What does the name Evgeniya mean for a girl? Evgenia and Arthur

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The opportunity to look into such a tempting and unpredictable future, even for a few seconds, has been sought by humanity for many millennia, but, unfortunately, all attempts to do this remain fruitless. Of course, not everything is so bad, because there is a great way not only to travel through time, but to influence events that may happen, or rather, change them in advance. Evgenia, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls - what should the little one’s family prepare for, and will they be able to prevent undesirable developments?

The meaning of the name Evgenia for a girl is brief

How to choose the right name for your offspring and avoid making a mistake that is dangerous for the child - this problem often arises among adults who are embarking on such a responsible process for the first time. There is no need to start worrying in advance - they will not have any difficulties if they initially start out correctly. Of course they will help here different sources, most of which contain the most accessible and useful information. These are ancient books, Christian literature, various horoscopes.

Evgenia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how to decipher all this correctly in order to use the acquired knowledge for the benefit of your child? You should start choosing a name by studying the secret meaning that ancient peoples took the trouble to encrypt thousands of years ago. Often, just this is enough to find out how the baby’s future will differ.

The meaning of the name Evgenia for a girl is briefly “descendant of a noble family.” Some sources offer a slightly different interpretation - “high-ranking”. Be that as it may, in ancient times this name was usually given only to the offspring of noble families - the poor had no rights to this.

What does the name Evgenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Despite the fact that there are many sources that can provide all kinds of information about the secret meanings of each name, most parents prefer to use Christian literature. It is here that the most detailed information is contained, which is often used by adults in raising a child. IN Orthodox books, especially in the calendar or church calendar, you can find information not only about the secret meaning of the name, but also about which of the holy great martyrs will patronize the baby.

Evgenia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - can any of these features be found in Orthodox sources? In the church calendar you can read about what secret meaning embedded in this name, who was its first owner among the saints, will the baby have a guardian angel.

What does the name Evgenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar? Here you can find only one interpretation, which is considered the most correct - “high-born”.

The secret of the name Eugene, name day, signs

How useful can the secret of Evgenia’s name be to the baby’s adult relatives? The first thing you need to find out before baptism is whether the child will have a patron saint. Church calendar notifies that the girl will have a guardian angel, and she will be able to celebrate her name day once a year. The holiday when the saint is venerated falls on January 6th. It is on this day, just before Christmas, that adults should not forget that they need to congratulate the baby on her name day, give a gift and, together with the baby, turn to the saint and ask for protection. The Great Martyr will certainly listen and help the child not only in making important decisions, but also protect him from troubles or wrong actions.

On the eve of one of the highest Christian holidays, it is customary to go outside and monitor what secret sign the saint gives. A must see is the Milky Way. If it is bright and light, the weather will be good, without snowstorms, severe frosts, or heavy snowfalls. If Milky Way dim, then there is no need to wait for good weather - there will definitely be bad weather.

The origin of the name Evgeniya and its meaning for children

A problem that often arises for parents who are embarking on such a responsible process for the first time is how the origin of the name Evgeniya and its meaning for children can affect what happens to the baby? Here you should trust the most reliable sources, which claim that in no way can the country that gave its name to the whole world be able to influence fate. It doesn’t matter which name the adults chose - Ancient Germanic or Old Slavonic, they don’t have to worry about the future of their offspring.

Why do you need to carefully study the meaning of the name? First of all, it is here that you can initially find out which character trait will dominate among the baby’s advantages or disadvantages. If you find out the value in advance, you can promptly try to influence negative qualities– in childhood it is much easier to get rid of them.

Another reason to find out the meaning of the name in advance is that it will help determine whether the baby will have patrons from above. It is an appeal to the guardian angel that can help a child in the most difficult situations or prevent danger.

Character of a girl named Evgenia

How will the character of a girl named Evgenia manifest itself from an early age? Her positive qualities will certainly delight her parents, because there will be many of them, and all of them will certainly help in life. Among the advantages are:

  1. honesty;
  2. truthfulness;
  3. nobility;
  4. loyalty;
  5. justice;
  6. hard work;
  7. politeness;
  8. intelligence;
  9. attentiveness.

What negative trait should attract the attention of adults? Evgenia is often prone to anxiety, and she does not need a reason for this - she can worry without any reason. Parents must certainly respond to such manifestations and try to convince the child that everything is fine. If this is not done, the situation will only get worse over the years. Such an unpleasant trait can even cause problems at work, so it is better to fight it from childhood.

The fate of a girl named Evgenia

Will the fate of a girl named Evgenia, who is already quite ready for adulthood, be able to surprise after some time? Even from her school desk, she can begin to choose her specialty. She will not strive for unusual professions that require extreme responsibility or handling large sums, looking closely at simpler professions. Evgeniya can choose the following professions:

  1. educator;
  2. musician;
  3. writer;
  4. critic;
  5. researcher;
  6. programmer;
  7. journalist.

Even if Evgenia chooses the simplest profession, she will certainly give it her all, sincerely believing that this is her calling. She will certainly earn praise from her superiors, respect and honor from her colleagues. By career ladder Evgenia will not be in a hurry to rise - she is completely satisfied with modest positions. The main thing for her is to feel needed; even money does not always please her as much as sincere words of gratitude.


The name Evgenia is of ancient Greek origin. Derived from the Greek word "eugenes", which translates as "noble" or "man of noble family". Accordingly, the literal interpretation of the female variation, Eugene, sounds like “noble.”

The female name Evgenia today continues to be in demand in all countries with a Russian-speaking population, and the reason lies in several factors at once - this is a unique meaning that promises many important qualities, and good compatibility with most male names...

Conversational options: Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka

Modern English analogues: Eugene, Eugenia, Eugenie

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Evgenia promises its bearers, first of all, such character traits as ambition, sensitivity, emotionality, pride, self-sufficiency, swiftness and impetuosity. True, they will all appear gradually, and not all together, as they grow older and develop as individuals...

Like any female or male name, this too begins to shape one’s personality from childhood. For the most part, Evgenias are stubborn and restless girls; they react too sharply to any criticism or remarks, get offended, are capricious, but at the same time try to deal with their shortcomings. And the most important thing is that all Zhen have the strongest leadership potential hidden deep inside, which needs to be revealed...

Advantages and positive features: leadership abilities, tolerance, emotionality, impetuosity, persistence, determination and hard work. These girls are great at controlling emotions, plus they are sensitive, have a good imagination and also take initiative.

Evgeniya has a bad attitude towards people who have too high self-esteem. She will not communicate with those who have ever been suspected of lies and betrayal. Moreover, she will avoid communicating with anyone who does not meet her criteria.

The name Eugene became popular for the first time in the 19th century, especially in noble circles. Later it spread to lower social strata...

Character of the name Evgeniy

The nature of the name Evgeniya is such that it promises girls named by this name a difficult nature. Usually these are soft, modest, shy, suspicious and fearful girls. It is difficult to make full contact with such people; they try to avoid getting close to people, because what they fear most in life is betrayal and deception. At the same time, the character of girls with the name Evgenia suggests the presence of a very good qualities, advantages. Typically, the character of the bearers of this name is endowed with such things as determination, hard work, perseverance, diligence, integrity and planning. Evgenia’s character will never allow her to give up without achieving her goal, quit a job halfway, or switch to something else without finishing the previous one.

Among other things, Evgenia’s character also presupposes the presence of a whole bunch of other equally important qualities. For example, all Eugenes, without exception, are timid in terms of contact with people, never take the first steps, and never get close to people until they are confident in the honesty of a particular person. On the other hand, character is difficult to predict, because it depends on many factors. And in the case of girls, over whom the meaning of the nominal form of Eugene patronizes, for the most part, the character depends on upbringing and the zodiac sign.

Early childhood

IN early childhood a girl who is protected by the meaning of the rare female name Evgenia may have a very calm nature. The parents of this girl will be incredibly lucky if exactly those qualities that promise meaning awaken in her. Among their huge number are calmness, good nature, obedience, prudence, moderation, restraint, caution, responsibility, which is usually not inherent in children at such a young age, goodwill, sociability and eloquence. A little girl named Evgenia has many talents, and all of them usually begin to manifest themselves in early childhood - this includes creative potential, excellent imagination, and in general, a love for everything that requires a lot of work.

With all this, the baby, for whom the parents decided to choose beautiful name Evgenia, there is no tendency towards loneliness, as it may seem. On the contrary, she is a very sociable and sociable girl, a child who craves communication, who does not care who she has to communicate with, an adult, a parent, or a peer - as long as there is communication, as long as there is something to learn from the conversation.

Already at such an early age, other character traits may appear. For example, bright ambitions, pride, a little selfishness and self-sufficiency are promised.


The teenage girl, who received the name Evgenia at birth, has a completely unique nature. Sociable, friendly, eloquent, kind and generous, fair and calm, judicious and responsible, obligatory and responsible in fulfilling her promises, practical and quick-witted - that’s what she is, the nature of the girl, over whom the meaning and energy of the name Eugene patronizes.

This girl doesn’t succeed in everything, but she always tries to finish the job and never gives up at the first obstacle. Evgenia is diligent, efficient, hardworking, never lazy and tries with all her behavior to comply with the norms of society, so as not to stand out too much from the crowd. But it also has its drawbacks...

Usually girls who are protected by the meaning of the name Evgenia are too modest and timid. It is difficult for such people to make friends, they never come up to meet people first, even if the person is attractive, Evgenias always wait for the first step from a potential interlocutor, but never make it first. Plus, timidity can make itself felt - all Evgenia’s girls are too timid, they are afraid of betrayal and lies, they are afraid of ridicule, they are afraid of being wrong, and in general, they are very afraid that they will think something bad about them. But the hard work and diligence of the girl, who is patronized by the energy named after Evgenia, will definitely not go unnoticed - it is thanks to these traits that Evgenia will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Adult woman

With age, Evgenia may become more serious, firm, strong, morally stable and courageous, but suspiciousness and fear of deception and betrayal will not go away. It is because of them that Evgenia can try to spend as much time as possible alone. In general, the adult Evgenia, over whom the meaning of this little name reigns, is a unique person - hardworking, diligent, obligatory, responsible, always achieves her goals, has organizational skills and a bunch of talents, excellent imagination and enormous creative potential. Evgenia may have many friends and like-minded people, but she will not call everyone a friend - she will first have to prove to her that she can trust this person, which is quite difficult.

In the eyes of the people around her, Evgenia tries to look as confident as possible, more decisive and serious, but in fact, behind this mask only hides her fragile, vulnerable and capricious soul, the nature of a touchy little girl. Only an everyday mistake, the betrayal of a loved one, or a big lie can turn Evgenia into a tough adult woman. Otherwise, she will remain a touchy, capricious, silent girl who keeps all the grievances inside herself. But on the other hand, an adult woman, dominated by the meaning and the name Evgenia itself, may have enviable determination and perseverance - it is thanks to them that she will be able to achieve a lot in her chosen field of activity. But you shouldn’t expect her to become a boss or leader...

The interaction of Eugene’s character with the seasons

Spring - a girl born under the auspices of the spring season and given the name Evgenia, has such traits as responsibility and hard work. Kindness, temper, emotionality and diligence. She combines leadership abilities, and this combination promises her a difficult, but very bright and successful future, both in her career and in her personal life.

Summer - the meaning of Summer gives the character of the girl named this way timidity, shyness, indecisiveness, the talent to make friends where this is impossible, sociability and the gift of organization. She easily adapts to any environment and situation, and her determination allows her to achieve what she wants, she just needs to learn not to be rude.

Autumn - and this girl is a loner by birth. Closedness, secrecy, silence, combined with positive attitude, cheerfulness, sociability and the ability to recognize good and bad people. She has well-developed intuition, but there are obvious problems with communication skills. She needs a cheerful optimist, a joker as a wife.

Winter - and a lady born in the winter months has such qualities as romance, dreaminess, activity, efficiency, unscrupulousness, and the ability to distinguish lies from the truth. He has excellent intuition, but rarely uses it; he is guided in making decisions by emotions, which often harms himself. But the chosen one will feel good with her, because she is positive.

The fate of the name Evgeniy

The fate of the name Eugene in love, marriage, and relationships with representatives of the male half of humanity is very difficult, but all its complexity primarily lies in Eugene themselves. The fact is that Eugene themselves are very demanding in terms of choosing a soulmate; in most cases, these are girls looking for an ideal that simply does not exist. At the same time, fate can lead the one named after Eugene through a whole series of betrayals and deceptions, which will further aggravate the problem.

If Evgenia’s fate pits her against a man with whom she can fall in love, then Evgenia will never leave such a man. But fate assumes that Zhenya will definitely demand changes from her lover - and it is important that Evgenia does not overdo it, because not every man wants to change.

Well, in addition to all of the above, it would be worth saying that Evgenia’s fate presupposes her becoming a good mother and an excellent wife. Most women named by this name become excellent housewives and mothers. But it is important that a man can take on all other worries and responsibilities, because if Evgenia is immersed in household chores, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to get her out of them.

Love and marriage

Evgenia can safely be called an amorous person, capable of loving selflessly, dissolving in her beloved and in his essence. The condition for such a magical feeling is the man’s reciprocity. He must also idolize Zhenya, and we are talking specifically about spiritual kinship and fusion.

Glamorous handsome men throwing sweet and vulgar compliments at every corner disgust her. She is looking for a domineering, intelligent, strong, discreet, reliable and even slightly old-fashioned man. Only next to him can she feel like an easy-going and gentle woman, forgetting about her tough character.

Evgenia will choose as her husband the man closest to her ideal and with good material income. Both of these components are important to her, so arranged marriage is not for her, but life in poverty does not suit her either. In addition, it is important for her that the chosen one has a perfectly clean reputation. Married men she avoids it. Only a responsible, wealthy, practical, patient and romantic man can become her husband.

For the sake of her beloved husband, Zhenya will be able to become a hospitable hostess, a caring wife, learn to cook deliciously and will always be glad to see friends and relatives visiting her. It is worth remembering that she does not like spontaneous visits; she needs to be warned in advance so that she can tune in and prepare for receiving guests.

Evgenia as Mother

Evgenia becomes not only a wonderful wife and a careful housewife, but also a caring mother. She loves her children very much, but prefers to behave quite strictly with them. She believes that this will help her children grow up to be people with strong character. She is ready to work hard and diligently on herself, so that she not only learns to restrain her negative emotions, but also not allow them to affect her relationship with her children. Besides,

The role of a housewife is unusual for her and at first it is very difficult for her to understand all this, but soon Evgenia will be able to boast of excellent performance of her duties. By the way, she does not refuse the help of her husband or other relatives, but on the contrary, she actively uses it. Whether there is one or several children in the family, Zhenya will always dig her nose into the ground for the sake of a happy childhood for her children.

From childhood, she begins to instill in children only the most necessary and important traits. Independence, commitment, punctuality - all this is far from a complete list. The independence developed in her children from the cradle helps them in the future to approach their choice of professions and universities wisely and seriously.

Compatible with male names

Good compatibility in the name of Eugene with such male names as Ignat, Ippolit, Konstantin, Sergei, Solomon, Khariton, Abraham, Adrian, Prokhor, Bogdan and Victor.

Alfred, Varlaam, Egor, Trofim, Maxim, Robert and Yuri - an alliance with men named at birth with such names will not be as strong, but there is at least more than enough passion and feelings here.

And with the likes of Plato, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Arthur and Maximilian, it’s better not to create a couple for Zhenechka, because there is complete incompatibility.

At birth, a person is given specific name. It is worth saying that it is precisely it that is an important guide in everyone’s life, because it depends on what the character will be and even how the life of its owner will turn out. This article will discuss the secret of the name Eugene.


You need to start from the beginning. That is why, first of all, you need to find out the translation of the name Eugene. Yes, it comes from Greek language and means “noble”, “high-ranking”. It is worth saying that long time Such names were given to girls of noble origin. Name days are celebrated on January 6, when the martyr Eugenia the Virgin is venerated and remembered. She had noble roots and was initially brought up in paganism. Then she believed in Christ and secretly from her parents, disguised as a guy, went to a monastery. There she even happened to become abbot. After a certain time, she was beheaded for her faith and devotion to the Church. Later she was canonized as a saint.

If we consider the origin of the name Eugene, then initially it was exclusively masculine. However, over time it gained considerable popularity in female form. It is worth saying that this name is popular today in many countries. The French especially love him, often calling girls Eugénie.


Having considered the origin of the name Evgeniy, I would like to say a few words about what little Zhenya will be like in their childhood. So, these are thoughtful, calm babies with a very curious character. They are interested in everything, they want to know a lot and ask a huge number of questions. If there is no live communication, Zhenya looks for answers in books. That is why they are often dreamy. However, this does not prevent them from being the leader and head of the company. From a very early age, girls with this name are passionate truth-tellers, even if this is not always convenient. The kids study well, they are characterized by perseverance. And curiosity makes it possible to deeply comprehend all the sciences provided. In addition, from a very early age, Zhen has a craving for needlework, as well as household. So in the future, the role of a housewife wife does not displease them at all.

Basic character traits

  1. Punctuality. Zhenya really doesn’t like it when someone is late, even just a few minutes. This is especially true for women born late autumn or in the winter season.
  2. Strictness. At an older age, Evgenia becomes very strict. They always follow the daily routine and demand the same from those around them. Everything must go according to plan. This is why Zhenyas are often successful in their careers, since they almost never miss or forget anything.
  3. Directness. If we consider the name Evgenia (female), I also definitely want to say that such girls are very straightforward. They can tell a person to his face everything that they think about him. However, they will never lie.
  4. Virtue. Women with this name often become volunteers. After all, virtue is inherent in them. Having done a good deed, they will never expect payment for it. And if there is one, they will distribute it to the poor or needy.
  5. Hospitality. So, Evgenia, the nature of the name also suggests that these girls are always happy to have guests. It is almost impossible to take them by surprise; they always have something to eat and something to do for people who come for an unexpected visit.


What else does the secret of Evgeniy’s name hide? So, these girls often have absolutely no desire to grow their career or find a “warm” place. They are able to work anywhere. The main thing for them is to know that their work is not in vain and is valued by others. That is why Zhenya often becomes nurses, caregivers, and social workers. However, it cannot be said here that material things are completely unimportant to them. On the contrary, Eugene can often hold high positions or be businessmen. But they are able to distribute their profits, to give to those in need. Therefore, Zhen makes honest and noble philanthropists and benefactors. These women also deal with numbers easily and without problems. But they still prefer to work with people rather than with papers. It is also important to say that creativity is not at all alien to the representatives of this name. They love to create masterpieces with their own hands. Therefore, they can succeed in creativity. Especially suitable for them art, singing and dancing.


What else can Evgenia tell about herself? The meaning of the name also gives characteristics and mental abilities these women. Thus, even in childhood they turn out to be very inquisitive, which significantly expands their horizons. And since the girls are not at all superficial, they understand any matter thoroughly. It’s always interesting to talk with them, because they know a lot and have their own opinion about everything. However, there is also a certain disadvantage. Zhenya is always confident that she is right. And if someone tries to convince them, they may even be offended. They can master almost any profession, but they still prefer communicating with people rather than with numbers. They love literature, psychology, philosophy - the humanities.

Relationships and love

What is she like in love and marriage, Evgenia? The meaning of the name suggests that such girls approach any relationship with the utmost seriousness. Zhenya is not the lady whose love you can buy. For her, what matters first is character traits, and then only the man’s material well-being. Since these women are naturally very intelligent and sensual, they can at first unravel the falsehood and bluff of the fair sex. Zhenya is not a one-night stand; she is destined only for a long and happy life with one chosen one. In family relationships, Evgenia is an eminence grise. She seems to give her husband the opportunity to lead, but everything important decisions accepts it herself. And since she is excellent at manipulating people, she succeeds without difficulty. As for children, they may be afraid of their mother for her strict character and not exactly a meek disposition. However, the kids will still love her, because such a mother will give her children everything they need, completely abandoning her own benefits and pleasures.


The intimate life of women with this name most often begins at an older age. And all because these ladies are looking for a companion thoroughly, they are not able to get distracted by trifles. And only by finding her man and falling in love with him, Zhenya will be able to completely surrender to him. As for sex, such women are very passionate in bed, they give themselves completely to their chosen one, wanting to receive the same in return. Some kind of sexual play is also very important for Zhen, this is the only way they can get maximum pleasure. These ladies are not capable of infidelity. They love only one man. And they belong only to him alone.

Name compatibility

If we talk about a name like Evgenia, name compatibility is something that also needs to be mentioned. What kind of men are most suitable for such ladies?

  1. Ideal relationship and strong marriage Zhenya will be with Konstantin, Vladimir, Egor, Gleb, Peter and Alexander.
  2. Such women will have difficulties in family life and everyday life with Pavel, Arkady and Semyon.
  3. But the marriage with Roman, Stanislav, Oleg and Victor will most likely be unsuccessful.


This is the girl Evgenia. The meaning of the name can also tell something about the health of such women. So, they have it mostly strong. However weak points still are the respiratory organs, especially in childhood. Later, Zhenya may suffer from menstrual irregularities. The Achilles heel of such women in older age is insomnia. It is very difficult for Eugene to fight with her. Because of this, their natural biorhythms may also be disrupted.


Separately, I would like to say that Zhenya loves pets very much. She can have not only a dog or a cat, but also hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, and parrots. Often these women bring a stray animal from the street, nursing it and handing it over to good hands. Women will never pass by a sick puppy or kitten without helping him or at least giving him something to eat.

Evgeniya is a temperamental and very bright person. She is stubborn, always true to her beliefs and principles. This is an independent woman who is able to cope with all difficulties on her own, but sometimes her actions are not subject to any logical explanation. Because of this, achieving understanding with Evgenia is sometimes very difficult.

Origin of the name

The name Evgeniya is the feminine form of the masculine Evgeniy. The word comes from the ancient Greek “eugenes”, which means “noble”.

In Russia, the names Evgeny and Eugene became very popular in the 19th century. Often this was the name given to children from the nobility. In those days, a woman's name could most often be heard in the French version - Eugene.

Forms named after Eugene

Name abbreviation:

  • Zhenya;
  • Zheka;
  • Evgenya;
  • Genya;
  • Zhenyura;
  • Zhenya;
  • Jenna;

Diminutive forms:

  • Evgenyushka;
  • Zhenechka;
  • Zhekachka;
  • Zhenyushka;
  • Zhenyusha;
  • Evgesha;
  • Evgenka;
  • Evgenyushka.

The short addresses Eva and Jenna also act as independent names.

When writing poems about a girl named Evgenia, you can use the following rhymes: moment, surprise, behavior, admiration.

Photo gallery: name forms

Evgeniya - full form of the name
Zhenya is the most popular short form named after Evgeniy Zhenechka - a common affectionate address to Evgeniy

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is EVGENIIA.

Eugene's word is in Orthodox calendar, so you can baptize newborns with this name.

Table: name in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
EnglishEugenia (Genie)Eugenia (Genie)
Chinese叶夫根尼 Efugenny
Korean고귀한 Gogvikhan
Japaneseエフゲニイ Efugenia
Arabيفجينيا Yafjinia
GreekΕυγενία Evgenia
UkrainianEvgeniya (Ivga)Evgeniya (Yivga)

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Evgeniy:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Vasilevna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Ivanovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Evgenia can use the following nicknames:

  • Jenya;
  • evgesha;
  • jane;
  • jenis;
  • zhenia.

Patron saints of Eugenia, name day dates

Patron saints named:

  • virgin and venerable martyr Eugenia of Rome;
  • Princess Eugenia of Serbia Milica;
  • Martyr Evgenia (Domozhirova).

The Great Martyr Eugenia lived in Alexandria, in the family of the Egyptian governor. She was a modest, good-natured girl, distinguished by kindness and mercy. I was able to get a wonderful education. Christian teaching struck Zhenya to the very depths of her soul, and she decided, secretly from her parents, to accept Holy Baptism. For the depth of her faith, the Lord granted the new convert the ability to heal any illness.

Professing the Christian faith, Eugenia and her mother Claudia traveled a lot. They supported widows and other Christians who were facing expulsion from their hometowns. As a result, the pagan government could not tolerate such acts, and the girl and her mother were executed.

Evgenia Rimskaya is the patron saint of girls with this name

Women celebrate their name day:

  • January 6 and 18;
  • August 1;
  • 12-th of September.

On Eugene, January 6, the weather is predicted by the stars. If they are bright, the weather will be good, if they are dim, you should expect bad weather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities of girls named Evgenia:

  • sincerity and mercy;
  • ability to make friends;
  • willingness to make any sacrifice to protect your loved ones;
  • honesty, intolerance to lies and betrayal;
  • desire to fight for justice and equality.

From negative qualities It is worth noting the most striking thing: Zhenya is constantly worried about something, and is inclined to look for bad intentions in the actions of those around her.

Zhenya in childhood

Little Zhenechka is a smart, calm and dreamy girl. She loves to play with dolls with her friends, and is also not averse to running catch-up with the boys. But most of all the baby prefers single games. In the team, Zhenya is the absolute leader; even as a child, she strives to uphold justice. Peers appreciate the girl for her honesty and responsiveness.

Little Zhenechka is a leader in the team, she is diligent and attentive

At home, Evgeniya is a quiet and obedient girl. Even if left unattended, it will not play mischief or play pranks. It does not cause unnecessary worries to parents. True, she can be touchy and capricious. Sometimes he can show character, become stubborn and intractable, but only if the situation for Zhenya has great importance.

Zhenya is very good-natured and modest, but extremely trusting. Without thinking, a girl can accept someone else's opinion, so parents need to closely monitor their daughter. Through naivety and ignorance, the baby can get into big trouble.

At school, Zhenya studies diligently, she is quite diligent and attentive in class, but she comprehends knowledge without much enthusiasm. At the same time, her desire to occupy leadership position among her classmates gives her good motivation to strive for knowledge. If her efforts go unnoticed by teachers, or parents do not praise their daughter for her diligence, then the schoolgirl will lose all desire to learn.

Eugenia the teenager

In adolescence, Evgenia becomes more intractable, she increasingly shows her character. The girl strives to achieve fair treatment and gets very upset if things don’t turn out the way she would like. He treats any criticism addressed to him with extreme hostility. She believes that her opinion does not require any discussion.

In her youth, Evgenia exhibits a dual character. She can be very polite and good-natured, but if you anger or offend her, the girl becomes cruel and vindictive. Zhenya is sociable and cheerful, she strives to make many friends, but at the same time she wants to set her own rules, which all her loved ones must adhere to. The owner of this name is not inclined to give in and make compromises, because of this she has difficult relationships with her peers.

The girl is always reasonable and persistent, making serious plans for the future. Becomes financially independent early. The first money she earns is usually spent on buying cosmetics and new clothes. At the same time, Zhenya, as a rule, carefully plans her purchases and tries to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Already in adolescence Evgeniya takes money seriously and does not allow herself to spend thoughtlessly

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Evgenia cannot for a long time Being alone, she feels a constant need to communicate with people. She is an intelligent and rather prudent woman, but in case of emergency capable of reckless and even risky actions. Zhenya has no illusions about his future. All her plans are quite realistic, you just need to make an effort to implement them. In business, she is used to relying only on her own strengths and strives to gain financial independence. The owner of this name prefers a bright, eventful life. She is not afraid of change, she is ready to change her plans at any moment and go on a trip. Some of the girl's actions may discourage others. Relatives trust Zhenya, because if she promised something, she will definitely keep her word. She is an proactive and cheerful woman; without her optimism, the lives of many people would be gray and monotonous.

Boris Khigir claims that Evgenia has well-developed intuition; in important matters, the girl relies only on her instincts. The owner of this name is inclined to analyze her actions and is able to draw thoughtful and adequate conclusions about the results of her own actions. Does not like to shift his responsibilities to others and does not know how to delegate authority. She believes that no one can do the job better than she herself. Zhenya is quite reasonable and stress-resistant; in difficult situations she is able to remain calm and make the right decision in a short period of time. A girl in love can understand her partner perfectly. She is attentive and caring, actively showing interest in the preferences of her chosen one.

Talents and hobbies

Evgenia is an energetic and versatile woman. She has handicraft skills and can try herself as a musician. Zhenya may also have a natural talent as an artist. The owner of this name has many hobbies that help her calm down and relieve fatigue after a hard day at work.

Zhenya, the childhood friend of the author of these lines, is a musician with excellent abilities. The girl successfully graduated from music school in violin and piano classes. She has wonderful hearing and sense of rhythm. At the same time, Evgenia did not focus only on music at school; she was involved in athletics, performed in theatrical productions and participated in almost all school KVN games.

Evgenia may have many talents: musical, artistic, literary

Evgeniya at work and in business

Evgeniya is very responsible and strives for career growth. In his work he demonstrates accuracy, diligence, delicacy and discipline. Such a girl does not want to be subordinate for a long time, so she strives to take a leadership position. Having received it, she becomes a demanding and fair boss. At the same time, Zhenya solves all problems through peaceful negotiations in a calm environment.

The owner of this name can prove herself in the exact sciences. Evgenia becomes an excellent accountant, scientist or engineer. She does not tolerate monotony and monotony in her work, loves frequent trips and business trips. Such a girl is also able to reveal her potential in creative professions, because she is very creative and loves to experiment.

Evgenia is strong-willed and purposeful, so she can open her own business and lead it to success. In the fight against difficulties, she is able to show persistence. The only thing that can interfere with the favorable conduct of business is Zhenya’s excessive emotionality. IN emergency situations may flare up and show a rude attitude towards employees and partners. She should remember that the leader must think sensibly and raise the working spirit of the entire team, only then can one count on a worthy result.


Since birth, Evgenia has had a strong immune system. But due to her temper and irritability, sleep disturbances and problems with the cardiovascular system are possible. In her youth, Zhenya is prone to injuries and fractures.

Parents should pay attention to the health of their daughter’s eyes; in childhood, her vision may deteriorate. Owners of this name are also prone to allergic reactions to sweets and chocolate products.

Evgenia’s vision may deteriorate even in childhood, so it is important for parents to closely monitor the condition of their daughter’s eyes

Zhenya in love and marriage

Eugenia's love is sensual, passionate and all-consuming. In relationships, she is selfless, for the sake of her soulmate she is ready to do a lot, but only if her chosen one has sincere feelings for her. When choosing a partner, Zhenya is guided not only by feelings. Her man should be serious, persistent, perhaps somewhat old-fashioned in his views, but with strong principles and a desire to develop.

Intimate connection in a relationship plays an important role for Evgenia. The girl is quite demanding of her partners and wants them to be gentle and strives to diversify their sex life. Men are attracted to Evgenia by her brightness, liberation and desire to experiment.

Evgenia chooses a serious, persistent man as her wife

Zhenya approaches the choice of her future husband very intelligently. For her, not only moral qualities are important, but also the social status of the chosen one. Such a girl will not marry for convenience, but she will also not dare to start a family without financial wealth. Evgeniya is very interested past life your chosen one. If a man had a dark past, she will not plan a future together with him. The owner of this name also does not want to have anything in common with married representatives of the stronger sex, even if she has strong feelings for such a person. In relationships, Zhenya is prudent and flexible; she can forgive her husband a lot, but not betrayal.

You shouldn’t expect stability in a marriage with Evgenia, because she is emotional and very irritable. Only if a man gives her enough love and attention will a girl be able to tame her hot temper. Zhenya is a hospitable hostess and loves to receive guests. She knows how to cook well, loves to pamper her family and friends with delicious dishes.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Dmitriy100% 50% In this family, the spouses have absolutely different views for life. Dmitry wants his wife to do housework and raise children. But Evgenia is not at all happy with this; even in her family she strives for independence. In addition, the girl attaches great importance to her position in society. She will not be able to quit her job for the sake of her family. Such disagreements lead to frequent quarrels, and eventually the union breaks up.
Alexander90% 50% The relationship between Evgenia and Alexander is extremely unstable. Spouses often show irritability and constantly sort things out. However, if the feelings between them are strong, they will be ready to forgive each other emotional outbursts.
Eugene80% 70% In this marriage, the spouses respect each other's opinions. They are ready to give in to their partner. They are able to look at any problem from a logical point of view instead of immediately giving vent to their feelings. Such a marriage can be long lasting.
Sergey80% 40% Power-hungry and demanding Evgenia constantly strives to take the place of leader in the family. Freedom-loving Sergei does not want to recognize the primacy of his chosen one, because of this, quarrels often arise. Such an alliance usually ends in a break in relations.
Andrey90% 70% This couple has many common interests. Lovers are able to understand each other perfectly. Evgeniya and Andrey are trying to diversify life together, they travel a lot. The couple enjoy each other's company. Love and joint plans make their union even stronger.
Alexei80% 70% Partners are emotional and hot-tempered. Evgenia and Alexey stubbornly try to prove their point of view to each other, and conflicts arise due to misunderstanding. But if spouses learn to give in and solve all problems in a peaceful and calm environment, their marriage can be happy and long-lasting.
Yuri80% 60% Romance and passion can turn the heads of Zhenya and Yuri, but their relationship usually does not stand the test of time, since the spouses have completely different views. The girl is purposeful and demanding, and the man prefers to go with the flow; his main drawback is indecision. This behavior often irritates Evgenia, and if Yura does not want to reconsider his habits, their paths will diverge.
Oleg50% 30% The relationship between Evgenia and Oleg can be wonderful, but only during the candy-bouquet period. Domestic problems kill the feelings of spouses. Partners are wayward and freedom-loving, they do not want to change. Quarrels and scandals do not subside in their family, no one wants to listen to their soul mate, in this union it is every man for himself.
Vladimir80% 70% In this family, the spouses complement each other perfectly. Evgenia - creative personality, she has a lot different ideas. Vladimir is ready to turn them into reality. They can become good business partners. Their relationship is built on trust, mutual understanding and strong feelings.
Denis80% 50% Very ardent and romantic feelings can flare up between Denis and Evgenia, but they can fade away as quickly as they appeared. Partners have completely different views on their future together, which can lead to disagreements that lead to separation.
Artyom90% 70% In this marriage, the man manages to pacify Evgenia’s rebellious temper and become a leader in the family. The girl completely trusts her husband and fully supports him. With Artyom, the wayward and independent Evgenia can become a loving and caring wife.
Anton50% 30% Disagreements and quarrels do not subside in this family. Each spouse is not inferior in leadership. Partners have different views on the distribution of material resources and leisure activities. Lack of common interests can cause a break in relationships.
Igor90% 50% No matter how wonderful and romantic the relationship of this couple is, there will be no stability in their family. Stubborn and capricious, Evgenia and Igor do not want to hear each other, much less come to an agreement. Often such an alliance does not bode well.
Vitaly60% 70% The strong-willed and purposeful Vitaly sometimes does not have enough patience to calmly treat Evgenia’s impulsive actions. If Zhenya manages to become wiser and more courteous, then nothing can destroy such a couple.

Important years of life

The most significant events in Evgenia’s life occur during such important years of her life:

Songs with this name: “Evgeniya” by Willy Tokarev, “Denim Zhenya” by the group “Harry Ananasov and Co,” “And a motor ship goes up the Volga” by the group “Ladybug”.

Table: name matches

PlanetMarsSuch a woman has a courageous and strong-willed character. She is often extremely unrestrained and straightforward. To restore justice, brute force can be used (and we are talking not so much about the use of physical force, but about psychological cruelty). Nothing can stop her from achieving what she wants.
Zodiac signCapricornHe persistently pursues his goal. Thanks to prudence and the ability to sensibly assess her strengths, she is able to overcome any obstacles and achieve the desired result.
ElementFireUnpredictable, quick-tempered, sociable, talented and strong. She may be too stubborn and impose her opinion on others.
Number5 An inquisitive and freedom-loving personality. He gets along well with everyone and prefers to choose people with similar preferences and character traits as friends. Versatile, does not like constancy and routine. A passion for travel awakens in such a girl inspiration and a desire to realize her ideas.
ColorGreenA symbol of mercy, good nature and sincerity. Such a woman is successful and strong-willed. At the same time for her material well-being- is far from the most important thing in life. She is inclined to continuous self-improvement, strives to achieve harmony with herself and the world around her.
Totem animalHippopotamusVery good-natured and delicate, but only if their pride was not hurt. Otherwise they can be extremely aggressive and cruel.
TreeFirSymbol of rebirth. A talisman made from such a tree imparts patience, enhances positive qualities and improves financial situation.
PlantThistleA symbol of restraint and endurance. Used in magical rituals to protect against dark forces.
StoneEmeraldSymbol of knowledge and purity. Can enhance divination abilities. Clears the mind of negative thoughts. Helps maintain sincere and trusting relationships between people.
MetalTinA symbol of activity, pragmatism, tolerance, but at the same time good nature and responsiveness. They are calm in communication and easy to negotiate with.
Auspicious daySaturday

The meaning of each letter of the name

E - extremely stubborn and intractable. They have their own personal opinion on everything. People with this letter in their name are very sociable and open. Absolutely selfless, they want to achieve goals that are of great significance not only for themselves.

B - cheerful, sociable, sincere and attentive people. They are very attractive and try to maintain warm and friendly relations with everyone. Usually monogamous.

G - constant desire for self-improvement. They are distinguished by accuracy, attentiveness and diligence. People with this letter in their name often show politeness and delicacy, but at heart they are very squeamish and intolerant of even minor shortcomings of their interlocutor or partner.

N - they carefully choose people for communication, and even more so for doing business together or romantic relationships. They are very responsible and pragmatic at work. Take care of your mental and physical health.

And - people with this letter in their name try to lead healthy image life, strive to achieve peace and harmony, have their own unique image. Prone to self-improvement. In communication they can be sarcastic and overly straightforward.

I - self-esteem is very important for such people. They strive to realize themselves in society, to gain recognition and approval from others. They cannot be alone for long.

The seven letters in the name Evgeniya mean that she is a woman of rulers. She unconditionally accepts the laws established in the team and society, both public and unspoken. Such a girl is sure: success can only be achieved if this charter is strictly followed. Therefore, she can be intolerant and irritable towards those who do not share her beliefs.

When was Zhenya born?

Winter Evgenia is endowed with courage and strong-willed character. Ready to overcome any difficulties to achieve the desired result. She is arrogant and willful. When communicating with people, he does not hide his true attitude towards them, preferring to express everything in person. But for her husband she will become a caring and loving wife who will support her in any endeavor.

Spring Eugenia is extravagant, selfish, and extremely intractable. Likes to impose his opinion. This usually turns people off and the girl is often lonely because of it. She devotes most of her time to work, since fulfillment in society, career, and business is more important to her than family. Zhenya, born in the spring, gets married quite late.

Evgeniya, born in spring, devotes most of her time to her work

Summer Evgeniya is good-natured, sincere and sympathetic. She tends to sympathize and worry about others no less than about herself. Very vulnerable and susceptible. A wonderful friend who will never leave you in trouble. Finds the meaning of life in family and children. This is a wonderful hostess loving wife and a caring mother. She gets married early and usually devotes all her time to her family.

Autumn Eugenia is secretive and silent. She adequately assesses her strengths and capabilities, all her plans are quite realistic, she just needs to make a little effort to realize them. Reasonable and pragmatic, she can adapt to any life circumstances and not feel discomfort. Create happy and stable family relationships it will be difficult for her - Zhenya, born in one of winter months, very stubborn and not inclined to seek compromises.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA responsive, straightforward and hot-tempered woman. Giving in to emotions, she is able to tell a person everything she thinks about him. In this case, he usually does not feel guilty. Evgenia-Aries is not used to a monotonous life and does not tolerate routine. She prefers to travel a lot and get a variety of experiences.
TaurusA devoted, sincere, reliable woman. Eugenia-Taurus is absolutely selfless. She is a wonderful friend, friendship for her is not an empty phrase. Very purposeful and hardworking, she is able to independently overcome all obstacles on the way to the desired goal. A talented and creative person, constantly improving her skills, always optimistic and friendly in communication.
TwinsArdent, reckless and frivolous. In business he does not like to take responsibility. She is extremely indecisive, hesitates for a long time in making a decision, needs the advice of loved ones, and such delay often leads to a negative result. Eugenia-Gemini is a very dreamy woman. Wants to achieve goals without making much effort.
CancerImpressionable, tender and touchy. He strives for high things, sets ambitious goals for himself, but is afraid of difficulties. As a result, he gives up halfway through the process. Indecisive and unsure of herself, she needs constant support from family and friends. Very vulnerable, capable of worrying for a long time over trifles.
a lionSelf-centered, quick-tempered and extremely irritable, Evgenia-Leo strives for independence and financial well-being. He never does anything for nothing, and never misses a profit. To achieve what she wants, she is capable of using even less than honest methods.
VirgoA modest, prudent and practical woman. Evgenia-Virgo tends to analyze her actions and correct mistakes. She doesn't make spontaneous decisions. She is disciplined and punctual in her work. She does not like change; stability is important to her.
ScalesA friendly, sincere woman, but too secretive. Evgenia-Libra is afraid of hurting other people's feelings, so she often acts contrary to her beliefs. She finds it difficult to refuse people. Afraid of changes in life. Very dependent on other people's opinions. Usually unhappy in marriage. I am not inclined to develop at work and strive for career growth.
ScorpionAn arrogant, ambitious, selfish woman. Extremely intractable and stubborn with people, she is unable to compromise, even if her happiness depends on it. Eugenia-Scorpio can be rude, but few know that under the mask of indifference and cruelty hides a vulnerable soul. The girl does not want to open up to people because she is afraid that she will be betrayed. She has practically no friends.
SagittariusFriendly, sincere, flexible and responsive. Eugenia-Sagittarius is able to attract good luck and prosperity. She is successful at work, strives for career growth and sets high goals for herself, which she overcomes without much difficulty. He gets along with people easily and often makes interesting and long-term acquaintances. She has quite a lot of friends. But such luck in life can negatively affect a girl’s character; she can become frivolous and arrogant.
CapricornA purposeful, persistent, prudent woman. He strives for perfection, so he carefully analyzes his actions. Eugenia-Capricorn does not tend to act rashly; she can plan her life for years to come and will be confident that her goals will definitely be realized. Very hardworking, completely dedicated to her work. A girl's success is only the result of her hard work. She has few friends, but not because she is secretive and unsociable. It’s just that Zhenya doesn’t devote much time to her personal life to make new acquaintances.
AquariusFar-sighted, independent. When making decisions, she is able to be prudent, listen to the voice of reason, and not act on the call of her heart. Eugenia-Aquarius is not very talkative, as she prefers to show her knowledge and feelings through her actions. One can only envy her courage and iron will. Many admire the girl’s successes, and some shamelessly spread false rumors about her.
FishSensitive, gentle and romantic nature. She has well-developed intuition. Such a girl was able to foresee a lot in her life, and this does not leave those around her indifferent. True, many of her actions are devoid of any logic, and sometimes Evgenia, born under the sign of Pisces, is difficult to understand, so many do not trust her and treat her with some suspicion.

Famous women with this name

There are many women with this name who have left their mark on history:

  • Eugenia of Serbia - princess;
  • Evgenia Ginzburg - Russian and Soviet journalist, famous memoirist;
  • Evgenia Simonova - theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Evgenia Konradi - activist of the Russian women's movement, publicist;
  • Eugenie Montijo - French empress and wife of Napoleon III;
  • Eugenia Uminska - Polish violinist;
  • Evgenia Dobrovolskaya - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Evgenia Medvedeva-Arbuzova - Russian skier, bronze medalist of the XX winter Olympic Games in duathlon;
  • Evgenia Volodina - Russian top model;
  • Eugenia Ratti is an Italian opera singer.

Poems with this name: “Crystal Vase” by Sergei Mikhalkov, “A Toast to Zhenya” by Yuri Vizbor, “Dine!” Elena Blaginina. In addition, in childhood, many worried about Zhenya, the heroine of the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​by Valentin Kataev and the cartoon of the same name.

Photo gallery: famous Eugenias

Evgenia Volodina - Russian top model Evgenia Ginzburg - Russian and Soviet journalist Evgenia Dobrovolskaya - People's Artist of Russia Evgenia Medvedeva-Arbuzova - Russian skier Evgenia Montijo - French empress Evgenia Simonova - theater and film actress Eugenia Uminskaya - Polish violinist

Evgenia’s character can combine several qualities at once. This includes determination, perseverance, and endurance. But at the same time - laziness, selfishness, pragmatism. The owner of such a name, if she wishes, can independently achieve the highest goals. She is not afraid of change and strives for continuous self-development.

Genya, Enyasha, Enya, Enyuta, Zheka, Evgesha, Zhenechka, Zhesha - all these are variations of the wonderful female name Evgenia. Eugene celebrates her name day, also known as Angel Day, on January 6th according to the new style. These women are the embodiment of nobility and honesty; they are faithful friends who will never give in. She will always stand up for the people dear to her, even if it is a matter of life and death. It’s rare that Zhenya will lie, and even more so will not tolerate lies from others. This is a fighter for equality and justice.

Origin of the name Evgeniy

The exact date and specific place of origin of the name Eugene, unfortunately, is not known. However, it is generally accepted that the first people with this name appeared in ancient Greece. Some experts believe that Evgenia, just like Evgeniy, belongs to noble classes, which should not be surprising at all, given how proudly and beautifully this name is even simply pronounced.

Character of the name Evgeniy

When Zhenechka is little, her calm and rather even character makes her stand out from the crowd. Such little ones learn to read and draw without any problems, and they also have the ability, thanks to which they can come up with entertaining stories even at a very young age. Little girls can sit for hours in splendid isolation and play with their toys without any problems. They also love activity, but they just don’t get as much pleasure from such activities as other kids.

Zhenya loves to study, even as a child she can surprise adults with smart questions and reflections. These are hardworking and inquisitive children who love to read and learn new things for themselves. Can do one thing for a long time, without being distracted by extraneous things. The little girls get along well with their parents, listen to their advice and try to take into account their experience. But these girls practically cannot find a common language with their peers, but for that small circle of Zhenya’s friends they become faithful comrades.

The adult Evgenia becomes prickly and endearing at the same time. The girl is stubborn and touchy, but at the same time has positive quality- control yourself and not show the person your true attitude towards him, even if he is extremely unpleasant to her. It is favorable to work in the field of law, pedagogy and medicine. She is very punctual, self-confident and often becomes a wonderful specialist and professional in her field.

Evgenia is strict with men. Men who are accustomed to quick “victories” seriously get burned by such a person. She will prefer as a partner a man of old views, who has a reserved character and can guarantee stability and provide a reliable rear.

Due to her stubborn nature, it is very easy to quarrel with Zhenya; to do this, you can simply disagree with her. At the same time, a significant part of the quarrels are her fault. And, by the way, often this reason becomes the reason for the collapse of family relationships.

Women are very thrifty and never waste money on trifles. Verbosity is not what these girls are about, and wit can rather be characterized as sarcasticity.

How good and successful Evgenia’s life will be depends largely on the kind of upbringing she receives. If there is a nervous atmosphere in the family where the girl was raised, then in order to resist the environment, she may do stupid things that she will later regret. A good sense of humor helps Zhenya cope with life's troubles.

Women achieve success in life thanks to their hard work, intelligence and diligence rather than to their innate talents. So to speak, acquired talents are obtained.

The meaning of the name Evgeniya

The female name Evgenia comes from the male name Evgeniy, therefore, the translation and meaning of the name are similar. According to ancient Greek interpretations, εὐγενής means a high-born and noble descendant of a noble family.

The fate of the name Evgeniy

Characteristics of Evgenia in some aspects of life.

  • Health . Sometimes there are vision problems. Speaking of children, little Zhenechkas may have a difficult and late start cutting teeth. Quite often, Evgenia suffers from, so parents need to make sure that the baby is sitting correctly. As you get older, your immune system may weaken. And during puberty, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted.
  • Love and marriage . Evgenia is one of those women who are ready, without hesitation, to give their lives for their family and friends. She feels her partner and his desires on an intuitive level and fulfills them with pleasure. At the same time, by default she believes that the partner in the couple is the main one and never argues with this. Favorable relationships are possible with men named Vitaly, Valentin, Zeno, Kupriyan, Gennady, Longin, Merkul, Modest. But it’s better not to build serious relationships with Akinthos, Orestes, Abram, Potap and Aristarchus.
  • Career and business . Evgenia may, like a man, strive to ensure prosperity in the family, but at the same time she somehow miraculously manages to look after the household and maintain cleanliness and comfort in the house. By the way, Evgenia’s character is conducive to career advancement and creates excellent prospects in the field of her own business.
  • Profession by name . Evgenia herself does not strive for power, but conscientiously fulfills her duties in the workplace. Under this name real writers and teachers are born. Despite the fact that Girls with this name are completely democratic teachers, students understand that the first one will never compromise his principles and that it is better not to conflict with this person.


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