Decorative elements and baroque ornaments. Creating a Baroque style in the interior What the Baroque style looks like

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If a new stage in life has prompted you to change the interior of your home, you can be envied and sympathized with at the same time. Introducing creativity, immersing yourself in the world of art and history will be an interesting adventure. But big job Choosing a style and then selecting all of its elements can be difficult and require patience. Your interior should not be just a copy of a beautiful picture from a fashion magazine, because fashion changes, but style and ideas are eternal.

Presenting the overall picture of your home, working with color, light and structure as pieces of the whole, and not a banal selection of curtains for wallpaper - this is one of the principles of interior design. The combination of aesthetic appeal and functionality is an important factor influencing how comfortable life will be in a renovated home.

The most suitable interior would be one that reflects inner world living in it, characterizing their habits, individuality, in harmony with the nature of the owners.

If you have chosen for your home, information about the cultural features of this era will help you understand whether it is suitable for you.

Baroque style: history

The main trend of European life in the 17th and 18th centuries was the attitude towards naturalness as savagery and vulgarity. The term “Baroque” itself was at one time used to mean “unnaturalness,” “exaggerated emotionality,” or “pretentiousness.” Ladies with fancy hairstyles and tight corsets, men with clean-shaven faces and powdered wigs took fashionable promenades, had fun with horseback rides and card games, masquerade balls and fireworks have become traditional.

The Baroque era is also called the age of reason and enlightenment. Natural scientists, academies of sciences, telescopes and microscopes were signs of that time.

Demonstration of luxury and prestige of the owner was considered good manners. Art helped create the illusion of wealth and power. The painting of that time was distinguished by the dynamism of its composition, its floweriness, the splendor of human bodies, and the originality of its subjects. The architecture was characterized by spatial scope and complex curvilinear forms.

Vivid examples of Baroque art are the stunningly luxurious Versailles Palace, the richly decorated Luxembourg Palace, and, of course, Peterhof with its luxurious state rooms, inlaid parquet floors and gilded walls.

Baroque style in the interior: main features

Baroque style in the interior inherent contrast, ostentatious luxury, combination of reality and illusion. Unlike classicism, which is also characterized by pomp and grandeur of the halls, baroque is not characterized by evenness and restraint. The Rococo style, similar to the Baroque in its sophistication and abundance of decoration, is distinguished by its smaller rooms, playfulness and coziness.

Creating a baroque interior

The Baroque style is suitable for spacious rooms, halls, large bedrooms, and offices. This important rule, after all massive furniture characteristic of this style, will narrow the space.

Those who absolutely want to make Baroque the style of their room can limit themselves to stylization, using only a few details that symbolize this era. A successful combination of styles contemporary (modern) and baroque , hi-tech and baroque etc. Baroque in its modern incarnation is called or glambaroque. When creating interiors in these styles, bright colors, contrasts and, of course, modern materials and technologies are used (for example, a luxurious chair in the Baroque style can be made of... plastic), however, modern Baroque is characterized by ornateness and pretentiousness, as well as classical Baroque.

Baroque style modern interpretation


Baroque style of the 21st century

Model of a bedroom in a modern style with baroque motifs

– this is pathos and drama, it is characterized by complex ornate weaves and spirals. Surfaces are characterized by concavity and convexity.

Baroque style in the interior requires a lot of color and decoration - stucco, carving and painting are mandatory parts of such an interior. Varnishing, gold, silver, bone, copper, marble, mosaic, and the use of different types of wood will help to stylize the interior in the style of the 18th century.

Baroque style in the interior: finishing

The walls should not be uniform: borders, various inserts, stucco molding, architectural decor are necessary to recreate the Baroque style. Can be used as a coating textile wallpaper, plaster, painted wooden panels. Tapestries and brocade will enhance the impression of luxury.

To recreate the true Baroque style, it is necessary that the ceiling becomes a continuation of the wall and does not contrast with it. Stucco molding and gilding on flat or vaulted ceilings will add solemnity to the room. A characteristic feature of this era is the ceiling, decorated with frescoes. In a modern interpretation, instead of a fresco, the ceiling can be decorated with a stretch ceiling print.

Frescoes on the ceiling (ancient villa in Italy in the Baroque style)

Floor color should match the tone with the rest of the decoration. It can be either ceramic or wooden. Can be used artistic parquet. Painted carpets, occupying a small part of the floor surface, will be a good addition to the interior.

Double doors typical of palaces, with carvings, gilding and perhaps textile inserts, are suitable for recreating the Baroque era in your home.

Baroque style in the interior: furniture

It is believed that cheap furniture is not very suitable for the Baroque style, especially if furnished living room. However, furniture does not have to be very expensive. You can buy beautiful discounted chairs, tables, chests of drawers - all the same, the Baroque style does not go out of fashion, nor do items made in this style.

To stay within your budget, you need to have a good idea of ​​what furniture is suitable for this style, and even among inexpensive furniture samples you will find exactly what you need. It could be ordinary wooden chairs, but always with fabric upholstery, looking solid and expensive. A lacquered table with curved legs can cost even less than a “high-tech” table with chrome legs and glass table top. Moreover, as already said, modern items Baroque furniture can even be made of plastic.

What should Baroque style furniture look like? Furniture from the Baroque era is characterized by the presence of bright upholstery made of rich fabrics, fringes, curved legs, complex carved elements, gold-plated surfaces, and varnishing.

Armchairs and sofas with curved backs, tables with tabletops decorated with mosaics, chairs with carved backs, double-leaf wardrobes, chests of drawers are the main pieces of furniture in the Baroque style. In the living room there is upholstered furniture, counters, cupboards, luxurious chairs, chieftains, etc. In the dining room there is a large dining chair, buffets and high-back chairs.

Living room in Baroque style:

Baroque motifs in the interior of a modern living room

In the center of the Baroque style bedroom is a massive bed with a luxurious headboard, decorated with a canopy and draperies.

Baroque bedroom:

If you want a barbecue style in your living room, then you need to choose expensive furniture, since simple and cheap furniture is not acceptable for this style.

Discounted chairs, with curved legs and varnish coating, ideal for Baroque.

The cost of such chairs is, of course, much less than a table made in high-tech style, which has not only chrome legs, but also a glass top.

Do not strive to buy only the most expensive or, on the contrary, the cheapest. You can save on furniture, for example, imitate plastic furniture to look like an expensive alloy, such as gold or silver.

A Baroque-style room will look chic if it contains elements such as furniture with bright accents, or lacquered chairs with irregular shape legs.

For this style, you need to choose the right detail in the interior, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. As for the doors: they must have the shape of arches, which are decorated with plants, regardless of whether the door is an entrance door or an interior door.

One of the main items in the Baroque style are: furniture that has different backs; the chairs should have backs that can fold out; for the living room you can choose cabinets, various armchairs and poufs having a non-standard shape; A buffet is ideal for a kitchen, since it already contains tables and chairs suitable for the Baroque style. You can see what it will look like in the photo of a Borroque interior.

Characteristics of the Baroque style

The main characteristics of the Baroque style are considered to be the following qualities:

  • presence wooden furniture, it is important that it be compact;
  • there should be no sharp corners in the interior;
  • There should be depressions or bulges on the ceiling, i.e. it shouldn’t just be smooth;
  • everything should look original;
  • luxury should be noticeable in the interior;
  • there should be furniture with upholstery;
  • there must be mirrors on the walls, at least one;
  • the interior should contain bright shades;
  • despite all the pomp in the interior, it should be quite simple and not annoying;

Decor for Baroque style.

The main thing is that there is not a single area left in the interior that is not affected by decoration.

Any objects are suitable for decorations, these could be: various frames, mirrors various forms, a big watch or some kind of embroidery self made, or decoration.

If we compare it with the Rococo style, the main difference is a large number of decor in the interior, as well as the presence of furniture with non-standard shapes.

Necessary rules to follow when creating a Baroque style.

For the Baroque style, as a rule, only rooms with large area, for example, a hall, a spacious bedroom or a study. If you create a style in smaller rooms, you will not get the desired result; you will only visually make the room smaller.

If you decide to decorate a bedroom, then here’s some advice: for a more desirable effect, you need to place a wide and beautiful bed. One more good quality Baroque is that it can be combined with various other styles.

For example, it will not look bad together with the high-tech style. Designers divided Baroque into two directions: glambaroque and neo-baroque.

These two directions are very similar to each other, since both are done bright colors in the interior, and practically with the same material.

Color scheme in this style

The main thing is that the color scheme of furniture and decorative items matches the main decoration of the room itself. It should be noted that the presence of wooden and ceramic coatings in the interior will not leave anyone present indifferent.

If you don't save money, you can buy parquet, but its surface will begin to wear off over time.

If you find carpets made in the Baroque style, it will have a good and pleasant effect on the human condition, as it will feel like you are in the center of creating the style itself.

Preference in color is given to bed tones, for example it can be both white and reddish shades.

Photo of Baroque style in the interior

The Baroque style is rightfully considered one of the most pompous and iconic styles not only in architecture, but also in interior design. This style originated at the end of the 17th century in Rome, then gained popularity among the residents of Venice, Florence and gradually gained recognition throughout Europe. Despite the fact that the peak of popularity of this trend in the interior was in the 18th century and exists today big number his followers.

Interiors in the Baroque style are, first of all, special pomp, scale and royal grandeur. Premises decorated in this style resemble examples of palace art. They are full of amazing floral patterns and are always decorated with sculptural elements, elegant frames, cornices and twisted columns. Not only the walls, but also furniture, windows, and even dishes are made in ornate curved lines, reminiscent of garlands, wreaths, curly stems or seashells.

The main distinguishing feature of the Baroque style is its universal recognition. This direction is almost impossible to confuse with others. Its special pathos is achieved by abundant and expensive decoration. In interior design, valuable types of wood, marble, bone, and precious metals are used. Furniture items are often upholstered in exclusive fabric with soft fringe. The main colors of rooms created in the Baroque style are white and gold.

The ceiling is decorated with exquisite stucco or large-scale artistic canvases, and the walls are often covered with handmade tapestries.

The described style is used only for spacious and bright rooms, so that the massiveness of the furniture does not affect the overall volume of the premises and does not visually reduce the scale and grandeur. Special attention is paid to the division of interiors into upper and lower levels. The color scheme is selected with special care, and the same fabric can be used for furniture upholstery and wall decoration.

Most often, preference is given to expensive brocade, satin and velvet. The latter in the old days was used not only as furniture upholstery. It was used to make thick curtains that were used to decorate windows and doors, and also to make canopies for huge beds. An integral part of such an interior are numerous satin pillows, voluminous bedspreads with original edging, original lambrequins, elegant tassels and various pendants.

Furniture elements such as couches, armchairs, and footstools resemble smooth, curved shapes. Sofas certainly have a wavy surface and a strongly curved back. Familiar chests were replaced by elegant ones in the Baroque era bookcases or bureau. A variety of chests of drawers with drawers, transparent showcases and round tables with a massive marble countertop. The main characteristics of the sleeping places are the richest decor and massiveness. They are in their own way appearance they even more resemble royal tents than ordinary beds.

During the Baroque era, new finishing materials began to be used - stone mosaic, ivory, porcelain, mother-of-pearl. To make the lighting brighter during the day, install big windows. Numerous mirrors made it possible to visually enlarge rooms and change the space. Artificial lighting V dark time The day was organized with the help of candles of various sizes, framed in silver or wooden carved candlesticks. Today they are successfully replaced by electric lamps or massive crystal chandeliers.

In the process of creating interiors in the Baroque style, special attention is paid to the design of the bedroom. During the heyday of this trend, it was the main place in any home. Noble nobles received their guests directly on a luxurious bed. That is why a lush and elegant decoration is created in the bedroom. Today, to decorate such a room they use decorative plaster, soft striped wallpaper, original jewelry from stucco, various frescoes and borders.

Special mention should also be made bed sheets. It must be made of expensive high-quality materials and decorated with designer prints. A distinctive feature of a bedroom can be a luxurious canopy that reliably covers sleeping area from prying eyes. You can’t do without careful bedside tables, with floor lamps installed near them. Exquisite is considered a mandatory attribute dressing table and a soft ottoman on which the owner of all this splendor will sit decorously.

No other interior emphasizes the wealth and chic of a home the way Baroque does. However, despite the ostentatious splendor, it necessarily retains such a feature of the classical style as absolute symmetry. Today, lighter and more versatile solutions of the Baroque style embodied in the interior are becoming fashionable. They harmoniously transfer the features of solemnity and aristocracy into modern premises and make you feel like a stately nobleman, whose life is filled with extremely pleasant events and social celebrations.

Also on our website you can familiarize yourself with other interior styles.

An interior in the Baroque style certainly cannot be called modest, since initially this style of interior design was used only in the homes of high-ranking persons. Baroque was a reflection of prosperity not only inside buildings, but also outside, as is now evidenced famous monuments architecture.

The word "was" in this case, plays a key role, because in modern design In interiors, the style in its pure form is extremely rare, becoming more and more a relic of the distant past.

And yet, such a pretentious style as Baroque could not help but leave its mark in the history of world art, and interior design, in particular. Therefore, some of him characteristics many designers and architects use it with pleasure and reverence in their projects.

It should be noted, however, that any building or premises that is being built in our time and bears the characteristic features of a certain historical style, must be classified with the prefix “pseudo”. Therefore, only the original buildings of the 16th-17th centuries can be called real baroque. Therefore, when modern interiors use style features, it is correct to say “pseudo-baroque room.”

Baroque is outright luxury

The style originated in Italy in the 16th century and, above all, served as the personification of the power of the church on Earth. Later, over time, Baroque spread to other European countries and became characteristic of most architectural buildings that era (palaces, palazzos, mansions).

The main feature that distinguishes Baroque from other styles is the deliberate demonstration of wealth, and even some immoderation in its manifestation, which is clearly felt in the entire furnishings of the room.

Only natural, rare and expensive materials are used. These can be expensive types of stones (marble, onyx, malachite), exotic types of wood (red, black, rosewood) for furniture and floor coverings in the form of patterned parquet.

If the fabrics are made, then only from silk, jacquard, velvet, and the walls and ceiling are covered with abundant stucco molding, reliefs and bas-reliefs, often gilded. The interiors and facades of Baroque buildings were always decorated with free-standing snow-white or gilded statues of gods, biblical characters, as well as busts of goddesses, philosophers and military leaders.

The Baroque style in the interior welcomes a large number of fancy decorative items and cladding elements. Thus, the rooms should be decorated with a variety of figured candelabra, clock mechanisms, figurines and boxes with precious inlay.

Naturally, such splendor requires the presence of appropriate dimensions - to truly embody the features of the style is possible only in the space of large living rooms, halls and corridors, in which such architectural elements as columns, wide arched openings of doors and windows, relief porticoes and luxurious stucco moldings will look organic Garlands.

Style features in a modern interior

Baroque in all its splendor is more archaic, and today is considered inappropriate, too expensive and even ridiculous. However, its features are quite successfully used in interior design. different rooms not only in private houses, but also in city apartments. Now let's see how you can apply baroque to rooms in such a way that they have a subtle hint of luxury and pathos.

Winding lines, curly shapes

In order to characteristically transform the interior so that a baroque atmosphere appears in it, sinuous silhouettes and curls should be used in the setting - this will eloquently tell about the presence of this style.

Smooth, graceful lines and a hint of a spiral can be felt in the design of stairs, railings, and the shape of steps. The interior can be complemented with pilasters with Ionic or Corinthian capitals, and voluminous decorative garlands can be used for the fireplace portal or openings. Wallpaper with an ornate pattern (for example, a damask pattern), figured frames for paintings and mirrors, furniture with luxurious baroque shapes of backs, seats, and legs will look good.

Artsy objects in the setting

Eye-catching pieces of furniture and decorative elements will help add a Baroque spirit, so in the bedroom the main accent can be a luxurious large four-poster bed with a figured headboard, a wardrobe with embossed gilded decor, a dressing table with a marble top and a mirror in a thick patterned frame.

The living room will be perfectly complemented by a sophisticated sofa with quilted velvet upholstery, curly legs and armrests, an accent chandelier with many arms, and an armchair with a contrasting carved wood frame.

If you want your room to look unusual, take a closer look at those things that look a little “too much.” Be sure to choose tables and consoles with a figured, lushly decorated base and the same legs; chairs can be carefully decorated with carved decor, as can cabinets, bureaus, tables, and sideboards. One such piece of furniture can successfully present even the most minimalist modern interior.

Wall art

Interiors in the Baroque style were certainly decorated with paintings by famous masters, who then began to cover the very surface of the walls with colorful scenes in order to permanently imprint their works in the space of the decorated room.

Basically, religious subjects were used, as well as battle scenes, and fragments from the life of the great people of that time.

Today, it is better to paint the surface of the walls in a more adapted way: you can use ancient black and white engravings, colorful design scenes on the theme of travel, modern landscapes, city panoramas, and of course, stylizations of famous frescoes.

Jewel tones

The color palette of the Baroque style is just as rich and varied; the room should be decorated using bright, rich colors, sometimes generously combining one catchy shade with another. Wherein, an important condition the harmony of color combinations remains.

The characteristic colors of the Baroque style are ruby, gold, emerald, blue sapphire, amethyst, white marble, malachite. Use this technique in the interior design of the living room, spacious bathroom, dining room, and don’t be afraid of contrasting shades in the same room.


Contrasting stucco

Abundant, excessive stucco in golden tones is the hallmark of the Baroque style in general. It was used on all surfaces on which no human foot has stepped: on the ceiling, walls, around windows, on doors and doorways, furniture frames, mirror and painting frames, as decor for chandeliers and headboards, columns, porticos and other things.

A notable detail in the use of stucco was the color contrast: gilded elements on a snow-white, burgundy, emerald background, and white stucco on a red, sapphire, and gold background.

Today stucco decor just as popular, unless it is used wisely, moderately and harmoniously. We strongly recommend using it when decorating a room - the aura of luxury will manifest itself.

Our age is conducive to dynamic movement and eternal pursuit, and, having achieved success, we want to emphasize it, fix it, stop it. Designed for luxurious halls and huge mansions, it will eloquently declare the wealth of the owner of the house. He is luxurious and arrogant, he absolutely does not pay attention to fashion, and, despite everything, continues to be desired and in demand for many centuries of human history.

Baroque in the interior - history of style or style of history?

Translated from Italian, barocco means “excess.” It is difficult to find a more precise definition of the interior trend, which originated in the heart of Europe back in the 16th century. The eternal youth of the Baroque seems to be a real phenomenon, but only at first glance. There have always been people who sought to emphasize their success by all available means, including through luxury interiors. Baroque fully provides this opportunity.

  • Baroque owes its beginning to the Eternal City - Rome. It was within the walls of the Vatican that all this excess luxury was born, the scope inherent in the spacious temple premises, the drama in the decoration plots, the restless and exciting rhythm of curvilinear combinations. It was dynamism and activity that constituted the main difference between the then Baroque and the harmonious and balanced antiquity, from which the new style drew its basic principles.
  • Less than a century had passed before the popularity of Baroque spread from Italy to other countries. European countries. For the rich and famous, it became a matter of prestige and good manners to decorate their properties in this style. At the same time, almost every influential person encouraged artists to create something new especially for him. The number of decorative elements increased, the decoration became more complex, and the work of furniture makers and decorators increased, and the shops of merchants selling luxury goods from different continents flourished.

  • Baroque spread with its influence catholic church, capturing more and more new spaces. It is difficult to find any other interior style that would be so associated with the spread of religion as Baroque. Italy and Spain, Portugal and France, part of Eastern Europe, former colonies in Latin America - examples of baroque that were stunning in their beauty and richness were created everywhere.
  • The style experienced its greatest flourishing among the secular nobility in France, in the 17th century, when its interiors acquired unheard-of luxury. Baroque finally emerged as a style of vast spaces, intricate elements, luxurious finishing materials, refined workmanship, volumetric and multi-layered forms.
  • Baroque for the first time combined the concepts of design and lifestyle. The decoration of the premises was elevated to the level of prestige; the reputation of the owner of the house began to depend on it; it became a subject of pride, envy and rivalry. But this intensity of passion did not last too long. Interior fashion was characterized by frivolity from the very beginning, and from the end of the 17th century, comfort and functionality became a trend.

  • However, the Baroque was not forgotten at all. As soon as people got tired of practicality or rationality seemed too bland, they again turned to the luxurious images of the Baroque, with its fluid forms, intensity of passions, drama and expressiveness of lines, sophistication and excess of decoration, and an unbridled craving for complication of images. This was repeated from century to century. Now the time has come for a new triumphant return.
  • Baroque feels great in our time. Moreover, after several decades of simplifying forms and minimizing the design of space, interest in Baroque interiors is again gaining strength, so that in the very near future we can expect another surge historical fashion. Baroque will again shine with new facets, which modern artists will see in it.

Main features of the Baroque style

Let us turn to the main and most characteristic features that give the Baroque its uniqueness and recognizable appearance.

  • Large spaces. This style requires high ceilings, spatial scope. Baroque is a dynamic style, but can work well with monumental forms. Sculptures, columns with intricate finials, a huge number of three-dimensional figures and elements that allow space to become changeable and deceptive. The perspective in such a room can change, creating wondrous, deceptive images.

  • Abundance decorative forms. Perhaps there are even too many of them here, each of them strives to attract attention, many are additionally accented with color or light. All this diversity literally dazzles and attracts the eye. Looking at the intricate lines, you can get carried away and lose track of time. At the same time, the forms can be in quite dramatic relationships with each other, creating an additional line of tension in the interior.
  • Volumetric elements of the different sizes and design are another distinctive feature baroque. These elements can act independently or as decorations for furnishings, or even be completely integrated into other decors, giving them additional volume and dynamics.

  • All these techniques change the very purpose of the walls as a supporting and limiting plane. In Baroque, a wall is a field for changing reality, saturating it with new, changeable meaning. That is why three-dimensional drawing methods are actively used in modern Baroque. No matter how innovative they may seem, their idea is quite suitable for creating a luxurious and flexible interior.
  • All components of the interior in this style tend to dominate, hence the appearance of objects and decors of large dimensions, elongated upward, massive, almost architectural outlines, which can not only create a majestic mood, but also suppress impressionable people. A similar technique is used to create internal space religious and religious buildings.

  • In the decor of the walls, and often the ceiling, vital role painting plays. Fresco painting is traditional for Baroque, however, in modern realities it is often replaced by drawings on dry plaster or soil. As for subjects, the classics are figures in the style of Michelangelo - half-naked, in physical effort, overcoming the limitations of space or external circumstances. This adds dynamics and drama to the space. Bucolic landscapes in the Old English style are very popular, as well as rustic pastorals, which are considered more neutral and suitable for premises of any purpose.
  • The Baroque color scheme is always expressive, it has a lot of bright and rich colors, it carries the idea of ​​joy of life, positivity and satisfaction. Interiors in the Baroque style can be deep, very rich natural shades, in which there is more sensual than sublime. Light and light pastel colors also find their use in Baroque, creating a romantic and airy image.
  • The Baroque decorative set contains many of the most different means and tools. There is rich inlay with precious metals and even precious stones, stained glass and mosaics, paintings that are placed on the backs of furniture and dishes, porcelain and ceramics. Stucco molding for architectural forms, fringe and decorative threads for upholstered furniture, intricately carved lace from expensive wood - all this is Baroque.

Baroque style in a modern interior

If you think that all the luxury and all the interior potential of Baroque is a thing of the past, then this is a mistaken opinion. Modern designers they willingly take ideas on board, creating more and more new variations that look quite modern.

  • The decoration of modern rooms, of course, is inferior in luxury to the palace interiors of France and Italy, however, it has retained the main features of the style. To design the interior space, smooth and deceptive forms are used that change perception. Various arches and columns, false and real, bas-reliefs, three-dimensional figures perfectly fulfill their role. Opportunities have been added to them modern materials, which allow you to create multilayer structures the most refined lines, and three-dimensional graphics that open up possibilities for creating any illusions.
  • Fabric and expensive types of wood and polished marble are often used to decorate walls. The plane of the walls is decorated with painting or inlay. The ceilings are also painted or created into real cascading structures, equipped with luxurious lighting.

  • It is permissible to lay the floor with parquet made of natural solid wood, but handmade stone mosaics or a floor made of natural marble look more stylish. You can put a Persian carpet with thick and heavy pile and fringe or a handmade Iranian carpet on it.
  • The higher the ceiling and windows, the better, so don't hesitate to widen the openings. Instead of a door there may be an arch. If preference is given to the door leaf, then let it be made of natural wood of expensive species. Carvings, bronze fittings or stained glass inserts are suitable as decorations.
  • The furniture chosen for such an interior is as intricate as the entire Baroque look. The smooth lines of the backs imperceptibly transform into the capricious curves of the legs, all this is decorated with carved lace, decorative overlays made of bone and precious wood, painted, enamel medallions. Gilding, silvering, and additional blackening on it are welcome. Metal inserts can be decorated with colored enamel. And if the walls in modern baroque can be decorated rather restrainedly, then you should not skimp on furniture; it will help create the right mood and clearly place stylistic accents.

  • The Baroque style is characterized by the use of a variety of cabinets and chests of drawers. Particular attention should be paid to the bed if the selection of furniture is for the bedroom. A Baroque style bed is a complex and elaborate design that has many details, details, luxurious finishing, which can include painting, carving, and gilding, but you never know what other beauty the inspired Baroque can offer.
  • In such an interior one cannot do without large and large decorations, which rather resemble architectural forms. Statues for which special pedestals are built, tall grandfather clocks, lamps of the most ornate and unusual shape, which became the contribution of technological progress to the formation modern image baroque.
  • For those who are thinking about how to give the interior Baroque features using affordable means, we can recommend good decision. Use frames. They can frame mirrors or paintings, sections of the wall and fragments of decoration. The more luxurious and elaborate the pattern and stucco of the frame, the better. There is no need to try to select identical specimens. On the contrary, they should differ in the material of manufacture, in the pattern, and even in shape.

  • For upholstered furniture in the Baroque style, you need to choose expensive and heavy fabrics, preferably from natural threads. Velvet and brocade, gold embroidery and hand-work, satin and hand-painted silk are allowed. All textiles in a baroque interior do not even look rich, but truly luxurious. However, this applies to all interior elements.
  • Baroque is one of the most detailed interiors, and although its modern reincarnation is still less saturated with accessories and decor, there are still quite a lot of them. They play a significant role in creating the atmosphere of style.
  • To decorate the interior, choose intricate accessories, with a large number of richly decorated details. These can be figurines, vases, candlesticks and lamps, paintings, boxes, watches and so on. Unusual and exotic items decorated with chasing, carving, stucco, colored enamel or inlay would be appropriate.

  • The intensity of human life during the Baroque period was very, very great. Wars, palace coups, intrigue - all this was reflected in the Baroque philosophy, both luxurious and dramatic, combining the love of life’s pleasures and the high intensity of events that throw a person into the abyss of vices or elevate him to the pinnacle of spiritual achievement. Therefore, pathos is very characteristic of the Baroque, sometimes incomprehensible to us, people of a calmer era. Hence the fascination with images of people in a state of tension and action, the contrast of elements of style. So, when planning a baroque interior, do not forget about this intangible, but essential feature. Drive and dynamics will revive the style and give it modern features.
  • The play of light created by glossy, polished surfaces, mirror reflections, and abundance is suitable for this. glass elements and decorations. A little eclecticism wouldn't hurt either. For example, elements of Art Nouveau and Art Deco may well enrich Baroque, making it even more unusual and multi-layered.

The Baroque style in the interior will help create a bright and luxurious image, fancy lines, whimsical decors. Luxurious finishing, rich and varied decoration, the play of light and shadow, drama and dynamics of the interior ensure its sustainable popularity. Today, Baroque is experiencing a new wave of interest, on the crest of which appear current options of this style, meeting modern tastes and demands.


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