DSP boards: sizes and prices, main characteristics and use cases. Cement particle board - where to use a universal material? CSP solution

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Modern construction widely uses cement-bonded particle boards (CSP) for external and interior decoration. We understand what the material is and how it is used.

Modern construction is impossible without the use of modern building and finishing materials. In the huge variety of composites used for finishing, a special place belongs to slabs made of cement and wood chips. This wood-based material is superior to other particle board composites in many respects: OSB, chipboard and others. Let's figure out what the specifics of the DSP are and for solving what problems it can be used.

What is a CBPB board?

By its origin, CBPB belongs to composites. To prepare it, Portland cement is used, which is mixed with wood chips with special characteristics. Its shape in the form of long thin needles (with a length of 1-3 cm, the thickness of the chips is only 0.2-0.3 mm) provides excellent performance properties.

In addition to cement and wood chips, the mixture for forming CBPB boards includes:

  • Liquid glass.
  • Aluminum sulfate.
  • Fuel oil or technical oils in small quantities.
  • Water (about 8 parts out of 100).

Additives make the slab resistant to the development of mold and bacteria. In addition, they reduce the ability of cement to destroy wood, increase the plasticity of the mixture, and give it flame resistance.

High-quality DSPs are a “sandwich” of 3 or more layers. The outer layers are made of a mixture based on small wood chips. They are smoother and easier to finish. The deeper layers are based on coarser, larger chips, which gives them additional strength.

The coating of the slabs can be sanded to facilitate finishing work. There are also varieties, on the outer layer of which a relief is applied that imitates brickwork or the texture of natural stone.

Besides decorative properties, DSPs have a number of parameters that determine their applicability in a particular area. Let's look at them in more detail. To learn how to properly decorate walls plastic panels In this article.


One of the most important characteristics. The ability of the slab to withstand operational loads, as well as its weight, depends on the density. To characterize density, they usually indicate how much 1 cubic meter weighs. m of material. For DSP this parameter ranges from 1100 to 1400 kg.


The mass of the CBPB is directly related to its density. It is quite large, and exceeds the similar characteristics of other composites based on wood chips by 2 times or more. A slab with a length of 2.7 m and a width of 1.25 can weigh from 36.5 kg to 164 kg, depending on the thickness. Such a mass complicates the installation of slabs and other operations with them (transportation, lifting high floors etc). However, it is worth emphasizing that among all materials based on Portland cement, CBPB is one of the lightest.

The weight of a cement bonded particle board is significantly affected by its humidity. The standard allows fluctuations in this parameter within 3% of the base (9%), so that the same slab different conditions may weigh differently.


The plate has excellent compression resistance and longitudinal deformations. Its strength characteristics make it possible to use DSP sheets to strengthen walls. However, this material has much less ability to withstand bending and especially stretching.


DSP - comparatively new material. Therefore, the number of sizes in which it is produced is not too large. The standard width of the slabs is 1 m 25 cm. The length varies in the range from 2 m 70 cm to 3 m 20 cm. The thickness is more varied: there are 7 sizes, of which the most widely used are 1 cm, 1.6 cm and 2 cm. The maximum is The thickness reaches 3 cm 6 mm.

Where is cement bonded particle board used?

Slabs based on cement and shavings are widely used in “dry” construction. They are most widely used for the construction of buildings according to frame diagram. This is facilitated by the ability of the slab to significantly increase the strength of the frame (with proper installation).

Another reason for the high popularity of CBPB is the high safety indicators of the material. The composite does not emit harmful volatile substances either during normal operation or during a fire. It does not support combustion and does not allow flames to spread across its surface.

The material is widely used in low-rise (up to 3 inclusive) construction. It is perfect not only for the construction of cottages and private houses, but also for buildings common use: offices, entertainment centers, hotels, industrial workshops. The high safety and environmental friendliness of the cement-bonded particle composite allows it to be used in the construction of children's institutions, schools, hospitals, and sanatoriums.

Another area of ​​application of cement- particle boards– construction of street buildings in household plots. Outbuildings, cabins, sheds, cellars, outdoor toilets, built from DSP, serve for many years thanks to high stability material to atmospheric moisture, temperature fluctuations, growth of bacteria and molds.

The low resistance of the material to bending deformation somewhat limits its scope of application. DSP is either laid on the floor (on solid foundation), or hung on the frame in a strictly vertical position. This material cannot be placed at an angle or used to design arched structures!

In interior decoration, slabs based on cement and wood chips are also widely used. They make them internal partitions, subfloors, window sills. Also, using DSP, the surfaces of walls and ceilings are leveled.

Installation features

The slab can be secured to the frame using self-tapping screws or nails. The selection of fasteners is carried out as follows:

  • For self-tapping screws, take a thickness of 2.5 mm. The heavier the sheets, the thicker the screws are selected. The length is determined by the thickness of the “pie” with which the frame is sheathed. Before screwing in the fasteners, use a drill to drill holes for the screws.
  • For nails, selection of length and thickness is done according to the same principle. The wood must accommodate at least 10 nail diameters to ensure a secure fit.

The DSP board weighs a lot, so in order to securely fix it to the frame, it is extremely important not to skimp on fasteners. The table shows the recommended number of fasteners for various sizes, as well as the maximum allowable distance between them.

The sheet is fastened around the perimeter, with strict adherence to the vertical placement of the slab and the frequency of installation of fasteners. After the sheet is secured around the perimeter, it is also necessary to tighten it along the line that runs in the middle of the height of the slab (horizontally). On this line it is permissible to screw in screws half as often as along the perimeter.

Laying CBPB on the floor

If the slab is used to create a subfloor, the technology involves placing a joist system. Timber is used for the logs (its dimensions: width 5 cm, thickness 8 cm). The logs are placed on the base, having previously laid a layer of sound and waterproofing. The step between the logs is about 0.6 m.

A layer of insulation is placed between the joists. The thickness of the layer is selected so that after laying and covering waterproofing membrane the layer turned out to be a couple of centimeters deeper than the lag. This gap is necessary to organize ventilation.

A DSP board (usually 2 cm thick) is placed on the logs. The slab is attached to the joists with self-tapping screws, recessing the countersunk heads flush with the floor surface. The seams are carefully sealed using sealant. The finished floor can now be laid on top of the slab.

Do-it-yourself installation of a DSP board. Step-by-step instruction

Before starting installation, you should draw up a project. It will allow you to understand how many sheets will need to be strengthened, where each sheet will have fasteners, and what pieces the purchased slab will have to be cut into. Before work, you need to carefully consider how the plate will be held in place until it is completely fixed. Since the cement-bonded particle composite is very heavy, it is worth considering the possibility of using lifting mechanisms.

When working with DSP, every pair of hands is more important than ever. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to start work alone. It is better to work with at least one assistant.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Focusing on the drawn up project, we cut the slab into pieces the right size. The cement-bonded particle composite is cut with the same tools as regular chipboard, but harder files are needed.
  • On each piece we drill holes for self-tapping screws.
  • We attach the piece to the frame, checking its plumbness using a level.
  • We screw in the screws in the corners, then around the perimeter and in the middle.
  • We fasten the pieces one by one until the sheathing is completed. Next, we seal the seams with sealant or close them with a special strip.

In the building, the joint width is at least 0.4 cm, outside - at least 0.8. Otherwise, the joints will begin to crack.

All that remains is to paint the slab or plaster it for a final finish.

Any business turns out better if you use practical experience. Such a wealth of valuable knowledge about the features of choosing and installing CBPB can be acquired through personal experience, but mistakes will lead to delays in construction and financial losses. Therefore, we suggest watching several useful video clips to get acquainted with the experience of professional builders:

The use of modern finishing materials allows you to complete construction work much faster, without spreading excess dirt and ultimately obtaining an excellent result. The use of DSP provides just such opportunities to the builder.

However, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of this material. This will help you not expect the impossible from him and avoid annoying mistakes in installation. We hope that the tips contained in this article will help you in your work!

The construction industry is one of the most actively developing today. From time to time, new technological solutions appear on the building materials market. One of these innovations is DSP boards, the sizes and prices of which have greatly pleased both specialists in this field and ordinary consumers. Today, together with HouseChief experts, we’ll try to figure out what makes this unique building material what are his positive traits, and does it have any disadvantages?

Read in the article

What is DSP

The uniqueness of the sheet building material that received short name CSP (cement particle board) lies in the fact that in its composition it was possible to combine seemingly incompatible components - Portland cement and crushed wood shavings. This became possible due to the introduction of special hydration additives that neutralize the harmful effects of the components included in the slabs on each other. Modern manufacturers have learned to make slabs without the use of phenol and formaldehyde, which are harmful to human health.

Technically, the process of making plates is as follows:

  1. The raw material mass is formed in a special drum, into which wood chips, mineral components, Portland cement, and water are successively added.
  2. The formation of the slab occurs layer by layer, with finely ground chips located outside, and larger ones inside the product, thereby ensuring its strength. The smoothness of the front layer is achieved due to fine chips.
  3. Moving along the conveyor line, the workpiece falls on Hydraulic Press, where under high pressure it is molded.

The ideal smooth surface allows you to evenly or wall. If you cover the house with panels and paint them in one of the pastel colors, you will get classic facade in, where the main role will be played by decorative strips covering the joining seams between the panels.

Water-repellent properties have made products based on shavings indispensable for finishing wet rooms.

Technical characteristics, application of CBPB boards

  1. The density of the products should be from 1100 to 1400 kg/m³ under normal humidity conditions.
  2. Water absorption should not exceed 16%.
  3. Subject to change linear dimensions at high humidity (6–12%) in width by no more than 2%, in length - by 0.3%.
  4. The bending strength should be: 12 MPa for panels with a thickness of 10, 12 and 16 mm, 10 MPa for slabs with a thickness of 24 mm and 9 MPa for slabs with a thickness of 36 mm.
  5. The strength of the slab under perpendicularly applied tensile loads must be at least 0.4 MPa.
  6. Sound insulation properties are 45 dB.
  7. Thermal conductivity – 0.26 W/m×°C.
  8. According to GOST 7016-82, the value of the roughness level after factory grinding should not exceed 80 microns. For untreated boards this figure is 320 microns.
  9. The material belongs to the group of low-flammable products (G1).
  10. For dry premises, the service life is 50 years or more.

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In the publication, we will look at the areas of application of products, design, proper purchase of jigsaw attachments, criteria for choosing a device, market overview and additional recommendations.

Important! It is recommended to use a disc for cutting concrete and stone with a carbide coating intended for this type of work. To prevent the tool from quickly breaking down, the rotation speed must be at least 200 rpm.

DSP façade finishing

Houses whose facades are lined with DSP acquire an aesthetic appearance. The front layer of such products can have different designs. They imitate others Decoration Materials(stone, brickwork, milled decorative slabs for stone and brick

ABOUT decorative materials This video will tell you about the DSP for finishing facades:

Application of DSP for flooring

When laying DSP on the floor along the joists, it is recommended to choose a thickness of products from 24 mm to ensure sufficient strength flooring.

Fastening by joists Preparatory work before laying CBPB on the floor

The plates are fixed using self-tapping screws, with a screw with countersunk head must sink into the body wooden beam by 20 mm. The result is a perfectly flat subfloor with excellent performance characteristics.

csp plate

Frame construction

DSPs have proven themselves to be excellent in the construction of frame-type houses. There are two options - purchasing a ready-made house kit based on DSP or self-construction walls between which is located mineral insulation. The slabs are fixed using a wooden or metal sheathing, while the frame is sewn up around the perimeter, and after that the House is cut out according to frame technology using DSP


When constructing any structure, and even more so if it is residential, each of us is interested in not only its safety, but also its environmental friendliness. And therefore, in the construction of houses, they are increasingly beginning to use cement-bonded particleboard.

Thanks to their natural and high-quality ingredients, they do not cause harmful effects neither on human health nor on the environment.

These slabs are used not only in prefabricated structures, but also for internal and external construction work, namely for the manufacture of ceilings, window sills, flat roofs, various storage facilities, communication boxes, mobile boiler rooms and residential containers and much more, which are subject to the most stringent requirements for moisture resistance, soundproofing and fire safety.

DSP board is a universal building material in the form of monolithic sheets with a smooth and hard surface, produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26816-86.

Cement particle boards are made from cement, tree shavings coniferous species, minerals and water. Due to the presence of silicate cement, there is no need to use synthetic glue, and therefore there are no harmful substances such as phenol, formaldehyde, etc.

Additional information on use is available in the collection of articles. The most low price DSP from leading manufacturers.


When choosing cement bonded particle boards, you need to consider where they will be installed. Standard dimensions of DSP: length 3200 or 3600 mm, width - 1250 or 1200 mm.

When choosing the thickness of the sheet, it is necessary to take into account that as the thickness of the sheet increases, an additional load on the structure occurs, and at the same time, under high loads and impacts, the cement-bonded particle board may break. Based on all this, the recommended thicknesses are:

20 mm - 36 mm - for installing canopies, window sills, etc.

10 mm -20 mm for permanent formwork

8 mm for subfloors

From 12 to 36 mm for frame construction

10, 12 mm for partitions

12, 16 mm for external cladding

CEMENT Particle Board GOST 26816-86 (Kostroma)
Name Size Thickness, mm Unit. Weight, kg Quantity, pcs. PRICE per sheet
in a pack in the car from the Kostroma plant Machine norm with delivery to Moscow Region from the warehouse SOUTH Voskresensk
small wholesale retail
DSP 3200x1250 8 sheet 42 82 492 606 650 653 730
DSP 3200x1250 10 sheet 52 66 396 715 769 771 863
DSP 3200x1250 12 sheet 62,4 55 330 807 873 875 978
DSP 3200x1250 16 sheet 83,2 41 246 1 005 1 093 1 095 1281
DSP 3200x1250 20 sheet 104 33 198 1 224 1 333 1 338 1493
DSP 3200x1250 24 sheet 124,8 27 162 1 429 1 563 1 564 1746
DSP 2700x1200 8 sheet 35,25 87 609 553 589 592 597
DSP 2700x1200 10 sheet 42,12 70 490 647 691 700 706
DSP 2700x1200 12 sheet 50,54 58 406 732 786 787 794
DSP 2700x1200 16 sheet 67,39 43 301 856 928 925 933
DSP 2700x1200 20 sheet 84,24 35 245 1 030 1 119 1 117 1127
DSP 2700x1200 24 sheet 101,09 29 203 1 190 1 297 1 290 1301
Packaging price 400 rub.

For more details, see the PRICE LIST tab.

Basic properties of DSP

— Environmental safety: Absence of formaldehyde resins, asbestos, and harmful impurities;

— Processability parameters similar to wood (with higher strength parameters);

— High fire safety (G1 low-flammable) and fire resistance;

— High frost resistance and thermal conductivity (0.216 Vi/mK);

— High bioresistance to fungi, termites, rodents and insects;

— Suitability for use inside and outside both commercial and residential premises;

— Various possibilities for surface finishing: plastering, painting, wood, plastic cladding, ceramic tiles etc.;

— High climate resistance.

Characteristics Indicators
Density 1100-1400 kg/m 3
Humidity 9 +/- 3%
Swelling in thickness in 24 hours, no more 2%
Water absorption in 24 hours, no more 16%
Bending strength, not less, for thickness
10, 12, 16 mm not less than 12 MPa
24 mm not less than 10 MPa
Maximum deviations for slab thickness
10 mm +/- 0.6 mm
12, 16 mm +/- 0.8 mm
24 mm +/- 1.0 mm
Maximum deviations along the length and width of the slab +/- 3 mm
Deviation from flatness, no more 0.8 mm
Flammability G 1
Frost resistance, (decrease in bending strength after 50 cycles), no more 10%

Application of cement-bonded boards

What's new in area modern production DSP?
New technology production of cement bonded particle boards allows you to obtain products with extremely low thickness variation. This development of events became so successful that in this regard, there has been a steady demand for the sale of CBPB boards with a thickness 4 mm. This is the minimum tthickness for them, which can be produced. The first batch of 6 mm slabs is produced in Magdeburg and was so high quality that all the plates were within thickness tolerance± 0.2 mm. Such fine tolerances make the costly grinding process unnecessary. In addition, the plates have smooth surfaces, consisting from very small particles, and
particle sizes gradually increase towards the center boards
Not new, but not so widely yet famous csp board with embossing and surface coating in various configurations, such as brickwork, wooden boards or a natural stone. Especially in Japan a large number of those who want to buy csp these boards made the sale of csp Very successful business. More than 90 % of Japanese buy such slabs from embossed and surface coated and used for cladding external walls.
Based on success in Japan, several companies in many other countries have started test market for the sale of chipboard. In its simplest form, paint is applied to the surface usually with a roller or spray required colors, for which currently availablevarious suitable paints and coatings. In a higher quality version, the coating is performed from reinforced hard plastic with relief the surface that results so tough and durable that it can match the strength become.

Where to buy DSP sheets?

Not exactly new, but very interesting application cement particle boards as tiles. In Hungary, the use of painted and unpainted tiles on walls and roofs is common, but of particular interest are roofs and walls made from tiles developed in some states in the western United States. It undoubtedly looks beautiful, but is flammable. Nevertheless, the sale of CP is in full swing.

Very interesting is successful application large sizes of prefabricated walls and floor elements assembled from DSP panels. All elements consist of panels arranged in composition with metal or high-strength plastic spacers and have the necessary internal reinforcements. Each element is precisely cut into exact dimensions at the factory, including openings for cables, pipes, ducts, doors and windows. On site, prefabricated elements only need to be installed and filled with concrete. Before the concrete is poured, water, gas and electricity piping will first take place in the wall cavities. After the construction of the building, the external walls are insulated with 7 cm thick polystyrene foam sheets, which are covered thin layer plaster or resilient finishing. Only three workers are needed to install all the walls and floors for one-story buildings in Week. Thanks to the prefabricated structure system, it is fast, high quality and affordable price of csp per sheet. Such effective method construction of the building does not create a lot of dust, waste and normal noise on the construction site, and provides a quick return on investment. DSP with a thickness of 10, 12 and 16 mm are used as external and internal lining walls (on a lathing frame), cladding of columns or crossbars of public, industrial and agricultural buildings.

Moisture-resistant partitions - DSPs with a thickness of 12 and 16 mm are used in rooms with high humidity. This is due to the corresponding physical and mechanical properties of the material. DSP can be used in partitions sanitary facilities buildings for various purposes.

Interior wall decoration - DSP, having certain fire-retardant properties, is an environmentally friendly and moisture-resistant material, and therefore is successfully used for interior and exterior decoration of residential and public buildings with dry and normal operation.

Floors - DSP with a thickness of 16, 24 mm can act as the following floor elements: a base for various coatings, an underlying layer, a leveling layer, a finished floor with a top coat. DSP 24mm thick can be used for the construction of prefabricated floors on bulk foundations in warehouses and utility rooms. This eliminates wet processes, which allows work to be carried out at negative temperatures. In addition, slabs can replace cement screed. The advantages of this solution are: reduction in labor intensity; the ability to carry out repair work without stopping production. The 8 mm thickness is also a popular position and is constantly available in our warehouse.

Removable, permanent formwork - slabs with a thickness of 12, 16 and 24 mm can be used as removable or permanent formwork for constructing building foundations. The simplicity of the formwork design will reduce labor costs and achieve a significant reduction in cost when performing zero-cycle work.

Window sill board - 24mm thick CSP window sills are ideal for any modern interior. According to its characteristics, a window sill made of CSP is stronger and more durable than its wooden counterpart.

Construction materials are constantly replenished with new products, or old ones are modified, becoming owners of higher technical and operational characteristics. In this article we will talk about one unique building material - cement bonded particle board. So, what is a DSP board: dimensions and price, characteristics and scope of application.

This material is made from two main components: shavings with the addition of liquid glass and other chemical additives. The photo below shows the proportions in which all the ingredients are used.

The production technology of CBPB is very similar to the production of boards. Here is the sequence of operations:

  1. The shavings are mixed with liquid glass and other chemical additives.
  2. Cement and water are added.
  3. The slabs are formed under a press pressure of 2−6 MPa.
  4. Heat treatment is carried out.
  5. The ends and sides of the slabs are treated with protective substances.
  6. The products are stored for 14 days at a certain temperature and humidity until the binder components are completely dry and polymerize.

Attention! All factory-produced CBPB boards must comply with GOST 26816-86 and be certified.

Technical characteristics of CBPB boards and their application

Specifications This building material, like all others, determines its qualitative condition. Therefore, the table contains all the main parameters that affect the service life of the slab and its ability to withstand certain loads under operating conditions.

Characteristic Unit change Index
Humidity% 9
Water absorption% in 24 hours16
Swelling by thickness% in 24 hours2
Flexural strength (not less): thickness:MPa
10,12 and 1612
24 10
36 9
Tensile strengthMPa0,4
Thermal conductivityW/m K0,26
Flammability class G1 (low-flammability)
Life timeyears50

The ratio of the dimensions of the CBPB sheets: length, width and thickness with the weight of the slabs and their price

Now let's move on to the analysis of dimensional indicators. DSP is available in standard sizes:

  • 2700×1250 mm;
  • 3000×1250 mm;
  • 3200×1250 mm.

Depending on the thickness of the panel, the volume of the material and its weight change. Both indicators are important to consider when transporting and calculating the load on bearing structures buildings in which CBPB boards will be used. Let's consider how the two indicators change depending on the thickness. The table will indicate panels with dimensions of 3000x1250 mm.

Thickness, mm Weight, kg Volume of CBPB board, m³
8 41,6 0,032
10 52 0,04
12 62,4 0,048
16 83,2 0,064
20 104 0,08
24 124,8 0,096
26 142,2 0,104

At what prices can you buy cement bonded particle board?

Depending on the dimensional parameters, the price of the products also changes.

csp plate

It should be noted that CBPB boards of the same thickness differ slightly in price, for example, 16 mm. The difference is only 50 rubles. But if the volume of material used is large, then the difference will be considerable.

Attention! Dimensional parameters: length and width when ordering by individual projects can be adjusted during the production process to the required parameters. The thickness remains unchanged within the limits established by GOST.

Where are CBPB boards used?

The scope of application of cement bonded particle boards is quite wide:

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with positive aspects material:

Now the disadvantages:

  1. The weight of the DSP boards is decent; even a small sheet of 10 mm thickness weighs more than 50 kg. It is beyond the power of one person to lift it and install it where required. And raising the material to upper floors will require the use of lifting equipment, which increases the cost of the work performed.
  2. If DSP panels are used outdoors, their service life is reduced to 15 years.

Processing rules - what you can use to saw and drill CBPB boards

Whatever one may say, CSP is a concrete stone filled with shavings (wood filler). Therefore, when the question is raised about how to process a material of this type, one cannot mention hand tool. Cutting and drilling can only be carried out with electric tools.

So, we considered the topic of CBPB boards. This is for real interesting building material, which has recently been gaining popularity, especially among residents of the northern regions. If you have any questions about installation technology, prices and types, we are ready to answer them. Write in the comments, and our editors will definitely answer.


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