Baby crib for girls 4. Full review of beds for girls, design features of the models

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Your daughter has already grown up, which means it's time to buy a new bed. We will help you with your choice, we will give you useful tips that will help you choose a bed for a girl.

After all, the comfort of the child is very important for every parent.

The importance of material in choosing a bed for a girl

A child should have all the best, so when choosing a children's bed for girls you need to pay attention to natural materials. One of the best options is wood.

This material will last you a long time. Its strength and environmental friendliness are known throughout the world. The most popular representatives are alder, oak, and pine.

To finally ensure the quality of the product, you need to check the documents for the quality certificate and make sure that the material does not contain toxins. Quite a lot important detailcorrect location spring bar systems.

The position of a child's spine during sleep is very important nuance, so it’s worth paying attention Special attention this aspect.

The system of spring slats on which the mattress is placed is an ideal solution to the problem.

Safety and comfort are the main criteria when choosing a bed for a girl.

When you choose a baby bed for a girl 10 years old or younger, you need to take precautions. It is necessary to consider all the criteria and approach this choice in more detail.

You should not buy beds with sharp corners and all kinds of irregularities. For example, you can give preference to a bed for a girl with sides.

Or there is another alternative - a sofa bed for a girl. This will be the perfect addition to a child's room.

Choosing a bed for a girl in a small room

Children grow by leaps and bounds. To avoid having to change the bed frequently, you should choose a model that has a length reserve or a pull-out system.

As experts say, the bed should be half a meter longer than a person’s height for comfortable and comfortable sleep.

A bed with compartments for storing things and children's toys is ideal if the room is not large. There are many ways to solve this problem. For example, beds with a lifting mechanism.

In the 21st century, such a thing as a transformable bed appeared. This option will allow your child to have a comfortable place to sleep at night and a place to play during the day.

How to choose a bed for a little princess

The girls already have early age a feeling is formed beautifully, femininity and tenderness are born and developed. Therefore, when decorating a room for girls, do not forget about beauty and harmony.

Today, many variations of beds are made for girls from 3 years old. You can choose a bed to suit any style of room. For example, if the room is princess style, you can buy a bed in the shape of a carriage or a fairy-tale house.

Also, beds in the shape of animals (cats, etc.) will be interesting for girls.

Models of four-poster beds for girls, whose originality and beauty immerse them in a fairy tale, have gained considerable popularity. This model performs 2 functions: decorative and practical.

For example, it protects the child from sun rays in the morning. Also, canopies create a feeling of security for the child. This makes him feel safer.

The ideal bed for a teenage girl

Adolescence is the most difficult age, so when choosing a bed for a teenage girl, listen to her opinion. It is important to give her the right to choose, to take into account her tastes and wishes.

The main task of parents is to take care of the quality and practicality of the material, and the girl must choose the design herself. There are many beautiful and original teenage beds for girls.

To know approximately what it will look like, you can look at photos of beds for girls on the Internet.

Photo of bed design for a girl

For a girl, her room is the most important place in the house, where she should be comfortable and which should satisfy her tastes and preferences. Color solution, furniture that harmoniously resonates with each other - everything should be combined. Naturally, the bed will take up the most space in the room, so you need to choose it responsibly.

Features and Benefits

A bed for a princess girl 3 years old and older should be comfortable, because the child will sleep on it every night. And a sound and restful sleep is the key Have a good mood child for the whole day. Therefore, you need to choose a bed for a girl carefully and approach this issue from all sides.

A children's bed should be optimal in terms of softness.

In no case should it be too soft so that the child falls through, because this is bad for posture. But it should also not be too hard so that it is impossible to sleep on it. The size of the bed, and especially its length, is very important. Try to choose one so that your child fits in it at full height and nothing restricts movement. Otherwise, the sleep is unlikely to be complete.

Types of models

Choosing a crib for a girl aged 3 years and older is not an easy task, since you need to take into account all the features of a growing organism and at the same time choose a design that would be as comfortable as possible.

Many girls, especially at a very young age, want to have a real princess bed with ruffles and curtains, like in a fairy tale. If you choose similar design try to make sure that it fits correctly into the surrounding interior.



Is standard option for a children's room, which is easy enough to fit into any decor and style. Usually such options are unremarkable. Their design consists of a frame, often fixed on legs, and two backs, on which can be decorated with patterned carvings in the form of simple figures: hearts or flowers.


Design Features:

  • The universal base is wide enough to fit one child on the bed, but will not take up much space in the children's room.
  • The length is about 170-180 cm, so the bed can be taken for growth.
  • Additional items on the sides of the bed in the form of cabinets or bedside tables in which you can put bedding, clothes or toys.


IN Lately Bunk beds are especially loved by children and parents, because they are so easy to fit into the interior and save room space for games.

This design has a number of advantages:

  • Multifunctionality - in many models of bunk beds, the lower tier can be transformed into a sofa or increased in width due to a pull-out block on the side.
  • The second tier must have sides to protect the child from falling while sleeping.
  • Custom design. These beds can be complemented interesting elements and in the end they will look like palaces, carriages and other unusual structures.
  • Color. The color scheme of bunk beds can be either monotonous or combined, that is, the first tier is painted in one color, and the second tier in another.

With canopy

A four-poster bed is a must-have to win the heart of every princess. A weightless fabric hanging from above can both provide protection from drafts and visually add pomp to the sleeping area and make it look royal. Such elegant beds are especially relevant for girls from 3 to 10 years old, since at this age they adore fairy tales about princesses, fairies and believe in magic. This atmospheric bed can also be used for games.

For older girls, you can use denser and heavier fabrics, mostly in white or red shades. The canopy can be attached either at the head of the bed or envelop it around the entire perimeter, completely protecting it from the sun's rays. This design will add coziness to the entire room and become its highlight.

Loft bed

Fundamental difference The difference between this type of bed and a bunk bed is that although it is two-story, it is designed for one person. That is, one floor is equipped directly with a bed and is intended for sleeping, and the other is equipped with a table, a cabinet and various shelves. By purchasing such a design, you free yourself from purchasing additional pieces of furniture that would take up the remaining free space in the children's room.


  • This design is suitable for girls from 7 years old, when they start school and need desk and full work surface generally.
  • Since the bed is on the second tier, the structure is equipped with a durable staircase. Ladders are often used unusual shapes to diversify the design.


Design sleeping place for girls has important and must satisfy the needs of the child himself, and not the parents.

There are a variety of interesting models on the market:

  • The headboards and headboards of the beds are decorated with various carved figures. For girls, silhouettes of hearts, birds, flowers, animals and fairy-tale characters are usually used.
  • The headboards of the beds can be voluminous and decorated in the form of a royal castle or a fairy-tale house.


Security is also considered one of the important criteria, which is worth considering when choosing a bed for a princess girl.

It is important to remember that no matter what model you want, no matter how it fits into the interior of the entire room, the bed should not have sharp corners. For the youngest girls, it is better to find a bed that has a frame with an upholstered headboard.

The bed should be equipped with sides to prevent accidental falls.

When choosing a mattress, you should also pay attention to ensure that the height of the mattress does not extend beyond the protective sides, and thus they do not lose their main function.

When purchasing a bunk bed, be sure to pay attention to the steps. They shouldn't be too narrow. The best option would be to have railings and lighting.

If you purchased bunk bed or a loft bed, don’t be lazy and explain to the children the safety rules: you can’t play on the second tier, hang on the sides, tie wires to them, jump off the bed, ignoring the stairs.


The best material For the manufacture of children's furniture, wood or MDF is considered. If we talk about wood, then it must certainly be hardwood, since it has an almost eternal service life, environmental friendliness, aesthetics and durability. But due to the fact that children grow quickly, children's furniture is usually purchased for a short time, and spending on wood furniture becomes unreasonable. Therefore, it is worth choosing furniture made from pine, birch, high-quality chipboard or MDF with formaldehyde emission class E1.


When choosing a bed for a girl’s nursery, you should definitely pay attention to its size. No need to purchase a bed big size and “adult” design for a three-year-old child.

To ensure that choosing the size of the bed does not cause difficulties, you need to remember the following parameters:

  • For children under 3 years old optimal size beds approximately 120x60 cm or 120x65 cm.
  • For girls aged 3 to 5 years, sizes correspond to the following parameters: 140x70 cm, 160x70 cm, 80x190 cm or 195 cm.
  • For teenage girls from 10 years old, the size is 80 x 190 cm or 90 x 200 cm.


Mattress - very important element The bed and its selection need to be given enough time. It should be neither too soft nor too hard.

When choosing a mattress, you need to consider the following requirements:

  • Orthopedic models are preferable. Although they are soft, they do not have any adverse effects on the child's spine and posture. On the contrary, they contribute to its proper development.
  • It should be medium in softness. It is best to choose directly by touch. The child should feel comfortable, the mattress should not hinder his movements and cause discomfort.
  • The patch on the product must be tight.
  • The most preferred mattress fillers are foam rubber and cotton wool.

Many parents carefully select children's beds for girls. This is not surprising, because every dad and mom wants their princess to be happy with the new thing. It's no secret that girls are much more picky than boys in matters of fashion and style. Fortunately, the selection in the catalog of our online store is so large that any family can find an option for a young fashionista. To order the model you like, you don’t have to go anywhere. Just fill out the online form and wait for the product. Moreover, it will arrive with home delivery if you live in Moscow. When choosing a crib for a girl, you need to consider age. Here are some tips to help you make the right purchase:

  1. For babies aged from one and a half to 6 years, it is better to buy cribs in neutral, pastel colors. You can choose a brighter option, but it is important that the girl can fall asleep quickly. The frame can be classic. But you should not neglect more exotic models in the form of flowers, toys, animals.
  2. Girls aged 6 to 9 years prefer bunk models or loft beds. The color scheme can become even brighter, but the design itself should no longer be childish.
  3. For teenagers it is better to choose classic beds modern style. By the way, sleeping places with wide headboards and canopies are now at the height of fashion.

When choosing a crib, pay attention to the interior of the room. For example, a canopy would be appropriate in classic style. But for a room in the style of shabby chic or Provence, you can buy a crib made of wood or even steel, but always with some additional decorative elements. If the room is made as modern as possible, then try to make the sleeping area as laconic and bright as possible.

What to look for when choosing a children's bed for a girl?

If you are looking at children's beds for girls and choosing a model for your little one, pay attention not only to the visual component. Be sure to evaluate the following characteristics:

  • Material. It would be better if it was wood. Birch, alder or pine are perfect for the bedroom. Due to its environmental friendliness, breathable surface and long service life, you will provide your baby with healthy sleep.
  • Design. Pay attention to models with spring bars at the base. This will ensure the child has safe and healthy sleep and avoid spinal problems in the future.
  • Safety. It is better to avoid models with sharp corners so that the active baby does not get hurt during play.
  • Functional. Here, proceed from the needs of the child. It would be good if the crib had drawers for storing linen.

All these nuances will allow you not to be disappointed in the purchase even after a few years.

When decorating the interior of a children's room, there are no unimportant details, and the choice of bed plays an important role.

Today we want to look at the main parameters and characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a bed for a girl.

We want to start with general parameters that are relevant for any children's beds, regardless of the child's gender.

  1. First, pay special attention to the materials from which the furniture is made. Preference should be given natural materials. In particular, the best option will become natural wood- for example, alder, pine, birch, etc. Wood is a breathable, environmentally friendly, natural and durable material.
  2. Secondly, an important point is the design. It is very good if the chosen model has a system of spring strips at the base on which the mattress is placed. Such slats distribute the load over the entire area and ensure the correct and comfortable position of the spine.
  3. Thirdly, when it comes to a crib for a young princess under 10 years old, you should take care of the safety of the bed. Try to avoid choosing a bed that has sharp corners and uneven surfaces.
  4. Fourthly, when choosing a crib for a girl, in addition to aesthetic parameters, pay attention to its functionality. In particular, models with built-in drawers at the bottom that can be used for storage are very convenient bed linen, toys or other things.

Bed for girls by age

It's no secret that girls, like little princesses, love to surround themselves with a fairy-tale atmosphere. And precisely in childhood their femininity and sophistication are formed, as well as the development of a sense of beauty. Therefore, when creating the interior of a room for a little lady, it is necessary not only to make it comfortable, but also to try to make it harmonious and attractive, and a children's bed may well become one of the central elements of the overall composition.

Modern manufacturers offer us many options for making beds for girls. For example, it can be made in the shape of a real carriage and with appropriate interior design, the room will look like a palace. In addition, such a bed will become comfortable not only for sleeping, but also for role-playing games.

Beds with canopies are very popular among girls and their parents. They also create an atmosphere of fabulousness and magic. And if you add an oriental accent to the interior, the baby will feel like a fairy-tale oriental princess. In addition, a canopy can perform not only decorative, but also quite practical functions.

By making it closed, you can protect your baby from early sun rays or artificial lighting. And psychologically, the child will feel more protected and comfortable behind the soft curtains of the canopy.
When it comes to a girl over 5 years old or a teenage girl, it is very important to listen to her opinion and wishes. Do not forget that a children's room is a place where a child should feel comfortable, and the environment should evoke only positive emotions. Therefore, if possible, discuss the options in advance, and try to find out what the baby herself wants. Better yet, take it with you to the store.

As for a teenage girl, psychologists do not recommend making a purchase without her participation at all, since at this age it is very important for a child that his opinion be taken into account and treated as an adult.

Bed for a girl - photo

The key to a good night's sleep is a comfortable bed. Therefore, you should take the choice of a sleeping place seriously, especially when it comes to buying furniture for a child. The design should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and functional. It is best to choose a bed for a girl in a store: the child will be able to lie down on the options offered, appreciating the comfort of the mattress and the beauty of the product. In this case, everyone will be satisfied with the purchase: both parents and children.

The main parameter that should be taken into account when buying a bed is its size. The dimensions of the sleeping place must correspond to the age of the child.

For girls from one to three years old, cribs with dimensions of 120 × 60 cm are suitable; from three to five years – 140 × 70 cm or 160 × 70 cm. For a schoolgirl or teenager, you should purchase models with a width of 80 to 150 cm and a length of 180 to 200 cm.

When choosing, you should look at other parameters:

  • Material of the frame and upholstery, if any (the product must be strong and durable, and the fabric must be dense);
  • Design features (for small room you can purchase a loft bed or an extendable chair);
  • No sharp corners or other protruding parts;
  • Design (selected taking into account the interior of the room and the personal preferences of the children).

Optimal colors for small beds would be pink, purple, yellow and beige. Such shades help relax the child’s excited psyche. You shouldn't buy furniture with fairy-tale characters: even your favorite characters get boring sooner or later. You can decorate your room with decorative stickers that can be easily removed without harming the surface.

We buy cribs for girls from 3 years old: requirements

Cribs are replaced as the child grows. The first step is to abandon the cradle with railings in favor of a more convenient design. This happens at the age of three years.

Requirements for a new crib for small child, remain the same:

  • Convenient design;
  • Use of safe materials;
  • Low height.

You should not purchase a two-tier structure if the child actively spins in his sleep. A regular bed needs to be supplemented with sides.

For a three year old child excellent option there will be a small single white or pink couch. This design can have wooden or forged walls, which will add a “zest” to the interior. Some beds of this type equipped with storage boxes, which is also important: a girl should be taught order from childhood.

Cribs for girls over 5 years old: bright accents in the interior

At five years old, children already have their own preferences, which they actively express. Some people like cartoon characters, others like the atmosphere magical worlds. Therefore, for girls at this age, you can buy original beds, thanks to which they can be transported to their favorite fairy tale.

The most popular and interesting options:

  • A beautiful house or carriage;
  • Pumpkin shaped bed;
  • Couch in the shape of an animal;
  • Princess castle, palace or garden (dormitory complexes).

When choosing a bed shape, it is important to consider its functionality. It is advisable that the sleeping place be equipped with various drawers. With such a bed, sometimes there is no need for a separate closet.

The unusual design should fit into the interior of the room. You should think about this in advance. To create a complete picture, you can add various decorative elements, which are easy to attach with your own hands: pictures on the walls, beautiful curtains.

Functional bed-house for a girl or girl

A house or loft bed is very popular among children of all ages. This product is suitable for one child or two: it depends on the type of design.

Distinctive features of this bed are:

  • Versatility (suitable for children from 8 to 16 years old);
  • Functionality (is not only a sleeping place, but also work area, closet and play area);
  • Compactness (takes up small area, taking into account all the functions of the structure).

When choosing a loft bed, it is important to pay attention to the material from which it is made. You should also check all components and the ladder for strength. You should not turn a blind eye to existing shortcomings: the safety of the child depends on it.

The house bed has several varieties, so choose best option Taking into account the characteristics of the room, it will not be difficult. Small children's rooms can be equipped with a sleeping complex of two beds located on top of each other. For one child ideal solution will be the installation of an attic with a work and play area.

Bed for a teenage girl with a canopy: a cozy bed

IN adolescence girls often prefer a spacious bed with a canopy. Simple design does not prevent this sleeping place from being considered a truly cozy and luxurious bed.

When choosing material for a canopy, you should take into account the girl’s age:

  • Transparent light fabric suitable for both little princesses and adults, but at the same time young ladies;
  • Heavy, dense material is best used to decorate a teenager’s bed (a little girl may feel uncomfortable in such a “gloomy” attire).

The fabric can be attached both to the head of the bed (if it is high) and to a special profile built into the ceiling.

Other teenage options can be used as a sleeping place for a girl. For example, a sofa or a folding chair. Such furniture is small in size and beautifully upholstered, which will appeal to romantic people.

Orthopedic sofa bed for girls

All parental actions are aimed at the development of the child and strengthening his health. Choosing a bed will be no exception. Ideal option for a teenager it will be orthopedic mattress. Its special design has a positive effect on the health and well-being of the child.

Sofas with such mattresses are intended for daily use. They have reliable mechanism and withstand high loads without deforming over time.

How to choose a bed for a girl (video instruction)

A bed for a girl should be distinguished not only by its sophistication, but also by its durability. No matter how great the desire to decorate your daughter’s room, you should think about safety first. You should buy a product only after testing: for this you can visit any furniture store and together with your child check the design to ensure it meets all requirements. And, of course, ask the girl’s opinion: after all, she is the one who has to fall asleep every night in her new crib.


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