What awaits Scorpio men this year. Financial well-being and relaxation

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The Fire Rooster has prepared an amazing, eventful season for Scorpio. The 2017 totem did not skimp on new opportunities that will await Scorpios literally at every turn. However, the realization of these chances will depend only on you. It's time to show proper activity and hard work!

Famous Scorpios

  • Katy Perry
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Nikolay Karachentsov
  • Niccolo Paganini
  • Eros Ramazzotti
  • Bill Gates
  • Winona Ryder
  • Peter Jackson
  • Evgeni Plushenko
  • Matthew McConaughey

Forecast for the zodiac sign Scorpio for 2017

Self-sufficient Scorpio must learn to accept help. Do not alienate relatives and colleagues who offer their services - they will be useful to you. In 2017, Scorpio will have to double his vigilance to avoid the intrigues and machinations that they will try to drag you into at the beginning of spring. Representatives of this sign should build any relationships with people on the basis of an intuitive approach - your sixth sense in 2017 will develop to supernatural limits.

The stars advise you to be sensitive to your reputation. In summer, the risk of gossip becomes especially high. Proud Scorpios rarely pay attention to conversations behind their backs. However, this time it is better to take measures to suppress them - unpleasant rumors can harm your career and cause discord in family relationships. In the second half of the year, friends will begin to demand increased attention. Do not ignore their requests - it is likely that their well-being will depend on your help.

In 2017, Scorpio's reputation may suffer from gossip

The active Rooster will definitely support any of Scorpio’s endeavors. However, do not try to ride the wave of success and do everything at once - there is a risk of overexerting yourself and giving up half of your tasks in the middle. Determine your priorities and do your best in these areas. Your main strategy should be vigilant control over everything that happens. This way you will notice impending dangers in time and do not miss a good chance.

In mid-2017, the Rooster will discover your creativity. You can become interested in a new hobby or become the most creative employee in the office - it’s up to you where to direct the flow of fresh thoughts. The whirlpool of a stormy life will draw in Scorpios so much that they may forget about vacation. However, you should not deny yourself such pleasure! The stars recommend Scorpios to go to new country or a city you have never been to before. It will be extremely useful for you to receive a portion of fresh impressions.

  • Forecast for men. Scorpio men will have to work hard at the beginning of the year. The Fire Rooster has prepared a bunch of urgent matters for you. However, don’t worry, your colleagues will help you sort out work debris, and your family will help you cope with household chores. The summer months will bring new acquaintances and flirting with representatives of the fair sex into the life of Sagittarius. Single men can safely take advantage of this opportunity, but let married men not look around once again. There is a high risk that your advances will be noticed by your significant other, which will lead to a heated quarrel and even a breakup.
  • Forecast for women. The Rooster favors Scorpio women much more - he will make sure that your long-time dreams and desires come true as if by magic. magic wand. The main thing is not to use other people for your own purposes, since the frank and honest Rooster really does not like hypocrites and deceivers. Be attentive to your significant other - the success of your beloved man in matters of relationships with other people will depend on your advice.

Love horoscope for 2017

The stars recommend that Scorpios keep their eyes open - any careless step can lead to ambiguous consequences. There is a risk of outright provocations from family members - it especially increases in the first half of 2017. The second half, on the contrary, will be characterized by calm. However, you will have to take on the role of leader and distribute responsibilities and assignments among household members.

It's time to remind your family who is boss in the family!

The Fire Rooster will endow Scorpio men with unprecedented authority - any word you say will be received with due attention. In turn, family members will expect praise for their achievements. Do not skimp on kind words and be happy for your loved ones from the bottom of your heart. Astrologers recommend moderating your tendency to criticize the actions of loved ones. If you do not reduce the number of comments, your lover may be seriously offended.

Family Scorpio Women will want to spend more time with their family. You will be able to organize your leisure time in a variety of ways - the Rooster will throw it at your head fresh ideas. In summer, remember to take regular walks in nature. Your offspring will enjoy academic success and excellent behavior, so don't forget to praise them. Unmarried ladies will be surrounded by attention from men. In the second half of 2017, there will be an opportunity to meet your soul mate, so take a closer look at your surroundings: one of your longtime fans may well propose marriage to you.

Health horoscope for 2017

A busy and hectic year will cause you to forget about the need to maintain your health. Scorpios will feel that they do not need medications and prevention. From the beginning of the year, try to give up fast food and abuse alcoholic drinks to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases at the end of autumn.

Give your body a gift - give up fast food

Scorpio men may face metabolic problems - there is a risk of noticeable weight gain. Don’t put off solving this issue for later - immediately sign up for the pool and walk more. Eliminate sweets and flour products from your diet. But during the period of exacerbation of colds, you will be able to avoid the danger of catching a runny nose or bronchitis, and your respiratory system and your lungs will work like a clock.

Scorpio women should distribute their strength evenly - there is a risk of breaking down and falling into a depressive state. If the blues attack you, the stars recommend taking measures to lift your mood - for example, buy a new handbag, go to a restaurant, visit a beauty salon. Avoid increased physical activity and strength exercises. The best view The sport for you in 2017 will be yoga.

Money horoscope for 2017

Financial income will not bypass you! In the spring, take a close look at your new acquaintances - they may offer you good options for investing money. The Fire Rooster will provoke you to spend, so go shopping only with a list of necessary things and always have a reserve of funds for unexpected expenses. Real estate transactions will be especially successful in 2017. If you were planning to expand your living space or buy a summer house, then start looking at your options.

2017 is the best time to get an apartment or cottage

For Scorpio men, the Rooster promises financial stability and prosperity. The main expense item will be the family - they will constantly demand money from you for purchases for the home. At the end of the year, one of your close friends will ask to borrow money. Do not be stingy - this debt will be returned to you in due time. By the end of autumn, safely expect cash receipts - projects you have already forgotten will begin to pay off.

The Rooster asks Scorpio women to be thrifty and economical. Try to avoid unnecessary purchases - it’s better to save money for things you really need. Do not take loans - it will be difficult to pay them back in 2017. Good income is possible from intermediary operations, so if you have long wanted to organize joint purchases on foreign sites, you can safely take on the implementation of this idea.

Career horoscope for 2017

The beginning of 2017 will bring a feeling of uselessness to Scorpios. You will be overwhelmed with uninteresting tasks, the solution of which will not bring any satisfaction. You may feel an irresistible desire to abandon everything and even quit your position. However, if Scorpio pulls himself together and overcomes the period of temporary difficulties, then by the end of spring his mood will change. He will solve any work issues with ease, which will earn him the recognition of his superiors and the respect of his colleagues.

Scorpios will face painstaking and monotonous work

The heavenly bodies recommend that Scorpio men pay attention to establishing business contacts. Even those connections that seem absolutely unpromising to you at the beginning of the year will bring dividends in the form of successful contracts by the end of autumn. Try not to show excessive arrogance towards less successful colleagues - it is quite possible that your fate in the future will depend on the decision of one of these people.

A very busy year awaits Scorpio: the first half will be full of a variety of challenges, but the second half will delight you with pleasant events and adventures. The horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio is quite favorable, but it advises representatives of this sign to show more diligence and perseverance in the struggle to achieve their goals.

Horoscope for Scorpios for 2017

Frankly, the year is off to a very bad start. You will be like a squirrel in a wheel, torn between home and work. It will seem to you that all your efforts are going in vain, because you will receive dividends from your efforts only at the beginning of September. This will especially apply to the work sphere, where you will constantly feel pressure from colleagues and superiors. Think of it as a kind of quest, at the end of which a great reward awaits you.

Relationships in the family will be quite difficult: yours will reproach you for being eternally busy, and you will explain this with excessive efforts for her sake. In fact, finding a healthy balance between work and family will not be so difficult, but you will only succeed in mid-spring. Don’t be upset, after all the quarrels and arguments, your family will support you at the right time.

The 2017 horoscope for Scorpio warns: take care of your reputation. Rumors that may appear in mid-July can seriously damage your professional or personal reputation. Stop any information that appears about you before your ill-wishers have time to distort it.

In general, throughout the year you will need to take a closer look at your surroundings. There is a high probability that a wolf in sheep's clothing will infiltrate your inner circle - a hypocritical friend who has evil in mind. Listen to your intuition and do not communicate with those who do not inspire your trust.

Scorpio horoscope: for men

The Fire Rooster has a lot of things in store for you, starting literally in January. You will be constantly busy solving problems and tasks that are not at all interesting to you. But your perseverance and the thoroughness with which you approach solving the issue will be noticed and noted by your superiors. True, not right away, but it never hurts to work for the future.

Until the beginning of spring, you will be more involved in work matters, which will cause your family and personal life to suffer. In addition, there will be a temptation to have an affair on the side. If you are an exemplary family man, do not go out of character, your wife will immediately find out about adultery and this will cost you not only your nerves, but also your fortune. But if you are free, feel free to plunge into a new feeling, bright sensations will not hurt you. But still, be wary of your reputation; it is much easier to damage it than to build it from scratch.

By the fall, your efforts will be rewarded: your family will be sympathetic to your frequent absences on business trips, and at work they will offer you an increase in position or salary. The horoscope for men recommends that you do not refuse the help of loved ones: save your strength and put stubbornness aside, otherwise your personal spiritual strength may not be enough for the whole year and no vacation will make up for what you have spent.

Scorpio horoscope: for women

The 2017 totem favors Scorpio women, promising the fulfillment of any desires and aspirations. This year you will shine in any field you take up: if you have long dreamed of career advancement, feel free to take on new project and achieve your goal. If you are planning to climb Everest smoothly, start preparing, the year will be successful for this too.

Ladies of creative professions will enjoy particular success. As the horoscope for women says, even ordinary homemade needlework can bring you not only pleasure, but also profit. Take a closer look, there might be a couple of your napkins on coffee table may be of interest to someone else.

In your quest to self-actualize and achieve success, do not forget that the symbol of the year does not tolerate betrayal and hypocrisy, and therefore you should not use people to achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will be punished and all your success will slip through your fingers like sand.

You should also keep your significant other in mind. By not showing proper attention to your spouse, you yourself are pushing him to cheat, because he will look for warmth and care from another woman. Try not to forget your role and responsibilities as a wife. For unmarried ladies, lukewarmness in relationships threatens a final break with the man.

Financial horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

From the very beginning of the year you will be haunted by small financial difficulties, but still try to save your savings and, if possible, increase them. You will need additional funds in late spring/early summer, so don't spend too much. In general, you should refrain from unnecessary purchases and save even in small things, so that if necessary, you have a “stash”.

Your financial situation will improve significantly only at the beginning of autumn, when projects started in winter will bear fruit. Therefore, it is so important not to give up and do work even at a time when it seems that your work will be useless.

Career growth awaits only those who are ready for routine, uninteresting work. But it is for them that the horoscope for 2017 promises a long-awaited promotion and a separate office. The year will be favorable for those whose profession is related to paperwork, that is, for lawyers, notaries, accountants, economists, etc. Dedicate more time and effort to your work, and it will bring you profit.

But you can only start new projects if you have remarkable patience, because you shouldn’t expect great success this year. And even the most promising project risks getting stuck in the middle.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

You can excel at work as an initiative and responsible employee, which will bring you success and advancement in the future. career ladder. But beware of envious people: your colleagues will not be delighted with your zeal and will try in every possible way to put a spoke in your wheels. Do not try to resist them or stop them in any way; their actions will not harm you in any way. Just do your job well.

But if you want to do a personal project, make sure it is original enough. Luck will be on the side of creative start-ups, while the rest will have to be content with crumbs of profit. You may immediately have to make a large investment in a business, which will not be returned immediately.

Try to make as many business contacts as possible, they will benefit you in the future. Therefore, it is important to keep in touch with every acquaintance; it is not known who exactly will have a big impact on your well-being this year.

The main expenses will be related to the family: family members will constantly demand money. And by autumn, friends will join them. If you have the opportunity, lend them money. Firstly, you will support your loved one, and secondly, the debt will be returned to you on time.

Financial horoscope for women

In principle, the year will be financially successful for those who are thrifty and have the ability to save money. You won't have to spend a lot of money, but only if you limit yourself and don't rush to buy everything your eye catches. It’s better to save a little and buy something worthwhile for your home: new furniture, which you have been wanting to change for a long time, or insulate your home.

But it’s not just through savings that you can accumulate additional funds. Your work will bring you regular income. Unfortunately, in the first half of the year you will not have to count on an increase in your salary, but the second half will please you with a wish come true - new position. But you should stay away from office intrigues: you will be provoked into conflicts in every possible way, do not give in. But be careful in maintaining neutrality, they may put extra work on you.

You will need to show patience and wisdom towards your colleagues, while not using them in your own game - the desire to achieve your goal. Also try to be loyal to the fact that success is in no hurry to find you. Distract yourself from a hobby - this will also be for you good source additional income.

Love horoscope for Scorpios for 2017

In the love sphere, the horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Scorpio promises that the year will be difficult and contradictory. Households will constantly demand attention and provoke quarrels: for any reason and even for no reason, you will be to blame. Try to curb your emotions and get to the bottom of the reason for this behavior. You may have to “build” them to ensure peace in your home. This situation will last until the beginning of autumn, so be patient and calm.

You won't be able to hide from family problems at work, so don't overwork yourself. Overwork will only lead to poor health. Make your household members your allies: tell them about your affairs and difficulties. Timely participation and support will strengthen your family.

Summer will be marked by a string of pleasant acquaintances. But not many people will remain in your life, and don’t try to keep them - everyone who is truly sincere in their feelings for you will remain around for a long time.

  • Love horoscope for men promises difficulties in the family. It will seem to you that the marriage has long since cracked and there is nothing left to save. Carefully analyze the current situation and try to hold out at least until mid-spring, when the situation will become clearer and you will not be so busy with work. You will be able to thoroughly study the problem and see if there is a solution. The stars do not recommend that you go all out and have affairs on the side, although there will be prerequisites for this. Firstly, the pleasure will be fleeting, and secondly, it will not be possible to save the marriage after cheating. Your spouse will become aware of your misconduct. The only thing worse is if you start an office romance - it will harm not only your family life, but also business reputation.

Unmarried Scorpios are advised not to get too carried away by fleeting relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. It's time for you to think about more serious relationship. True, this year the stars do not promise you a fateful meeting.

  • Love horoscope for women slightly more favorable, however, and he advises spending more time with the family. You will be responsible for organizing joint leisure time, and the Fire Rooster will “suggest” you several progressive ideas. Just don’t get carried away with too extreme types of recreation: this is traumatic and can harm you and your household. But you can go for a picnic or a walk, a tour of your hometown or a local history museum. This will be interesting primarily for your children, which the stars recommend doing. Try to organize their leisure time so that they don’t have time for pranks. And you will be calm that the children are busy, and the children themselves will be doing something exciting and interesting.

The year promises marriage for free Scorpio women. The offer will come from a long-time admirer who will decide to take a responsible step only at the end of summer or beginning of autumn.

Children's horoscope for Scorpios for 2017

Young Scorpios will be creative and will surprise you with new ideas every day. Today they are preparing to conquer Mars, and tomorrow they will go to the excavations of Troy. Be prepared for any surprises.

The kids will be extremely playful. You will not be able to sit your child on the floor with a toy; he will certainly demand your participation. In addition, you risk turning into some types of mounts: camel, horse, donkey. You will be in this role for almost the entire year, so stock up on active games, you will need it.

Your schoolchild will become a real traveler: he will take you to zoos, attractions and playgrounds. It will be quite difficult to satisfy the research interest at once, so plan forays every weekend, your child will constantly demand new impressions. He will give up the pursuit of adventure only for the sake of a good book.

Your teenagers will approach their choice of hobby with extraordinary seriousness, but they will change their opinion quite often. Today they will ask you for a telescope, and tomorrow for a soccer ball and uniform. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge everyone’s desires, but trying to make your child’s dream come true will not be so difficult for you. Perhaps this way you will reveal his potential and give him the right direction for further development.

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In year Fire Rooster The sign of Scorpio will feel the kiss of Fortune. Good luck will accompany this zodiac sign in all areas of life, and difficulties that arise on the path of Scorpio will turn out for the better: they will help strengthen character and develop positive traits. The main task in 2017 for Scorpios will be to show flexibility in decisions and plans in order to take advantage of all the chances that fall to their share. Fortunately, Scorpios have vigilance and determination, which other signs should only envy.

The first ten days of 2017 need to be given special attention. New Year will bring not only long-awaited holidays, but also many chances for career growth. The fact is that this period will be marked by the strong influence of Jupiter, which means that Scorpios are guaranteed success in everything related to work and money. Over time, the influence of the planets will change and by the second half of the year, Scorpios may receive information about prospects in another place of work. If this proposal does not seem too shaky, you should take advantage of it and prove yourself in a new activity.

Scorpio should take the horoscope for 2017 not as a warning, but as friendly advice. The year as a whole is going very well and does not require special efforts from the representatives of the sign. The Scorpio sign should only slightly adjust its relationships with people (especially the love of conflicts and intrigues), and also rely more on an accurate calculation of financial capabilities, rather than on momentary desires.

Work and career

As noted earlier, 2017 will bring favorable career changes for Scorpios. This arrangement of planets is especially successful for those representatives of the zodiac sign who are just looking for work or are preparing to leave their current place of work. For these Scorpios, any choice made will result in good prospects and financial growth. For those who run their own business, you will have the opportunity to conclude a very profitable deal, even if you had not previously imagined the possibility of profit from this source. The Scorpio sign is distinguished by its special flair and tenacity in business: take advantage of these qualities and your business will immediately take off.

Be careful in your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Even those who are unpleasant to you personally can become a source of profitable business connections. The Scorpio sign is prone to sarcasm and squabbles. Don't let these qualities take control of the psychological climate in your team. Be moderately kind, do not break old connections and keep new ones under control. Your business can receive significant support from people you thought were of little importance to you.

The oracle warns of the possibility of a change in management at your place of work. Try not to find yourself on the extreme side of the growing conflict - take a neutral position and allow the situation to resolve itself, otherwise you will not avoid a blow to your reputation. Summer will put an end to disagreements between colleagues and bring stabilization of the situation - you can calmly devote yourself to direct work responsibilities.

Financial well-being and relaxation

A zodiac sign like Scorpio does not tolerate the Spartan regime. The Scorpio woman loves to dress up and pamper herself with nice new things, while the man strives to look rich and respectable. In this sense, finances are very important for representatives of the sign, although Scorpios cannot be called greedy. In the year of the Fire Rooster, they will experience a significant influx of finances. Good luck in transactions will be brought by new acquaintances whom Scorpios will acquire throughout the year. Autumn will be favorable for making large purchases, such as real estate or a car.

However, there is a possibility of losing money by making a thoughtless purchase - for example, buying a car second-hand. Remember the rule “the stingy pays twice” - if you don’t have enough money at your disposal to buy a new car, postpone the purchase for a while. It is best to wait until the end of the year; during this period there is a high probability that you will be offered a deal on favorable terms.

The oracle calls summer and early autumn the most suitable time for travel. Try to combine business with pleasure in your vacation: improve your health, get new experiences. For Scorpios who experience irritation and frequent stress, it is better to choose sanatorium-resort areas with health benefits clean air. If everything is fine with your body and your financial status allows you to spend a significant amount, choose distant countries with luxury hotels for travel. This will give you more motivation to further work and will allow you to feel in your native element of luxury and comfort.

Love and family

The sign of Scorpio is often called fatal when it comes to relationships: this applies equally to women and men. It's easy to fall in love with a Scorpio, but often this passionate eclipse of reason leads the partner to rash decisions and even victims with own side. It also happens that Scorpio himself begins to manipulate his partner for the sake of his own interests or simply guided by his bitchy nature. It is clear that such an alliance will not lead to anything good, so in 2017, which promises big number new acquaintances, Scorpios will have to pull themselves together and decisively break off those romantic connections that they do not seriously intend to develop.

Family Scorpios should be gentler with loved ones. Often you don’t notice how much pressure you put on them with your demands and requests, while their dissatisfaction accumulates in the meantime. Don’t force yourself to endure: take the initiative, talk to your family more often, organize a joint vacation. Don't set too high expectations for your children: let them breathe freely and decide for themselves what their abilities can be applied to.

Scorpio should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as a vector of self-development. Think about those qualities of your character that prevent you from getting along with people. In 2017, you will have many chances to stop being lonely, but the strength of your unions directly depends on whether you stop “stinging” the people around you. Don't be too demanding of others: all people have problems that can be mitigated or resolved by working together on them.

Horoscope by date of birth

The birth number of a representative of any zodiac sign affects the degree of expression of certain character traits, as well as which planets will provide stronger protection.

Born from October 29 to November 1: the main mood that permeates the entire 2017 is aesthetic pleasure. The thoroughness characteristic of Scorpios in arranging their home and choosing a wardrobe will degenerate into a qualitatively different perception of reality. These representatives of the sign will feel the need to perceive beauty from the outside.

This may manifest itself in a sudden desire to take long walks in the park, visit exhibitions and performances, or purchase paintings. Such people can be advised not to waste time on purchasing various items decor, but focus on developing your own subtle feelings. Sign up for master classes in design or photography, devote free time drawing or listening to lectures about art. This will not only sharpen your perception of the world, but will also help leave a pleasant impression of you among your social circle.

Scorpios whose birth number lies between November 6 and November 8 will feel an irresistible desire to change something very important in their life. It could be an unloved job, a lying spouse, or a boring social circle - it’s not so important what exactly the changes will affect. The main thing is to think about your escape route in advance: do not put yourself at risk of being left without a job or housing. Once the decision has been firmly made by you and carefully thought through, begin to implement it - the patron of the year appreciates determination and rejection of a destructive environment.

Those born from November 9 to 14 will focus on building their personal lives. Whether it will be a search for a new partner or revitalization of an existing relationship depends only on Scorpio himself. The main thing in your desire to establish friendly contacts with everyone is not to get confused by those whom you want to please. You will have to make a choice in favor of one of the potential partners, because otherwise your double game will turn into big scandals against you. Be more honest with yourself and with the people around you: this will certainly be appreciated, even if honesty must lead to a painful separation. It’s better to experience it once than to torment each other for a long time.


Favorable circumstances for Scorpios are a chance to pay attention to their inner world, evaluate your working and creative potential and rethink the current situation at this point in time. In such conditions, there is practically no need to be distracted by solving problems arising from outside, but you can think carefully about how exactly you can optimize the means and connections at your disposal.

For the Scorpio sign, 2017 will be the year of arranging your personal life, finding harmony with yourself and spiritual comfort. This year, you can reward yourself for your previous hard work, but you should not be lazy and adopt an apathetic attitude. For once, you have the opportunity to seriously reconsider the circumstances of your life and make serious changes. Use it wisely and redirect criticism from others to yourself.

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the sign of Scorpio will feel the kiss of Fortune. Good luck will accompany this zodiac sign in all areas of life, and difficulties that arise on the path of Scorpio will turn out for the better: they will help strengthen character and develop positive qualities. The main task in 2017 for Scorpios will be to show flexibility in decisions and plans in order to take advantage of all the chances that fall to their share. Fortunately, Scorpios have vigilance and determination, which other signs should only envy.

The first ten days of 2017 need to be given special attention. The New Year will bring not only long-awaited holidays, but also many opportunities for career growth. The fact is that this period will be marked by the strong influence of Jupiter, which means that Scorpios are guaranteed success in everything related to work and money. Over time, the influence of the planets will change and by the second half of the year, Scorpios may receive information about prospects in another place of work. If this proposal does not seem too shaky, you should take advantage of it and prove yourself in a new activity.

Scorpio should take the horoscope for 2017 not as a warning, but as friendly advice. The year as a whole is going very well and does not require special efforts from the representatives of the sign. The Scorpio sign should only slightly adjust its relationships with people (especially the love of conflicts and intrigues), and also rely more on an accurate calculation of financial capabilities, rather than on momentary desires.

Work and career

As noted earlier, 2017 will bring favorable career changes for Scorpios. This arrangement of planets is especially successful for those representatives of the zodiac sign who are just looking for work or are preparing to leave their current place of work. For these Scorpios, any choice made will result in good prospects and financial growth. For those who run their own business, you will have the opportunity to conclude a very profitable deal, even if you had not previously imagined the possibility of profit from this source. The Scorpio sign is distinguished by its special flair and tenacity in business: take advantage of these qualities and your business will immediately take off.

Be careful in your relationships with colleagues and superiors. Even those who are unpleasant to you personally can become a source of profitable business connections. The Scorpio sign is prone to sarcasm and squabbles. Don't let these qualities take control of the psychological climate in your team. Be moderately kind, do not break old connections and keep new ones under control. Your business can receive significant support from people you thought were of little importance to you.

The oracle warns of the possibility of a change in management at your place of work. Try not to find yourself on the extreme side of the growing conflict - take a neutral position and allow the situation to resolve itself, otherwise you will not avoid a blow to your reputation. Summer will put an end to disagreements between colleagues and bring stabilization of the situation - you can calmly devote yourself to direct work responsibilities.

Financial well-being and relaxation

A zodiac sign like Scorpio does not tolerate the Spartan regime. The Scorpio woman loves to dress up and pamper herself with nice new things, while the man strives to look rich and respectable. In this sense, finances are very important for representatives of the sign, although Scorpios cannot be called greedy. In the year of the Fire Rooster, they will experience a significant influx of finances. Good luck in transactions will be brought by new acquaintances whom Scorpios will acquire throughout the year. Autumn will be favorable for making large purchases, such as real estate or a car.

However, there is a possibility of losing money by making a thoughtless purchase - for example, buying a car second-hand. Remember the rule “the stingy pays twice” - if you don’t have enough money at your disposal to buy a new car, postpone the purchase for a while. It is best to wait until the end of the year; during this period there is a high probability that you will be offered a deal on favorable terms.

The oracle calls summer and early autumn the most suitable time for travel. Try to combine business with pleasure in your vacation: improve your health, get new experiences. For Scorpios who experience irritation and frequent stress, it is better to choose sanatorium-resort areas with healthy clean air. If everything is fine with your body and your financial status allows you to spend a significant amount, choose distant countries with luxury hotels for travel. This will add motivation for further work and allow you to feel in your native element of luxury and comfort.

Love and family

The sign of Scorpio is often called fatal when it comes to relationships: this applies equally to women and men. It is easy to fall in love with a Scorpio, but often this passionate eclipse of reason leads the partner to rash decisions and even sacrifices on his own part. It also happens that Scorpio himself begins to manipulate his partner for the sake of his own interests or simply guided by his bitchy nature. It is clear that such an alliance will not lead to anything good, so in 2017, which promises a large number of new acquaintances, Scorpios will have to pull themselves together and decisively break off those romantic ties that they do not seriously intend to develop.

Family Scorpios should be gentler with loved ones. Often you don’t notice how much pressure you put on them with your demands and requests, while their dissatisfaction accumulates in the meantime. Don’t force yourself to endure: take the initiative, talk to your family more often, organize a joint vacation. Don't set too high expectations for your children: let them breathe freely and decide for themselves what their abilities can be applied to.

Scorpio should perceive the horoscope for 2017 as a vector of self-development. Think about those qualities of your character that prevent you from getting along with people. In 2017, you will have many chances to stop being lonely, but the strength of your unions directly depends on whether you stop “stinging” the people around you. Don't be too demanding of others: all people have problems that can be mitigated or resolved by working together on them.

Horoscope by date of birth

The birth number of a representative of any zodiac sign affects the degree of expression of certain character traits, as well as which planets will provide stronger protection.

Born from October 29 to November 1: the main mood that permeates the entire 2017 is aesthetic pleasure. The thoroughness characteristic of Scorpios in arranging their home and choosing a wardrobe will degenerate into a qualitatively different perception of reality. These representatives of the sign will feel the need to perceive beauty from the outside.

This may manifest itself in a sudden desire to take long walks in the park, visit exhibitions and performances, or purchase paintings. Such people can be advised not to waste time on purchasing various decorative items, but to focus on developing their own subtle feelings. Sign up for design or photography workshops, spend your free time drawing or listening to lectures on art. This will not only sharpen your perception of the world, but will also help leave a pleasant impression of you among your social circle.

Scorpios whose birth number lies between November 6 and November 8 will feel an irresistible desire to change something very important in their life. It could be an unloved job, a lying spouse, or a boring social circle - it’s not so important what exactly the changes will affect. The main thing is to think about your escape route in advance: do not put yourself at risk of being left without a job or housing. Once the decision has been firmly made by you and carefully thought through, begin to implement it - the patron of the year appreciates determination and rejection of a destructive environment.

Those born from November 9 to 14 will focus on building their personal lives. Whether it will be a search for a new partner or revitalization of an existing relationship depends only on Scorpio himself. The main thing in your desire to establish friendly contacts with everyone is not to get confused by those whom you want to please. You will have to make a choice in favor of one of the potential partners, because otherwise your double game will turn into big scandals against you. Be more honest with yourself and with the people around you: this will certainly be appreciated, even if honesty must lead to a painful separation. It’s better to experience it once than to torment each other for a long time.


Favorable circumstances for Scorpios are a chance to pay attention to their inner world, evaluate their working and creative potential, and rethink the current situation. In such conditions, there is practically no need to be distracted by solving problems arising from outside, but you can think carefully about how exactly you can optimize the means and connections at your disposal.

For the Scorpio sign, 2017 will be the year of arranging your personal life, finding harmony with yourself and spiritual comfort. This year, you can reward yourself for your previous hard work, but you should not be lazy and adopt an apathetic attitude. For once, you have the opportunity to seriously reconsider the circumstances of your life and make serious changes. Use it wisely and redirect criticism from others to yourself.

2017 for Scorpios is a time for defining priorities and goals in their career and life in general. The milestone periods for this will be February and August. In the first months of the year, you will work on the projects you have started, develop and increase what you have achieved before. Until October 10, Jupiter will be in your twelfth astropolis and for you this is a time of preparation for new starts. The advantage of this transit is that it gives you protection from serious blows of fate. At this time, even troubles are not as bad as they may seem at first. However, at first, progress in business may be insignificant.

Some Scorpios may be busy with current affairs and preparing new projects. Some of you may periodically have the feeling that life is passing you by, that it is difficult for you to get involved in the dynamics of external processes, that you lack strength or opportunity. Some may need occasional solitude and have difficulty determining what they want in life or how to achieve what they want. Some of you may be interested in spiritual issues, a desire to build your own philosophy of life and follow it. But you all need to remember that the limitations you may feel are for you to get in touch with yourself. What is important now is your internal dynamics, rethinking previous experience, which will help you navigate the next period of life, as you are on the threshold of a new stage of self-realization, which will begin in the fall of 2017, when Jupiter moves into Scorpio. Therefore, you should outline plans and initiatives that you can implement in a more dynamic period, starting in the fall.

Saturn remains in your astropolis of finances and personal values ​​until the end of December 20, 2017. During this period, you will need to determine your priorities and value system. If circumstances require you to cut costs, be humble about it. Saturn introduces restrictions in the financial sphere so that you learn to separate the important from the secondary and not spend on what you can do without. Prudent spending and responsible financial decisions are one of the lessons Saturn needs to take away from this transit. 2017 is the time to review your financial and investment policies. The circumstances that will develop from March to May will show what and how you need to change in your financial approaches. Keeping your income at the desired level and increasing it will require hard work. During the year, Jupiter's sextile and Uranus' trine to Saturn will allow you to maintain and strengthen your financial position, providing opportunities for earnings and income growth. Problematic in financially It may be April, but from August your financial situation will improve. From a professional point of view, 2017 gives you opportunities for development, but growth can also come through a crisis, since this year’s eclipses will be on the partial and social life, – 10th and 4th astropolis.

The general theme of eclipses occurs throughout the year, but the key periods of this year are February and August. February 11 and August 07 and August 21 place emphasis on finding a balance between your personal, home life and your social life, career. Circumstances will prompt you to decide on goals in the long term. The home situation may affect work plans, or changes in career or business will lead to changes in home life or a change of place of residence.

February 26 at 08°12" Pisces falls on your fifth astropolis, highlighting themes of creativity, romantic relationships, children, hobbies, gambling or stock speculation. This eclipse may lead to the completion of things started before creative projects or initiate new ones. But it is also a time of revealing something that was previously hidden in your personal or romantic relationships, it ends certain stages of the relationship and can be the beginning of a new stage. This can be either a farewell to illusions or a immersion in them. So be careful. An eclipse on Neptune promotes illusions regarding financial stakes in investment projects and games, and regarding the chosen one or chosen one in romantic dating. Therefore, do not forget to make allowances for reality. But for pregnancy, the presence of Neptune trine to your sign is just a plus. This eclipse brings to the agenda the topic of pregnancy, childbirth, and relationships with children.

The first four months are a tense period. Jupiter in the 12th astropolis will be in tau square with Pluto in the third and Uranus in the sixth. The first months of the year will have to solve the problems that manifested themselves in the last months of 2016. Situations of this period will take a lot of energy for forced communication, solving current problems and can shake your confidence in own strength. From the end of February to the beginning of May, it is better not to start new projects designed for the future, from which you expect growth and development, not to risk money, not to make investments.

On October 10, Jupiter enters Scorpio and will be in your sign until November 8, 2018. At this time, the beneficial influence of Jupiter will be your ally in all endeavors. Jupiter is in this position once every 12 years and you should make full use of this time. If you have decided to make important changes, want to change jobs or start a new business project, use this period. Plan important initiatives for this time, send out your resume, present your ideas and creative achievements. Your ideas will be supported, you can find the right partners and employees. Your sphere of influence will expand, it will be easier for you to realize your plans and lay the foundation for long term. This is a time of good luck, planetary energies enhance your personal influence, but much will depend on you - a fair wind gives highest speed when the sails are raised. Therefore, take action.

More details about some periods.

From early February to mid-April, the stellium in your sixth astropolis puts emphasis on work conditions, daily responsibilities, work relationships and health. The workload will increase, the work schedule may become denser. It is necessary to avoid nervous overstrain and the desire to work “extremely.” Take care of your strength and health, at this time you may feel unwell, decrease in tone, feeling unwell It is better to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

From the second half of February to mid-April, you will depend on circumstances that are difficult to control; it will be more difficult to carry out your initiatives. You may feel submissive or dependent. Since the end of February, unpleasant processes may be going on in the work team. Relationships with colleagues and co-workers can be strained, and it will be difficult to conduct business due to various kinds surprises, squabbles or irresponsibility of employees. A business may have problems with personnel, and efforts will need to be made to normalize the situation. Travel and business trips during this period can be difficult, associated with all sorts of surprises, intensive communication or the need to defend your point of view. Or there will be difficulties in the affairs of relatives, problems in relations with them or because of neighbors. There may be breakdowns of transport or communications at the most inopportune moment. The most difficult periods in this regard are the end of February, March 23-30, April 8-15.

From March 10 to April 21, resolving business issues may be accompanied by personal confrontation, clashes of opinions and interests, and excessive pressure can lead to conflicts. During this period, competitors or ill-wishers may become more active. Irritation will interfere with business and relationships. But if you keep your cool, it's good time to see the big picture, understand who is who and what to do next.

March 4-April 15 in 6 and 5 astropolis. This is the time to figure out how your job responsibilities affect your personal and family relationships, relationships with children, how your personal affairs affect your work, and what needs to be changed so that these two areas do not interfere with each other, do not conflict with each other, and there is harmony in your relationship. In April, Venus will be in your fifth field, bringing creative endeavors, relationships with children, and romantic relationships to the forefront. But half of April, from April 9, her retro period coincides with and the whole month she is in square with Saturn. Therefore, the prognosis for starting a new relationship is bad, it is not possible to achieve harmony in them, this is an unfavorable time for new relationships, including business ones. This period may bring the return of old love, but there may be too many obstacles to renew the relationship. For some Scorpios, this is a time of determination in an already established relationship. Accumulated discontent can cause discord. Another scenario is that circumstances may force you to take on financial obligations in a relationship or register them. In April, forced expenses, financial difficulties, loss of business profits or delays in payments are likely. Financial decisions, investments, loans and large purchases are unfavorable at this time.

From April 9 to May 3 it will move from the 7th to the 6th floor. New conditions and old shortcomings will slow things down; previous agreements will require re-negotiations or shifting deadlines. In personal relationships, possible disagreements will be a signal for the need to reconsider your position and change certain patterns of behavior, taking into account the requirements of your marriage partner. Pay attention to relationships with colleagues and subordinates, and to your work routine. Analyze the causes of problems in relationships, inefficiency in business, and reorganize your work taking into account these findings. By the beginning of May the working situation will return to normal. Pay attention to your health. Solve current problems, but do not start new projects. Important initiatives and financial solutions It is better to reschedule for the period after May 04.

From May to the end of November, the trine of Uranus to Saturn in the financial field provides new financial opportunities. You need to be open to using new methods and tools in your work, introducing new technologies, reorganization, this will make the work process efficient, expand opportunities and help increase income.

From May 4th, dynamics will gradually appear in business and it will be possible to start new projects, implement plans, make purchases, develop a business and implement planned changes.

From July 20 to September 5, Mars will be in the astropolis of careers and goals. During this period, tension may arise in communication with men, comrades or colleagues; they may see you as a competitor; professional tasks may cause disputes. There will be a tendency to show excessive obstinacy in relations with your superiors, which is absolutely not worth doing, it will harm you.

August 07 at 15°25" Aquarius in the fourth astropolis in opposition to Mars in the tenth may give problems due to disputes and conflicts with superiors. In this case, you risk losing your position or worsening your position at work. It is better not to attach importance to contradictions if there is nothing really important at stake. If you need to defend your point of view, do not go beyond what is permitted, be convincing, but correct. In family matters by this time the decision on changes in home life will be ripe; issues of real estate, rent, the need to move or repair can cause disputes. There is likely a change in family composition, the departure of one of the family members or travel. In business, disputes over real estate, rent, and breaking contracts are likely. Some projects started earlier may come to completion. But this may also be a time of results, when the beginnings of February will show their viability, but to continue them it will be necessary to adjust goals, reshuffle the team, and reformat tasks.

From August 13 to September 5 there will be plans, friends, like-minded people, group and social activities, joint projects in the astropolis. This is a time for adjusting plans, developing a new approach to cooperation in joint projects. New ideas at this time will be unrealistic, and refining old ideas and projects will give good result. This is also a time to meet old friends and strengthen connections. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings in relationships with children and loved ones will also require rethinking, so that in the future there will be no unnecessary secrets and omissions between you.

August 21 at 28°52" Leo in the house of career may bring changes in work. Depending on personal horoscope This could be a promotion, recognition of your merits and efforts, but it could also be a time of dismissal, a change of job, a change in career direction, or taking on new tasks and goals. At this time, Jupiter’s sextile to Saturn in the field of finance provides an increase in income in business, the opportunity to increase salaries or resolve financial issues in relations with partners.

For the period from September 6 to the end of November, you can plan initiatives, undertakings, projects and changes that you want to implement. On October 10, Jupiter enters your sign and to make the most of the coming year, you should prepare for it.

December 03-23 ​​in the astropolis of personal values ​​and finances. Your value system will need to be rethought as a result of Saturn’s stay in this field. Review your financial and investment policies. Look at something that required an investment of money and effort and ask yourself, “is it really worth it?” Start recording your expenses and income, analyze your spending and income paths, pay overdue bills, but avoid large purchases, ventures and important decisions while Mercury will be retrograde.

On December 20, Saturn leaves the field of finance and will be sextile to your sign for two and a half years until March 22, 2020. This is the time to implement long-term programs that will form the basis of your professional and financial situation for many years.

Now some clarification on the deans.

Your dean receives the most favorable influences from the end of the year. But at the beginning of the year, you will have to decide on creative endeavors and tasks, sort out your feelings, separate illusions from reality, and decide on personal relationships. This year may bring you romance or pregnancy, but new relationships from the second half of February to early May may be a disappointment, so don't get carried away and keep your head cool during this time. February 26 is related to your dean, especially for those Scorpios born October 30-November 01, so read the recommendations for this period in the main part of the forecast.

From October 10 to November 27, Jupiter in your decan will give you optimism and a sense of perspective. This is a time of a successful combination of circumstances, new opportunities and a time for the implementation of plans in many areas of life. This is a favorable period for romantic and business acquaintances, for conception, for educational projects, travel, changing jobs, starting a new business and personal relationships. Your ideas and new projects may gain support, and you should plan important steps this year.Your dean will also be the first to sextile Saturn on December 20th. Saturn will be in this aspect until December 2018. The almost simultaneous transition of Jupiter into your sign and Saturn into sextile is a rare combination that gives sustainable progress in business and support for many of your endeavors. Go for it.

Scorpios born 3.11-12.11 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Scorpio)

During the year, Neptune's trine helps strengthen your intuition; you will feel more subtly the psychological nuances in people's behavior. This good period for spiritual development, revealing your creative talents and abilities. Pluto's sextile enhances your insight, insight, and ability to bring a team together to achieve your goals. This is a good period for Scorpios of creative professions: poets, writers, musicians, artists and scientists, for any in-depth research activities. You can see meanings and perspectives hidden from others. However, some idealism inherent in you at this time may prompt you to overestimate your advantages. You will be more susceptible to the influence of other people, it will be easier to convince you, or even mislead you. Therefore, use your natural insight and do not make emotional decisions. Perhaps the emergence of a new romantic attachment, the beginning perfect love, but you will tend to idealize your partner and your relationship in many ways. Your imagination will run wild in your perception and you will not immediately see the true state of affairs. Try not to give in to feelings, not to lose ground under your feet, and you will avoid disappointment.

The first half of August is a milestone period in career and business. August 07 is primarily related to your dean, so read the recommendations for this period in the main part of the forecast.

From November 22 to December 23, the trine of Jupiter and Neptune provides a great time for creativity, the development of romantic relationships, new loves, for conception, more trusting relationships with children, which now will be easier for you to understand than before. This is a good time for travel, negotiations, and in December for repeated negotiations. At this time, you can be more convincing and get consent to something that was previously refused. Jupiter will be in your decan from November 22nd to January 28th. This is the time when you need to seize the moment and promote your initiatives, but the period after December 23 will be the most successful in business and business. If you don’t succeed in everything you planned, don’t be upset, in 2018 you will be able to realize your plans.

Scorpios born 11/13-11/22 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Scorpio)

Jobs, careers and business challenges will be the leading topic for you. The period from February to August will be a time for determining priorities and changes in work. In February you will have to decide on your goals and objectives. Depending on your personal horoscope, this may be a time of recognition of your efforts and merits, or a time of completing a certain stage in your career and looking for new opportunities. If in February your result does not please you, be patient, take into account the shortcomings, analyze the mistakes, and after May 3, start new projects and implement your plans. On February 11 and August 21 I am directly related to your dean - read the recommendations for these periods in the main part of the forecast.


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