What is the game Minecraft? What is Minecraft: where to start.

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This is a sandbox-like game in which you can build. Currently under development. Developed by Markus Persson, aka "Notch". The game was intended to be a clone of Infiniminer, although Persson wants the gameplay to be more similar to Dwarf Fortress.

In Survival mode, the main objective is to build and earn points, but it also includes a number of additional functions. These include the presence of hostile monsters, as well as the need to collect resources for the construction of structures and materials for forging work tools and protection from monsters.

Game modes

Currently, Minecraft has two game modes - Construction (Classic) and Survival (Survival). Additional game modes such as Zombie Siege (a variation on the survival theme), Adventure and Capture the Flag are currently in the planning stages.


To play in construction mode, just download the game client and register on the official website. Or you can play directly in the browser. Notch made this mode free and has no plans to develop it further.

In construction mode, the player is given a series of preset blocks, such as earth, stone, colored fabrics, wood or metal, and can build with them whatever they want and create something like 3D pixel art. In this game mode there is no need to collect resources or defend yourself from hostile creatures, and there is no threat of death (for example, you cannot drown or fall to your death from a height). It also has a multiplayer mode.


Survival mode can only be played by players who have purchased the game (€14.95 for Beta version). Notch is actively working on this mode and regularly improving it, patches are released every 3 weeks.

In Survival mode, like in Construction mode, the main objective is to build, but it also includes a number of additional functions. These include the presence of hostile monsters, as well as the need to obtain resources to build structures and materials to create tools and weapons for work and protection from monsters.

Mobs are only present in survival mode. Players can extract resources from them. Mobs are divided into two types based on their relationship to the player: neutral and hostile. Unlike most games where mobs are independent of the player, here all mobs exist only within a certain radius from him (in multiplayer from all players), so if the player moves too far from the mob, it will disappear. This may be done to improve game performance. New mobs are periodically randomly generated around the player (at some distance from him). Hostile mobs are generated where there are no light sources. Neutral mobs, on the contrary, are generated where there is light.


Neutral mobs only appear during the day; at night they come into the light, usually surrounding the player's house.

Chicken is the smallest mob in the game, measuring 1x1 block. Appears only on ground covered with grass. Sometimes lays eggs. By killing a chicken, you can get 0-2 feathers.

The cow is the most durable neutral mob. Has a tendency to appear in groups of 3-5 individuals at once. If you use a bucket on a cow, the player will receive a bucket of milk (used to make a cake). By killing a cow, you can get 0-2 hides.

The pig is the only neutral mob from which you can get food. Appears only on ground covered with grass. Like a cow, it tends to appear in groups of 3-5 individuals at once. By killing a pig, you can get 0-2 meat.

A sheep is a mob that, by hitting it, you can collect 1-3 units of wool, after which the sheep walks naked for some time. There is no point in killing a sheep.

Zombie Pig is a 1x2 block sized upright walking mob that lives in the Nether. They walk in packs of 4-10, attacking only if the player hits one of the pack. By killing a zombie pig you can get 0-2 fried meat and 0-2 feathers.

Squid is currently the only mob that lives in water. Appears in bodies of water at least 1 cube deep and 2 cube wide. Upon death, 0-6 ink sacs drop out.

Wolf - was added to the game in update 1.4. Currently the only mob that can be tamed. Wolves can spawn in taiga and forest biomes. Wild wolves are usually neutral, but hitting a wolf once makes it and the entire pack become hostile.

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?


What is Minecraft?

What is Minecraft?

Hostile mobs only appear at night or during dark places. To avoid the appearance of hostile mobs in his house, the player needs to place light sources throughout his territory.

The Creeper is a green mob measuring 1x2 blocks with four legs. Actually a symbol of the game. The only mob that does not make any sounds in its normal state, which is why it is very dangerous - it silently creeps up on an unsuspecting player and begins to hiss for about a second, after which it explodes, destroying nearby blocks. The explosion of a creeper close to the player takes away all 10 life points, that is, it is fatal to a player without armor. By killing a creeper without an explosion, the player can receive 0-2 gunpowder. Can be electrified if it is struck by lightning. Then the damage from its explosion will increase. There is also a possibility that a record with music will fall out of the creeper (you can listen to it in the player) provided that the skeleton kills him.

The Spider is the only 2x1 mob that can crawl into low crevices and climb walls. The spider attacks the player while jumping, so it is easy to fight off it by simply swinging your sword. In sunlight, spiders become passive and do not attack the player first. By killing a spider, you can get 0-2 ropes. The spider can also be classified as a neutral mob, since during the day it goes into a passive state and attacks only in response.

Skeleton Spider Riders - act as two different mobs, with different health. They can shoot and hit in close combat.

Zombie is a rather weak mob, has the same model and size as the player, but with green skin. It is relatively dangerous, as it is slow and attacks only in close combat. Makes characteristic moans. In sunlight it lights up and dies. By killing zombies, you can get 0-2 feathers.

The skeleton is a dangerous mob, identical in size to the player, but gray and bony. Possesses an endless supply of arrows that shoots at the player. Due to its long-range attack, it poses a great danger, as it can attack the player even through cracks inaccessible to other mobs. Each hit from his arrow removes 2 life points. In sunlight it lights up and dies. By killing a skeleton you can get 0-2 arrows and 0-2 bones

This list contains terms related to the game along with a brief explanation of them. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order.


  • AFK- this message in the chat means that the player has moved away from the computer.
  • Altitude- height relative to the bottom boundary of the game world. For example, the altitude of bedrock is 0–5, and the altitude of diamond ore is 2–16.
  • AMC- administrative and moderating staff, that is, administrators and moderators in general.
  • Update- update, in our case mods.


  • Bug- an error, defect or failure that can lead to an emergency termination of the game/server with possible serious consequences.
  • bobbing- a system of animations that ensure the screen sways while the player moves.


  • Wipe- complete removal of the game map (all buildings, blocks, etc.), i.e. the card is deleted and a new one is generated in its place.
  • Warp- a public point for teleportation to a specific place in the game world.


  • Hyde or tutorial- educational article, guide.
  • GreenPeace- a union of players clearing the map of garbage and ugly buildings. Thanks to them, the world becomes cleaner and wipes become much less frequent. They have the right to put players in prison and view information about blocks.
  • Griefer- this is the name of a player who, for fun, to spite others, or just for profit, tries to create conflict situation, harm other players by destroying their buildings, killing livestock, stealing things from the house, and so on. Killing a player is not griefing and the things of the killed player are not returned to him. If you don't want people to kill you, turn off PvP!


  • Dungeon- treasury.
  • Drop or loot- these are things that fall out after destroying a block, killing a mob or a player.
  • Dupe- a bug in the game that allows the player to clone things he has. Dupe is a serious violation of the rules and if you do not report it to the administration (privately), you can get a lifelong ban.


  • Event- see Event


  • Caps- a message or word written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Craft- the process (method) of creating objects and blocks in the game, presented in the form of placing other blocks or things in a certain sequence in a crafting grid.


  • Lag- delay, jerky movement - a delay in the server's response to the player's actions when the connection between the computer and the server is lost. They should not be confused with bugs and glitches. Lags can occur due to low Internet speed (when, for example, many network programs are running, such as Skype, Opera, ICQ, etc.). To reduce lag, try reducing the view range in the game settings (sometimes it helps). If lags appear only on you, then the server has nothing to do with it and it is not he who is lags.
  • Launcher- a small program that just launches the client and, if necessary, downloads/updates it. The launcher is also necessary for authorization in order to get rid of the annoying /login and /register commands.
  • LMB- left mouse button.


  • Marauding- griefing during an active bug (for example, during a private meeting).
  • Multi-account- registration of two or more accounts for one person.
  • Mut- punishment for violating chat rules (swearing, insults, caps), which does not allow the player to send messages to the chat.


  • Rollback- loading an older version of a certain section of the map or the entire map as a whole from a saved server database. The rollback occurs for technical (abnormal computer power outage) or gaming (attack by griefers) reasons. You can also rollback a specific player: all broken and installed blocks will return to their places.


  • RMB- right mouse button.
  • Plugin- modification, improvement, mainly used to introduce new functions to the server without affecting the client.


  • Region- enclosed territory. A selected region is a zone highlighted by a grid that needs to be private (removed with the //sel command).


  • Skin- the appearance of the player, his appearance.
  • Screenshot- screenshot. In the game it is created by pressing the F2 key and saved to the screenshots folder, which is located in the client folder (%appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots or C:\OnlyMinecraft\ClientName\screenshots).
  • Spawn- on servers this is the main starting point where new players appear and to which you can freely teleport.
  • Splif- a kind of sport in Minecraft. Players are located on a platform that is located above the surface of the earth. The players' task is to destroy the platform blocks so that other players fall down. Installation of new blocks is prohibited.
  • Stack- one cell completely filled with one or another item or block in the player’s inventory or chest (usually 64 units).


  • TP- teleportation.
  • TPS- the number of ticks performed by the server per second. An excellent indicator is 20 (complete absence of lags). On OnlyMC you can find out using the /tps command. If the indicator is less than 15, lags will appear on the server.


  • FPS- number of frames per second. The higher this indicator, the “smoother” the image on the screen changes.
  • Flood- messages that do not make sense. AMC can give a player who is flooding a mute.


  • Home- teleportation point using the /home command, which is created with the /sethome command.
  • HWID- unique computer hardware number. If you ban based on the HWID of a player’s computer, changing his nickname or IP will not help him. To be extra sure, the nickname, IP and subnet are banned simultaneously with the HWID.


  • Chunk- unit of game space. The dimensions of one chunk are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long and 256 blocks high. They are loaded as the player moves and depend on the view range set in the game settings: the larger it is, the more chunks are loaded and the more glitches and lags the player experiences.
  • Cheat- client modification that gives an unfair advantage to one player over others. This is a kind of way to play a dishonest game while getting benefits.


  • Event- a competition, match or competition between players for victory and receiving prizes.
minecraft- lit. "Miner's Craft") is a computer game with a first-person view. In style, the game world consists entirely of blocks (landscape, objects, mobs, player), and low-resolution textures (16x16 texels) are used for texturing.

For a long time it was in a state of alpha and beta testing and on November 18, 2011, at the Minecon parade, the official release of the game was released.

Minecraft is available for Windows, Linux, OS X, XBox 360, Android and iOS.


Game modes

Currently Minecraft has four game modes: Creative (eng. Creative), Adventure (English) Adventure), Hardcore (English) Hardcore) and Survival Survival).

Initially, the game was sold with a free lifetime update, but on December 20, 2010, with the transition to the Beta stage, the game became paid, again, with a lifetime update. The cost of the game during the beta testing period was reduced by 25% and amounted to 14.95 Euros.

When did it come out? full version(Release), this price has increased to 19.95 Euro.

After version 1.3.2 (Release), the price began to be indicated in dollars.


To play Creative mode(better known as Creative) no need to purchase the game. The game takes place directly in the browser or in the game client for premium players (while playing in the browser, more old version games, the following mostly describes the advantages of the client version).

The mode differs from “survival” in that you cannot die (the exception is falling into the Void), you can fly (the exception is free version Classic), and all blocks (except for some, for example, the mob spawner) are available in unlimited quantities. The player can also break any block with one blow.

Creative mode gives you enormous freedom for creativity. In this mode, the player is given an unlimited number of all blocks that are present in the game (with the exception of technical and some other blocks). Also in this mode, the player can build whatever he wants from blocks and can create something like three-dimensional pixel art.


In Survival mode, like Creative mode, the main objective is construction, but there are also a number of additional difficulties included. There are health and hunger scales, inventory; To place a block, you must first mine it. You can use craft. The player doesn’t just build, he tries to survive on an uninhabited land, where he also needs to get food. The day lasts only 10 minutes - as soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon, various monsters try to attack the player, but this is corrected by changing the difficulty level to peaceful. Therefore, the first task on the first day is to build a home for yourself. If the player dies, he will be reborn at the bed in which he slept last time. In this case, all things that were in the inventory (as well as part of the experience) will fall out at the place of death. They will remain there for 5 minutes, after which they will disappear (like any thrown block or arrow). Also, with update 1.2, the habits of zombies have been changed: they can break wooden doors(at Hard difficulty level), after update 1.4, zombies, in rare cases, can pick up your things, be it armor, a sword or some other item.


The mode differs slightly from the "Survival" mode. The player has only one life pool. When the player dies, the world is deleted. You cannot change the difficulty, but mob spawning depends on whether Peaceful is enabled in the general settings for all saves. You can do Hardcore Creative or Hardcore Adventure. Also, with update 1.2, the habits of zombies have been changed: they can break down wooden doors. In survival they can do the same.


A new mode that was added in the preliminary version 12w22a (to 1.3.1). Initially, in 1.3, it was impossible to place or break blocks in it. In the Pretty Scary Update, installing blocks was allowed, but breaking can now only be the right tool, and not all of it.


Perhaps in the future there will be new modes, such as Zombie Siege (Russian Zombie Siege), Capture the Flag (Russian Capture the Flag)

Types of Worlds

There are three types of worlds in the game.

Regular: a world type that is more simulating earth's surface, there are elevation changes, dungeons, ores, rocks, mountains, etc.

Superflat: flat surface, consists of customizable layers. Biomes and structures are also customizable. Before the Pretty Scary Update, it could not be customized, the template was the same everywhere (bedrock, two layers of earth and grass), there was always one biome (plain), only NPC villages were generated.

Large Biomes: A world type that was added in the 12w19a preview (to 1.3.1). It differs from the “Normal” world type in that the biomes are increased in size.

Monsters (Mobs)

Players can extract resources from them. Mobs are divided into 5 types: friendly, hostile, neutral, tamed and created. Unlike most games where mobs are independent of the player, here all mobs exist only within a certain radius from him (in multiplayer from all players), so if the player moves too far from the mob, it will disappear. This is done to improve game performance. New mobs are periodically randomly generated around the player (at some distance from him). Hostile mobs are generated in dimly lit or unlit areas.

Two groups immediately include: spiders (during the day, spiders are neutral and attack only for the sake of self-defense, and at night they attack the player.) and iron golems (they can be created by both the player and NPC villagers. If the player created an iron golem, then the golem will not attack anyone under what conditions, and if the golem was created by NPC residents, then when the player tries to hit the resident, the golem will go to defense.)

  • Friendly mobs include: cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, octopuses, villagers, the bats and ocelots. They do not attack even if attacked.
  • neutral mobs include: zombie pigs, wolves, spiders (during the day), iron golems, land wanderers. They become hostile if they are attacked, looked into the eyes at night without a pumpkin on their head (Edge Wanderers) or disturbed by villagers (iron golems).
  • Hostile mobs include: zombies, skeletons, skeleton riders, spiders (at night), creepers, ghasts, slugs, lava cubes, silverfish, ifrits, wither skeleton, witch, wither (Boss), Ender dragon (Boss). They always attack the player themselves as soon as they notice him. IN Creative mode all hostile mobs become neutral, except for the Enderdragon (End Dragon) - he is still hostile and slugs - they are friendly.
  • Domestic mobs include: cats (Siamese, red and black; they are tamed ocelots) and a tamed wolf. Wolves fight all mobs, except creepers, that try to attack the player, and cats scare away creepers.
  • The created mobs include: iron golem, snowman, wither (Boss).

Red stone (Redstone)

In order to make buildings interactive, “Red Stone” was added. It is mined from ore and can be used to create circuits. When mined, it disintegrates into dust. The red stone allows you to implement various logical elements, for example, “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”, which allows you to create, theoretically, any digital circuit.


  • Materials- items that are used by the player only for crafting objects or blocks that do not exist in nature. Materials can be divided into different categories: crafting, mining (for example, from mobs) and ore smelting;
  • Tools- items used by the player to interact with environment(for example, a pickaxe is needed to dig stone and stone blocks, a bucket is needed to carry liquids);
  • Food- food (for example, pork or beef) is required by the player to survive. Food can be obtained by killing mobs (cows, chickens, pigs) and catching fish in lakes, seas and oceans using a fishing rod. To avoid accidental poisoning from raw food, it must be fried in the oven. Rotten flesh, which drops when killing zombies, cannot be fried, so the player who eats it will receive the “Hunger” effect (with a probability of 80%);
  • Armor (armor)- armor temporarily(until worn out) protects the player from any type of damage. Armor can be made of leather, iron, gold and diamonds. A complete set of armor consists of helmet, cuirass, leggings And boot;
  • Scenery- a type of items that have no household use and serve only to decorate the environment (for example, a painting).


lower world


Overworld mobs can enter the nether world. This feature appeared in one of the “snapshots”. The lower world has its own mobs, which normal conditions don't appear anywhere else. The exception is the Pig Zombie: it appears when a pig is struck by lightning in the overworld.

  • Ghasts are flying mobs measuring 4x4x4 blocks. They look like giant cubes with several tentacles at the bottom. Usually they fly under the very ceiling of the lower world, emitting terrible groans, but when the player approaches, they begin to attack him with fireballs, which explode on impact. They can be beaten back, but this requires skill. Ghasts do not burn when struck by lava, and when struck they emit loud screams that can greatly frighten an unprepared player. Once a ghast is destroyed, it may drop gunpowder and a ghast tear.
  • Pig Zombies (Zombie Pig People) are neutral mobs, often found in groups of 4-10 individuals. If you hit at least one, the entire group within a radius of 32 blocks from the attacked zombie pig will rush to protect a friend. Killed zombie pigs drop rotten flesh and a gold nugget. If you don't touch them for a while, they will stop being aggressive towards the player.
  • Ifrits are flying hostile mobs that appear only from the spawner in the infernal fortress, “charge” for a while, and then shoot three balls at the player, setting him on fire. When killed by a player (not just when killed), an efreet rod may fall out of the efreet. Ifrits also take damage from water and thrown snowballs.
  • Lava cubes are hostile mobs. They are very similar to their counterparts from the ordinary world - slugs, but they also have differences. Lava cubes differ from other mobs in that they cannot suffocate in liquid. Killed lava cubes drop a magma clot.


The Edge is the third dimension in Minecraft, which was introduced in update 1.0.0. It became a substitute for the supposed Heavenly world. This dimension is the habitat of the Ender Wanderers and the Ender Dragon. Is the location for the final boss battle - the Ender Dragon. To get to the world of the edge, you need to find an underground fortress. To find it, you need the Eye of the Edge (flies to the portal to the Edge). In the Land, you cannot light a portal to the Lower World.

Additional features

Making potions

Potions are an item obtained through potion making and have specific effects on players and mobs in Minecraft. Were added in update 1.0.0.

Potions are created at the brewing stand. To create, you will need a flask with water and ingredients.

Exploding potions are a type of potion that can be thrown as weapons. The player can turn any brewed potion into an explosive potion by adding gunpowder to it. Their flasks have a different shape from the original, they more closely resemble retort-type flasks. Exploding potions can be released from the dispenser. Their effects affect both aggressive and passive mobs. This gives the use of negative potions as weapons against enemies, although some mobs are immune to certain effects. Positive potions can be used, for example, to heal a tamed wolf or livestock.


Enchanting is the process of enchanting weapons, tools or armor, after which the item receives special bonuses. To enchant an item, you will need a magic table and experience sufficient for this spell, as well as bookcases next to the table to access spells high level. Notch mentioned that enchanting will happen in three stages and the bonus will depend on the spell chosen, but there will also be some element of randomness added. Each spell costs the player several levels of experience, but allows you to enchant armor, weapons and tools, making them more powerful, more durable and giving them additional properties. The enchanted object glitters and shimmers like a golden apple.


In December 2009, Markus Persson, or "Notch", allowed those who pre-purchased the game to play a more recent (and potentially unstable) version Minecraft, dubbed "Indev". Indev later moved into the Infdev stage - with a practically infinite map, and then into Alpha. On December 20, 2010, Minecraft entered Beta. Beta also has multiplayer, but it is not finalized and has many bugs. At this point, the official release of the game has already been released.

After the restoration of the payment system, which fell on September 18, 2010, more than 11,000 people bought the game within 24 hours, having been waiting for this opportunity for 5 days. . Despite the absence advertising campaign, the game's popularity is growing. As of April 2011, about 12-13 thousand people purchase the game every day.

In April 2011, Notch stated that Minecraft will move from the beta testing stage to the release stage on 11/11/11. But then it turned out that the release would take place at MineCon in Las Vegas on 11/18/11. However, he stated that “the version we call “full” will not be much different from the version a week ago, as we will continue to add various possibilities; This is rather a historical moment when we can get rid of the “beta” label, and a kind of goal towards which we will strive.” Game updates are also released after its release.

Minecraft goes through quite a long development cycle. The game is constantly being updated and will continue to be updated after release. At the moment, testing of the game has been completed, and the game is in the post-release stage.


This version was published on May 17, 2009 and is available in Creative and Survival modes (as Survival Test). At this stage the gameplay is completely different. Many functions are not implemented. However, this version added a multiplayer mode that allowed players to collaborate and build together. Players can play it, it will remain as a historical value.


The term InDev means In Development. In this version, only Survival mode is available. This version introduced inventory and crafting to the game, allowing players to create new Items and blocks. Also in this version Dynamic Lighting was added. Liquid blocks have been improved, and errors with their repetition have been removed. The Indev House was located at the respawn point.


Infdev presented endless development- endlessly generated maps. When players die, they discard all items and move to the spawn point.


Alpha introduces new features such as Biomes, Red Stone and another dimension - the Nether. This version brought back Multiplayer in Survival mode.

Added in version Alpha 1.2.0 (Halloween Update) Nether (eng. Nether) is the main innovation of the Halloween Update. This is a dimension that is located separately from the usual one.


Beta is the penultimate version of the game. The developers' main efforts will be focused on stability and testing. The price has increased to €14.95. Players who purchased accounts after Beta will still be able to get the final game, as well as all future patches, for free, but they will have to pay for any additional content that will be added to the final version. Accounts created before Beta will receive all updates for free, as Notch promised.


Game release. The cost before 1.3.2 is €19.95, after 1.3.2 the price began to be indicated in dollars. After 1.4.5 the price began to be indicated in euros again.


Foreign publications
Edition Grade

Minecraft is a very interesting game because you will never get tired of it and there you can play endlessly and develop more and more. Let's start with the fact that this game is the fruit of the work of the Mojang company. This company was founded in 2009 by Markus Persson, Karl Manneh and Jacob Porser. Her office is located in Stockholm. This company has released three games - Minecraft, Scrolls, Cobalt. But the most famous and popular became Minecraft game.In 2014, Mojang was bought by Microsoft. Now let's talk about the Minecraft game itself. The first advantage is that this game does not require expensive video cards (video accelerators). But don't think that this is an uninteresting and boring game with 2D graphics. This game has volume.

About the game Minecraft

In this game you can start building not only small houses, but even large castles and palaces.

This game also contains animals such as sheep, wolves (which you can tame with a bone), but more on that later, or even horses

and many others.

There are also many interesting and mysterious places here, from gorges to mines with a portal to another world where you will fight a strong and terrible dragon.

Fossils such as iron, red dust (used for machinery), coal are common, and diamonds and lapis lazuli are very rare.


There are also a lot of Mobs (creatures that are constantly trying to kill you). But don’t worry, you can turn them off by pressing the ESC button on your keyboard. When you press this button, a menu will open. There you must click settings and set the difficulty to “peaceful”.

You must defend yourself from Mobs with a sword or your hands. Each sword deals damage differently. The most powerful sword is a diamond one.

All Mobs “spawn” (appear) only at night and in unlit places. They are often found in caves or mines. Mobs can also equip armor or pick up your items after you die. There are weak and strong monsters. But the strongest are in another world in Hell. You can go to hell in Minecraft by building a portal out of obsidian.

If you are going to Hell, then you need to have powerful armor that should protect you from zombie pigs and other no weaker Mobs. You can find a “Hell Fortress”, where there will be a “Hell Growth” which is used to brew potions or even an efreet spawner. If you kill an ifrit, there is a 50 percent chance that he will drop an ifrit rod. This rod is used to make a cooking stand.

Mobs that are found in Hell

Now let's talk about the armor in the game. Firstly, the armor will protect you from attacks, Mobs or fire.

There are 4 types of armor:

  • leather;
  • iron;
  • chain mail;
  • diamond

(Notes - it is not possible to make chainmail armor in survival mode). You can put on armor.

This is an example of crafting armor. In order to “craft” (make) it, you must make a workbench or work table. It is crafted (made) like this:

In order for you to get ingots from different ores, you must smelt the ores in furnaces. The stove is “crafted” from eight stones. Diamond ore cannot be smelted. The furnace is not only used to smelt ores, it is used to smelt a variety of things.

When you open the stove window, you should put what you want to melt on top, and on the bottom what you will use to heat your stove. And in a few seconds an ingot or something else will be ready, depending on what you put in your stove.

For example, a melted iron ingot

Still in this very interesting game there is an “Enchantment Table” (enchantment). With this item you can enchant weapons, tools and even armor. To enchant armor, you need experience. The more experience you have, the better you can “enchant” your armor.

Experience line

The more experience you spend on “enchanting” your item, the more effects it will have. To increase the level of enchantment, the drafting table must be covered with books.

But for example, “enchanted” (enchanted) diamond shoes.

There is also an anvil in Minecraft.


With an anvil you can rename various items and give them different names. For example, a super stick.

Also, armor tools eventually run out. But if you have been working on them for a very long time and you don’t want them to disappear. The anvil will help you a lot with this. You can fix things.

As you can see, the boots here are almost gone, but I repaired them, and they became completely new.

There is also different instruments for example, a pickaxe, a shovel, an ax or a sword. Accordingly, a shovel digs the earth, and a pickaxe digs stone or other ores, and so on.

Also, there are brewing potions. Potions are different flasks with different affects, for example fire resistance - the ability not to burn in lava or fire. In order to brew potions, you need to make a brewing stand.

IN Lately a game called "Minecraft" has become very popular. Let's figure out what Minecraft is and how to play it? Minecraft is a first-person game. It should be noted that for beginners the graphics in the game look very strange, and the goals of the game are not entirely clear. In order to figure out how to play this toy and get the most out of it, you should find out what the essence of Minecraft is and what the rules of this game are.

First, you should pay attention to the very name of this toy; it translates as “Mining Craft” and largely describes the essence of the game. Its goal is similar to the goal of playing Lego - creating all kinds of things from cubes.

Game modes

Minecraft has several modes. Thus, in the Classic version, players do not need to mine blocks for construction, since they are offered in unlimited quantities. In addition, in this version there is no need to monitor damage and health. Here you can only die by falling into the “emptiness”. It should be noted that in the Minecraft game there are such negative characters as mobs. In this version, they do not threaten the main character if they are not touched. As for the mode called “Survival”, this is where all sorts of monsters are present, from which you need to protect yourself during construction. It should be noted that in this mode, all blocks for construction must be mined independently. By combining different items produced from resources, new items can be created. This process is called “craft”. Recipes for their creation can be found on various resources or you can guess on your own, which is much more interesting.

In addition, there are also modes in which friendly or neutral mobs are added to you. There is also a hardcore mode, where the death of the main character is accompanied by the loss of everything acquired and built. When playing in multiplayer mode, you will have to interact with other players. Such interaction can be in the form of cooperation in the construction of common buildings or trade organizations, or it can also be inflicting damage to the player himself and his buildings.

What else can you do in Minecraft? There is also a type of action called griefing. Sometimes the server may be protected from it. In this case, certain problems may arise, since each player is assigned a separate territory and the other player cannot use certain resources. Then newbies have to spend a large number of time to move forward through the world and find a free place for yourself.

It is interesting to know that initially the final goal of the game did not exist at all. And only in one of the versions did such a task appear, how to kill a dragon. However, after completing this mission the game does not end; the player can continue crafting further.

What you need to do in Minecraft to start

It is best to start playing Minecraft with the simplest first version. This way you can learn all the subtleties and nuances of this toy. To do this, you just need to register on any site that provides the opportunity to play this game and start learning how to build various items. After this, you will probably want to share the joy of the game with your friends. In this case, you will need to connect to the Minecraft server, which will allow you to team up with your friends and start building various objects together.

There are so few holidays in our lives, why not take a break and play your favorite game after completing your main work. It will help you take your mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life, relax and mentally transport yourself to the virtual world. The main thing is not to overdo it, remember that everything should be in moderation.


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