What does the name Marianna mean for a girl? Marianna and her personal life

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Many names that we have long been accustomed to came to us from Jewish culture. One of them - the name Marianna - has a very beautiful origin.

To find out what the name Marianne means, we should analyze it, since the name, as can be understood by its sound, is composed of two independent names. in Hebrew it means “crying, sad”, and - “pretty, beautiful, lovely.”

Thus, the meaning of the name Marianne can be defined as “sad beauty” or “bitter grace.” This is the main version, but there is an opinion that the origin of the name is connected with ancient Roman history and culture in which the name Marianus existed. It in turn meant “belonging to Mars.”

It is noteworthy that the name is present in the cultures of many peoples, from Europe to Asian countries, and is also included in the list of religious ones, including Orthodoxy.

There is also a shortened name, which has the same meaning as the full name. There are many colloquial forms of the name, and some of them also act as independent names: Maryanka, Mara, Maryasha, Yanka, Yana, Marishka.

Girl character

As a child, Marianne is a real perpetual motion machine. She simply cannot sit still, is very sociable and easily makes new friends. The girl grows up emotional and kind, and the character of this child is distinguished by an enviable love of life. With this, she easily charms everyone around her.

She doesn’t spend a minute in silence, constantly inventing and creating something. At the same time, the girl is quite obedient and attentive to her parents, strictly fulfills all their demands and requests. He treats his parents with great respect, not allowing himself the slightest rudeness towards them.

At school, Marianna shines with success. She excels in all subjects, studies with passion and happily runs home to show off her good grades. In addition to school curriculum she often finds herself a lot of additional activities, ranging from sports sections to a theater group.

At home she will probably spend her evenings drawing and writing poetry. She usually keeps diaries and all kinds of personal journals. Her character is distinguished by an inexhaustible, unquenchable thirst for knowledge, which will allow Marianna to achieve considerable success in her chosen profession in the future.

A striking feature that distinguishes her character manifests itself even in childhood - this is a positive outlook on the world. She approaches life easily and with great love, charging everyone around her with this attitude.

She knows how to enjoy the most ordinary everyday things and calmly treats minor troubles that come along the way. Marianna is also endowed with healthy egoism and the ability to competently demonstrate all her abilities. We can say that she has charisma - that’s how much her character influences other people.

Besides, great importance Marianna imparts independence from an early age. Usually she leaves her parents' home quite early, trying to start an independent life. Her independence borders on painful pride: turning to someone for help and using “connections” for her means losing herself.

There is a big “plus” in this character trait: the desire for independence over time makes Marianna a strong personality and forms in her the makings of a leader. True, at first it is not easy for the girl, since she does not immediately manage to cope with study, work and everyday issues at the same time.

In general, the energy and meaning of the name Marianna makes it consonant with all the signs of the zodiac, but the girl’s fate will be most successful if she is born under the signs:

Each of these zodiac signs influences the character of a girl in its own way. Capricorn enhances such qualities as independence and the ability to be responsible for one’s life. Capricorn will give Marianne some focus and slightly reduce the flurry of her excessive activity, which characterizes her character.

Virgo, like the most feminine sign, reveals the softness and special charm of a girl. Cancer, in turn, emphasizes the determination and emotionality of the bearer of the name.

Career and relationships

Maryana often finds herself in childhood, participating in numerous clubs and sections. The origin of the name influences whether there is a penchant for music: she can become a famous performer, a successful composer, or even a music producer.

In general, many types of art are open to Marianna, since the very energy of the name inclines her into this area. Activities related to beauty are also close to Marianna. She can achieve great success in clothing design and modeling.

Other related professions that would suit her are makeup artist or make-up artist. Even if she chooses the path of a consultant in a clothing store, her employer will idolize her employee: the girl is well versed in fashion. At the same time, she has the ability to learn languages, so she can become a professional translator.

In any case, Marianna's fate will be successful - but the reason for this will not be luck and luck, but her hard work and ability to enjoy work. Her character will make it easy to say goodbye to any task that begins to seem boring, but if she has found a job she likes, she will become a real professional in it.

Marianna is usually very pretty and charming, she has many suitors and admirers, but it is very difficult to please her. Marianna attaches great importance to all aspects of choosing a life partner: appearance, spiritual qualities and the material side.

But when the choice is made, Marianne will not give up on him and will remain faithful to her beloved until the very end. The girl attaches great importance to love, slightly romanticizing it, so she often gets married at an early age.

After getting married, she becomes a caring wife and a good housewife. Thanks to her wisdom, Marianne’s marriage is often very strong, since the girl knows how to competently and painlessly resolve any

Short form of the name Marianna. Marianka, Marya, Mara, Maryanka, Riana, Yana, Maryasya, Maryakha, Maryasha, Mana, Marianita, Nana, Ana, Maya, Marianinya.
Synonyms for the name Marianna. Mariana, Marian, Mariamne, Marian, Marianu, Mariano.
Origin of the name Marianna. The name Marianna is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic.

According to the most common version of the origin, the name Marianna comes from a combination of the Hebrew names Maria and Anna, and its popular form is Maryana. Church form – Mariamne (Marimyana, Marianna). With this combination, the meaning is “sad beauty” or “bitter grace.” There is another translation option, according to which the name Marianna means “indignation.”

According to another version of the origin, the name Marianna came from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Marianus, literally translated meaning “Mariev, belonging to Marius,” which, in turn, came from the family name Marius - “belonging to the god Mars.”

There is also a third version of the origin of this beautiful name. The name Marianne is the feminine form of the masculine name Marian, which is Latin for "sea". In this context, the name Marianna is related or close in meaning to the female name Marina.

The diminutives Mara, Yana, Riana, Maya, Nana are also independent names.

As a child, Marianna is a very charming and emotional girl, whose father’s character predominates, but she resembles him not only in character, but also in face. She never creates problems for her parents, because she does well everywhere: she studies well at school, attends various clubs, and tries herself in drawing and music. This girl is loved by everyone without exception, and even having matured, she still remains the favorite of many. Marianna is a very sociable girl with a cheerful and easy-going disposition. And partly thanks to this, she is the first among her friends to get married.

Marianne's innate abilities can help her become a successful artist, architect, sculptor, designer and fashion designer. She enjoys creating and expressing herself. She can also be a leader in an organization, even if her position is associated with risk.

In matters of marriage, she never consults anyone, but simply informs her parents about the marriage that has already taken place. But, despite the fact that Marianne gets married quite early, she understands that being a good housewife is very important. This “sad beauty” quite quickly understands what it means to maintain comfort and create coziness in the house. Over time, she begins to lead her husband. As a rule, Marianne's marriage is strong. An exception in this regard are “autumn” women with this name.

Marianna, born in winter, gets married quite late, but at the same time, successfully. She never withdraws into herself, but rather is open to everything around her. But if Marianne senses danger and realizes that she is very close, she immediately begins to behave like an ostrich, hiding her head in the sand. A woman with this name is a capricious and even very hot person. She loves to argue and always stand by her opinion, even if she understands that she is completely wrong. Marianna loves to eat delicious food, especially appreciates sweets, which is why she often puts on weight.

Marianna will never shift her problems onto others, but will try to solve them herself. Although she will not refuse if someone offers her help. Winter Marianne can sometimes be straightforward and distrustful. She herself tries to adhere to moral principles, ethics and strict morality, and no one has the right to change them.

Marianna loves visiting theaters and listening to beautiful music. She is a very impressive lady who is very sensitive to her appearance and outside opinions. She is not averse to pampering herself with a fashionable new thing. Her favorite flower is the dahlia.

Marianna's name day

Marianna celebrates her name day on January 23, March 2, March 13, April 27, May 26, June 12, June 22, July 30, October 13.

Famous people named Marianna

  • Marina (Marianna) Mniszek ((1588 - 1614) daughter of the Sandomierz voivode Jerzy Mniszek and Jadwiga Tarlo, wife of False Dmitry I, married to him in May 1606, shortly before his death, and crowned as a Russian queen (the only woman crowned in Russia before Catherine I); then the wife of the next impostor, False Dmitry II, who pretended to be the first. An adventurer who actively participated in all the main events of the Time of Troubles)
  • Marianna Beerle-Moor (PhD, linguist, specialist in the field of linguistics and ethnolinguistics (Caucasian studies, Lezgin grammar, director of the Institute of Bible Translation in Moscow))
  • Marianne Cope (blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female Franciscan order. On May 14, 2005, Marianne Cope was beatified and became the first beatified by Pope Benedict XVI)
  • Marianna Ionesyan ((born 1972) Soviet actress, known for her role in the film “Guest from the Future”)
  • Marianna Tavrog ((1921 - 2006) Russian film director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Marianna Basina ((1916 - 1994) Russian writer)
  • Marianna Biernacka ((1888 - 1943) blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr. One of the 108 blessed Polish martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his visit to Warsaw in 1999)
  • Marianna Veryovkina ((1860 - 1938) Russian-Swiss artist, representative of the expressionist movement in painting)
  • Marianna Vertinskaya (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991))
  • Marianna Geide (Russian poet, novelist, translator)
  • Marianna Volkova (American photographer of Russian origin)
  • Marianna Bakonina (Russian television journalist)
  • Marianne of Austria (Spanish queen, second wife of Philip IV, mother of Charles II, the last Spanish king of the Habsburg dynasty, sister of Ferdinand IV and Leopold I)
  • Mary Anne Clarke (mistress of Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, hostess of a literary salon in Paris)
  • Marianna Mithun (one of the leading American experts on Indian languages ​​and linguistic typology)
  • Marianna Kiyanovskaya (Ukrainian writer, poet, translator, critic and literary critic)
  • Marianna Dirzu (theater and film actress)
  • Marianna Komarova (Russian ophthalmologist, surgeon of the highest category, professor of RAE)
  • Marie-Anne Collot (French sculptor, portrait painter. At the age of 16 she became a student of E. Falconet, specializing in the field of sculptural portraits. Collot’s works performed in this genre include: “The Actor Preville in the Role of Sganarelle” (1765-1766), “Portrait Diderot" (1766, Paris, Museum of Architecture), "Portrait of an Unknown" (1765, Paris, Louvre), Prince Golitsyn (1766). She made a portrait of Peter I - "The Bronze Horseman")
  • Marianna Longa (famous Italian skier, world championship medalist, winner of the World Cup)
  • Marianna Maksimovskaya (TV presenter)
  • Marianne Kirchgessner ((1769 – 1808) German glass harmonica player)
  • Maryana Tsoi (Marianna Rodovanskaya, writer, public figure, music producer, widow of rock musician Viktor Tsoi)
  • Marianne Hoppe (German stage and film actress)
  • Marianna Sedova (ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, director of the Academy of Choreography, choreographer)
  • Marianna Roshal-Stroeva (after marriage - Roshal-Fedorova, literary pseudonym - Fedorova; Russian director)
  • Marianna (Marina) Novogrudskaya (Russian and Soviet animator director)
  • Marianna Stroeva (theater critic)
  • Marianna Trofimova ( Russian historian, coptologist, doctor of historical sciences, presenter Researcher Institute of World Culture, Moscow State University. Author of works on early Christianity and Gnosticism. The main work is “Historical and philosophical issues of Gnosticism”)
  • Marianne von Willemer (born Marianne Pirngruber or Marianne Jung; Austrian actress and dancer)
  • Marianne Faithfull (British singer, musician and actress)
  • Marianna Strizhenova (Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Marianna Mokshina-Bychkovskaya Marianna (Russian theater and cinema artist)
  • Mariana de Gonich ((1900 - 1993) Russian-Cuban singer (soprano) and music teacher)
  • Maryana (Maria) Fideleva ((1907 - ?) Soviet documentary film director, laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1949))
  • Maryana Bezrukikh (Soviet and Russian scientist-physiologist, psychologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education (since 2004), laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education)
  • Maryana Spivak (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Marianne Grünberg-Manago (French biochemist, foreign member Russian Academy Sciences (born 1921))

In the Roman Empire the name Marianna was used as a cognomen. This was the name of the whole family. Initially, the men's uniform was in use. The name Marianna has several meanings. According to some information, it arose thanks to the Roman ancestor Marius. Another version speaks of Hebrew roots and a combination of two names - Maria and Anna.

  • The interpretation of the first is “sad”, “sad”, the second is “bright”, “beautiful”.
  • That is, the alternative meaning according to this version is “sad beauty.”
  • The third option is “belonging to the god Mars,” leading to the male cognomen Marius.

The Orthodox Church, like the Catholic Church, noted the name Marianne in its calendar. The baptismal ritual involves naming the children Mariamne. Church chronicles contain information about the sister of the holy apostle and the Armenian great martyr.

The derivatives are very popular among the Slavs - Maryan and Maryana. Common surnames with similar origins have the same roots. Italians call girls Mariannuccio, Mariannetta, Mara, who later transformed into Ninuccio, Nino, Nanina. In all other cultures, the meaning, pronunciation and spelling differ little from the original.


A baby named Marianna shows emotionality from the first months of her life. Raising a child becomes a real struggle. Lack of restraint leads to scandals.

The reason for children's whims usually lies in the demand for attention and the manifestation of love.

Communication with peers is quite difficult. Her friends are tired of Marianna's claims, but there are devoted, sincere children. A vulnerable child, as he grows up, learns to put on a mask of composure. Reacts sharply to criticism and troubles in the family.

Studying for a girl named Marianna does not cause much trouble.

  • Achieves good results in the humanities.
  • Literature, foreign languages, fine arts become the favorite subjects of the sensitive student.
  • Attends school clubs.
  • He enjoys playing roles at matinees and reciting poems.
  • From films he chooses touching melodramas and light-hearted comedies.
  • Books with classic works always accompany her.

Most often, the child takes more from his father and becomes very attached to him.

Teenage years

High school will bring a lot of experiences to a girl named Marianna. She attaches importance to every sideways glance, gossip and whispering. It is difficult for a teenager to cope with emotional storms that arise due to hormonal changes. However, the fears of being misunderstood gradually go away, and the character acquires the firmness that was so lacking before.

Other features of the name Marianna include a combination of amorousness with complete distrust of men. All fans are left without hope for a relationship for this reason. Only in creativity does she allow herself to fully reveal herself. Friends remain old, sometimes fate bumps into random people.

He spends holidays mainly in the family circle, rejecting invitations from friends to noisy companies and discos.


The epithet “sad beauty,” which means the name Marianne according to one version, justifies her behavior. A pretty, talented woman has been looking for happiness with men for a long time. This does not prevent her from improving herself in various areas. Work is of little interest to a girl named Marianna.

More attention is paid to hobbies. Sewing, painting, growing flowers captivate her, occupying everything free time. He never gives up trying to prove himself in drama. Some people named Marianna write essays and scripts, but they end up on the table.

Family relationships

Choosing a companion for Marianna is complicated by inflated requirements. She wants understanding, peace, but cannot live without energy supply. Therefore, a girl named Marianna cannot avoid scandals. Thanks to long search, by grinding, the family has every chance to last a long time. Has sympathy for much older men.

Her man will probably be the same excitable, emotional person. Meaning of the name Marianna for family life points to regular shift moods. Otherwise, she will be bored and need new experiences, which leads to flirting or cheating on the side.

For Marianne, children pose a challenge that she quickly learns to cope with.

  • With them, the young mother gains worldly experience, tolerance, and shows prudence.
  • She loves to take care of babies, sews original clothes and bedding.
  • Decorates the house with homemade interior items.
  • Believes in the energy of things.

The Roman name Marianna does not go well with every male name.

Prosperity in marriage awaits with, Alexey, Philip, .

Neutral relations will be with , .

Incompatibility with Oleg, Yaroslav, Andrey, Egor, Dmitry.

Health status

Constant stress and hiding feelings lead to illness. It is advisable to visit the pool more often, provide light physical activity, visit the fresh air. A woman named Marianna should take care of her health and learn to relax. Old age worsens the condition. The course of the disease worsens, because of this, Marianna develops resistance.


Life around a girl named Marianne flows rapidly. The pace does not slow down, which affects the ability to confront problems. She shifts the solution to difficult issues to her loved ones, which causes the marriage to suffer.

Marianna Aleksandrovna Maksimovskaya (Russian television journalist and TV presenter)

  • In his work he is guided by emotions.
  • Colleagues find it difficult to understand an impressionable employee; they may avoid communication on personal topics.
  • Marianna provokes other workers and causes frequent conflicts.
  • Acceptable areas: teacher at a music school, painting, dance coach.
  • There will be a place in the personnel department, among clerks, librarians.
  • Fast and noticeable progress in career ladder you can't wait.
  • He treats his work with sincere love if the choice falls on a suitable specialty.

Higher educational institution does not visit often, especially in senior years. Discipline suffers and a lack of self-control takes its toll. One remark from a teacher can turn you away from the subject being studied.

Doesn't count money, but doesn't need large amounts either. He spends a significant portion of his savings on hobbies, clothes, and materials for his favorite activities. He doesn’t skimp on gifts for relatives, and he expects the same from others.

Esoteric knowledge

  • The zodiac sign of the name Marianne is Libra, the patron saint of the heavenly world is Saturn.
  • The treasured stone, green jasper, protects from damage, gives a feeling of femininity, protects health and strength.
  • The peacock talisman animal testifies to the beauty and richness of the inner world.
  • Green is a lucky color, as are its shades.

Marianne is a wonderful female name, but what does it promise its owner? To answer this question, you need to resort to a multifaceted analysis: from origin to letter-by-letter analysis of the name.

Origin of the name

The name Marianna comes from the Roman generic Marianus - “from the family of Mary”, “belonging to Mary”. Marianus, in turn, comes from the male name Marius - “dedicated to Mars (god).”

Mars (Greek Ares) - ancient god of war and masculinity

There is also a version that Marianna (and the popular form of the name Maryana) came from a combination of the names Maria and Anna. Collectively, these names mean "sad grace" or "sad beauty."

There is also a Jewish theory of the origin of the name from the traditional Miriam - “she who raises.”

Name forms

The name Marianna (Maryana) is abbreviated as follows:

  • Marianka
  • Maryanka
  • Riana
  • Maryasya
  • Maryakha
  • Maryasha
  • Marianita

Table: name in other languages

Church name

The name Marianna is not in church calendar, therefore, at baptism the girl takes the name Marianma. This name was common in the Herodiad royal dynasty and is a Hellenized (Greek) version of the traditional Jewish name Miriam. The patron saint of Marianne is the sister of the Apostle Philip, righteous Marianma (in Catholic Christianity - Equal to the Apostles). She was canonized for her humble spread of Christianity with her brother-apostle.

Marianma the Righteous - patron saint of Marianne

Marianna celebrates her name day on January 23, March 2, March 13, April 27, May 26, June 12, June 22, July 30, October 13.

Suitable middle names

The name Marianna is combined with patronymics:

  • Yuryevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Borisovna.


In Russia, transliteration rules are regulated by GOST 16876–71. According to these rules, the name Marianna is written as follows - MARIANNA. This is how the name is written on a bank card, in a foreign passport and when placing orders from abroad.

Transliteration rules are necessary for correctly filling out a passport

Related names

Related names for Marianne are:

  • Miriam is a traditional Jewish girl's name;
  • Mari, Marius - Latin male name;
  • Maria and Anna are common female names;
  • Maryan is a Slavic male name.

Name and character

Today, scientists recognize that a person’s name has a certain power over his character, and, therefore, his destiny. Theorists of onomastics and anthroponymics (sciences that study proper names) are trying to solve this riddle and find out how a name affects a person. At the moment, there are mature and quite plausible theories that explain this phenomenon:

  • Sound theory. According to sound theory, the sound of a name evokes certain associations, supported by images. These can be colors, whole pictures, sounds of familiar phenomena. According to this theory, the name Marianna can evoke associations with the color red, the ringing of bells, and the murmuring of a stream.
  • Association theory. The sound of the name may also remind you of other similar words. In this case, the meaning of similar words is transferred to the bearer of the name - a combination of associative series occurs. Thus, the name Marianna is similar to the words “haze”, “daisy”, and therefore can evoke associations with a sultry summer day in a field strewn with flowers.
  • Social theory. Adherents of this theory assume that by the name, others can judge the origin, nationality, and social status of its bearer. This also applies to Marianne - her name can indicate high origin; Marianne is often the daughter of wealthy parents who earn money through intellectual work.

I would like to rise higher to the sky

Where to freely write a new song

To the heart with motives of warm shores

Always ready to understand you without words

9mm - Marianna


Marianna in childhood

Little Marianna pleases her parents with her sunny mood. This child always smiles, hardly whines, is not capricious and rarely, rarely cries. Cheerful and cheerful, Marianna enjoys spending time with other children, infecting them with her positive attitude. The girl prefers not to get involved in conflicts and, as a rule, manages to nip them in the bud with the help of a good joke or an unobtrusive compliment. True, if a quarrel does occur between the children, Marianne does not know how to behave - she is lost, does not know how to apologize or accept apologies.

At school, Marianna begins to realize that smiles and laughter alone cannot always win over others. Since the love and attention of everyone around her, without exception, is very important to her, she learns to interact with different types of people. She attracts strict teachers and head teachers with her erudition and diligence, which she shows in her lessons; She finds a common language with her classmates, being interested in their hobbies; with their own parents - obedience, good mood and willingness to help with housework.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes this behavior and popularity. Among Marianne's circle there will be those who consider her a sneaky and two-faced girl. Marianne will have to, with all her desire to please everyone, not forget that, firstly, this is not always possible, and secondly, it is much more important to remain yourself.

Marianna's talents

Marianna is rarely distinguished by truly brilliant talents. She can excel in the arts, play well in team games and be the best athlete in the class, but this can hardly be called talent - rather, good developed abilities. Marianne is good at various fields- art, sports and science come equally easily to her. Parents should give little Marianna a choice of hobbies she likes - whatever she chooses, she will be great at it.

Having matured, Marianna can boast of an enviable outlook, which she received thanks to her curiosity and diversified development. A broad outlook and the ability to win over are excellent qualities for professions such as:

  • journalist;
  • PR manager;
  • training leader;
  • writer;
  • realtor

Relationships and marriage

Marianne's relationship with the opposite sex cannot be called easy. As a rule, she is the object of everyone's love and adoration, but as she comes of age, such attention can spoil her, and she may begin to turn her nose up at boys who do not meet her high standards. Having come up with adolescence the ideal image of a prince, she can wait until her fortieth birthday for her fairy-tale chosen one and not notice that living people are strikingly different from the characters she herself invented - and, most likely, for the better.

Marianne often falls in love with the “ideal” Hollywood men - handsome and charming actors and singers, not paying attention to the young men around her

Marianne, of course, cannot be happy in a marriage with a man who is even remotely similar to her imaginary prince. His infallibility and correctness will drive her to gnashing of teeth, and after a short time she will understand that living with such a person is unbearably boring for her. For life together Marianna would be perfect for a man who can make her laugh - Marianna values ​​a sense of humor in men above all else. She should choose among wealthy people who are ready to leave the girl to work on the farm and who do not force her to constantly earn money - Marianna feels very comfortable at home, working on arranging household and their own hobbies.

Table: compatibility with other names

AlexanderMarianne will be charmed by Alexander - the main thing is that he lives up to her expectations and continues to be romantic and cheerful even after the candy-bouquet period.
AlexeiMarianna may find Alexei boring and down-to-earth, but she should take a closer look - his soul conceals a lot of beauty, which, upon closer examination, will charm the girl.
AndreyAndrei's temper and jealousy will scare off Marianne and will not allow the relationship to last long enough.
BorisMarianne may like Boris due to his natural charm, but attempts to live together will completely destroy any spark that may ignite between this couple.
VladislavVladislav is ready to take control of the family’s life, which will create a comfortable little world for Marianna to live and create.
DmitriyThe huge number of girls around Dmitry can make Marianna nervous, and she will not dare to take the relationship to a more serious level.
EugeneMarianna will like Evgeniy good mood However, when the young man is not in a good mood, he can frighten Marianne with his aggressiveness.
KirillThe silent Kirill will intrigue Marianne, but a man may perceive attempts to get closer as frivolity and frivolity, which will offend Marianne.
SergeySergei will not be ready to put Marianne first among his lovers, so the girl will quickly reject his advances.
FedorSerious and responsible Fyodor may interest Marianna as a potential spouse. If a girl shows her best side, then a long romance is possible, which will develop into cohabitation and a strong marriage.
IanMarianne is unlikely to like the frivolous and fickle Jan.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name

Semantic-phonetic analysis of a word - or simply spelling it out - is effective method, proposed by Russian astrologer Felix Kazemirovich Velichko. Thanks to this analysis, you can find secret meanings, symbols and hidden meaning of a person’s name.

The essence of Velichko's theory is quite simple - each letter is perceived as a separate symbol, having an integral and indivisible meaning, a full-fledged and self-sufficient meaning. All the letters of the word together form a versatile picture that describes sacred meaning words in general.

M - caring, maternal, protective attitude towards others.

A is the initial impulse of energy that allows you to achieve your goals.

R - self-confidence, self-sufficiency, the ability to look into the very heart of a phenomenon and discover the hidden truth.

And - refined, refined taste; good artistic education.

N - rejection of knowledge on faith, the habit of testing everything on one’s own experience, non-conformism.

Based on the meanings of the letters, we can conclude that Marianne is an energetic, independent and self-sufficient person who relies only on her judgment. She is caring, but sometimes her caring can develop into overprotection of people who do not need her. Marianne often has a destructive “I’m always right” attitude, and it is extremely difficult to convince her of anything. With all this, Marianna has exquisite taste, she is good at artistic disciplines and knows how to achieve impressive results through persistent study.

You can note that the names Marianna are almost identical in semantic-phonetic analysis, however, Marianna has an enhanced meaning of the letters N and A, which means that she is more impulsive, purposeful and self-confident than Marina.

Name horoscope

If Marianne was born under the sign of Aries, she will certainly become the star of any environment. She knows how to win over anyone, loves to be the center of attention and always gets her way. This is a punchy, energetic girl who is always surrounded by a crowd of friends and acquaintances. She has practically no enemies, but Marianna-Aries often has envious people who slander the girl behind her back. Marianne, born under the sign of Aries, should be careful when choosing the keepers of her secrets, as she can be too trusting.

Marianne-Taurus - tender, vulnerable and soft creation. She dreams of unearthly love, a prince on a white horse and a carefree life in a castle. Unfortunately, she is not at all accustomed to reality, so any little thing can easily upset her or make her angry. Marianne, born under the sign of Taurus, is not suited to work and is prone to laziness. However, her subtle nature allows her to become an outstanding creator - a poetess, artist or composer. Marianne knows how to pour out her mental anguish on paper, so she only needs to work on her own perseverance, without which she will not be able to create true masterpieces.

Marianna-Gemini is a sociable girl who, however, does not like to let others get too close. She trusts few people, but is almost always ready to help her friends. She has few friends, but she has more than enough good acquaintances. She rarely becomes the object of gossip and gossip, since everyone around her treats her with sincere sympathy. In love, Marianne-Gemini is, as a rule, unhappy - she does not know how to open her heart to other people, so her feelings often remain a mystery to those around her.

Zodiac signs, like the name, have power over a person’s character and destiny; their impact is combined with the impact of the name

Marianne, born under the sign of Cancer, is obsessed with the idea of ​​beauty in everything. She is a perfectionist, always looks great, does an excellent job with any job, but sometimes she attaches too much importance to external form rather than content. She will make an outstanding stylist, hairdresser, cosmetologist, and designer. She shows quite a lot to those around her high requirements, so he rarely has close friends.

Marianne under the sign of Leo is a smug and arrogant person, who, however, can become a true friend - you just need to earn her devotion. She treats her loved ones patronizingly, but never allows herself to talk down to them. She is smart, erudite and beautiful, easily copes with a variety of work, but does not tolerate routine.

Marianne-Leo is contraindicated from working in an office, working with money or papers. On the other hand, she copes well with any work related to managing people - there will definitely be a suitable vacancy for her in the HR department of a large company.

Marianne under the sign of Virgo is a diligent and diligent worker. She is a workaholic, which does not prevent her from having a broad outlook and improving her skills (both work and hobbies) after graduating from university. Marianna-Virgo is an interesting conversationalist and a loyal friend.

Marianne, born under the sign of Libra, suffers from excessive gullibility. She is easy to deceive, and those around her successfully take advantage of this. Marianne should develop observation and caution so as not to fall into the clutches of scammers and swindlers. As a rule, she has well-developed abilities in the field of science, and therefore can make good money in modern innovative companies.

Marianne! How smart you are, Marianna!

I can fly for exactly 24 hours after meeting you.

Marianne, queen of someone else's romance,

I am ready, like a rich man, to cry over your difficult fate.

A. Makarevich - Marianna


Marianne-Scorpio is a natural leader. She knows how to manage people and their feelings, easily gains trust and knows how to develop plans. She should try herself in the place of a manager - she is guaranteed a quick promotion. This girl is pragmatic and knows how to achieve her goals, which is highly valued by most modern corporations. She often has to choose between a career and a relationship, and, as a rule, the choice is made in favor of the former.

Marianna, under the sign of Sagittarius, feels comfortable in big companies, cannot live without his close friends and desperately needs the attention of others. She often chooses a hobby or job based on this need. Marianne-Sagittarius may suffer from the destructive attitudes of her parents, who impose their choices on her. Marianne needs their approval, and therefore can step on the throat of her own desires and follow the path prepared for her by her family.

It is important for the parents of Marianna-Sagittarius not to put pressure on their own daughter with their unfulfilled ambitions and to give her free will. Otherwise, the girl may break down, fulfill your desires - and become unhappy.

Marianne-Capricorn is a delightful housewife. She has a natural passion for cooking, does not tolerate mess, and is very diligent and hardworking. Unfortunately, Marianna under the sign of Capricorn rarely has any outstanding abilities in the creative or scientific fields, but she can realize herself in the family.

Marianna-Aquarius is a creative person. She doesn't need a lot of company, but having friends with the same interests nearby will benefit her and help her develop and improve. She has a narrow outlook, but she excels in her chosen field without wasting her attention and effort on others.

Marianne, born under the sign of Pisces, values ​​her financial situation very highly. Based on this attitude, she chooses both friends and spouse. Marianne-Pisces is pragmatic, she strives for power and gets it by winning favor strong personalities and expanding your circle of useful contacts.

Name and seasons

The time of year in which a person was born determines his character traits. Like the zodiac, the seasons have a special energy that is transferred to babies who begin life at this time.

Each of the four seasons has distinctive features not only in the philistine sense, but also in the esoteric

Spring Marianna is a flighty, fickle and frivolous girl who, however, is always sincere in the manifestations of her feelings. She is easily deceived, so she should be careful in choosing friends and partners. She is popular, cheerful and does not experience great difficulties in life - caring parents, and then friends or a spouse hide the spring beauty from all adversity. Unfortunately, spring Marianna needs the protection of those around her - she is completely incapable of independent life, housekeeping and making money.

Spring Marianna is liked by others for her easy-going nature, non-conflict nature and good sense of humor.

Summer Marianna skillfully manipulates the people around her. She acquires this skill in childhood and, growing up, hones it on her parents, classmates and teachers. She enters adulthood with the firm confidence that she can force anyone to fulfill her whims - and this is true. Few can resist the charm of summer Marianna.

Summer Marianna is pragmatic and knows how to get her way with the help of other people, whom she cleverly and quietly uses

Marianna, born in autumn, is hardworking and responsible. She loves to honestly achieve her goals - to graduate with honors from an educational institution, without using cheat sheets or books with ready-made answers to assignments; advance at work without annoying your bosses or spreading gossip; earn the respect and recognition of others without resorting to flattery.

Autumn Marianna is honest with everyone and values ​​​​her reputation as a reliable and responsible person

Marianna, born in winter, is creatively gifted. She has a rich inner world, subtly senses the mood of others and its changes, and also violently experiences any minor events. She is able to beautifully express simple thoughts and add sophistication to ordinary things.

Marianna Kushnerova - Soviet theater and film actress, graduated from the film studies department of VGIK Marianna Vertinskaya - Russian and Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991) Marianna Basmanova - St. Petersburg artist, graphic illustrator Marianna Maksimovskaya - journalist, TV presenter, author and host of the TV show "The Week" »

Having dealt with the weak and strengths that her name gives her, Marianna will become a full-fledged, harmoniously developed and versatile person who easily moves through life and is liked by the people around her.

The name Maryana means “tart” from Hebrew. There is also a popular version of the appearance of a female name as a result of the combination of two: Anna (translated as “beautiful”) and Maria (“sad”). Meaning: “sad beauty.” Maryana is a folk form of the name Marianna. The third decoding is “marine” (literal translation of the Latin male name Maryan).

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar are June 22 and March 2. Variations of the name: Maryashka, Mariannachka, Maryusichka, Mara, Maryasya, Maryanka.

Childhood and youth

Parents who named their daughter Maryana will not have any special problems raising their child, since the girl is very obedient and calm. She loves to carry out parental assignments, is moderately active, and spends a lot of time with her father. Maryana is her father's daughter, she considers her parent to be her closest friend and trusts him with her innermost secrets, listens to his advice.

It is very important that the father shows Maryana good example and instilled a love for art

The girl studies diligently at school, happily does her homework and attends all kinds of clubs. She is efficient and responsible, takes first place in school competitions, strives to learn new things and loves to read. Maryana finds it difficult to communicate with classmates; she cannot find common language with peers, so he tries to avoid the guys.

The girl is very attractive to members of the opposite sex. Boys have been paying attention to the young beauty since childhood, but she does not notice her fans, devoting her free time to useful activities.

First love radically changes Maryana's behavior: she completely obeys the impulses of her heart and loses her head from falling in love. A girl can do impulsive things, even leave home, if her parents do not approve of her choice. Studying fades into the background, Maryana becomes uninterested in attending boring lectures, she wants to have fun and spend time in the company of her lover. If her chosen one does not reciprocate his ardent feelings, the girl will seek his favor by any means, forgetting about female pride.

Life of an adult Maryana

Adult woman smart, pretty, cunning and calculating. She loves to use men for personal gain. Fate is favorable to her; Maryana can earn money and open her own business. She is headstrong and stubborn, successfully leading people.

Maryana gets married early, she needs a strong man who can curb the beauty’s difficult temper and be able to satisfy her financial needs. If a woman truly falls in love, she is ready to completely devote herself to her family and her chosen one. Maryana will make a good mother and devoted wife, but the woman does not accept a calm and measured family life. She needs to constantly sort things out and make scenes of jealousy. She loves to test her husband's feelings by flirting with members of the opposite sex.

A woman can completely immerse herself in everyday problems and raising her children, forgetting about professional activity. But self-realization and a successful career will make her happy. Combining work and family is very difficult for Maryana, which is why prosperous ladies are most often lonely.

The secret of a woman's name

Personal characteristics women named Maryana:

Temperament Choleric
Health There are problems with nervous system, high risk of heart disease
Basic character traits Hot temper, independence, good nature
Positive sides Purposefulness, independence, mercy
Negative sides Excessive emotionality, sudden mood swings
Moral To achieve her goals, a woman is ready to sacrifice spiritual values
Intuition She has a well-developed sixth sense and relies entirely on her inner voice.
Friendship She has many acquaintances, but no real friends. A woman cannot keep secrets and does not need the advice of her friends
Business Can be either a successful businesswoman or a woman with big financial problems who is stuck in debt
Sex The woman has a passionate and sensitive nature, loves experiments in bed and long foreplay
Hobbies Handicrafts, cooking, literature, theater, cinema, painting
Professions Designer, fashion designer, sculptor, artist, doctor, teacher, journalist, TV presenter, actress
Mental capacity Extraordinary intelligence, well-developed creative thinking, excellent memory
Compatible with male names Yuri, Vladimir, Maxim, Gennady, Stepan, Vladislav
Incompatibility Artem, Alexey, Ivan, Savely, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Mikhail, Eduard, Rostislav


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