Why do you need a clock in the house? Buying a clock for your home

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Feng Shui clock

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of time in our lives: it heals, washes away memories, carries through centuries, and most importantly, “time is money.” Few people know that the philosophy of Feng Shui is built not only on the influence of the cardinal directions and the interaction of the Bagua sectors, but also on the parameters of time. They make it possible to find out the date of change, obtain information about the pillars of fate,.

Clocks, as instruments that measure the flow of time, are objects of close attention and respect from Feng Shui masters. They are present in every home, office, room and contribute to the human energy space. Feng Shui watches are considered a powerful tool with which it is possible to accelerate the flow of favorable flows of qi energy.

Wall clock according to Feng Shui and cardinal directions

Due to the fact that consensus Regarding the elements, this powerful tool does not exist; you should focus on the material of manufacture, and only then correlate it with the elements and sectors. Next we will talk about the location mechanical watch, since the electronic version does not have such force.

East and southeast

By placing your watch in the east, you can catalyze family relationships, and in the southeast, you can accelerate the attraction of material wealth. Suitable for these sectors wooden clock round or wavy shape in green, purple, black or blue.


A triangular or rectangular wooden clock in the south will contribute to your recognition and fame. The optimal color scheme here would be green or red; hand-made and decorative watches are also suitable.

Southwest and Northeast

A clock in the southwest will help attract and establish love relationships, and in the northeast there is wisdom and knowledge. It is best when the watches located in these sectors are made of ceramic or porcelain and have a square or triangular shape. As for color solutions, shades of beige, pink, orange and yellow are suitable.

West and northwest

Western clocks will have a positive effect on children and creativity, and northwestern ones will contribute to the emergence of reliable partners and assistants in your life, and will also help in the realization of tourist desires. Round, oval, square metal watches in white or silver are welcome here.


In the career area, the clock is responsible for professional growth and promotion. Just like in the previous case, a metal watch with a wavy or round shape. The color range of this zone includes black, light blue, blue and metallic.

The last 3 zones (north, west and northwest) are optimal for the location of the clock in the house.

Hours for the East and Southeast sectors

In addition to knowing where and what kind of watches are best to hang, you need to be guided by general rules and Feng Shui recommendations.

Thus, the bedroom “does not like” its serene peace and sleep, disturbed by the ticking of the clock (both wall and table). Of course, it is difficult to live in the bedroom without an alarm clock, but if possible, it is better to be guided by your internal biological clock. And if you do have an alarm clock, it should be small in size so that it can be easily hidden. The clock is best suited for active, energy-intensive rooms where a lot of people gather. This could be a kitchen, a living room, or even a study.

In a children's room, Feng Shui masters advise installing a large clock, but rather for practical purposes, so that children understand that time does not stand still and it is impossible to make up for aimlessly lost hours. Also, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place the clock in such a way that it is visible when entering the apartment.

When buying a clock for a particular room, try to avoid the presence of opposing forces and elements in the same room (for example, never place a metal clock in the east).

The belief that one should not receive a watch as a gift also arose for a reason. So, according to the theory of Feng Shui, “a watch as a gift” can bring resonance to the flows of energy circulating around a person. If this does happen, then you must pay a nominal fee for the watch received as a gift, thus turning the gift into a purchase.

Hourglass according to feng shui

Hourglass with Wood element

Hourglass according to Feng Shui is no less a strong talisman than their mechanical counterparts. With their help, they manage the qi energy that is so necessary for all of us, since the sand in them, like the energy itself, is in constant motion.

It is best to place an hourglass where there is a lack of qi energy, where it is necessary to feel and understand that “time is money,” or where fresh ideas and solutions are always needed. Therefore, the optimal place for such a watch would be a study or office; they will also become an ideal talisman for the knowledge sector. In addition, an hourglass helps owners properly organize their time and prevents them from wasting their lives aimlessly.

This talisman is most effective when framed by a tree, since the Earth-Wood combination has a beneficial effect on the Feng Shui of the room.


In Feng Shui, a clock can rightfully be called a catalyst of energy, so you need to be extremely careful with this tool. It is strictly forbidden to keep a broken clock in the house, as it will provoke stagnation of energy and, therefore, block the action of the zone in which it is located, regardless of the presence of activators and talismans.

Therefore, when choosing and placing a watch, you need to listen not only to the advice of Feng Shui masters, but also be guided by your inner intuition and feelings that will never let you down.

A modern person can hardly imagine life without a watch. Using them, everyone schedules their working day, checks traffic schedules, makes appointments, and even measures speeds. For business man time is also money, which means every minute counts. People who want to succeed do not waste a single moment because they know that It is very difficult to make up for lost time.

According to Feng Shui, a clock is not just a mechanism that tells time, it is an object that is responsible for the energy flow in an office or living space. To attract the beneficial energy of Qi into the house and improve personal energy space, ancient Taoist practice recommends carefully studying the rules for placing interior clocks in a house, apartment or office.

Favorable and undesirable places for wall clocks

Clocks in a home or office always attract the attention of adults or children: some with their ticking, others with their striking, and others with their design. This confirms the theory of the Chinese philosophical teaching that chronometers have their own energy and are capable of combining or randomly distributing those energy flows that arise or are constantly present in the room.

It is believed that a stopped clock can change the atmosphere in the house: there is more negativity, feeling a lack of energy, life becomes boring or seems to freeze. Favorable times will come immediately after the broken mechanism is repaired. If repair is impossible, then such watches must be disposed of (even if they are antique or very expensive, or valuable as a memory).

But sometimes working clocks have a negative effect if the room for them in an apartment or house is chosen incorrectly. There should be a clock in the hallway, but a place for it must be chosen so that it does not end up opposite front door. Otherwise, they, like mirrors, will impede new financial flows or lead to loss of money and conflicts.

Kitchen, children's room, living room, study - in these rooms Yang energy dominates, here a person is active, meets guests, works. And these rooms are considered optimal for placing clocks according to Feng Shui, and in the bedroom the atmosphere should be calming, conducive to rest and relaxation (Yin energy), so it is not advisable to even have an alarm clock here. If biological rhythms do not allow you to wake up on time, then you can use a mobile phone.

Clock rules based on cardinal directions

According to the rules of ancient teaching, you need to consider a few more points before hanging your watch. To determine the flows that need to be strengthened, it is important to take into account the shape, color and material from which the interior items are made, as well as the cardinal directions, because each has its own natural element. The location in accordance with Taoist teachings will contribute to increased material wealth, health, and also conceiving and raising children.

There is a clear opinion that You can't hang a clock above the door, experts have no Feng Shui. If the chronometer fits into general interior and meets all other requirements, then flows of favorable energy can spread to neighboring spaces. Strict rules apply only to places where there is a broken or stopped clock: they should be repaired or thrown away in order to renew the emotional charge and get rid of negativity.

A conflict of elements should not be allowed indoors, i.e. You should not place metal objects in the eastern zone, and wooden ones in the northern zone.

East and southeast

Interior items made of wood are placed on the east and southeast sides. They can be round in shape or have wavy lines. Suitable colors: blue, black, green, purple. The East is responsible for strengthening family relations, and the southeast - for wealth.

Moreover, chronometers located in these zones will not only help strengthen the family and enhance mutual understanding, they will stimulate the influx finances from the most unexpected sources (it could be a lottery win or an offer high paying job). In the northeast - they will contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge.


This is a zone of fame and recognition. Wall Clock located in the southern part of the house should be made of wood (preferably self made). Red or green, triangular or rectangular are acceptable.

Southwest and Northeast

For these zones, items that can most likely be classified as interior decoration are suitable: ceramic or porcelain, in pink, orange, yellow color, square or triangular in shape.

The southwest is a love zone, the northeast will help those who want to gain wisdom and new knowledge.

West and northwest

These zones are considered the best for placing any chronometers (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, with a pendulum, with a striker, etc.). Round, oval or square, made of metal and silver color are preferred.

The West is a zone that helps development creativity in children, the north-west is responsible for attracting reliable partners, helps travelers realize their plans.


This area helps build a career and is an excellent choice for placing a watch. Here you can place round metal objects, matching colors: black, blue, metallic.

Hourglass according to feng shui

In addition to chronometers that regularly perform their work every second, Feng Shui strongly recommends having an hourglass at home (on your work or student desk) as a talisman or amulet. Even the smallest ones will do.

They will not replace mechanical or electronic ones in functionality, but they should not be perceived as toys either. According to Chinese philosophy, the main purpose hourglass is attraction of Qi energy. Moreover, it is believed that “living” sand, in perpetual motion, has a greater impact on the surrounding space than the endless movement of arrows. Vital energy always positive and active in the place sand locations hours. It’s good if they are decorated with wood, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the room and the mood of people.

Can it be used as a gift?

You must purchase the watch yourself, and not receive it as a gift. This postulate is still indisputable for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Any chronometer is considered a humiliating gift for the Chinese, especially for the older generation.

The sign “to give” wrist watch“is considered bad by many other nations, but modern Europeans are less picky about gifts, so the coveted wrist, wall or floor items received as a gift are not regarded as some kind of warning. Superstitious people can “buy off” evil fate by giving a small coin for a gift.

In the life of any person, time plays an important function: it clears the mind of memories, heals the soul, carries it through our entire life, and hardly anyone would dare to deny that time has a relationship with money.

Not everyone knows that the philosophy of Feng Shui not only takes into account the influence of the cardinal directions, but also studies time parameters. The watch helps to obtain information about changes in the date of stars moving across the sky, and to calculate Gua.

A clock is a measure of the passage of time, so Feng Shui masters pay attention to it Special attention. Clocks are present everywhere as devices and also complement the energy space in the room. In Feng Shui, a clock is a tool that makes it possible to accelerate the flow of positive Qi energy.

Cardinal directions and wall clocks

A watch is a powerful tool that is not involved in any of the elements; for this reason, when choosing any device with a watch, the material matters; taking it into account, they are installed in a certain sector of the bagua or on a suitable side of the world. Let's try to clarify which location would be correct for a mechanical watch. As for their electronic analogues, they do not differ in this influence.

Hours in the southeast and east

Hours in east side dwellings contribute to the development of successful relationships in the family, and if they are located in the south-eastern part of the house, an influx material well-being accelerates. For these sectors of the house, wood, round and wavy shapes are excellent materials, and the best solution As for the color, it will be green, various blue shades, and also black and purple. Based on these parameters, you can choose your watch.

South side

Here, a watch made of wood with rectangular or triangular shapes is most suitable, which contributes to recognition and glory in the understanding of Feng Shui. Green and red colors are favorable for watches. A great option would be homemade and decorative watches.

Hours in the northeast and southwest

A clock in the southwest attracts love into the life of its owners and helps in amorous affairs. In the northeast, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom, watches help in the process of acquiring knowledge. For these sectors, favorable materials for watches are porcelain, ceramics, triangular and square shapes. Best colors- pink, beige, orange, yellow,.

Hours in the northwest and west

The clock in the west has positive influence for children, help them achieve success in creativity, attract reliable partners and assistants, and expand their potential for fulfilling their tourism intentions. For this part of the house, the shape of the clock is oval, round, as well as square silver or white metal clocks.

Clock in the north

If the clock is set to the north, it can help career growth and any other improvement of existing skills. It is worth paying special attention to watches with wavy and round shapes made from metals. Color solution water zones - black and metallic colors, shades of blue.

To place a clock in your home the best option will be - north, west, northwest.

Wall clocks and Feng Shui rules

In addition to the materials, color and shape of the watch, as well as the cardinal directions, a number of other Feng Shui recommendations should be taken into account.

The atmosphere in the room for sleeping is not for the clock, be it table or wall - their ticking brings some disturbance to the serene peace and relaxation of the owners. Of course, you are unlikely to do without an alarm clock, but it is always best to be guided by your internal biological clock. If you choose an alarm clock, it is better if it is small in size so that it can be easily removed from view. Clocks are the subject of energy-filled and active rooms where many people gather. In your home this could be a kitchen, living room, or work room.

It is better to put a large clock in the nursery, but only so that by watching the hands move, children learn to value time and realize that time that has passed cannot be returned. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to install the clock in such a way that it immediately catches your eye when entering the house.

You need to place the clock taking into account the influence of opposing elements in one part or sector of the house. For example, there is no need to place a metal clock in the east.

A watch received as a gift is an unfavorable sign. The energy flows that circulate in human space are very sensitive to various interventions, one of which may be the resonance produced by clock mechanisms. If you brought a watch as a gift, you need to give the giver a coin in return so that it looks symbolically like a purchase.

Hourglass according to feng shui

The hourglass is as serious a talisman as mechanical instruments. They direct the flow of Qi energy, because the sand in their composition is constantly in circulation.

The place of the hourglass is ideal where there is a lack of Qi energy, as well as in those places where the understanding that “time is money” is important, as well as for generating new solutions and ideas. The most optimal place for such a watch is an office or study; they are also suitable for the role of a talisman in the knowledge sector.

To frame the hourglass the best material considered a tree. Earth in combination with wood has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house, the mood and health of household members.

Have you ever thought about what the clock hanging in your home means to you? After all, they not only measure time and show us its value exactly up to the last second. Following the progress of their arrows, it is easy to notice that life is constantly moving forward and this process cannot be stopped. Therefore, Eastern sages believe that it is the clock that makes us think about how we spend our days and how effectively we complete the tasks assigned to us.

Feng Shui wall clock: size, shape and location

Speaking about the location of clocks in the house, we will also touch upon the issues of their shape, material and color, because these characteristics are interrelated. So let's get started. If you divide housing into eight sectors corresponding to the cardinal directions, then the best way will look:

In the southwest and northeast

If you hang such a watch in the southwest, it will help to establish personal relationships in the lives of its owners, and if it is hung in the northeast, it will help you acquire more new knowledge and wisdom.

In the above sectors, triangular or square shape made from ceramics or porcelain. Regarding their color, it can be pink, beige, yellow and orange.

On South

Here they will play the role of one of the lucky amulets for those who dream of gaining fame and fame. In shape they should resemble a triangle or rectangle, in color they should be made in red or green tones. There are no special requirements regarding the material; even homemade frames and bases for the dial.

In the southeast

The decision to hang a watch in this sector helps to strengthen one’s own financial position and accelerate the growth of one’s financial wealth. However, for this to really be the case, you need to select a clock made of wavy or round wood for the southeast. The only shades allowed here are black, purple, blue and green.

In the northwest and west

The clock on the northwestern wall of the house helps its residents travel around the world, as well as find the necessary mentors and partners. But in the West, their analogues can have a positive impact on the achievements and creative skills of children. The only materials you should use here are metal, and the paints should be silver shades. At the same time, their shape can only be oval, round or square.

In the north

The North is a career sector, and therefore watches located in this zone help to quickly advance in career ladder and forget about the long series of failures. Their material and shape are the same as those mentioned above. The only difference is that more color variety is allowed here. Blue, cyan, metallic, black and others are good options.

The only absolutely unsuitable place for a watch is the east, where watches can cause irreparable harm to the health of their owners and the family as a whole. It is also not recommended to hang them in the bedroom, where time should pass unnoticed, and the atmosphere should seem calm and not disturbed by unnecessary sounds.

Every home must have a clock. Be that as it may, we simply cannot do without them. Our whole life is connected with them. We go to a specific time for work, a meeting, and so on. Everything exists on a schedule, which is why we use the clock. They help us adjust our actions and adapt to situations. If we talk about our home, clocks have long become a piece of furniture. In addition to their main function, they complement it perfectly and can decorate the room.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, clocks should be hung correctly in the house. Then they will have a beneficial effect on the owner of the house or apartment. Let's get acquainted with the information that will tell us where in the room you can hang a clock according to the teachings of Feng Shui, whether it can be hung in a bedroom or a nursery.

The location of the clock depending on the cardinal directions

By placing a clock on each side of the world, we can activate what we want most in life or what is missing at the moment. Much also depends on the room itself. For example, hanging a clock in the bedroom is strictly prohibited. They should not disturb you, in this room you recover after a difficult working day. A small alarm clock is allowed, which can be moved according to the occasion. Also, do not place them in front of entrance doors.

Children could use a clock in their room; it will remind them of the transience of time, which cannot be missed. Nice place there will also be a living room or kitchen for them. Some people prefer cuckoo clocks. According to Feng Shui, they enhance the positive energy in the room, and the noise they make will smooth out the negative. The best place for them would be the living room. There are a lot of people gathering here, so these rooms are energy-intensive.

If your watch breaks down, immediately remove it from the house, do not store it in this condition, take it for repair. If it is not possible to repair them, then simply throw them away.

For watches, according to teaching, their shape, color and material from which they are made play a big role. Each side of the world needs its own feature:

  • When there are difficulties with relationships in a family, it is good to hang the clock on the east side. If you move them to the southeast, then material wealth will be attracted to your home. For this part of the house, round or wavy clocks are used. Their shades can be bluish, black or purple. The best material to choose is wood.
  • To attract fame and recognition, you need to use rectangular and triangular clocks on the south side. Of the colors, preference is given to green and red shades.
  • With absence from the family love relationship Square and triangular watches, which are placed in the southwest, will help you cope, but the northeast is suitable for activating knowledge and wisdom. For this purpose, watches made of porcelain or ceramics are selected. It is good to choose yellow, pink, orange and beige colors.
  • For families with children, it is suitable if the clock hangs in the west, this will affect their creativity. Moving the watch to the northwestern part will attract reliable partners, and the owner’s tourism desire will be realized. To make everything work out, round and square metal watches are selected in these areas, preferably silver or white.
  • The northern zone has a good influence on your career. For this purpose, metal watches are purchased in blue, blue and black shades. Preferably wavy or round in shape.

Using an hourglass

The hourglass will become no less useful item in the house. They are able to influence Qi energy. This is because moving sand is like energy. The best place for them will be the one that suffers from a lack of energy. They will also help where you need to make a quick decision. Based on this, it can be said that best place There will be a study in the house. Moreover, it is good to set the clock in the knowledge sector.

The presence of an hourglass in the house will help the owner to properly distribute his time so that he does not waste it. The best materials to choose are a combination of wood and glass.

Watch as a gift

Many people wonder whether it is possible to give watches to friends and relatives. Europeans think it's great and practical solution. In China people are offended by such a gift; it seems to remind you of the transience of time. Older people are especially upset. It is believed that it is not advisable to give watches to each other according to Feng Shui, as this will disrupt the flow of energy that circulates around a person. Therefore, they advise people, if they cannot avoid such a gift, then give the giver a coin in order to transfer it to the category of purchases. The only exceptions are children. Such a gift will not bring them negative influence. But giving watches to parents is strictly prohibited. People who adhere to the teachings of Feng Shui believe that it is better to refrain from giving watches to anyone at all.


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