Wooden house with vertical logs repair. How to renovate an old log house

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Repair of wooden houses- This is a labor-intensive process that is best left to professional builders.

Have you inherited an old, unsightly house? After a major overhaul, your wooden house will serve you faithfully for many more decades.

In what cases is reconstruction required? wooden house?

The roof covering has worn out;

Rotten truss structure houses/frame/log crowns/other load-bearing elements;

Cracks, gaps and cracks have appeared between the logs, beams, and box folds during the shrinkage process or due to the age of construction of the structure;

The house does not “hold” heat well or allows moisture to pass through excessively;

The desire to carry out internal redevelopment with the aim of maximizing effective use space;
The desire to add greater architectural sophistication and much more.

Reconstruction of an old wooden house is not limited only to replacing floors and ceilings, installing new windows and doors - it is, first of all, remodeling and rebuilding the log house with the possible replacement of load-bearing elements.

To increase the area of ​​the house, you can add a second or attic floor For additional rooms, make an extension to the house for a toilet and bathroom.

This a great opportunity make a new one and convenient layout premises in a renovated house.

Methods for replacing log crowns.

Currently, there are several ways to repair a log house. More often major renovation required by the lower crowns of the structure. Due to their proximity to the soil and the enormous pressure exerted on them, lower crowns log houses fail much faster. They can be repaired in several ways.

Cosmetic replacement of log crowns. Repair of a log house in this case is carried out by replacing rotten sections of logs without dismantling the entire structure, and without affecting the foundation. The technology for replacing the crowns of a log house in this case is quite simple. In places where the wood is damaged, pieces are cut out and in their place pieces of logs of suitable diameter are inserted.

Major replacement of log crowns. Repair of the log house consists of: complete disassembly structure and its installation on new lower crowns.

The most productive method is to lift the entire house using several jacks. After hanging the structure, the crowns of the log house are replaced and the log house is repaired in those places where it is required. After all work is completed, the house is installed on its original foundation.

Or maybe you only need exterior finishing of a wooden house? Your home is still strong, but it just needs a good makeover? This requires interior and exterior finishing of the house.
Let's take a closer look at where it starts external finishing Houses. Firstly, I would like to immediately note that the exterior decoration of the house will allow you to turn an old, unsightly house not only into a beautiful one, but also, if desired, into a very original one. External, that is, external, finishing of a wooden house includes finishing of the facade using a lathing system.

Then the facade is covered with any modern material: wooden lining, blockhouse, plastic panels - siding, etc. Today there are a lot of all kinds of materials on the domestic construction market, so you shouldn’t rush when choosing a finishing material. Decide how you would like your home to look after renovation and only then make your final decision. Remember, the facade is the face of your home!

The interior decoration of a wooden house includes: laying flooring, finishing walls, Painting works, ceiling installation, plumbing installation, and lighting installation. In addition, you can order all kinds of decorative elements, as well as the construction of stairs, niches, podiums, steps, etc.

Repair wooden houses will allow you to forget about the rickety old walls. Today, when renovating a home, you can use modern, durable protective and roofing materials. By entrusting the repair to professionals, you will be able to replace the rotten crowns of the house while simultaneously repairing the foundation, repairing roofing roofs, you can replace floor beams, part of the logs under the windows, and completely change the floor.

By ordering your home to be treated with special materials and compounds, you can protect your home and give the wood the ability to withstand the effects of water, fire and external adverse influences.
Overhaul of wooden houses is a real opportunity to extend the life of the house by another hundred years!

House reconstruction - foundation replacement

Cost of reconstruction and repair workwooden houses

Types of jobs


Price, rub)

Cost of concrete and foundation works.

dismantling the old foundation

From 1500

development of trenches and pits under the house

From 1500

complex installation of reinforced concrete strip foundation under the house


device concrete screed up to 10cm


installation of intermediate and sub-beam supports (up to 0.6m)



blind area device with sand and gravel cushion


Cost of repairing walls and frame of a house

arrangement of openings in frame/major wooden/


installation bottom trim with lags

installation of external wall frames

frame installation interior walls

wall covering with clapboard, imitation timber, edged board, plywood, plasterboard, OSB on the existing frame

caulk walls on one side


raising the house by 5cm

From 6000

hanging a house on temporary supports

From 16000

replacing crowns in a log house


From 2000

dismantling wall cladding

installation of guide sheathing

laying insulation with vapor barrier

painting walls in one/two layers


Roof repair cost

dismantling old roof, battens

installation rafter system(by roof area)

Installation of step/solid lathing (OSB)


installation of slate/ondulin roofing/metal tiles and corrugated sheets/soft tiles


installation of roof windows



laying steam windproofing film

snow retention device


installation of gutters


installation of drainage pipes


cornice filing

Cost of repairing floors and ceilings

dismantling of floors/ceilings

installation of logs and load-bearing beams


installation of subfloors

one-sided treatment of subfloors with an antiseptic

installation of a finished floor made of tongue and groove boards

laying laminate with surface preparation

laying linoleum on a prepared surface

filing the ceiling on the prepared surface

installation of a frame for installing ceiling cladding

installation of skirting boards


installation of hatches up to 1m2 in the floor/ceiling


From 500

Cost of repairing windows, doors and other carpentry work

dismantling a window or door block


installation of a window or door block



metal door installation



installation window slopes and low tides


installation of platbands


installation of window sills


installation of metal window bars


From 2000

shutter installation


From 2000

installation interfloor stairs with fences


From 35000

installation of porch fencing (crosspieces, balusters)



External cladding

installation of siding with 50mm insulation / without insulation on a guide sheathing


installation of soffits without insulation

From 550

blockhouse cladding on lathing with 50mm insulation

From 480

installation of sills around the perimeter


installation of basements plastic panels on the sheathing

Plumbing and sewerage

laying water supply and sewerage pipes indoors

laying pipes along the street with laying in the ground (up to 1.5m)



sink/toilet installation



water heater installation



installation of a pumping station/pump in a well or borehole



shower tray installation



shower cabin installation


from 8000

installation of a septic tank for pumping (up to 4 well rings)


From 8000

Wood is a living, aging material, subject to gradual destruction under the influence of various factors. Old log house not only will it lose its former natural color, serious structural damage may occur, reducing the comfort of living and threatening the collapse of the entire structure. Repair of old log houses will make it possible to eliminate many defects and give them a second life.

What parts of the building may require repairs?

Reconstruction of the old log house– usually a multi-step process that helps eliminate several defects. Remodeling an old log house begins with a thorough professional inspection that allows you to assess the condition of the structure and outline an action plan. How to renovate an old log house?

Repair of the foundation and lower crowns

If the foundation is damaged and the first crown needs to be replaced, it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to raise the old log house. To do this, all furniture and household items are removed from the building; it is also necessary to remove door and window blocks and disassemble the floor. The foundation is excavated along the entire perimeter of the house to assess its condition and see the most vulnerable places.

The building can be raised using hydraulic jacks: they are placed with four corners, after which you need to very slowly begin to raise the building. During this work, it is important not to rush: the lifting is carried out a few centimeters at a time, after which the building is installed on strong temporary supports. This will allow the damaged logs to be replaced one at a time, and then the house will be lowered into place.

The foundation can be strengthened with a new continuous belt: a new one is poured around the perimeter of the house. concrete tape, connected to existing strip base metal pins. The building can be lowered only after the renewed foundation has completely dried, after which a new floor, windows and doors can be installed.

Repairing the walls of a log house

Ancient log houses can stand for a very long time, but over time, cracks form in their walls due to shrinkage. In addition, the gaps between the logs increase, and you have to decide whether it is necessary to insulate an old log house. There are several options for restoring thermal insulation properties:

  • The simplest solution is caulking, in which the cracks are filled with natural insulation: moss, jute and flax fiber, tow, etc. Caulking will close the cracks, but the insulation will not last long, and the work will have to be repeated periodically.
  • Gaps and cracks in the walls are sealed with special sealants based on silicone or acrylic base. External and interior decoration the old log house will not be damaged, sealants do not spoil the appearance and allow you to completely restore the strength of the logs. If the gaps are large, insulation is first laid in them, which is then sealed with sealant.
  • IN difficult cases To repair walls, you have to completely dismantle a log house and replace logs that are severely damaged by rot, destroyed by insects, or significantly cracked. At new installation logs are laid between them interventional insulation to eliminate cracks in the walls. The advantages of logs are that the log house can be disassembled and reassembled, and it will again be warm and cozy after completion of the work.

Exterior Home Restoration

How to decorate an old log house? There are many options for restoring the appearance of a wooden house.

The simplest and cheap solution– paint the frame after sanding and treating with antiseptics. Modern paints will help preserve the texture of the wood and give it shine; you can also purchase a special bleach for wood, which will restore its natural color.

You can “rejuvenate” a log house using more modern coatings. Finishing with siding, clapboard or block house will hide the darkened wood of the walls, and the building will acquire modern look, however, you will still have to carry out a full treatment with an antiseptic.

Independent restoration of a wooden house is quite expensive and labor-intensive process, and it will still cost less than new construction. With proper restoration, the old building can serve for many more years, and the family nest will accept more than one generation of residents.

Most often, wooden walls are destroyed due to deformations of the base - the foundation of the house and rotting wood. They are being repaired different ways depending on the degree of destruction.

If one or two logs (the two lower crowns of the log house) have rotted, then slightly lift the crown from above, select the deformed log and replace it with a new one.

If the lower crowns are rotten, then the house is raised with jacks installed under the first crown on pads. Then the logs above those being replaced are fastened with bolts and reinforced with struts. Compressions are placed every 2...4 m along the length of the wall. Rotten crowns are replaced with new ones or brickwork. In this case, the lower surface of the lower crown is tarred and sheathed with roofing felt.

Often the walls of wooden houses are covered with horizontal cracks that stretch almost along the entire length of the log. In winter, during a thaw, the water that gets into them freezes and, naturally, expands them. This cycle is repeated repeatedly, and eventually the log collapses.

In this regard, new log walls also have to be repaired. Firstly, when deep longitudinal cracks appear on the logs and the yellow-white color of the wood turns gray-blue. Various larvae and wood-eating beetles easily breed in such cracks. These walls should be sheathed with boards in order to stop their further destruction.

To do this, pre-clean the surfaces of the logs with outside from dust and dirt. Cracks are carefully treated to their entire depth and length.

Rice. 1. Methods for replacing rotten wood (logs): a - replacement is not large plots logs: 1 - insert made of homogeneous wood (b, c, d - dimensions in place); 2 - logs; 3 - various insert profiles; 4 - place prepared for insertion; b - replacement of large sections of logs with fastening of inserts from new homogeneous wood with a reverse tenon: 1 - logs; 2 - place of attachment of the insert; 3, 5 - half tenons with left and right cuts, respectively; 4 - new short logs made of homogeneous wood; 6 - caulk; c - replacement of large sections of logs with reinforced fastening with hidden tenons and vertical (round, square, rectangular) stands made of hard wood: 1 - half tenon (with right edge); 2 - vertical hole, consisting of two halves (for dowels - vertical bars); 3 - vertical dowel bar (round, square, rectangular); 4 - hidden spikes; 5 - insert joint; b - caulk; 7 - plug-in logs of a homogeneous type of wood; d - selection of a rotten log from the crown of a log house using wooden wedges-stops made of hard wood: 1 - location of the selected rotten log; 2 - adjacent logs of the wall frame crowns; 3, b - directions of wedging; 4 - stop wedges; 5 - caulk; d - replacement of rotten logs at the crown of the log house using inclined supports: 1 - adjacent logs; 2 - inclined supports; 3 - heel stop, nailed to the floor boards at the place of their attachment to the joist; 4 - lags; 5 - brick column; 6 - base of the underground; 7 - brick pillar foundation; 8 - blind area; 9 - rotten log; f - replacement of rotted logs from the crown of a log house using jigs: 1 - base plates of the jigs; 2 - logs; 3 - support stands; 4 selected rotted logs from the crown of the log house; 5 - screws for fastening the conductors holding the metal strip

Then all walls are washed with soapy water, dried and antiseptic. Next, all cracks are carefully sealed with window putty or lime-gypsum mortar and sheathed over an installed frame of vertical and horizontal beams boards.

At the same time, a cornice is installed with the removal of the roof overhang. The remains of logs at the corners of the house are also sheathed with planks in the form of pilasters. The repairs are completed on the base, which is made of either stone or wood.

Secondly, new logs are sheathed when they are poorly matched in the walls: they are not straight and have a small diameter. The seams between the crowns are wide, so the caulk is not dense enough. Typically, such seams are additionally sealed with slats. But over time, the logs dry out and the seams expand again, and their caulking either falls out or hangs on the logs. Cold and dampness begin to penetrate into the house through cracks.

Before covering the walls of such a house, all logs from the outside and inner sides cleaned from dust, dirt and antiseptic. Seams and cracks are sealed along the caulk with lime-gypsum mortar. The boards are fastened from top level plinth to the top edge of the frieze.

Above the base of the pilaster, one or two small vent holes are installed to ventilate the space between external cladding and a wall. They are covered with clay mortar for the winter.

If the walls continue to let in cold and dampness, then for repairs it is necessary to remove all the cladding from the wall, which did not insulate the house, but only damaged the walls. Then you should dry the walls of the house for two or three days (it is better to do such repairs in June-August), after washing their surface with an antiseptic. Then carefully inspect all the crown logs and discard the most rotten ones first. Such logs are pierced almost right through with sharp metal objects(long knives, an awl, a file, a nail, etc.) and have rusty-colored dust in the middle.

If the rotten logs are at the top, under the eaves, then they are removed from special scaffolding. The logs of the upper crowns, which take the full load from the roof, floors and distribute it horizontally alternately to the underlying crowns of a given log house, and the lower crowns, which transfer the entire weight of the load to the foundation, must be replaced with new ones entirely (without all kinds of inserts).

Intermediate logs are not completely replaced, but only rotten areas. To do this, prepare appropriate inserts from the same type of wood, which are attached to hidden tenons, glue or mastic.

If more than 8...10 logs are destroyed, the entire section of the wall, or even the frame, is replaced, depending on the general condition and suitability of all the logs. If the roof of the house is still suitable for use, then it is “hung” on substituted poles or on post-and-beam supports. After this, they begin to dismantle the log houses from the upper crowns to the very bottom. These logs should not be broken or sawed, as they are the standard for recruiting new ones. In addition, window and window dimensions are taken from them. doorways, as well as ridges on which the corresponding boxes are placed. Moreover, if there are among the old logs that are not subject to destruction, then they are used when constructing a new log house.

If, when replacing a demolished log house with a new one, the old plan of the house and its foundation are preserved, then the logs are taken of the required length and diameter (preferably the same). If necessary, you can select logs based on the top cut with a difference in diameter of no more than 30 mm.

When cutting “in the middle” with the cup down, it is selected from the lower or upper side of the log. Used for insulation thermal insulation material, placed in the grooves. The best groove shape is semicircular. For strength, the crowns are fastened along their length with spikes, placing them every 1.0 ... 1.5 m, and more often - in the last two crowns. Ceiling beams are cut between them.

Caulking is done in two times: the first - after putting the log house in place, the second - 1.0 ... 1.5 years after the shrinkage stops. To insulate the corner joints “in the paw,” they should be covered with boards over the laid heat-insulating material.

Rice. 2. Scheme of knitting the corner “in the bur”: a - processed log: 1 - cup; 2 - remainder; 3 - groove; b, c - cup down and up, respectively; 1 - cup; 2 - remainder

When chopping “in the middle” with the cup up, the wooden walls of the house last longer than with other types of chopping. The first, or frame, crown consists of two first, or lower, and two second, or upper, logs. First, the first two logs are laid on opposite sides strictly horizontally and at the same distance from one another. Then two second logs are placed on them strictly at right angles. After this, they begin to make corner joints “into the cup”.

Rice. 3. Scheme of knitting the corner “in the oblo” with the cup up: a, b - marking and cutting out the cup; c, d - marking and cutting out the groove (the dotted line shows the boundaries of the groove); 1 - marking line; 2 - “line”; 3, 4 - border and depth of the groove; 5 - notches; 6 -- groove

First, the cups are marked using a simple tool that carpenters call a “dash.” When marking, spread the legs of the “feature” by half the diameter of the upper log. They attach a “line” to it so that it moves with one leg along the upper log, and with the other it outlines an arc, leaving a line on the lower log. Then, moving one of the upper logs to the side, they cut out cups for it on the lower logs. The removed top log is placed into the finished nests. The same operations are performed for the second upper log. The second logs should not be at the same level as the first ones, but raised above them by half their diameter.

The first logs of the second crown are laid with their butts in different directions. They should be on the same vertical line with the logs of the first crown.

Along the first logs of the second crown, marks are applied for the cup on the second logs of the first crown. The cups are cut down and the first logs of the second crown are placed in them. Then draw the risks for longitudinal groove between the first logs of the first and second crowns, for which the legs of the feature are moved apart to the depth or height of the groove. One leg moves along the lower log, the second - along the upper one. These risks must be transferred to the cups, since their depth increases with the depth of the groove. Such risks are carried out on both sides of each log on which a groove is selected.

The log is lifted, turned upside down with the marks, notches are applied between them every 300... 500 mm to the depth of the groove and the wood is selected to the depth of the spread legs of the “line”. Having chosen a groove, the log is laid in place.

In this way, all the crowns are cut sequentially.

Rice. 4. Scheme of knitting a corner “in the paw”: a - processing and preparation of the end of the log; b - corner knitting: 1 - groove; 2 - secret (or root) thorn; 3 - log

Cutting "in the paw" is more difficult than in the "head". Corner joints require more careful execution, otherwise the corners will turn out cold. Before this cutting, all ends of the logs to a length of 1.0 ... 1.5 log diameters are cut into four edges, giving them the shape of a square beam, but with exactly the same cross-section. After this, the edge thickness is measured at each hewn end of the log. Then the end and vertical sides of the hewn ends are divided into eight equal parts, lines parallel to the hewn sides are drawn through the division points, and the resulting edges are marked with the letters AB, VG, DE and ZHZ. On the top and bottom on the AB edge, U8 parts are laid, on the VG and DE edges - 2/8 parts each, and on the ZhZ edge - 3/8 parts each. Then connect the marked points with straight lines and get the ribs of the paw, equal in AB - 6/8, in VG and DE - 4/8 and in ZH - 2/8 of the side of the bar. Carefully cut off the excess wood and get a paw. The groove is marked and selected in the same way as when cutting “in the clear”. To prevent unexpected shifts of the logs, a secret or root tenon measuring 1/3 of the width and length of the groove is placed on them. It is placed close to the inner corner.

Due to the fact that replacing rotted or decayed logs decorative crown difficult and labor-intensive, it is advisable to lay a board under it 40...50 mm thick, 200...300 mm wide, which will protect the logs. It is antiseptic or covered (with the exception of the top and end sides) bitumen mastic or resin resin. When such materials are not available, the lining is wrapped on three sides with roofing felt or roofing felt in two layers and laid on waterproofing. If this creates cracks, then you should cut strips of roofing felt or roofing felt along the width of the board, lay them in two or three layers, butting their ends end to end.

Instead of strips, you can use heat-insulating material, hemp, tow, felt, preferably anti-septic, or better yet impregnated, that is, impregnated with bitumen or tar mastics. This protects them not only from rotting, but also from the appearance of various insects, such as moths in felt. This order of work prevents the penetration of cold air between the lower frame crowns and the base (foundation) and protects the crowns from rotting, which, as a rule, begins from here.

Thermal insulation material is laid on the lining and under it, which will completely prevent its destruction.

Downsides The frame crowns should be cut very well and evenly and even planed. Then the thermal insulation material will fit tightly to the lining.

The space between the foundation and the second two logs of the frame, laid across the width of the house, is filled with stone, brick, concrete stones, or simply covered with a thinner log or half a thick one.

Thermal insulation material is laid between all the crowns.

To remove atmospheric moisture from the lower part of the walls, select a groove in the frame, or better yet, in the second crown, and insert a drain board or roofing steel into it of such a width that the canopy over the base is at least 50 cm.

To strengthen swollen wooden walls vertical compressions are installed, consisting of two beams, tightened with bolts with a diameter of 16... 19 mm, every 1.0... 1.5 m in height. Holes for bolts are made oval shape, taking into account the possible settlement of the wall. IN one-story house beams with a cross section of 120×150 mm are used.

If logs are not properly fitted and tenons are installed without clearance, the crowns often diverge and cracks form. In this case, check all the connections between the walls and the openings and posts, trim the places that interfere with settlement, then caulk the walls.

When the ends of logs are destroyed in window openings, and also in order to improve thermal insulation, it is advisable to cover all the walls of the house with bricks.

In frame-fill and panel houses, the walls can freeze due to the settlement of the insulation. In this case, additional backfilling is carried out. Change the backfill like this. Partially remove the sheathing and backfill, dry the frame and, if necessary, repair it. Then dry slag is poured in, mineral wool or other thermal insulation material.

Rice. 5. Cover log walls brick (in one brick): 1 - bed rubble stone; 2 - blind area; 3 - base; 4 - ceramic tile; 5, 9 - cement-sand mortar; 6 - basement part of the brick wall; 7 - base shelf; 8 - galvanized drain steel sheet; 10 - wooden beam OK; 11 - brick; 12 - anchor with masonry dressing rods; 13 - nails, bolts; 14 - log; 15 - wooden plug; 16 - wedge; 17 - caulk; 18 - plinth; 19 - floor covering board; 20 - felt; 21 - logs; 22 - frame crown log; 23 - lying down; 24 - waterproofing; 25 - wooden beam; 26 - concrete; 27 - cement strainer; 28 - concrete preparation; 29 - slag; 30 - compacted soil; 31 - foundation

IN frame-fill walls Most often, the sheathing and frame elements that fall into the zone of frequent moisture rot and become unusable. When repairing the frame, it is necessary to completely remove rotten wood.

To do this, they temporarily strengthen the rotted racks by installing new linings on the outside and inside, which are nailed down.

When repairing external walls timber houses the cross-section of the beams themselves is taken depending on the design temperature of the outside air: at - 30 ° C - 150 × 150 mm, at - 40 ° C - 180 × 180 mm. For internal walls, beams with a cross section of 100×150 and 100×180 mm, respectively, are used.

For strength and reduced airflow in timber corner connections, as in logs, they make root tenons. Hemp, tow, flax, and felt are placed between the beams. The felt must be impregnated with an anti-moth compound, dried, and then used. For better thermal insulation After erecting a log house, installing a roof and other work, you can caulk the seams. It is recommended to make the rollers smooth and hard. If the beams do not fit tightly, triangular-shaped slats can be inserted between them along the length, choosing a groove of the same shape for them.

To firmly secure a log to a lining or a piece of log, it is very convenient to use the so-called reverse clamp.

An old log house does not have to be demolished. Often it can still be made comfortable and modern. It is possible that the logs are still strong, but under the thickness of the paint and protective coatings excellent wood hiding.

What parts of the building may require repairs?

Repair and restoration are often necessary for log houses that were built with defects. Also at risk are buildings that have stood for a long time without maintenance or that are more than thirty years old. In addition to age, the condition of a wooden house is also greatly influenced by how much attention the owners paid to it. How the house was used during the winter, how often it was heated: regularly or from time to time.

Most often required:
  • repair the foundation;

  • replace rotten lower crowns;

  • level the walls and, if necessary, replace individual parts of the logs;

  • eliminate leaks and change the geometry of the roof, install an attic floor;

  • remove the old and install new roofing material;

  • destroy old and install new internal partitions;

  • decorate the house inside and out.

To repair a log house with your own hands, you will need many tools:

  • a jack for lifting a house (most often several);

  • wedges for fixation;

  • chainsaw for quickly dismantling old logs;

  • hacksaw for detailed work;

  • shovel for digging the foundation;

  • nails, hammer, self-tapping screws for installation of finishing materials;

  • concrete mixer in case of foundation repair.

Large-scale reconstruction can be completed by 3-5 people during the summer months. For special complex work It's better to hire professionals.

Repair of the foundation and lower crowns

Every building wears out over the years. According to many experts, every year any building loses approximately 1% of its original condition. Therefore, all owners are faced with the fact that it is time to carry out reconstruction work. Wear and tear depends on what building materials were used when the building was erected.

Before you start replacing the bottom rims of a log house yourself or hire a team of builders, you need to understand the reasons why they rot. If the waterproofing layer is damaged, the plaster layer is leaking or deformed, you should definitely seek help from professionals.

As a rule, the lower rims wear out the most. At risk are the logs that are located directly under the windows and those from which the floor is made. Usually the walls are raised, after which the logs are replaced one by one. When replacing the lower crowns of the house, you need to take care that the walls do not completely collapse. To do this, the wall structure is firmly fastened with special compressions - massive beams or beams.

These clamps are usually installed at a distance of fifty centimeters from the corners, at opposite walls being repaired wooden structure. They are fixed to the walls with nails. After this you need to drill through holes with a diameter of at least two centimeters, in which bolts are placed and firmly secured with nuts. To prevent the walls from falling apart when the lower crowns of the log house are replaced, they must also be firmly fastened.

Sometimes simply replacing the lower crowns is not enough and the foundation needs to be repaired. The properties of the soil can change, as can its structure. At a nearby plot of land capital improvements may be carried out construction works, which can lead to sensitive shrinkage of the foundation. The first symptom that the foundation is beginning to deteriorate is the appearance of small cracks on its surface. Over time they become larger.

If the old foundation has not sunk into the ground and is made of durable stone, then it is advisable to repair it using reinforced concrete, having previously sealed all the cracks. To do this, dig a trench around the perimeter of the house and clean the foundation with a metal brush.

It is advisable to replace a wooden foundation that has crumbled or sunk into the ground. To do this, the house is raised on jacks and placed on supports. A popular and relatively simple method is to install a strip foundation. After the concrete has hardened, a layer of waterproofing, such as roofing felt, is laid between the foundation and the house.

Replacing logs under windows

Wooden buildings often begin to rot from the crowns under the roof, windows or at the base. Such logs are replaced and crowns are restored in two ways - conventional and underlay.

You should focus on one more nuance of the repair. When at least one log from the crown is changed, it should be removed window frames and door binding. If the log house is deformed, this will not cause damage. After replacing and returning the frame to its place, you need to carefully seal all the cracks.

Repairing the walls of a log house

Log houses can stand for a very long time, but gradually cracks appear in their walls. In addition, the gaps between the logs increase, and it is necessary to decide whether the house needs to be insulated. Restore thermal insulation properties possible in several ways. Most in a simple way is caulk, it will plug the holes, but the insulation will not last long and you will have to do everything again.

Old logs can be replaced with new ones. In addition, before finishing the facade, you can lay a layer of foil insulation between the logs and the finishing material. It is important to take care of waterproofing. If water gets under the finishing material, the logs will rot.

Facade restoration

Often log houses are simply painted. But covering the facade with materials will allow you to change appearance At home in better side. There are many options - lining, imitation timber, block house, siding, soffit, corrugated sheeting, facade thermal panels, facade brick.

Now the simplest, most convenient and accessible view material for exterior finishing The log house is clapboard. A lopsided or slightly sagging house can be visually leveled by installing Decoration Materials on the sheathing.

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