What does it mean to give a watch? Destruction of the myth “Giving a watch is a bad omen

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A watch is a universal gift. They will be appropriate at any celebration. Even if the one to whom you are giving already has one, the second will not become superfluous. But at the same time, according to signs, it is not recommended to give them to anyone, especially close people. All of them are associated with the superstitions of our ancestors, but many contemporaries still believe in them.

Some believe that this gifted accessory brings separation between lovers or close friends. But it is not possible to verify the effect of this sign. Unless you give them to an unpleasant person with whom you want to get rid of communication.

According to European beliefs, clock hands are equated to sharp objects. And as we know, they cannot be given as a gift, so as not to cause hostility. Sharp things virtually cut the karmic connection.

A Chinese superstition associates such a gift with an invitation to a funeral, which you will agree is creepy. But there are people who firmly believe in it.

In most cases, donated watches are associated with a decrease in days of life. In some sources, to the one who gives, and in others, to the one who receives such a gift.

The tastes and views of relatives can be taken into account. What about strangers? It is better to choose an alternative present. Or offer to redeem this gift for a nominal fee. And then the watch will be considered purchased. This trick will eliminate everything Negative consequences predicted in omens.

Interesting! If you focus on famous and far from stupid people (stars, billionaires, politicians and presidents), they often receive watch movements as gifts, and also give them themselves. And this fact does not affect their lives in any way.

Whether or not to give chronometers is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main thing is that the recipient is not superstitious and appreciates the chosen gift. Men are less superstitious than the weaker sex, so this gift will appeal to many.

Is giving a watch for a birthday a bad omen?

On birthdays they try to give really worthwhile gifts. Choose things from long period use so that they constantly remind you of the person who gave it. A watch is ideal. Even in an era of complete mobilization, this indispensable accessory constantly attracts attention. Of course, it’s a shame that they are not recommended to be used as a gift.

On the other hand, who said that this cannot be done? We have one life, and if you believe all the signs, then there will be nothing interesting left. After all, a watch is a worthwhile gift. They don’t choose it in a hurry, and they don’t skimp when purchasing it, since the accuracy of time and the duration of the mechanism depend on it. Therefore, any birthday person will be glad to receive them as a present. High-quality specimens can then be passed down through your family line to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

It all depends on the mood of the recipient. It is necessary to talk in advance about his attitude to various signs. If he doesn’t take them seriously, then you can present this stylish accessory with pleasure.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved one?

There is a belief that it is especially not recommended to buy them for your significant other or loved ones. They say that such a gift promises an imminent separation. Many people tell stories about how he gave me a watch and we parted ways. The easiest way is to blame all failures on an inanimate object. Or maybe the relationship has reached a dead end without him. The gift only emphasized the pointlessness of their continuation.

Perhaps you shouldn’t choose them for a gift if you already have misunderstandings. For reconciliation, it is better to opt for a neutral item. Then it cannot be interpreted as a hint of separation.

But these are only special cases. There are also opposites to them, when newlyweds give them to each other, as if tying themselves not only with rings, but also with something more significant. For them, chronometers are a symbol of counting down the future. happy years life. And later they will pass them on to their children. As a sign of love and memory.

Is it possible to give a watch to a guy or a man?

In business, such a gift is a common thing... They give status as well as respectability to a person, which is why almost all businessmen wear hand chronometers. Expensive and exclusive models immediately inspire confidence. Therefore, after successful transactions, partners often exchange such accessories, thereby showing their readiness for further fruitful cooperation.

A woman can present them to a man if he is her brother, co-worker or childhood friend without fear of losing them. There is no mention of this in the signs. But you and your husband need to buy them together. Then it will be considered simply participation in the choice, and if they are bought with her money, then this can be considered as sponsorship. Things are more difficult with my father and grandfather. It is necessary to take into account that during their lives they have learned enough proverbs. And they probably won't be happy about the impact this gift might have on their life expectancy.

Interesting! Just don't give a watch to an amateur gambling. They won't be with him long. According to statistics, there are practically no players wearing such accessories on casino premises. They are present in the hands only of those who enter there.

Guys and young men will probably be happy about this stylish accessory. But if your sweetheart is one of those who doesn't like to adhere to time limits. Like the lucky ones who live according to their own regime. He won't appreciate such a present.

I want to give my wife a watch. What to do?

Why not - give it! If you have a superstitious loved one, then you can resort to several tricks. For example, buying a watch box from a watch store, without a logo, is better with a picture of a women’s accessory. Put some money inside. And at the top, attach a note or postcard in which you will first congratulate your beloved wife on this significant date. And write below that you would like to give her everything world time. But you want to buy a manual eternity meter for it and are ready to choose it along with it. After such a trick, the wife’s heart will succumb to persuasion, and your concern will touch her soul.

We need to find out in a roundabout way what she thinks about omens. When your friends come over, you can jokingly raise this topic. And then draw conclusions about the value of your future gift for her.

Interesting! There is one watch that the most superstitious woman would not refuse. And what captivates them is not only the fabulous cost of $25 million, but the total number of carats from many diamonds - 201. And as we know: “ Best friends girls - diamonds."

Why do you dream about giving a watch?

Donated wall clock mechanisms may become a dream before any trip. A trip to the sea with your family, or perhaps an unexpected business trip, is possible.
If you observe from the side that one person is presenting a watch to another, then this means that someone is trying to imitate you in real life.
Receiving them from someone symbolizes an improvement in your financial situation. Yours latest achievements did not go unnoticed and will be rewarded.
Accepting gold chronometers as a gift is a sign that you will soon need financial help and will unexpectedly receive it from a patron.
Giving them to a child portends a waste of time on empty chores.

It also matters what time the chronometers show:

  • 1 hour – in a month cherished wish person will be fulfilled;
  • from 3 to 9 hours - troubles and illnesses are possible;
  • from 6 to 12 – great mood, favorable changes in the dreamer’s life.

So should you give a watch as a gift?

There is no clear answer to this question. We did not invent superstitions and signs. But if you and the person to whom you are supposed to present them do not believe in this, then there are no obstacles to delighting your loved one with a stylish and functional accessory.

And for all the superstitious, we will give one more not so well-known, but effective sign: “A watch given as a gift brings good luck in new endeavors.”

Secret souvenirs -

For some reason it is believed that it is impossible to give a watch - Bad sign. In fact, these fears are not supported by anything other than superstitions and emotions. Let's try to figure out what's true and what's fiction, and marketing expert Yulia Zaits will help us.

Myth 1. Watches cannot be given to loved ones - this will lead to separation

Some people believe that the gifted watch will begin to count down the time until separation, and in this situation, separation from your loved one is almost inevitable. We looked for confirmation of this myth in historical chronicles and biographies famous people, but were never found. World history I don’t remember such high-profile cases, although many people gave watches at all times. Even in cinema, which is greedy for such stories, nothing similar was found. Reverse please! For example, in the New Year's comedy "Sorcerers" Ivan Stepanovich Kivrin, second deputy director of NUINU, trying to win the love of his immediate boss Kira Shemakhanskaya, gave her 13 watches. And as a result, success awaited him: at the end of the film, he declared her his bride!

Expert opinion: We are probably talking about bad, cheap watches here. It’s really better not to give them as a gift, because they will quickly break down, and such a gift will not be used as a gift. Nice memories, perhaps, grievances, which, of course, can lead to separation. In general, it seems to me that this is not a sign, but an excuse that misers have come up with for themselves. It is a shame to give a bad watch, but a good watch, which, by definition, cannot be cheap, is expensive to buy. So they made up a story about a bad omen. Don't believe the signs, a watch is a great gift!

Myth 2. Watches cannot be given as gifts because they have sharp hands.

There is an opinion that the clock hands are quite sharp and can be compared to knives. As you know, it is not customary to give sharp objects as a gift - it is a bad omen. Our ancestors once believed that a gifted knife attracts " evil spirits"and generally aggravates the relationship between the giver and the recipient. Because of this, a widespread superstition arose that has survived to our times.

Expert opinion: As gifts, we often use objects with sharp elements such as pens, umbrellas, canes, and needlework kits that contain needles or knitting needles. By giving and accepting such a gift, we are not visited by negative thoughts. The hands of the watch may not be pointed, the watch may even have an electronic dial, but for some reason superstition extends to them. So it’s definitely not about the shooters.”

Myth 3. Chinese sign: giving a watch starts the final countdown

If you believe Chinese superstitions, they say that the watch that was given to you begins to count down the time until the funeral. This sounds gloomy if you don’t know the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire - they have always been famous for their superstition and serious attitude to the legends. The sign that we told you about arose as a result of the fact that in some dialects Chinese language the words “clock” and “death” sound similar. But even this similarity does not prevent the Chinese from actively using watches in everyday life. Unlike, for example, the number “4”, which is also consonant with the word “death”. Residents of the Middle Kingdom consider this number unlucky to such an extent that in some buildings there is no 4th floor, in theaters there is no 4th row and 4th seat, in hotels there are no corresponding rooms, public transport is not numbered with this number, etc.

Expert opinion: It's a bad omen to give a Chinese counterfeit famous brand! The point is not even that it will break in a week, but that you are thereby openly demonstrating your insincerity in your desire to really do it. good gift. Despite superstitions and prohibitions, in business circles, among the rich and successful people, it is customary to give a watch because it symbolizes time, which is very precious for a busy and business man. You need to donate a watch! This is an unusual, status and stylish gift.

Universal solution: redeem a gift

For especially superstitious people, there is an excellent way out of the situation when the gift given is in doubt - you just need to buy it off with a coin, that is, actually buy the thing for a symbolic amount so that it ceases to be a gift.

Let's end the conversation about the gifted watch with a scene from our favorite Soviet film“Pokrovsky Gate”, in which Savva Ignatievich shares his memories with a friend:

I remember she comes to me alone. He asks to engrave the inscription.
- On what?
- On the clock. And the inscription was: “Thank you for the sweet seconds.” Well, I ask: to the artist? No. Writer? No.
- And to whom?
It turned out to be my husband.

Is it possible to give a guy a watch? The answer to this question is asked by many girls. On the eve of the upcoming holidays, such an accessory would be an excellent gift for a loved one or a guy you know well. However, there are a lot of superstitions and signs, according to which it is not recommended to present a clock mechanism to loved ones. Is it possible to give a guy a watch on his wrist, or does the ban apply only to Wall Clock? We will talk about these and other nuances in our article.

Is it possible to give a watch to your beloved guy?

Some representatives of the fair sex, after giving watch movements to their halves, in case of quarrels or disagreements, try to connect what happened with the gift. Lovely ladies remember the signs and begin to analyze how the relationship would have developed without the gifted watch.

However, young people rarely believe in superstitions, so they rejoice at this kind of gift from their lovers. Ideal option Before purchasing this kind of gift, there will be a preliminary conversation in which lovers will be able to find out everyone’s personal attitude towards bad omens associated with watch mechanisms.

Superstitions and their history

Many may have heard that a wall or wrist clock is not the best gift, that it portends trouble and is considered a bad omen. Where did it come from?

This belief came to us from China. Local residents believed that the clock mechanism measures what it cannot see with its own eyes. a common person. The Chinese are also alarmed by the fact that the hieroglyphs that indicate time and death are almost the same. In their opinion, receiving a watch as a gift is tantamount to an invitation to a funeral. However, we have undergone some changes. For example, when asked whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy, older generation will answer that this leads to separation, to a shortening of the life of the one to whom they were presented.

Western traditions

There is also another theory, following which it is undesirable to give a watch. She came to us from the West. Adhering to local traditions, it is not recommended to give sharp objects to loved ones - forks, knives, edged weapons. Wristwatches and wall clocks, as a rule, have pointed hands, so they should not be presented as a gift either. It is believed that this can disturb the auspicious aura of a person.

It is not customary to give piercing or cutting objects as gifts, according to the superstition that this kind of attention given can break off relationships, friendships or budding love.

However, over the years, some signs begin to lose their power and no longer seem as effective as they once were.

When is it acceptable to give a watch?

All the beliefs mentioned above have no concrete confirmation. Based on this, to the question whether a girl can give a guy a watch or not, each young lady must choose the appropriate answer for herself. First of all, she must predict how her boyfriend will react to such a gift. If a representative of the fairer sex knows that her boyfriend is very superstitious, that after accepting the gift he will worry and think about the gift for a long time, then you should not give preference to the watch among the abundance of other gifts. Is it possible to give a guy a watch if neither the girl nor the guy are superstitious? The answer is yes, but only if such a gift is appropriate.

I believe - I don't believe

Give a present young man in the form of a wall clock is possible if he does not believe in superstitions and bad omens. A modern guy can be given a table or wall clock that is made in a style that harmoniously matches the interior of his bachelor's home.

An excellent option can also be an electronic or hourglass, which is simple in design and can fit into any environment. Is it possible to give a guy a watch? Let's see how famous manufacturers World-famous watch movements have learned to bypass superstitions.

Is it possible to give a guy a wristwatch?

Present in the form of expensive wristwatch always speaks of the good taste of the giver and the respectability and self-sufficiency of their owner. Such a gift is a significant sign of attention for a young man. It can be presented for any occasion. Solve the problem with negative side gifts and bad omens associated with watch mechanisms can be given in a non-standard way. For example, Chinese manufacturers, known to everyone for their ingenuity, never tire of creating universal mechanisms with a variety of different functions.

The world became acquainted with watches without numbers, with double dials, built-in calendars, a compass, a navigator and other original functional solutions. Giving such gifts brings a completely different semantic load. The gift of a stylish thing that has lost its negative connotation will appeal to everyone, even the most believer in all kinds of signs.

However, for those beautiful females who are still wondering whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy without fearing for a happy future together as a couple, there are a number of recommendations.

Very superstitious girls who choose a clock mechanism as a gift should keep in mind that:

  • For this kind of gift, you must take a coin, then it will be considered that the watch is not a gift, but a purchase.
  • The ransom amount should not be too large (even 10 kopecks is possible) so that the gift itself does not lose its meaning.
  • You need to give and take money for a purchase with your left hand.

If a person is not familiar with such traditions, you need to explain to him the essence of superstition and take just a couple of coins from him for a gift. As a rule, everyone takes such signs quite lightly.

When the nature of superstitions and bad omens is clear, and necessary advice taken into account, the question arises whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy on N.G. ( New Year)? In what cases would such gifts be appropriate?

Reason for a gift

You can present a watch to a young man for his birthday, housewarming, graduation from university or for the New Year. This can be done on any other holiday, but on the condition that the chosen clock mechanism will be to the taste of the gift recipient.

When buying a watch, you need to consider several nuances:

  • For a housewarming, you can safely present a young man with wall-mounted, table-top or even floor-standing walkers.
  • For a guy who is an excellent cook, an hourglass would be a good choice. They can be used as a timer while preparing any dishes. Also, such a gift can be given to a young man who would use them during physical training.
  • For young people who lead an active lifestyle, an electronic and waterproof watch movement with a built-in chronometer would be an excellent gift.
  • An engraved watch will be a pleasant and memorable gift for your beloved boyfriend.

A clock mechanism, like a gift, can be used to express your sympathy or sincere feeling. This can be symbolized by choosing mechanical option hours. The uniform movement of a time measuring device is associated with the beating of the heart, and the strap, which fits tightly around the wrist in the pulse area, is interpreted as a desire to be close to a loved one always and everywhere. This gift in the form of a wrist watch mechanism will not only not cause superstitious prejudices, it will be able to tell about the girl’s real feelings.

According to old superstition, there are a number of things that cannot be given to people. This list also includes watches. Why can’t you give a watch and what is this sign associated with?

There are many versions of the origin of the sign about the clock. In the West, people believe that clock hands are capable of accumulating negative energy, so such a gift can bring a lot of trouble. And the residents eastern countries They believe that the watch is an invitation to a funeral.

There is another interpretation of the belief. Many people believe that a given watch will count down the time until separation, that is, when the hands stop, the giver and the owner of the watch will separate. There is also a version according to which the clock counts down the time until a person’s death. The people of Japan believe in this sign. It is not customary to give watches in this country.

Many of us now consider all these beliefs about watches to be a relic of the past. However, is this really so?

Is it possible to give watches to loved ones and close people?

Eat folk sign, according to which a watch given to your partner will count down the time until separation. There are many stories about how discord arose in married couples precisely because of the gift of a watch. In this regard, many are afraid to give watches to their significant other. But is it worth believing in this?

If you want to give your significant other a watch, you first need to find out whether your partner believes in this sign. If your loved one is not superstitious, don't be afraid to give such a gift. It will bring only joy and pleasant memories. In the event that a partner is afraid of every black cat and constantly spits through left shoulder, you shouldn’t give him such a surprise, since faith in omens provokes their fulfillment.

Why you shouldn't give watches to older people

Most older people believe that a given watch will keep time until their death. Out of politeness, they will accept such a gift and even use it, but this can lead to dire consequences. You should not give watches to superstitious elderly people. Imagine if the clock suddenly stopped. This may cause your relative to panic, which may subsequently result in a heart attack or exacerbation of the disease.

Should you believe in omens about watches?

As mentioned above, if you believe in a sign, then it will definitely come true. However, it is not so easy to forget once and for all about the ancient superstitions that you have followed for so long and persistently. If we talk about the sign associated with watches, then you can find a way out that will allow you to protect yourself from fulfilling this belief.

It is believed that if a person gives a coin in return for a donated watch, then trouble will pass by.

Don't take watches as something negative. According to this sign, only a gifted watch can bring trouble. And if you buy a watch for yourself, it will only bring you good luck. Our great-grandparents believed that watches could warn of danger. If the arrows stop, something unpleasant may happen.

Today, watches, especially wrist watches, are perceived as an essential item. In everyday affairs and worries, people always try to keep track of their time. This item gives energy and disciplines a person.

Whether you believe in bad omens about watches or not is your choice. Just remember that it is better to believe in what helps you live. Be happy and don't forget to click and

27.03.2014 10:06

They say that what is given is not given. This superstition has become firmly entrenched in the minds of many people. But why can't you give what is given...

Giving an even number of flowers is not allowed. Perhaps this is the most common superstition that almost everyone follows. Where...

Probably everyone has heard that giving a watch is bad, but not many know why. Maybe this is just a superstition that only the naive believe in, or is there some truth to it?

Where did the sign come from that you can’t give a watch?

There are several theories that can answer this question. For example, in the West, clock hands were equated with sharp objects such as knives, forks and others. All of these items fall into the category of bad gifts. Many believed that these gifts had a connection with evil spirits and the person who received them tied it to himself. In addition, the relationship with the donor subsequently deteriorated or some kind of misfortune occurred. There is an opinion among people that sharp objects, including watches, can cut relationships or friendships once and for all.

Another version of the sign, why watches are not given as gifts, came from China. In ancient times, the Chinese believed that when they were given a watch as a gift, they received an invitation to a funeral along with it. In Japan, for example, it is generally believed that a person who wants to give a watch deliberately wishes death to the hero of the occasion. Many people may think that there is absolutely no logic in this, but Eastern culture has its own secrets and mysteries that are incomprehensible to others.

The Eastern sign, why one should not give a watch, was interpreted somewhat differently in our country and has various options:

  1. The gifted clock will count down the time until separation, and when it stops, communication will be terminated forever.
  2. A watch received as a gift starts a specific countdown to the person’s death.

U Slavic peoples This sign has its own meaning: it is believed that such a gift brings pain, disappointment and anxiety into life. Another meaning of the sign says that along with the watch, the giver gives away part of his life. Also, some believe that such a gift can lead to a serious quarrel and even death.

Sign "Giving a watch to a man"

There are many stories that relate to this sign. For example, there is a legend that a girl decided to give her beloved a watch. Before this, there were no quarrels or problems in their couple, but after that the relationship changed dramatically. The power of their love turned out to be enormous, the watch broke and could not be repaired, and as a result, the lovers lived happily ever after. To believe in it or not is the decision of each person.

Who can you give a watch to?

The signs discussed above do not have scientific confirmation, so decide for yourself whether you can give watches to other people. First, you need to understand how such a gift will be received. Maybe the hero of the occasion is superstitious and such a gift will not only ruin his mood, but also his relationship with you.

It’s safe to say that people who collect or simply love watches will be happy with such a gift. To make your watch exclusive and unusual, you can order a special engraving. If you want to be sure that The hero of the occasion will like such a gift, and to make sure that he does not believe in omens, go to the store with him.

What to do if you received a watch as a gift?

If you are superstitious, you don’t need to immediately think that the person wants evil; maybe he simply doesn’t know anything about the superstition that you can’t give a watch, or he simply doesn’t believe in it. And in general, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention.

In addition, there is a way to get rid of the possible negative effect of a gift. To do this, you just need to pay off, that is, pay for the watch. In this case, they will not be considered as a gift, but as purchased. There is no need to give half the value of the gift, a couple of kopecks will be enough.


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