes in their careers. Professional growth of this Zodiac Sign will depend on his own activity, because the Red Monkey is very fond of the daring and decisive.

Health horoscope

The coming year will not bring signs of major health problems to the representatives. Particular attention should be paid to emotional sphere. This year, prolonged depression, insomnia, and increased nervousness are possible. It is worth paying attention to the liver and kidneys. Chronic and acute forms of diseases may occur. It’s very good to go in for sports, cleanse the body, take a course of vitamins.


2016 will bring Taurus a lot of joy and positive emotions. Pleasant changes await them in all areas of life. However, succumbing to passions, do not forget about health. It may fail this year.


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