What to do to make carrots sprout quickly. How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly: ways to speed up germination

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At first glance, it seems that sowing carrots is quite easy. But in fact it is not easy, it requires skill and ownership certain rules sowing Let's figure out together how to sow carrots so that they sprout quickly.

Rules for planting carrots

For ease of sowing, it is recommended to mix carrot seeds with dry sand and sow the resulting mixture on a prepared bed. The liquid method has worked well - prepare a starch paste and let it cool. Carrot seeds are poured into it and everything is thoroughly mixed. Sowing can be done through a teapot or a bag with a hole.

Several ways to sow carrots:

There are quite a lot of them, let’s look at the most used ones.

  • The simplest is considered to be dry sowing - scattering seeds into furrows. But at the same time it is quite difficult to maintain the uniformity of their planting. With this method, seedlings appear for a long time, because the seeds have not been pre-swelled. As a rule, this happens after the first rain.
  • The next method is to soak the seeds and germinate them. This method requires watering on the day of planting and thereafter. It is important here that the required percentage of moisture is always maintained in the seeds, otherwise they may die. This method gives quick results on germination.
  • Carrots “in a bag” sprout quickly. During the first thawed patches, a small hole is dug in the area. Carrot seeds are placed in a bag, moistened with water, placed in a hole, covered with earth and covered with snow. In ten days the seeds will hatch. You can take them out, mix them with sand and simply scatter them on the garden bed. The soil is then harrowed and covered with polyethylene. Shoots appear on the fifth day.
  • The next method is quite economical.
    A couple of tablespoons of seeds are mixed with a bucket of sand and the resulting mixture is introduced into the prepared furrows. It is very important that the sand is dry. Otherwise, mixing will be uneven, which will subsequently affect germination. After this, you need to water the beds generously, sprinkle them with a small layer of soil, and you can ignore the carrots until autumn. In this method, thinning can be omitted.

A number of other methods available to everyone

Let's look at them without details, simply listing them:

The seeds are placed in water and sowing is done by sprinkling with the mouth,

mixed method - carrot seeds are mixed with radishes, sand is added and sown evenly,

combining sowing of carrots and onions,

Sofya GusevaRoot vegetables, Vegetable garden

Let's talk about carrots today. Planting carrots in spring, what could be easier, you say. Maybe so, but not everyone grows well.

Why? Let's take a closer look at the intricacies of planting and caring for carrots in the spring. To get good shoots and a rich harvest.

How to plant carrots in spring

Choosing a variety

Let's start with selecting a variety of carrots. I'm sure everyone has their own favorites. I want to look at some varieties.

  1. « Incomparable“- these carrots store well and are delicious. The roots are long and rich in carotene. It germinates well." Nantes 4"- juicy and tasty carrots. Suitable for dense soil. The length of the root crops is 15 cm with a blunt tip. You can sow before winter.” Losinoostrovskaya 13"- delicate taste, juicy. Recommended for baby and baby food. Mid-season carrots, well stored." Shantane 2461» - best variety for winter storage. Large “roots” are suitable for any purpose, good both fresh and cooked.

These are the most famous and common varieties of carrots. Also take into account the ripening time. Plant early varieties for food in summer, and middle and late varieties for storage.

Place for carrots

She loves sunny open spaces. The shade is not for carrots. Grows well after tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, peas, and potatoes.

Does not like to grow after parsley and sorrel.

Sowing dates

I don’t recommend planting carrots very early in the spring; they will lie in cold soil and may take a long time to sprout. The weather should settle down, preferably +15°C during the day, and the soil should warm up to +7-8°C. Usually this is April - early May in middle lane and in the Urals.

It could be mid-May, what the weather will be like. In the southern regions, sowing dates come earlier. Folk signs say: “Aspen and violets have bloomed - it’s time to sow carrots.”

Land preparation

Carrots love loose, light, fertile soil. For spring sowing It’s better to prepare the beds in the fall, and loosen them in the spring and that’s it. Humus and ash are added to the soil when digging. Fresh manure cannot be used.

Carrots are very sensitive to nitrogen fertilizers and quickly accumulate nitrates. The result will be harm, not benefit, from such a harvest. In addition, root crops grow gnarled, and the smell of manure attracts pests.

Seed preparation

Dry seeds should not be planted. You need to soak them in water or dig them into the ground to swell. There is a whole article about accelerating seed germination in detail.

It describes in detail how to increase the germination of “slow-witted seeds” such as carrots, parsley and others.

Sowing carrots

When the time comes, we make furrows in the ridges, water them and sow the seeds. There is no need to sow too thickly; thinning may damage neighboring roots. It is good to maintain a distance of one or two cm.

To do this, the seeds can be glued to thin paper in advance. Ordinary paper is ideal here. toilet paper, and the glue should be made of starch. Since we cannot soak such seeds before planting, be sure to water the furrows well.

Then we cover the crops with humus and water again. For quick emergence of friendly shoots, it is fashionable to cover the bed with covering material, film or old things to retain moisture. After the emergence of shoots, the film and things are removed, and the covering material can be left to reduce watering, especially in dry spring. Also, radishes or lettuce are sown in rows of carrots so that the rows are immediately visible.

Seedling care

The main thing in spring is loosening and thinning carrots. There is no need to postpone this procedure. If you wait until you can eat carrots, the entire harvest will deteriorate.

Carrots grow slower. Literally half a month after germination, pull the carrots for the first time, leave 4 cm between the carrots. Later again until the distance increases to 8 cm, for large varieties up to 15 cm.


Root crops damaged by carrot fly The most important one is the carrot fly. She lays eggs in the ground near young carrots in the spring, and her larvae gnaw tunnels in root crops. The second time the new generation lays eggs is in August.

Carrots then grow poorly, become coarse, tasteless, and are poorly stored. Plantings can be protected. Carry out thinning in the evening and immediately remove the tops from the garden bed so as not to attract carrot flies. You can do the same mixed plantings with onions.

At the same time, they protect each other. The onion fly does not tolerate the smell of carrots, and the carrot fly does not tolerate the smell of onions. Loosening is also a preventive measure against carrot flies; they die in dry soil. Joint planting of onions and carrots If you haven’t managed to protect yourself, you can sprinkle the soil between the rows with ash and tobacco or ground red pepper.

Pests don't like its smell. But it will be expensive for large beds. You can mulch the plantings immediately after germination, gradually adding cover as the carrots grow.

There are many recipes for plant protection in the article about folk methods plant protection.

  • Take your time - wait until the soil warms up a little. Do not sow dry seeds in dry soil! Cover the bed to improve germination. Do not delay thinning, the sooner the better. Use protective measures from carrot fly. Make onion beds nearby, do not leave the tops after thinning near the bed. Mulch and loosening will help to grow good harvest.

I think that all the secrets successful landing and growing carrots in the spring you know. You can read how to plant carrots before winter.

This method gives an early harvest already in June! As already mentioned, growing this root vegetable is easy, but if you know the subtleties of how to plant carrots in the garden, you can achieve better results. To grow a good harvest of carrots, they need to be sown in loose and sufficiently nutritious soil.

Do not apply fresh manure before planting this root crop. Carrots cannot withstand the acid found in fresh manure. It grows well and produces good yields on light loamy and sandy loam soils and peat bogs.

On clayey and waterlogged soils, carrots are not comfortable, and if the moisture stagnates for a long time, the root crops can begin to rot. However, with a lack of moisture, the root crop grows rough and wooden. Normally moist soil is optimal for growing carrots.

Plantings should be watered moderately and regularly. In warm weather sunny weather Young plants are watered 1-2 times a week.

Sow carrot seeds.

  • dig the soil with a shovel to a bayonet depth; break large clods of earth and loosen the soil with a rake; draw grooves with a stick, 3 - 4 cm deep and pour plenty of water on them.

Carrot seeds are small, and if you pour a lot of seeds into a groove, they will sprout thickly and will have to be thinned out. If you pour few seeds, the seeds will not sprout or sprouts will be rare - this is the main difficulty in growing carrots, so we came up with such planting methods as:

  • in granules, mixed, on a ribbon.

Then sprinkle soil on top and pat the plantings, and again water the crops generously. You have to wait quite a long time for carrots to sprout, just like all plants of the umbrella family.

This usually happens after a good rain, apparently the seed needs to be saturated with moisture in order for it to grow. Although in the literature they write that at a temperature of +8°C, carrot shoots appear in 25–30 days). To speed up germination, cover the top of the bed with lutrasil.

Plant carrot seeds in granules.

It is more convenient to sow carrots in granules and subsequently you will not need to thin out the crops if you immediately place the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. From my own experience I will say that planting carrots in granules is much more convenient. You can immediately set the distance between the seeds, and there is no need to weed and thin out the seedlings later.

Kurdyumov recommends leaving a distance of 5 m between carrots and planting them in a zig-zag pattern. Before planting carrots in granules, I read his books and planted them according to his recommendations. I am very pleased with the results. Optimal carrot planting scheme:

  • the distance between grooves is 15 - 20 cm; the distance between seeds is 5 cm.

There is a little trick to planting carrots in granules - you need to water the garden bed generously BEFORE and AFTER planting so that the water soaks the shell and the carrots germinate faster. The method of planting carrots in granules is very convenient.

Later, you don’t need to spend a lot of time weeding the carrot bed. Carrots immediately grow at a certain distance from each other.

Before planting carrots in granules, you need to understand that carrots are umbelliferous plants, which means they take a long time to sprout, about 2 weeks. In order for the seeds to germinate, they must swell and become saturated with water, so they need to be watered, a lot. And if the carrot seed is in a granule, then you need to water it even more so that the shell dissolves and the water reaches the seed. to the contents of the article ^

Mixed planting method with river sand.

Mixed method planting: mix carrot and radish seeds in one bowl, add a little river sand and sow a furrow. Radishes sprout and ripen much earlier than carrots and are gradually eaten, but for carrots there is more space in the row and there is NO need to thin out!!! Radishes can be replaced with any quickly sprouting and ripening plant.

Spinach or lettuce work well. The idea of ​​mixed beds is not new, but it gives good results. Beans and carrots will get along well in the same bed.

Plant the beans side by side in the center of the bed, and the carrots on the sides. You can get several harvests on the same bed if you correctly plan the planting according to the ripening period of the plants. So that one plant replaces another and the garden bed is not empty. Let me remind you that carrots need to be planted near onions to fight pests. But carrots do not like being in the vicinity of related plants, such as umbelliferae.

Planting carrots on tape.

This method of sowing is very convenient - the carrot seeds are located on the tape at a certain distance from each other and you will not need to calculate at what distance to place the seed in the soil. Planting carrots on a tape is very simple - place a tape with seeds in the prepared groove and roll it along its entire length. Then you sprinkle it with earth and compact the plantings (you can pat the top of the furrow sprinkled with earth with a board) and water it; the paper tape decomposes by itself.

How to plant carrots without thinning: choose the planting method either on tape or in granules according to the 5 x 5 cm pattern. To the contents of the article ^

When to plant carrots.

Carrots are a cold-resistant plant with long term growing season, so you can start planting it from the end of April. You can also sow at several planting dates and varieties with different ripening times. For example, you can plant carrots:

  • at the end of April - beginning of May, to receive early harvest and for storage, in May, June, July to obtain early carrots, like pencils for eating, when early plantings ripen for storage, and you can plant carrots before winter, this cold-resistant plant survives the winter well if planted correctly in the fall .

How to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly?

  1. Add compost to the bed, it will make it warm; Water the bed generously before and after sowing; Cover with covering material or polyethylene; Water regularly;

Which carrots to sow?

There are proven varieties and hybrids of carrots with guaranteed germination and delicious sweet fruits. These are hybrids: Viburnum, Canada, Chinese beauty, Kirina; varieties: Pharaoh, Peasant, Naniko, Mo.

  • medium ripening - Baltimore, Supermuscat; late - Giant Ross, Malika.

What variety of carrots to plant in the country - it is best to plant vitamin carrots, they are tasty, the fruits are long with a rounded tip, the yield is good.

Hello, dear guests of the site! Today I will share my experience on the topic how to plant carrots and how to care for it. Basically, all root vegetables, with the exception of radishes, are biennial plants. These include plants such as carrots, beets, celery, radishes, parsley, turnips, rutabaga, etc. Carrots are a cold-resistant plant.

Its seeds germinate rather slowly in dry and cold weather - only on days 14-16. I live in the Middle Volga region and the zoned varieties that I grow are: Nantskaya 4, NIISHCHH336, Shantane 2461. When digging up a plot for carrots in the autumn, I usually I don't bring in fresh ones organic fertilizers, since from experience this reduces the yield of a good commercial harvest, so in the fall I add 20 - 30 grams of superphosphate to the soil, 10 - 15 grams ammonium nitrate and about 10 grams of potassium chloride per square meter beds. To make seedlings appear faster, I soak the seeds in clean water for 2 hours at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. After that, I scatter the seeds on a damp cloth and cover the top with a damp cloth as well.

I keep the seeds at room temperature and occasionally gently mix them. Sometimes I soak the fabric to prevent it from drying out. So I keep the seeds until they are completely swollen and some of the seeds begin to peck.

After that I harden the seeds. To do this, I keep them at a temperature of +2 +3 degrees (under the freezer) for 10 days. Before sowing, I dry the seeds until they begin to crumble and do not stick together.

Then I mix them with sand (1 part seeds - 5 parts sand) for even distribution when sowing. So, the seeds are ready for sowing. Let's move on to the main topic - how to plant carrots and move on to our beds. I cut grooves in the prepared bed with a hoe handle at a distance of about 30 centimeters from each other and water them with water from a large mug.

Then I sow seeds in the furrows, trying to adhere to the norm of 4-5 grams per 10 square meters of beds. Then I sprinkle the seeds loose soil, I make the seeding depth approximately 2 centimeters. I don't recommend it any deeper.

I press the soil above the seeds a little so that it becomes compacted. After the shoots emerge, the row spacing can be loosened a little and lightly mulched with humus. During subsequent loosening, I increase the depth of cultivation between rows to 7-10 centimeters. When our carrots have grown and the first true leaf has formed, I carry out the first thinning of the sowing.

The second is when 4–5 leaves are formed. I make the final distance between plants equal to 4 - 5 centimeters. Approximately on the tenth - fifteenth day after germination, I fertilize the carrots mineral fertilizers(5 grams of ammonium nitrate, 5 grams of potassium chloride, 10 grams of superphosphate per 1 square meter of beds).

A month after the first such feeding, I carry out the second with the same composition. After each watering, I loosen the rows and always mulch them to retain moisture in the soil. I spend about 5 or 6 waterings per season, maintaining soil moisture.

About a month before harvesting, I stop watering completely. I usually harvest the crop in September and put it in storage. And now I invite you to see how the famous gardener and gardener Galina Kizima sows carrots: I told you about how to plant carrots and take care of her, drawing on your experience. If you have any tips and suggestions, please write them in the comments.

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When to plant carrots

Planting carrots

Before purchasing carrot seeds, you need to decide how the carrots will be used. If you plan to eat the root crop in the summer, then it is better to buy seeds early varieties. If carrots are needed for winter consumption, then it is more profitable to purchase seeds of late varieties. The timing of sowing carrots directly depends on the timing of ripening.

  • Early carrots are sown before winter and in the third ten days of April. Mid-ripening carrots are sown in the first ten days of May. Late-ripening carrots are sown from mid to late June. Do not be afraid that the carrots will not have enough time to ripen. At proper cultivation Root vegetables will have time to ripen before October and gain sweetness.

You can plant carrots in different terms. Pre-winter sowing will provide the table with delicious crispy carrots throughout the summer. Regular sowing in May or June will help prepare carrots for the winter.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Planting carrots without problems

Carrots do not sprout immediately, unlike radishes. What is this connected with? Everyone has noticed that carrot seeds have a strong smell.

This smell is given essential oils, permeating the seed coat. Before planting carrots, you need to wash off the essential oils. To do this, pour carrot seeds into a fabric bag or an old sock, tie it and place it in a glass.

They are filled with water at a temperature of 45-50 0C and kept until it cools completely. The water, colored light orange, is drained and the seeds are poured again. The washed seeds are laid out on a dry towel to dry until free-flowing.

Now our seed material is ready for sowing. Before planting carrot seeds, they can be glued to paper strip. A toothpick is immersed in glue, the seeds are caught with it and glued to the paper after 1.5 cm.

How to plant carrots in a row

Planting carrots in spring

Before planting carrots, you need to prepare the ground. From autumn on every quarter. m add 2 kg of rotted humus, half a matchbox of potassium salt and a full Matchbox superphosphate. Doesn't like carrots:

  • manured soil; ash; excess nitrogen;

Carrots like to lay down on hard, compacted soil. In order for the seedlings to grow smoothly, the seeds must be sown at the same depth. To do this, loosen the ground with a flat cutter and lay the board edgewise, forming grooves.

Water each furrow and begin planting carrots. The easiest way is with granulated seeds. The granules are laid out every 5 cm.

Before planting carrots with granules, the beds are spilled with plenty of water so that the granulated shell gets wet. What if you have the most ordinary small seeds? Seed material is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:5 or a special planter is used.

When sowing, try not to thicken the plantings. During the first thinning, by pulling out a weak sprout, we damage the tender roots of neighboring carrots. The sown seeds are sprinkled on top with a centimeter layer of dry soil, compost or vermicompost.

The crops are not watered from above, otherwise a crust will form, making it difficult for the young to germinate. The seeds can be covered with coconut substrate. The briquette is placed in a bucket and filled with water until it swells. Coconut substrate very light and holds moisture well.

Sprouts quickly make their way through it. Seed germination almost doubles. Tip: practice alternating carrot rows with onion plantings every 15 cm.

The onion's scent will repel flies. Planting carrots using the wide-row method. Sowing seeds using the wide-row method has worked well. Furrows 15 cm wide are prepared. A row of onions is planted on the sides to repel carrot flies.

To form a row, place a board on the loosened soil and press down. A kind of rut 4 cm deep should form. Dry or washed seeds are sown in the spilled rows. They are mixed with sand or planted with a special planter. The carrots are covered with dry soil with a layer of 1 cm.

The remaining 3 cm deep rut will be filled with mulch or soil as the roots grow. In the light, the part of the carrot that looks out of the ground turns green, but we don’t need that. How to plant carrots with germinated seeds?

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, carrot seeds are not only soaked in water, but also germinated. They are poured into a sock, soaked in a glass of water and laid out on a damp cloth. Gauze cannot be used - the emerging roots become entangled in its fibers and break off when sowing. Before planting carrots with sprouted seeds, the rows are watered in advance and regularly moistened with a watering can until shoots emerge.

How to plant carrots before winter

Not the easiest way to plant carrots

Many gardeners are hesitant to take risks with carrot seeds, fearing that they will germinate prematurely or freeze. If you sow carrots correctly before winter, you can get fresh vitamins on the table all summer long.

There is only one minus - carrots from winter sowing are not suitable for storage. You will have to eat it all in the summer or freeze it for the winter. The land must be prepared before mid-October. The location is chosen to be horizontal, without slopes, so that the seeds are not washed away by spring floods.

The soil is plowed, fertilizers are applied and rows are cut to a depth of 4 cm. It is advisable to cover the furrows with film and press them around the perimeter with boards so that rainwater did not wash away the seed. In mid-November, when the ground is already frozen, dry carrot seeds mixed with radish or lettuce seeds are sown.

These crops will sprout earlier and mark the location of the carrot rows. The seeds are covered with peat, humus or dry sifted soil prepared in advance. The seeds cannot be washed or moistened, otherwise they will die.

Also, you should not sow seeds in wet soil - the carrot seeds will germinate and the seedlings will die. Now you know how to plant carrots correctly. Choose a method you like and get down to business.

Before purchasing carrot seeds, you need to decide how the carrots will be used. If you plan to eat the root crop in the summer, then it is better to buy seeds of early varieties. If carrots are needed for winter consumption, then it is more profitable to purchase seeds of late varieties.

The timing of sowing carrots directly depends on the timing of ripening.

  • Early carrots are sown before winter and in the third ten days of April.
  • Mid-ripening carrots in the first ten days of May.
  • Late-ripening carrots are sown from mid to late June. Do not be afraid that the carrots will not have enough time to ripen. If grown correctly, root vegetables will have time to ripen before October and gain sweetness.

You can plant carrots at different times. Pre-winter sowing will provide the table with delicious crispy carrots throughout the summer. Regular sowing in May or June will help prepare carrots for the winter.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Carrots do not sprout immediately, unlike radishes. What is this connected with? Everyone has noticed that carrot seeds have a strong smell. This smell comes from essential oils that permeate the seed coat. Before planting carrots, you need to wash off the essential oils. To do this, pour carrot seeds into a fabric bag or an old sock, tie it and place it in a glass. They are filled with water at a temperature of 45-50 0 C and kept until it cools completely. The water, colored light orange, is drained and the seeds are poured again. The washed seeds are laid out on a dry towel to dry until free-flowing. Now our seed material is ready for sowing.

Before planting carrot seeds, you can stick them on a paper strip. A toothpick is immersed in glue, the seeds are caught with it and glued to the paper after 1.5 cm.

How to plant carrots in a row

Before planting carrots, you need to prepare the ground. From autumn on every quarter. m, add 2 kg of rotted humus, half a matchbox of potassium salt and a full matchbox of superphosphate. Doesn't like carrots:

  • manured soil;
  • lime;
  • ash;
  • excess nitrogen;

Carrots like to lay down on hard, compacted soil. In order for the seedlings to grow smoothly, the seeds must be sown at the same depth. To do this, loosen the ground with a flat cutter and lay the board edgewise, forming grooves. Water each furrow and begin planting carrots. The easiest way is with granulated seeds. The granules are laid out every 5 cm. Before planting carrots with granules, the beds are spilled generously with water so that the granulated shell gets wet.

What if you have the most ordinary small seeds? Seed material is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:5 or a special planter is used. When sowing, try not to thicken the plantings. During the first thinning, by pulling out a weak sprout, we damage the delicate roots of neighboring carrots.

The sown seeds are sprinkled on top with a centimeter layer of dry soil, compost or vermicompost. Do not water the crops from above, otherwise a crust will form, making it difficult for the young to germinate.

Seeds can be planted with coconut substrate. The briquette is placed in a bucket and filled with water until it swells. Coconut substrate is very light and holds moisture well. Sprouts quickly make their way through it. Seed germination almost doubles.

Tip: practice alternating rows of carrots with planting onions every 15 cm. Onions will repel flies with their smell.

Planting carrots using the wide-row method. Sowing seeds using the wide-row method has worked well. Furrows 15 cm wide are prepared. A row of onions is planted on the sides to repel carrot flies. To form a row, place a board on the loosened soil and press down. A kind of rut 4 cm deep should form.

Dry or washed seeds are sown in spilled rows. They are mixed with sand or planted with a special planter. The carrots are covered with dry soil with a layer of 1 cm. The remaining rut, 3 cm deep, will be filled with mulch or soil as the root crops grow. In the light, the part of the carrot that looks out of the ground turns green, but we don’t need that.

How to plant carrots with germinated seeds? To speed up the emergence of seedlings, carrot seeds are not only soaked in water, but also germinated. They are poured into a sock, soaked in a glass of water and laid out on a damp cloth. Gauze cannot be used - the emerging roots become entangled in its fibers and break off during sowing.

Before planting carrots with sprouted seeds, the rows are watered in advance and regularly moistened with a watering can until shoots emerge.

How to plant carrots before winter

Many gardeners are hesitant to take risks with carrot seeds, fearing that they will germinate prematurely or freeze. If you sow carrots correctly before winter, you can get fresh vitamins on the table all summer long. There is only one minus - carrots from winter sowing are not suitable for storage. You'll have to eat it all in the summer or freeze it for the winter.

The land must be prepared by mid-October. The location is chosen to be horizontal, without slopes, so that the seeds are not washed away by spring floods. The soil is plowed, fertilizers are applied and rows are cut to a depth of 4 cm. It is advisable to cover the furrows with film and press them around the perimeter with boards so that rainwater does not wash away the seed.

In mid-November, when the ground is already frozen, dry carrot seeds mixed with radish or lettuce seeds are sown. These crops will sprout earlier and mark the location of the carrot rows. The seeds are covered with peat, humus or dry sifted soil prepared in advance.

Do not wash or moisten the seeds, otherwise they will die. Also, you should not sow seeds in wet soil - the carrot seeds will germinate and the seedlings will die.

Now you know how to plant carrots correctly. Choose a method you like and get down to business.

Carrots are different in that their seeds take a long time or have trouble germinating. It is clear that this cannot suit vegetable growers. Therefore, many of them are interested in the question of how to plant carrots in their beds so that they sprout quickly. Learn about pre-sowing treatment methods, sowing rules and accelerating their germination after it.

Carrots are one of those plants whose seeds quickly lose their viability. Based on this, the best ones for sowing are those collected last season. But they are also suitable for sowing 2-3 years ago (if proper storage in a dry and cool place). But even fresh seeds do not have 100% germination, so you need to take this into account.

Quality seed material depends on the origin of the seeds. If they are purchased in stores, then you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Many companies are known in the market as reliable, so it is recommended to buy their products. If seed material is collected from your own plants, then you need to select the best large specimens.

In addition to the quality and freshness of seeds, germination rates are affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment in which they will germinate. Also important is the quality of the soil used for cultivation, the depth to which the seeds were buried for sowing, the mode of watering and lighting.

So, when favorable conditions, carrot shoots may appear on the surface of the beds approximately 2 weeks after sowing. If it is cold, they may appear after 3-4 weeks. The long germination time is explained by the fact that carrot seeds contain essential oils.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

In order for carrot seeds to germinate better, they must first be prepared for sowing. There are 2 effective methods, with which you can speed up the germination of carrot seeds.


This method allows you to speed up the germination of carrot seeds and get them sprouting a week earlier than usual. The principle of bubbling is to soak the seeds for some time in water through which air passes. To do this, use an aquarium compressor or a car pump.

The process itself goes as follows: warm water is poured into the container, the compressor or pump is lowered so that the air reaches the bottom. Add a little liquid complex fertilizer and seeds to the container. Processing time is ¾-1 day, but if the shell on the seeds begins to burst, bubbling should be stopped. After completing the procedure, the carrot seeds need to be removed from the water, dried a little and can be sown in the soil.

Soaking in water

This is a simpler method, but its principle remains almost the same as the previous one - essential oils are washed out of seeds soaked in water (they prevent rapid access of moisture to the embryo and delay germination) and they receive an incentive to germinate earlier than those not soaked. Germination is simple - you just need to soak the seeds in warm water and change it every 4 hours. The total duration of the procedure is 2 days. Thanks to this germination, carrot seeds germinate within 5-7 days after planting.

Soil and bed preparation

The soil that carrots love is fertile, light and loose. It is better if it is sandy loam or light black soil. In heavier soil - loams and especially clays - such root crops grow worse, vegetables are smaller and uneven. If this is the kind of soil on the site, even before sowing the seeds it is necessary to improve it - dig it up and add sand or rotted sawdust in a larger quantity, the clayier the soil. If the soil is acidic, it must be neutralized by adding lime.

Preparation of any site should include:

  • cleaning up all unnecessary plant material left over from the previous crop;
  • deep autumn digging of the earth;
  • fertilizing it with humus and ash or mineral fertilizers.

In the spring, you also need to dig up the beds again, level the surface and cut planting grooves and additionally water them. If fertilizers were not applied in the fall, then this can be done in the spring, but in this case it is preferable to use mixtures of a mineral nature.

Carrots germinate best in soil that is warm, sun-warmed, but still moist enough to contain enough moisture for carrot plants to develop normally. If spring is cold and damp, then the soil can be warmed up artificially by placing film on top of the beds for several days. Under it, the soil will warm up faster and become suitable for sowing.

Rules for planting carrots

Carrot seeds are quite small, so to evenly distribute them on the beds, you can resort to some simple ways. For example, dried seeds are mixed with coarse, slightly damp sand: take a liter jar of sand for 10 g of seeds, mix well and scatter evenly over the grooves with a pumping motion of the hand. From above everything is covered with a small layer of soil and peat.

For uniform and rapid germination, you can sow carrots on paper tape. In this form, they are easier to lay out on the beds, so you can save money planting material and do not thin out the sprouts in the future.

There is another, less common, way - brew a liquid paste, pour it into a bottle, pour seeds into it and shake. Then pour the mixture evenly into the grooves. Regardless of which method is chosen, carrots need to be sown to a depth of 2 cm on average so that they germinate quickly. The interval between rows is 15-20 cm, between plants after thinning an average of 5 cm.

Ways to speed up germination after planting

As you know, all plants love warmth, even the most cold-resistant ones, including carrots. After sowing, the carrot plot is covered with film or agrofibre so that the seedlings appear as early as possible and the soil does not dry out.

Caring for sown seeds also has its own characteristics. For example, it is best to water the beds before germination and with young shoots using a small watering can with a fine-mesh nozzle. This way the water pressure will be minimal and will not wash small seeds deep into the soil.

Before the shoots appear, you need to make sure that the soil remains moist - a plant that has just begun to grow is sensitive to drying out, which can cause it to die. Therefore, timely watering is the key to the appearance of strong, friendly carrot shoots.

Carrot - unusual and very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and microelements. Quite often, even experienced gardeners ask themselves questions: do they need to soak carrot seeds, how to do it correctly so that carrots sprout quickly? In fact, it is very easy to grow a bright red root vegetable on a plot; the most important thing is to choose good seeds and properly prepare them for disembarkation.

Basic ways to plant carrots

Most often, carrots are planted in the spring, as soon as the first snow melts.

Important! In order to ensure a good harvest and seedlings, high-quality preparation of carrot seeds for planting is necessary.

How to prepare carrot seeds?

Processing carrot seeds before planting is no different from preparing other crops. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out a number of general procedures that will promote the growth of this colorful root vegetable.

Will definitely help speed up the germination process proper preparation and processing of carrots before planting. The most important thing when preparing seeds is to saturate them with moisture, give them the opportunity to swell and hatch. The better the processing, the better the result. There are many interesting options, each of which is verified experienced gardeners and is ready to defend its advantages. How to soak carrot seeds before planting and how to saturate them with useful elements?


You should take a large jar (about 3 liters), fill it with clean warm water, pour the seeds inside and mix thoroughly. Next, a device for saturating the water with oxygen is lowered into the jar, turned on and left for about a day. Afterwards, the liquid is drained onto gauze, and the vegetable is wrapped in a clean fabric bag and left in the refrigerator for three to five days. Then the treated bag is opened and the seeds are taken out, which need to be dried well. This treatment of carrot seeds allows you to saturate them with oxygen, which greatly accelerates the process of the appearance of the first shoots.

"Carrots in a bag"

The essence of this method is as follows: take a small bag of fabric, pour seeds into it and moisten it with water. And in the spring, as soon as the first snow melts, they dig a small hole in the ground and put a soaked bag there. Next, the hole is simply covered with snow and left for 7-10 days. If everything is done correctly, then in about ten days the carrots will swell and hatch. The seeds will need to be removed from the hole, lightly mixed with river sand and scatter over the prepared soil. Planting carrots also needs to be treated with due care and be sure to cover the bed with film. This method will help carrots sprout in less than a week.


Ready-made pelleted seeds can be purchased at garden stores, or you can make the coating yourself. Home pelleting of carrot seeds occurs three to five days before the intended planting.

To process carrot seeds, take one or two teaspoons of dry carrot seeds and pour them into a liter container. Next, one glass of dry peat powder and one glass of humus are mixed in a separate container. One or two tablespoons of the mixture are added to the jar with the vegetable. The container is tightly closed with film and a lid. The container must be shaken for about two to three minutes, and then all operations must be repeated: add the mixture and shake well several more times. This stage is called granulation.

After the vegetable is covered nutrients, it needs to be poured onto a thick cloth and allowed to dry. This method of processing grains before planting requires time and care when performing, but it is very effective because it opens beneficial features carrot seeds before planting, fills them with nutrients and covers them containment. This a great opportunity making sowing much easier.


A simple and easy method for preparing carrot seeds is soaking. Soaking carrot seeds before sowing is not labor-intensive and is necessary for certain time Soak the seeds in a nutrient solution. It is more convenient to soak carrots at the end of winter in order to plant them in the beds in the spring.

IN general view you will need any container, carrot seeds and actually nutrient solution. There are many recipes for such solutions, here are a few basic ones:

  • mix a teaspoon of Effekton-O with warm water (about a liter);
  • mix a teaspoon of “Potassium Humate” or “Sodium Humate” concentrate with warm water (about a liter);
  • dilute wood ash in the same proportion (teaspoon per bucket);
  • add 20 drops of aloe leaf juice to a liter of water.

When the nutrient solution is ready, the carrots, wrapped in cloth bags, are lowered into the container. Soaking usually lasts one day. Afterwards, the soaked bag is taken out, the seeds are washed and sent in a wet cloth for 3 - 5 days. refrigerator. Before sowing, the grains are removed from the refrigerator, transferred to dry gauze and dried.

Soaking carrot seeds before sowing increases the germination rate.

Soaking carrots in vodka

Soaking carrot seeds in vodka is quite unusual way increase germination rate. How to soak? It is necessary to wrap the grains in a clean fabric bag and dip it in vodka for ten minutes. During this short time, vodka dissolves almost all essential oils, which, according to nature’s plan, should protect the seed until it enters the soil. Then you need to rinse the bag very well in cool water, removing any remaining vodka. After this, the grains should be allowed to dry and sown in the usual way. This method ensures good seedlings within a couple of days.

To ensure uniform and high-quality germination, preparing carrot seeds for sowing is very important. Experienced summer residents know how difficult it is to plant and care for dry carrots without additional processing. Moreover, without preparation, grains germinate only after two to three weeks, and sometimes even more. This is why high-quality preparation for planting is an extremely important undertaking, especially in the spring, when it is cold and dry. Whether carrot seeds need to be soaked or other processing methods can be used – everyone decides for themselves. If you know exactly what to do with the seeds and how to plant them correctly, the harvest will meet even the most incredible expectations.


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