Diniyar name. What kind of woman to build a relationship with?

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The meaning of the name Daniyar attracts not only its sound, but the many rare qualities of the owner. Beautiful male name easy to remember. After the birth of a child, you can forget about silence forever, a super active baby is constantly on the move, at the end of the day parents simply fall off their feet from fatigue, it is difficult to keep track of a restless baby.

Constant monitoring is important, since due to curiosity the child periodically exposes himself to danger. In addition, the meaning of a name for a boy is associated with a unique love of life; the child sincerely enjoys the landscapes and the arrival of relatives. Compared to his peers, he spends much more time outdoors and in the gym.

Having studied the meaning of the name Daniyar for a child, parents should prepare for a new way of life, in which there will be no place for passive rest within four walls; the growing boy enjoys going on hikes, listening interesting stories campfire.

A pleasant surprise will be the interpretation of the name for representatives of the older generation, a child with early age conquers with manners, respectful attitude towards elders, of course, upbringing matters, but these qualities will manifest themselves in any case.

A real gentleman will never allow himself to offend a girl, at school he stands up for the weak, and boldly expresses his opinion. an impulsive young man goes in for sports, fearlessness and instant reaction are qualities that allow him to achieve results in various types struggle.

The emerging personality learns to direct energy in the right direction, while growing up, he tries not to bother loved ones, the guy tries to help his parents in everything. He does not know how to be cunning and dodge; straightforwardness often becomes the cause of conflicts.

Independence is the main treasure that Danya cherishes throughout her life; periodically she must enjoy the feeling of freedom. A sociable young man easily makes friends on whom he can count in the most difficult moments, does not forgive betrayal.

Diplomacy has special meaning in life young man, allows you to produce a worthy impression on representatives of various social levels. A well-mannered student with an athletic build seeks the favor of teachers in educational institution, which can subsequently facilitate employment.

Of particular importance at any age is the atmosphere, which has a direct impact on the behavior of the developing personality. Does not tolerate pressure, reacts painfully to rude treatment. Throughout life is in ideal physical fitness, finds time to attend sports clubs.

Pays due attention to the wardrobe, selects clothes that suit the purpose of the event, and under no circumstances will he allow you to appear in the theater in jeans or a tracksuit. The elegant young man arouses the admiration of mothers of their daughters, in whom they see an ideal son-in-law.

Parents are proud of their growing son, who has been fighting injustice throughout his life and is capable of heroic deeds. It is possible that a photograph of a young man will appear in a newspaper, young hero can take an active part in fighting a fire, or save a child who cannot swim.


An athletic physique and the ability to behave in society captivate the fair sex, which means that they are ready to go to the ends of the earth for a spectacular young man. He does not belong to the category of monogamous people, but he is quite demanding when choosing a companion.

Attention is attracted beautiful girls who know how to dress impressively, a man is filled with a sense of pride when the appearance of his chosen one causes admiration. An impulsive young man is unable to control his emotions and is jealous of his companion towards everyone.

Girls must come to terms with the fact that a freedom-loving representative of the stronger sex must periodically spend time in male company. Attempts to limit freedom and mistrust will inevitably lead to a break.


She is in no hurry to start a family. Freedom means a lot to him. Decide on a marriage proposal, experiencing sincere feelings. He gains financial independence early, provides for his family, and does not restrict his wife from spending money. It is possible to save a marriage only if there is unlimited trust on the part of the wife, who must come to terms with the periodic absence of her husband, who goes on trips without his family.

He becomes a good father, spends enough time with his family, and maintains a trusting relationship with his children throughout his life. Maintains excellent relationships with his wife's parents, and the ability to communicate with representatives of different age categories allows him to become his mother-in-law's favorite. Independent living is important; an impulsive man will not be able to live under the same roof with his parents.

Business and career

He does not know how to make strategic plans or restrain emotions, which means that because of this, he is unlikely to become a boss. The profession should give pleasure; under no circumstances will he engage in something he doesn’t like, even for an impressive reward.

Without hesitation, he will change his boring job. Can become a diplomat, stuntman, journalist, race driver, choreographer. Recognition of the results of activities by others is important.

Origin of the name Daniyar

The Turkic origin of the name Daniyar attracts with a beautiful translation - “gift of the sun” or “smart”, “owner of knowledge”. In search of information about where the child came from and whose name the child will bear, the story contains many versions, most of which have Muslim roots. Etymology does not prevent the rapid growth of popularity in our country.

Characteristics of the name Daniyar

The characteristic of the name Daniyar attracts attention with its respectful attitude and manners. In different life situations you can judge the pros and cons of an energetic man. Real male character allows you to achieve a worthy position in society, representatives of various age categories value friendship with a fighter for justice, you can count on his support in the most difficult moments.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - yellow diamond, carbuncle.
  • The name day coincides with Daniel.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo.

Famous people

  • Daniyar Bilaletdinov is an athlete.

Different languages

The translation of the name Daniyar sounds beautiful - “gift of the sun”, “possessing knowledge”. If you need to learn how to translate and write in Chinese, it is recommended to use the services of professionals in Japanese, since it is rarely used in our country.

Name forms

  • Full name: Daniyar.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Danya, Danir, Daniyarchik.
  • Declension of the name – Daniyara, Daniyaru.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Daniel.

The easy-to-remember, unique name Daniyar is rarely seen in the vastness of Russia. It is known to few people, but some men have the honor to be called it. Like any other name, it has an influence on its owner. But what exactly, we will talk about this below.

Name Daniyar: meaning, origin

The roots of the name go back to the ancient Turkic language. Literally it means “gift of the sun.” But a reinterpretation and alternative interpretation offers a different meaning. The name Daniyar, thus, can personify the mind, intellect, and can be translated as “bearer of knowledge.” The legends that have developed around this name are predominantly of Muslim origin. Although the name itself is older than Islam and is a legacy of pagan times.

Characteristics in childhood

In very early childhood the baby already has this name. great importance. The name Daniyar makes the child noisy, restless, restless and very active. It is incredibly difficult to keep track of him, and therefore parents will have a hard time. The boy needs constant monitoring, because his fantastic curiosity often exposes him to considerable danger. In addition, the meaning of the name Daniyar for a boy is manifested in the fact that he is very sociable. A visit from guests or relatives is always a holiday for him. He loves noisy fun companies and spends a lot of time with his friends outside. She also enjoys attending classes at the gym - where she can physically express herself. While a child is growing, he needs to constantly have the opportunity to develop. Given his extreme energy, this means that there will be no place for passive homebodying in the family. Parents should send him on hikes, children’s holiday camps more often, and get out into nature with his child. Such a mobile and active lifestyle is very important for the development of a boy’s personality.

The name Daniyar also manifests itself in the fact that a boy with early childhood demonstrates excellent manners and respect for others, especially elders. He is courteous, polite, and if these natural character traits are revealed, strengthened and corrected by competent upbringing, the guy will grow into a true gentleman who will become a defender of the weak and the younger in life.

Youth and youth

Growing up, the guy shows himself as a straightforward and honest young man. He does not know how to lie and categorically does not tolerate cunning, deceit and double standards. He tries not to bother his loved ones and copes with his problems on his own. At the same time, he is always happy to help those who need his help. He especially loves his parents and tries to help them in everything. At the same time, a lack of tact can periodically become the cause of quarrels with loved ones, who are of great importance to a young person in life.

The name Daniyar provokes a guy to say what he thinks, and this may not always be pleasant for others. It should also be said that in life the young man tries to remain independent of anyone in every sense of the word. This applies to both the material and emotional side. He values ​​his freedom very much. Also very friendly and responsible. He really doesn’t like frivolity and non-obligation in people, and if it happens that one of his many friends betrays him, he will be able to forgive him with great difficulty - this is the meaning of the name Daniyar. The guy's male ego does not tolerate authoritarianism and attempts to push himself around. He is very nervous about rudeness and rudeness addressed to him and especially appreciates a peaceful atmosphere. As a rule, Daniyar plays a lot of sports and pays a lot of attention to his physical fitness.

Personal life

As for the sphere of personal life, here Daniyar is a king and a god - girls love him very much and nurture him. He is quite amorous, so he changes partners periodically. At the same time, he is demanding of his chosen ones, whom he values ​​\u200b\u200bfirst of all by their appearance. Being emotional and straightforward, he can demonstrate the traits of an owner and dictator. Daniyar is also very jealous and does not hide it, and therefore his girlfriend will not have an easy time with him. This is all aggravated by the fact that the young man has difficulty enduring jealousy on the part of his girlfriend. Being a freedom-loving person by nature, he fiercely defends his right to spend time with friends and manage his life as he wishes. This means that he will nip all attempts at pressure or control in the bud.


Being a naturally inept strategist and an impulsive person, Daniyar will have difficulty making a career as a manager. It is important for him to do what interests him. Otherwise, he will part with his unloved job, despite any financial bonuses. In addition, it is very important for him that the results of his work are noticed and recognized by society. Therefore, he tries to find himself in professions where he can be visible or work with people.

The name Daniyar is masculine and is of Turkic origin. In Russia given name difficult to come across, similar forms of the male name Daniil, Danil, Danila are more often used. The very name Daniyar is often used for their newborn sons in Turkey, Iran, and Syria.

What does the name Daniyar mean? smart, knowledgeable, gift of the sun (the name Daniyar is of Tatar origin).

Patron planet: Sun.

Ideal zodiac sign: Leo (that is, astrologers are sure: if your son was born from July 23 to August 22, he should be given this name).

Color of this name: yellow, orange, gold.

Metal that will become a talisman: gold.

Talisman stones: aquamarine, beryl, sapphire, turquoise.

Day of the week on which you are guaranteed to be lucky: Sunday.

Numbers that will bring good luck: 1, 2, 8, 10, 20.

Pros and cons of the name Daniyar

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Daniyar? On the one hand, it is sonorous and rare name, which generally goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Danik, Yarik, Danya, Daniyarushka. Daniyar’s character also doesn’t evoke negative emotions, so there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.

What does the name Daniyar mean?

If you decide to name your son Daniyar, then you should pay attention to several positive aspects of this name.

First of all, this name is quite rare in Russia, so the child will stand out and compare favorably with other children. In addition, this name has many diminutive forms; it is euphonious, beautiful and goes well with almost any patronymic.

Children named Daniyar have almost no conflicts with their peers; they are calm, obedient boys. Daniyars are also different good health, which is important for any person, especially in childhood and old age.

Characteristics of the name Daniyar

By nature, Daniyar is an emotional and impressionable person; he succumbs to fleeting hobbies. IN professional activity he will be good only in the area that he really likes and that inspires him. If a man named Daniyar finds “his” business, then he can devote all his time and even his whole life to it.

Daniyar performs well in the profession of a sailor, journalist, lawyer, insurance agent, circus or stage worker, choreographer, driver or athlete.
It has been noticed that the bearer of the name Daniyar has a strong will to win, energy, is loyal to criticism addressed to him, and is easy to train. Often has a hobby that he keeps throughout his life, carrying it through the years.

In his personal life, Daniyar values ​​​​independence; he does not tolerate being limited in his freedom, telling him how and what to do. Prefers beautiful women, self-sufficient and self-confident, with whom it will not be difficult to go out into society. Daniyar will be flattered if his wife is admired by others.
In his sexual life, Daniyar is not whimsical, he is satisfied with the position of his partner, he is not inclined to demand more than he already has. If the wife or girlfriend has a hot temperament - good, if not - this also does not predict anything terrible for Daniyar.

As a rule, Daniyar is not greedy and not vindictive, he will easily give his last money to a needy person, he tries not to forget about loved ones, to take care of his parents until their old age.

The secret and meaning of the name Daniyar

Translated from Persian, the word dana (دانا) means “wisdom”, “knowledge”. Translated from Arabic the word dani (داني) means "close".

One of possible options the origin of this name is a phonetically distorted borrowing Arabic name Daniyal (دانيال), which is the name of the prophet, also known in the Bible under the name Daniel. Translated from Hebrew, Daniel (דניאל) literally means: “God is my judge,” “God is my judge,” “God is the judge.”

Since childhood, Daniyar has many friends who value him for his ability to conduct various conversations, diplomacy, and non-aggression. He knows how to achieve success and can consistently complete tasks of varying complexity. His ability to focus on what matters most is one of his calling cards. It is important for him to pay attention to himself so that his knowledge and efforts are assessed fairly.

He does not like conflicts and tries to avoid quarrels. Prefers to learn new things through his own experience and work. Own development- the same distinguishing feature Daniyar, as well as his desire to help others. The positive emotions that he experiences while helping people make him feel involved and useful to society, which is very important for the owner of this name.

Origin and character of the name Daniyar

The meaning of the name Daniyar attracts not only its sound, but the many rare qualities of the owner. A beautiful male name is easy to remember. After the birth of a child, you can forget about silence forever, a super active baby is constantly on the move, at the end of the day parents simply fall off their feet from fatigue, it is difficult to keep track of a restless baby.

Constant monitoring is important, since due to curiosity the child periodically exposes himself to danger. In addition, the meaning of a name for a boy is associated with a unique love of life; the child sincerely enjoys the landscapes and the arrival of relatives. Compared to his peers, he spends much more time outdoors and in the gym.

Having studied the meaning of the name Daniyar for a child, parents should prepare for a new way of life, in which there will be no place for passive rest within four walls; the growing boy enjoys going on hikes and listening to interesting stories around the fire.

The interpretation of the name for representatives of the older generation will be a pleasant surprise; a child from an early age captivates with his manners, respectful attitude towards elders, of course, upbringing matters, but these qualities will manifest themselves in any case.

A real gentleman will never allow himself to offend a girl, at school he stands up for the weak, and boldly expresses his opinion. an impulsive young man goes in for sports, fearlessness and instant reaction are qualities that allow him to achieve results in various types of wrestling.

The emerging personality learns to direct energy in the right direction, while growing up, he tries not to bother loved ones, the guy tries to help his parents in everything. He does not know how to be cunning and dodge; straightforwardness often becomes the cause of conflicts.

Independence is the main treasure that Danya cherishes throughout her life; periodically she must enjoy the feeling of freedom. A sociable young man easily makes friends whom he can count on in the most difficult moments, and does not forgive betrayal.

Diplomacy is of particular importance in the life of a young man; it allows him to influence representatives of various social levels. A well-mannered student with an athletic build seeks the favor of teachers at the educational institution, who can subsequently facilitate employment.

Of particular importance at any age is the atmosphere, which has a direct impact on the behavior of the developing personality. Does not tolerate pressure, reacts painfully to rude treatment. Throughout his life he has been in ideal physical shape and finds time to attend sports clubs.

Pays due attention to the wardrobe, selects clothes that suit the purpose of the event, and under no circumstances will he allow you to appear in the theater in jeans or a tracksuit. The elegant young man arouses the admiration of mothers of their daughters, in whom they see an ideal son-in-law.

Parents are proud of their growing son, who has been fighting injustice throughout his life and is capable of heroic deeds in extreme situations. It is possible that a photograph of a young man will appear in a newspaper; the young hero may take an active part in fighting a fire or saving a child who cannot swim.

Friendship, love relationships and marriage

We have already learned what the name Daniyar means in Islam. Now let's look at how it affects love relationships and marriage.

In a family, such a man is looking for an open relationship. And this concerns only him. The wife should give him as much personal time and free space as possible, without receiving the same in return. Also important point In marriage, for him, understanding on the part of his partner is important.

She is in no hurry to start a family. Freedom means a lot to him. Decide on a marriage proposal, experiencing sincere feelings. He gains financial independence early, provides for his family, and does not restrict his wife from spending money. It is possible to save a marriage only if there is unlimited trust on the part of the wife, who must come to terms with the periodic absence of her husband, who goes on trips without his family.

He becomes a good father, spends enough time with his family, and maintains a trusting relationship with his children throughout his life. Maintains excellent relationships with his wife's parents, and the ability to communicate with representatives of different age categories allows him to become his mother-in-law's favorite. Independent living is important; an impulsive man will not be able to live under the same roof with his parents.

It is very important to him what others think about him, whether they judge him, especially his wife. If there is no sincere love and trust in the family, such a person will not be able to achieve any heights in his career.

It is support loved one helps out in difficult times and feeds Daniyar with strength. In this case, he will do everything to make the marriage happy and long. Dan makes wonderful fathers. They are ready to endlessly tinker with children and, as a rule, maintain trusting relationships with them throughout their lives.

Danir will choose a business woman as his wife, for whom home comfort and quiet quiet life they will be happy.

What fate awaits Daniyar?

  • Early childhood. In kindergarten and on the playground, this is a very friendly kid who will not quarrel, but will figure out how and what to play with each of his new acquaintances. He is very inquisitive, so his mother has to constantly get him out of... washing machine, then from the cell with wild geese in zoo.
  • School. Over time, he learns to achieve his goal. His strong point- the ability to devote all your energy to the main thing, without being distracted by the secondary. He's not a debater dangerous situations prefers to resolve things peacefully. This guy loves to be the center of attention, he loves praise and compliments. Read more:
  • Student period. He is constantly focused on self-development. Everything is used: travel, courses, interest groups. He also loves to help people - but not for the sake of praise, but for the sake of the feeling of need in this world that comes after an act of mercy performed by him.
  • Mature years. Even being fifty years old, he will be interested in many hobbies. In addition, this man is not afraid of any work. And even if he is fired from his position as a banker, he will gladly master the work of a carpenter. The main thing is that the work provides him with access to new knowledge and sensations.

Reveal the secret of the name DANIAR(in Latin transliteration DANIYAR) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

Meanings and origin of the name DANIAR

The first letter D of the name DANIAR tells about the character

There are many chances that love will be broken in everyday life. You are a romantic, and love mixed with hopes and disappointments can take dangerous turns. The way out is in constant communication with the subject of your dreams. You are very reliable in love, and in sex you are an entertainer. But you don’t like to admit guilt, blaming it on your partner and circumstances.

Characteristics of the name DANIAR

  • power
  • comfort
  • moodiness
  • sociability
  • friendliness
  • extrasensory ability
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • dogmaticity
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • intelligence
  • Creative skills
  • self-esteem

DANIYAR: number of interaction with the world “1”

People under the influence of one are destined by fate to go forward - to where surprises, dangers, troubles, oddities may lie in wait... In a word, anything. Such people look back only to make sure that no one has fallen behind on the way. But if you fall behind, it doesn’t matter; The “unit” is almost always sure that few are worthy of following him, but even among them there may be those who cannot bear the troubles. True, only a few people often push those he cares about - there are very few such people and their fate is not easy.

Those who are accustomed to shifting their problems to others, trusting other people’s opinions and taking into account any advice and recommendations will enjoy the calm and predictability of the situation in the society of the “unit”, but you should come to terms with the fact that the “unit” person will act exactly as considers it necessary. In most cases, he is confident that he knows better what should be done, and will not doubt that he is right even if his error becomes obvious to others.

The “unit” rarely changes his judgments under the influence of others, but he himself is not constancy, so his life is varied and full of surprises. Having clearly defined his goal, he strives for it only as long as overcoming obstacles gives him pleasure. Then priorities change, and it is almost impossible to return the “one-man” to his previous ways, so counting on his constancy would be a big mistake.

The bright individuality of people with units is largely explained by the fact that they love to be in the center of attention and catch admiring glances. Such a person willingly talks not only about his victories, but also about his defeats - after all, even the latter can be described very, very colorfully.

“Single students” benefit from studying, but with rare exceptions, they prefer to instruct others on the right path rather than learn lessons. It should be noted here that people of one usually have enough strength and energy reserves to endure the blows of fate even if they are dealt by the same rake again and again. There is no point in trying to keep such a person from making mistakes: he always defends his freedom, including the freedom to make mistakes, tempt fate, and follow a difficult and dangerous path. If for some reason a “single person” is still under the influence of others, he is usually unhappy and does not bring to others the benefit that he could bring.

DANIYAR: the number of spiritual aspirations is “8”

Eight is the number of aspirations of the soul, giving a person a tremendous desire for independence. There are no authorities for such people. Their own thoughts and idealistic ideas about the world make them outcasts and renegades. However, enormous determination and ability to dictate own rules lead G8 people to recognition and well-deserved leadership in the team.

The lust for power, wealth and fame abound. Wanting to provide a decent standard of living for his family, a person number eight may take a dangerous path, but natural caution will not allow him to suffer from his own indiscretion. The sooner such a person finds the most suitable business for himself, the sooner he will gain authority, and the more measured his life will be.

If this does not happen, then the “eight-ball” plunges into the fight against stereotypes, prejudices, norms and perceived injustice. Eternal battle deprives people of the number eight of strength and vigor, as well as the likelihood of finding their happiness. Eights often have entrepreneurial abilities, but do not risk their money. Their business is successful, and their partners and investors are honest.

Luck favors people of number eight only when chosen right direction for self-expression and realization. Living only by your own interests leads to melancholy, despondency and loneliness, but selfishness fades away as soon as the understanding comes that the more you give, the more you gain.

Number eight people have huge ambitions, but do not always find the strength to realize them. The ability to convince and attract others with oneself opens up considerable opportunities for one’s comrades, but an overly difficult choice of a leader is punished by one’s own like-minded people with a stab in the back. Resourcefulness helps you navigate difficult situation, and speech, supported by well-founded arguments, inspires unlimited confidence.

The worst version of the "eight" is impatient, devoid of prudence, capricious and incredibly picky in love relationships, but even such a person always listens to the voice of reason and will reconsider his actions if he is convinced that this is necessary to fulfill his plans.

DANIYAR: number of true features “2”

People born under the influence of two are gladly accepted in any company. Moving towards their goal, they will definitely not go overboard, will not indulge in intrigue and will not break the rules. They are more interested in finding a compromise or giving in to their opponent rather than trying to impose their own point of view. People of 2 diligently carry out any task; no work is insignificant for them.

Losers - essential workers: they not only unquestioningly obey their superiors and avoid conflicts, but also strive to establish informal relationships in the team. These people are friendly and sociable, easily adapt to a new company and know how to carry on a conversation even with unsociable guests.

A person under the influence of two has a strong charisma. He is confident in himself, uses his charm without embarrassment and can turn from a sweet dreamer into a cunning manipulator, although he quickly repents and loses interest in deception. A loser feels most comfortable demonstrating the best traits of his character: caring for friends and loved ones, helping those in need, showing himself as a wonderful spouse and parent.

These people do not like to break the rules, since harshness and aggressiveness are completely unusual for them. However, they will not blindly obey either, since they always have their own point of view on current events, although they are in no hurry to share it with others.

Those born under the influence of two are not always able to cope with difficulties; they become nervous if they realize that the efforts made have been in vain. However, they prefer not to accumulate negativity in themselves, but to strive towards new dreams and goals.

Dreaming of universal well-being, people of two, as a rule, start with their own family. It cannot be said that everything comes easy to them, but these tireless workaholics know how to enjoy even the little things. An ideal family, stable income, true friends - this is what brings true happiness to a loser.

Description: Gift of the sun, possessing knowledge

Origin: Turkic

Adults like a boy named Daniyar for his calmness, respectful attitude towards elders, good manners. He is always surrounded by many friends.

IN school years does well. For the formation of the personality of this child, the atmosphere in which he lives and interacts with peers is of great importance. It is very important that she be friendly and supportive, since little Daniyar experiences conflicts and facts of unfair treatment towards him very hard.

The matured owner of such a name remains for a long time at the mercy of youthful hobbies, views, and lives under the impressions of that time.

On the other hand, he may be fascinated by new ideas, trends in art, religion, and the fashion industry. This person may strive for knowledge in other areas. He's an intellectual. His nature organically combines such qualities as energy, activity and balance.

A special, reverent attitude towards personal independence and freedom does not prevent him from having, as in childhood, a large number of friends. For Daniyar, it is important that they are easy-going and that you can rely on them. For them, he is a sympathetic and kind friend. But if he has to be alone, he will be quite comfortable in this state.

Daniyar, born in winter, will find it easy and simple to walk along life path, which will be facilitated by his friendliness, sociability, generosity, and cheerful disposition. Daniyar can become an ardent fan of travel.

It is difficult for Daniyar to engage in work that does not arouse his interest and enthusiasm. Following his changed preferences, a man also changes his job, and sometimes the area of ​​application of his forces can change quite significantly.

This man can become a good sailor, racing driver, journalist, military man, circus performer, stuntman, insurance agent, diplomat, photographer, choreographer, publisher.

The freedom-loving Daniyar prefers to have family relationships in which he would not be deprived of personal freedom and could manage his time at his own discretion.

At the same time, a man, as a rule, is not ready to create the same conditions for his wife. He will look for a balanced, patient homebody as his wife, who, upon his return home, will not ask where he has been, but will feed, warm and caress him.

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