Wooden houses in the style of an old Russian estate. House in the style of a noble estate - nuances and features

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2014-2016 Andrey Dachnik

The hut in the form of a caged wooden frame of various configurations is a traditional Russian dwelling for rural areas. The traditions of the hut go back to dugouts and houses with earthen walls, from which they gradually began to rise cleanly wooden log houses without external insulation.

Russian village hut usually it was not only a house for people to live in, but a whole complex of buildings, which included everything necessary for the autonomous life of a large Russian family: these were living quarters, storage rooms, rooms for livestock and poultry, rooms for food supplies (haylofts) , workshop premises, which were integrated into one fenced and well-protected peasant yard from the weather and strangers. Sometimes part of the premises was integrated under a single roof with the house or was part of a covered courtyard. Only baths, considered a habitat evil spirits(and sources of fires) were built separately from the peasant estate.

For a long time In Russia, huts were built exclusively with the help of an ax. Devices such as saws and drills appeared only in the 19th century, which to some extent reduced the durability of Russian wooden huts, since saws and drills, unlike an ax, left the structure of the tree “open” for the penetration of moisture and microorganisms. The ax “sealed” the tree, crushing its structure. Metal was practically not used in the construction of huts, as it was quite expensive due to its artisanal mining (swamp metal) and production.

Since the fifteenth century, the Russian stove, which could occupy up to one quarter of the area of ​​the living part of the hut, became the central element of the hut's interior. Genetically, the Russian oven goes back to the Byzantine bread oven, which was enclosed in a box and covered with sand to retain heat longer.

The design of the hut, verified over centuries of Russian life, did not undergo major changes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. To this day, wooden buildings are preserved, which are 100-200-300 years old. Basic Damage wooden house construction Russia was damaged not by nature, but by the human factor: fires, wars, revolutions, regular property limits and the “modern” reconstruction and repair of Russian huts. Therefore, every day there are fewer and fewer unique wooden buildings, decorating the Russian Land, having their own soul and unique identity.

The living conditions of the present time have created a special type of owners who strive to minimal costs make your own “nest”.

As always, demand caused supply, and entrepreneurs appeared to sell small plots of land in the immediate vicinity of the capital. The buyers of such land plots are in most cases working people who do not have large in cash and therefore those seeking to build themselves a dacha or a house in an economically possible way.

Meeting this aspiration of the majority, I offer to the attention of the respectable public a real collection of inexpensive projects country houses. Each of the projects proposed in this issue should be considered as a scheme that can be changed at will without causing unnecessary costs.

The method of building dachas now practiced in the vast majority of cases comes down to a simple deal with a contractor, often an illiterate person, who builds according to his own taste and taste, inherited from the same predecessor, and the result is a worthless dacha of a barracks-chest type in best case scenario decorated with various decorations in the false Russian style with cockerels and horses. The purpose of this collection architectural projects dacha buildings is an attempt to streamline the matter of building dachas, acquainting the public with the elementary requirements of grace in architecture, and the fundamentals of the art of construction, and at the same time providing several typical plans for buildings convenient for living, plans that can be changed at the request of everyone according to his requirements and aspirations .

Vl. Story. January 1914

We took the liberty of slightly changing the projects, adding premises for placing bathrooms, in accordance with modern requirements.

New historical projects

Projects of pre-revolutionary houses

    Square: 200 m 2

    Square: 155 m2

    Square: 150 m2

    Square: 290 m2

    Square: 320 m 2

    Square: 235 m2

    Square: 120 m2

    Square: 85 m2

    Square: 130 m2

    Square: 130 m2

  • Fairytale tower based on V.M. Vasnetsova

    Square: 350 m 2

  • Square: 140 m2

  • Project of an ancient Ural peasant hut

    Square: 85 m2

  • If the length of the log is equal to or exceeds 8 meters, then the walls must be tightened with additional permanent log walls.
  • All necessary building materials (sawn mat, hardware, temporary roof covering, moss, etc.), which will be required at the stage of assembling the log house.
  • Loading, unloading, delivery of logs and necessary building materials to the assembly point. Delivery costs are included within a 70 km radius. from MKAD.
  • Assembling the log house onto the finished foundation.
    This point is mandatory, because it is very unreasonable for both the Customer and us to entrust the assembly to a team that did not cut the log house.
    Included at this stage:
    • Floor beams made of logs with a diameter of 18 to 24 cm.
    • Primary caulk(moss or tow is included in the price)
    • Cost of using a truck crane (if necessary)
    • Assembly and disassembly scaffolding, including necessary materials
    • Covering a house or bathhouse under construction
    • Manufacturing and installation rafter system
    • Equipment of gables and, if possible, preparation window openings in the gables
    • Roof sheathing
    • Roof covering with temporary roofing
  • After installing the log house on the foundation, there must be a technological break until the end of the initial shrinkage of the bathhouse log house (from 4 to 12 months)

    In our catalog, house designs in the Russian estate style take pride of place. This is explained by the growing interest in log housing construction, and logically leads to the revival of half-forgotten elements of ancient Russian architecture. Our ancestors knew how to create fabulous masterpieces from wood.

    Despite the absolute external dissimilarity of each house in the catalog, they can still be divided into two large groups. One includes projects of classic Russian manor houses, the second includes ethnic stylizations such as “fairy-tale mansions”.

    Russian style estate project

    This concept usually includes a traditional, often one-story, residential building, or rather, a complex of wooden buildings along with a bathhouse, an outbuilding, a fence and a gate, forming an entire “yard.” IN modern projects Several techniques of traditional Russian architecture are used.

    • Log houses can be assembled from logs of different diameters, laid “butt to top”.
    • Multi-tiered roofs different shapes- “chest”, acute-angled, 4-slope.
    • The gables are made from the same logs as the walls - there is a feeling that they stand “by themselves”, without any support (“males”).
    • Characteristic are peculiar “bay windows” - half of a hexagonal “drum” protruding beyond the wall.
    • Wood carving- a business card of the house. The porch, platbands, and overhanging edges of the roof are richly decorated with figured elements.
    • Open galleries "gulbishcha", small cozy balconies- supported on carved wooden columns.

    A characteristic feature of Russian houses is individuality. Each of them is unique, expressing the taste and wealth of the owners of the house. IN modern interpretation a cottage can be built from brick in the Russian style, or with combined stone walls. The combination of materials of different textures gives the building a new look, while maintaining all the charm of a wooden frame.

    Traditional house in Russian Terem style

    The first wave of interest in medieval Russian architecture arose in the 19th century, and the “pseudo-Russian style” arose on its crest. Of the house designs of Russian architects of that period, the works of Ivan Ropet, who built many “mansions” with multi-tiered turrets and carved patterns, have survived. Among the techniques of the 18th century, two stand out that could give wooden house especially the "fairytale view".

    • Russian chalet is a building with a log house that expands upward due to a gradual increase in the output of crowns (“fall”). They formed a cornice on which the roof was laid, the overhangs of which could be significantly increased. Nowadays this is a rare technique; modern houses of this type are rather a stylization on the theme of a chalet.
    • A log house “in the oglo” is a connection of logs in the corners of a log house with the remainder (remember the house of “Baba Yaga”). The project of a tower in the Old Russian style in our catalog includes such rare elements: figured columns with carvings, a hexagonal glazed “lantern”.

    All house designs developed by us in the Russian estate style are accompanied by a full package of architectural and constructive solutions. The attached specification of materials facilitates the work of builders and ensures that the building being constructed complies with the technical plan.

    Recently, there has been a tendency to decorate wooden houses in an antique style. Of course, it is common for every person to look back at the past, analyze this past and smile in the presence of kind and pleasant memories. Same with the old house. Here it stands - all dilapidated, old, with a porch sloping from time to time and a roof overgrown with grass. But suddenly my gaze falls on lace carved platband, on the threaded elements of the roof, miraculously preserved over the past years, and you understand that you cannot simply take all this wealth and forget it.

    Examples of interiors with antique elements

    Solid wooden houses have always been a symbol of prosperity, and in early XIX centuries came into fashion stone houses European type and the most luxurious palaces. However, this fashion trend bypassed most family estates: ancient wooden houses spoke of the noble history of the family. So the old noble families tried to isolate themselves from the same rich, but humble merchant family.

    How to build an antique house

    The 20th century in our country is the century of mass, faceless construction. People are tired of the same apartments and the same type of housing in Brezhnevka, Stalin and Khrushchevka buildings, and that is why today a return to individual housing and to antiquity, emphasizing the tradition of Russian architecture, is so popular. Historical, traditional surroundings give rise to a special spirit home comfort. And thanks to new materials, this effect is achieved without compromising comfort. And at a lower cost.

    Construction technology wooden houses antique is no different from any other construction wooden cottage. The house can be built from either timber or rounded logs. And giving a unique look is a finishing task and the only difference is in the type of finishing materials.

    The most common types facing materials imitating antiquity:

    Roofing - instead of copper sheets, typical of rich, wealthy owners, metal tiles are now used. A little trick - a weather vane, a small decoration typical of European medieval architecture, can decorate and perfectly transform appearance roofs.A weather vane in the shape of a bird was typical for Russia

    Remember famous fairy tale Pushkina A.S. "About the Golden Cockerel":

    "Plant this bird,

    He said to the king, - on the knitting needle

    My golden cockerel

    Your faithful watchman will be:

    Imitation walls and tiles natural stone, artificial facing brick, siding to match oak boards. Windows are most often PVC with imitation of natural materials.

    The interior of the house can also be finished using not only old technologies, but also artificially aged materials.

    To maintain the overall picture, the site itself where the house is located is also undergoing changes. It will complement the image of the building with an excursion into history. Special attention you need to pay attention to the arrangement of the garden, paths and gazebos and recreation areas with alpine slides and dams. Small wooden bridges over a stream or a small pond will fit perfectly into this concept. From inexpensive options- an ordinary wooden fence, painted in dark colors or tinted with stain. Forged fences and boulders will serve as additional decoration.

    Options for semi-antique houses

    • Log hut
    • Scandinavian house

    A log hut is an original Russian dwelling. Not only churches, but also mansions of princes, boyars and merchants were built from huge centuries-old trunks. As for common man, then there was no choice - only a tree, which was simpler and closer. The main purpose of the house is protection from cold winter and the enemy: robbers, Pechenegs and nomads. That’s why these houses were built from massive logs, the diameter of which reached half a meter. Projects of such tower houses are in great demand. However, there are not many centuries-old trees left, and good woodcutters are not easy to find. Such houses cost quite a bit, as they require considerable investments even at the stage of logging.

    Examples of antique furniture and decor

    Less whimsical and more popular is another type of antique house - a Scandinavian chalet house, which can be built from profiled timber or rounded logs. Wall decoration is not done in these houses. These houses usually have simple geometry, mostly one-story or with attic floor, simple and reliable. The squat appearance of these houses is functionality shelter from strong icy winds and fluffy snow. Now such houses with extended, sloping roofs attract not only tourists to ski resorts and residents of Scandinavia, but also lowland inhabitants of the Russian land.

    Other types and variations of antique homes are also worthy of consideration, but all of these homes have one distinct concept. You can use any material that gives a hint of antiquity, any if you want to achieve a retro style.


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