We make a magic wand with our own hands. How to make a magic wand at home with your own hands

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Find a base for your magic wand. It could be a young tree or a thin stick. It is very important to choose the right type of wood. When going in search of a wand, try to fill your head with bright, positive thoughts, put on light, clean clothes. Don't talk to anyone on . To find a stick, you can walk through a forest or park and listen to the trees. Perhaps one of them will attract you to itself. If the walk does not produce results, sit down near the trees and try to clear your mind with the help. You can choose a tree for a magic wand using the instructions of the horoscope. For example, in the Celtic horoscope, each person is assigned a specific sacred tree. It is not necessary to use any specific methods - trust your intuition, show your imagination. If you concentrate correctly, you will be visited by a feeling that will tell you where your future magical instrument is located. The search process may take a long time, so don’t despair right away. There is an opinion that the wand itself should choose you. It is considered to be strong and reliable basis for the sticks they will become sound tree species. When you meet your future magic wand, tell her some words, make a request, state your desires. What exactly to say is up to you to decide; the main thing is that the words should come from the depths of your soul.

There is no wand creation time special significance– both in winter, and the most important thing is to properly direct your life in the right direction. When you decide on the right tree, break off the branch. Don't put too much force into this movement; the branch should almost fall into your hands on its own. After this, you need to establish a connection with your wand. To do this, keep it with you at all times; it is better if you come into contact with it as often as possible. During sleep, the wand should lie next to you.

Immediately after arriving home, lower the stick base into salt water for a day. Press it down with a natural stone so that it does not float. This process will help clear the branch of negative or simply extraneous energy. Then dry it well fresh air(better in bright light).

After the connection with the base for the stick has been established, it needs to be processed. To do this, level the cut area, clean the stick from shoots and irregularities. You can adjust the stick to the size you need. It is better to do this with a wooden knife.

It is better to remove the bark from a stick without any improvised means, using only own hands and nails. Clean the twig until it is clean white. Using sandpaper we sand its surface. Try to concentrate on work. If you have the skill of working with energy, then put it into a wand to charge it. After that, coat it with varnish and let dry. You can decorate it with crystals and other paraphernalia, but if you are new to the game, then leave it for the time being. When creating a wand, keep in mind an approximate image of the finished magical attribute. The shape, in principle, can be any - wavy, twisted, and so on.

After this, you need to wait until the stick dries - about 10-15 days.

The next step is a process called smoothing. For this you will need fine-grained pumice. You can take suitable stone. At all, best choice there will be a natural stone with a suitable texture. In principle, you can use a cloth-sandpaper, or a very simplified option - sand it with a nail file. Try to align the stick as carefully as possible, put your effort and soul into this process. Ideally you should get a stick cylindrical. If you feel that such a stick will not suit you, make it tapered towards the end. To make the stick more convenient to carry with you, you can make a small hole at its end to thread a string through. Try to make this hole by hand, electric drill can damage delicate wood, and after some time cracks and scratches will appear on it. When working on a real magic wand, avoid artificial materials. If desired, you can decorate the handle of the stick with plastic, rhinestones and glue. The base of the stick should be made only from natural materials.

The processing of the stick is completely completed 1-2 days after ironing is completed. By this time the tree will be completely dry. After this, you need to carry the wand with you, transfer your energy to it, and nourish it with the power of your own.

Now the most important stage is initiation. First you need to carry out preliminary procedures. Move the stick, place it in a place where the moonlight falls. At the same time, place it on natural material. Place two lit candles near each end of the stick. Close your eyes and promise the wand as hard as you can not to use it for bad purposes. In order for your wand to be a functioning instrument, it must be consecrated. To do this, at midnight you need to put it on a cloth, and placing a candle at the ends of the stick, say a prayer. You can come up with words yourself, the main thing is to get in the right mood, concentrate and direct all your will towards this action. Depending on you, you can perform consecration in water, fire, air and earth.

A person with weakened energy should not make a wand. This process requires a lot inner strength. Therefore, after, for example, a long illness, it will be useful to first restore strength through meditation, have a relaxing holiday alone in nature.

Anyone who dreams of miracles dreams of one day acquiring a wand with the poetic and symbolic name Magic.

How to do

Having carefully studied numerous tips on how to make a Real Magic Wand, as well as how to control this item, we came to the conclusion that in fact there is only one piece of advice - your imagination will help you!

Basically, do magic wand home is absolutely real. Its production will not take much effort, money and time. For example, you can make it from an ordinary pencil ( detailed instructions - ).

Or here’s another option - to make a wand, you can use an elderberry or nut branch, which people have endowed with magical qualities since ancient times. If for some unknown reason you don’t have such branches at home, go to the nearest forest to get them.

To the question of when to leave, we will answer this way - when will it be positive attitude, complete spiritual harmony, and the desire to merge with nature. If you believe in the phases of the moon, then do the ritual of making for the waxing moon.

So, let’s say all the conditions are met, and here you are standing in the forest, thinking. Walking around the elderberry tree four times, blowing, spitting and, hanging on the branch you like, breaks it off, falling to the ground with a crash - although a fascinating option, it threatens with bruises and splinters. It will be more effective and safer to simply carefully cut off the stick.

Don’t forget to say a few nice words to the tree - you need to thank Mother Nature, and then she will certainly respond to you with love.

At home, the cut stick must be sanded, dried, rubbed with incense and decorated. For decoration, use any available materials - colored paper, foil, multi-colored ribbons, rhinestones, stickers. Make the stick bright so that it becomes your vitamin, antidepressant, or amulet.

Also, in response to the question of how to make a magic wand, real magicians usually give the following recommendations: go to the swamp for it on a full moon, and the wand itself will find you. Here, city residents decide for themselves whether they will go in search of a swamp among the sleeping night windows of the metropolis, or whether they will make do with more conservative methods.

Another version of the magic wand is associated with fire magic. Remember how magical and bewitching sparklers look! This must definitely be used in the practice of positive and good magic. So, make a wish, strike a match, light a magic sparkler and write your wish in the air with it. For greater effect, it is better to do this in complete darkness. An incense stick is also suitable for fire magic. The principle of operation is the same: set it on fire and write.

And if you want to do the most real stick, similar to the one used by the wizard of all times Harry Potter, then be sure to watch this video: there are detailed instructions there.

So, we told you how to make a magic wand, but remember that only your sincere belief in miracles gives it truly magical properties.

Where to store

Throwing a stick anywhere is fraught with the fact that one fine moment you will return from work, and your beloved innocently rummages with it in his ear, scratches his left heel, plays fetch with the Yokserka terrier Bonya, or selflessly conducts to the beat of Ramstein’s “Du hast mich...”

And does not tolerate careless handling. Let your wand know only your gentle hands.

Put it in the women's holy of holies - a drawer with cosmetics. Men are usually afraid to climb there, so as not to inadvertently break their necks.

How to use

It is preferable to use a magical attribute at home. You shouldn’t go out of your way to pretend to be a fairy somewhere in a public place. Because if you take out a wand, for example, in line to see a local therapist and, waving it in front of the patients standing in front, you cry out: “You weren’t standing here! Chufyr!”, in best case scenario you will receive in response something like: “Girl, the psychiatrist sees him on the second shift!” Well, at worst, you risk getting hit on the head with the same stick, and forever losing faith in the power of magic.

Create your own home rituals. For example, before leaving the house, tap the sole of your shoes with a stick three times so as not to be late for your appointment. important meeting. Or count your salary, touching each bill with a stick to avoid unnecessary spending in the coming month and increase your income countless times. Or learn the location of bioactive points and use a wand to give yourself a magical acupuncture massage that gives strength and energy...

In general, there are a huge number of options for how you can use this wonderful wand; it all depends on your desires.

And may you not be able to stop the annoying rain outside with one wave of your wand. But this wave, perhaps, will give you the feeling that the sun is awakening inside you, and you can light it by cutting it out of colored cardboard and attaching it to the curtain.

It is quite possible to make a real magic wand with magic at home. It often takes a lot of time to make a magical attribute.

People with strong energy usually have one year. For those who are energetically weak – several years. But the manufacturing and training process can be significantly reduced to a few weeks or days.

To do this you will have to work hard and devote a huge amount of effort. And no matter how skeptics joke about this, making a magic wand with magic is quite possible - the main thing is to believe.

note! An important step When making a magic wand is the choice of material and the method of making the attribute.

The easiest way to make a wish-granting wand is for children. Firstly, children have strong, clean energy. Secondly, they believe in miracles. Thirdly, they are easy to train and educate.

IN real life in adults, these qualities are dulled or completely absent, which aggravates the process of filling the wand with magic.

Children are primarily attracted to appearance products. Often kids want the same wand as Harry Potter.

At home, such a stick can be made from real wood, but another option is also possible, which will quickly and efficiently repeat all the same contours and shapes.

In addition to the material basis for full functioning, a spell and preparation are required.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands:

Material for production Manufacturing Features
Wood, wood varnish, paint, decorative ornaments It takes a long time to make a wooden stick. First you need to choose the type of wood that suits your personality. It is best if it is a young seedling.

The branch is stripped until it takes the desired shape. All defects are removed using sandpaper.

The finished product is first coated with paint, then wood varnish, and only finally decorated. Decorations can be natural stones, beads, textile ribbons, feathers

Several sheets of white paper, PVA glue, gouache, decorations It will not be possible to make a full-fledged magic wand out of paper, since paper does not carry the same energy as a plant. But the external qualities will not be inferior if everything is done carefully.

A stick is formed from slightly damp sheets of white paper. The paper must be tightly compressed, otherwise the product will turn out fragile.

You should first add office glue to the water to secure the result. Afterwards painting and decorating is done

Pencil, paint, decor, knife, sandpaper A chopped base is formed from a pencil using a knife. The base is processed sandpaper. Next steps- This is coloring and decoration.

If you have no experience working with wood, you can simply recolor the pencil and then decorate it further

Where and how to store?

The magic wand must be stored in appropriate conditions so that it does not lose its properties.

Some magicians leave the item of magic in secluded secret places that only they know about. But you can leave it magic item and at home.

You should not leave a real wand in a visible place - you need to prepare a special place for it, where the magical properties of the object will be preserved.

To store a real magic wand, the following storage conditions are required:

  1. Keep out of reach of other people. It's best if it's protected magic amulet or a spell.
  2. The wand itself is placed in the casket or a special handbag.
  3. The casket must be large and reliable. It's good if it has a lock.
  4. In order for it to cast magic, you need to use it periodically magical properties, performing at least basic spells.

Many magicians, in order to fully protect their magical weapons, have special animals. Such a companion will help in maintaining the magic wand and other magical matters.

How to use it correctly?

A wand that fulfills wishes requires an appropriate attitude. It is absolutely impossible to master a magic item in 5 minutes.

Some people spend years mastering wisdom related to use. The help of more experienced magicians is often needed.

You can also learn to use a stick on your own, just follow the basic rules clearly.

How to learn how to use it correctly yourself:

  • During the casting process it is required maximum concentration of energy.
  • All forces as accurately as possible aimed at fulfilling desires.
  • The spell must be cast clearly and correctly.
  • During the process of witchcraft, you should definitely think about the result, which may work out.
  • The desire must be spoken to oneself at the moment of witchcraft. At the same time, it is specified as what is desired at the present time.
  • The attitude should only be positive not only during the spell, but also after the action.
  • It’s definitely worth thanking the “Universe”, even if the dream is too incredible and may not come true in the future.
  • After magical actions, you need to be aware of everything that happens to you. The wish will not come true on its own - a program will be sent, with the help of which the action itself will be performed.
  • It may take quite a lot of time to make a wish., so you should exercise maximum patience.
  • Positive interaction with those around you will enhance the magic.

A working magic wand should first be charged with positive energy by performing several good deeds.

Important! You should not pretend if you are in a bad mood or if an unpleasant event has recently occurred. It is better to postpone magical work.

It is easy to cast a spell, especially on clear days, when there are no magnetic storms or natural disasters.

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Many enterprising businessmen, after the release of the saga about the young wizard, began vying with each other to offer to purchase the “Harry Potter magic wand.” However, the real magic wand, as we all know, the product is one-piece, exclusive and “alive”. The wand itself chooses its owner, so it is impossible to buy a working copy in the store.

A true wizard finds his wand intuitively, but you can learn how to make a magic wand from an unattractive twig. And it’s better to do it right now!

How to make a real magic wand

Have you noticed that wishes come true? This is how magic works, which everyone is endowed with to one degree or another. The wand itself is simply a wand, an antenna that accumulates and amplifies the wizard’s energy. How to make a magic wand that obeys its owner and “pretends” to be an ordinary branch for everyone else?

A real magic wand is a one-piece product, exclusive and “alive”

Let's start with some simple truths:

  • The stick must be natural to preserve the memory of vitality tree. This can only be found in a forest or park, since the trees planted in the city are weak and lack connection with the elements.
  • A branch broken by a wizard loses its strength and “dies,” so the tree itself must give up the branch after a sincere request and an honest promise not to use magic to harm living beings. If this condition is violated, the wand will never gain the required strength and will take away energy from its owner.
  • Each tree is endowed with unique qualities, but the magician must feel “his” wand. To do this, just take a twig in your hands, close your eyes and feel its weight in your palm. If it seems that the wand has become an extension of the hand, then it is “the one.”
  • Say “thank you” to the tree. Even science has already proven that sincere gratitude has magical property, so these are not just familiar words, but the first spells available to everyone, the meaning of which has been lost for most. Give the tree some of your energy and wish it well. In this case, the wand will not lose touch with the forest and will be fueled by its pure, inexhaustible energy.

Now you can start making a magic wand!

How to make a magic wand at home: affordable magic

Ash, birch, cedar, maple, chestnut, alder, hazel... In general, there are no trees that are completely unsuitable for creating magic wands. However, there are specimens that consume energy (well, that’s how they are designed, what can you do?): aspen, spruce, pine. The twig chosen by your inner instinct (seen by the “third eye”) must be hidden and brought home. In a wizard's home, the wand will be imbued with his energy even before it becomes truly magical.

A beautiful pebble or crystal will fill a magic wand with the inexhaustible energy of the Earth

How to make a magic wand at home? It's not difficult from a technical point of view, but it's not as simple as it might seem!

  • The mystery of creating a wand does not endure prying eyes, so the magician must not allow her to be seen before the initiation ceremony.
  • The stick, carefully cleared of bark, must be treated with sandpaper, reciting the spell “I conjure you, oh, all-powerful branch (birch, cedar, etc.) by the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire! Take in their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant!
  • You need to make a hole in the base of the wand (with a nail, screw, screwdriver) so that it does not crack, in order to place the magical core. Fairytale “cores,” alas, are sometimes inaccessible to modern wizards, but the magic spilled everywhere is just waiting to be realized! A feather (not a black crow or a rooster!) will fill a wand with the power of Wind, a beautiful light pebble or a real crystal will give energy from the depths of the Earth, a coal will fill it with the power of Fire, and fish scales will fill it with the power of Water. Choose an element that is close in spirit, and it will help you everywhere.
  • Using a piece of wood or salt dough on consecrated water, seal the magical core tightly, sealing it with a ring or inscribing the initial letter of the patron element (A – air, air; E – earth, earth; W – water, water; F – fire, fire).
  • Some people coat the stick with varnish. This is not forbidden, but it is not encouraged either. It is better to cover the magic wand with natural fragrant oil before dedication and, wrapping it in a scarf, leave it until the next full moon.
  • The final step is to dedicate the wand. You can dedicate a wand on a full moon or on one of the fire festivals held by the magical community on May 1st (Beltane) or October 31st (Samhain, Celtic New Year). To do this, at midnight, place a magic wand on a snow-white cloth, light a candle and wish “Become a guide, helper and guardian!” Then the candle is extinguished in water and buried in the ground. All these manipulations are a tribute to the ritual. It is important to understand that the wand is just an attribute, the magic is inside the wizard and is only concentrated in amulets and other artifacts.


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